// CountDaily.cpp : Implementation of CCountDaily
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CountDaily.h"
#include "ReportCountDaily.h"
#include "ReportDailyBuckets.h"
#include "ReportAnonUsers.h"
#include "ReportSpecificSolutions.h"
#include "ReportGeneralSolutions.h"
#include "ReportGetHelpInfo.h"
#include "ReportGetAutoUploads.h"
#include "ReportGetManualUploads.h"
#include "ReportGetIncompleteUploads.h"
#include "ATLComTime.h"
#include <comutil.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#import "c:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ADO\msado15.dll" \
no_namespace rename("EOF", "EndOfFile")
const CComBSTR cScore = "_"; const CComBSTR cDash = "-";
// CCountDaily
* module: CountDaily.cpp * * author: Tim Ragain * date: Jan 2, 2002 * * Purpose: To return the incident count for a specific date. This uses OLEDB template * CReportCountDaily.h that calls stored procedure ReportCountDaily. * *************************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP CCountDaily::GetDailyCount(DATE dDate, LONG* iCount) { CReportCountDaily pRep; COleDateTime pDate(dDate); long lCount = 0;
pRep.m_ReportDate.year = pDate.GetYear(); pRep.m_ReportDate.day = pDate.GetDay(); pRep.m_ReportDate.month = pDate.GetMonth(); pRep.m_ReportDate.hour = 0; pRep.m_ReportDate.minute = 0; pRep.m_ReportDate.second = 0; pRep.m_ReportDate.fraction = 0; HRESULT hr = pRep.OpenAll(); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)==false) { Error(_T("Unable to open the database")); return E_FAIL; } hr = S_OK; hr = pRep.MoveFirst(); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)==false) { Error(_T("No data was returned")); return E_FAIL; } lCount = pRep.m_IncidentID; *iCount = lCount; pRep.CloseAll();
return S_OK; }
* module: CountDaily.cpp * * author: Tim Ragain * date: Jan 2, 2002 * * Purpose: To return an ado recordset from the results of calling stored procedure * ReportCountDaily. Presently this is not used but left for future implementation. * *************************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP CCountDaily::GetDailyCountADO(DATE dDate, LONG* iCount) { _RecordsetPtr pRs("ADODB.Recordset"); _ConnectionPtr pCn("ADODB.Connection"); _CommandPtr pCm("ADODB.Command"); _ParameterPtr pPa("ADODB.Parameter"); VARIANT v_stamp; ErrorPtr pErr = NULL; COleDateTime pDate(dDate);
v_stamp.vt = VT_CY; v_stamp.date = dDate; pCn->Open(L"Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=KaCustomer2;Data Source=OCATOOLSDB;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=TIMRAGAIN05;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False","", "", NULL); if((pCn->Errors->Count) > 0) { pErr = pCn->Errors->GetItem(0); return E_FAIL; } pCm->ActiveConnection = pCn; pCm->CommandText = "ReportCountDaily"; pCm->CommandType = adCmdText; pPa = pCm->CreateParameter("ReportDate", adDBTimeStamp, adParamInput, NULL, dDate); pCm->Parameters->Append(pPa);
pPa->Value = v_stamp.date;
pRs = pCm->Execute(NULL, NULL, adCmdStoredProc); if((pCn->Errors->Count) > 0) { pErr = pCn->Errors->GetItem(0); return E_FAIL; } if(pRs->State != adStateOpen) { return E_FAIL; } HRESULT hr = pRs->MoveFirst(); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)==false) { return E_FAIL; } *iCount = pRs->Fields->Item["iCount"]->Value;
pRs->Close(); pCn->Close();
pPa = NULL; pCm = NULL; pCn = NULL; pRs = NULL;
return S_OK; }
