<!--#INCLUDE file="..\include\asp\top.asp"--> <!--#INCLUDE file="..\include\inc\browserTest.inc"--> <!--#include file="..\include\asp\head.asp"--> <!--#INCLUDE file="..\include\inc\corpviewstrings.inc"--> <%
Dim cnConnection Dim rsTX Dim rsTX2 Dim rsInstanceByTypeID Dim oChart Dim oChartTwo Dim oFSO Dim c Dim strInstance Dim bolInstanceByTypeID Dim iInstance
Dim strCERFileName Dim strCERTransID Dim strStatus Dim strType Dim strOuterTable Dim strStopCode Dim strClassid Dim strDisplay Dim strTrackID Dim strPDisplay Dim strPath Dim strCERFileList Dim strNULL Dim strMessage Dim strBucket Dim strisBucket Dim strsBucketType Dim strgBucketType Dim sBucket Dim gBucket Dim gsBucket Dim ssBucket Dim iMess
Dim i Dim x Dim y Dim iCount Dim iMoreInfo Dim iTDCount Dim iTDCountTwo Dim iTDCountFile
Dim bolNewRow Dim bolNewChildTable
Dim categories() Dim seriesNames(0) Dim values()
bolInstanceByTypeID = false strCERFileName = unescape(Request.Cookies("CERFileName")) if strCERFileName = "~|~|" then strCERFileName = "" strCERTransID = unescape(Request.Cookies("CERTransID")) iTDCount = 0 iTDCountTwo = 0 iTDCountFile = 0
Call CVerifyPassport Call CCreateObjects Call CCreateConnection Call CGetTransactions Call CGetInstanceByTypeID
if rsInstanceByTypeID.State = adStateOpen then if rsInstanceByTypeID.RecordCount > 0 then set rsInstanceByTypeID.ActiveConnection = nothing end if end if if rsTX.State = adStateOpen then if rsTX.RecordCount > 0 then set rsTX.ActiveConnection = nothing if cnConnection.State = adStateOpen then cnConnection.Close set cnConnection = nothing end if end if end if set rsTX2 = rsTX.Clone(adLockReadOnly)
cnConnection.Close Private Sub CGetInstanceByTypeID Set rsInstanceByTypeID = cnConnection.Execute("InstanceByTypeID " & strCERTransID) if cnConnection.Errors.Count > 0 then strTemp = "http://" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & Request.ServerVariables("URL") Response.Write "<br><div class='divLoad'><p class='clsPTitle'>" & L_COMMENTS_UNABLE_TOCONNECT_ERRORMESSAGE & "</p>" Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_COMMENTS_DATABASE_FAILED_TEXT & "</p></div>" %> <!--#include file="..\include\asp\foot.asp"--> <% Call CDestroyObjects Response.End end if
End Sub
Private Sub CGetTransactions
set rsTX = cnConnection.Execute("GetTransactionIncidents " & strCERTransID) if cnConnection.Errors.Count > 0 then strTemp = "http://" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & Request.ServerVariables("URL") Response.Write "<br><div class='divLoad'><p class='clsPTitle'>" & L_COMMENTS_UNABLE_TOCONNECT_ERRORMESSAGE & "</p>" Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_COMMENTS_DATABASE_FAILED_TEXT & "</p></div>" %> <!--#include file="..\include\asp\foot.asp"--> <% Call CDestroyObjects Response.End end if
End Sub
Private Sub CVerifyPassport on error resume next If not (oPassMgrObj.IsAuthenticated(TimeWindow, ForceLogin)) then Response.Write "<br><div class='clsDiv'><p class='clsPTitle'>" & L_CUSTOMER_PASSPORT_TITLE_TEXT Response.Write "</p><p class='clsPBody'>" & L_CUSTOMER_PASSPORT_INFO_TEXT Response.Write "<A class='clsALinkNormal' href='" & L_FAQ_PASSPORT_LINK_TEXT & "'>" & L_WELCOME_PASSPORT_LINK_TEXT & "</A><BR><BR>" Response.write oPassMgrObj.LogoTag(Server.URLEncode(ThisPageURL), TimeWindow, ForceLogin, CoBrandArgs, strLCID, Secure) Response.Write "</P></div><div id='divHiddenFields' name='divHiddenFields'>" Response.Write "</div>" Response.End
end if End Sub
