// Top-level command parsing.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1990-2002.
#include "ntsdp.hpp"
// Set if registers should be displayed by default in OutCurInfo.
BOOL g_OciOutputRegs;
ULONG g_DefaultStackTraceDepth = 20;
BOOL g_EchoEventTimestamps;
BOOL g_SwitchedProcs;
// Last command executed.
CHAR g_LastCommand[MAX_COMMAND];
// State variables for top-level command processing.
PSTR g_CommandStart; // Start of command buffer.
PSTR g_CurCmd; // Current pointer in command buffer.
ULONG g_PromptLength = 8; // Size of prompt string.
ADDR g_UnasmDefault; // Default unassembly address.
ADDR g_AssemDefault; // Default assembly address.
ULONG g_DefaultRadix = 16; // Default number base.
CHAR g_SymbolSuffix = 'n'; // Suffix to add to symbol if search
// failure - 'n'-none 'a'-'w'-append.
CHAR g_CmdState = 'i'; // State of present command processing
// 'i'-init; 'g'-go; 't'-trace
// 'p'-step; 'c'-cmd; 'b'-branch trace.
int g_RedoCount = 0;
PWSTR g_StartProcessDir;
BOOL ChangeSymPath(PCSTR Args, BOOL Append, OUT PSTR PathRet, ULONG PathRetChars) { TargetInfo* Target; ProcessInfo* Process;
if (Args != NULL) { while (*Args == ' ' || *Args == '\t') { Args++; } } if (Args != NULL && *Args) { if (ChangePath(&g_SymbolSearchPath, Args, Append, DEBUG_CSS_PATHS) != S_OK) { return FALSE; }
ForAllLayersToProcess() { SymSetSearchPath(Process->m_SymHandle, g_SymbolSearchPath); } }
if (PathRet) { CopyString(PathRet, g_SymbolSearchPath, PathRetChars); } else { dprintf("Symbol search path is: %s\n", g_SymbolSearchPath); CheckPath(g_SymbolSearchPath); }
return TRUE; }
void CallBugCheckExtension(DebugClient* Client) { HRESULT Status = E_FAIL;
if (Client == NULL) { Client = FindExtClient(); } if (Client != NULL) { char ExtName[32];
// Extension name has to be in writable memory as it
// gets lower-cased.
strcpy(ExtName, "Analyze"); // See if any existing extension DLLs are interested
// in analyzing this bugcheck.
CallAnyExtension(Client, NULL, ExtName, "", FALSE, FALSE, &Status); }
if (Status != S_OK) { if (Client == NULL) { WarnOut("WARNING: Unable to locate a client for " "bugcheck analysis\n"); } dprintf("*******************************************************************************\n"); dprintf("* *\n"); dprintf("* Bugcheck Analysis *\n"); dprintf("* *\n"); dprintf("*******************************************************************************\n");
Execute(Client, ".bugcheck", DEBUG_EXECUTE_DEFAULT); dprintf("\n"); Execute(Client, "kb", DEBUG_EXECUTE_DEFAULT); dprintf("\n"); } }
void HandleBPWithStatus(void) { ULONG Status = (ULONG)g_EventMachine->GetArgReg();
switch(Status) { case DBG_STATUS_CONTROL_C: case DBG_STATUS_SYSRQ: if ((g_EngOptions & DEBUG_ENGOPT_IGNORE_DBGHELP_VERSION) == 0 && !g_QuietMode) { dprintf("*******************************************************************************\n"); dprintf("* *\n");
if (Status == DBG_STATUS_SYSRQ) { dprintf("* You are seeing this message because you pressed the SysRq/PrintScreen *\n"); dprintf("* key on your test machine's keyboard. *\n"); }
if (Status == DBG_STATUS_DEBUG_CONTROL) { dprintf("* You are seeing this message because you typed in .breakin from ntsd. *\n"); }
if (Status == DBG_STATUS_CONTROL_C) { dprintf("* You are seeing this message because you pressed either *\n"); dprintf("* CTRL+C (if you run kd.exe) or, *\n"); dprintf("* CTRL+BREAK (if you run WinDBG), *\n"); dprintf("* on your debugger machine's keyboard. *\n");
dprintf("* *\n"); dprintf("* THIS IS NOT A BUG OR A SYSTEM CRASH *\n"); dprintf("* *\n"); dprintf("* If you did not intend to break into the debugger, press the \"g\" key, then *\n"); dprintf("* press the \"Enter\" key now. This message might immediately reappear. If it *\n"); dprintf("* does, press \"g\" and \"Enter\" again. *\n"); dprintf("* *\n"); dprintf("*******************************************************************************\n"); } break;
case DBG_STATUS_BUGCHECK_FIRST: ErrOut("\nA fatal system error has occurred.\n"); ErrOut("Debugger entered on first try; " "Bugcheck callbacks have not been invoked.\n"); // Fall through.
case DBG_STATUS_BUGCHECK_SECOND: ErrOut("\nA fatal system error has occurred.\n\n"); CallBugCheckExtension(NULL); break;
case DBG_STATUS_FATAL: // hals call KeEnterDebugger when they panic.