* module: CountDaily.cpp * * author: Tim Ragain * date: Jan 2, 2002 * * Purpose: To return an ADO recordset of daily buckets for a specific date. * This is presently not used but remains for future use. * *************************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP CCountDaily::ReportDailyBuckets(DATE dDate, IDispatch** p_Rs) { CReportDailyBuckets pRep; COleDateTime pDate(dDate);
pRep.m_ReportDate.year = pDate.GetYear(); pRep.m_ReportDate.day = pDate.GetDay(); pRep.m_ReportDate.month = pDate.GetMonth(); pRep.m_ReportDate.hour = 0; pRep.m_ReportDate.minute = 0; pRep.m_ReportDate.second = 0; pRep.m_ReportDate.fraction = 0; HRESULT hr = pRep.OpenAll(); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)==false) { return E_FAIL; } hr = pRep.MoveFirst(); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)==false) { return E_FAIL; }
ADORecordsetConstructionPtr pCRS; _RecordsetPtr pTempRS(__uuidof(Recordset)); pCRS = pTempRS; hr = pCRS->put_Rowset((LPUNKNOWN)(pRep.m_spRowset)); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)==false) { return E_FAIL; } hr = pCRS->QueryInterface(__uuidof(_Recordset),(void **)p_Rs); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)==false) { return E_FAIL; } pRep.CloseAll(); return S_OK; }
* module: CountDaily.cpp * * author: Tim Ragain * date: Jan 2, 2002 * * Purpose: to count the specific files for a specific date on the Watson or Archive server. * The directory format is different on each server. The watson uses "1_2_2002" while the Archive uses * "1-2-2002". *************************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP CCountDaily::GetFileCount(ServerLocation eServer, BSTR b_Location, DATE d_Date, LONG* iCount) { HANDLE hSearch=NULL; WIN32_FIND_DATA FileData; LONG l_FileCount = 0; CComBSTR b_Path, b_DateDirectory; COleDateTime pDate(d_Date); LONG l_Day = 0, l_Year = 0, l_Month = 0; char * s_Temp; //LPCSTR szFindFiles;
s_Temp = new char;
l_Day = pDate.GetDay(); l_Year = pDate.GetYear(); l_Month = pDate.GetMonth(); //month
_itoa(l_Month, s_Temp, 10); b_DateDirectory.Append(s_Temp); if(eServer==0) { b_DateDirectory.Append(cScore); } else { b_DateDirectory.Append(cDash); } //Day
_itoa(l_Day, s_Temp, 10); b_DateDirectory.Append(s_Temp); if(eServer==0) { b_DateDirectory.Append(cScore); } else { b_DateDirectory.Append(cDash); } //Year
_itoa(l_Year, s_Temp, 10); b_DateDirectory.Append(s_Temp);
b_Path.AppendBSTR(b_DateDirectory); b_Path.Append("\\"); b_Path.Append("*.cab");
szFindFiles = OLE2T(b_Path);
hSearch = FindFirstFile(szFindFiles, &FileData); if (hSearch == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { l_FileCount = 0; *iCount = l_FileCount; return S_OK; } l_FileCount = 0; do { l_FileCount++; } while(FindNextFile(hSearch, &FileData)); *iCount = l_FileCount; FindClose(hSearch); return S_OK; }
* module: CountDaily.cpp * * author: Tim Ragain * date: Jan 2, 2002 * * Purpose: To count the anonymous users uploading files for a specific date. This uses * the OLEDB template CReportAnonUsers.h that calls the stored procedure ReportGetAnonUsers. * *************************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP CCountDaily::GetDailyAnon(DATE dDate, LONG* iCount) {
CReportAnonUsers pRep; COleDateTime pDate(dDate); long lCount = 0;
pRep.m_ReportDate.year = pDate.GetYear(); pRep.m_ReportDate.day = pDate.GetDay(); pRep.m_ReportDate.month = pDate.GetMonth(); pRep.m_ReportDate.hour = 0; pRep.m_ReportDate.minute = 0; pRep.m_ReportDate.second = 0; pRep.m_ReportDate.fraction = 0;
