Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

614 lines
23 KiB

  1. <!--#INCLUDE file="..\include\asp\top.asp"-->
  2. <!--#INCLUDE file="..\include\inc\browserTest.inc"-->
  3. <!--#include file="..\include\asp\head.asp"-->
  4. <!--#INCLUDE file="..\include\inc\statestrings.inc"-->
  5. <%
  6. dim cnState
  7. dim rsState
  8. dim rsMoreInfo
  9. dim rsDescription
  10. Dim rsContact
  11. Dim rsTemplate
  12. Dim rsModule
  13. Dim arrMoreInfo
  14. dim iIncidentID
  15. dim x
  16. dim arrCompany
  17. dim ContactID
  18. Dim strTemp 'As String
  19. Dim strMoreInfo
  20. dim sStatus
  21. Dim strCompanyName
  22. dim sClass
  23. dim sEventName
  24. dim strSolution
  25. dim strCompany
  26. dim strDescription
  27. dim strMid
  28. Dim strSub 'As String
  29. Dim strFirstHalf 'As String
  30. Dim strSecondHalf 'As String
  31. Dim strLink 'As String
  32. Dim strKB 'As String
  33. Dim strKBI
  34. Dim strLinkI
  35. Dim strINTLKB
  36. Dim strINTLKBURL
  37. Dim strTemplate
  38. Dim strKBLists
  39. Dim strKBArts
  40. Dim strModule
  41. Dim strContact
  42. Dim iPos
  43. Dim intMessage
  44. Dim iLenSub 'As Integer
  45. Dim iStart 'As Integer
  46. Dim iStop 'As Integer
  47. Dim iCurrentPos 'As Integer
  48. Dim iLen 'As Integer
  49. Dim iInstance
  50. Dim ModuleID
  51. Dim bolSearchgBucket
  52. bolSearchgBucket = false
  53. Call CVerifyEntry
  54. Call CCreateObjects
  55. '****************************************Completed**********************************************************
  56. 'sClass = Replace(sClass, "[plus]", "+")
  57. 'Response.Write unescape(sClass) & "<br>" & iInstance
  58. 'Response.Write "<BR>" & intMessage
  59. if intMessage = 6 then
  60. intMessage = 2
  61. bolSearchgBucket = true
  62. end if
  63. if intMessage = 2 then
  64. Call CCreateConnection
  65. set rsState = cnState.Execute("Exec GetSolution '" & sClass & "', '" & strAbb & "'")
  66. if rsState.EOF = true then
  67. set rsState = cnState.Execute("Exec GetSolution '" & sClass & "', 'USA'")
  68. End if
  69. 'REsponse.Write "<BR>" & rsState.RecordCount & "Class:" & sClass
  70. '*************************************************************************************************************
  71. if rsState.State = adStateOpen then
  72. set rsState.ActiveConnection = nothing
  73. if rsState.RecordCount > 0 then
  74. if bolSearchgBucket = false then
  75. rsState.Filter = "BucketType = 1"
  76. if rsState.RecordCount < 1 then
  77. rsState.Filter = "BucketType = 2"
  78. end if
  79. else
  80. rsState.Filter = "BucketType = 2"
  81. end if
  82. 'Response.Write bolSearchgBucket
  83. if IsNull(rsState("Description")) = true then
  84. strKBLists = ""
  85. strTemp = ""
  86. strDescription = ""
  87. else
  88. strDescription = rsState("Description")
  89. strTemp = ""
  90. strKBLists = rsState("Description")
  91. strTemp = rsState("Description")
  92. end if
  93. if IsNull(rsState("ContactID")) = true then
  94. ContactID = ""
  95. else
  96. ContactID = rsState("ContactID")
  97. end if
  98. if IsNull(rsState("ModuleID")) = true then
  99. ModuleID = ""
  100. else
  101. ModuleID = rsState("ModuleID")
  102. end if
  103. iLen = Len(strTemp)
  104. iPos = 1
  105. For x = 1 To iLen
  106. iPos = InStr(iPos, strTemp, "<KB>", vbTextCompare)
  107. If iPos = 0 Then Exit For
  108. iStart = iPos
  109. iPos = iPos + 4
  110. iPos = InStr(iPos, strTemp, "</KB>", vbTextCompare)
