Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Sample trace control program. Allows user to start, update, query, stop event tracing, etc.
--*/ #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <wmistr.h>
#include <initguid.h>
#include <guiddef.h>
#include <evntrace.h>
#define MAXSTR 1024
// Default trace file name.
#define DEFAULT_LOGFILE_NAME _T("C:\\LogFile.Etl")
// On Windows 2000, we support up to 32 loggers at once.
// On Windows XP and .NET server, we support up to 64 loggers.
// In this sample, we support the following actions.
// Additional actions that we do not use in this sample include
// Flush and Enumerate Guids functionalities. They are supported
// only on XP or higher version.
#define ACTION_QUERY 0
#define ACTION_START 1
#define ACTION_STOP 2
#define ACTION_LIST 4
#define ACTION_HELP 6
void PrintLoggerStatus( IN PEVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES LoggerInfo, IN ULONG Status );
ULONG ahextoi( IN TCHAR *s );
void StringToGuid( IN TCHAR *str, OUT LPGUID guid );
void PrintHelpMessage();
// main function
__cdecl main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; /*++
Routine Description:
It is the main function.
Arguments: Return Value:
Error Code defined in winerror.h : If the function succeeds, it returns ERROR_SUCCESS (== 0).
--*/{ ULONG i, j; ULONG Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; LPTSTR *targv, *utargv = NULL; // Action to be taken
LPTSTR LoggerName; LPTSTR LogFileName; PEVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES pLoggerInfo; TRACEHANDLE LoggerHandle = 0; // Target GUID, level and flags for enable/disable
GUID TargetGuid; ULONG bEnable = TRUE;
ULONG SizeNeeded = 0;
// We will enable Process, Thread, Disk, and Network events
// if the Kernel Logger is requested.
BOOL bKernelLogger = FALSE;
// Allocate and initialize EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES structure first
SizeNeeded = sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES) + 2 * MAXSTR * sizeof(TCHAR); pLoggerInfo = (PEVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES) malloc(SizeNeeded); if (pLoggerInfo == NULL) { return (ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); } RtlZeroMemory(pLoggerInfo, SizeNeeded);
pLoggerInfo->Wnode.BufferSize = SizeNeeded; pLoggerInfo->Wnode.Flags = WNODE_FLAG_TRACED_GUID; pLoggerInfo->LoggerNameOffset = sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES); pLoggerInfo->LogFileNameOffset = pLoggerInfo->LoggerNameOffset + MAXSTR * sizeof(TCHAR);
LoggerName = (LPTSTR)((char*)pLoggerInfo + pLoggerInfo->LoggerNameOffset); LogFileName = (LPTSTR)((char*)pLoggerInfo + pLoggerInfo->LogFileNameOffset); // If the logger name is not given, we will assume the kernel logger.
_tcscpy(LoggerName, KERNEL_LOGGER_NAME);
#ifdef UNICODE
if ((targv = CommandLineToArgvW( GetCommandLineW(), // pointer to a command-line string
&argc // receives the argument count
)) == NULL) { free(pLoggerInfo); return (GetLastError()); }; utargv = targv; #else
targv = argv; #endif
// Parse the command line options to determine actions and parameters.
while (--argc > 0) { ++targv; if (**targv == '-' || **targv == '/') { // argument found
if (targv[0][0] == '/' ) { targv[0][0] = '-'; }
// Deterine actions.