break; } }
#define MAX_PROMPT 32
HRESULT GetPromptText(PSTR Buffer, ULONG BufferSize, PULONG TextSize) { char Prompt[MAX_PROMPT]; PSTR Text = Prompt;
if (g_NumberTargets > 1) { *Text++ = '|'; *Text++ = '|'; if (g_Target) { sprintf(Text, "%1ld:", g_Target->m_UserId); Text += strlen(Text); } else { *Text++ = '?'; *Text++ = ':'; } } if (IS_LOCAL_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target)) { strcpy(Text, "lkd"); Text += 3; } else if (IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target)) { if (g_X86InVm86) { strcpy(Text, "vm"); Text += 2; } else if (g_X86InCode16) { strcpy(Text, "16"); Text += 2; } else if (g_Target && g_Target->m_MachineType == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64 && !g_Amd64InCode64) { strcpy(Text, "32"); Text += 2; }
if (g_Target == NULL || g_Process == NULL || g_Thread == NULL || ((IS_KERNEL_FULL_DUMP(g_Target) || IS_KERNEL_SUMMARY_DUMP(g_Target)) && g_Target->m_KdDebuggerData.KiProcessorBlock == 0)) { strcpy(Text, "?: kd"); Text += 5; } else if (g_Target->m_NumProcessors > 1) { sprintf(Text, "%d: kd", CURRENT_PROC); Text += strlen(Text); } else { strcpy(Text, "kd"); Text += 2; } } else if (IS_USER_TARGET(g_Target)) { if (g_Process) { sprintf(Text, "%1ld:", g_Process->m_UserId); Text += strlen(Text); } else { *Text++ = '?'; *Text++ = ':'; } if (g_Thread) { sprintf(Text, "%03ld", g_Thread->m_UserId); Text += strlen(Text); } else { strcpy(Text, "???"); Text += 3; } } else { strcpy(Text, "NoTarget"); Text += 8; }
if (g_Machine && g_Target && g_Machine->m_ExecTypes[0] != g_Target->m_MachineType) { *Text++ = ':'; strcpy(Text, g_Machine->m_AbbrevName); Text += strlen(Text); } *Text++ = '>'; *Text = 0; return FillStringBuffer(Prompt, (ULONG)(Text - Prompt) + 1, Buffer, BufferSize, TextSize); }
void OutputPrompt(PCSTR Format, va_list Args) { char Prompt[MAX_PROMPT];
GetPromptText(Prompt, sizeof(Prompt), NULL); g_PromptLength = strlen(Prompt);
MaskOut(DEBUG_OUTPUT_PROMPT, "%s", Prompt); // Include space after >.
g_PromptLength++; if (Format != NULL) { MaskOutVa(DEBUG_OUTPUT_PROMPT, Format, Args, TRUE); } } DWORD CommandExceptionFilter(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS Info) { if (Info->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode >= (COMMAND_EXCEPTION_BASE + OVERFLOW) && Info->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode <= (COMMAND_EXCEPTION_BASE + UNIMPLEMENT)) { // This is a legitimate command error code exception.
return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER; } else { // This is some other exception that the command
// filter isn't supposed to handle.
ErrOut("Non-command exception %X at %s in command filter\n", Info->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode, FormatAddr64((ULONG64)Info->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress)); return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } }
void ParseLoadModules(void) { ImageInfo* Image; PSTR Pattern; CHAR Save; BOOL AnyMatched = FALSE;
if (!g_Process) { error(BADPROCESS); } Pattern = StringValue(STRV_SPACE_IS_SEPARATOR | STRV_TRIM_TRAILING_SPACE | STRV_ESCAPED_CHARACTERS, &Save); _strupr(Pattern); for (Image = g_Process->m_ImageHead; Image; Image = Image->m_Next) { if (MatchPattern(Image->m_ModuleName, Pattern)) { IMAGEHLP_MODULE64 ModInfo; AnyMatched = TRUE;
ModInfo.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(ModInfo); if (!SymGetModuleInfo64(g_Process->m_SymHandle, Image->m_BaseOfImage, &ModInfo) || ModInfo.SymType == SymDeferred) { if (!SymLoadModule64(g_Process->m_SymHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, Image->m_BaseOfImage, 0)) { ErrOut("Symbol load for %s failed\n", Image->m_ModuleName); } else { dprintf("Symbols loaded for %s\n", Image->m_ModuleName); } } else { dprintf("Symbols already loaded for %s\n", Image->m_ModuleName); } }
if (CheckUserInterrupt()) { break; } }
if (!AnyMatched) { WarnOut("No modules matched '%s'\n", Pattern); } *g_CurCmd = Save; }
void ParseProcessorCommands(void) { ULONG Proc; PSTR Start = g_CurCmd;
if (!g_Target) { error(BADSYSTEM); } Proc = 0; while (*g_CurCmd >= '0' && *g_CurCmd <= '9') { Proc = Proc * 10 + (*g_CurCmd - '0'); g_CurCmd++; } if (Start == g_CurCmd) { // No digits.
error(SYNTAX); } if (*g_CurCmd == 's') { g_CurCmd++; }
if (Proc < g_Target->m_NumProcessors) { if (Proc != g_Target->m_RegContextProcessor) { if (g_Target->SwitchProcessors(Proc) == S_OK) { ResetCurrentScope(); } } } else { ErrOut("%d is not a valid processor number\n", Proc); } }
void SetSuffix(void) { char Ch;
Ch = PeekChar(); Ch = (UCHAR)tolower(Ch);
if (Ch == ';' || Ch == '\0') { if (g_SymbolSuffix == 'n') { dprintf("n - no suffix\n"); } else if (g_SymbolSuffix == 'a') { dprintf("a - ascii\n"); } else { dprintf("w - wide\n"); } } else if (Ch == 'n' || Ch == 'a' || Ch == 'w') { g_SymbolSuffix = Ch; g_CurCmd++; } else { error(SYNTAX); } }
void OutputVersionInformation(DebugClient* Client) { DBH_DIAVERSION DiaVer; //
// Print out the connection options if we are doing live debugging.
