#include "priv.h"
#include <runtask.h>
#include "uacount.h"
#include "regdb.h"
#include "uemapp.h"
#include "uareg.h"
#define DM_PERF 0 // perf tune
#define SZ_CUACount_ctor TEXT("UEME_CTLCUACount:ctor")
#define SZ_DEL_PREFIX TEXT("del.")
// inc this any time you change the format of *anything* below {guid}
// doing so will cause us to nuke the {guid} subtree and start fresh
#define UA_VERSION 3
#if 0
char c_szDotDot[] = TEXT(".."); // RegStrFS does *not* support
// kind of hoaky to do INITGUID, but we want the GUID private to this file
#define INITGUID
#include <initguid.h>
// {C28EB156-523C-11d2-A561-00A0C92DBFE8}
DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_GCTaskTOID, 0xc28eb156, 0x523c, 0x11d2, 0xa5, 0x61, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x2d, 0xbf, 0xe8); #undef INITGUID
class CGCTask : public CRunnableTask { public: //*** IUnknown
// (... from CRunnableTask)
HRESULT Initialize(CEMDBLog *that); virtual STDMETHODIMP RunInitRT();
protected: CGCTask(); virtual ~CGCTask();
friend CGCTask *CGCTask_Create(CEMDBLog *that);
CEMDBLog *_that; };
// {
//*** CEMDBLog --
//CRITICAL_SECTION g_csDbSvr /*=0*/ ;
CEMDBLog *g_uempDbSvr[UEMIND_NSTANDARD + UEMIND_NINSTR]; // 0=shell 1=browser
//*** g_fDidUAGC -- breadcrumbs in case we die (even non-DEBUG)
// keep minimal state in case we deadlock or die or whatever
// 0:not 1:pre-task 2:pre-GC 3:post-GC
int g_fDidUAGC;
FNNRW3 CEMDBLog::s_Nrw3Info = { CEMDBLog::s_Read, CEMDBLog::s_Write, CEMDBLog::s_Delete, };
//*** helpers {
#define E_NUKE (E_FAIL + 1)
//*** RegGetVersion -- check registry tree 'Version'
// (see RegChkVersion)
// hr (ret) S_OK:ok S_FALSE:no tree E_NUKE:old E_FAIL:new
HRESULT RegGetVersion(HKEY hk, LPTSTR pszSubkey, LPTSTR pszValue, DWORD dwVers) { HRESULT hr; HKEY hk2;
if (RegOpenKeyEx(hk, pszSubkey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hk2) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (!pszValue) pszValue = TEXT("Version");
hr = E_NUKE; // assume version mismatch
DWORD dwData; if (SHRegGetDWORD(hk2, NULL, pszValue, &dwData) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dwData == dwVers) hr = S_OK; // great!
else if (dwData > dwVers) hr = E_FAIL; // we're an old client, fail
else ASSERT(hr == E_NUKE); // we're a new client, nuke it
} RegCloseKey(hk2); } else { hr = S_FALSE; // assume nothing there at all
return hr; }
//*** RegChkVersion -- check registry tree 'version', nuke if outdated
// hk e.g. hkey for "HKCU/.../Uassist"
// pszSubkey e.g. "{clsid}"
// pszValue e.g. "Version"
// dwVers e.g. 3
// hr (ret) S_OK:matched, S_FAIL:mismatched and del'ed, E_FAIL:o.w.
// (other) (SE) pszSubkey deleted if not matched
HRESULT RegChkVersion(HKEY hk, LPTSTR pszSubkey, LPTSTR pszValue, DWORD dwVers) { HRESULT hr; DWORD i;
// RegGetVersion() S_OK:ok S_FALSE:new E_NUKE:old E_FAIL:fail
hr = RegGetVersion(hk, pszSubkey, pszValue, dwVers);
// at this point, we have:
// S_OK: ok
// S_FALSE: entire tree missing
// E_NUKE: no "Version" or old version (nuke it)
// E_FAIL: new version (we can't handle it)
if (hr == E_FAIL) { TraceMsg(DM_UEMTRACE, "bui.rcv: incompat (uplevel)"); }
if (hr == E_NUKE) { TraceMsg(DM_UEMTRACE, "bui.rcv: bad tree, try delete"); hr = S_FALSE; // assume nuked
i = SHDeleteKey(hk, pszSubkey); if (i != ERROR_SUCCESS) { TraceMsg(DM_UEMTRACE, "bui.rcv: delete failed!"); hr = E_FAIL; // bogus tree left laying around
} }
TraceMsg(DM_UEMTRACE, "bui.rcv: hr=0x%x", hr);
return hr; }
//*** GetUEMLogger -- get the (shared) instance of our logger object
// BY DESIGN: we leak g_uempDbSvr.