if (!_tcsicmp(targv[0], _T("-start"))) { Action = ACTION_START; if (argc > 1) { if (targv[1][0] != '-' && targv[1][0] != '/') { ++targv; --argc; _tcscpy(LoggerName, targv[0]); } } } else if (!_tcsicmp(targv[0], _T("-enable"))) { Action = ACTION_ENABLE; if (argc > 1) { if (targv[1][0] != '-' && targv[1][0] != '/') { ++targv; --argc; _tcscpy(LoggerName, targv[0]); } } } else if (!_tcsicmp(targv[0], _T("-disable"))) { Action = ACTION_ENABLE; bEnable = FALSE; if (argc > 1) { if (targv[1][0] != '-' && targv[1][0] != '/') { ++targv; --argc; _tcscpy(LoggerName, targv[0]); } } } else if (!_tcsicmp(targv[0], _T("-stop"))) { Action = ACTION_STOP; if (argc > 1) { if (targv[1][0] != '-' && targv[1][0] != '/') { ++targv; --argc; _tcscpy(LoggerName, targv[0]); } } } else if (!_tcsicmp(targv[0], _T("-update"))) { Action = ACTION_UPDATE; if (argc > 1) { if (targv[1][0] != '-' && targv[1][0] != '/') { ++targv; --argc; _tcscpy(LoggerName, targv[0]); } } } else if (!_tcsicmp(targv[0], _T("-query"))) { Action = ACTION_QUERY; if (argc > 1) { if (targv[1][0] != '-' && targv[1][0] != '/') { ++targv; --argc; _tcscpy(LoggerName, targv[0]); } } } else if (!_tcsicmp(targv[0], _T("-list"))) { Action = ACTION_LIST; } // Get other parameters.
// Users can customize logger settings further by adding/changing
// values to pLoggerInfo. Refer to EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES documentation
// for available options.
// In this sample, we allow changing maximum number of buffers and
// specifying user mode (private) logger.
// We also take trace file name and guid for enable/disable.
else if (!_tcsicmp(targv[0], _T("-f"))) { if (argc > 1) { _tfullpath(LogFileName, targv[1], MAXSTR); ++targv; --argc; } } else if (!_tcsicmp(targv[0], _T("-guid"))) { if (argc > 1) { // -guid #00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
if (targv[1][0] == _T('#')) { StringToGuid(&targv[1][1], &TargetGuid); ++targv; --argc; } } } else if (!_tcsicmp(targv[0], _T("-max"))) { if (argc > 1) { pLoggerInfo->MaximumBuffers = _ttoi(targv[1]); ++targv; --argc; } } else if (!_tcsicmp(targv[0], _T("-um"))) { pLoggerInfo->LogFileMode |= EVENT_TRACE_PRIVATE_LOGGER_MODE; } else if ( targv[0][1] == 'h' || targv[0][1] == 'H' || targv[0][1] == '?'){ Action = ACTION_HELP; PrintHelpMessage(); if (utargv != NULL) { GlobalFree(utargv); } free(pLoggerInfo);
return (ERROR_SUCCESS); } else Action = ACTION_UNDEFINED; } else { _tprintf(_T("Invalid option given: %s\n"), targv[0]); Status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; SetLastError(Status); if (utargv != NULL) { GlobalFree(utargv); } free(pLoggerInfo);
return (Status); } }
// Set the kernel logger parameters.
if (!_tcscmp(LoggerName, KERNEL_LOGGER_NAME)) { // Set enable flags. Users can add options to add additional kernel events
// or remove some of these events.
pLoggerInfo->EnableFlags |= EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_PROCESS; pLoggerInfo->EnableFlags |= EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_THREAD; pLoggerInfo->EnableFlags |= EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_DISK_IO; pLoggerInfo->EnableFlags |= EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_NETWORK_TCPIP;
pLoggerInfo->Wnode.Guid = SystemTraceControlGuid; bKernelLogger = TRUE; } else if (pLoggerInfo->LogFileMode & EVENT_TRACE_PRIVATE_LOGGER_MODE) { // We must provide a control GUID for a private logger.
pLoggerInfo->Wnode.Guid = TargetGuid; }
// Process the request.
switch (Action) { case ACTION_START: { // Use default file name if not given
if (_tcslen(LogFileName) == 0) { _tcscpy(LogFileName, DEFAULT_LOGFILE_NAME); }
Status = StartTrace(&LoggerHandle, LoggerName, pLoggerInfo);
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { _tprintf(_T("Could not start logger: %s\n") _T("Operation Status: %uL\n"), LoggerName, Status);
break; } _tprintf(_T("Logger Started...\n")); } case ACTION_ENABLE: { // We can allow enabling a GUID during START operation (Note no break in case ACTION_START).
