/* Copyright (C) Boris Nikolaus, Germany, 1996-1997. All rights reserved. */
%{ #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "defs.h" #include "parser.h" #include "error.h"
#define T_NOTOKEN 9999
static LLPOS current_pos; static LLPOS last_pos;
#undef YY_INPUT #define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) {\ if (!filelen) { result = YY_NULL;\ } else { while (currentfilepos >= allfilestarts[currentfile+1]) currentfile++;\ buf[0] = *currentfilepos++; filelen--;\ last_pos = current_pos;\ if (buf[0] == '\n') { current_pos.line++; current_pos.column = 1; }\ else { current_pos.column++; }\ current_pos.file = allfilenames[currentfile];\ result = 1;\ }}
LLSTYPE yylval; char *file = NULL; int filelen = 0; char *currentfilepos = NULL; char **allfilenames; char **allfilestarts; int currentfile; %}
ABSENT return T_ABSENT; ABSTRACT-SYNTAX return T_ABSTRACT_SYNTAX; ALL return T_ALL; ANY return T_ANY; APPLICATION return T_APPLICATION; AUTOMATIC return T_AUTOMATIC; BEGIN return T_BEGIN; BIT return T_BIT; BMPString return T_BMPString; BOOLEAN return T_BOOLEAN; BY return T_BY; CHARACTER return T_CHARACTER; CHOICE return T_CHOICE; CLASS return T_CLASS; COMPONENT return T_COMPONENT; COMPONENTS return T_COMPONENTS; CONSTRAINED return T_CONSTRAINED; DEFAULT return T_DEFAULT; DEFINED return T_DEFINED; DEFINITIONS return T_DEFINITIONS; EMBEDDED return T_EMBEDDED; empty return T_empty; END return T_END; ENUMERATED return T_ENUMERATED; EXCEPT return T_EXCEPT; EXPLICIT return T_EXPLICIT; EXPORTS return T_EXPORTS; EXTENSIBILITY return T_EXTENSIBILITY; EXTERNAL return T_EXTERNAL; FALSE return T_FALSE; FROM return T_FROM; GeneralizedTime return T_GeneralizedTime; GeneralString return T_GeneralString; GraphicString return T_GraphicString; IA5String return T_IA5String; TYPE-IDENTIFIER return T_TYPE_IDENTIFIER; IDENTIFIER return T_IDENTIFIER; identifier return T_identifier; IMPLICIT return T_IMPLICIT; IMPLIED return T_IMPLIED; IMPORTS return T_IMPORTS; INCLUDES return T_INCLUDES; INSTANCE return T_INSTANCE; INTEGER return T_INTEGER; INTERSECTION return T_INTERSECTION; ISO646String return T_ISO646String; MACRO return T_MACRO; MAX return T_MAX; MIN return T_MIN; MINUS-INFINITY return T_MINUS_INFINITY; NOTATION return T_NOTATION; NULL return T_NULL; number return T_Number; NumericString return T_NumericString; OBJECT return T_OBJECT; ObjectDescriptor return T_ObjectDescriptor; OCTET return T_OCTET; OF return T_OF; OPTIONAL return T_OPTIONAL; PDV return T_PDV; PLUS-INFINITY return T_PLUS_INFINITY; PRESENT return T_PRESENT; PrintableString return T_PrintableString; PRIVATE return T_PRIVATE; REAL return T_REAL; SEQUENCE return T_SEQUENCE; SET return T_SET; SIZE return T_SIZE; STRING return T_STRING; string return T_string; SYNTAX return T_SYNTAX; T61String return T_T61String; TAGS return T_TAGS; TeletexString return T_TeletexString; TRUE return T_TRUE; TYPE return T_TYPE; type return T_type; UNION return T_UNION; UNIQUE return T_UNIQUE; UNIVERSAL return T_UNIVERSAL; UniversalString return T_UniversalString; UTCTime return T_UTCTime; UTF8String return T_UTF8String; VALUE return T_VALUE; value return T_value; VideotexString return T_VideotexString; VisibleString return T_VisibleString; WITH return T_WITH; "{"|"}"|","|"."|"("|")"|"["|"]"|"-"|":"|";"|"@"|"|"|"!"|"^"|"<"|">" return *yytext; "::=" return T_DEF; "..." return T_TDOT; ".." return T_DDOT; 0|[1-9][0-9]* { int i; intx_t h; intx_setuint32(&yylval._XNumber, 0); for (i = 0; i < yyleng; i++) { intx_muloctet(&h, &yylval._XNumber, 10); intx_addoctet(&yylval._XNumber, &h, (octet_t)(yytext[i] - '0')); } return T_number; } \'[01 \t\n\r\f\v]*\'B { char *p, *q; q = yylval._XString = (char *)malloc(yyleng - 2); for (p = yytext + 1; *p != '\''; p++) if (*p == '0' || *p == '1') *q++ = *p; *q = 0; return T_bstring; } \'[0-9A-F \t\n\r\f\v]*\'H { char *p, *q; q = yylval._XString = (char *)malloc(yyleng - 2); for (p = yytext + 1; *p != '\''; p++) if (isxdigit(*p)) *q++ = *p; *q = 0; return T_hstring; } \" { int s, l = 0, c; LLPOS start_pos; yylval._XString32 = (char32_t *)malloc( (s = 32) * sizeof(char32_t)); start_pos = last_pos; for (;;) { c = input(); if (!c || c == EOF) { error(E_unterminated_string, &start_pos); /*NOTREACHED*/ } if (c == '\n') { while (l > 0 && is32space( yylval._XString32[l - 1])) l--; while (c = input()) { if (!isspace(c)) break; } } if (c == '\"') { c = input(); if (c != '\"') { unput(c); yylval._XString32[l] = 0; return T_cstring; } } if (l + 1 >= s) { yylval._XString32 = (char32_t *) realloc(yylval._XString32, (s *= 2) * sizeof(char32_t)); } yylval._XString32[l++] = c; } } [A-Z][A-Z-]*[A-Z]|[A-Z] { yylval._XString = (char *)malloc(yyleng + 1); strcpy(yylval._XString, yytext); return T_only_uppercase_symbol; } [A-Z][A-Z0-9-]*[A-Z0-9] { yylval._XString = (char *)malloc(yyleng + 1); strcpy(yylval._XString, yytext); return T_only_uppercase_digits_symbol; } [A-Z][A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9] { yylval._XString = (char *)malloc(yyleng + 1); strcpy(yylval._XString, yytext); return T_uppercase_symbol; } [a-z][A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9]|[a-z] { yylval._XString = (char *)malloc(yyleng + 1); strcpy(yylval._XString, yytext); return T_lcsymbol; } &[a-z][A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9]|&[a-z] { yylval._XString = (char *)malloc(yyleng + 1); strcpy(yylval._XString, yytext); return T_amplcsymbol; } &[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9]|&[A-Z] { yylval._XString = (char *)malloc(yyleng + 1); strcpy(yylval._XString, yytext); return T_ampucsymbol; } "--$" { BEGIN DIRECTIVE; } <DIRECTIVE>"--" { BEGIN INITIAL; } <DIRECTIVE>"\n" { BEGIN INITIAL; } <DIRECTIVE>fixed-array | <DIRECTIVE>fa { return T_FIXED_ARRAY; } <DIRECTIVE>singly-linked-list | <DIRECTIVE>sll { return T_SINGLY_LINKED_LIST; } <DIRECTIVE>doubly-linked-list | <DIRECTIVE>dll { return T_DOUBLY_LINKED_LIST; } <DIRECTIVE>length-pointer | <DIRECTIVE>lp { return T_LENGTH_POINTER; } <DIRECTIVE>zero-terminated | <DIRECTIVE>zt { return T_ZERO_TERMINATED; } <DIRECTIVE>pointer | <DIRECTIVE>p { return T_POINTER; } <DIRECTIVE>no-pointer | <DIRECTIVE>np { return T_NO_POINTER; } <DIRECTIVE>[, \t\r\f\v]+ { /* ignore */ } <DIRECTIVE>[^-]+ { fprintf(stderr, "Bad directive %s (ignored)\n", yytext); } -- { int c; for (;;) { c = input(); if (c == 0 || c == EOF) break; if (c == '\n') break; if (c != '-') continue; c = input(); if (c == 0 || c == EOF) break; if (c == '\n') break; if (c != '-') continue; break; } return T_NOTOKEN; } [ \t\r\f\v\n]+ return T_NOTOKEN; \32 return EOF; . { error(E_bad_character, &last_pos); }
int llgettoken(int *token, LLSTYPE *lval, LLPOS *pos) { for (;;) { if (yy_hold_char == YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR) { *pos = current_pos; } else { *pos = last_pos; } *token = yylex(); if (*token == 0 || *token == EOF) return 0; if (*token == T_NOTOKEN) continue; *lval = yylval; return 1; } }
void readfiles(char **filenames) { FILE *fin; long len; int i, nfiles;
for (nfiles = 0; filenames[nfiles]; nfiles++) {} allfilenames = filenames; allfilestarts = (char **)malloc((nfiles + 1) * sizeof(char *)); filelen = 0; for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++) { fin = fopen(filenames[i], "r"); if (!fin) { perror(filenames[i]); exit(1); } fseek(fin, 0, SEEK_END); filelen += ftell(fin); fclose(fin); } currentfilepos = file = (char *)malloc(filelen); for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++) { fin = fopen(filenames[i], "r"); if (!fin) { perror(filenames[i]); exit(1); } fseek(fin, 0, SEEK_END); len = ftell(fin); fseek(fin, 0, SEEK_SET); allfilestarts[i] = currentfilepos; len = fread(currentfilepos, 1, len, fin); currentfilepos += len; fclose(fin); } filelen = currentfilepos - file; allfilestarts[i] = currentfilepos; currentfilepos = file; current_pos.line = 1; current_pos.column = 1; current_pos.file = filenames[0]; last_pos = current_pos; }
void llprinttoken(LLTERM *term, char *identifier, FILE *f) { char32_t *p;
switch (term->token) { case T_number: fprintf(f, "%s(%u)", identifier, intx2uint32(&term->lval._XNumber)); break; case T_bstring: case T_hstring: case T_only_uppercase_symbol: case T_only_uppercase_digits_symbol: case T_uppercase_symbol: case T_lcsymbol: case T_ampucsymbol: case T_amplcsymbol: fprintf(f, "%s(%s)", identifier, term->lval._XString); break; case T_cstring: fprintf(f, "%s(", identifier); for (p = term->lval._XString32; *p; p++) putc(*p, f); putc(')', f); break; default: fprintf(f, "%s", identifier); } }