if (g_Target) { char Buf[2 * MAX_PATH]; g_Target->GetDescription(Buf, sizeof(Buf), NULL); dprintf("%s\n", Buf); } dprintf("command line: '%s' Debugger Process 0x%X \n", GetCommandLine(), GetCurrentProcessId());
dprintf(ENGINE_MOD_NAME ": "); OutputModuleIdInfo(NULL, ENGINE_DLL_NAME, NULL);
CheckForStaleBinary(ENGINE_DLL_NAME, TRUE); dprintf("dbghelp: "); OutputModuleIdInfo(NULL, "dbghelp.dll", NULL);
DiaVer.function = dbhDiaVersion; DiaVer.sizeofstruct = sizeof(DiaVer); if (dbghelp(NULL, &DiaVer)) { dprintf(" DIA version: %d\n", DiaVer.ver); }
// Dump information about the IA64 support DLLs if they're
// loaded. Don't bother forcing them to load.
if (GetModuleHandle("decem.dll") != NULL) { dprintf("decem: "); OutputModuleIdInfo(NULL, "decem.dll", NULL); }
OutputExtensions(Client, TRUE);
if (g_Wow64exts != NULL) { dprintf("WOW64 extensions loaded\n"); } }
void ParseStackTrace(PULONG TraceFlags, PULONG64 Frame, PULONG64 Stack, PULONG64 Instr, PULONG Count, PULONG PtrDef) { char Ch; ADDR Addr;
if (tolower(Ch) == 'b') { g_CurCmd++; *TraceFlags |= DEBUG_STACK_ARGUMENTS; } else if (tolower(Ch) == 'v') { g_CurCmd++; *TraceFlags |= DEBUG_STACK_ARGUMENTS | DEBUG_STACK_FUNCTION_INFO | DEBUG_STACK_NONVOLATILE_REGISTERS; } else if (tolower(Ch) == 'd') { g_CurCmd++; *TraceFlags = RAW_STACK_DUMP; } else if (tolower(Ch) == 'p') { g_CurCmd++; *TraceFlags |= DEBUG_STACK_PARAMETERS; } Ch = PeekChar();
if (tolower(Ch) == 'n') { if (*TraceFlags == RAW_STACK_DUMP) { error(SYNTAX); } g_CurCmd++; Ch = PeekChar(); *TraceFlags |= DEBUG_STACK_FRAME_NUMBERS; } if (tolower(Ch) == 'f') { if (*TraceFlags == RAW_STACK_DUMP) { error(SYNTAX); } g_CurCmd++; Ch = PeekChar(); *TraceFlags |= DEBUG_STACK_FRAME_MEMORY_USAGE; } if (Ch == 'L') { if (*TraceFlags == RAW_STACK_DUMP) { error(SYNTAX); } g_CurCmd++; Ch = PeekChar(); *TraceFlags &= ~DEBUG_STACK_SOURCE_LINE; }
if (!PeekChar() && GetCurrentScopeContext()) { dprintf(" *** Stack trace for last set context - " ".thread/.cxr resets it\n"); }
*PtrDef = STACK_ALL_DEFAULT; *Frame = 0; *Stack = 0; *Instr = 0; if (g_Machine->m_ExecTypes[0] == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386) { *Instr = g_Machine->GetReg64(X86_EIP); *PtrDef &= ~STACK_INSTR_DEFAULT; }
if (PeekChar() == '=') { g_CurCmd++; GetAddrExpression(SEGREG_STACK, &Addr); *Frame = Flat(Addr); *PtrDef &= ~STACK_FRAME_DEFAULT; } else if (g_Machine->m_ExecTypes[0] == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386) { g_Machine->GetFP(&Addr); *Frame = Flat(Addr); *PtrDef &= ~STACK_FRAME_DEFAULT; }
*Count = g_DefaultStackTraceDepth;
if (g_Machine->m_ExecTypes[0] == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 && (Ch = PeekChar()) != '\0' && Ch != ';') { //
// If only one more value it's the count
*Count = (ULONG)GetExpression();
if ((Ch = PeekChar()) != '\0' && Ch != ';') { //
// More than one value, set extra value for special
// FPO backtrace.
*Instr = GetExpression(); *Stack = EXTEND64(*Count); *PtrDef &= ~(STACK_INSTR_DEFAULT | STACK_STACK_DEFAULT); *Count = g_DefaultStackTraceDepth; } }
if ((Ch = PeekChar()) != '\0' && Ch != ';') { *Count = (ULONG)GetExpression(); if ((LONG)*Count < 1) { g_CurCmd++; error(SYNTAX); } }
if (*Count >= 0x10000) { ErrOut("Requested number of stack frames (0x%x) is too large! " "The maximum number is 0xffff.\n", *Count); error(BADRANGE); } }
void CmdHelp(void) { char Buf[16];
// Commands available on all platforms and in all modes.
