// The format of the token file is:
// [[TYPE ID|RES ID|Item ID|Flags|Status Flags|Item Name]]=
// this is the standar format used by several token file tools in MS.
// Author: Alessandro Muti
// Date: 12/02/94
#include <afx.h>
#include "iodll.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "token.h"
#include "vktbl.h"
#include "imagehlp.h"
extern CMainApp theApp;
This is the part were the real code starts. The function Bingen generate a binary from a token file. If the user select the -u options then we perform a token checking otherwise we'll be compatible with RLMAN and just trust the ID. \*******************************************************/
CMainApp::Error_Codes CMainApp::BinGen() { Error_Codes iErr = ERR_NOERROR; CTokenFile m_tokenfile; CToken * pToken;
iErr = (CMainApp::Error_Codes)m_tokenfile.Open(m_strSrcTok, m_strTgtTok);
if(iErr) { return iErr; }
WriteCon(CONERR, "%s\r\n", CalcTab("", 79, '-'));
// Copy the Src binary over the target
// Now we can go and open an handle to the SrcExe file
HANDLE hModule = RSOpenModule(m_strInExe, NULL); if ((int)(UINT_PTR)hModule < LAST_ERROR) { // error or warning
WriteCon(CONERR, "%s", CalcTab(m_strInExe, m_strInExe.GetLength()+5, ' ')); IoDllError((int)(UINT_PTR)hModule); return ERR_FILE_NOTSUPP; } else { LPCSTR lpszType = 0L; LPCSTR lpszRes = 0L; DWORD dwLang = 0L; DWORD dwItem = 0L; DWORD dwItemId; LPRESITEM lpResItem = NULL; CString strResName = "";
BOOL bSkip; BOOL bSkipLang = FALSE; WORD wCount = 0;
CString strFaceName; WORD wPointSize; BYTE bCharSet;
// before we do anything else we have to check how many languages we have in the file
CString strLang; char szLang[8]; BOOL b_multi_lang = FALSE; USHORT usInputLang = MAKELANGID(m_usIPriLangId, m_usISubLangId);
if((b_multi_lang = RSLanguages(hModule, strLang.GetBuffer(1024))) && !IsFlag(INPUT_LANG)) { // this is a multiple language file but we don't have an input language specified
// Fail, but warn the user that he has to set the input language to continue.
strLang.ReleaseBuffer(); theApp.SetReturn(ERROR_FILE_MULTILANG); WriteCon(CONERR, "Multiple language file. Please specify an input language %s.\r\n", strLang); goto exit; }
// Convert the language in to the hex value
if (usInputLang) sprintf(szLang,"0x%3X", usInputLang); else sprintf(szLang,"0x000");
// Check if the input language that we got is a valid one
if(IsFlag(INPUT_LANG) && strLang.Find(szLang)==-1) { WriteCon(CONERR, "The language %s in not a valid language for this file.\r\n", szLang); WriteCon(CONERR, "Valid languages are: %s.\r\n", strLang); theApp.SetReturn(ERROR_RES_NOT_FOUND); goto exit; }
CString strFileName = m_strInExe; CString strFileType; CString strTokenDir = ""; int pos = m_strInExe.ReverseFind('\\'); if(pos!=-1) { strFileName = m_strInExe.Right(m_strInExe.GetLength()-pos-1); } else if((pos = m_strInExe.ReverseFind(':'))!=-1) { strFileName = m_strInExe.Right(m_strInExe.GetLength()-pos-1); }
pos = m_strTgtTok.ReverseFind('\\'); if(pos==-1) pos = m_strTgtTok.ReverseFind(':');
if(pos!=-1) strTokenDir = m_strTgtTok.Left(pos+1);
if (m_strSymPath[0] && m_strSymPath != m_strOutputSymPath) { CString strInDebugFile; CString strOutDebugFile;