  111. If iPos = 0 Then Exit For
  112. iStop = iPos
  113. iStart = iStart + 4
  114. iLenSub = iStop - (iStart)
  115. 'Do something
  116. strLink = Mid(strTemp, iStart + 1, iLenSub - 1)
  117. strKB = Mid(strTemp, iStart, iLenSub)
  118. strSub = "<a class='clsALink' target='_blank' href='" & L_STATE_KNOWLEDGEBASE_LINK_TEXT & strLink & "'>" & strKB & "</a>"
  119. strKBArts = strKBArts & strSub & "<BR>"
  120. strFirstHalf = Mid(strTemp, 1, iStart - 5)
  121. if x = 1 then
  122. if Left(strFirstHalf, 4) = "<BR>" then
  123. strFirstHalf = mid(trim(strFirstHalf), 5, Len(strFirstHalf) - 4)
  124. end if
  125. end if
  126. strSecondHalf = Mid(strTemp, iStop + 5, iLen)
  127. strKBLists = strFirstHalf & "&nbsp;" & "&nbsp;" & strSecondHalf
  128. Next
  129. iLen = Len(strKBLists)
  130. iPos = 1
  131. For x = 1 To iLen
  132. iPos = InStr(iPos, strKBLists, "<INTLKB>", vbTextCompare)
  133. If iPos = 0 Then Exit For
  134. iStart = iPos + 8
  135. 'iStart = iPos
  136. iPos = InStr(iPos, strKBLists, "</INTLKB>", vbTextCompare)
  137. If iPos = 0 Then Exit For
  138. iStop = iPos
  139. iLenSub = iStop - (iStart)
  140. strKBI = Mid(strKBLists, iStart, iLenSub)
  141. strFirstHalf = Mid(strKBLists, 1, iStart - 5)
  142. if x = 1 then
  143. if Left(strFirstHalf, 12) = "<BR>" then
  144. strFirstHalf = mid(trim(strFirstHalf), 5, Len(strFirstHalf) - 12)
  145. end if
  146. end if
  147. strSecondHalf = Mid(strKBLists, iStop + 5, iLen)
  148. strKBLists = strFirstHalf & "&nbsp;" & "&nbsp;" & strSecondHalf
  149. iPos = InStr(iPos, strKBLists, "<INTLKBURL>", vbTextCompare)
  150. If iPos = 0 Then Exit For
  151. iStart = iPos
  152. iPos = iPos + 11
  153. iPos = InStr(iPos, strKBLists, "</INTLKBURL>", vbTextCompare)
  154. If iPos = 0 Then Exit For
  155. iStop = iPos
  156. iStart = iStart + 11
  157. iLenSub = iStop - (iStart)
  158. strLinkI = Mid(strKBLists, iStart, iLenSub)
  159. strSub = "<a class='clsALink' target='_blank' href='" & strLinkI & "'>" & strKBI & "</a>"
  160. strINTLKB = strINTLKB & strSub & "<BR>"
  161. strFirstHalf = Mid(strKBLists, 1, iStart - 5)
  162. if x = 1 then
  163. if Left(strFirstHalf, 12) = "<BR>" then
  164. strFirstHalf = mid(trim(strFirstHalf), 5, Len(strFirstHalf) - 12)
  165. end if
  166. end if
  167. strSecondHalf = Mid(strKBLists, iStop + 5, iLen)
  168. strKBLists = strFirstHalf & "&nbsp;" & "&nbsp;" & strSecondHalf
  169. Next
  170. end if
  171. if rsState.State = adStateOpen then
  172. if rsState.RecordCount > 0 then
  173. strDescription = rsState("Description")
  174. end if
  175. end if
  176. end if
  177. if ContactID <> "" then
  178. set rsContact = cnState.Execute("exec getcontact " & ContactID)
  179. if rsContact.State = adStateOpen then
  180. set rsContact.ActiveConnection = nothing
  181. strContact = rsContact("CompanyName")
  182. end if
  183. end if
  184. if ModuleID <> "" then
  185. set rsModule = cnState.Execute("exec GetModule " & ModuleID)
  186. if rsModule.State = adStateOpen then
  187. set rsModule.ActiveConnection = nothing
  188. strModule = rsModule("ModuleName")
  189. end if
  190. end if
  191. '**********************************Template************************************************
  192. if IsNull(rsState("TemplateID")) = false then
  193. if rsState("TemplateID") > 0 then
  194. Set rsTemplate = cnState.Execute("exec GetTemplate " & rsState("TemplateID"))
