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<!--#INCLUDE file="..\include\asp\top.asp"--> <!--#INCLUDE file="..\include\inc\browserTest.inc"--> <!--#include file="..\include\asp\head.asp"--> <!--#INCLUDE file="..\include\inc\detailsstrings.inc"--> <% dim cnKnownIssue dim rsKnownIssue dim rsModules dim iIncidentID dim iInstanceID dim x Dim strFileName
If oPassMgrObj.IsAuthenticated(TimeWindow, ForceLogin) = false then Response.Redirect("http://" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & "/welcome.asp") Response.End end if Call CVerifyEntry Call CCreateObjects Call CCreateConnection Call CGetEventDetails Call CGetEventModules set rsKnownIssue.ActiveConnection = nothing set rsModules.ActiveConnection = nothing '_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
'Sub Procedures Private Sub CGetEventDetails on error resume next '-----------------------Create Recordset Objects from knownissue database-------------------- set rsKnownIssue = cnKnownIssue.Execute("Exec geteventdetails " & iInstanceID) if cnKnownIssue.Errors.Count > 0 and iInstanceID = "" then Response.Write "<br><div class='divLoad'><p class='clsPTitle'>" & L_COMMENTS_UNABLE_TOCONNECT_ERRORMESSAGE & "</p>" Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_COMMENTS_DATABASE_FAILED_TEXT & "</p></div>" cnKnownIssue.Errors.Clear Call CDestroyObjects %> <!--#include file="..\include\asp\foot.asp"--> <% Response.End end if
End Sub
Private Sub CGetEventModules on error resume next '-----------------------Create Recordset Objects from knownissue database-------------------- set rsModules = cnKnownIssue.Execute("Exec geteventmodules " & iInstanceID) if cnKnownIssue.Errors.Count > 0 and iInstanceID = "" then Response.Write "<br><div class='divLoad'><p class='clsPTitle'>" & L_COMMENTS_UNABLE_TOCONNECT_ERRORMESSAGE & "</p>" Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_COMMENTS_DATABASE_FAILED_TEXT & "</p></div>" cnKnownIssue.Errors.Clear Call CDestroyObjects %> <!--#include file="..\include\asp\foot.asp"--> <% Response.End end if End Sub
Private Sub CCreateConnection on error resume next '----------------------------KnownIssues Connection Object-------------------------------------- with cnKnownIssue .ConnectionString = strCustomer .CursorLocation = adUseClient .ConnectionTimeout = strGlobalConnectionTimeout .Open end with if cnKnownIssue.State = adStateClosed then Response.Write "<br><div class='divLoad'><p class='clsPTitle'>" & L_COMMENTS_UNABLE_TOCONNECT_ERRORMESSAGE & "</p>" Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_COMMENTS_CONNECTION_FAILED_TEXT & "</p></div>" cnKnownIssue.Errors.Clear Call CDestroyObjects %> <!--#include file="..\include\asp\foot.asp"--> <% Response.end end if End Sub
Private Sub CVerifyEntry on error resume next if Trim(Request.Cookies("Misc")("PreviousPage")) <> "status.asp" then Response.Redirect("http://" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & "/welcome.asp") Response.End end if End Sub
Private Sub CCreateObjects on error resume next iInstanceID = Request.Cookies("status")("Instance") iIncidentID = Request.Cookies("status")("txtIncidentID") strFileName = Request.Cookies("status")("FileName") 'Response.Write "Instance:" & iInstanceID & "<BR>IncidentID:" & iIncidentID & "<BR>File Name:" & strFileName set cnKnownIssue = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") set rsKnownIssue = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") set rsModules = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") End Sub
Private Sub CDestroyObjects on error resume next if cnKnownIssue.State = adStateOpen then cnKnownIssue.Close if rsKnownIssue.State = adStateOpen then rsKnownIssue.Close if rsModules.State = adStateOpen then rsModules.Close set rsKnownIssue = nothing set rsModules = nothing set cnKnownIssue = nothing End Sub