// race condition on g_uempDbSvr. our caller guards against this.
// the 5 billion ASSERTs below were for diagnosing nt5:145449 (fixed).
HRESULT GetUEMLogger(int iSvr, CEMDBLog **p) { HRESULT hr, hrVers; CEMDBLog *pDbSvr; DWORD dwData, cbSize;
ASSERT(iSvr < ARRAYSIZE(g_uempDbSvr)); pDbSvr = g_uempDbSvr[iSvr];
if (pDbSvr) { pDbSvr->AddRef(); *p = pDbSvr; return S_OK; }
pDbSvr = CEMDBLog_Create();
if (EVAL(pDbSvr)) { TCHAR szClass[GUIDSTR_MAX]; // "{clsid}"
hr = pDbSvr->ChDir(!IND_ISINSTR(iSvr) ? SZ_UASSIST : SZ_UASSIST2); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hrVers = RegChkVersion(pDbSvr->GetHkey(), szClass, SZ_UAVERSION, UA_VERSION); if (FAILED(hrVers)) { TraceMsg(DM_UEMTRACE, "bui.gul: rcv()=0x%x (!)", hrVers); hr = hrVers; } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pDbSvr->ChDir(szClass); ASSERT(hrVers == S_OK || hrVers == S_FALSE); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && hrVers == S_FALSE) { dwData = UA_VERSION; cbSize = SIZEOF(dwData); hr = pDbSvr->SetValue(SZ_UAVERSION, REG_DWORD, (BYTE*)&dwData, cbSize); } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = pDbSvr->ChDir(SZ_COUNT);
// n.b. we can't call pDbSvr->GarbageCollect here since flags
// (e.g. _fNoDecay) not set yet
// pDbSvr->GarbageCollect(FALSE);
if (FAILED(hr)) { // this fails during RunOnce
pDbSvr->Release(); pDbSvr = NULL; } }
if (pDbSvr) { ENTERCRITICAL; if (g_uempDbSvr[iSvr] == 0) { g_uempDbSvr[iSvr] = pDbSvr; // xfer refcnt
pDbSvr = NULL; } LEAVECRITICAL; if (pDbSvr) pDbSvr->Release(); }
*p = g_uempDbSvr[iSvr];
return *p ? S_OK : E_FAIL; }
CEMDBLog::CEMDBLog() : _cRef(1) { ASSERT(_fBackup == FALSE); ASSERT(_fNoEncrypt == FALSE); return; }
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(_rgCache); i++) { if (_rgCache[i].pv) { LocalFree(_rgCache[i].pv); _rgCache[i].pv = NULL; _rgCache[i].cbSize = 0;
} } #endif
SetRoot(0, STGM_READ); // close
return; }
void CEMDBLog_CleanUp() { int i; CEMDBLog *pDbSvr;
TraceMsg(DM_UEMTRACE, "bui.uadb_cu: cleaning up"); for (i = 0; i < UEMIND_NSTANDARD + UEMIND_NINSTR; i++) { if ((pDbSvr = (CEMDBLog *)InterlockedExchangePointer((void**) &g_uempDbSvr[i], (LPVOID) -1))) delete pDbSvr; } return; }
HRESULT CEMDBLog::Initialize(HKEY hkey, DWORD grfMode) { HRESULT hr;
hr = SetRoot(hkey, grfMode); return hr; }
// hkey e.g. HKLM
// pszSubKey e.g. "...\\Explorer\\Instance\\{...}"
// grfMode subset of STGM_* values
HRESULT CEMDBLog::SetRoot(HKEY hkeyNew, DWORD grfMode) { ASSERT(grfMode == STGM_READ || grfMode == STGM_WRITE); if (_hkey) { RegCloseKey(_hkey); _grfMode = 0; _hkey = 0; }
if (hkeyNew) { _grfMode = grfMode; _hkey = SHRegDuplicateHKey(hkeyNew); // xfer ownership (and up khey refcnt)
if (_hkey == NULL) return E_FAIL; }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CEMDBLog::ChDir(LPCTSTR pszSubKey) { RIPMSG(!!pszSubKey, "ChDir: caller passed invalid pszSubKey!");
if (pszSubKey) { if (_hkey && (_grfMode == STGM_READ || _grfMode == STGM_WRITE)) { LONG lr; HKEY hkeyNew; if (_grfMode == STGM_READ) { lr = RegOpenKeyEx(_hkey, pszSubKey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkeyNew); } else { lr = RegCreateKeyEx(_hkey, pszSubKey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_SET_VALUE | DELETE, NULL, &hkeyNew, NULL); }
if (lr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(_hkey); _hkey = hkeyNew; }
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lr); } else { ASSERT(_hkey); ASSERT(_grfMode == STGM_READ || _grfMode == STGM_WRITE); hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } } else { hr = E_INVALIDARG; }
return hr; }
//*** CEMDBLog -- file-system-like view of registry
// basically keeps track of where we are and does 'relative' opens from
// there. NYI: intent is to eventually support 'chdir' ops.
