Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Header file for the file system dump utility engine
Stefan R. Steiner [ssteiner] 02-18-2000
Revision History:
#ifndef __H_ENGINE_
#define __H_ENGINE_
class CFsdVolumeStateManager; class CFsdVolumeState;
class CDumpEngine { public: CDumpEngine( IN CBsString cwsDirFileSpec, IN CDumpParameters &cDumpParameters ) : m_pcParams( &cDumpParameters ), m_ullNumDirs( 0 ), m_ullNumMountpoints( 0 ), m_ullNumBytesChecksummed( 0 ), m_ullNumBytesTotalUnnamedStream( 0 ), m_ullNumBytesTotalNamedDataStream( 0 ), m_ullNumReparsePoints( 0 ), m_ullNumFiles( 0 ), m_bShareName( FALSE ), m_ullNumFilesExcluded( 0 ), m_ullNumHardLinks( 0 ), m_ullNumDiscreteDACEs( 0 ), m_ullNumDiscreteSACEs( 0 ), m_ullNumEncryptedFiles( 0 ), m_ullNumFilesWithObjectIds( 0 ) { assert( cwsDirFileSpec.GetLength() >= 1 );
// Let's do a bunch of stuff to normalize the given directory path. Windows doesn't
// make this easy....
BOOL bPathIsInLongPathForm = FALSE;
if ( cwsDirFileSpec.Left( 4 ) == L"\\\\?\\" || cwsDirFileSpec.Left( 4 ) == L"\\\\.\\" ) { //
// Switch . with ? if it is there
cwsDirFileSpec.SetAt( 2, L'?' ); bPathIsInLongPathForm = TRUE; } else if ( cwsDirFileSpec.Left( 2 ) == L"\\\\" ) { //
// Remote path
m_bShareName = TRUE; } else if ( cwsDirFileSpec.GetLength() == 2 && cwsDirFileSpec[1] == L':' ) { //
// Just the drive letter and :. GetFullPathNameW thinks that means
// the current directory on the drive whereas I mean for it to be the
// entire volume, i.e. L:\ //
cwsDirFileSpec += L'\\'; } //
// Let's get the full path
LPWSTR pwszFileName; if ( ::GetFullPathNameW( cwsDirFileSpec, FSD_MAX_PATH, m_cwsDirFileSpec.GetBufferSetLength( FSD_MAX_PATH ), &pwszFileName ) == 0 ) { m_pcParams->ErrPrint( L"ERROR - Unable to get full path name of '%s', dwRet: %d, trying with relative pathname", cwsDirFileSpec.c_str(), ::GetLastError() ); m_cwsDirFileSpec.ReleaseBuffer() ; m_cwsDirFileSpec = cwsDirFileSpec; } else { m_cwsDirFileSpec.ReleaseBuffer(); } //
// Must prepare the path to support > MAX_PATH file path by
// tacking on \\?\ on the front of the path. Shares have
// a slightly different format.
if ( !( m_pcParams->m_bDisableLongPaths || bPathIsInLongPathForm ) ) { if ( m_bShareName ) { // BUGBUG: When the bug in GetVolumePathNameW() is fixed, uncomment the
// following:
// m_cwsDirFileSpec = L"\\\\?\\UNC";
// m_cwsDirFileSpec += cwsDirFileSpec.c_str() + 1; // Have to chop off one '\'
} else { m_cwsDirFileSpec = L"\\\\?\\" + m_cwsDirFileSpec; } }
// Add a trailing '\' if necessary
if ( m_pcParams->m_eFsDumpType != eFsDumpFile && m_cwsDirFileSpec.Right( 1 ) != L"\\" ) m_cwsDirFileSpec += L'\\';
// Finally done mucking with paths...
} virtual ~CDumpEngine() { }
DWORD PerformDump();
static LPCSTR GetHeaderInformation(); private: DWORD ProcessDir( IN CFsdVolumeStateManager *pcFsdVolStateManager, IN CFsdVolumeState *pcFsdVolState, IN const CBsString& cwsDirPath, IN INT cDirFileSpecLength, IN INT cVolMountPointOffset );
VOID PrintEntry( IN CFsdVolumeState *pcFsdVolState, IN const CBsString& cwsDirPath, IN INT cDirFileSpecLength, IN SDirectoryEntry *psDirEntry, IN BOOL bSingleEntryOutput = FALSE ); CBsString m_cwsDirFileSpec; CDumpParameters *m_pcParams; ULONGLONG m_ullNumDirs; ULONGLONG m_ullNumFiles; ULONGLONG m_ullNumMountpoints; ULONGLONG m_ullNumReparsePoints; ULONGLONG m_ullNumBytesChecksummed; ULONGLONG m_ullNumBytesTotalUnnamedStream; ULONGLONG m_ullNumBytesTotalNamedDataStream; ULONGLONG m_ullNumFilesExcluded; ULONGLONG m_ullNumHardLinks; ULONGLONG m_ullNumDiscreteDACEs; ULONGLONG m_ullNumDiscreteSACEs; ULONGLONG m_ullNumEncryptedFiles; ULONGLONG m_ullNumFilesWithObjectIds; BOOL m_bShareName; };
#endif // __H_ENGINE_