dprintf("\nOpen debugger.chm for complete debugger documentation\n\n"); dprintf("A [<address>] - assemble\n"); dprintf("BC[<bp>] - clear breakpoint(s)\n"); dprintf("BD[<bp>] - disable breakpoint(s)\n"); dprintf("BE[<bp>] - enable breakpoint(s)\n"); dprintf("BL - list breakpoints\n"); dprintf("[thread]BP[#] <address> - set breakpoint\n"); dprintf("C <range> <address> [passes] [command] - compare\n"); dprintf("D[type][<range>] - dump memory\n"); dprintf("DL[B] <address> <maxcount> <size> - dump linked list\n"); dprintf("#[processor] DT [-n|y] [[mod!]name] [[-n|y]fields]\n"); dprintf(" [address] [-l list] [-a[]|c|i|o|r[#]|v] - \n"); dprintf(" dump using type information\n"); dprintf("E[type] <address> [<list>] - enter\n"); dprintf("F <range> <list> - fill\n"); dprintf("[thread]G [=<address> [<address>...]] - go\n"); dprintf("[thread]GH [=<address> [<address>...]] - " "go with exception handled\n"); dprintf("[thread]GN [=<address> [<address>...]] - " "go with exception not handled\n"); dprintf("J<expr> [']cmd1['];[']cmd2['] - conditional execution\n"); dprintf("[thread|processor]K[B] <count> - stacktrace\n"); dprintf("KD [<count>] - stack trace with raw data\n"); dprintf("[thread|processor] KV [ <count> | =<reg> ] - " "stacktrace with FPO data\n"); dprintf("L{+|-}[l|o|s|t|*] - Control source options\n"); dprintf("LD [<module>] - refresh module information\n"); dprintf("LM[k|l|u|v] - list modules\n"); dprintf("LN <expr> - list nearest symbols\n"); dprintf("LS[.] [<first>][,<count>] - List source file lines\n"); dprintf("LSA <addr>[,<first>][,<count>] - " "List source file lines at addr\n"); dprintf("LSC - Show current source file and line\n"); dprintf("LSF[-] <file> - Load or unload a source file for browsing\n"); dprintf("M <range> <address> - move\n"); dprintf("N [<radix>] - set / show radix\n"); dprintf("[thread]P[R] [=<addr>] [<value>] - program step\n"); dprintf("Q - quit\n");
dprintf("\n"); GetInput("Hit Enter...", Buf, DIMA(Buf) - 1, GETIN_DEFAULT); dprintf("\n");
dprintf("[thread|processor]R[F][L][M <expr>] [[<reg> [= <expr>]]] - " "reg/flag\n"); dprintf("Rm[?] [<expr>] - Control prompt register output mask\n"); dprintf("S <range> <list> - search\n"); dprintf("SQ[e|d] - set quiet mode\n"); dprintf("SS <n | a | w> - set symbol suffix\n"); dprintf("SX [{e|d|i|n} [-c \"Cmd1\"] [-c2 \"Cmd2\"] [-h] " "{Exception|Event|*}] - event filter\n"); dprintf("[thread]T[R] [=<address>] [<expr>] - trace\n"); dprintf("U [<range>] - unassemble\n"); dprintf("vercommand - show the debuggee command line\n"); dprintf("version - show debuggee and debugger version\n"); dprintf("vertarget - show debuggee version\n"); dprintf("X [<*|module>!]<*|symbol> - view symbols\n"); dprintf("<commands>; [processor] z(<expression>) - do while true\n"); dprintf("~ - list threads status\n"); dprintf("~#s - set default thread\n"); dprintf("~[.|#|*|ddd]f - freeze thread\n"); dprintf("~[.|#|*|ddd]u - unfreeze thread\n"); dprintf("~[.|#|ddd]k[expr] - backtrace stack\n"); dprintf("| - list processes status\n"); dprintf("|#s - set default process\n"); dprintf("|#<command> - default process override\n"); dprintf("? <expr> - display expression\n"); dprintf("? - command help\n"); dprintf("#<string> [address] - search for a string in the dissasembly\n"); dprintf("$< <filename> - take input from a command file\n"); dprintf("<Enter> - repeat previous command\n"); dprintf("; - command separator\n"); dprintf("*|$ - comment mark\n");
dprintf("\n"); GetInput("Hit Enter...", Buf, DIMA(Buf) - 1, GETIN_DEFAULT); dprintf("\n");
dprintf("<expr> unary ops: + - not by wo dwo qwo poi hi low\n"); dprintf(" binary ops: + - * / mod(%%) and(&) xor(^) or(|)\n"); dprintf(" comparisons: == (=) < > !=\n"); dprintf(" operands: number in current radix, " "public symbol, <reg>\n"); dprintf("<type> : b (byte), w (word), d[s] " "(doubleword [with symbols]),\n"); dprintf(" a (ascii), c (dword and Char), u (unicode), l (list)\n"); dprintf(" f (float), D (double), s|S (ascii/unicode string)\n"); dprintf(" q (quadword)\n"); dprintf("<pattern> : [(nt | <dll-name>)!]<var-name> " "(<var-name> can include ? and *)\n"); dprintf("<event> : ct, et, ld, av, cc " "(see documentation for full list)\n"); dprintf("<radix> : 8, 10, 16\n"); dprintf("<reg> : $u0-$u9, $ea, $exp, $ra, $p\n"); dprintf("<addr> : %%<32-bit address>\n"); dprintf("<range> : <address> <address>\n"); dprintf(" : <address> L <count>\n"); dprintf("<list> : <byte> [<byte> ...]\n");