HANDLE hDebugFile = FindDebugInfoFile( strFileName.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), m_strSymPath.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), strInDebugFile.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH) ); strInDebugFile.ReleaseBuffer(); if ( hDebugFile == NULL ) { return (Error_Codes)IoDllError(ERROR_IO_SYMBOLFILE_NOT_FOUND); } CloseHandle(hDebugFile);
strOutDebugFile = m_strOutputSymPath + strInDebugFile.Right(strInDebugFile.GetLength()-m_strSymPath.GetLength());
if (!CopyFile(strInDebugFile.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), strOutDebugFile.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH),FALSE)) { CString strTmp; strTmp = strOutDebugFile.Left(strOutDebugFile.GetLength()-strFileName.GetLength()-1);
if (!CopyFile(strInDebugFile.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), strOutDebugFile.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH),FALSE)) { return (Error_Codes)IoDllError(ERROR_FILE_SYMPATH_NOT_FOUND); } } }
WriteCon(CONOUT, "Processing\t"); WriteCon(CONBOTH, "%s", CalcTab(strFileName, strFileName.GetLength()+5, ' ')); RSFileType(m_strInExe, strFileType.GetBuffer(10)); strFileType.ReleaseBuffer(); WriteCon(CONBOTH, "%s", CalcTab(strFileType, strFileType.GetLength()+5, ' ')); if(IsFlag(WARNING)) WriteCon(CONBOTH, "\r\n");
while ((lpszType = RSEnumResType(hModule, lpszType))) { // Check if is one of the type we care about
if(HIWORD(lpszType)==0) switch(LOWORD(lpszType)) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: case 14: case 16: case 23: case 240: case 1024: case 2110: bSkip = FALSE; break; default: bSkip = TRUE; } else bSkip = FALSE;
lpszRes = 0L; dwLang = 0L; dwItem = 0L; CString strText; int iTokenErr = 0;
while ((!bSkip) && (lpszRes = RSEnumResId(hModule, lpszType, lpszRes))) { while ((dwLang = RSEnumResLang(hModule, lpszType, lpszRes, dwLang))) {
// Check if we have to skip this language
if(b_multi_lang && (LOWORD(dwLang)!=usInputLang)) bSkipLang = TRUE; else bSkipLang = FALSE;
while ((!bSkipLang) && (dwItem = RSEnumResItemId(hModule, lpszType, lpszRes, dwLang, dwItem))) {
// Now Get the Data
DWORD dwImageSize = RSGetResItemData( hModule, lpszType, lpszRes, dwLang, dwItem, m_pBuf, MAX_BUF_SIZE );
lpResItem = (LPRESITEM)m_pBuf;
if(((wCount++ % 50)==0) && !(IsFlag(WARNING))) WriteCon(CONOUT, ".");
if (HIWORD(lpszType)) { if (lstrcmp (lpszType,"REGINST") == 0) { //
// Currently there is no id for REGINST defined
// in nt. We just use this 2200 for now.
lpResItem->dwTypeID = 2200; } }
lpResItem->dwLanguage = theApp.GetOutLang();
// Version stamp use class name as res id
if(lpResItem->lpszResID) strResName = lpResItem->lpszResID; else strResName = "";
if(lpResItem->dwTypeID==16) { strResName = lpResItem->lpszClassName; }
switch(LOWORD(lpResItem->dwTypeID)) { case 4: {
if(!(lpResItem->dwFlags & MF_POPUP)) dwItemId = (LOWORD(lpResItem->dwItemID)==0xffff ? HIWORD(lpResItem->dwItemID) : lpResItem->dwItemID); else dwItemId = lpResItem->dwItemID; } break; case 5: dwItemId = (LOWORD(lpResItem->dwItemID)==0xffff ? HIWORD(lpResItem->dwItemID) : lpResItem->dwItemID); break; case 11: dwItemId = LOWORD(lpResItem->dwItemID); break; default: dwItemId = lpResItem->dwItemID; }
if (lpResItem->dwTypeID==1 || lpResItem->dwTypeID==12 || lpResItem->dwTypeID==14) { // if user don't want to append redundant cursors,
// bitmaps, and icons, we make it NULL
if (IsFlag(LEANAPPEND) && IsFlag(APPEND)){ dwImageSize=0; RSUpdateResImage(hModule,lpszType,lpszRes,dwLang,0,lpResItem,dwImageSize); } continue; }
// Is this a bitmap?