  195. if rsTemplate.State = adStateOpen then
  196. if rsTemplate.RecordCount > 0 then
  197. strTemplate = rsTemplate("Description")
  198. strTemplate = Replace(strTemplate, "<MODULE></MODULE>", strModule)
  199. strTemplate = Replace(strTemplate, "<CONTACT></CONTACT>", strContact)
  200. end if
  201. end if
  202. end if
  203. end if
  204. if rsState.State = adStateClosed then
  205. set rsMoreInfo = cnState.Execute("Exec GetMoreInfo " & iInstance & ", 'USA'")
  206. set rsMoreInfo.ActiveConnection = nothing
  207. if rsMoreInfo.State = adStateOpen then
  208. rsMOreInfo.Filter = "BucketType = 2"
  209. if rsMoreInfo.RecordCount > 0 then
  210. rsMoreInfo.MoveFirst
  211. do while rsMoreInfo.EOF = false
  212. strTemp = rsMoreInfo.Fields(0).Value
  213. if len(strTemp) > 0 then
  214. arrMoreInfo = split(strTemp, ";")
  215. for x=0 to ubound(arrMoreInfo)
  216. strMoreInfo = strMoreInfo & "<a class=clsALink target='_blank' href='" & L_STATE_KNOWLEDGEBASE_LINK_TEXT
  217. strMoreInfo = strMoreInfo & Mid(Trim(arrMoreInfo(x)), 2, len(arrMoreInfo(x)))
  218. strMoreInfo = strMoreInfo & "'>" & arrMoreInfo(x) & "</a><br><br>"
  219. next
  220. end if
  221. rsMoreInfo.MoveNext
  222. loop
  223. end if
  224. end if
  225. elseif rsState.State = adStateOpen Then
  226. if rsState.RecordCount < 1 then
  227. set rsMoreInfo = cnState.Execute("Exec GetMoreInfo " & iInstance & ", 'USA'")
  228. set rsMoreInfo.ActiveConnection = nothing
  229. if rsMoreInfo.State = adStateOpen then
  230. rsMOreInfo.Filter = "BucketType = 2"
  231. if rsMoreInfo.RecordCount > 0 then
  232. rsMoreInfo.MoveFirst
  233. do while rsMoreInfo.EOF = false
  234. strTemp = rsMoreInfo.Fields(0).Value
  235. if len(strTemp) > 0 then
  236. arrMoreInfo = split(strTemp, ";")
  237. for x=0 to ubound(arrMoreInfo)
  238. strMoreInfo = strMoreInfo & "<a class=clsALink target='_blank' href='" & L_STATE_KNOWLEDGEBASE_LINK_TEXT
  239. strMoreInfo = strMoreInfo & Mid(Trim(arrMoreInfo(x)), 2, len(arrMoreInfo(x)))
  240. strMoreInfo = strMoreInfo & "'>" & arrMoreInfo(x) & "</a><br><br>"
  241. next
  242. end if
  243. rsMoreInfo.MoveNext
  244. loop
  245. end if
  246. end if
  247. end if
  248. end if
  249. if rsState.State = adStateOpen and rsMoreInfo.State = adStateOpen then
  250. if rsState.RecordCount < 1 and rsMoreInfo.RecordCount < 1 then
  251. intMessage = 1
  252. elseif rsState.RecordCount < 1 and rsMoreInfo.RecordCount > 0 then
  253. intMessage = 5
  254. end if
  255. elseif rsState.State = adStateClosed and rsMoreInfo.State = adStateOpen then
  256. if rsState.RecordCount < 1 and rsMoreInfo.RecordCount > 0 then
  257. intMessage = 5
  258. end if
  259. elseif rsState.State = adStateClosed and rsMoreInfo.State = adStateClosed then
  260. intMessage = 1
  261. end if
  262. 'Response.Write intMessage
  263. if rsState.State = adStateOpen or rsMoreInfo.State = adStateOpen then
  264. if rsState.RecordCount > 0 or rsMoreInfo.RecordCount > 0 then
  265. If IsNull(rsState("BucketType")) = false then
  266. if rsState("BucketType") = 2 then
  267. intMessage = 6
  268. elseif rsState("BucketType") = 1 then
  269. intMessage = 2
  270. end if
  271. end if
  272. end if
  273. end if
  274. '******************************************************************************************
  275. if rsDescription.State = adStateOpen then rsDescription.Close
  276. if rsState.State = adStateOpen then rsState.Close