if (IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target)) { dprintf("\n"); dprintf("Kernel-mode options:\n"); dprintf("~<processor>s - change current processor\n"); dprintf("I<b|w|d> <port> - read I/O port\n"); dprintf("O<b|w|d> <port> <expr> - write I/O\n"); dprintf("RDMSR <MSR> - read MSR\n"); dprintf("SO [<options>] - set kernel debugging options\n"); dprintf("UX [<address>] - disassemble X86 BIOS code\n"); dprintf("WRMSR <MSR> - write MSR\n"); dprintf(".cache [size] - set vmem cache size\n"); dprintf(".reboot - reboot target machine\n"); }
switch(g_Machine->m_ExecTypes[0]) { case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386: dprintf("\n"); dprintf("x86 options:\n"); dprintf("BA[#] <e|r|w|i><1|2|4> <addr> - addr bp\n"); dprintf("DG <selector> - dump selector\n"); dprintf("KB = <base> <stack> <ip> - stacktrace from specific state\n"); dprintf("<reg> : [e]ax, [e]bx, [e]cx, [e]dx, [e]si, [e]di, " "[e]bp, [e]sp, [e]ip, [e]fl,\n"); dprintf(" al, ah, bl, bh, cl, ch, dl, dh, " "cs, ds, es, fs, gs, ss\n"); dprintf(" dr0, dr1, dr2, dr3, dr6, dr7\n"); if (IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target)) { dprintf(" cr0, cr2, cr3, cr4\n"); dprintf(" gdtr, gdtl, idtr, idtl, tr, ldtr\n"); } else { dprintf(" fpcw, fpsw, fptw, st0-st7, mm0-mm7\n"); } dprintf(" xmm0-xmm7\n"); dprintf("<flag> : iopl, of, df, if, tf, sf, zf, af, pf, cf\n"); dprintf("<addr> : #<16-bit protect-mode [seg:]address>,\n"); dprintf(" &<V86-mode [seg:]address>\n"); break;
case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64: dprintf("\n"); dprintf("IA64 options:\n"); dprintf("BA[#] <r|w><1|2|4|8> <addr> - addr bp\n"); dprintf("<reg> : r2-r31, f2-f127, gp, sp, intnats, preds, brrp, brs0-brs4, brt0, brt1,\n"); dprintf(" dbi0-dbi7, dbd0-dbd7, kpfc0-kpfc7, kpfd0-kpfd7, h16-h31, unat, lc, ec,\n"); dprintf(" ccv, dcr, pfs, bsp, bspstore, rsc, rnat, ipsr, iip, ifs, kr0-kr7, itc,\n"); dprintf(" itm, iva, pta, isr, ifa, itir, iipa, iim, iha, lid, ivr, tpr, eoi,\n"); dprintf(" irr0-irr3, itv, pmv, lrr0, lrr1, cmcv, rr0-rr7, pkr0-pkr15, tri0-tri7,\n"); dprintf(" trd0-trd7\n"); break;
case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64: dprintf("\n"); dprintf("x86-64 options:\n"); dprintf("BA[#] <e|r|w|i><1|2|4> <addr> - addr bp\n"); dprintf("DG <selector> - dump selector\n"); dprintf("KB = <base> <stack> <ip> - stacktrace from specific state\n"); dprintf("<reg> : [r|e]ax, [r|e]bx, [r|e]cx, [r|e]dx, [r|e]si, [r|e]di, " "[r|e]bp, [r|e]sp, [r|e]ip, [e]fl,\n"); dprintf(" r8-r15 with b/w/d subregisters\n"); dprintf(" al, ah, bl, bh, cl, ch, dl, dh, " "cs, ds, es, fs, gs, ss\n"); dprintf(" sil, dil, bpl, spl\n"); dprintf(" dr0, dr1, dr2, dr3, dr6, dr7\n"); if (IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target)) { dprintf(" cr0, cr2, cr3, cr4\n"); dprintf(" gdtr, gdtl, idtr, idtl, tr, ldtr\n"); } else { dprintf(" fpcw, fpsw, fptw, st0-st7, mm0-mm7\n"); } dprintf(" xmm0-xmm15\n"); dprintf("<flag> : iopl, of, df, if, tf, sf, zf, af, pf, cf\n"); dprintf("<addr> : #<16-bit protect-mode [seg:]address>,\n"); dprintf(" &<V86-mode [seg:]address>\n"); break;
} dprintf("\nOpen debugger.chm for complete debugger documentation\n\n"); }
/*** ProcessCommands - high-level command processor
* * Purpose: * If no command string remains, the user is prompted to * input one. Once input, this routine parses the string * into commands and their operands. Error checking is done * on both commands and operands. Multiple commands may be * input by separating them with semicolons. Once a command * is parsefd, the appropriate routine (type fnXXXXX) is called * to execute the command. * * Input: * g_CurCmd = pointer to the next command in the string * * Output: * None. * * Exceptions: * error exit: SYNTAX - command type or operand error * normal exit: termination on 'q' command * *************************************************************************/
HRESULT ProcessCommands(DebugClient* Client, BOOL Nested) { char Ch; ADDR Addr1; ADDR Addr2; ULONG64 Value1; ULONG64 Value2; ULONG Count; PSTR SavedCurCmd; ProcessInfo* ProcessPrevious = NULL; BOOL ParseProcess = FALSE; HRESULT Status = S_FALSE; PCROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT ScopeContext; DEBUG_SCOPE_STATE SaveCurrCtxtState; ContextSave* PushContext; PSTR Scan, Start;
if (g_Process == NULL || g_Thread == NULL) { WarnOut("WARNING: The debugger does not have a current " "process or thread\n"); WarnOut("WARNING: Many commands will not work\n"); }
if (!Nested) { g_SwitchedProcs = FALSE; }
do { Ch = *g_CurCmd++; if (Ch == '\0' || (Ch == ';' && (g_EngStatus & ENG_STATUS_USER_INTERRUPT))) { if (!Nested) { g_EngStatus &= ~ENG_STATUS_USER_INTERRUPT; g_BreakpointsSuspended = FALSE; }
Status = S_OK; // Back up to terminating character in
// case command processing is reentered without
// resetting things.
