<%@ Language=VBScript CODEPAGE=932%> <% Response.Expires = -1 Response.AddHeader "Cache-Control", "no-cache" Response.AddHeader "Pragma", "no-cache" Response.AddHeader "P3P", "CP=""TST""" %> <!--METADATA TYPE="TypeLib" File="C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ADO\msado15.dll"-->
<!--#include file="dataconnections.inc"--> <!--#include file="..\include\inc\statestrings.inc"--> <!--#include file="..\include\inc\footerstrings.inc"--> <!--#include file="..\include\inc\headerstrings.inc"--> <% dim cnState dim rsState dim rsMoreInfo dim rsDescription Dim rsContact Dim rsTemplate Dim rsModule
Dim arrMoreInfo dim iIncidentID dim x dim arrCompany dim ContactID Dim strTemp 'As String Dim strMoreInfo dim sStatus dim sClass dim sEventName dim strSolution dim strCompany dim strDescription dim strMid Dim strSub 'As String Dim strFirstHalf 'As String Dim strSecondHalf 'As String Dim strLink 'As String Dim strKB 'As String Dim strKBI Dim strLinkI Dim strINTLKB Dim strINTLKBURL Dim strTemplate Dim strKBLists Dim strKBArts Dim strModule Dim strContact Dim iPos Dim intMessage Dim iLenSub 'As Integer Dim iStart 'As Integer Dim iStop 'As Integer Dim iCurrentPos 'As Integer Dim iLen 'As Integer Dim ModuleID Dim iInstance
'Call CVerifyEntry Call CCreateObjects '****************************************Completed********************************************************** if intMessage = "2" then Call CCreateConnection set rsState = cnState.Execute("Exec GetSolution " & sClass & ", '" & strAbb & "'") if rsState.EOF = true then 'Response.Write "<BR>EOF:" & rsState.EOF set rsState = cnState.Execute("Exec GetSolution " & sClass & ", 'USA'") 'Response.Write "<BR>Errors:" & cnState.Errors.Count End if '************************************************************************************************************* 'Response.Write "<br>Message 2<br>State:" & rsState.State 'Response.Write "<br>RecordCount:" & rsState.RecordCount & "<br>Bucket:" & sClass 'Response.Write "<BR>Lang:" & strAbb 'Response.End if rsState.State = adStateOpen then set rsState.ActiveConnection = nothing if rsState.RecordCount > 0 then rsState.Filter = "BucketType = 1" if rsState.RecordCount < 1 then rsState.Filter = "BucketType = 2" end if 'Response.Write rsState.Filter & "<BR>" & rsState.RecordCount if IsNull(rsState("Description")) = true then strKBLists = "" strTemp = "" strDescription = "" else strTemp = "" strKBLists = rsState("Description") strTemp = rsState("Description") strDescription = rsState("Description") end if if IsNull(rsState("ContactID")) = true then ContactID = "" else ContactID = rsState("ContactID") end if if IsNull(rsState("ModuleID")) = true then ModuleID = "" else ModuleID = rsState("ModuleID") end if iLen = Len(strTemp) iPos = 1 For x = 1 To iLen iPos = InStr(iPos, strTemp, "<KB>", vbTextCompare) If iPos = 0 Then Exit For iStart = iPos iPos = iPos + 4 iPos = InStr(iPos, strTemp, "</KB>", vbTextCompare) If iPos = 0 Then Exit For iStop = iPos iStart = iStart + 4 iLenSub = iStop - (iStart) 'Do something strLink = Mid(strTemp, iStart + 1, iLenSub - 1) strKB = Mid(strTemp, iStart, iLenSub) strSub = "<a class='clsALink' target='_blank' href='" & L_STATE_KNOWLEDGEBASE_LINK_TEXT & strLink & "'>" & strKB & "</a>" strKBArts = strKBArts & strSub & "<BR>" strFirstHalf = Mid(strTemp, 1, iStart - 5) if x = 1 then if Left(strFirstHalf, 4) = "<BR>" then strFirstHalf = mid(trim(strFirstHalf), 5, Len(strFirstHalf) - 4) end if end if strSecondHalf = Mid(strTemp, iStop + 5, iLen) strKBLists = strFirstHalf & " " & " " & strSecondHalf Next iLen = Len(strKBLists) iPos = 1 For x = 1 To iLen iPos = InStr(iPos, strKBLists, "<INTLKB>", vbTextCompare) If iPos = 0 Then Exit For iStart = iPos + 8 'iStart = iPos iPos = InStr(iPos, strKBLists, "</INTLKB>", vbTextCompare) If iPos = 0 Then Exit For iStop = iPos iLenSub = iStop - (iStart) strKBI = Mid(strKBLists, iStart, iLenSub)
