<%@Language =JScript %>
<% /********************************************************************************** Debug Portal - Version 2 PAGE : DBGPortal_ViewBucket.asp DESCRIPTION : Entry point to the debug portal site. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 11/13/2001 - Created ***********************************************************************************/ //Session("Authenticated") = "Yes" //Source: 0 - Command Line // 1 - Auto path // 2 - Cer // 5 - Manual Upload // 6 - Debuggerless stress Response.buffer=false var CurrentDate = new Date()
var FrameID = new String( Request.Querystring("FrameID") ) if( FrameID.toString() == "undefined" ) FrameID = 0
if ( Session("Authenticated") != "Yes" ) Response.Redirect("privacy/authentication.asp?../DBGPortal_ViewBucket.asp?" + Request.QueryString() )
<!--#INCLUDE FILE='Global_DBUtils.asp'--> <!--#INCLUDE FILE='Global_ServerUtils.asp'-->
<head> <link rel="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="/main.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="/CustomStyles.css"> </head>
<body bgcolor='#ffffff' topmargin='0' leftmargin='0' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' tabindex='0'>
<OBJECT ID="DBGPortal" CLASSID="CLSID:E6490DF0-2E2D-40F4-A79B-AAC01AE6C999" CODEBASE="DebugPortal.CAB#version=1,0,0,8" width=0 height=0> </OBJECT>
<% if( SiteDown == 1 ) Responsef.Redirect ("dbgportalv2.asp")
var UpdateBugNumber = Request.Form( "UpdateBugNumber" ) var BucketID = new String( Request.QueryString("BucketID") ) var ShowCustomerBuckets = new String( Request( "ShowCustomerBuckets" ) ) var Page = new String( Request("Page") ) var PageSize = new String( Request("PageSize") ) var OpenCustomerData = new String( Request("OpenCustomerData") ) var UserAlias = new String( GetShortUserAlias() ) var iBucket = new String( Request("iBucket") ) if ( Page == "undefined" ) Page="1" if (PageSize == "undefined" ) PageSize = "1000" if ( iBucket != "undefined" && BucketID == "undefined" ) var tmpiBucket = iBucket else var tmpiBucket = parseInt( BucketID, 10 )
var g_DBConn = GetDBConnection( Application("CRASHDB3") ) //tmpiBucket stores an int representation of the BucketID value //lets check and see if it might be an ibucket value if ( (!isNaN( tmpiBucket ) && tmpiBucket != 0) || ( iBucket != "undefined" && BucketID == "undefined" ) ) { try { var Query= "DBGP_GetBucketIDByiBucket " + tmpiBucket var rsBucketID = g_DBConn.Execute( Query ) if ( !rsBucketID.EOF ) BucketID = new String( rsBucketID("BucketID") ) } catch( err ) { ; //Response.Write("Could not get bucket name by iBucket<BR>") } }
var URLEBucketID = Server.URLEncode( BucketID )
try { var Query = "DBGPortal_GetBucketData '" + BucketID + "'" var rsBucketData = g_DBConn.Execute( Query )
if ( !rsBucketData.EOF ) { var iBucket = new String( rsBucketData("iBucket") ) var DriverName = new String( rsBucketData("DriverName") ) var FollowUp = new String( rsBucketData("Followup") ) var Crashes = new String( rsBucketData("CrashCount") ) var SolutionID = new String( rsBucketData("SolutionID")) var BugID = new String( rsBucketData("BugID") ) var Area = new String( rsBucketData("Area") ) try { var PoolCorruption = new String( rsBucketData("PoolCorruption" ) ) } catch ( err ) { var PoolCorruption = null } } else { var iBucket = new String( 0 ) var DriverName = new String( "Not available" ) var FollowUp = new String( "Not available" ) var Crashes = new Number( 0 ) var SolutionID = new String( "Not available" ) var BugID = new String( "Not available" ) var Area = new String( "Not available" ) Response.Write( "<H2><FONT COLOR=red>WARNING: No Bucket Data could be located for this bucket</FONT></H2>" ) Response.Write( "This can be caused by the following reasons: <BR>" ) Response.Write( "<UL><LI>All crashes once assigned to this bucket have been re-triaged to a different bucket.</LI>" ) Response.Write( "<LI>This bucket is no longer used (deprecated).</LI>") Response.Write( "<LI>An error during replication. If you feel this is an error during replication, please email <A HREF='mailto:pfat?Subject=Deprecated bucket " + BucketID + "'>Product Feedback and Analysis Team</A>" ) Response.Write( "</UL>" ) } Query = "DBGPortal_GetBucketStatus '" + BucketID + "'" var rsBucketStatus = g_DBConn.Execute( Query ) if ( !rsBucketStatus.EOF ) { var BucketStatus = new String( rsBucketStatus( "BiggestComment" ) ) var BucketStatusString = new String( rsBucketStatus("Action") ) var BucketStatusAlias = new String( rsBucketStatus( "CommentBy" ) ) } else { var BucketStatus = 0 var BucketStatusString = "In progress" } } catch ( err ) { Response.Write("Could not get user buckets:<BR>") Response.Write( "Query: " + Query + "<BR>" ) Response.Write( "[" + err.number + "] " + err.description ) Response.End }