Private Sub CCreateObjects on error resume next set cnConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")'Create Connection Object set rsTX = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")'Create Recordset Object set rsTX2 = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set oChart = CreateObject("OWC.Chart") Set oChartTwo = CreateObject("OWC.Chart") Set rsInstanceByTypeID = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") End Sub
Private Sub CDestroyObjects on error resume next if rsTX.State = adStateOpen then rsTX.Close set rsTX = nothing if rsTX2.State = adStateOpen then rsTX2.Close set rsTX2 = nothing if rsInstanceByTypeID.State = adStateOpen then rsInstanceByTypeID.Close set rsInstanceByTypeID = nothing if cnConnection.State = adStateOpen then cnConnection.Close set cnConnection = nothing Set oFSO = nothing Set oChart = nothing End Sub
Private Sub CCreateConnection on error resume next with cnConnection .ConnectionString = strCustomer .CursorLocation = adUseClient .ConnectionTimeout = strGlobalConnectionTimeout .Open end with 'Catch errors and display to user if cnConnection.State = adStateClosed then Response.Write "<br><div class='divLoad'><p class='clsPTitle'>" & L_COMMENTS_UNABLE_TOCONNECT_ERRORMESSAGE & "</p>" Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_COMMENTS_CONNECTION_FAILED_TEXT & "</p></div>" cnConnection.Errors.Clear %> <!--#include file="..\include\asp\foot.asp"--> <% Call CDestroyObjects Response.End end if End Sub %> <Br> <OBJECT ID="cerComp" NAME="cerComp" codebase="CerUpload.cab#version=<% = strCERVersion %>" HEIGHT=0 WIDTH=0 UNSELECTABLE="on" style="display:none" CLASSID="clsid:35D339D5-756E-4948-860E-30B6C3B4494A">
<Div class="clsDiv"> <P class="clsPTitle"> <% = L_LOCATE_WARN_ING_ERRORMESSAGE %> </P> <p class="clsPBody"> <% = L_FAQ_WHYDOIGETAMESSAGEBOX_DETAILSONE_TEXT %><BR> <% = L_FAQ_WHYDOIGETAMESSAGEBOX_DETAILSTWO_TEXT %><BR> <% = L_FAQ_WHYDOIGETAMESSAGEBOX_DETAILSTHREE_TEXT %><BR><BR> <% = L_FAQ_WHYDOIGETAMESSAGEBOX_DETAILSFOUR_TEXT %><BR> <% = L_FAQ_WHYDOIGETAMESSAGEBOX_DETAILSFIVE_TEXT %><BR> <% = L_FAQ_WHYDOIGETAMESSAGEBOX_DETAILSSIX_TEXT %><BR> </p> </div> </OBJECT> <div class="clsDiv" name="divMain" id="divMain" style="visibility:hidden"> <p class="clsPTitle"> <% = L_CORPVIEW_CORPORATE_SUBMISSION_TEXT %> </p> <p class="clsPBody"> <% = L_CORPVIEW_MAIN_BODY_TEXT %> </p> <table border=0 style="width:626px"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="45%" Height="200px" valign="top">
<% 'Chart 1 Chart 1 Chart 1 Chart 1 Chart 1 Chart 1 Chart 1 Chart 1 Chart 1 Chart 1 Chart 1 Chart 1 if rsTX.State = adStateOpen then if rsTX.RecordCount > 0 then Redim Categories(6) Redim values(6) set c = oChart.Constants oChart.Charts.Add oChart.Charts(0).Type = oChart.Constants.chChartTypePie seriesNames(0) = "ChartOne" i = 0 for x = 0 to 3 y = x if y = 6 then y = 16 select case y 'InProgress case 0 'InProgress rsTX.Filter = "iStopCode = Null And gBucket = NULL and sBucket = NULL" 'Response.Write "<br>InProgress..." & rsTx.RecordCount 'Researching 'case 1 'rsTX.Filter = "sBucket = null AND gBucket = null" 'Response.Write "<br>Researching" & rsTx.RecordCount 'Complete case 1 'Researching rsTX.Filter = "sBucket <> null And gBucket <> null and iStopCode = null And sBucketType = null and gBucketType = null " 'Response.Write "<br>Researching" & rsTx.RecordCount case 2 'Completed rsTX.Filter = "sBucketType = 1 And sBucket <> NULL And ssBucket <> NULL" 'Response.Write "<br>Researching More..." & rsTx.RecordCount case 3 'More Infoxc iMoreInfo = 0 rsTX.Filter = "gBucketType = 2 and sBucketType = NULL" if