Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

861 lines
27 KiB

  1. <!--#INCLUDE file="..\include\asp\top.asp"-->
  2. <!--#INCLUDE file="..\include\inc\browserTest.inc"-->
  3. <!--#include file="..\include\asp\head.asp"-->
  4. <!--#INCLUDE file="..\include\inc\corpviewstrings.inc"-->
  5. <%
  6. Dim cnConnection
  7. Dim rsTX
  8. Dim rsTX2
  9. Dim rsInstanceByTypeID
  10. Dim oChart
  11. Dim oChartTwo
  12. Dim oFSO
  13. Dim c
  14. Dim strInstance
  15. Dim bolInstanceByTypeID
  16. Dim iInstance
  17. Dim strCERFileName
  18. Dim strCERTransID
  19. Dim strStatus
  20. Dim strType
  21. Dim strOuterTable
  22. Dim strStopCode
  23. Dim strClassid
  24. Dim strDisplay
  25. Dim strTrackID
  26. Dim strPDisplay
  27. Dim strPath
  28. Dim strCERFileList
  29. Dim strNULL
  30. Dim strMessage
  31. Dim strBucket
  32. Dim strisBucket
  33. Dim strsBucketType
  34. Dim strgBucketType
  35. Dim sBucket
  36. Dim gBucket
  37. Dim gsBucket
  38. Dim ssBucket
  39. Dim iMess
  40. Dim i
  41. Dim x
  42. Dim y
  43. Dim iCount
  44. Dim iMoreInfo
  45. Dim iTDCount
  46. Dim iTDCountTwo
  47. Dim iTDCountFile
  48. Dim bolNewRow
  49. Dim bolNewChildTable
  50. Dim categories()
  51. Dim seriesNames(0)
  52. Dim values()
  53. bolInstanceByTypeID = false
  54. strCERFileName = unescape(Request.Cookies("CERFileName"))
  55. if strCERFileName = "~|~|" then strCERFileName = ""
  56. strCERTransID = unescape(Request.Cookies("CERTransID"))
  57. iTDCount = 0
  58. iTDCountTwo = 0
  59. iTDCountFile = 0
  60. Call CVerifyPassport
  61. Call CCreateObjects
  62. Call CCreateConnection
  63. Call CGetTransactions
  64. Call CGetInstanceByTypeID
  65. if rsInstanceByTypeID.State = adStateOpen then
  66. if rsInstanceByTypeID.RecordCount > 0 then
  67. set rsInstanceByTypeID.ActiveConnection = nothing
  68. end if
  69. end if
  70. if rsTX.State = adStateOpen then
  71. if rsTX.RecordCount > 0 then
  72. set rsTX.ActiveConnection = nothing
  73. if cnConnection.State = adStateOpen then
  74. cnConnection.Close
  75. set cnConnection = nothing
  76. end if
  77. end if
  78. end if
  79. set rsTX2 = rsTX.Clone(adLockReadOnly)
  80. cnConnection.Close
  81. Private Sub CGetInstanceByTypeID
  82. Set rsInstanceByTypeID = cnConnection.Execute("InstanceByTypeID " & strCERTransID)
  83. if cnConnection.Errors.Count > 0 then
  84. strTemp = "http://" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & Request.ServerVariables("URL")
  85. Response.Write "<br><div class='divLoad'><p class='clsPTitle'>" & L_COMMENTS_UNABLE_TOCONNECT_ERRORMESSAGE & "</p>"
  86. Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_COMMENTS_DATABASE_FAILED_TEXT & "</p></div>"
  87. %>
  88. <!--#include file="..\include\asp\foot.asp"-->
  89. <%
  90. Call CDestroyObjects
  91. Response.End
  92. end if
  93. End Sub
  94. Private Sub CGetTransactions
  95. set rsTX = cnConnection.Execute("GetTransactionIncidents " & strCERTransID)
  96. if cnConnection.Errors.Count > 0 then
  97. strTemp = "http://" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & Request.ServerVariables("URL")
  98. Response.Write "<br><div class='divLoad'><p class='clsPTitle'>" & L_COMMENTS_UNABLE_TOCONNECT_ERRORMESSAGE & "</p>"
  99. Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_COMMENTS_DATABASE_FAILED_TEXT & "</p></div>"
  100. %>
  101. <!--#include file="..\include\asp\foot.asp"-->
  102. <%
  103. Call CDestroyObjects
  104. Response.End
  105. end if
  106. End Sub
  107. Private Sub CVerifyPassport
  108. on error resume next