strFirstHalf = Mid(strKBLists, 1, iStart - 5) if x = 1 then if Left(strFirstHalf, 12) = "<BR>" then strFirstHalf = mid(trim(strFirstHalf), 5, Len(strFirstHalf) - 12) end if end if strSecondHalf = Mid(strKBLists, iStop + 5, iLen) strKBLists = strFirstHalf & " " & " " & strSecondHalf
iPos = InStr(iPos, strKBLists, "<INTLKBURL>", vbTextCompare) If iPos = 0 Then Exit For iStart = iPos iPos = iPos + 11 iPos = InStr(iPos, strKBLists, "</INTLKBURL>", vbTextCompare) If iPos = 0 Then Exit For iStop = iPos iStart = iStart + 11 iLenSub = iStop - (iStart) strLinkI = Mid(strKBLists, iStart, iLenSub) strSub = "<a class='clsALink' target='_blank' href='" & strLinkI & "'>" & strKBI & "</a>" strINTLKB = strINTLKB & strSub & "<BR>" strFirstHalf = Mid(strKBLists, 1, iStart - 5) if x = 1 then if Left(strFirstHalf, 12) = "<BR>" then strFirstHalf = mid(trim(strFirstHalf), 5, Len(strFirstHalf) - 12) end if end if strSecondHalf = Mid(strKBLists, iStop + 5, iLen) strKBLists = strFirstHalf & " " & " " & strSecondHalf Next end if if rsState.State = adStateOpen then if rsState.RecordCount > 0 then strDescription = rsState("Description") end if end if end if if ContactID <> "" then set rsContact = cnState.Execute("exec getcontact " & ContactID) if rsContact.State = adStateOpen then set rsContact.ActiveConnection = nothing strContact = rsContact("CompanyName") end if end if if ModuleID <> "" then set rsModule = cnState.Execute("exec GetModule " & ModuleID) if rsModule.State = adStateOpen then set rsModule.ActiveConnection = nothing strModule = rsModule("ModuleName") end if end if '**********************************Template************************************************ if rsState.State = adStateOpen Then if rsState.RecordCount > 0 then if IsNull(rsState("TemplateID")) = false then if rsState("TemplateID") > 0 then Set rsTemplate = cnState.Execute("exec GetTemplate " & rsState("TemplateID")) if rsTemplate.State = adStateOpen then if rsTemplate.RecordCount > 0 then strTemplate = rsTemplate("Description") strTemplate = Replace(strTemplate, "<MODULE></MODULE>", strModule) strTemplate = Replace(strTemplate, "<CONTACT></CONTACT>", strContact) end if end if end if end if end if end if if rsState.State = adStateClosed then set rsMoreInfo = cnState.Execute("Exec GetMoreInfo " & iInstance & ", 'USA'") set rsMoreInfo.ActiveConnection = nothing if rsMoreInfo.State = adStateOpen then if rsMoreInfo.RecordCount > 0 then rsMoreInfo.MoveFirst do while rsMoreInfo.EOF = false strTemp = rsMoreInfo.Fields(0).Value if len(strTemp) > 0 then arrMoreInfo = split(strTemp, ";") for x=0 to ubound(arrMoreInfo) strMoreInfo = strMoreInfo & "<a class=clsALink target='_blank' href='" & L_STATE_KNOWLEDGEBASE_LINK_TEXT strMoreInfo = strMoreInfo & Mid(Trim(arrMoreInfo(x)), 2, len(arrMoreInfo(x))) strMoreInfo = strMoreInfo & "'>" & arrMoreInfo(x) & "</a><br><br>" next end if rsMoreInfo.MoveNext loop end if end if elseif rsState.State = adStateOpen Then if rsState.RecordCount < 1 then set rsMoreInfo = cnState.Execute("Exec GetMoreInfo " & iInstance & ", 'USA'") set rsMoreInfo.ActiveConnection = nothing if rsMoreInfo.State = adStateOpen then if rsMoreInfo.RecordCount > 0 then rsMoreInfo.MoveFirst do while rsMoreInfo.EOF = false strTemp = rsMoreInfo.Fields(0).Value if len(strTemp) > 0 then arrMoreInfo = split(strTemp, ";") for x=0 to ubound(arrMoreInfo) strMoreInfo = strMoreInfo & "<a class=clsALink target='_blank' href='" & L_STATE_KNOWLEDGEBASE_LINK_TEXT strMoreInfo = strMoreInfo & Mid(Trim(arrMoreInfo(x)), 2, len(arrMoreInfo(x))) strMoreInfo = strMoreInfo & "'>" & arrMoreInfo(x) & "</a><br><br>" next end if rsMoreInfo.MoveNext loop end if end if end if end if if rsState.State = adStateOpen and rsMoreInfo.State = adStateOpen then if rsState.RecordCount < 1 and rsMoreInfo.RecordCount < 1 then intMessage = 1 elseif rsState.RecordCount < 1 and rsMoreInfo.RecordCount > 0 then intMessage = 5 end if elseif rsState.State = adStateClosed and rsMoreInfo.State = adStateOpen then if rsState.RecordCount < 1 and rsMoreInfo.RecordCount > 0 then intMessage = 5 end if elseif rsState.State = adStateClosed and rsMoreInfo.State = adStateClosed then intMessage = 1 end if if rsState.State = adStateOpen then if rsState.RecordCount > 0 then If IsNull(rsState("BucketType")) = false then if rsState("BucketType") = 2 then intMessage = 6 elseif rsState("BucketType") = 1 then intMessage = 2 end if end if end if end if '****************************************************************************************** if rsDescription.State = adStateOpen then rsDescription.Close if rsState.State = adStateOpen then rsState.Close if cnState.State = adStateOpen then cnState.Close '****************************************Researching More Info********************************************************** elseif intMessage = "5" then Call CCreateConnection set rsMoreInfo = cnState.Execute("Exec GetMoreInfo " & iInstance & ", '" & strAbb & "'") if rsMoreInfo.EOF = true then set rsMoreInfo = cnState.Execute("Exec GetMoreInfo " & iInstance & ", 'USA'") end if set rsMoreInfo.ActiveConnection = nothing if rsMoreInfo.State = adStateOpen then if rsMoreInfo.RecordCount > 0 then 'if trim(strAbb) = "USA" then rsMoreInfo.MoveFirst do while rsMoreInfo.EOF = false strTemp = rsMoreInfo.Fields(0).Value if len(strTemp) > 0 then arrMoreInfo = split(strTemp, ";") 'strMoreInfo = "" for x=0 to ubound(arrMoreInfo) strMoreInfo = strMoreInfo & "<a class=clsALink target='_blank' href='" & L_STATE_KNOWLEDGEBASE_LINK_TEXT strMoreInfo = strMoreInfo & Mid(Trim(arrMoreInfo(x)), 2, len(arrMoreInfo(x))) strMoreInfo = strMoreInfo & "'>" & arrMoreInfo(x) & "</a><br><br>" next 'end if end if rsMoreInfo.MoveNext loop 'else 'strMoreinfo = "" 'do while rsMoreInfo.EOF = false 'strMoreInfo = strMoreInfo & "<br>" & rsMoreInfo.Fields(0).Value 'rsMoreInfo.MoveNext 'loop 'end if end if end if if cnState.State = adStateOpen then cnState.Close end if '_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
'Sub Procedures Private Sub CVerifyEntry on error resume next if Trim(Request.Cookies("Misc")("PreviousPage")) <> "status.asp" then Response.Redirect("http://" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & "/welcome.asp") Response.End end if End Sub
Private Sub CCreateConnection on error resume next with cnState .ConnectionString = strSolutions .CursorLocation = adUseClient .ConnectionTimeout = strGlobalConnectionTimeout .Open end with if cnState.State = adStateClosed then strTemp = "http://" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & Request.ServerVariables("URL") Response.Write "<br><div class='divLoad'><p class='clsPTitle'>" & L_COMMENTS_UNABLE_TOCONNECT_ERRORMESSAGE & "</p>" Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_COMMENTS_CONNECTION_FAILED_TEXT & "</p></div>" Call CDestroyObjects Response.End end if End Sub
Private Sub CCreateObjects on error resume next iIncidentID = Request.Cookies("CERIncident") sEventName = Request.Cookies("CERDescription") sClass = Request.Cookies("CERClass") intMessage = Request.Cookies("CERMessage") iInstance = Request.Cookies("CerInstance") intMessage = Cint(intMessage) 'Response.Write "<br>iInstance:" & iInstance & "<br>Message:" & intMessage & "<br>Bucket1:" & sClass 'Response.Write "<br>IncidentID:" & iIncidentID if sEventName = "~|~|" then sEventName = "" set rsContact = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") set cnState = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") set rsState = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") set rsDescription = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set rsMoreInfo = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set rsTemplate = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set rsModule = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") strCompany = L_STATE_COMPANYLIST_FORARRAY_TEXT arrCompany = split(strCompany, ";") End Sub