// In that case, we do not need to get LoggerHandle separately.
if (Action == ACTION_ENABLE ){ // Get Logger Handle though Query.
Status = ControlTrace((TRACEHANDLE) 0, LoggerName, pLoggerInfo, EVENT_TRACE_CONTROL_QUERY); if( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ){ _tprintf( _T("ERROR: Logger not started\n") _T("Operation Status: %uL\n"), Status); break; } LoggerHandle = pLoggerInfo->Wnode.HistoricalContext; }
// We do not allow EnableTrace on the Kernel Logger in this sample,
// users can use EnableFlags to enable/disable certain kernel events.
if (!bKernelLogger) { _tprintf(_T("Enabling trace to logger %d\n"), LoggerHandle); // In this sample, we use EnableFlag = EnableLebel = 0
Status = EnableTrace ( bEnable, 0, 0, &TargetGuid, LoggerHandle);
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { _tprintf(_T("ERROR: Failed to enable Guid...\n")); _tprintf(_T("Operation Status: %uL\n"), Status); break; } } break; } case ACTION_STOP : { LoggerHandle = (TRACEHANDLE) 0; Status = ControlTrace(LoggerHandle, LoggerName, pLoggerInfo, EVENT_TRACE_CONTROL_STOP); break; } case ACTION_LIST : { ULONG returnCount; PEVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES pLoggerInfo[MAXIMUM_LOGGERS]; PEVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES pStorage, pTempStorage; ULONG SizeForOneProperty = sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES) + 2 * MAXSTR * sizeof(TCHAR);
// We need to prepare space to receieve the inforamtion on loggers.
SizeNeeded = MAXIMUM_LOGGERS * SizeForOneProperty;
pStorage = (PEVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES)malloc(SizeNeeded); if (pStorage == NULL) { Status = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } RtlZeroMemory(pStorage, SizeNeeded); // Save the pointer for free() later.
pTempStorage = pStorage;
for (i = 0; i < MAXIMUM_LOGGERS; i++) { pStorage->Wnode.BufferSize = SizeForOneProperty; pStorage->LoggerNameOffset = sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES); pStorage->LogFileNameOffset = sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES) + MAXSTR * sizeof(TCHAR); pLoggerInfo[i] = pStorage; pStorage = (PEVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES) ( (PUCHAR)pStorage + pStorage->Wnode.BufferSize); } Status = QueryAllTraces(pLoggerInfo, MAXIMUM_LOGGERS, &returnCount); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { for (j= 0; j < returnCount; j++) { PrintLoggerStatus(pLoggerInfo[j], Status); _tprintf(_T("\n")); } }
free(pTempStorage); break; }
case ACTION_UPDATE : { // In this sample, users can only update MaximumBuffers and log file name.
// User can add more options for other parameters as needed.
Status = ControlTrace(LoggerHandle, LoggerName, pLoggerInfo, EVENT_TRACE_CONTROL_UPDATE); break; } case ACTION_QUERY : { Status = ControlTrace(LoggerHandle, LoggerName, pLoggerInfo, EVENT_TRACE_CONTROL_QUERY); break; } case ACTION_HELP: { PrintHelpMessage(); break; } default : { _tprintf(_T("Error: no action specified\n")); PrintHelpMessage(); break; } } if ((Action != ACTION_HELP) && (Action != ACTION_UNDEFINED) && (Action != ACTION_LIST)) { PrintLoggerStatus(pLoggerInfo, Status); }
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(Status); } if (utargv != NULL) { GlobalFree(utargv); } free(pLoggerInfo);
return (Status); }
void PrintLoggerStatus( IN PEVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES LoggerInfo, IN ULONG Status ) /*++
Routine Description:
Prints out the status of the specified logger.
LoggerInfo - The pointer to the resident EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES that has the information about the current logger. Status - The operation status of the current logger.