  109. If not (oPassMgrObj.IsAuthenticated(TimeWindow, ForceLogin)) then
  110. Response.Write "<br><div class='clsDiv'><p class='clsPTitle'>" & L_CUSTOMER_PASSPORT_TITLE_TEXT
  111. Response.Write "</p><p class='clsPBody'>" & L_CUSTOMER_PASSPORT_INFO_TEXT
  112. Response.Write "<A class='clsALinkNormal' href='" & L_FAQ_PASSPORT_LINK_TEXT & "'>" & L_WELCOME_PASSPORT_LINK_TEXT & "</A><BR><BR>"
  113. Response.write oPassMgrObj.LogoTag(Server.URLEncode(ThisPageURL), TimeWindow, ForceLogin, CoBrandArgs, strLCID, Secure)
  114. Response.Write "</P></div><div id='divHiddenFields' name='divHiddenFields'>"
  115. Response.Write "</div>"
  116. Response.End
  117. end if
  118. End Sub
  119. Private Sub CCreateObjects
  120. on error resume next
  121. set cnConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")'Create Connection Object
  122. set rsTX = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")'Create Recordset Object
  123. set rsTX2 = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  124. Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  125. set oChart = CreateObject("OWC.Chart")
  126. Set oChartTwo = CreateObject("OWC.Chart")
  127. Set rsInstanceByTypeID = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  128. End Sub
  129. Private Sub CDestroyObjects
  130. on error resume next
  131. if rsTX.State = adStateOpen then rsTX.Close
  132. set rsTX = nothing
  133. if rsTX2.State = adStateOpen then rsTX2.Close
  134. set rsTX2 = nothing
  135. if rsInstanceByTypeID.State = adStateOpen then rsInstanceByTypeID.Close
  136. set rsInstanceByTypeID = nothing
  137. if cnConnection.State = adStateOpen then cnConnection.Close
  138. set cnConnection = nothing
  139. Set oFSO = nothing
  140. Set oChart = nothing
  141. End Sub
  142. Private Sub CCreateConnection
  143. on error resume next
  144. with cnConnection
  145. .ConnectionString = strCustomer
  146. .CursorLocation = adUseClient
  147. .ConnectionTimeout = strGlobalConnectionTimeout
  148. .Open
  149. end with 'Catch errors and display to user
  150. if cnConnection.State = adStateClosed then
  151. Response.Write "<br><div class='divLoad'><p class='clsPTitle'>" & L_COMMENTS_UNABLE_TOCONNECT_ERRORMESSAGE & "</p>"
  152. Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_COMMENTS_CONNECTION_FAILED_TEXT & "</p></div>"
  153. cnConnection.Errors.Clear
  154. %>
  155. <!--#include file="..\include\asp\foot.asp"-->
  156. <%
  157. Call CDestroyObjects
  158. Response.End
  159. end if
  160. End Sub
  161. %>
  162. <Br>
  163. <OBJECT ID="cerComp" NAME="cerComp" codebase="CerUpload.cab#version=<% = strCERVersion %>" HEIGHT=0 WIDTH=0 UNSELECTABLE="on" style="display:none"
  164. CLASSID="clsid:35D339D5-756E-4948-860E-30B6C3B4494A">
  165. <Div class="clsDiv">
  166. <P class="clsPTitle">
  168. </P>
  169. <p class="clsPBody">
  176. </p>
  177. </div>
  178. </OBJECT>
  179. <div class="clsDiv" name="divMain" id="divMain" style="visibility:hidden">
  180. <p class="clsPTitle">
  182. </p>
  183. <p class="clsPBody">
  185. </p>
  186. <table border=0 style="width:626px">
  187. <tbody>
  188. <tr>
  189. <td width="45%" Height="200px" valign="top">
  190. <%
  191. 'Chart 1 Chart 1 Chart 1 Chart 1 Chart 1 Chart 1 Chart 1 Chart 1 Chart 1 Chart 1 Chart 1 Chart 1
  192. if rsTX.State = adStateOpen then
  193. if rsTX.RecordCount > 0 then
  194. Redim Categories(6)
  195. Redim values(6)
  196. set c = oChart.Constants
  197. oChart.Charts.Add
  198. oChart.Charts(0).Type = oChart.Constants.chChartTypePie
  199. seriesNames(0) = "ChartOne"
  200. i = 0
  201. for x = 0 to 3
  202. y = x