var TotalPages = parseInt( Crashes / PageSize ) + 1
<FORM ID=frmUpdBugNumber METHOD=Post ACTION="DBGPortal_AddBugNumber.asp"> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=BucketID VALUE="<%=BucketID %>" > <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=iBucket VALUE="<%=iBucket %>" > <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN ID=FrameID NAME=FrameID VALUE="<%=FrameID%>"> <table> <tr> <td><p class="clsPTitle"><%=BucketID%></p></td> <td> <INPUT TYPE=Button VALUE="Back" onclick="javascript:window.history.back()" STYLE='width:110px'> <INPUT TYPE=Button VALUE="Refresh" onclick="javascript:window.location.reload()" STYLE='width:110px' id=Button1 name=Button1> <input type='button' value="Add Bookmark" style='width:110px' onclick="fnBookmark()"> <input type='button' value="Show URL" style='width:110px' onclick="javascript: tbURL.style.display == 'none' ? tbURL.style.display = 'block' : tbURL.style.display = 'none';" > <input name='tbURL' id='tbURL' type=text readonly style='width:550px;display:none' value="http://<%=Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")%>/DBGPortal_ViewBucket.asp?<%=Request.QueryString()%>"> <input type='button' value='Copy URL' onclick="clipboardData.setData('Text', tbURL.value )"> </td> </tr> </table> <table id="tblUserBuckets" class="clsTableInfo" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1"> <tr> <td align="left" nowrap class="clsTDInfo">Driver Name</td> <td style="BORDER-LEFT: white 1px solid" align="left" nowrap class="clsTDInfo">iBucket</td> <td style="BORDER-LEFT: white 1px solid" align="left" nowrap class="clsTDInfo">FollowUp</td> <td style="BORDER-LEFT: white 1px solid" align="left" nowrap class="clsTDInfo">Crashes</td> <td style="BORDER-LEFT: white 1px solid" align="left" nowrap class="clsTDInfo">Response</td> <td style="BORDER-LEFT: white 1px solid" align="left" nowrap class="clsTDInfo">Raid data</td> </tr> <tr> <td class='sys-table-cell-bgcolor1'><%=DriverName%></td> <td class='sys-table-cell-bgcolor1'><%=iBucket%></td> <td class='sys-table-cell-bgcolor1'><%=FollowUp%></td> <td class='sys-table-cell-bgcolor1'><%=Crashes%></td> <td class='sys-table-cell-bgcolor1'> <% if ( trim( SolutionID ) == "null" && BucketStatus != "8" ) { Response.Write("No Response") } else { if ( BucketStatus == "8" && SolutionID == "null" ) { Response.Write ("Awaiting Response") BucketStatusString = "Response Requested" } else Response.Write("<a class='clsALinkNormal' href='#none' onclick=\"window.open('http://oca.microsoft.com/en/Response.asp?SID=" + SolutionID + "')\">ResponseID " + SolutionID + "</a>\n" ) //Response.Write( "ID #" + SolutionID + "  - <A HREF='#dummy' Onclick=\"window.open('http://ocatest/SEP_state.asp?SolutionID=" + SolutionID + "')\">View Solution</A>") } %> </td> <td class='sys-table-cell-bgcolor1'> <% if ( BugID == "null" ) Response.Write("None assigned") else Response.Write( "RAID <A HREF='#dummy' OnClick=\"window.open('http://liveraid/?ID=" + BugID + "')\">#" + BugID + "</A> Area: " + Area ) %> </td> </tr> </table>
<DIV STYLE="display:none" ID=divUpdateBugNumber CLASS=ContentArea> <br> <br> <table class="clsTableInfo" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style='border:1px solid #6681d9;'> <tr> <td class='clsTDInfo' colspan=2>Link RAID Bug to Bucket</td> </tr> <tr> <td class='clsTDBodyCell2' width='190px'> <INPUT class='clsResponseInput' TYPE=TextBox VALUE="" NAME=UpdateBugNumber ID=UpdateBugNumber> </td> <td class='clsTDBodyCell2' align='left'> New Bug Number </td>
</tr> <tr> <td class='clsTDBodyCell2' width='190px'> <SELECT NAME=bugArea ID=bugArea> <OPTION VALUE="Microsoft">Microsoft</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="Third Party">Third Party</OPTION> </SELECT> </TD> <td class='clsTDBodyCell2' align='left'> Affected Area </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2 align=left style='padding-left:10px;padding-top:5px'> <INPUT class='clsButton' TYPE=Button VALUE=Submit OnClick="VerifyNewBugNumber()" > <INPUT class='clsButton' TYPE=Button VALUE=Cancel OnClick="divUpdateBugNumber.style.display='none';divBody.style.display='block'" > </td> </tr> </table> </div>