rsTX.RecordCount > 0 then iMoreInfo = rsTX.RecordCount rsTX.Filter = "sBucketType = NULL AND gBucketType = NULL and iStopCode <> NULL" iMoreInfo = iMoreInfo + rsTX.RecordCount 'Response.Write "Count:" & rsTX.RecordCount 'case else 'rsTX.Filter = "sBucket = null AND gBucket = null AND Message = 2" end select 'rsTX.Filter = "Message = " & y if rsTX.RecordCount > 0 then Select case y case 0 Categories(i) = L_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS_TEXT 'case 1 'Categories(i) = L_STATUS_RESEARCHING_INFO_TEXT case 1 Categories(i) = L_STATUS_RESEARCHING_INFO_TEXT 'case 3 'Categories(i) = L_STATUS_UNABLE_TOPROCESS_TEXT 'case 4 'Categories(i) = L_STATUS_NEED_FULLDUMP_TEXT case 2 Categories(i) = L_STATUS_COMPLETE_INFO_TEXT case 3 Categories(i) = L_STATUS_RESEARCHING_MOREINFO_TEXT 'case 16 'Categories(i) = L_STATUS_UN_KNOWN_TEXT End Select values(i) = rsTX.RecordCount 'Response.Write "<br>" & rsTX.RecordCount i = i + 1 elseif y = 3 and iMoreInfo > 0 then Categories(i) = L_STATUS_RESEARCHING_MOREINFO_TEXT end if next rsTX.Filter = "" rsTX.MoveFirst With oChart.Charts(0) .SetData c.chDimSeriesNames, c.chDataLiteral, seriesNames .SetData c.chDimCategories, c.chDataLiteral, categories .SeriesCollection(0).SetData c.chDimValues, c.chDataLiteral, values 'Add a legend to the bottom of the pie chart .HasLegend = True .Legend.Position = c.chLegendPositionAutomatic 'Add a title to the chart .HasTitle = True .Title.Caption = L_CORPVIEW_INSTANACES_BYSTATUS_TEXT .Title.Font.Bold = True .Title.Font.Size = 11 'Make the chart width 50% the size of the bar chart's width .WidthRatio = 50 'Show data labels on the slices as percentages With .SeriesCollection(0).DataLabelsCollection.Add .HasValue = False .HasPercentage = True .Font.Size = 8 .Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255) .Position = 6 End With End With oChart.Charts(0).HasLegend = true oChart.Charts(0).HasTitle = true strPath = oFSO.GetTempName strPath = Left(strPath, Len(strPath) - 3) & "gif" strPath = "ChartControl/" & strPath oChart.ExportPicture server.MapPath(strPath), "gif", 300, 270 Response.Write "<center><img src='" & strPath & "'></center>" End If End If
'Chart 3 Chart 3 Chart 3 Chart 3 Chart 3 Chart 3 Chart 3 Chart 3 Chart 3 Chart 3 Chart 3 Chart 3 if rsInstanceByTypeID.State = adStateOpen then if rsInstanceByTypeID.RecordCount > 0 then if rsInstanceByTypeID.RecordCount > 10 then Redim Categories(9) Redim values(9) else Redim Categories(rsInstanceByTypeID.RecordCount-1) Redim values(rsInstanceByTypeID.RecordCount-1) end if rsInstanceByTypeID.Sort = "ClassidTotal Desc" set c = oChartTwo.Constants oChartTwo.Charts.Add oChartTwo.Charts(0).Type = oChartTwo.Constants.chChartTypePie seriesNames(0) = "ChartTwo" For x = 0 to 9'rsInstanceByTypeID.RecordCount-1 if rsInstanceByTypeID.EOF = false then if IsNull(rsInstanceByTypeID("sBucket")) = false then Categories(x) = rsInstanceByTypeID("sBucket") values(x) = rsInstanceByTypeID("ClassidTotal") bolInstanceByTypeID = true end if rsInstanceByTypeID.MoveNext end if next if bolInstanceByTypeID = true then With oChartTwo.Charts(0) .SetData c.chDimSeriesNames, c.chDataLiteral, seriesNames .SetData c.chDimCategories, c.chDataLiteral, categories .SeriesCollection(0).SetData c.chDimValues, c.chDataLiteral, values 'Add a legend to the bottom of the pie chart .HasLegend = True .Legend.Position = c.chLegendPositionAutomatic 'Add a title to the chart .HasTitle = True .Title.Caption = L_CORPVIEW_INSTANCES_TYPEID_TEXT .Title.Font.Bold = True .Title.Font.Size = 11 'Make the chart width 50% the size of the bar chart's width .WidthRatio = 50 'Show data labels on the slices as percentages With .SeriesCollection(0).DataLabelsCollection.Add .HasValue = false .HasPercentage = True .Font.Size = 8 .Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255) .Position = 6 End With End With oChartTwo.Charts(0).HasLegend = true oChartTwo.Charts(0).HasTitle = true strPath = oFSO.GetTempName strPath = Left(strPath, Len(strPath) - 3) & "gif" strPath = "ChartControl/" & strPath oChartTwo.ExportPicture server.MapPath(strPath), "gif", 300, 270 Response.Write "<br><center><img src='" & strPath & "'></center>" End if End If End If %> </td> <td valign=top width="55%"> <table name="tblStatus" id="tblStatus" class="clsTableCorp" border="1" CELLPADDING="0px" CELLSPACING="0px"> <THead>
<tr> <td align="Center"> </td> <td id="tdType" nowrap align="Center" class='clsTDInfo'> <Label for=tdType><% = L_CORPVIEW_TYPE_TYPE_TEXT %></Label> </td> <td id="tdStatus" nowrap align="Center" class='clsTDInfo'> <Label for=tdStatus><% = L_CORPVIEW_STATUS_STATUS_TEXT %></Label> </td> <td id="tdInstances" nowrap align="Center" class='clsTDInfo'> <Label for=tdInstances><% = L_CORPVIEW_INSTANCES_INSTANCES_TEXT %></Label> </td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <% i = 0 iCount = 0 strStopCode = "" 'rsTX.Sort = "ClassID, ClassCount Desc" if rsTX.State = adStateOpen then if rsTX.RecordCount > 0 then rsTX.MoveFirst bolNewRow = true bolNewChildTable = true
Do While rsTX.EOF = false i = i + 1 if IsNull(rsTX("sBucket")) = true then strClassid = "NULL" else strClassid = rsTX("sBucket") end if if IsNull(rsTX("Display")) = true then strDisplay = " " strPDisplay = 0 else strDisplay = Server.HTMLEncode(rsTX("Display")) strPDisplay = Server.HTMLEncode(rsTX("Display")) end if '************Begin New Row************** if bolNewRow = true then Err.Clear rsTX2.Filter = "sBucket = " & strClassid if IsNull(rsTX("gBucketType")) then strgBucketType = -1 else strgBucketType = rsTX("gBucketType") end if if IsNull(rsTX("sBucketType")) then strsBucketType = -1 else strsBucketType = rsTX("sBucketType") end if If IsNull(rsTX("sBucket")) then sBucket = -1 else sBucket = rsTX("sBucket") end if If IsNull(rsTX("gBucket")) then gBucket = -1 else gBucket = rsTX("gBucket") end if If IsNull(rsTX("ssBucket")) then ssBucket = -2 else ssBucket = rsTX("ssBucket") end if If IsNull(rsTX("gsBucket")) then gsBucket = -2 else gsBucket = rsTX("gsBucket") end if if IsNull(rsTX("sBucket")) and IsNull(rsTX("gBucket")) And IsNull(rsTX("iStopCode")) then strStatus = L_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS_TEXT iMess = 0 elseif (IsNull(rsTX("sBucket")) = false) and (IsNull(rsTX("ssBucket")) = false) and (strsBucketType = 1) then strStatus = L_STATUS_COMPLETE_INFO_TEXT iMess = 2 elseif strsBucketType <> 1 and strgBucketType <> 2 and IsNull(rsTX("iStopCode")) and sBucket <> ssBucket and gBucket <> gsBucket then strStatus = L_STATUS_RESEARCHING_INFO_TEXT iMess = 2 elseif IsNull(rsTX("gsBucket")) = false and strsBucketType <> 1 and strgBucketType = 2 and sBucket <> ssBucket and gBucket = gsBucket then strStatus = L_STATUS_RESEARCHING_MOREINFO_TEXT iMess = 2 elseif gBucket <> gsBucket and IsNull(rsTX("iStopCode")) = false then strStatus = L_STATUS_RESEARCHING_MOREINFO_TEXT iMess = 5 end if iTDCountTwo = iTDCountTwo + 1 Response.Write "<tr><td align='center' class='clsTDCell' onmouseover=MouseOver(this); onmouseout=MouseOut(this); onclick='ViewChildren(tr" & i & ", img" & i & ");' style='cursor:hand'><img