<!--#INCLUDE file="..\include\asp\top.asp"--> <!--#INCLUDE file="..\include\inc\browserTest.inc"--> <!--#include file="..\include\asp\head.asp"--> <!--#include file="..\include\inc\receivedstrings.inc"--> <% Dim cnConnection Dim cmComments Dim cmHash Dim cmIncident Dim strDescription Dim strFileName Dim sFileName Dim iPos Dim strTextEventName Dim strIncidentID Dim strSystem Dim strPreviousPage Dim strNotes Dim strComments Dim bolDatabaseError Dim oFileObj Dim strTempSourceFileName Dim strTempFileName Dim bol64Bit Dim strPrevLoadedFiles Dim strErrNumber Dim strErrDescription Dim strFailureNumber Dim strHash
Dim strEventName Dim strName Dim strPhone Dim strEmail
on error resume next If oPassMgrObj.IsAuthenticated(TimeWindow, ForceLogin) = false then Response.Redirect("http://" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & "/welcome.asp") Response.End end if Call CVerifyEntry Call CSetPreviousPage
Call CCreateObjects Call CGetFileName
Call CCreateConnection
if len(strDescription) > 512 then strDescription = left(strDescription, 512) end if CAll CSetMessage if Request.Cookies("Misc")("auto") = "True" then Call CSetCustomer End if
Call CSetIncident if Request.Cookies("Misc")("unassoc") = "true" then Call CGetIncidentID end if Response.Cookies("Misc")("unassoc") = "false" if bolDatabaseError = true then Response.Write "<br><div class='divLoad'><p class='clsPTitle'>" & L_COMMENTS_DATABASE_FAILURE_ERRORMESSAGE & "</p>" Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_COMMENTS_DATABASE_FAILUREBODY_ERRORMESSAGE & "</p>" Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>Error Number:" & strErrNumber & "</p>" Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>Failure Number:" & strFailureNumber & "</p>" Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>Error Description:" & strErrDescription & "</p></div>" %> <!--#include file="..\include\asp\foot.asp"--> <% Response.End end if Call CDestroyObjects strFileName = split(Request.Cookies("ocaFileName"), ",") Response.Cookies("optFile") = 0
'Sub Procedures Private Sub CSetMessage if Request.QueryString("Bit") = "1" then cnConnection.Execute("SetMessage " & clng(strIncidentID) & ", 10, 1") end if End Sub
Private Sub CSetIncident on error resume next 'if Request.Cookies("Misc")("privacy") <> "True" then Call CSetHash 'end if strTextEventName = Request.Cookies("txtEventName") if Len(strTextEventName) = 4 and strTExtEventName = "~|~|" then strTextEventName = "" end if if len(strTextEventName) > 512 then strTextEventName = Left(strTextEventName, 512) if Request.Cookies("Misc")("auto") <> "True" then 'strSystem = Request.Cookies("selSystem") strSystem = Request.Cookies("selSystem") else strSystem = NULL 'strSystem = Request.Cookies("selSystem") end if if strSystem = "" then strSystem = 0 if strSystem = "8" then strSystem = "10" strComments = Request.Cookies("txtComments") strNotes = Request.Cookies("txtNotes") if Len(strNotes) = 4 and strNotes = "~|~|" then strNotes = "" else strNotes = left(trim(strNotes), 1024) end if if Len(strComments) = 4 and strComments = "~|~|" then strComments = "" else strComments = left(trim(strComments), 1024) end if with cmIncident .ActiveConnection = cnConnection .CommandText = "SetIncident" .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc .CommandTimeout = strGlobalCommandTimeout .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@IncidentID", adInteger, adParamInput, , 0) .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@OSVersion", adVarWChar, adParamInput, 16, "") .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@Description", adVarWChar, adParamInput, 512, "") .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@Display", adVarWChar, adParamInput, 256, "") .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@Repro", adVarWChar, adParamInput, 1024, "") .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@Comments", adVarWChar, adParamInput, 1024, "") .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@TrackID", adVarWChar, adParamInput, 16, "") '.Execute end with with cmIncident .Parameters(0).Value = clng(strIncidentID) .Parameters(1).Value = trim(left(strSystem, 16)) .Parameters(2).Value = trim(left(strTextEventName, 512)) .Parameters(3).Value = trim(Left(sFileName, 256)) .Parameters(4).Value = strNotes .Parameters(5).Value = strComments .Parameters(6).Value = trim(Hex(Date()) & Hex(strIncidentID)) .Execute end with if cnConnection.Errors.Count > 0 then bolDatabaseError = true strErrNumber = cnConnection.Errors(0).Number strErrDescription = cnConnection.Errors(0).Description strFailureNumber = 1 end if End Sub