<DIV ID=divCancelSolution NAME=divCancelSolution STYLE="display:none"> <FORM ID=frmCancelSolution NAME=frmCancelSolution ACTION="DBGPortal_AddComment.asp?BucketID=<%=URLEBucketID%>" METHOD=Post> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN ID=Action NAME=Action VALUE="7"> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN ID=FrameID NAME=FrameID VALUE="<%=FrameID%>"> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=iBucket VALUE="<%=iBucket %>" >
<table class="clsTableInfo" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style='border:1px solid #6681d9;'> <tr> <td class='clsTDInfo' colspan=3>Cancel Response Request.</td> </tr> <TR> <TD class='clsTDBodyCell2' COLSPAN=2 > Please enter a short reason why you would like to cancel this response request: </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class='clsTDBodyCell2'> <TEXTAREA ID=Comment NAME=Comment COLS=100 ROWS=10></TEXTAREA> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class='clsTDBodyCell2'> <INPUT class='clsButton' TYPE=Button VALUE=Submit ID=btnSolution NAME=btnSolution onclick="this.style.visibility='hidden';frmCancelSolution.submit()"> <INPUT class='clsButton' TYPE=Button VALUE=Cancel Onclick="divCancelSolution.style.display='none';divBody.style.display='block'" >
</TD> </TR> </TABLE> </FORM> </DIV>
<DIV NAME=divCreateBucketInfoRequest ID=divCreateBucketInfoRequest STYLE="display:none"> <FORM NAME='frmCustomerInfo' ACTION="DBGPortal_RequestAdditionalinformation.asp" METHOD=POST> <INPUT TYPE=Hidden NAME=BucketID VALUE='<%=BucketID%>'> <INPUT TYPE=Hidden NAME=iBucket VALUE='<%=iBucket%>'> <INPUT TYPE=Hidden NAME=Alias VALUE='<%=UserAlias%>'> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN ID=FrameID NAME=FrameID VALUE="<%=FrameID%>">
<table class="clsTableInfo" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style='border:1px solid #6681d9;'> <tr> <td class='clsTDInfo' colspan=3>Request additional information</td> </tr> <TR> <TD class='clsTDBodyCell2' COLSPAN=2 > You can select what kind of information you would like to request from the users that have tracked their crashes. <HR> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class='clsTDBodyCell' VALIGN=TOP> <INPUT TYPE=CheckBox ID=chkFullDump NAME=chkFullDump> Full Dump <BR> <INPUT TYPE=CheckBox id=chkKernelDump name=chkKernelDump> Kernel Dump <BR> <INPUT TYPE=CheckBox id=chkReproSteps name=chkReproSteps> Repro Steps <BR> <INPUT TYPE=CheckBox id=chkSpecialPoolTagging name=chkSpecialPoolTagging > Enable Special Pool Tagging <BR> <INPUT TYPE=CheckBox id=chkEnableTrackLock name=chkEnableTrackLock> Enable TrackLocked Pages <BR> </TD> <TD VALIGN=TOP class='clsTDBodyCell' > Additional/Specific Information:<br> <textarea cols='100' rows='6' name='taAdditionalInfo'></textarea> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align=left > <input class='clsButton' type='button' value='Submit Request' OnClick="frmCustomerInfo.submit()" > <input class='clsButton' type='button' value='Cancel Request' OnClick="divCreateBucketInfoRequest.style.display='none';divBody.style.display='block'" > </td> </tr> </table> </form>
<DIV ID=divCreateSolution STYLE="display:none"> <FORM ID=frmCreateSolution NAME=frmCreateSolution ACTION="DBGPortal_AddComment.asp?BucketID=<%=URLEBucketID%>" METHOD=Post> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN ID=Action NAME=Action VALUE="8"> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=iBucket VALUE="<%=iBucket %>" > <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN ID=FrameID NAME=FrameID VALUE="<%=FrameID%>"> <table class="clsTableInfo" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style='border:1px solid #6681d9;'> <tr> <td class='clsTDInfo' colspan=3>Request a response for this bucket</td> </tr> <tr> <td class='clsTDBodyCell2'> <b>Please select a response type for this customer action:</b> </td> <td class='clsTDBodyCell2'> <% BuildSingleValueDropDown( "DBGPortal_GetSolutionTypes", "None", "SolutionType", "None" ) %> <td class='clsTDBodyCell2'> <b>Need to add a new response type? </b>Email <a href="mailto:pfat?subject=Need%20New%20Solution%20Type%20added">Product Feedback and Analysis team.</a> <a href='http://winweb/bluescreen/debug/faq.asp'>Response types explained.