g_CurCmd--; break; } EVALUATE: while (Ch == ' ' || Ch == '\t' || Ch == '\r' || Ch == '\n' || Ch == ';') { Ch = *g_CurCmd++; }
if (IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target)) { if (g_Target && g_Target->m_NumProcessors > MAXIMUM_PROCS) { WarnOut("WARNING: Number of processors corrupted - using 1\n"); g_Target->m_NumProcessors = 1; }
if (Ch >= '0' && Ch <= '9') { if (IS_KERNEL_TRIAGE_DUMP(g_Target)) { ErrOut("Can't switch processors on a Triage dump\n"); error(SYNTAX); } Value1 = 0; SavedCurCmd = g_CurCmd; while (Ch >= '0' && Ch <= '9') { Value1 = Value1 * 10 + (Ch - '0'); Ch = *SavedCurCmd++; } Ch = (char)tolower(Ch); if (Ch == 'r' || Ch == 'k' || Ch == 'z' || (Ch == 'd' && tolower(*SavedCurCmd) == 't')) { if (g_Target && Value1 < g_Target->m_NumProcessors) { if (Value1 != g_Target->m_RegContextProcessor) { SaveSetCurrentProcessorThread(g_Target, (ULONG)Value1); g_SwitchedProcs = TRUE; } } else { error(BADRANGE); } } else { error(SYNTAX); } g_CurCmd = SavedCurCmd; } }
g_PrefixSymbols = FALSE; switch (Ch = (char)tolower(Ch)) { case '?': if ((Ch = PeekChar()) == '\0' || Ch == ';') { CmdHelp(); } else if (*g_CurCmd == '?') { TypedData Result; EvalExpression* Eval;
g_CurCmd++; Eval = GetEvaluator(DEBUG_EXPR_CPLUSPLUS, FALSE); Eval->EvalCurrent(&Result); ReleaseEvaluator(Eval); Result.OutputTypeAndValue(); } else { DotFormats(NULL, Client); } break; case '$': if ( *g_CurCmd++ == '<') { if ((Status = ExecuteCommandFile(Client, (PCSTR)g_CurCmd, DEBUG_EXECUTE_ECHO)) != S_OK) { ErrOut("Command file execution failed, %s\n " "\"%s\"\n", FormatStatusCode(Status), FormatStatus(Status)); } } *g_CurCmd = 0; break; case '~': if (IS_USER_TARGET(g_Target)) { if (Nested) { ErrOut("Ignoring recursive thread command\n"); break; }
ParseThreadCmds(Client); } else { ParseProcessorCommands(); } break; case '|': if (*g_CurCmd == '|') { g_CurCmd++; ParseSystemCommands(); break; } if (IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target)) { break; } if (!ParseProcess) { ParseProcess = TRUE; ProcessPrevious = g_Process; } ParseProcessCmds(); if (!*g_CurCmd) { ParseProcess = FALSE; } else { Ch = *g_CurCmd++; goto EVALUATE; } break; case '.': SavedCurCmd = g_CurCmd; if (!DotCommand(Client, FALSE)) { g_CurCmd = SavedCurCmd; ParseBangCmd(Client, TRUE); } break;
case '!': SavedCurCmd = g_CurCmd; if (!DotCommand(Client, TRUE)) { g_CurCmd = SavedCurCmd; ParseBangCmd(Client, FALSE); } break;
case '*': while (*g_CurCmd != '\0') { g_CurCmd++; } break;
case '#': ParseInstrGrep(); break;
case 'a': //
// Alias command or just default to pre-existing
// assemble command.
Ch = *g_CurCmd++; switch (tolower(Ch)) { // Alias list
case 'l': ListAliases(); break;
// Alias set
case 's': ParseSetAlias(); break;
// Alias delete
case 'd': ParseDeleteAlias(); break;
// Pre-existing assemble command
default: g_CurCmd--; ParseAssemble(); break; } break; case 'b': Ch = *g_CurCmd++; Ch = (char)tolower(Ch);
if (!g_Target || !g_Target->m_DynamicEvents) { error(TARGETNOTSUP); }
switch(Ch) { case 'p': case 'u': case 'a': case 'i': case 'w': case 'm': ParseBpCmd(Client, Ch, NULL); break;
case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': Value1 = GetIdList(TRUE); ChangeBreakpointState(Client, g_Process, (ULONG)Value1, Ch); break;
case 'l': if (PeekChar() != ';' && *g_CurCmd) { Value1 = GetIdList(TRUE); } else { Value1 = ALL_ID_LIST; } ListBreakpoints(Client, g_Process, (ULONG)Value1); break; default: error(SYNTAX); break; } break; case 'c': GetRange(&Addr1, &Value2, 1, SEGREG_DATA, DEFAULT_RANGE_LIMIT); GetAddrExpression(SEGREG_DATA, &Addr2); CompareTargetMemory(&Addr1, (ULONG)Value2, &Addr2); break;
case 'd': ParseDumpCommand(); break; case 'e': ParseEnterCommand(); break;
case 'f': ParseFillMemory(); break;
case 'g': ParseGoCmd(NULL, FALSE); break;
case 'i': Ch = (char)tolower(*g_CurCmd); g_CurCmd++; if (Ch != 'b' && Ch != 'w' && Ch != 'd') { error(SYNTAX); } if (IS_USER_TARGET(g_Target) || IS_DUMP_TARGET(g_Target)) { error(SESSIONNOTSUP); } InputIo((ULONG)GetExpression(), Ch); break; case 'j': if (GetExpression()) { Scan = g_CurCmd;
// Find a semicolon or a quote
while (*Scan && *Scan != ';' && *Scan != '\'') { Scan++; } if (*Scan == ';') { *Scan = 0; } else if (*Scan) { *Scan = ' '; // Find the closing quote
while (*Scan && *Scan != '\'') { Scan++; } *Scan = 0; } } else { Start = Scan = g_CurCmd;
// Find a semicolon or a quote
while (*Scan && *Scan != ';' && *Scan != '\'') { Scan++; } if (*Scan == ';') { Start = ++Scan; } else if (*Scan) { Scan++; while (*Scan && *Scan++ != '\'') { // Empty.