Private Sub CSetHash on error resume next strHash = Request.Cookies("strHash")
with cmHash .ActiveConnection = cnConnection .CommandText = "SetHash" .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc .CommandTimeout = strGlobalCommandTimeout .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@IncidentID", adInteger, adParamInput, , clng(strIncidentID)) .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@DumpHash", adVarWChar, adParamInput, 33, strHash) .Execute end with if cnConnection.Errors.Count > 0 then bolDatabaseError = true strErrNumber = cnConnection.Errors(0).Number strErrDescription = cnConnection.Errors(0).Description strFailureNumber = 2 cnConnection.Errors.Clear end if End Sub
Private Sub CSetCustomer on error resume next strName = Request.Cookies("Customer")("txtCustomerName") strPhone = Request.Cookies("Customer")("txtCustomerPhone") strEmail = Request.Cookies("Customer")("txtCustomerEmail") if Len(strName)=4 and strName="~|~|" then strName = "" end if if Len(strPhone)=4 and strPhone="~|~|" then strPhone = "" end if if Len(strEmail)=4 and strEmail="~|~|" then strEmail = "" end if with cmComments .ActiveConnection = cnConnection .CommandText = "SetCustomer" .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc .CommandTimeout = strGlobalCommandTimeout .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@HighID", adInteger, adParamInput, , clng(oPassMgrObj.Profile("MemberIdHigh"))) .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@LowID", adInteger, adParamInput, , clng(oPassMgrObj.Profile("MemberIdLow"))) .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@EMail", adVarWChar, adParamInput, 128, trim(left(strEmail, 128))) .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@Contact", adVarWChar, adParamInput, 32, trim(left(strName, 32))) .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@Phone", adVarWChar, adParamInput, 16, trim(left(strPhone, 16))) .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@PremierID", adVarWChar, adParamInput, 16, cstr(Request.Cookies("intCustomerPremierID"))) .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@Lang", adVarWChar, adParamInput, 4, strAbb) .Execute end with'Verify no errors if cnConnection.Errors.Count > 0 then bolDatabaseError = true strErrNumber = cnConnection.Errors(0).Number strErrDescription = cnConnection.Errors(0).Description strFailureNumber = 3 cnConnection.Errors.Clear end if End Sub
Private Sub CGetIncidentID on error resume next set rs = cnConnection.Execute("GetIncident " & oPassMgrObj.Profile("MemberIdHigh") & ", " & oPassMgrObj.Profile("MemberIdLow") & ", " & clng(strIncidentID)) if cnConnection.Errors.Count > 0 then Response.Write "<br><div class='divLoad'><p class='clsPTitle'>" & L_COMMENTS_UNABLE_TOCONNECT_ERRORMESSAGE & "</p>" Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_COMMENTS_DATABASE_FAILED_TEXT & "</p></div>" cnConnection.Errors.Clear Call CDestroyObjects %> <!--#include file="..\include\asp\foot.asp"--> <% Response.End end if End Sub
Private Sub CCreateConnection on error resume next 'Open the connection to the database the constant is located in the dataconnections.inc with cnConnection .ConnectionString = strCustomer .CursorLocation = adUseClient .ConnectionTimeout = strGlobalConnectionTimeout .Open end with 'If unable to conect with the database then display message if cnConnection.State = adStateClosed then Response.Write "<br><div class='divLoad'><p class='clsPTitle'>" & L_COMMENTS_UNABLE_TOCONNECT_ERRORMESSAGE & "</p>" Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_COMMENTS_CONNECTION_FAILED_TEXT & "</p></div>" Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>Error Number:" & cnConnection.Errors(0).Number & "</p>" Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>Error Description:" & cnConnection.Errors(0).Description & "</p></div>" cnConnection.Errors.Clear strFailureNumber = 4 Call CDestroyObjects %> <!--#include file="..\include\asp\foot.asp"--> <% Response.End end if End Sub
Private Sub CGetFileName on error resume next sFileName = Request.Cookies("ocaFileName") iPos = Instr(1, sFileName, ",") sFileName = Left(sFileName, iPos - 1) if InstrRev(sFileName, "/") <> 0 then sFileName = Right(sFileName, len(sFileName) - InStrRev(sFileName, "/")) elseif InstrRev(sFileName, "\") <> 0 then sFileName = Right(sFileName, len(sFileName) - InStrRev(sFileName, "\")) end if End Sub
Private Sub CCreateObjects on error resume next bol64Bit = false bolDatabaseError = false strIncidentID = Request.Cookies("Misc")("txtIncidentID") 'Create connection, command and recordset objects set cnConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") set cmComments = CreateObject("ADODB.Command") set cmHash = CreateObject("ADODB.Command") set cmIncident = CreateObject("ADODB.Command") Set oFileObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