  277. if cnState.State = adStateOpen then cnState.Close
  278. '****************************************Researching More Info**********************************************************
  279. elseif intMessage = 5 then
  280. Call CCreateConnection
  281. set rsMoreInfo = cnState.Execute("Exec GetMoreInfo " & iInstance & ", 'USA'")
  282. set rsMoreInfo.ActiveConnection = nothing
  283. if rsMoreInfo.State = adStateOpen then
  284. if rsMoreInfo.RecordCount > 0 then
  285. rsMoreInfo.MoveFirst
  286. do while rsMoreInfo.EOF = false
  287. strTemp = rsMoreInfo.Fields(0).Value
  288. if len(strTemp) > 0 then
  289. arrMoreInfo = split(strTemp, ";")
  290. for x=0 to ubound(arrMoreInfo)
  291. strMoreInfo = strMoreInfo & "<a class=clsALink target='_blank' href='" & L_STATE_KNOWLEDGEBASE_LINK_TEXT
  292. strMoreInfo = strMoreInfo & Mid(Trim(arrMoreInfo(x)), 2, len(arrMoreInfo(x)))
  293. strMoreInfo = strMoreInfo & "'>" & arrMoreInfo(x) & "</a><br><br>"
  294. next
  295. end if
  296. rsMoreInfo.MoveNext
  297. loop
  298. end if
  299. end if
  300. if cnState.State = adStateOpen then cnState.Close
  301. end if
  302. '_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  303. 'Sub Procedures
  304. Private Sub CVerifyEntry
  305. on error resume next
  306. if Trim(Request.Cookies("Misc")("PreviousPage")) <> "status.asp" then
  307. Response.Redirect("http://" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & "/welcome.asp")
  308. Response.End
  309. end if
  310. End Sub
  311. Private Sub CCreateConnection
  312. on error resume next
  313. with cnState
  314. .ConnectionString = strSolutions
  315. .CursorLocation = adUseClient
  316. .ConnectionTimeout = strGlobalConnectionTimeout
  317. .Open
  318. end with
  319. if cnState.State = adStateClosed then
  320. strTemp = "http://" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & Request.ServerVariables("URL")
  321. Response.Write "<br><div class='divLoad'><p class='clsPTitle'>" & L_COMMENTS_UNABLE_TOCONNECT_ERRORMESSAGE & "</p>"
  322. Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_COMMENTS_CONNECTION_FAILED_TEXT & "</p></div>"
  323. Call CDestroyObjects
  324. %>
  325. <!--#include file="..\include\asp\foot.asp"-->
  326. <%
  327. Response.End
  328. end if
  329. End Sub
  330. Private Sub CCreateObjects
  331. on error resume next
  332. iIncidentID = Request.Cookies("status")("txtIncidentID")
  333. sClass = Request.Cookies("status")("Class")
  334. intMessage = Request.Cookies("status")("txtEventName")
  335. intMessage = Cint(intMessage)
  336. sEventName = Request.Cookies("status")("txtDescription")
  337. iInstance = Request.Cookies("status")("iInstance")
  338. sEventName = unescape(sEventName)
  339. if sEventName = "~|~|" then sEventName = ""
  340. 'Response.Write "Event Name:" & sEventName & "<BR>Message:" & intMessage & "<br>Class:" & sClass
  341. 'Response.Write "<BR>Incident:" & iIncidentID & "<BR>Instance" & iInstance
  342. set rsContact = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  343. set cnState = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  344. set rsState = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  345. set rsDescription = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  346. Set rsMoreInfo = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  347. Set rsTemplate = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  348. Set rsModule = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  350. arrCompany = split(strCompany, ";")