CEMDBLog *CEMDBLog_Create() { HKEY hk = SHGetShellKey(SHELLKEY_HKCU_EXPLORER, NULL, TRUE); if (hk) { CEMDBLog *prsfs = new CEMDBLog; if (prsfs && FAILED(prsfs->Initialize(hk, STGM_WRITE))) { prsfs->Release(); prsfs = NULL; } RegCloseKey(hk); return prsfs; } return NULL;
//*** IsREG_XX_SZ -- see if ansi/unicode is an issue
#define IsREG_XX_SZ(dwTyp) \
((dwTyp) == REG_SZ || (dwTyp) == REG_MULTI_SZ || (dwTyp) == REG_EXPAND_SZ)
HRESULT CEMDBLog::QueryValue(LPCTSTR pszName, BYTE *pbData, LPDWORD pcbData) { long i; DWORD dwType;
i = SHQueryValueEx(_hkey, pszName, NULL, &dwType, pbData, pcbData); ASSERT(i != ERROR_SUCCESS || !IsREG_XX_SZ(dwType)); return (i == ERROR_SUCCESS) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; }
HRESULT CEMDBLog::SetValue(LPCTSTR pszName, DWORD dwType, const BYTE *pbData, DWORD cbData) { long i;
ASSERT(!IsREG_XX_SZ(dwType)); i = RegSetValueEx(_hkey, pszName, NULL, dwType, pbData, cbData); return (i == ERROR_SUCCESS) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; }
HRESULT CEMDBLog::DeleteValue(LPCTSTR pszName) { long i;
ASSERT(_grfMode == STGM_WRITE); i = SHDeleteValue(_hkey, NULL, pszName); return (i == ERROR_SUCCESS) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; }
ASSERT(fRecurse); // others NYI
if (fRecurse) { i = SHDeleteKey(_hkey, pszName); } else { // not sure what to do, since we want a non-recursive delete
// but we do want to handle presence of values (which shlwapi
// doesn't support)
//i = DeleteEmptyKey(_hkey, pszName);
i = -1; }
return (i == ERROR_SUCCESS) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; }
//*** THIS::Count -- increment profile count for command
// fUpdate FALSE for the GC case (since can't update reg during RegEnum)
HRESULT CEMDBLog::GetCount(LPCTSTR pszCmd) { return _GetCountRW(pszCmd, TRUE); }
// Returns the Filetime that is encoded in the Count Object.
// note: we do a delayed upgrade of the binary stream in the registry. We will
// use the old uem count info, but tack on the new filetime information when we increment the useage.