id='img" & i & "' border=0 src='../include/images/plus.gif'></td><td id=tdClassid" & iTDCountTwo & " nowrap align=center class='clsTDCell'>" if strClassid = "NULL" then Response.Write "<Label for=tdClassid" & iTDCountTwo & ">" & 0 & "</Label></td>" else Response.Write "<Label for=tdClassid" & iTDCountTwo & ">" & strClassid & "</Label></td>" end if If IsNull(rsTX("iStopCode")) = true then iInstance = 0 else iInstance = rsTX("iStopCode") end if if isnull(rsTX("ssBucket")) then if IsNull(rsTX("gsBucket")) then strBucket = 0 else strBucket = rsTX("gsBucket") end if else strBucket = rsTX("ssBucket") end if if IsNull(rsTX("sBucket")) then strisBucket = 0 else strisBucket = rsTX("sBucket") end if
'iIncident, sDescription, iClass, iMessage, iInstance Response.Write "<td nowrap align=center class='clsTDCell'><a href='Javascript:CorpState(" & rsTX("IncidentID") & ", " & Chr(34) & strBucket & Chr(34) & ", " if IsNull(rsTX("sBucket")) then Response.Write 0 & ", " & iMess & ", " & iInstance & ");'class='clsALink' >" & strStatus & "</a></td><td nowrap id=tdRecordCount" & iTDCountTwo & " align=center class='clsTDCell'><Label for=tdRecordCount" & iTDCountTwo & ">" & rsTX2.RecordCount & "</td><td></td></tr>" else Response.Write strBucket & ", " & iMess & ", " & iInstance & ");'class='clsALink' >" & strStatus & "</a></td><td nowrap id=tdRecordCount" & iTDCountTwo & " align=center class='clsTDCell'><Label for=tdRecordCount" & iTDCountTwo & ">" & rsTX2.RecordCount & "</td><td></td></tr>" end if Response.Write "<TR id='tr" & i & "' style='visibility:hidden;display:none'><td class='clsTDCell' style='border-style:none'></td><td class='clsTDCell' colspan=2 style='border-style:none'>" bolNewRow = false iCount = iCount + 1 end if '************End New Row************** if bolNewChildTable = true then iTDCount = iTDCount + 1 %> <table name="tblStatus" id="tblStatus" class="clsTableCorp" border="0" CELLPADDING="0px" CELLSPACING="0px"> <THead> <tr> <td nowrap id="tdone<%=iTDCount%>" align="Center" class='clsTDInfo'> <Label for="tdone<%=iTDCount%>"><% = L_CORPVIEW_FILE_FILE_TEXT %></Label> </td> <!--<td nowrap align="Center" class='clsTDInfo'> <% '= L_CORPVIEW_DETAILS_DETAILS_TEXT %> </td>--> <td nowrap id="tdtwo<%=iTDCount%>" align="Center" class='clsTDInfo'> <Label for="tdtwo<%=iTDCount%>"><% = L_CORPVIEW_EVENTID_EVENTID_TEXT %></Label> </td> <td nowrap id="tdthree<%=iTDCount%>" align="Center" class='clsTDInfo'> <Label for="tdthree<%=iTDCount%>"> <% = L_CORPVIEW_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_TEXT %></Label> </td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <% bolNewChildTable = false end if if IsNull(rsTX("TrackID")) = true then strTrackID = " " else strTrackID = rsTX("TrackID") end if if len(strDisplay) > 17 then strDisplay = Left(strDisplay, 17) & "..." end if if IsNull(rsTX("gBucket")) = true then strInstance = "0" else strInstance = rsTX("gBucket") end if on error goto 0 iTDCountFile = iTDCountFile + 1 Response.Write "<tr><td id='tdDisplay' width='35%' name='tdDisplay' title='" & strPDisplay & "' nowrap align='Left' class='clsTDCell' id=tdFile" & iTDCountFile & " style='border-style:none;'> <Label id=tdLabelDisplay name=tdLabelDisplay for=tdFile" & iTDCountFile & ">" & strDisplay & "</Label></td>" 'Response.Write "<td nowrapwidth='15%' align=center class='clsTDCell'>" 'Response.Write "<a href='Javascript:CorpDetails(" & rsTX("IncidentID") & ", " & Chr(34) & escape(strPDisplay) & Chr(34) & ", " & strInstance & ", " & rsTX("Message") & ");'class='clsALink' >" 'Response.Write "<IMG border=0 SRC='../include/images/note.gif'></a></td>" Response.Write "<td nowrapwidth='25%' nowrap align=center id=tdErrorID" & iTDCountFile & " class='clsTDCell'><Label for=tdErrorID" & iTDCountFile & ">" & strTrackID & "</Label></td><td nowrapwidth='25%' id='tdHref' name='tdHref' nowrap align=center class='clsTDCell'>" %> <A id="ASystem" name="ASystem" class="clsALinkNormal" HREF="JavaScript:AssociateFiles()"><% = L_CORPVIEW_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_TEXT %></A></td></tr> <%