</a> </td> </tr> <TR> <td class='clsTDBodyCell2'> <b>Please select a delivery mechanism for this cutomer response:</b> </TD> <td class='clsTDBodyCell2'> <% BuildSingleValueDropDown( "DBGPortal_GetDeliveryTypes", "None", "DeliveryType", "None" ) %> <td class='clsTDBodyCell2'> <b>Need to add a new delivery type? </b>Email <a href="mailto:pfat?subject=Need%20New%20Solution%20Type%20added">Product Feedback and Analysis team.</a> <a href='http://winweb/bluescreen/debug/faq.asp'>Delivery types explained.</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='clsTDBodyCell2' colspan='3'> <b>Please try and complete as much information as possible.</b> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='clsTDBodyCell2'> <INPUT class='clsResponseInput' TYPE=TextBox NAME=tbCompany VALUE='Unknown' OnFocus="javascript:if(String(this.value)=='Unknown') this.value='';"> </td> <td class='clsTDBodyCell2' colspan='2'> Company responsible for this crash </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='clsTDBodyCell2'> <INPUT class='clsResponseInput' TYPE=TextBox NAME=tbModule VALUE=Unknown OnFocus="javascript:if(String(this.value)=='Unknown') this.value='';"> </td> <td class='clsTDBodyCell2' colspan='2'> Module which caused the crash </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='clsTDBodyCell2'> <INPUT class='clsResponseInput' TYPE=TextBox NAME=tbProduct VALUE=Unknown OnFocus="javascript:if(String(this.value)=='Unknown') this.value='';"> </TD> <td class='clsTDBodyCell2' colspan='2'> Product responsible </td> </TR> <tr> <td class='clsTDBodyCell2'> <SELECT NAME=optSP> <OPTION VALUE="NA">N/A</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="SP1">SP1</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="SP2">SP2</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="SP3">SP3</OPTION> </SELECT> </td> <td class='clsTDBodyCell2' colspan='2'> Service pack version </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='clsTDBodyCell2'> <INPUT class='clsResponseInput' TYPE=TextBox NAME=tbBinaryLocation VALUE='Not specified' SIZE=50 OnFocus="javascript:if(String(this.value)=='Not specified') this.value='';"> </td> <td class='clsTDBodyCell2' colspan=2>
Please enter a location to the binary which a) Fixes this problem or b) the updated version. <BR>This information is used for bucketing logic, so every driver that is earlier than the driver suggested that fixes the problem is placed in an OLD_IMAGE bucket. <br>This field is required and must contain a pointer to the exact file that contains the fix that is being shipped to customers. </TD> </TR> <TR> <td class='clsTDBodyCell2' colspan=3>
Please enter some description text, such as a <b>bug number</b> or <b>workaround</b> and <b>where the fix is located</b>, to describe your response to this issue. <BR> This text will be reviewed and a response will be formulated based upon the information that you provide: <BR> Please remember the information you provide should be formatted such that we turn it in to a <b>customer friendly response</b>. </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='clsTDBodyCell2' colspan=3> <TEXTAREA ID=Comment NAME=Comment COLS=100 ROWS=10 OnKeyUp="CheckCommentSize( this )"></TEXTAREA> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='clsTDBodyCell2' colspan=3> If you have any questions, please contact the <a href="mailto:pfat?subject=Solution%20Request%20Question">Product Feedback and Analysis team.</a> </td> </tr> <TR> <td colspan=3 align=left style='padding-left:10px;padding-top:5px'> <input id='btnSolution' class='clsbutton' type='button' value='Submit Request' onclick="this.style.visibility='hidden';VerifySolutionForm()"> <input class='clsButton' type='button' value='Cancel Request' Onclick="divCreateSolution.style.display='none';divBody.style.display='block'"> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </div>