} while (*Scan && (*Scan == ';' || *Scan == ' ')) { Scan++; } Start = Scan; } while (*Scan && *Scan != ';' && *Scan != '\'') { Scan++; } if (*Scan == ';') { *Scan = 0; } else if (*Scan) { *Scan = ' '; // Find the closing quote
while (*Scan && *Scan != '\'') { Scan++; } *Scan = 0; } g_CurCmd = Start; } Ch = *g_CurCmd++; goto EVALUATE;
case 'k': if (IS_LOCAL_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target)) { error(SESSIONNOTSUP); } if (!IS_CUR_CONTEXT_ACCESSIBLE()) { error(BADTHREAD); } SaveCurrCtxtState = g_ScopeBuffer.State; if (g_SwitchedProcs) { g_ScopeBuffer.State = ScopeDefault; } if (ScopeContext = GetCurrentScopeContext()) { PushContext = g_Machine->PushContext(ScopeContext); } __try { ULONG64 Frame, Stack, Instr; ULONG PtrDef; ULONG TraceFlags; Count = g_DefaultStackTraceDepth; ParseStackTrace(&TraceFlags, &Frame, &Stack, &Instr, &Count, &PtrDef); DoStackTrace(Client, Frame, Stack, Instr, PtrDef, Count, TraceFlags); } __except(CommandExceptionFilter(GetExceptionInformation())) { // Stop command processing.
*g_CurCmd = 0; } if (ScopeContext) { g_Machine->PopContext(PushContext); }
if (g_SwitchedProcs) { RestoreCurrentProcessorThread(g_Target); g_SwitchedProcs = FALSE; g_ScopeBuffer.State = SaveCurrCtxtState; } break; case 'l': Ch = (char)tolower(*g_CurCmd); if (Ch == 'n') { g_CurCmd++;
if (!g_Machine || !g_Process) { error(BADTHREAD); } if ((Ch = PeekChar()) != '\0' && Ch != ';') { GetAddrExpression(SEGREG_CODE, &Addr1); } else { ScopeContext = GetCurrentScopeContext(); if (ScopeContext) { PushContext = g_Machine->PushContext(ScopeContext); } g_Machine->GetPC(&Addr1); if (ScopeContext) { g_Machine->PopContext(PushContext); } } ListNearSymbols(Flat(Addr1)); } else if (Ch == '+' || Ch == '-') { g_CurCmd++; ParseSrcOptCmd(Ch); } else if (Ch == 's') { g_CurCmd++; Ch = (char)tolower(*g_CurCmd); if (Ch == 'f') { g_CurCmd++; ParseSrcLoadCmd(); } else if (Ch == 'p') { g_CurCmd++; ParseOciSrcCmd(); } else { ParseSrcListCmd(Ch); } } else if (Ch == 'm') { ParseDumpModuleTable(); } else if (Ch == 'd') { g_CurCmd++; ParseLoadModules(); } else { error(SYNTAX); } break; case 'm': GetRange(&Addr1, &Value2, 1, SEGREG_DATA, DEFAULT_RANGE_LIMIT); GetAddrExpression(SEGREG_DATA, &Addr2); MoveTargetMemory(&Addr1, (ULONG)Value2, &Addr2); break;
case 'n': if ((Ch = PeekChar()) != '\0' && Ch != ';') { if (Ch == '8') { g_CurCmd++; g_DefaultRadix = 8; } else if (Ch == '1') { Ch = *++g_CurCmd; if (Ch == '0' || Ch == '6') { g_CurCmd++; g_DefaultRadix = 10 + Ch - '0'; } else { error(SYNTAX); } } else { error(SYNTAX); } NotifyChangeEngineState(DEBUG_CES_RADIX, g_DefaultRadix, TRUE); } dprintf("base is %ld\n", g_DefaultRadix); break; case 'o': Ch = (char)tolower(*g_CurCmd); g_CurCmd++; if (Ch == 'b') { Value2 = 1; } else if (Ch == 'w') { Value2 = 2; } else if (Ch == 'd') { Value2 = 4; } else { error(SYNTAX); } if (IS_USER_TARGET(g_Target) || IS_DUMP_TARGET(g_Target)) { error(SESSIONNOTSUP); } Value1 = GetExpression(); Value2 = HexValue((ULONG)Value2); OutputIo((ULONG)Value1, (ULONG)Value2, Ch); break; case 'w': case 'p': case 't': if (IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target)) { if (Ch == 'w' && tolower(g_CurCmd[0]) == 'r' && tolower(g_CurCmd[1]) == 'm' && tolower(g_CurCmd[2]) == 's' && tolower(g_CurCmd[3]) == 'r') { g_CurCmd +=4; Value1 = GetExpression(); if (g_Target->WriteMsr((ULONG)Value1, HexValue(8)) != S_OK) { ErrOut ("no such msr\n"); } break; } }
ParseStepTrace(NULL, FALSE, Ch); break; case 'q': char QuitArgument; BOOL ForceQuit;
ForceQuit = FALSE; QuitArgument = (char)tolower(PeekChar()); if (QuitArgument == 'q') { ForceQuit = TRUE; g_CurCmd++; QuitArgument = (char)tolower(PeekChar()); } if ((IS_LIVE_USER_TARGET(g_Target) && QuitArgument == 'd') || QuitArgument == 'k') { g_CurCmd++; } if (PeekChar() != 0) { error(SYNTAX); }
if (!ForceQuit && Client != NULL && (Client->m_Flags & CLIENT_REMOTE)) { ErrOut("Exit a remote ntsd/cdb client " "with Ctrl-b<enter>.\n" "Exit a remote windbg client " "with File.Exit (Alt-F4).\n" "If you really want the server " "to quit use 'qq'.\n"); break; } // Detach if requested.
if (QuitArgument == 'd') { DBG_ASSERT(IS_LIVE_USER_TARGET(g_Target)); // If detach isn't supported warn the user
// and abort the quit.
if (((LiveUserTargetInfo*)g_Target)->m_Services-> DetachProcess(0) != S_OK) { ErrOut("The system doesn't support detach\n"); break; }
if (g_SessionThread && GetCurrentThreadId() != g_SessionThread) { ErrOut("Detach can only be done by the server\n"); break; } HRESULT DetachStatus; if (FAILED(DetachStatus = DetachProcesses())) { ErrOut("Detach failed, 0x%X\n", DetachStatus); } } else if ((g_GlobalProcOptions & DEBUG_PROCESS_DETACH_ON_EXIT) || (g_Target && (g_Target->m_AllProcessFlags & ENG_PROC_EXAMINED))) { HRESULT PrepareStatus; if (g_SymOptions & SYMOPT_SECURE) { error(NOTSECURE); } // We need to restart the program before we
// quit so that it's put back in a running state.