Return Value:
--*/ { LPTSTR LoggerName, LogFileName; if ((LoggerInfo->LoggerNameOffset > 0) && (LoggerInfo->LoggerNameOffset < LoggerInfo->Wnode.BufferSize)) { LoggerName = (LPTSTR) ((PUCHAR)LoggerInfo + LoggerInfo->LoggerNameOffset); } else LoggerName = NULL;
if ((LoggerInfo->LogFileNameOffset > 0) && (LoggerInfo->LogFileNameOffset < LoggerInfo->Wnode.BufferSize)) { LogFileName = (LPTSTR) ((PUCHAR)LoggerInfo + LoggerInfo->LogFileNameOffset); } else LogFileName = NULL;
_tprintf(_T("Operation Status: %uL\n"), Status); _tprintf(_T("Logger Name: %s\n"), (LoggerName == NULL) ? _T(" ") : LoggerName); _tprintf(_T("Logger Id: %I64x\n"), LoggerInfo->Wnode.HistoricalContext); _tprintf(_T("Logger Thread Id: %d\n"), LoggerInfo->LoggerThreadId);
if (Status != 0) return;
_tprintf(_T("Buffer Size: %d Kb"), LoggerInfo->BufferSize); if (LoggerInfo->LogFileMode & EVENT_TRACE_USE_PAGED_MEMORY) { _tprintf(_T(" using paged memory\n")); } else { _tprintf(_T("\n")); } _tprintf(_T("Maximum Buffers: %d\n"), LoggerInfo->MaximumBuffers); _tprintf(_T("Minimum Buffers: %d\n"), LoggerInfo->MinimumBuffers); _tprintf(_T("Number of Buffers: %d\n"), LoggerInfo->NumberOfBuffers); _tprintf(_T("Free Buffers: %d\n"), LoggerInfo->FreeBuffers); _tprintf(_T("Buffers Written: %d\n"), LoggerInfo->BuffersWritten); _tprintf(_T("Events Lost: %d\n"), LoggerInfo->EventsLost); _tprintf(_T("Log Buffers Lost: %d\n"), LoggerInfo->LogBuffersLost); _tprintf(_T("Real Time Buffers Lost: %d\n"), LoggerInfo->RealTimeBuffersLost); _tprintf(_T("AgeLimit: %d\n"), LoggerInfo->AgeLimit);
if (LogFileName == NULL) { _tprintf(_T("Buffering Mode: ")); } else { _tprintf(_T("Log File Mode: ")); } if (LoggerInfo->LogFileMode & EVENT_TRACE_FILE_MODE_APPEND) { _tprintf(_T("Append ")); } if (LoggerInfo->LogFileMode & EVENT_TRACE_FILE_MODE_CIRCULAR) { _tprintf(_T("Circular\n")); } else if (LoggerInfo->LogFileMode & EVENT_TRACE_FILE_MODE_SEQUENTIAL) { _tprintf(_T("Sequential\n")); } else { _tprintf(_T("Sequential\n")); } if (LoggerInfo->LogFileMode & EVENT_TRACE_REAL_TIME_MODE) { _tprintf(_T("Real Time mode enabled")); _tprintf(_T("\n")); }
if (LoggerInfo->MaximumFileSize > 0) _tprintf(_T("Maximum File Size: %d Mb\n"), LoggerInfo->MaximumFileSize);
if (LoggerInfo->FlushTimer > 0) _tprintf(_T("Buffer Flush Timer: %d secs\n"), LoggerInfo->FlushTimer);
if (LoggerInfo->EnableFlags != 0) { _tprintf(_T("Enabled tracing: "));
if ((LoggerName != NULL) && (!_tcscmp(LoggerName, KERNEL_LOGGER_NAME))) {
if (LoggerInfo->EnableFlags & EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_PROCESS) _tprintf(_T("Process ")); if (LoggerInfo->EnableFlags & EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_THREAD) _tprintf(_T("Thread ")); if (LoggerInfo->EnableFlags & EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_DISK_IO) _tprintf(_T("Disk ")); if (LoggerInfo->EnableFlags & EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_DISK_FILE_IO) _tprintf(_T("File ")); if (LoggerInfo->EnableFlags & EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_MEMORY_PAGE_FAULTS) _tprintf(_T("PageFaults ")); if (LoggerInfo->EnableFlags & EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_MEMORY_HARD_FAULTS) _tprintf(_T("HardFaults ")); if (LoggerInfo->EnableFlags & EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_IMAGE_LOAD) _tprintf(_T("ImageLoad ")); if (LoggerInfo->EnableFlags & EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_NETWORK_TCPIP) _tprintf(_T("TcpIp ")); if (LoggerInfo->EnableFlags & EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_REGISTRY) _tprintf(_T("Registry ")); }else{ _tprintf(_T("0x%08x"), LoggerInfo->EnableFlags ); } _tprintf(_T("\n")); } if (LogFileName != NULL) { _tprintf(_T("Log Filename: %s\n"), LogFileName); }
ULONG ahextoi( IN TCHAR *s ) /*++
Routine Description:
Converts a hex string into a number.