  203. if y = 6 then y = 16
  204. select case y
  205. 'InProgress
  206. case 0 'InProgress
  207. rsTX.Filter = "iStopCode = Null And gBucket = NULL and sBucket = NULL"
  208. 'Response.Write "<br>InProgress..." & rsTx.RecordCount
  209. 'Researching
  210. 'case 1
  211. 'rsTX.Filter = "sBucket = null AND gBucket = null"
  212. 'Response.Write "<br>Researching" & rsTx.RecordCount
  213. 'Complete
  214. case 1 'Researching
  215. rsTX.Filter = "sBucket <> null And gBucket <> null and iStopCode = null And sBucketType = null and gBucketType = null "
  216. 'Response.Write "<br>Researching" & rsTx.RecordCount
  217. case 2 'Completed
  218. rsTX.Filter = "sBucketType = 1 And sBucket <> NULL And ssBucket <> NULL"
  219. 'Response.Write "<br>Researching More..." & rsTx.RecordCount
  220. case 3 'More Infoxc
  221. iMoreInfo = 0
  222. rsTX.Filter = "gBucketType = 2 and sBucketType = NULL"
  223. if rsTX.RecordCount > 0 then iMoreInfo = rsTX.RecordCount
  224. rsTX.Filter = "sBucketType = NULL AND gBucketType = NULL and iStopCode <> NULL"
  225. iMoreInfo = iMoreInfo + rsTX.RecordCount
  226. 'Response.Write "Count:" & rsTX.RecordCount
  227. 'case else
  228. 'rsTX.Filter = "sBucket = null AND gBucket = null AND Message = 2"
  229. end select
  230. 'rsTX.Filter = "Message = " & y
  231. if rsTX.RecordCount > 0 then
  232. Select case y
  233. case 0
  234. Categories(i) = L_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS_TEXT
  235. 'case 1
  236. 'Categories(i) = L_STATUS_RESEARCHING_INFO_TEXT
  237. case 1
  239. 'case 3
  240. 'Categories(i) = L_STATUS_UNABLE_TOPROCESS_TEXT
  241. 'case 4
  242. 'Categories(i) = L_STATUS_NEED_FULLDUMP_TEXT
  243. case 2
  244. Categories(i) = L_STATUS_COMPLETE_INFO_TEXT
  245. case 3
  247. 'case 16
  248. 'Categories(i) = L_STATUS_UN_KNOWN_TEXT
  249. End Select
  250. values(i) = rsTX.RecordCount
  251. 'Response.Write "<br>" & rsTX.RecordCount
  252. i = i + 1
  253. elseif y = 3 and iMoreInfo > 0 then
  255. end if
  256. next
  257. rsTX.Filter = ""
  258. rsTX.MoveFirst
  259. With oChart.Charts(0)
  260. .SetData c.chDimSeriesNames, c.chDataLiteral, seriesNames
  261. .SetData c.chDimCategories, c.chDataLiteral, categories
  262. .SeriesCollection(0).SetData c.chDimValues, c.chDataLiteral, values
  263. 'Add a legend to the bottom of the pie chart
  264. .HasLegend = True
  265. .Legend.Position = c.chLegendPositionAutomatic
  266. 'Add a title to the chart
  267. .HasTitle = True
  269. .Title.Font.Bold = True
  270. .Title.Font.Size = 11
  271. 'Make the chart width 50% the size of the bar chart's width
  272. .WidthRatio = 50
  273. 'Show data labels on the slices as percentages
  274. With .SeriesCollection(0).DataLabelsCollection.Add
  275. .HasValue = False
  276. .HasPercentage = True
  277. .Font.Size = 8
  278. .Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
  279. .Position = 6
  280. End With
  281. End With
  282. oChart.Charts(0).HasLegend = true
  283. oChart.Charts(0).HasTitle = true
  284. strPath = oFSO.GetTempName
  285. strPath = Left(strPath, Len(strPath) - 3) & "gif"
  286. strPath = "ChartControl/" & strPath
  287. oChart.ExportPicture server.MapPath(strPath), "gif", 300, 270
  288. Response.Write "<center><img src='" & strPath & "'></center>"
  289. End If
  290. End If
  291. 'Chart 3 Chart 3 Chart 3 Chart 3 Chart 3 Chart 3 Chart 3 Chart 3 Chart 3 Chart 3 Chart 3 Chart 3
  292. if rsInstanceByTypeID.State = adStateOpen then
  293. if rsInstanceByTypeID.RecordCount > 0 then
  294. if rsInstanceByTypeID.RecordCount > 10 then
  295. Redim Categories(9)