<DIV ID=divAddComment STYLE="display:none" Class=ContentArea> <FORM ID=frmAddComment NAME=frmAddComment METHOD=POST ACTION="DBGPortal_AddComment.asp?BucketID=<%=URLEBucketID%>" > <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=iBucket VALUE="<%=iBucket %>" > <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN ID=FrameID NAME=FrameID VALUE="<%=FrameID%>"> <table class="clsTableInfo" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style='border:1px solid #6681d9;'> <tr> <td class='clsTDInfo' colspan=2>Add Comment - <%=CurrentDate%> by <%=GetShortUserAlias()%></td> </tr> <tr> <td class='clsTDBodyCell2'>Action:</td> <td class='clsTDBodyCell2'> <% BuildDropDown( "DBGPortal_GetCommentActions", "1", "Action" ) %> </td> <td class='clsTDBodyCell2' align='left'> <b>Need to add a new action? </b>Email <a href="mailto:pfat?subject=Need%20New%20Action%20added">Product Feedback and Analysis team.</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign='top' class='clsTDBodyCell2'>Comment:</td> <td colspan='2' class='clsTDBodyCell2'> <textarea style='text-size:100%' ID=Comment NAME=Comment COLS=100 ROWS=10 OnKeyUp="CheckCommentSize( this )" ></TEXTAREA> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2 align=left style='padding-left:10px;padding-top:5px'> <input class='clsButton' type='button' value='Submit' OnClick="VerifyCommentForm()" > <input class='clsButton' type='button' value='Cancel' OnClick="divAddComment.style.display='none';divBody.style.display='block'"> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </DIV>
<div id=divBody> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100% border=0> <tr> <td style='padding-left:16px'> <INPUT TYPE=Button VALUE="Add Comment" ID=btnAddComment NAME=btnAddComment OnClick="divAddComment.style.display='block';divBody.style.display='none'" STYLE='width:130px'> <INPUT TYPE=Button VALUE="Link Bug" ID=btnLinkBug NAME=btnLinkBug OnClick="divUpdateBugNumber.style.display='block';divBody.style.display='none'" STYLE='width:130px'> <% if ( trim( SolutionID) == "null" && BucketStatus != "8" ) { Response.Write("<INPUT TYPE=Button VALUE='Create Response' Onclick=\"divCreateSolution.style.display='block';divBody.style.display='none'\" STYLE='width:130px'>\n" ) } else { if ( BucketStatus == "8" ) { if ( BucketStatusAlias == GetShortUserAlias() ) Response.Write("<INPUT TYPE=Button Value='Cancel Solution' STYLE='width:130px' onclick=\"javascript:document.all.divCancelSolution.style.display='block';divBody.style.display='none'\" alt='Cancel solution request'>\n" ) } } %> <INPUT TYPE=Button VALUE="Request More Info" OnClick="divCreateBucketInfoRequest.style.display='block';divBody.style.display='none'" STYLE='width:130px'> <% if ( PoolCorruption == "true" ) { Response.Write("<INPUT TYPE=Button VALUE='Clear Pool Corruption' STYLE='width:130px' OnClick='FlagPoolCorruption( 0 )'> " ) } else { Response.Write("<INPUT TYPE='Button' VALUE='Flag Pool Corruption' STYLE='width:130px' OnClick='FlagPoolCorruption( 1 )'>" ) } %> <INPUT TYPE=Button VALUE="Crash Histogram" OnClick="javascript:window.open('dbgportal_histogram.asp?BucketID=<%=URLEBucketID%>')" STYLE='width:130px' > </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='2'> <table id="tblUserBuckets" class="clsTableInfo" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1"> <tr> <td align="left" nowrap class="clsTDInfo">Date</td> <td style="BORDER-LEFT: white 1px solid" align="left" nowrap class="clsTDInfo">Email</td> <td style="BORDER-LEFT: white 1px solid" align="left" nowrap class="clsTDInfo">Action</td> <td style="BORDER-LEFT: white 1px solid" align="left" nowrap class="clsTDInfo">Comment</td> </tr>
<% var rsBucketData = g_DBConn.Execute("DBGPortal_GetBucketComments '" + BucketID + "'" ) var altColor = "sys-table-cell-bgcolor2" if ( rsBucketData.EOF ) Response.Write( "<td valign='top' colspan='4' nowrap class='sys-table-cell-bgcolor1'>No comments have been made for this bucket</td>") while ( !rsBucketData.EOF ) { if ( altColor == "sys-table-cell-bgcolor2" ) altColor = "sys-table-cell-bgcolor1" else altColor = "sys-table-cell-bgcolor2" Response.Write("<tr>") Response.Write("<td valign='top' nowrap class='" + altColor + "'>" + rsBucketData("EntryDate") + "</td>") Response.Write("<td valign='top' nowrap class='" + altColor + "'>" + rsBucketData("CommentBy") + "</td>") Response.Write("<td valign='top' nowrap class='" + altColor + "'>" + rsBucketData("Action") + "</td>") Response.Write("<td valign='top' class='" + altColor + "'>" + rsBucketData("Comment") + "</td>") Response.Write("</tr>") rsBucketData.MoveNext() }
%> </table> </td> </tr> </table>
<table> <tr> <td> <div id=divLoadingData> <p Class=clsPTitle>Loading data, please wait . . . </p> </div> </td> <tr> </table>
<table width=100%> <tr> <td class='clsTDBodyCell' width='30%'> <INPUT TYPE=CheckBox id=chkCreateLog name=chkCreateLog Onclick="SetLogFileState( this.checked )">Create Logfile during debug sessions </td> <td class='clsTDBodyCell' width='30%'> If a crash does not belong in this bucket, send mail to <A HREF="MAILTO:[email protected]">AndreVa</A><BR> </td> </tr> </table>