Private Sub CDestroyObjects on error resume next if rsContact.State = adStateOpen then rsContact.Close if rsState.State = adStateOpen then rsState.Close if rsMoreInfo.State = adStateOpen then rsMoreInfo.Close if rsTemplate.State = adStateOpen then rsTemplate.Close if rsDescription.State = adStateOpen then rsDescription.Close if rsModule.State = adStateOpen then rsModule.Close if cnState.State = adStateOpen then cnState.Close
set rsContact = nothing set rsMoreInfo = nothing set rsState = nothing set rsDescription = nothing set cnState = nothing End Sub '_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
%> <html> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../main.css"> <head> <title><% = L_HEADER_INC_TITLE_PAGETITLE %></title> <META HTTP-EQUIV="PICS-Label" CONTENT='(PICS-1.1 "http://www.rsac.org/ratingsv01.html" l comment "RSACi North America Server" by "[email protected]" r (n 0 s 0 v 0 l 0))'> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<% = strCharSet %>"></meta> </head> <BODY> <form id="frmMain" name="frmMain">
<br> <div class="clsDiv"> <% Response.Write "<P class='clsPTitle'>" & L_STATE_EVENT_NAME_MESSAGE & "</p>" Response.Write "<table border=0><thead><tr><td width=45% nowrap>" Select case intMessage case "0" Response.Write "<P class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_IN_PROGRESS_TEXT & "</P>" case "1" Response.Write "<P class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_RESEARCHING_TITLE_TEXT & "</P>" case "2" Response.Write "<P class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_ANALYSIS_COMPLETE_TEXT & "</P>" case "3" Response.Write "<P class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_CANNOT_PROCESS_TEXT & "</P>" case "4" Response.Write "<P class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_ANALYSIS_COMPLETE_TEXT & "</P>" 'L_STATE_FULLDUMP_REQUIRED_TEXT case "5" Response.Write "<p class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_RESEARCHINGMORE_INFO_TEXT & "</p>" case "6" Response.Write "<p class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_RESEARCHINGMORE_INFOGBUCKET_TEXT & "</p>" case "10" Response.Write "<P class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_64BITDUMP_FILE_TEXT & "</P>" case "16" Response.Write "<P class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_UNKNOWN_BODY_TEXT & "</P>" case else Response.Write "<P class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_UNKNOWN_BODY_TEXT & "</P>" end select Response.Write "</td><td width=10% ></td><td width=45% nowrap>" if rsContact.State = adStateOpen then if rsContact.RecordCount > 0 then Response.Write "<P class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_MANUFACTURERS_INFORMATION_TEXT & "</p>" end if end if if intMessage = "4" then Response.Write "</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td width=100% valign=top>" else Response.Write "</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td width=45% valign=top>" end if Select case intMessage case "0" Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_INPROGRESS_DETAILS2_TEXT & "</P>" case "1" Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_RESEARCHING_DETAILS_TEXT & "</P>" Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_ADDITONAL_HELP_TEXT & "<a class='clsALinkNormal' href='" & L_FAQ_MICROSOFT_LINK_TEXT & "' " Response.Write "Target='_blank'>" & L_WELCOME_INTERNET_EXPLORER_TEXT & "</a></P>" case "2" Response.Write "<P class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_ANALYSISCOMPLETE_DETAILS_TEXT & "" case "3" Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_CANNOTPROCESS_DETAILS_TEXT & "</P>" Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" Response.Write "<dir style='margin-right:0px;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px'>" Response.Write "<li>" & L_FAQ_WHATIF_CANNOTPROCESSBODY1_TEXT & "<BR></li>" Response.Write "<li>" & L_FAQ_WHATIF_CANNOTPROCESSBODY2_TEXT & "<BR></li>" Response.Write "<li>" & L_FAQ_WHATIF_CANNOTPROCESSBODY3_TEXT & "<BR></li>" Response.Write "<li>" & L_FAQ_WHATIF_CANNOTPROCESSBODY4_TEXT & "<BR></li>" Response.Write "</dir>" Response.Write "</p>"