PrepareStatus = PrepareForSeparation(); if (PrepareStatus != S_OK) { ErrOut("Unable to prepare for detach, %s\n \"%s\"", FormatStatusCode(PrepareStatus), FormatStatus(PrepareStatus)); break; } } dprintf("quit:\n");
// Force engine into a no-debuggee state
// to indicate quit.
case 'r': if (IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target)) { if (tolower(g_CurCmd[0]) == 'd' && tolower(g_CurCmd[1]) == 'm' && tolower(g_CurCmd[2]) == 's' && tolower(g_CurCmd[3]) == 'r') { g_CurCmd +=4; Value1 = GetExpression(); if (g_Target->ReadMsr((ULONG)Value1, &Value2) == S_OK) { dprintf("msr[%x] = %08x:%08x\n", (ULONG)Value1, (ULONG)(Value2 >> 32), (ULONG)Value2); } else { ErrOut("no such msr\n"); } break; } }
if (ScopeContext = GetCurrentScopeContext()) { dprintf("Last set context:\n"); PushContext = g_Machine->PushContext(ScopeContext); } __try { ParseRegCmd(); } __except(CommandExceptionFilter(GetExceptionInformation())) { // Stop command processing.
*g_CurCmd = 0; }
if (ScopeContext) { g_Machine->PopContext(PushContext); } if (g_SwitchedProcs) { RestoreCurrentProcessorThread(g_Target); g_SwitchedProcs = FALSE; } break; case 's': Ch = (char)tolower(*g_CurCmd);
if (Ch == 's') { g_CurCmd++; SetSuffix(); } else if (Ch == 'q') { g_CurCmd++; Ch = (char)tolower(*g_CurCmd); if (Ch == 'e') { g_QuietMode = TRUE; g_CurCmd++; } else if (Ch == 'd') { g_QuietMode = FALSE; g_CurCmd++; } else { g_QuietMode = !g_QuietMode; } dprintf("Quiet mode is %s\n", g_QuietMode ? "ON" : "OFF"); } else if (Ch == 'x') { g_CurCmd++; ParseSetEventFilter(Client); } else if (IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target) && Ch == 'o') { Scan = ++g_CurCmd; while ((*Scan != '\0') && (*Scan != ';')) { Scan++; } Ch = *Scan; *Scan = '\0'; ReadDebugOptions(FALSE, (*g_CurCmd == '\0' ? NULL : g_CurCmd)); *Scan = Ch; g_CurCmd = Scan; } else { // s, s-w, s-d, s-q.
ParseSearchMemory(); } break;
case 'u': ParseUnassemble(); break;
case 'v': Scan = g_CurCmd; while (*Scan && !isspace(*Scan) && *Scan != ';') { Scan++; } Count = (ULONG)(Scan - g_CurCmd); if (Count == 8 && _memicmp(g_CurCmd, "ertarget", Count) == 0) { g_CurCmd = Scan; g_Target->OutputVersion(); } else if (Count == 6 && _memicmp(g_CurCmd, "ersion", Count) == 0) { g_CurCmd = Scan; // Print target version, then debugger version.
g_Target->OutputVersion(); OutputVersionInformation(Client); } else if (Count == 9 && _memicmp(g_CurCmd, "ercommand", Count) == 0) { g_CurCmd = Scan; dprintf("command line: '%s'\n", GetCommandLine()); } else { error(SYNTAX); } break;
case 'x': ParseExamine(); break;
case ';': case '\0': g_CurCmd--; break;
case 'z':
// Works like do{ cmds }while(Cond);
// Eg. p;z(eax<2);
if (CheckUserInterrupt()) { // Eat the expression also to prevent
// spurious extra character errors.
GetExpression(); g_RedoCount = 0; break; } if (GetExpression()) { g_CurCmd = g_CommandStart; ++g_RedoCount; dprintf("redo [%d] %s\n", g_RedoCount, g_CurCmd ); FlushCallbacks(); Ch = *g_CurCmd++; goto EVALUATE; } else { g_RedoCount = 0; } break;
default: error(SYNTAX); break; } do { Ch = *g_CurCmd++; } while (Ch == ' ' || Ch == '\t' || Ch == '\n' || Ch == '\r'); if (Ch != ';' && Ch != '\0') { error(EXTRACHARS); } g_CurCmd--; } while (g_CmdState == 'c');
if (Status == S_FALSE) { Scan = g_CurCmd; // We switched to a non-'c' cmdState so the
// loop was exited. Check and see if we're
// also at the end of the command as that will
// take precedence in what the return value is.
while (*Scan == ' ' || *Scan == '\t' || *Scan == ';') { Scan++; } Status = *Scan ? S_FALSE : S_OK; }
g_EngStatus &= ~ENG_STATUS_USER_INTERRUPT; return Status; }
HRESULT ProcessCommandsAndCatch(DebugClient* Client) { HRESULT Status; __try { Status = ProcessCommands(Client, FALSE); } __except(CommandExceptionFilter(GetExceptionInformation())) { g_CurCmd = g_CommandStart; *g_CurCmd = '\0'; g_LastCommand[0] = '\0'; Status = HR_PROCESS_EXCEPTION; g_EngStatus &= ~ENG_STATUS_USER_INTERRUPT; }
return Status; }