'Response.Write "<A class='clsALinkNormal' onMouseover=" & Chr(34) & "this.className='clsAHover'" & chr(34) & " onMouseout=" & chr(34) & "this.className='clsALink'" & chr(34) & "HREF='JavaScript:AssociateFiles()'>" & L_CORPVIEW_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_TEXT & "</A></td></tr>" strMessage = rsTX("Message") rsTX.MoveNext if rsTX.EOF = true then Response.Write "</tbody></table></td></tr>" bolNewRow = true bolNewChildTable = true 'Response.Write "1" else if isnull(rsTX("sBucket")) then strNULL = "NULL" else strNULL = rsTX("sBucket") end if if strClassid <> strNULL then Response.Write "</tbody></table></td></tr>" strStopCode = rsTX("sBucket") bolNewRow = true bolNewChildTable = true 'Response.Write strClassid elseif strMessage <> rsTX("Message") and strNULL = "NULL" then Response.Write "</tbody></table></td></tr>" strStopCode = rsTX("sBucket") bolNewRow = true bolNewChildTable = true 'Response.Write "3" end if
end if Loop Else Response.Write "<TR><TD nowrap align='Center' class='clsTDCell' colspan='3'>" & L_CORPVIEW_NO_RECORDS_TEXT & "</td></tr>" end if else Response.Write "<TR><TD nowrap align='Center' class='clsTDCell' colspan='3'>" & L_CORPVIEW_NO_RECORDS_TEXT & "</td></tr>" end if %> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <% if rsTX.State = adStateOpen then if rsTX.RecordCount > 0 then rsTX.MoveFirst Do while rsTX.EOF = false if IsNull(rsTX("Display")) = false then strCERFileList = strCERFileList & rsTX("Display") end if rsTX.MoveNext if rsTX.EOF = false then strCERFileList = strCERFileList & "," End IF Loop End If End If
%> <p class="clsPBody"> <a class="clsALink" href="https://<% =Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") %>/secure/corptransactions.asp"><% = L_COPRVIEW_PREVIOUS_LINK_TEXT %></a> </p> <Input type="hidden" value="<% = strCERFileName %>" > <Input id"txtTransID" name="txtTransID" type="hidden" value="<% = strCERTransID %>"> <Input id"txtHexTransID" name="txtHexTransID" type="hidden" value="<% = Hex(strCERTransID) %>"> <Input id="txtCERFileList" name="txtCERFileList" type="hidden" value="<% = strCERFileList %>"> <Input id="txtTemp" name="txtTemp" type="hidden"> </div>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript> <!--
window.onload = BodyLoad; function BodyLoad() { if(cerComp) { divMain.style.visibility = "visible"; } } function CorpDetails(iIncident, sDescription, iClass, iMessage) { if(iMessage == "3" || iMessage == "16") { alert("<% = L_STATUS_ALERT_CANNOTPROCESS_MESSAGE %>"); return; } if(iClass == "") { alert("<% = L_STATUS_ALERT_ERROR_MESSAGE %>"); return; } //document.cookie = "CERIncident = " + iIncident; //document.cookie = "Instance = " + iInstance; //document.cookie = "FileName = " + sDescription; //******************************************************************************* document.cookie = "CERIncident = " + iIncident; if(sDescription=="0") { document.cookie = "CERDescription = ~|~|"; } else { document.cookie = "CERDescription = " + sDescription; } document.cookie = "CERClass = " + iClass; document.cookie = "CERMessage = " + iMessage; var iHeight = window.screen.height; var iWidth = window.screen.width; iWidth = iWidth / 1.4 + "px"; iHeight = iHeight / 1.4 + "px"; var iTop = (window.screen.width / 2) - (iWidth / 2); var iLeft = (window.screen.height / 2) - (iHeight / 2); iResults = window.showModalDialog("corpdetails.asp", "", "dialogHeight:" + iHeight + ";dialogWidth:" + iWidth + ";center:yes"); //window.open("corpdetails.asp"); /**/ } function CorpState(iIncident, sDescription, iClass, iMessage, iInstance) { document.cookie = "CERIncident = " + iIncident; if(sDescription=="0") { document.cookie = "CERDescription = ~|~|"; } else { document.cookie = "CERDescription = " + sDescription; } document.cookie = "CERClass = " + iClass; document.cookie = "CERMessage = " + iMessage; document.cookie = "CerInstance = " + iInstance; var iHeight = window.screen.height; var iWidth = window.screen.width; iWidth = iWidth / 1.4 + "px"; iHeight = iHeight / 1.4 + "px"; var iTop = (window.screen.width / 2) - (iWidth / 2); var iLeft = (window.screen.height / 2) - (iHeight / 2); iResults = window.showModalDialog("corpstate.asp", "", "dialogHeight:" + iHeight + ";dialogWidth:" + iWidth + ";center:yes"); } function ViewChildren(x, oImg) { if(x.style.visibility == "hidden") { x.style.visibility = "visible"; x.style.display = "inline"; oImg.src = "../include/images/minus.gif"; } else { x.style.visibility = "hidden"; x.style.display = "none"; oImg.src = "../include/images/plus.gif"; } } function MouseOver(oEle) { var x; var iLen; iLen = 0; oEle.style.backgroundColor='lightgrey'; iLen = oEle.children.length; for(x=0;x<iLen;x++) { oEle.children.item(x).style.backgroundColor = 'lightgrey'; } } function MouseOut(oEle) { var x; var iLen; iLen = 0; oEle.style.backgroundColor='white'; iLen = oEle.children.length; for(x=0;x<iLen;x++) { oEle.children.item(x).style.backgroundColor = 'white'; } } function AssociateFiles() { var strPath; var strFileList; var strTransID; var strAssociatedFiles; var arrFiles; var arrLists; var x; var strTDDisplay; var iHeight = window.screen.height; var iWidth = window.screen.width; iWidth = iWidth / 2 + "px"; iHeight = iHeight / 1.7 + "px"; var iTop = (window.screen.width / 2) - (iWidth / 2); var iLeft = (window.screen.height / 2) - (iHeight / 2); strPath = window.showModalDialog("corplocatelog.asp", "", "dialogHeight:" + iHeight + ";dialogWidth:" + iWidth + ";center:yes"); if(strPath=="") { return; } strFileList = txtCERFileList.value; strTransID = txtTransID.value; //txtCERFileList cerComp txtTransID try { strPath = strPath.replace("\\", "\\\\"); } catch(e) { } if(cerComp) { strAssociatedFiles = cerComp.GetAllComputerNames(strPath, txtHexTransID.value, strFileList); } if(strAssociatedFiles == "-8") { alert("<% = L_CORPVIEW_INVALID_FILE_TEXT %>"); } else { arrLists = strAssociatedFiles.split(";"); for (var i=0; i < arrLists.length; i++) { txtTemp.value = i; arrFiles = arrLists[i].split(","); if(tdLabelDisplay.length >= 0) { for(x=0;x<tdLabelDisplay.length;x++)//tdDisplay { strTDDisplay = tdLabelDisplay[x].innerHTML; strTDDisplay = strTDDisplay.replace(" ", ""); //alert(strTDDisplay + "==" + arrFiles[0]); if(strTDDisplay == arrFiles[0]) { tdHref[x].innerHTML = " " + arrFiles[1]; } } } else { strTDDisplay = tdDisplay.innerHTML; strTDDisplay = strTDDisplay.replace(" ", ""); if(strTDDisplay == arrFiles[0]) { tdHref.innerHTML = " " + arrFiles[1]; } } } } } //--> </SCRIPT>
<% Call CDestroyObjects %> <!--#include file="..\include\asp\foot.asp"-->