s - A hex string in TCHAR.
Return Value:
ULONG - The number in the string.
--*/ { int len; ULONG num, base, hex;
len = _tcslen(s); hex = 0; base = 1; num = 0; while (--len >= 0) { if ( (s[len] == 'x' || s[len] == 'X') && (s[len-1] == '0') ) break; if (s[len] >= '0' && s[len] <= '9') num = s[len] - '0'; else if (s[len] >= 'a' && s[len] <= 'f') num = (s[len] - 'a') + 10; else if (s[len] >= 'A' && s[len] <= 'F') num = (s[len] - 'A') + 10; else continue;
hex += num * base; base = base * 16; } return hex; }
void StringToGuid( IN TCHAR *str, IN OUT LPGUID guid ) /*++
Routine Description:
Converts a string into a GUID.
str - A string in TCHAR. guid - The pointer to a GUID that will have the converted GUID.
Return Value:
--*/ { TCHAR temp[10]; int i;
_tcsncpy(temp, str, 8); temp[8] = 0; guid->Data1 = ahextoi(temp); _tcsncpy(temp, &str[9], 4); temp[4] = 0; guid->Data2 = (USHORT) ahextoi(temp); _tcsncpy(temp, &str[14], 4); temp[4] = 0; guid->Data3 = (USHORT) ahextoi(temp);
for (i=0; i<2; i++) { _tcsncpy(temp, &str[19 + (i*2)], 2); temp[2] = 0; guid->Data4[i] = (UCHAR) ahextoi(temp); } for (i=2; i<8; i++) { _tcsncpy(temp, &str[20 + (i*2)], 2); temp[2] = 0; guid->Data4[i] = (UCHAR) ahextoi(temp); } }
void PrintHelpMessage() /*++
Routine Description:
prints out a help message.
Return Value:
--*/ { _tprintf(_T("Usage: tracelog [actions] [options] | [-h | -help | -?]\n")); _tprintf(_T("\n actions:\n")); _tprintf(_T("\t-start [LoggerName] Starts up the [LoggerName] trace session\n")); _tprintf(_T("\t-stop [LoggerName] Stops the [LoggerName] trace session\n")); _tprintf(_T("\t-update [LoggerName] Updates the [LoggerName] trace session\n")); _tprintf(_T("\t-enable [LoggerName] Enables providers for the [LoggerName] session\n")); _tprintf(_T("\t-disable [LoggerName] Disables providers for the [LoggerName] session\n")); _tprintf(_T("\t-query [LoggerName] Query status of [LoggerName] trace session\n")); _tprintf(_T("\t-list List all trace sessions\n"));
_tprintf(_T("\n options:\n")); _tprintf(_T("\t-um Use Process Private tracing\n")); _tprintf(_T("\t-max <n> Sets maximum buffers\n")); _tprintf(_T("\t-f <name> Log to file <name>\n")); _tprintf(_T("\t-guid #<guid> Provider GUID to enable/disable\n")); _tprintf(_T("\n")); _tprintf(_T("\t-h\n")); _tprintf(_T("\t-help\n")); _tprintf(_T("\t-? Display usage information\n")); }