if(lpResItem->dwTypeID==2 || lpResItem->dwTypeID==3 || lpResItem->dwTypeID==23 || lpResItem->dwTypeID== 240 || lpResItem->dwTypeID== 1024 || lpResItem->dwTypeID== 2110 || lpResItem->dwTypeID== 2200) {
if (IsFlag(LEANAPPEND) && IsFlag(APPEND) && (lpResItem->dwTypeID == 2 || lpResItem->dwTypeID == 3)) { dwImageSize=0; RSUpdateResImage(hModule,lpszType,lpszRes,dwLang,0,lpResItem,dwImageSize); continue; } // Search for a token with this ID
pToken = (CToken *)m_tokenfile.GetNoCaptionToken(lpResItem->dwTypeID, lpResItem->dwResID, dwItemId, strResName);
if(pToken!=NULL) { // Get the name of the input image
strText = pToken->GetTgtText();
// Open the file
CFile inputFile; if(!inputFile.Open(strText, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyNone | CFile::typeBinary ) && !inputFile.Open(strTokenDir + strText, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyNone | CFile::typeBinary)) { WriteCon(CONERR, "Input file %s not found! Using Src file data!\r\n", strTokenDir+strText); goto skip; }
DWORD dwSize = inputFile.GetLength(); BYTE * pInputBuf = (BYTE*)new BYTE[dwSize];
if(pInputBuf==NULL) { WriteCon(CONERR, "Error allocating memory for the image! (%d)\r\n", dwSize); goto skip; }
BYTE * pInputBufOrigin = pInputBuf;
inputFile.ReadHuge(pInputBuf, inputFile.GetLength());
CString strTmp = pToken->GetTokenID(); WriteCon(CONWRN, "Using image in file %s for ID %s\"]]!\r\n", strText.GetBuffer(0), strTmp.GetBuffer(0));
BYTE * pInputImage=(BYTE *) new BYTE[dwSize]; DWORD dwImageSize; // remove the header from the file
switch(lpResItem->dwTypeID) { case 2: { dwImageSize = dwSize - sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER); pInputBuf += sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER); } break; case 3: { dwImageSize = dwSize - sizeof(ICONHEADER); pInputBuf += sizeof(ICONHEADER); } case 23: case 240: case 1024: case 2110: case 2200: { dwImageSize = dwSize; } break;
default: break; }
memcpy(pInputImage, pInputBuf, dwImageSize); //
// We need to keep output lang info seperately,
// because we dont't have lpResItem to send
// the info to io for icons and bitmaps.