  351. End Sub
  352. Private Sub CDestroyObjects
  353. on error resume next
  354. if rsContact.State = adStateOpen then rsContact.Close
  355. if rsState.State = adStateOpen then rsState.Close
  356. if rsMoreInfo.State = adStateOpen then rsMoreInfo.Close
  357. if rsTemplate.State = adStateOpen then rsTemplate.Close
  358. if rsDescription.State = adStateOpen then rsDescription.Close
  359. if rsModule.State = adStateOpen then rsModule.Close
  360. if cnState.State = adStateOpen then cnState.Close
  361. set rsContact = nothing
  362. set rsMoreInfo = nothing
  363. set rsState = nothing
  364. set rsDescription = nothing
  365. set cnState = nothing
  366. End Sub
  367. '_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  368. %>
  369. <form id="frmMain" name="frmMain">
  370. <div class="clsDiv">
  371. <%
  372. Response.Write "<P class='clsPTitle'>" & L_STATE_EVENT_NAME_MESSAGE & "</p>"
  373. Response.Write "<P class='clsPBody' style='word-wrap:break;word-break:break-all'>" & L_STATE_EVENTNAME_TITLE_TEXT & "&nbsp;"
  374. Response.Write unescape(sEventName)
  375. Response.Write "</P>"
  376. Response.Write "<table border=0><thead><tr><td width=55% nowrap>"
  377. Select case intMessage
  378. case 0
  379. Response.Write "<P class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_IN_PROGRESS_TEXT & "</P>"
  380. case 1
  381. Response.Write "<P class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_RESEARCHING_TITLE_TEXT & "</P>"
  382. case 2
  383. Response.Write "<P class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_ANALYSIS_COMPLETE_TEXT & "</P>"
  384. case 3
  385. Response.Write "<P class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_CANNOT_PROCESS_TEXT & "</P>"
  386. case 4
  387. Response.Write "<P class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_ANALYSIS_COMPLETE_TEXT & "</P>" 'L_STATE_FULLDUMP_REQUIRED_TEXT
  388. case 5
  389. Response.Write "<p class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_RESEARCHINGMORE_INFO_TEXT & "</p>"
  390. case 6
  391. Response.Write "<p class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_RESEARCHINGMORE_INFOGBUCKET_TEXT & "</p>"
  392. case 10
  393. Response.Write "<P class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_64BITDUMP_FILE_TEXT & "</P>"
  394. case 16
  395. Response.Write "<P class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_UNKNOWN_BODY_TEXT & "</P>"
  396. case else
  397. Response.Write "<P class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_UNKNOWN_BODY_TEXT & "</P>"
  398. end select
  399. Response.Write "</td><td width=5% ></td><td width=45% nowrap>"
  400. if rsContact.State = adStateOpen then
  401. if rsContact.RecordCount > 0 then
  402. Response.Write "<P class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_MANUFACTURERS_INFORMATION_TEXT & "</p>"
  403. end if
  404. end if
  405. if intMessage = 4 then
  406. Response.Write "</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td width=100% valign=top>"
  407. else
  408. Response.Write "</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td width=55% valign=top>"
  409. end if
  410. Select case intMessage
  411. case 0
  412. Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_INPROGRESS_DETAILS_TEXT & "</P>"
  413. case 1