HRESULT hr = pRep.OpenAll(); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)==false) { return E_FAIL; } hr = S_OK; hr = pRep.MoveFirst(); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)==false) { return E_FAIL; } lCount = pRep.m_Count; *iCount = lCount; pRep.CloseAll(); return S_OK; }
* module: CountDaily.cpp * * author: Tim Ragain * date: Jan 2, 2002 * * Purpose: To count the specific solutions, SBuckets, for a specific date. This calls * the OLEDB template CReportSpecificSolutions.h that uses the stored procedure * ReportGetSBuckets. *************************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP CCountDaily::GetSpecificSolutions(DATE dDate, LONG* iCount) { CReportSpecificSolutions pRep;
COleDateTime pDate(dDate); long lCount = 0;
pRep.m_ReportDate.year = pDate.GetYear(); pRep.m_ReportDate.day = pDate.GetDay(); pRep.m_ReportDate.month = pDate.GetMonth(); pRep.m_ReportDate.hour = 0; pRep.m_ReportDate.minute = 0; pRep.m_ReportDate.second = 0; pRep.m_ReportDate.fraction = 0; HRESULT hr = pRep.OpenAll(); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)==false) { return E_FAIL; } hr = S_OK; hr = pRep.MoveFirst(); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)==false) { return E_FAIL; } lCount = pRep.m_Count; *iCount = lCount; pRep.CloseAll();
return S_OK; }
* module: CountDaily.cpp * * author: Tim Ragain * date: Jan 2, 2002 * * Purpose: To obtain a count for a specific date of the GBuckets that have no solved SBucket. This * uses the OLEDB template located in CReportGeneralSolutions.h file that calls the stored procedure * ReportGetGBucket. *************************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP CCountDaily::GetGeneralSolutions(DATE dDate, LONG* iCount) { CReportGeneralSolutions pRep;
COleDateTime pDate(dDate); long lCount = 0;
pRep.m_ReportDate.year = pDate.GetYear(); pRep.m_ReportDate.day = pDate.GetDay(); pRep.m_ReportDate.month = pDate.GetMonth(); pRep.m_ReportDate.hour = 0; pRep.m_ReportDate.minute = 0; pRep.m_ReportDate.second = 0; pRep.m_ReportDate.fraction = 0; HRESULT hr = pRep.OpenAll(); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)==false) { return E_FAIL; } hr = S_OK; hr = pRep.MoveFirst(); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)==false) { return E_FAIL; } lCount = pRep.m_Count; *iCount = lCount; pRep.CloseAll();
return S_OK; }
* module: CountDaily.cpp * * author: Tim Ragain * date: Jan 2, 2002 * * Purpose: To obtain the count of incidents on a specific date that have StopCode solutions * but they do not have a SBucket or GBucket. This uses the OLEDB template located in CReportGetHelpInfo.h * and the stored procedure ReportGetHelpInfo *************************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP CCountDaily::GetStopCodeSolutions(DATE dDate, LONG* iCount) { CReportGetHelpInfo pRep; COleDateTime pDate(dDate); long lCount = 0;
pRep.m_dDate.year = pDate.GetYear(); pRep.m_dDate.day = pDate.GetDay(); pRep.m_dDate.month = pDate.GetMonth(); pRep.m_dDate.hour = 0; pRep.m_dDate.minute = 0; pRep.m_dDate.second = 0; pRep.m_dDate.fraction = 0;
CComPtr<ICommand> cm = pRep.m_spCommand; HACCESSOR ac = pRep.m_hParameterAccessor; HRESULT hr = pRep.OpenAll(); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)==false) { return E_FAIL; } hr = S_OK; hr = pRep.MoveFirst(); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)==false) { return E_FAIL; } lCount = pRep.m_iCount; *iCount = lCount; pRep.CloseAll();