  296. Redim values(9)
  297. else
  298. Redim Categories(rsInstanceByTypeID.RecordCount-1)
  299. Redim values(rsInstanceByTypeID.RecordCount-1)
  300. end if
  301. rsInstanceByTypeID.Sort = "ClassidTotal Desc"
  302. set c = oChartTwo.Constants
  303. oChartTwo.Charts.Add
  304. oChartTwo.Charts(0).Type = oChartTwo.Constants.chChartTypePie
  305. seriesNames(0) = "ChartTwo"
  306. For x = 0 to 9'rsInstanceByTypeID.RecordCount-1
  307. if rsInstanceByTypeID.EOF = false then
  308. if IsNull(rsInstanceByTypeID("sBucket")) = false then
  309. Categories(x) = rsInstanceByTypeID("sBucket")
  310. values(x) = rsInstanceByTypeID("ClassidTotal")
  311. bolInstanceByTypeID = true
  312. end if
  313. rsInstanceByTypeID.MoveNext
  314. end if
  315. next
  316. if bolInstanceByTypeID = true then
  317. With oChartTwo.Charts(0)
  318. .SetData c.chDimSeriesNames, c.chDataLiteral, seriesNames
  319. .SetData c.chDimCategories, c.chDataLiteral, categories
  320. .SeriesCollection(0).SetData c.chDimValues, c.chDataLiteral, values
  321. 'Add a legend to the bottom of the pie chart
  322. .HasLegend = True
  323. .Legend.Position = c.chLegendPositionAutomatic
  324. 'Add a title to the chart
  325. .HasTitle = True
  327. .Title.Font.Bold = True
  328. .Title.Font.Size = 11
  329. 'Make the chart width 50% the size of the bar chart's width
  330. .WidthRatio = 50
  331. 'Show data labels on the slices as percentages
  332. With .SeriesCollection(0).DataLabelsCollection.Add
  333. .HasValue = false
  334. .HasPercentage = True
  335. .Font.Size = 8
  336. .Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
  337. .Position = 6
  338. End With
  339. End With
  340. oChartTwo.Charts(0).HasLegend = true
  341. oChartTwo.Charts(0).HasTitle = true
  342. strPath = oFSO.GetTempName
  343. strPath = Left(strPath, Len(strPath) - 3) & "gif"
  344. strPath = "ChartControl/" & strPath
  345. oChartTwo.ExportPicture server.MapPath(strPath), "gif", 300, 270
  346. Response.Write "<br><center><img src='" & strPath & "'></center>"
  347. End if
  348. End If
  349. End If
  350. %>
  351. </td>
  352. <td valign=top width="55%">
  353. <table name="tblStatus" id="tblStatus" class="clsTableCorp" border="1" CELLPADDING="0px" CELLSPACING="0px">
  354. <THead>
  355. <tr>
  356. <td align="Center">
  357. </td>
  358. <td id="tdType" nowrap align="Center" class='clsTDInfo'>
  359. <Label for=tdType><% = L_CORPVIEW_TYPE_TYPE_TEXT %></Label>
  360. </td>
  361. <td id="tdStatus" nowrap align="Center" class='clsTDInfo'>
  362. <Label for=tdStatus><% = L_CORPVIEW_STATUS_STATUS_TEXT %></Label>
  363. </td>
  364. <td id="tdInstances" nowrap align="Center" class='clsTDInfo'>
  365. <Label for=tdInstances><% = L_CORPVIEW_INSTANCES_INSTANCES_TEXT %></Label>
  366. </td>
  367. </tr>
  368. </thead>
  369. <tbody>
  370. <%
  371. i = 0
  372. iCount = 0
  373. strStopCode = ""
  374. 'rsTX.Sort = "ClassID, ClassCount Desc"
  375. if rsTX.State = adStateOpen then
  376. if rsTX.RecordCount > 0 then
  377. rsTX.MoveFirst
  378. bolNewRow = true
  379. bolNewChildTable = true
  380. Do While rsTX.EOF = false
  381. i = i + 1
  382. if IsNull(rsTX("sBucket")) = true then
  383. strClassid = "NULL"
  384. else
  385. strClassid = rsTX("sBucket")
  386. end if
  387. if IsNull(rsTX("Display")) = true then
  388. strDisplay = "&nbsp;"
  389. strPDisplay = 0
  390. else
  391. strDisplay = Server.HTMLEncode(rsTX("Display"))
  392. strPDisplay = Server.HTMLEncode(rsTX("Display"))
  393. end if
  394. '************Begin New Row**************
  395. if bolNewRow = true then