<table id="tblStatus" class="clsTableInfo" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" width='95%'> <tr> <td align="left" nowrap style="width:30px" class="clsTDInfo">Debug</td> <td style="BORDER-LEFT: white 1px solid;width:30px" align="left" nowrap class="clsTDInfo">FullDMP</td> <td style="BORDER-LEFT: white 1px solid;width:50px" align="left" nowrap class="clsTDInfo">Source</td> <td style="BORDER-LEFT: white 1px solid;width:50px" align="left" nowrap class="clsTDInfo">Entry Date</td> <td style="BORDER-LEFT: white 1px solid;width:30px" align="left" nowrap class="clsTDInfo">Build</td> <td style="BORDER-LEFT: white 1px solid;width:30px" align="left" nowrap class="clsTDInfo">SP</td> <td style="BORDER-LEFT: white 1px solid;width:100px" align="left" nowrap class="clsTDInfo">Email</td> <td style="BORDER-LEFT: white 1px solid;width:230px" align="left" nowrap class="clsTDInfo">Crash Cab Path</td>
<% try { var rsCrashData = g_DBConn.Execute("DBGPortal_GetBucketCrashes '" + BucketID + "'" ) var altColor = "sys-table-cell-bgcolor2" var ReplaceString = /\\/g
while ( !rsCrashData.EOF ) { if ( altColor == "sys-table-cell-bgcolor2" ) altColor = "sys-table-cell-bgcolor1" else altColor = "sys-table-cell-bgcolor2" Response.Write("<tr>\n")
var newPath = new String(rsCrashData("FilePath") ) newPath = newPath.replace( ReplaceString, "\\\\" ) Response.Write("<td align='center' valign='center' nowrap class='" + altColor + "'><img src='include/images/debug.bmp' border=0 align='absMiddle' OnClick=\"LaunchDebugger('" + newPath + "')\" style='cursor:hand' ALT='Launch debugger for this crash dump'></td>\n")
var FullDmp = new String( rsCrashData("bFullDump" ) ) if ( FullDmp == "1" ) Response.Write("<td valign='center' nowrap class='" + altColor + "'>Yes!</td>\n") else Response.Write("<td valign='center' nowrap class='" + altColor + "'> </td>\n") var Source = new String( rsCrashData("Source") ) if ( Source == "1" ) Response.Write("<td valign='center' nowrap class='" + altColor + "'>Web Site</td>\n") else if ( Source == "2" ) Response.Write("<td valign='center' nowrap class='" + altColor + "'>CER Report</td>\n") else if ( Source == "0" ) Response.Write("<td valign='center' nowrap class='" + altColor + "'>CMD DBG</td>\n") else if ( Source == "5" ) Response.Write("<td valign='center' nowrap class='" + altColor + "'>Manual Upload</td>\n") else if ( Source == "6" ) Response.Write("<td valign='center' nowrap class='" + altColor + "'>Stress Upload</td>\n") else Response.Write("<td valign='center' nowrap class='" + altColor + "'>Unknown[" + Source + "]</td>\n") var EntryDate = new Date( rsCrashData("EntryDate") ) var EntryDate = ( EntryDate.getMonth() + 1 ) + "/" + EntryDate.getDate() + "/" + EntryDate.getFullYear() Response.Write("<td valign='center' nowrap class='" + altColor + "'>" + EntryDate + "</td>\n") var BuildNumber = new String( rsCrashData("BuildNo" ) ) var SP = BuildNumber.substr( 4, 4 ) var BuildNumber = BuildNumber.substr( 0, 4 ) Response.Write("<td valign='center' nowrap class='" + altColor + "'>" + BuildNumber + "</td>\n") Response.Write("<td valign='center' nowrap class='" + altColor + "'>" + SP + "</td>\n") Response.Write("<td valign='center' nowrap class='" + altColor + "'>" + rsCrashData("Email") + "</td>\n") Response.Write("<td valign='center' nowrap class='" + altColor + "'><a href='" + rsCrashData("FilePath") + "'>" + rsCrashData("FilePath") + "</a></td>\n") Response.Write("</tr>\n") rsCrashData.MoveNext() } } catch( err ) { Response.Write("</tr><tr><td align='left' class='sys-table-cell-bgcolor1' colspan='8'>An error occurred trying to retrive the bucket crashes, please try this task again<br>" + err.description + "</td></tr>" ) } %> </table>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript> var OpenWindow = null
//alert( window.document.body.scrollHeight )
//This is to resize the iframe so that it will fit in properly in teh window try { if( window.document.body.scrollHeight < 710 ) window.parent.parent.frames("SepBody").document.all.iframe1[<%=FrameID%>].style.height = 720 else window.parent.parent.frames("SepBody").document.all.iframe1[<%=FrameID%>].style.height = window.document.body.scrollHeight + 100 } catch( err ) { }