return S_OK; }
* module: CountDaily.cpp * * author: Tim Ragain * date: Jan 2, 2002 * * Purpose: to count the files on the Watson or Archive server that contain "Mini" in the file name. * This is a physical count of the actual files on the servers that were manually uploaded. * *************************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP CCountDaily::GetFileMiniCount(ServerLocation eServer, BSTR b_Location, DATE d_Date, LONG* iCount) { HANDLE hSearch=NULL; WIN32_FIND_DATA FileData; LONG l_FileCount = 0; CComBSTR b_Path, b_DateDirectory; COleDateTime pDate(d_Date); LONG l_Day = 0, l_Year = 0, l_Month = 0; char * s_Temp; //LPCSTR szFindFiles;
s_Temp = new char;
l_Day = pDate.GetDay(); l_Year = pDate.GetYear(); l_Month = pDate.GetMonth(); //month
_itoa(l_Month, s_Temp, 10); b_DateDirectory.Append(s_Temp); if(eServer==0) { b_DateDirectory.Append(cScore); } else { b_DateDirectory.Append(cDash); } //Day
_itoa(l_Day, s_Temp, 10); b_DateDirectory.Append(s_Temp); if(eServer==0) { b_DateDirectory.Append(cScore); } else { b_DateDirectory.Append(cDash); } //Year
_itoa(l_Year, s_Temp, 10); b_DateDirectory.Append(s_Temp);
b_Path.AppendBSTR(b_DateDirectory); b_Path.Append("\\"); b_Path.Append("*Mini.cab");
szFindFiles = OLE2T(b_Path);
hSearch = FindFirstFile(szFindFiles, &FileData); if (hSearch == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { *iCount = 0; return S_OK; } l_FileCount = 0; do { l_FileCount++; } while(FindNextFile(hSearch, &FileData)); *iCount = l_FileCount; FindClose(hSearch);
return S_OK; }
* module: CountDaily.cpp * * author: Tim Ragain * date: Jan 23, 2002 * * Purpose: Routine return the count for auto uploads by checking where null is in the path * set in the database. Null indicates a failed upload. The routine calls CReportGetIncompleteUploads.h * OLEDB template, which uses the ReportGetIncompleteUploads stored procedure. *************************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP CCountDaily::GetIncompleteUploads(DATE dDate, LONG* iCount) { CReportGetIncompleteUploads pRep; COleDateTime pDate(dDate); long lCount = 0;
pRep.m_ReportDate.year = pDate.GetYear(); pRep.m_ReportDate.day = pDate.GetDay(); pRep.m_ReportDate.month = pDate.GetMonth(); pRep.m_ReportDate.hour = 0; pRep.m_ReportDate.minute = 0; pRep.m_ReportDate.second = 0; pRep.m_ReportDate.fraction = 0; HRESULT hr = pRep.OpenAll(); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)==false) { return E_FAIL; } hr = S_OK; hr = pRep.MoveFirst(); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)==false) { return E_FAIL; } lCount = pRep.m_Count; *iCount = lCount; pRep.CloseAll();
return S_OK; }
* module: CountDaily.cpp * * author: Tim Ragain * date: Jan 23, 2002 * * Purpose: Routine return the count for auto uploads by checking where "Mini" is in the path * set in the database. Mini indicates a manual upload. The routine calls CReportGetManualUploads.h * OLEDB template, which uses the ReportGetManualUploads stored procedure. *************************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP CCountDaily::GetManualUploads(DATE dDate, LONG* iCount) { CReportGetManualUploads pRep; COleDateTime pDate(dDate); long lCount = 0;