<div class="clsDiv"> <p class="clsPTitle"> <% = L_STATUS_DETAILS_INFO_TEXT%> </P> <div> <Table class="clsTableInfoSmall" border=1 CELLPADDING="0px" CELLSPACING="0px"> <tbody> <% if strFileName <> "" then Response.Write "<tr><td align=center nowrap colspan='2' class='clsTDInfo'>" & L_STATUS_FILE_NAME_TEXT & "</td></tr>" Response.Write "<tr><td align=left colspan='2' class='clsTDCell' style='word-wrap:break;word-break:break-all'>" Response.Write unescape(strFileName) Response.Write "</td></tr>" else Response.Write "<tr><td colspan=2 align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & L_DETAILS_NO_INFORMATION_MESSAGE & "</td></tr>" end if if rsKnownIssue.State = adStateOpen then if rsKnownIssue.RecordCount > 0 then Response.Write "<tr><td align=center nowrap class='clsTDInfo'>" & L_DETAILS_STOP_CODE_TEXT & "</td><td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & rsKnownIssue.Fields(0).Value & "</td></tr>" For x = 1 to 4 Response.Write "<tr><td align=center nowrap class='clsTDInfo'>" & L_DETAILS_PARAMETER_ONE_TEXT & x & "</td><td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & rsKnownIssue.Fields(x).Value & "</td></tr>" next else Response.Write "<tr><td align=center nowrap class='clsTDInfo'>" & L_DETAILS_STOP_CODE_TEXT & "</td><td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'> </td></tr>" For x = 1 to 4 Response.Write "<tr><td align=center nowrap class='clsTDInfo'>" & L_DETAILS_PARAMETER_ONE_TEXT & x & "</td><td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'> </td></tr>" next end if else Response.Write "<tr><td colspan=2 align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & L_DETAILS_NO_INFORMATION_MESSAGE & "</td></tr>" end if %> </tbody> </table> <br> <Table class="clsTableInfoSmall" border=1 CELLPADDING="0px" CELLSPACING="0px"> <thead> <tr> <td colspan="2" nowrap class="clsTDInfo" align="center"> <% = L_DETAILS_OPERATING_DESC_TEXT %> </td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <% if rsKnownIssue.State = adStateOpen then if rsKnownIssue.RecordCount > 0 then Response.Write "<tr><td align=center nowrap class='clsTDInfo' colspan=2>" & L_DETAILS_ENVIRONMENT_INFO_TEXT & "</td></tr>" Response.Write "<tr><td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & L_DETAILS_CHECK_BUILD_TEXT & "</td>" '*************************true of false************************* if IsNull(rsKnownIssue.Fields(12).Value) or rsKnownIssue.Fields(12).Value = "" then Response.Write "<td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'> </td></tr>" else if lcase(trim(rsKnownIssue.Fields(12).Value)) = "true" then Response.Write "<td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & L_DETAILS_TRUE_TRUE_TEXT & "</td></tr>" elseif lcase(trim(rsKnownIssue.Fields(12).Value)) = "false" then Response.Write "<td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & L_DETAILS_FALSE_FALSE_TEXT & "</td></tr>" else Response.Write "<td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & rsKnownIssue.Fields(12).Value & "</td></tr>" end if end if Response.Write "<tr><td align=center nowrap class='clsTDInfo' colspan=2>Kernel</td></tr>" Response.Write "<tr><td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & L_DETAILS_VERSION_NUMBER_TEXT & "</td>" if IsNull(rsKnownIssue.Fields(7).Value) or rsKnownIssue.Fields(7).Value = "" then Response.Write "<td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'> </td></tr>" else Response.Write "<td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & rsKnownIssue.Fields(7).value & "</td></tr>" end if Response.Write "<tr><td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>SMP Kernel</td>" '*************************true of false************************* if IsNull(rsKnownIssue.Fields(11).Value) or rsKnownIssue.Fields(11).Value = "" then Response.Write "<td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'> </td></tr>" else if lcase(trim(rsKnownIssue.Fields(11).Value)) = "true" then Response.Write "<td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & L_DETAILS_TRUE_TRUE_TEXT & "</td></tr>" elseif lcase(trim(rsKnownIssue.Fields(11).Value)) = "false" then Response.Write "<td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & L_DETAILS_FALSE_FALSE_TEXT & "</td></tr>" else Response.Write "<td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & rsKnownIssue.Fields(11).Value & "</td></tr>" end if end if Response.Write "<tr><td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>PAE Kernel</td>" '*************************true of false************************* if IsNull(rsKnownIssue.Fields(10).Value) or rsKnownIssue.Fields(10).Value = "" then Response.Write "<td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'> </td></tr>" else if lcase(trim(rsKnownIssue.Fields(10).Value)) = "true" then Response.Write "<td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & L_DETAILS_TRUE_TRUE_TEXT & "</td></tr>" elseif lcase(trim(rsKnownIssue.Fields(10).Value)) = "false" then Response.Write "<td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & L_DETAILS_FALSE_FALSE_TEXT & "</td></tr>" else Response.Write "<td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & rsKnownIssue.Fields(10).Value & "</td></tr>" end if end if Response.Write "<tr><td align=center nowrap class='clsTDInfo' colspan=2>" & L_DETAILS_PROCESSOR_INFO_TEXT & "</td></tr>" Response.Write "<tr><td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & L_DETAILS_TYPE_INFO_TEXT & "</td>" if IsNull(rsKnownIssue.Fields(6).Value) or rsKnownIssue.Fields(6).Value = "" then Response.Write "<td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'> </td></tr>" else Response.Write "<td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & rsKnownIssue.Fields(6).value & "</td></tr>" end if Response.Write "<tr><td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & L_DETAILS_QUANTITY_INFO_TEXT & "</td>" if IsNull(rsKnownIssue.Fields(5).Value) or rsKnownIssue.Fields(5).Value = "" then Response.Write "<td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'> </td></tr>" else Response.Write "<td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & rsKnownIssue.Fields(5).value & "</td></tr>" end if Response.Write "<tr><td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & L_DETAILS_SERVICE_PACK_TEXT & "</td>" if IsNull(rsKnownIssue.Fields(8).Value) or rsKnownIssue.Fields(8).Value = "" then Response.Write "<td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'> </td></tr>" else Response.Write "<td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & rsKnownIssue.Fields(8).value & "</td></tr>" end if else Response.Write "<tr><td align=center nowrap class='clsTDInfo' colspan=2>" & L_DETAILS_ENVIRONMENT_INFO_TEXT & "</td></tr>" Response.Write "<tr><td align=center nowrap class='clsTDInfo' colspan=2>" & L_DETAILS_NO_INFORMATION_MESSAGE & "</td></tr>" end if else Response.Write "<tr><td align=center nowrap class='clsTDInfo' colspan=2>" & L_DETAILS_ENVIRONMENT_INFO_TEXT & "</td></tr>" Response.Write "<tr><td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell' colspan=2>" & L_DETAILS_NO_INFORMATION_MESSAGE & "</td></tr>" end if
%> </tbody> </table> </div> <br> <Table class="clsTableInfoSmall" border=1 CELLPADDING="0px" CELLSPACING="0px"> <thead> <tr> <td nowrap class="clsTDInfo" colspan=4 align="center"> <% = L_DETAILS_MODULES_INFO_TEXT %> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" nowrap class="clsTDInfo"> <% = L_DETAILS_NAME_INFO_TEXT %> </td> <td align="center" nowrap class="clsTDInfo"> <% = L_DETAILS_VERSION_INFO_TEXT %> </td> <td align="center" nowrap class="clsTDInfo"> <% = L_DETAILS_NAME_INFO_TEXT %> </td> <td align="center" nowrap class="clsTDInfo"> <% = L_DETAILS_VERSION_INFO_TEXT %> </td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <% If rsModules.State = adStateOpen then if rsModules.RecordCount > 0 then do while rsModules.EOF = false Response.Write "<TR>" Response.Write "<td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & rsModules.Fields(1).Value & "</td>" if isNull(rsModules.Fields(3)) then Response.Write "<td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'> </td>" else Response.Write "<td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & rsModules.Fields(3).Value & "." & rsModules.Fields(2).Value & "</td>" end if rsModules.MoveNext if rsModules.EOF = false then Response.Write "<td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & rsModules.Fields(1).Value & "</td>" if isNull(rsModules.Fields(3)) then Response.Write "<td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'> </td>" else Response.Write "<td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & rsModules.Fields(3).Value & "." & rsModules.Fields(2).Value & "</td>" end if rsModules.MoveNext else Response.Write "<td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'> </td><td align=center nowrap class='clsTDCell'> </td>" end if Response.Write "<TR>" loop else Response.Write "<tr><td align=center colspan=4 nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & L_DETAILS_NO_INFORMATION_MESSAGE & "</td></tr>" end if else Response.Write "<tr><td align=center colspan=4 nowrap class='clsTDCell'>" & L_DETAILS_NO_INFORMATION_MESSAGE & "</td></tr>" end if %> </tbody> </table> <br> <% Call CDestroyObjects %> <P class="clsPBody"> <Table class="clstblLinks"> <thead> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td nowrap class="clsTDLinks"> <A class="clsALink" href="JAVASCRIPT:window.navigate('status.asp');" ><% = L_DETAILS_STATUS_BODY_TEXT %></a> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </P> </div> </form>
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