//Get the create a log cookie value and set the checkmark initial state. var CreateLog = new String( GetCookie("CreateLog" ) ) if ( "true" == CreateLog ) document.all.chkCreateLog.checked = true
function SetLogFileState( curVal ) { document.cookie = "CreateLog=" + curVal }
function GetCookie(sName) { // cookies are separated by semicolons var aCookie = document.cookie.split("; "); for (var i=0; i < aCookie.length; i++) { // a name/value pair (a crumb) is separated by an equal sign var aCrumb = aCookie[i].split("="); if (sName == aCrumb[0]) return unescape(aCrumb[1]); }
// a cookie with the requested name does not exist return null; }
function ShowAllCustomerInfo() { var c = new Object( document.all.CrashTable.rows )
if ( GetCookie( "OpenCustomerData" ) == "none" ) { document.cookie = "OpenCustomerData=block;expires=Mon, 31 Dec 2004 0:0:0 UTC" document.all.btnOpenCustomerData.value = "Close All Customer Data" } else { document.cookie = "OpenCustomerData=none;expires=Mon, 31 Dec 2004 0:0:0 UTC" document.all.btnOpenCustomerData.value = "Open All Customer Data" }
for ( var i=2 ; i < document.all.CrashTable.rows.length ; i++ ) { for ( var j=0; j < document.all.CrashTable.rows(i).cells.length ; j++ ) { try { OpenElement( document.all.CrashTable.rows(i).cells(j).children(1) ) }catch(err) { ; } } } }
function OpenElement( element ) { if ( element.parentNode.children(1).style.display=='none' ) { element.parentNode.children(1).style.display='block' element.src='images/minus.jpg' } else { element.parentNode.children(1).style.display='none' element.src='images/plus.jpg' } }
function trim ( src ) { var temp = new String( src ) var rep = /^( *)/ var rep2 = /( )*$/
var temp = temp.replace( rep2, "" ) return ( temp.replace( rep, "" ) ) }
function VerifyNewBugNumber() { if ( isNaN(document.all.UpdateBugNumber.value) || trim( document.all.UpdateBugNumber.value ) == "" ) { alert( "Please enter a valid bug number") return } else frmUpdBugNumber.submit() }
function fnShowCustomerBuckets() { document.cookie = "ShowCustomerBuckets=1;expires=Mon, 31 Dec 2004 0:0:0 UTC" window.navigate('DBGPortal_ViewBucket.asp?BucketID=<%=URLEBucketID%>&ShowCustomerBuckets=1') }
function fnHideCustomerBuckets() { document.cookie = "ShowCustomerBuckets=" window.navigate('DBGPortal_ViewBucket.asp?BucketID=<%=URLEBucketID%>') }
function VerifyCommentForm() {
var CommentField = document.frmAddComment.Comment.value
if ( CommentField.length > 900 ) { //in essance the auto truncation stuff is gonzo, since I automatically limit them to 900 elsewhere. if( confirm("Your comments are greater than 900 characters. Comment text must be below 900, would you like to automatically truncate your comment? Currently have " + CommentField.length + " characters" ) == false ) { document.all.taAddComment.style.visibility="visible" return } }
function VerifySolutionForm() {
var regEx = /(.sys)|(.dll)/gi; var binLoc = new String( document.all.tbBinaryLocation.value ) if ( !regEx.test( binLoc ) ) { alert("You must enter a valid binary name and location in order to request a response") document.frmCreateSolution.btnSolution.style.visibility='visible' return
var SolutionField = document.frmCreateSolution.Comment.value if ( SolutionField.length > 900 ) { if( confirm("Your comments are greater than 900 characters. Comment text must be below 900, would you like to automatically truncate your solution? Currently have " + SolutionField.length + " characters" ) == false ) { document.frmCreateSolution.btnSolution.style.visibility='visible' return } } if ( document.all.SolutionType.value == "None" ) { alert("You must select a solution type!" ) document.frmCreateSolution.btnSolution.style.visibility='visible' return }
if ( document.all.DeliveryType.value == "None" ) { alert("You must select a delivery type!" ) document.frmCreateSolution.btnSolution.style.visibility='visible' return }
var oComment = "TYPE: " + document.all.SolutionType.value + "<BR>" oComment += "DELIVERY: " + document.all.DeliveryType.value + "<BR>" oComment += "CONTACT: " + document.all.tbCompany.value + "<BR>" oComment += "MODULE : " + document.all.tbModule.value + "<BR>" oComment += "PRODUCT: " + document.all.tbProduct.value + "<BR>" oComment += "SP: " + document.all.optSP.value + "<BR>" oComment += "BinLoc: " + document.all.tbBinaryLocation.value + "<BR>" oComment += "COMMENTS: <BR>" + document.frmCreateSolution.Comment.value document.frmCreateSolution.Comment.value = oComment frmCreateSolution.submit() }