DWORD dwUpdLang = theApp.GetOutLang();
// Update the resource
RSUpdateResImage(hModule,lpszType,lpszRes,dwLang,dwUpdLang, pInputImage,dwImageSize);
delete pInputBufOrigin; delete pInputImage; } else { goto skip; } } // is this an accelerator
else if(lpResItem->dwTypeID==9) { // Search for a token with this ID
pToken = (CToken *)m_tokenfile.GetNoCaptionToken(lpResItem->dwTypeID, lpResItem->dwResID, dwItemId, strResName);
if(pToken!=NULL) { CAccel acc(pToken->GetTgtText());
if( (lpResItem->dwFlags & 0x80)==0x80 ) lpResItem->dwFlags = acc.GetFlags() | 0x80; else lpResItem->dwFlags = acc.GetFlags();
lpResItem->dwStyle = acc.GetEvent();
if(IoDllError(RSUpdateResItemData(hModule,lpszType,lpszRes,dwLang,dwItem,lpResItem,MAX_BUF_SIZE))) { // we have an error, warn the user
WriteCon(CONWRN, "Error updating token\t[[%hu|%hu|%hu|%hu|%hu|\"%s\"]]\r\n", lpResItem->dwTypeID, lpResItem->dwResID, dwItemId, 0, 4, strResName); AddNotFound(); } } } else { // Search for a token with this ID
pToken = (CToken *)m_tokenfile.GetToken(lpResItem->dwTypeID, lpResItem->dwResID, dwItemId, Format(lpResItem->lpszCaption), strResName); }
if(pToken!=NULL) { iTokenErr = pToken->GetLastError(); if(pToken->GetFlags() & ISEXTSTYLE){ CString strStyle= pToken->GetTgtText(); lpResItem->dwExtStyle = strtol(strStyle, (char**)0,16); // Get the real Token
pToken = (CToken *)m_tokenfile.GetToken(lpResItem->dwTypeID, lpResItem->dwResID, dwItemId, Format(lpResItem->lpszCaption), strResName);
if(pToken!=NULL) wCount++; }
// Check if is a dialog font name
if(pToken != NULL && ((pToken->GetFlags() & ISDLGFONTNAME) || (pToken->GetFlags() & ISDLGFONTSIZE))) { if(theApp.IsFlag(CMainApp::FONTS)) { int iColon; CString strTgtFaceName = pToken->GetTgtText();
// This should be the font description token
if( strTgtFaceName.IsEmpty() || ((iColon = strTgtFaceName.Find(':'))==-1) ) WriteCon(CONWRN, "Using Src file FaceName for ID %s\"]]!\r\n", pToken->GetTokenID());
// Check if the dialog has the DS_SETFONT flag set, otherwise let the user
// know that we can't do much with his font description
if( (lpResItem->dwStyle & DS_SETFONT)!=DS_SETFONT ) WriteCon(CONWRN, "Dialog ID %s\"]] is missing the DS_SETFONT bit. Cannot change font!\r\n", pToken->GetTokenID()); else { strFaceName = strTgtFaceName.Left(iColon); strFaceName.TrimRight(); strTgtFaceName = strTgtFaceName.Right(strTgtFaceName.GetLength() - iColon-1); strTgtFaceName.TrimLeft(); //sscanf( strTgtFaceName, "%d", &wPointSize );
if ((iColon=strTgtFaceName.Find(':'))!=-1) { wPointSize=(WORD)atoi(strTgtFaceName.Left(iColon)); strTgtFaceName = strTgtFaceName.Right(strTgtFaceName.GetLength() - iColon-1); bCharSet = (BYTE)atoi(strTgtFaceName); lpResItem->bCharSet = bCharSet; }else{ wPointSize=(WORD)atoi(strTgtFaceName); }
lpResItem->lpszFaceName = strFaceName.GetBuffer(0); lpResItem->wPointSize = wPointSize;
strFaceName.ReleaseBuffer(); } }
// Get the real Token
pToken = (CToken *)m_tokenfile.GetToken(lpResItem->dwTypeID, lpResItem->dwResID, dwItemId, Format(lpResItem->lpszCaption), strResName);
if(pToken!=NULL) wCount++; } }
if(pToken!=NULL && !pToken->GetLastError()) { strText = UnFormat(pToken->GetTgtText()); if(m_tokenfile.GetTokenSize(pToken, &lpResItem->wX, &lpResItem->wY, &lpResItem->wcX, &lpResItem->wcY)) wCount++;
lpResItem->lpszCaption = strText.GetBuffer(0);
// Static control and style flag is set. We need
// to take style alignment change as well
if (LOBYTE(lpResItem->wClassName) == 0x82 && theApp.IsFlag(CMainApp::ALIGNMENT)) { //Get style alignment token
pToken = (CToken *)m_tokenfile.GetToken( lpResItem->dwTypeID, lpResItem->dwResID, dwItemId, Format(lpResItem->lpszCaption), strResName);
if (pToken!=NULL) { wCount++;
CString strStyle=pToken->GetTgtText();
if (strStyle=="SS_CENTER") lpResItem->dwStyle |= SS_CENTER;
else if (strStyle=="SS_RIGHT") { //reset the alignment bit
lpResItem->dwStyle &= 0xfffffffc; lpResItem->dwStyle |= SS_RIGHT; } else if (strStyle=="SS_LEFT") lpResItem->dwStyle &= 0xfffffffc;
else //use provided style is wrong. warn!