  396. Err.Clear
  397. rsTX2.Filter = "sBucket = " & strClassid
  398. if IsNull(rsTX("gBucketType")) then
  399. strgBucketType = -1
  400. else
  401. strgBucketType = rsTX("gBucketType")
  402. end if
  403. if IsNull(rsTX("sBucketType")) then
  404. strsBucketType = -1
  405. else
  406. strsBucketType = rsTX("sBucketType")
  407. end if
  408. If IsNull(rsTX("sBucket")) then
  409. sBucket = -1
  410. else
  411. sBucket = rsTX("sBucket")
  412. end if
  413. If IsNull(rsTX("gBucket")) then
  414. gBucket = -1
  415. else
  416. gBucket = rsTX("gBucket")
  417. end if
  418. If IsNull(rsTX("ssBucket")) then
  419. ssBucket = -2
  420. else
  421. ssBucket = rsTX("ssBucket")
  422. end if
  423. If IsNull(rsTX("gsBucket")) then
  424. gsBucket = -2
  425. else
  426. gsBucket = rsTX("gsBucket")
  427. end if
  428. if IsNull(rsTX("sBucket")) and IsNull(rsTX("gBucket")) And IsNull(rsTX("iStopCode")) then
  429. strStatus = L_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS_TEXT
  430. iMess = 0
  431. elseif (IsNull(rsTX("sBucket")) = false) and (IsNull(rsTX("ssBucket")) = false) and (strsBucketType = 1) then
  433. iMess = 2
  434. elseif strsBucketType <> 1 and strgBucketType <> 2 and IsNull(rsTX("iStopCode")) and sBucket <> ssBucket and gBucket <> gsBucket then
  436. iMess = 2
  437. elseif IsNull(rsTX("gsBucket")) = false and strsBucketType <> 1 and strgBucketType = 2 and sBucket <> ssBucket and gBucket = gsBucket then
  439. iMess = 2
  440. elseif gBucket <> gsBucket and IsNull(rsTX("iStopCode")) = false then
  442. iMess = 5
  443. end if
  444. iTDCountTwo = iTDCountTwo + 1
  445. Response.Write "<tr><td align='center' class='clsTDCell' onmouseover=MouseOver(this); onmouseout=MouseOut(this); onclick='ViewChildren(tr" & i & ", img" & i & ");' style='cursor:hand'><img id='img" & i & "' border=0 src='../include/images/plus.gif'></td><td id=tdClassid" & iTDCountTwo & " nowrap align=center class='clsTDCell'>"
  446. if strClassid = "NULL" then
  447. Response.Write "<Label for=tdClassid" & iTDCountTwo & ">" & 0 & "</Label></td>"
  448. else
  449. Response.Write "<Label for=tdClassid" & iTDCountTwo & ">" & strClassid & "</Label></td>"
  450. end if
  451. If IsNull(rsTX("iStopCode")) = true then
  452. iInstance = 0
  453. else
  454. iInstance = rsTX("iStopCode")
  455. end if
  456. if isnull(rsTX("ssBucket")) then
  457. if IsNull(rsTX("gsBucket")) then
  458. strBucket = 0
  459. else
  460. strBucket = rsTX("gsBucket")
  461. end if
  462. else
  463. strBucket = rsTX("ssBucket")
  464. end if
  465. if IsNull(rsTX("sBucket")) then
  466. strisBucket = 0
  467. else
  468. strisBucket = rsTX("sBucket")
  469. end if
  470. 'iIncident, sDescription, iClass, iMessage, iInstance
  471. Response.Write "<td nowrap align=center class='clsTDCell'><a href='Javascript:CorpState(" & rsTX("IncidentID") & ", " & Chr(34) & strBucket & Chr(34) & ", "
  472. if IsNull(rsTX("sBucket")) then
  473. Response.Write 0 & ", " & iMess & ", " & iInstance & ");'class='clsALink' >" & strStatus & "</a></td><td nowrap id=tdRecordCount" & iTDCountTwo & " align=center class='clsTDCell'><Label for=tdRecordCount" & iTDCountTwo & ">" & rsTX2.RecordCount & "</td><td></td></tr>"
  474. else
  475. Response.Write strBucket & ", " & iMess & ", " & iInstance & ");'class='clsALink' >" & strStatus & "</a></td><td nowrap id=tdRecordCount" & iTDCountTwo & " align=center class='clsTDCell'><Label for=tdRecordCount" & iTDCountTwo & ">" & rsTX2.RecordCount & "</td><td></td></tr>"
  476. end if