function ShowCustomerInfo ( IncidentID ) { var iHeight = window.screen.availHeight; var iWidth = window.screen.availWidth;
iWidth = iWidth / 2; //iHeight = iHeight / 1.5 ;
var iTop = (window.screen.width / 2) - (iWidth / 2); var iLeft = (window.screen.height / 2) - (iHeight / 2);
// window.open( "DBGPortal_DisplayCustomerInformation.asp?IncidentID=" + IncidentID ) try { OpenWindow.navigate( "DBGPortal_DisplayCustomerInformation.asp?IncidentID=" + IncidentID ) } catch ( err ) { //OpenWindow = window.open( "DBGPortal_DisplayCustomerInformation.asp?IncidentID=" + IncidentID, "", "top=" + iTop + ",left=" + iLeft + ",height=" + iHeight + ",width=" + iWidth + ",status=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no"); OpenWindow = window.open( "DBGPortal_DisplayCustomerInformation.asp?IncidentID=" + IncidentID, "", "top=" + iTop + ",left=" + iLeft + ",width=" + iWidth + ",status=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes" ); } }
function LaunchDebugger( DumpFiletoOpen ) { var szCommandLine var vbLf var retval try { vblf="\n" //this command line is for windbg //szCommandLine="-Q -c '.logopen c:\\<%=trim(BucketID)%>.log;!analyzebugcheck -v' -i symsrv*symsrv.dll*\\\\symbols\\symbols;symsrv*symsrv.dll*\\\\bsod_symbols\\symsrv -y symsrv*symsrv.dll*\\\\symbols\\symbols;symsrv*symsrv.dll*\\\\bsod_symbols\\symsrv -z " + DumpFiletoOpen //retval = DBGPortal.RunProcess ( szCommandLine, "2" )
if ( document.all.chkCreateLog.checked ) szCommandLine="-c \".logopen c:\\<%=trim(BucketID)%>.log;!analyze -v\" -i symsrv*symsrv.dll*\\\\symbols\\symbols -y symsrv*symsrv.dll*\\\\symbols\\symbols -z " + DumpFiletoOpen else szCommandLine="-c \"!analyze -v\" -i symsrv*symsrv.dll*\\\\symbols\\symbols -y symsrv*symsrv.dll*\\\\symbols\\symbols -z " + DumpFiletoOpen //alert( szCommandLine ) retval = DBGPortal.RunProcess ( szCommandLine, "1" ) //alert ( retval ) //alert ( DBGPortal.GetRunProcessRetval ) if ( DBGPortal.GetRunProcessRetval == 0 ) { alert("Could not execute debugger, please try again later: \n" + DBGPortal.GetRunprocessErrMsg ) return; } //szCommandLine="-c \".logopen c:\<%=trim(BucketID)%>.log;!analyzebugcheck -v\" -i symsrv*symsrv.dll*\\\\symbols\\symbols;symsrv*symsrv.dll*\\\\bsod_symbols\\symsrv -y symsrv*symsrv.dll*\\\\symbols\\symbols;symsrv*symsrv.dll*\\\\bsod_symbols\\symsrv -z " + DumpFiletoOpen //\\dbg\privates\latest\uncompressed\x86\ /* if document.all.chkUseWinDBG.checked=true then szCommandLine="-Q -c '.logopen c:\<%=Request("ClassID")%>.log;!analyzebugcheck -v' -i symsrv*symsrv.dll*\\symbols\symbols;symsrv*symsrv.dll*\\bsod_symbols\symsrv -y symsrv*symsrv.dll*\\symbols\symbols;symsrv*symsrv.dll*\\bsod_symbols\symsrv -z " & DumpFiletoOpen retval = DBGPortal.RunProcess ( cstr(szCommandLine), "2" ) else szCommandLine="-c " & chr(34) & ".logopen c:\<%=Request("ClassID")%>.log;!analyzebugcheck -v" & chr(34) & " -i symsrv*symsrv.dll*\\symbols\symbols;symsrv*symsrv.dll*\\bsod_symbols\symsrv -y symsrv*symsrv.dll*\\symbols\symbols;symsrv*symsrv.dll*\\bsod_symbols\symsrv -z " & DumpFiletoOpen retval = DBGPortal.RunProcess ( cstr(szCommandLine), "1" ) end if if not isnull( DBGPortal.GetRunProcessRetVal ) then if DBGPortal.GetRunProcessRetVal=0 then msgbox "Could not execute the command line" & vbLf & szCommandLine & vbLf & vbLF & "Err message returned: " & DBGPortal.GetRunprocessErrMsg end if else msgbox "Could not get return value from ActiveX control" end if */ } catch ( err ) { ; } }
function CheckCommentSize( obj ) { var Comment = new String( obj.value )
if( obj.value.length > 900 ) { alert('Comments cannot exceed 900 characters. \n'); obj.value=Comment.substr(0,900); } }
function FlagPoolCorruption( State ) { //alert( State ) if ( State == 1 ) { var Comment = "Flagging pool corruption." window.navigate( "DBGPortal_AddComment.asp?BucketID=<%=URLEBucketID%>&iBucket=<%=iBucket%>&Action=12&Comment=" + Comment ) } else { var Comment = "Clearing pool corruption flag." window.navigate( "DBGPortal_AddComment.asp?BucketID=<%=URLEBucketID%>&iBucket=<%=iBucket%>&Action=13&Comment=" + Comment ) } }
function fnBookmark () { bookmarkurl="http://<%=Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")%>/DBGPortal_ViewBucket.asp?<%=Request.QueryString()%>" bookmarktitle="DBGPortal - <%=BucketID%>" window.external.AddFavorite(bookmarkurl,bookmarktitle) }