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<%@ Page language="c#" Codebehind="automanual.aspx.cs" AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="OCAWReports.automanual" %> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" > <HTML> <HEAD> <title>automanual</title> <meta content="Microsoft Visual Studio 7.0" name="GENERATOR"> <meta content="C#" name="CODE_LANGUAGE"> <meta content="JavaScript" name="vs_defaultClientScript"> <meta content="http://schemas.microsoft.com/intellisense/ie5" name="vs_targetSchema"> <LINK href="main.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"> <LINK href="oldmain.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"> </HEAD> <body style="LEFT: 0px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px" bottomMargin="0" leftMargin="0" topMargin="0" rightMargin="0" MS_POSITIONING="GridLayout"> <DIV class="DSubtitle" style="DISPLAY: inline; Z-INDEX: 109; LEFT: 0px; WIDTH: 197px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 78px; HEIGHT: 1522px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #6487dc" ms_positioning="FlowLayout"><!--#include file="side.inc"--></DIV> <DIV style="DISPLAY: inline; Z-INDEX: 111; LEFT: 0px; WIDTH: 1024px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 1600px; HEIGHT: 48px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #6487dc" ms_positioning="FlowLayout"><!--#include file="Foot.inc"--></DIV> <DIV id="spnTop" style="DISPLAY: inline; Z-INDEX: 112; LEFT: -4px; WIDTH: 1024px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px; HEIGHT: 78px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #6487dc" ms_positioning="FlowLayout"><!--#include file="top.inc"--></DIV> <DIV class="DTitle" style="DISPLAY: inline; Z-INDEX: 105; LEFT: 231px; WIDTH: 445px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 106px; HEIGHT: 32px" ms_positioning="FlowLayout">Auto vs Manual</DIV> <DIV class="DNormal" style="Z-INDEX: 101; LEFT: 231px; WIDTH: 707px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 156px; HEIGHT: 57px" ms_positioning="FlowLayout"> The data below outlines and graphs the daily\weekly number\percentage of anonymous versus customer associated uploads </DIV> <asp:table id="tblAutoManual" style="Z-INDEX: 108; LEFT: 231px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 231px" runat="server" Width="707px" Height="231px" CssClass="clsTableInfoSmall"></asp:table><asp:image id="imgAutoManualTotal" style="Z-INDEX: 101; LEFT: 231px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 480px" runat="server" Width="707px" Height="476px"></asp:image><asp:image id="imgAutoManualDaily" style="Z-INDEX: 101; LEFT: 231px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 998px" runat="server" Width="707px" Height="476px"></asp:image> <DIV class="DSubTitle" style="DISPLAY: inline; Z-INDEX: 103; LEFT: 232px; WIDTH: 232px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 1493px; HEIGHT: 19px" ms_positioning="FlowLayout">Notes </DIV> <DIV class="DNormal" style="Z-INDEX: 101; LEFT: 233px; WIDTH: 707px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 1523px; HEIGHT: 57px" ms_positioning="FlowLayout">Only about a quarter of the people uploading choose to associate the submitted file with their customer information. Although this seems like a small percentage, it is actually quite a good response. Things to consider moving forward are how to improve the non-anonymous uploads by reducing the amount of information required for association. </DIV> </body> </HTML>