// filename conversion/canonicalization facility
#include "mbrmake.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
LSZ ToCanonPath(LSZ lszPath, LSZ lszCwd, LSZ lszCanon); VOID ToRelativePath(LSZ lszPath, LSZ lszCwd); VOID ToBackSlashes(LSZ lsz);
#include <stdio.h>
main() { static char s[PATH_BUF]; static char canon[PATH_BUF]; static char cwd[PATH_BUF];
getcwd(cwd, PATH_BUF); printf("Current Dir is %s\n", cwd); printf("Canonical path?\n"); gets(canon); while (gets(s)) { printf("%s\n", ToCanonPath(s, cwd, canon)); } }
LSZ ToCanonPath(LSZ lszPath, LSZ lszCwd, LSZ lszCanon) // canonicalize the given path
{ LSZ p; static char buf[PATH_BUF];
strcpy(buf, lszPath);
if (buf[0] == 0 || buf[0] == '\\' || buf[0] == '<') return buf;
if (buf[1] == ':') { // different drive is assumed invariant
if (buf[0] != lszCwd[0] || '\\' == buf[2]) return buf;
strcpy(buf, lszCwd); strcat(buf, "/"); strcat(buf, lszPath+2); } else { strcpy(buf, lszCwd); strcat(buf, "/"); strcat(buf, lszPath); }
p = buf; for (;;) { p = strchr(p, '\\'); if (!p) { ToRelativePath(buf, lszCanon); return buf; }
switch (p[1]) {
case '\0': *p = 0; ToRelativePath(buf, lszCanon); return buf;
case '\\': strcpy(p, p+1); break;
case '.':
if (p[2] == '\\' || p[2] == 0) { strcpy(p, p+2); break; } if (p[2] == '.' && (p[3] == '\\' || p[3] == 0)) { LSZ s;
s = p;
while (--s >= buf) { if (*s == '\\') { strcpy(s+1,p+3); p = s; break; } }
if (s < buf) p++; } break;
default: p++; } } }
VOID ToRelativePath(LSZ lszPath, LSZ lszCwd) // convert absolute path to relative
{ WORD ich, ichOK; int c1, c2; char buf[PATH_BUF];
ich = ichOK = 0;
for (ich = 0; lszPath[ich] && lszCwd[ich]; ich++) {
c1 = lszPath[ich]; c2 = lszCwd[ich];
if (c1 == c2) { if (c1 == '\\') ichOK = ich+1; continue; }
if (isupper(c1) && islower(c2) && tolower(c1) == c2) continue;
if (isupper(c2) && islower(c1) && tolower(c2) == c1) continue;
break; }
if (ich == 0) // not on the same drive, we can't do the conversion
if (lszCwd[ich] == 0 && lszPath[ich] == '\\') { ichOK = ich+1; c2 = 0; } else { c2 = 1; c1 = ichOK; for (c1 = ichOK; lszCwd[c1]; c1++) if (lszCwd[c1] == '\\') c2++; }
buf[0] = 0; for (c1 = 0; c1 < c2; c1++) strcat(buf, "..\\");
strcat(buf, lszPath+ichOK); strcpy(lszPath, buf); }
LSZ ToAbsPath(LSZ lszPath, LSZ lszCwd) // canonicalize the given path
{ LSZ p; static char buf[PATH_BUF];
strcpy(buf, lszPath);
if (buf[0] == '<') return buf;
if (buf[0] == 0) { strcpy(buf, lszCwd); ToBackSlashes(lszCwd); return buf; }
if (buf[0] == '\\') { buf[0] = lszCwd[0]; buf[1] = ':'; strcpy(buf+2, lszPath); ToBackSlashes(buf); return buf; }
if (buf[1] == ':') { // different drive is assumed invariant
if (buf[0] != lszCwd[0] || buf[2] == '\\') return buf;
strcpy(buf, lszCwd); strcat(buf, "/"); strcat(buf, lszPath+2); } else { strcpy(buf, lszCwd); strcat(buf, "/"); strcat(buf, lszPath); }
p = buf; for (;;) { p = strchr(p, '\\'); if (!p) return buf;
switch (p[1]) {
case '\0': *p = 0; return buf;
case '\\': strcpy(p, p+1); break;
case '.':
if (p[2] == '\\' || p[2] == 0) { strcpy(p, p+2); break; } if (p[2] == '.' && (p[3] == '\\' || p[3] == 0)) { LSZ s;
s = p;
while (--s >= buf) { if (*s == '\\') { strcpy(s+1,p+3); p = s; break; } }
if (s < buf) p++; } break;
default: p++; } } }
VOID ToBackSlashes(LSZ lsz) // convert forward slashes to backslashes
{ while (*lsz) { if (*lsz == '/') *lsz = '\\'; lsz ++; } }