pRep.m_ReportDate.year = pDate.GetYear(); pRep.m_ReportDate.day = pDate.GetDay(); pRep.m_ReportDate.month = pDate.GetMonth(); pRep.m_ReportDate.hour = 0; pRep.m_ReportDate.minute = 0; pRep.m_ReportDate.second = 0; pRep.m_ReportDate.fraction = 0; HRESULT hr = pRep.OpenAll(); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)==false) { return E_FAIL; } hr = S_OK; hr = pRep.MoveFirst(); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)==false) { return E_FAIL; } lCount = pRep.m_Count; *iCount = lCount; pRep.CloseAll();
return S_OK; }
* module: CountDaily.cpp * * author: Tim Ragain * date: Jan 23, 2002 * * Purpose: Routine return the count for auto uploads by checking where "Mini" is not in the path * set in the database. Mini indicates a manual upload. The routine calls CReportGetAutoUploads.h * OLEDB template, which uses the ReportGetAutoUploads stored procedure. *************************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP CCountDaily::GetAutoUploads(DATE dDate, LONG* iCount) { CReportGetAutoUploads pRep;
COleDateTime pDate(dDate); long lCount = 0;
pRep.m_ReportDate.year = pDate.GetYear(); pRep.m_ReportDate.day = pDate.GetDay(); pRep.m_ReportDate.month = pDate.GetMonth(); pRep.m_ReportDate.hour = 0; pRep.m_ReportDate.minute = 0; pRep.m_ReportDate.second = 0; pRep.m_ReportDate.fraction = 0; HRESULT hr = pRep.OpenAll(); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)==false) { return E_FAIL; } hr = S_OK; hr = pRep.MoveFirst(); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)==false) { return E_FAIL; } lCount = pRep.m_Count; *iCount = lCount; pRep.CloseAll();
return S_OK; }
//ICreateErrorInfo * err;
//HRerr = CreateErrorInfo(&err);
//MessageBox(NULL, "Failed to open database!", "Database Error", MB_OK);
// err->SetDescription(L"Failed to open the database");
// IErrorInfo *pEI;
// HR2 = err->QueryInterface(IID_IErrorInfo, (void**)&pEI);
// {
// SetErrorInfo(0, pEI);
// err->Release();
// }
// pEI->Release();
char * sDate = new char;
int iDate = oDate.GetDay(); itoa(iDate, sDate, 10);
MessageBox(NULL, sDate, "Year", MB_OK); return S_OK; delete(sDate); //memset(szFindFiles, 0, sizeof(szFindFiles));
//TCHAR * t_Temp;
//t_Temp = (TCHAR *)b_Location;
STDMETHODIMP CCountDaily::GetTest(ServerLocation eServer, BSTR b_Location, DATE d_Date, LONG* iCount) { HANDLE hSearch=NULL; WIN32_FIND_DATA FileData; LONG l_FileCount = 0; CComBSTR b_Path, b_DateDirectory; COleDateTime pDate(d_Date); LONG l_Day = 0, l_Year = 0, l_Month = 0; char * s_Temp; //LPCSTR szFindFiles;
s_Temp = new char;
l_Day = pDate.GetDay(); l_Year = pDate.GetYear(); l_Month = pDate.GetMonth(); //month
_itoa(l_Month, s_Temp, 10); b_DateDirectory.Append(s_Temp); if(eServer==0) { b_DateDirectory.Append(cScore); } else { b_DateDirectory.Append(cDash); } //Day
_itoa(l_Day, s_Temp, 10); b_DateDirectory.Append(s_Temp); if(eServer==0) { b_DateDirectory.Append(cScore); } else { b_DateDirectory.Append(cDash); } //Year
_itoa(l_Year, s_Temp, 10); b_DateDirectory.Append(s_Temp);
b_Path.AppendBSTR(b_DateDirectory); b_Path.Append("\\\\"); b_Path.Append("*.cab");
szFindFiles = OLE2T(b_Path);
hSearch = FindFirstFile(szFindFiles, &FileData); if (hSearch == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { l_FileCount = 0; *iCount = l_FileCount; return S_OK; } l_FileCount = 0; do { l_FileCount++; } while(FindNextFile(hSearch, &FileData)); *iCount = l_FileCount; FindClose(hSearch);
return S_OK; }