  477. Response.Write "<TR id='tr" & i & "' style='visibility:hidden;display:none'><td class='clsTDCell' style='border-style:none'></td><td class='clsTDCell' colspan=2 style='border-style:none'>"
  478. bolNewRow = false
  479. iCount = iCount + 1
  480. end if
  481. '************End New Row**************
  482. if bolNewChildTable = true then
  483. iTDCount = iTDCount + 1
  484. %>
  485. <table name="tblStatus" id="tblStatus" class="clsTableCorp" border="0" CELLPADDING="0px" CELLSPACING="0px">
  486. <THead>
  487. <tr>
  488. <td nowrap id="tdone<%=iTDCount%>" align="Center" class='clsTDInfo'>
  489. <Label for="tdone<%=iTDCount%>"><% = L_CORPVIEW_FILE_FILE_TEXT %></Label>
  490. </td>
  491. <!--<td nowrap align="Center" class='clsTDInfo'>
  493. </td>-->
  494. <td nowrap id="tdtwo<%=iTDCount%>" align="Center" class='clsTDInfo'>
  495. <Label for="tdtwo<%=iTDCount%>"><% = L_CORPVIEW_EVENTID_EVENTID_TEXT %></Label>
  496. </td>
  497. <td nowrap id="tdthree<%=iTDCount%>" align="Center" class='clsTDInfo'>
  498. <Label for="tdthree<%=iTDCount%>"> <% = L_CORPVIEW_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_TEXT %></Label>
  499. </td>
  500. </tr>
  501. </thead>
  502. <tbody>
  503. <%
  504. bolNewChildTable = false
  505. end if
  506. if IsNull(rsTX("TrackID")) = true then
  507. strTrackID = "&nbsp;"
  508. else
  509. strTrackID = rsTX("TrackID")
  510. end if
  511. if len(strDisplay) > 17 then
  512. strDisplay = Left(strDisplay, 17) & "..."
  513. end if
  514. if IsNull(rsTX("gBucket")) = true then
  515. strInstance = "0"
  516. else
  517. strInstance = rsTX("gBucket")
  518. end if
  519. on error goto 0
  520. iTDCountFile = iTDCountFile + 1
  521. Response.Write "<tr><td id='tdDisplay' width='35%' name='tdDisplay' title='" & strPDisplay & "' nowrap align='Left' class='clsTDCell' id=tdFile" & iTDCountFile & " style='border-style:none;'>&nbsp;<Label id=tdLabelDisplay name=tdLabelDisplay for=tdFile" & iTDCountFile & ">" & strDisplay & "</Label></td>"
  522. 'Response.Write "<td nowrapwidth='15%' align=center class='clsTDCell'>"
  523. 'Response.Write "<a href='Javascript:CorpDetails(" & rsTX("IncidentID") & ", " & Chr(34) & escape(strPDisplay) & Chr(34) & ", " & strInstance & ", " & rsTX("Message") & ");'class='clsALink' >"
  524. 'Response.Write "<IMG border=0 SRC='../include/images/note.gif'></a></td>"
  525. Response.Write "<td nowrapwidth='25%' nowrap align=center id=tdErrorID" & iTDCountFile & " class='clsTDCell'><Label for=tdErrorID" & iTDCountFile & ">" & strTrackID & "</Label></td><td nowrapwidth='25%' id='tdHref' name='tdHref' nowrap align=center class='clsTDCell'>"
  526. %>
  527. <A id="ASystem" name="ASystem" class="clsALinkNormal" HREF="JavaScript:AssociateFiles()"><% = L_CORPVIEW_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_TEXT %></A></td></tr>
  528. <%
  529. 'Response.Write "<A class='clsALinkNormal' onMouseover=" & Chr(34) & "this.className='clsAHover'" & chr(34) & " onMouseout=" & chr(34) & "this.className='clsALink'" & chr(34) & "HREF='JavaScript:AssociateFiles()'>" & L_CORPVIEW_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_TEXT & "</A></td></tr>"
  530. strMessage = rsTX("Message")
  531. rsTX.MoveNext
  532. if rsTX.EOF = true then
  533. Response.Write "</tbody></table></td></tr>"
  534. bolNewRow = true
  535. bolNewChildTable = true
  536. 'Response.Write "1"
  537. else
  538. if isnull(rsTX("sBucket")) then
  539. strNULL = "NULL"
  540. else
  541. strNULL = rsTX("sBucket")
  542. end if
  543. if strClassid <> strNULL then
  544. Response.Write "</tbody></table></td></tr>"
  545. strStopCode = rsTX("sBucket")