  414. Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_RESEARCHING_DETAILS_TEXT & "</P>"
  415. Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_ADDITONAL_HELP_TEXT & "<a class='clsALinkNormal' href='" & L_FAQ_MICROSOFT_LINK_TEXT & "' "
  416. Response.Write "Target='_blank'>" & L_WELCOME_INTERNET_EXPLORER_TEXT & "</a></P>"
  417. case 2
  418. Response.Write "<P class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_ANALYSISCOMPLETE_DETAILS_TEXT & ""
  419. case 3
  420. Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_CANNOTPROCESS_DETAILS_TEXT & "</P>"
  421. Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>"
  422. Response.Write "<dir style='margin-right:0px;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px'>"
  423. Response.Write "<li>" & L_FAQ_WHATIF_CANNOTPROCESSBODY1_TEXT & "<BR></li>"
  424. Response.Write "<li>" & L_FAQ_WHATIF_CANNOTPROCESSBODY2_TEXT & "<BR></li>"
  425. Response.Write "<li>" & L_FAQ_WHATIF_CANNOTPROCESSBODY3_TEXT & "<BR></li>"
  426. Response.Write "<li>" & L_FAQ_WHATIF_CANNOTPROCESSBODY4_TEXT & "<BR></li>"
  427. Response.Write "</dir>"
  428. Response.Write "</p>"
  429. case 4
  430. Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMP_REQUIREDDETAILS_TEXT & "</P>"
  431. case 5
  432. Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_RESEARCHINGMORE_INFOBODY_TEXT & "</p>"
  433. case 5
  434. Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_RESEARCHINGMORE_INFOBODYGBUCKET_TEXT & "</p>"
  435. case 6
  436. Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_RESEARCHINGMORE_INFOBODYGBUCKET_TEXT & "</p>"
  437. case 10
  438. Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_64BITDUMP_BODY_TEXT & "</p>"
  439. case 16
  440. Response.Write "<P class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_STATUS_BODY_TEXT & "</P>"
  441. Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_ADDITONAL_HELP_TEXT & "<a class='clsALinkNormal' href='" & L_FAQ_MICROSOFT_LINK_TEXT & "' "
  442. Response.Write "Target='_blank'>" & L_WELCOME_INTERNET_EXPLORER_TEXT & "</a></P>"
  443. case else
  444. Response.Write "<P class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_STATUS_BODY_TEXT & "</P>"
  445. Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_ADDITONAL_HELP_TEXT & "<a class='clsALinkNormal' href='" & L_FAQ_MICROSOFT_LINK_TEXT & "' "
  446. Response.Write "Target='_blank'>" & L_WELCOME_INTERNET_EXPLORER_TEXT & "</a></P>"
  447. end select
  448. Response.Write "</td><td width='5%' ></td><td nowrap width='45%' valign=top rowspan=17 ><P class='clsPBody'>"
  449. if rsContact.State = adStateOpen then
  450. if rsContact.RecordCount > 0 then
  451. For x = 0 to rsContact.Fields.Count - 10
  452. if isnull(rsContact.Fields(x).Value) = true or rsContact.Fields(x).Value = "" then
  453. if x <> 2 and x <> 13 then
  454. Response.Write arrCompany(x) & ":&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>"
  455. end if
  456. else
  457. if x = 2 or x = 13 then
  458. Response.Write rsContact.Fields(x).Value & "<br>"
  459. elseif x = 9 then
  460. Response.Write arrCompany(x) & ":&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class=clsALinkNormal' target='main' href='" & rsContact.Fields(x).Value & "'>" & rsContact.Fields(x).Value & "</a><br>"
  461. elseif x = 0 then
  462. if len(rsContact.Fields(x).Value) > 17 then
  463. end if
  464. Response.Write arrCompany(x) & ":&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" & rsContact.Fields(x).Value & "<br>"