case "4" Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMP_REQUIREDDETAILS_TEXT & "</P>" case "5" Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_RESEARCHINGMORE_INFOBODY_TEXT & "</p>" case "6" Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_RESEARCHINGMORE_INFOBODYGBUCKET_TEXT & "</p>" case "10" Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_64BITDUMP_BODY_TEXT & "</p>" case "16" Response.Write "<P class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_STATUS_BODY_TEXT & "</P>" Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_ADDITONAL_HELP_TEXT & "<a class='clsALinkNormal' href='" & L_FAQ_MICROSOFT_LINK_TEXT & "' " Response.Write "Target='_blank'>" & L_WELCOME_INTERNET_EXPLORER_TEXT & "</a></P>" case else Response.Write "<P class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_STATUS_BODY_TEXT & "</P>" Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_ADDITONAL_HELP_TEXT & "<a class='clsALinkNormal' href='" & L_FAQ_MICROSOFT_LINK_TEXT & "' " Response.Write "Target='_blank'>" & L_WELCOME_INTERNET_EXPLORER_TEXT & "</a></P>" end select Response.Write "</td><td width=10% ></td><td nowrap width=55% valign=top rowspan=17><P class='clsPBody'>" if rsContact.State = adStateOpen then if rsContact.RecordCount > 0 then For x = 0 to rsContact.Fields.Count - 10 if isnull(rsContact.Fields(x).Value) = true or rsContact.Fields(x).Value = "" then if x <> 2 and x <> 13 then Response.Write arrCompany(x) & ": <br>" end if else if x = 2 or x = 13 then Response.Write rsContact.Fields(x).Value & "<br>" elseif x = 9 then Response.Write arrCompany(x) & ": <a class=clsALinkNormal' target='main' href='" & rsContact.Fields(x).Value & "'>" & rsContact.Fields(x).Value & "</a><br>" else Response.Write arrCompany(x) & ": " & rsContact.Fields(x).Value & "<br>" end if end if next else 'Response.Write L_STATE_NOCOMPANY_INFORMATIONAVAILABLE_TEXT end if else 'Response.Write L_STATE_NOCOMPANY_INFORMATIONAVAILABLE_TEXT end if Response.Write "</p></td></tr>" Response.Write "<tr><td width=45% valign=bottom>" if intMessage <> "4" then %> <P class="clsPSubTitle"> <% if len(strKBLists) > 0 then Response.write "<BR>" Response.write L_STATE_SPECIFIC_INFORMATION_TEXT end if %> </P> <% Response.Write "</td><td></td></tr><tr><td width=45% valign=bottom>" %> <P class="clsPBody"> <% if len(strKBLists) > 0 then Response.Write strKBLists & "<br>" end if if len(strTemplate) > 0 then if Len(strKBLists) > 0 then Response.Write "<BR>" end if Response.Write strTemplate & "<br>" end if
%> <br></p>
<% Response.Write "</td><td></td></tr><tr><td width=45% valign=bottom>" %> <P class="clsPSubTitle"> <% if len(strKBArts) > 0 or Len(strMoreInfo) > 0 or Len(strINTLKB) > 0 then Response.Write L_STATE_KNOWLEDGE_BASE_TEXT end if %> </P> <% Response.Write "</td><td></td></tr><tr><td width=45% valign=bottom>" %> <P class="clsPBody">