  546. bolNewRow = true
  547. bolNewChildTable = true
  548. 'Response.Write strClassid
  549. elseif strMessage <> rsTX("Message") and strNULL = "NULL" then
  550. Response.Write "</tbody></table></td></tr>"
  551. strStopCode = rsTX("sBucket")
  552. bolNewRow = true
  553. bolNewChildTable = true
  554. 'Response.Write "3"
  555. end if
  556. end if
  557. Loop
  558. Else
  559. Response.Write "<TR><TD nowrap align='Center' class='clsTDCell' colspan='3'>" & L_CORPVIEW_NO_RECORDS_TEXT & "</td></tr>"
  560. end if
  561. else
  562. Response.Write "<TR><TD nowrap align='Center' class='clsTDCell' colspan='3'>" & L_CORPVIEW_NO_RECORDS_TEXT & "</td></tr>"
  563. end if
  564. %>
  565. </tbody>
  566. </table>
  567. </td>
  568. </tr>
  569. </tbody>
  570. </table>
  571. <%
  572. if rsTX.State = adStateOpen then
  573. if rsTX.RecordCount > 0 then
  574. rsTX.MoveFirst
  575. Do while rsTX.EOF = false
  576. if IsNull(rsTX("Display")) = false then
  577. strCERFileList = strCERFileList & rsTX("Display")
  578. end if
  579. rsTX.MoveNext
  580. if rsTX.EOF = false then
  581. strCERFileList = strCERFileList & ","
  582. End IF
  583. Loop
  584. End If
  585. End If
  586. %>
  587. <p class="clsPBody">
  588. <a class="clsALink" href="https://<% =Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") %>/secure/corptransactions.asp"><% = L_COPRVIEW_PREVIOUS_LINK_TEXT %></a>
  589. </p>
  590. <Input type="hidden" value="<% = strCERFileName %>" >
  591. <Input id"txtTransID" name="txtTransID" type="hidden" value="<% = strCERTransID %>">
  592. <Input id"txtHexTransID" name="txtHexTransID" type="hidden" value="<% = Hex(strCERTransID) %>">
  593. <Input id="txtCERFileList" name="txtCERFileList" type="hidden" value="<% = strCERFileList %>">
  594. <Input id="txtTemp" name="txtTemp" type="hidden">
  595. </div>
  596. <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript>
  597. <!--
  598. window.onload = BodyLoad;
  599. function BodyLoad()
  600. {
  601. if(cerComp)
  602. {
  603. divMain.style.visibility = "visible";
  604. }
  605. }
  606. function CorpDetails(iIncident, sDescription, iClass, iMessage)
  607. {
  608. if(iMessage == "3" || iMessage == "16")
  609. {
  611. return;
  612. }
  613. if(iClass == "")
  614. {
  615. alert("<% = L_STATUS_ALERT_ERROR_MESSAGE %>");
  616. return;
  617. }
  618. //document.cookie = "CERIncident = " + iIncident;
  619. //document.cookie = "Instance = " + iInstance;
  620. //document.cookie = "FileName = " + sDescription;
  621. //*******************************************************************************
  622. document.cookie = "CERIncident = " + iIncident;
  623. if(sDescription=="0")
  624. {
  625. document.cookie = "CERDescription = ~|~|";
  626. }
  627. else
  628. {
  629. document.cookie = "CERDescription = " + sDescription;
  630. }
  631. document.cookie = "CERClass = " + iClass;
  632. document.cookie = "CERMessage = " + iMessage;
  633. var iHeight = window.screen.height;
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  635. iWidth = iWidth / 1.4 + "px";
  636. iHeight = iHeight / 1.4 + "px";
  637. var iTop = (window.screen.width / 2) - (iWidth / 2);
  638. var iLeft = (window.screen.height / 2) - (iHeight / 2);
  639. iResults = window.showModalDialog("corpdetails.asp", "", "dialogHeight:" + iHeight + ";dialogWidth:" + iWidth + ";center:yes");
  640. //window.open("corpdetails.asp");
  641. /**/
  642. }
  643. function CorpState(iIncident, sDescription, iClass, iMessage, iInstance)
  644. {
  645. document.cookie = "CERIncident = " + iIncident;