WriteCon(CONWRN, "Using Src file alignment style for ID %s\"]]!\r\n", pToken->GetTokenID()); } }
if(IoDllError(RSUpdateResItemData(hModule,lpszType,lpszRes,dwLang,dwItem,lpResItem,MAX_BUF_SIZE))) { // we have an error, warn the user
WriteCon(CONWRN, "Error updating token\t[[%hu|%hu|%hu|%hu|%hu|\"%s\"]]\r\n", lpResItem->dwTypeID, lpResItem->dwResID, dwItemId, 0, 4, strResName); AddNotFound(); } strText.ReleaseBuffer(); } else { pToken = (CToken *)m_tokenfile.GetNoCaptionToken(lpResItem->dwTypeID, lpResItem->dwResID, dwItemId, strResName);
if(pToken!=NULL) { if(pToken->GetFlags() & ISEXTSTYLE){
CString strStyle= pToken->GetTgtText(); lpResItem->dwExtStyle = strtol(strStyle, (char**)0,16); // Get the real Token
pToken = (CToken *)m_tokenfile.GetNoCaptionToken(lpResItem->dwTypeID, lpResItem->dwResID, dwItemId, strResName);
if(pToken!=NULL) wCount++; }
// Check if is a dialog font name
if(pToken != NULL && ((pToken->GetFlags() & ISDLGFONTNAME) || (pToken->GetFlags() & ISDLGFONTSIZE))) { if(theApp.IsFlag(CMainApp::FONTS)) { int iColon; CString strTgtFaceName = pToken->GetTgtText();
// This should be the font description token
if( strTgtFaceName.IsEmpty() || ((iColon = strTgtFaceName.Find(':'))==-1) ) WriteCon(CONWRN, "Using Src file FaceName for ID %s\"]]!\r\n", pToken->GetTokenID());
// Check if the dialog has the DS_SETFONT flag set, otherwise let the user
// know that we can't do much with his font description
if( (lpResItem->dwStyle & DS_SETFONT)!=DS_SETFONT ) WriteCon(CONWRN, "Dialog ID %s\"]] is missing the DS_SETFONT bit. Cannot change font!\r\n", pToken->GetTokenID()); else { strFaceName = strTgtFaceName.Left(iColon); strFaceName.TrimRight(); strTgtFaceName = strTgtFaceName.Right(strTgtFaceName.GetLength() - iColon-1); strTgtFaceName.TrimLeft(); // sscanf( strTgtFaceName, "%d", &wPointSize );
if ((iColon=strTgtFaceName.Find(':'))!=-1){ wPointSize=(WORD)atoi(strTgtFaceName.Left(iColon)); strTgtFaceName = strTgtFaceName.Right(strTgtFaceName.GetLength() - iColon-1); bCharSet = (BYTE)atoi(strTgtFaceName); lpResItem->bCharSet = bCharSet; }else{ wPointSize=(WORD)atoi(strTgtFaceName); }
lpResItem->lpszFaceName = strFaceName.GetBuffer(0); lpResItem->wPointSize = wPointSize; strFaceName.ReleaseBuffer(); } } if(m_tokenfile.GetTokenSize(pToken, &lpResItem->wX, &lpResItem->wY, &lpResItem->wcX, &lpResItem->wcY)) wCount++; } // Check if is a dialog size
else if(pToken->GetFlags() & ISCOR) { pToken->GetTgtSize(&lpResItem->wX, &lpResItem->wY, &lpResItem->wcX, &lpResItem->wcY); }
// Just size and/or font updated
if(IoDllError(RSUpdateResItemData(hModule,lpszType,lpszRes,dwLang,dwItem,lpResItem,MAX_BUF_SIZE))) { // we have an error, warn the user
WriteCon(CONWRN, "Error updating token\t[[%hu|%hu|%hu|%hu|%hu|\"%s\"]]\r\n", lpResItem->dwTypeID, lpResItem->dwResID, dwItemId, 0, 4, strResName); AddNotFound(); } } else { switch(LOWORD(lpszType)) { case 4: case 5: case 6: case 10: case 11: // No Token was found for this ID
// Leave it for now but here will come the
// PSEUDO Translation code.