<% if Len(strKBArts) > 0 then Response.Write strKBArts end if if Len(strMoreInfo) > 0 then Response.Write "<BR>" Response.Write strMoreInfo end if if len(strINTLKB) > 0 then Response.Write "<BR>" Response.Write strINTLKB end if Response.Write "</td><td></td></tr>" %> </p> <% else Response.Write "<tr><td width=45% valign=bottom><p class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPPRIVACYTITLE_INFO_TEXT & "</p></td><td></td></tr>" Response.Write "<tr><td width=45% valign=bottom><p class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPPRIVACYBODY_INFO_TEXT & "</p></td><td></td></tr>" Response.Write "<tr><td width=45% valign=bottom><p class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPLOCATIONTITLE_INFO_TEXT & "</p></td><td></td></tr>" Response.Write "<tr><td width=45% valign=bottom><p class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPLOCATIONBODY_INFO_TEXT Response.Write "<ol><li>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPLOCATIONBODY_INFOONE_TEXT & "<li>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPLOCATIONBODY_INFOTWO_TEXT Response.Write "<LI>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPLOCATIONBODY_INFOTHREE_TEXT & "<LI>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPLOCATIONBODY_INFOFOUR_TEXT Response.write "<LI>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPLOCATIONBODY_INFOFIVE_TEXT & "<LI>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPLOCATIONBODY_INFOSIX_TEXT Response.Write "</ol></p></td><td></td></tr>" Response.Write "<tr><td width=45% valign=bottom><p class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPSUBMITTALTITLE_INFO_TEXT & "</p></td><td></td></tr>" Response.Write "<tr><td width=45% valign=bottom><p class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPSUBMITTALBODY_INFO_TEXT Response.Write "<ol><li>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPSUBMITTALBODY_INFOONE_TEXT & "<li>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPSUBMITTALBODY_INFOTWO_TEXT Response.Write "<LI>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPSUBMITTALBODY_INFOTHREE_TEXT & "<LI>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPSUBMITTALBODY_INFOFOUR_TEXT Response.write "<LI>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPSUBMITTALBODY_INFOFIVE_TEXT Response.Write "<dir><li>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPSUBMITTALBODY_INFOFIVESUBONE_TEXT & "<LI>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPSUBMITTALBODY_INFOFIVESUBTWO_TEXT & "</dir>" Response.Write "<LI>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPSUBMITTALBODY_INFOSIX_TEXT Response.Write "<dir><li>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPSUBMITTALBODY_INFOSIXSUBONE_TEXT & "<LI>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPSUBMITTALBODY_INFOSIXSUBTWO_TEXT Response.Write "<li>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPSUBMITTALBODY_INFOSIXSUBTHREE_TEXT & "<li>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPSUBMITTALBODY_INFOSIXSUBFOUR_TEXT & "<LI>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPSUBMITTALBODY_INFOSIXSUBFIVE_TEXT & "</dir>" Response.Write "</ol></p></td><td></td></tr>"
end if Response.Write "</tbody></table>" %>
<P class="clsPBody"> <Table class="clstblLinks"> <thead> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td nowrap class="clsTDLinks"> <Input class="clsButtonNormal" type="button" onclick="CloseWindow();" value="Close" id=button1 name=button1> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </P> </div> <br> <div class="clsFooterDiv"> <table> <tr> <td> <span class="clsSpanWait"> <% = L_FOOTER_INC_RIGHTS_VERSION%> <a class="clsALinkNormal" target="_blank" href="<% = L_WAIT_MICROSOFT_LINK_TEXT %>"> <% = L_FOOTERINC_TERMS_OFUSE_VERSION%> </a> </span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </form>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript> <!-- //window.onload = DisplayCookies; function CloseWindow() { window.close(); } function DisplayCookies() { // cookies are separated by semicolons var aCookie = document.cookie.split("; "); var aCrumb; for (var i=0; i < aCookie.length; i++) { aCrumb = aCrumb + aCookie[i] + "\r"; } alert(aCrumb); }
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<% Call CDestroyObjects