End Sub
Private Sub CDestroyObjects on error resume next 'Close connection object and set ado objects to nothing if cnConnection.State = adStateOpen then cnConnection.Close set cmIncident = nothing set cmComments = nothing set cmHash = nothing set cnConnection = nothing End Sub
Private Sub CSetPreviousPage on error resume next strPreviousPage = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") strPreviousPage = Right(strPreviousPage, len(strPreviousPage) - Instrrev(strPreviousPage, "/")) Response.Cookies("Misc")("PreviousPage") = strPreviousPage End Sub
Private Sub CVerifyEntry on error resume next if Trim(Request.Cookies("Misc")("PreviousPage")) <> "submit.asp" and Trim(Request.Cookies("Misc")("PreviousPage")) <> "view.asp" then Response.Redirect("http://" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & "/welcome.asp") Response.End end if End Sub '_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
<form id="frmMain" name="frmMain">
<div class="clsDiv"> <% if bolDatabaseError = false then %> <p class="clsPTitle"> <% = L_RECEIVED_FILE_ONE_TEXT %> <% = L_RECEIVED_FILE_TWO_TEXT %> </p> <% end if %> <p class="clsPBody"> <% Response.Write L_RECEIVED_SUCCESS_PARTONE_TEXT Response.Write "<pre class='clsPreBody'>" & sFileName Response.write L_RECEIVED_SUCCESS_PARTTWO_TEXT Response.Write "</p></pre><p class='clsPBody'>" & L_RECEIVED_THANK_YOU_TEXT %> </p> </div> <br> <div class="clsDiv"> <img Alt="<% = L_WELCOME_GO_IMAGEALT_TEXT %>" border="0" src="../include/images/go.gif" width="24" height="24"><a class="clsALink" href="https://<% =Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") %>/secure/status.asp"><% = L_RECEIVED_STATUS_LINK_TEXT %></a> <br> <img Alt="<% = L_WELCOME_GO_IMAGEALT_TEXT %>" border="0" src="../include/images/go.gif" width="24" height="24"><a class="clsALink" href="https://<% =Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") %>/secure/locate.asp"><% = L_RECEIVED_NEWFILE_LINK_TEXT %></a> </div> <Input type="hidden" id="txtFileName" name="txtFileName" value="<% = sFileName & ", " & Date & ", "%>">
</form> <% Response.Cookies("Misc")("txtIncidentID") = "~|~|"
Response.Cookies("Misc")("auto") = "False" Response.Cookies("Misc")("privacy") = "1"
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript> <!-- window.onload = SaveData; function SaveData() { var oTimeNow = new Date(); // Start Time var sExpirationDate; var strUploadedFiles; var strCookies; var bolResults = false; var y; var strFileName; var strFile; var oTimeExpiresNow = new Date(); //Get previous uploads strUploadedFiles = LoadData(); if(strUploadedFiles==null) { spnUserData.setAttribute("UploadedFiles", frmMain.txtFileName.value); } else { strCookies = strUploadedFiles.split(","); strFileName = frmMain.txtFileName.value; strFile = strFileName.split(","); for(y=0;y < strCookies.length-1;y++) { if(strCookies[y] == strFile[0]) { bolResults = true; } } if(bolResults==false) { spnUserData.setAttribute("UploadedFiles", strUploadedFiles + frmMain.txtFileName.value); } } oTimeNow.setYear(oTimeNow.getYear() + 2); sExpirationDate = oTimeNow.toUTCString(); spnUserData.expires = sExpirationDate; spnUserData.save("OCADataStore"); document.cookie = "txtEventName = ~|~|;expires=" + oTimeExpiresNow + ";"; document.cookie = "txtNotes = ~|~|;expires=" + oTimeExpiresNow + ";"; document.cookie = "txtComments = ~|~|;expires=" + oTimeExpiresNow + ";"; document.cookie = "ocaFileName = ~|~|;expires=" + oTimeExpiresNow + ";"; document.cookie = "selSystem = 0"; //var iHeight = window.screen.availHeight; //var iWidth = window.screen.availWidth; //iWidth = iWidth / 2; //iHeight = iHeight / 3.8; //var iTop = (window.screen.width / 2) - (iWidth / 2); //var iLeft = (window.screen.height / 2) - (iHeight / 2); //iResults = window.open("secondlevelupload.asp", "", "top=" + iTop + ",left=" + iLeft + ",height=" + iHeight + ",width=" + iWidth + ",status=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no"); } function LoadData() { var Attribute; spnUserData.load("OCADataStore"); Attribute = spnUserData.getAttribute("UploadedFiles"); return Attribute; } function DisplayCookies() { // cookies are separated by semicolons var aCookie = document.cookie.split("; "); var aCrumb = ""; for (var i=0; i < aCookie.length; i++) { aCrumb = aCrumb + aCookie[i] + "\r"; } alert(aCrumb); } //--> </SCRIPT> <!--#include file="..\include\asp\foot.asp"--> <% Response.Cookies("txtEventName") = "~|~|" Response.Cookies("selSystem") = "0" %>