  646. if(sDescription=="0")
  647. {
  648. document.cookie = "CERDescription = ~|~|";
  649. }
  650. else
  651. {
  652. document.cookie = "CERDescription = " + sDescription;
  653. }
  654. document.cookie = "CERClass = " + iClass;
  655. document.cookie = "CERMessage = " + iMessage;
  656. document.cookie = "CerInstance = " + iInstance;
  657. var iHeight = window.screen.height;
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  659. iWidth = iWidth / 1.4 + "px";
  660. iHeight = iHeight / 1.4 + "px";
  661. var iTop = (window.screen.width / 2) - (iWidth / 2);
  662. var iLeft = (window.screen.height / 2) - (iHeight / 2);
  663. iResults = window.showModalDialog("corpstate.asp", "", "dialogHeight:" + iHeight + ";dialogWidth:" + iWidth + ";center:yes");
  664. }
  665. function ViewChildren(x, oImg)
  666. {
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  670. x.style.display = "inline";
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  678. }
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  686. iLen = oEle.children.length;
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  688. {
  689. oEle.children.item(x).style.backgroundColor = 'lightgrey';
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  693. {
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  700. {
  701. oEle.children.item(x).style.backgroundColor = 'white';
  702. }
  703. }
  704. function AssociateFiles()
  705. {
  706. var strPath;
  707. var strFileList;
  708. var strTransID;
  709. var strAssociatedFiles;
  710. var arrFiles;
  711. var arrLists;
  712. var x;
  713. var strTDDisplay;
  714. var iHeight = window.screen.height;
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  716. iWidth = iWidth / 2 + "px";
  717. iHeight = iHeight / 1.7 + "px";
  718. var iTop = (window.screen.width / 2) - (iWidth / 2);
  719. var iLeft = (window.screen.height / 2) - (iHeight / 2);
  720. strPath = window.showModalDialog("corplocatelog.asp", "", "dialogHeight:" + iHeight + ";dialogWidth:" + iWidth + ";center:yes");
  721. if(strPath=="")
  722. {
  723. return;
  724. }
  725. strFileList = txtCERFileList.value;
  726. strTransID = txtTransID.value;
  727. //txtCERFileList cerComp txtTransID
  728. try
  729. {
  730. strPath = strPath.replace("\\", "\\\\");
  731. }
  732. catch(e)
  733. {
  734. }
  735. if(cerComp)
  736. {
  737. strAssociatedFiles = cerComp.GetAllComputerNames(strPath, txtHexTransID.value, strFileList);
  738. }
  739. if(strAssociatedFiles == "-8")
  740. {
  741. alert("<% = L_CORPVIEW_INVALID_FILE_TEXT %>");
  742. }
  743. else
  744. {
  745. arrLists = strAssociatedFiles.split(";");
  746. for (var i=0; i < arrLists.length; i++)
  747. {
  748. txtTemp.value = i;
  749. arrFiles = arrLists[i].split(",");
  750. if(tdLabelDisplay.length >= 0)
  751. {
  752. for(x=0;x<tdLabelDisplay.length;x++)//tdDisplay
  753. {
  754. strTDDisplay = tdLabelDisplay[x].innerHTML;
  755. strTDDisplay = strTDDisplay.replace("&nbsp;", "");
  756. //alert(strTDDisplay + "==" + arrFiles[0]);
  757. if(strTDDisplay == arrFiles[0])
  758. {
  759. tdHref[x].innerHTML = "&nbsp;" + arrFiles[1];
  760. }
  761. }
  762. }
  763. else
  764. {
  765. strTDDisplay = tdDisplay.innerHTML;
  766. strTDDisplay = strTDDisplay.replace("&nbsp;", "");
  767. if(strTDDisplay == arrFiles[0])
  768. {
  769. tdHref.innerHTML = "&nbsp;" + arrFiles[1];
  770. }
  771. }
  772. }
  773. }
  774. }
  775. //-->
  776. </SCRIPT>
  777. <%
  778. Call CDestroyObjects
  779. %>
  780. <!--#include file="..\include\asp\foot.asp"-->