  465. else
  466. Response.Write arrCompany(x) & ":&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" & rsContact.Fields(x).Value & "<br>"
  467. end if
  468. end if
  469. next
  470. else
  472. end if
  473. else
  475. end if
  476. Response.Write "</p></td></tr>"
  477. Response.Write "<tr><td width=45% valign=bottom>"
  478. if intMessage <> 4 then
  479. %>
  480. <P class="clsPSubTitle">
  481. <%
  482. if len(strKBLists) > 0 then
  483. Response.write "<BR>"
  485. end if
  486. %>
  487. </P>
  488. <%
  489. Response.Write "</td><td></td></tr><tr><td width=45% valign=bottom>"
  490. %>
  491. <P class="clsPBody">
  492. <%
  493. if len(strKBLists) > 0 then
  494. Response.Write strKBLists & "<br>"
  495. end if
  496. if len(strTemplate) > 0 then
  497. if Len(strKBLists) > 0 then
  498. Response.Write "<BR>"
  499. end if
  500. Response.Write strTemplate & "<br>"
  501. end if
  502. %>
  503. <br></p>
  504. <%
  505. Response.Write "</td><td></td></tr><tr><td width=45% valign=bottom>"
  506. %>
  507. <P class="clsPSubTitle">
  508. <%
  509. if len(strKBArts) > 0 or Len(strMoreInfo) > 0 or Len(strINTLKB) > 0 then
  511. end if
  512. %>
  513. </P>
  514. <%
  515. Response.Write "</td><td></td></tr><tr><td width=45% valign=bottom>"
  516. %>
  517. <P class="clsPBody">
  518. <%
  519. if Len(strKBArts) > 0 then
  520. Response.Write strKBArts
  521. end if
  522. if Len(strMoreInfo) > 0 then
  523. Response.Write "<BR>"
  524. Response.Write strMoreInfo
  525. end if
  526. if len(strINTLKB) > 0 then
  527. Response.Write "<BR>"
  528. Response.Write strINTLKB
  529. end if
  530. Response.Write "</td><td></td></tr>"
  531. %>
  532. </p>
  533. <%
  534. else
  535. Response.Write "<tr><td width=45% valign=bottom><p class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPPRIVACYTITLE_INFO_TEXT & "</p></td><td></td></tr>"
  536. Response.Write "<tr><td width=45% valign=bottom><p class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPPRIVACYBODY_INFO_TEXT & "</p></td><td></td></tr>"
  537. Response.Write "<tr><td width=45% valign=bottom><p class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPLOCATIONTITLE_INFO_TEXT & "</p></td><td></td></tr>"
  538. Response.Write "<tr><td width=45% valign=bottom><p class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPLOCATIONBODY_INFO_TEXT
  542. Response.Write "</ol></p></td><td></td></tr>"
  543. Response.Write "<tr><td width=45% valign=bottom><p class='clsPSubTitle'>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPSUBMITTALTITLE_INFO_TEXT & "</p></td><td></td></tr>"
  544. Response.Write "<tr><td width=45% valign=bottom><p class='clsPBody'>" & L_STATE_FULLDUMPSUBMITTALBODY_INFO_TEXT
  552. Response.Write "</ol></p></td><td></td></tr>"
  553. end if
  554. Response.Write "</tbody></table>"
  555. %>
  556. <P class="clsPBody">
  557. <Table class="clstblLinks">
  558. <thead>
  559. <tr>
  560. <td>
  561. </td>
  562. </tr>
  563. </thead>
  564. <tbody>
  565. <tr>
  566. <td nowrap class="clsTDLinks">
  567. <A class="clsALink" href="JAVASCRIPT:window.navigate('status.asp');"><% = L_DETAILS_STATUS_BODY_TEXT %></a>
  568. </td>
  569. </tr>
  570. </tbody>
  571. </table>
  572. </P>
  573. </div>
  574. <br>
  575. </form>
  576. <%
  577. Call CDestroyObjects
  578. %>
  579. <!--#include file="..\include\asp\foot.asp"-->