if(strlen(lpResItem->lpszCaption) && !iTokenErr) { WriteCon(CONWRN, "ID not found\t[[%hu|%hu|%hu|%hu|%hu|\"%s\"]]\r\n", lpResItem->dwTypeID, lpResItem->dwResID, dwItemId, 0, 4, strResName); AddNotFound(); } break; case 9: WriteCon(CONWRN, "ID not found\t[[%hu|%hu|%hu|%hu|%hu|\"%s\"]]\r\n", lpResItem->dwTypeID, lpResItem->dwResID, dwItemId, 0, 4, strResName); AddNotFound(); break; break; case 16: if (theApp.IsFlag(CMainApp::NOVERSION) && (strResName==TEXT("FileVersion") || strResName==TEXT("ProductVersion") || strResName==TEXT("Platform"))){ //
// do nothing
}else if(strlen(lpResItem->lpszCaption) && !iTokenErr){ WriteCon(CONWRN, "ID not found\t[[%hu|%hu|%hu|%hu|%hu|\"%s\"]]\r\n", lpResItem->dwTypeID, lpResItem->dwResID, dwItemId, 0, 4, strResName); AddNotFound(); } break;
default: break; }
// Let's update the item anyway, since the language might have changed
// RSUpdateResItemData(hModule,lpszType,lpszRes,dwLang,dwItem,lpResItem,MAX_BUF_SIZE);
} } skip:; } } } } iErr=(Error_Codes)IoDllError(RSWriteResFile(hModule, m_strOutExe, NULL,m_strOutputSymPath));
if ((int)iErr > 0){ //WriteCon(CONERR, "%s", CalcTab(m_strOutExe, m_strOutExe.GetLength()+5, ' '));
goto exit; }
WriteCon(CONBOTH, " %hu(%hu) Items\r\n", wCount, m_wIDNotFound);
// Check if some items were removed from the file
if(wCount<m_tokenfile.GetTokenNumber() || m_wIDNotFound || m_wCntxChanged || m_wResized) WriteCon(CONWRN, "%s\tToken: ", CalcTab(strFileName, strFileName.GetLength()+5, ' '));
if(wCount<m_tokenfile.GetTokenNumber()) { SetReturn(ERROR_RET_RESIZED); WriteCon(CONWRN, "Removed %d ", m_tokenfile.GetTokenNumber()-wCount); }
if(m_wIDNotFound) WriteCon(CONWRN, "Not Found %d ", m_wIDNotFound);
if(m_wCntxChanged) WriteCon(CONWRN, "Contex Changed %d ", m_wCntxChanged);
if(m_wResized) WriteCon(CONWRN, "Resize Changed %d ", m_wResized);
if(wCount<m_tokenfile.GetTokenNumber() || m_wIDNotFound || m_wCntxChanged || m_wResized) WriteCon(CONWRN, "\r\n"); }
exit: RSCloseModule(hModule);
return iErr; }