FILETIME CEMDBLog::GetFileTime(LPCTSTR pszCmd) { NRWINFO rwi; HRESULT hres; CUACount aCnt; rwi.self = this; rwi.pszName = pszCmd; // This is a bizzar way of reading a string from the registry....
hres = aCnt.LoadFrom(&s_Nrw3Info, &rwi); return aCnt.GetFileTime(); }
HRESULT CEMDBLog::_GetCountRW(LPCTSTR pszCmd, BOOL fUpdate) { HRESULT hr; CUACount aCnt; NRWINFO rwi; int i;
hr = _GetCountWithDefault(pszCmd, TRUE, &aCnt);
i = aCnt.GetCount();
if (fUpdate) { rwi.self = this; rwi.pszName = pszCmd; hr = aCnt.SaveTo(FALSE, &s_Nrw3Info, &rwi); }
return i; }
// hr (ret) S_OK if dead, o.w. != S_OK
hr = _GetCountRW(pszCmd, FALSE); return hr; }
extern DWORD g_dCleanSess;
// we need to be careful not to party on guys that either aren't counts
// (e.g. UEME_CTLSESSION), or are 'special' (e.g. UEME_CTLCUACOUNT), or
// shouldn't be deleted (e.g. "del.xxx"). for now we take a conservative
// approach and just nuke things w/ UEME_RUN* as a prefix. better might
// be to use a dope vector and delete anything that's marked as 'cleanup'.
HRESULT CEMDBLog::GarbageCollect(BOOL fForce) { int i;
if (!fForce) { if (g_dCleanSess != 0) { i = GetSessionId(); if ((i % g_dCleanSess) != 0) { TraceMsg(DM_UEMTRACE, "uadb.gc: skip"); return S_FALSE; } } }
g_fDidUAGC = 1; // breadcrumbs in case we die (even non-DEBUG)
// do _GarbageCollectSlow(), in the background
HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; CGCTask *pTask = CGCTask_Create(this); if (pTask) { IShellTaskScheduler *pSched; hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SharedTaskScheduler, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IShellTaskScheduler, (void**)&pSched);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pSched->AddTask(pTask, CLSID_GCTaskTOID, 0L, ITSAT_DEFAULT_PRIORITY); pSched->Release(); // (o.k. even if task hasn't completed)
} pTask->Release(); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CEMDBLog::_GarbageCollectSlow() { HKEY hk; int i; DWORD dwI, dwCch, dwType; HDSA hdsa; TCHAR *p; TCHAR szKey[MAXIMUM_SUB_KEY_LENGTH];
TraceMsg(DM_UEMTRACE, "uadb.gc: hit");
hdsa = DSA_Create(SIZEOF(szKey), 4); // max size, oh well...
if (hdsa) { TCHAR szRun[SIZEOF(SZ_RUN_PREFIX)]; TCHAR szTemp[SIZEOF(SZ_RUN_PREFIX)]; TCHAR *pszTemp; pszTemp = _MayEncrypt(SZ_RUN_PREFIX, szTemp, ARRAYSIZE(szTemp)); StringCchCopy(szRun, ARRAYSIZE(szRun), pszTemp); ASSERT(lstrlen(szRun) == lstrlen(SZ_RUN_PREFIX)); hk = GetHkey(); for (dwI = 0; ; dwI++) { dwCch = ARRAYSIZE(szKey); if (SHEnumValue(hk, dwI, szKey, &dwCch, &dwType, NULL, NULL) != NOERROR) break; if (StrCmpN(szKey, szRun, ARRAYSIZE(szRun) - 1) == 0) { if (IsDead(szKey) == S_OK) DSA_AppendItem(hdsa, szKey); } }
for (i = DSA_GetItemCount(hdsa) - 1; i > 0; i--) { p = (TCHAR *)DSA_GetItemPtr(hdsa, i); TraceMsg(DM_UEMTRACE, "uadb.gc: nuke %s", p); GetCount(p); // decay to 0 will delete
DSA_Destroy(hdsa); hdsa = NULL; }
return S_OK; }
TraceMsg(DM_UEMTRACE, "uemt: ic <%s>", pszCmd);
if (DB_NOLOG) return E_FAIL;
#if 0 // ChDir is currently done at create time
hr = ChDir(SZ_COUNT); #endif
CUACount aCnt;
hr = _GetCountWithDefault(pszCmd, TRUE, &aCnt);
// Since we are incrementing the count,
// We should update the last execute time
rwi.self = this; rwi.pszName = pszCmd; hr = aCnt.SaveTo(TRUE, &s_Nrw3Info, &rwi);
return hr; }
HRESULT CEMDBLog::SetCount(LPCTSTR pszCmd, int cCnt) { HRESULT hr; NRWINFO rwi;
TraceMsg(DM_UEMTRACE, "uemt: ic <%s>", pszCmd);
if (DB_NOLOG) return E_FAIL;
CUACount aCnt;
// fDef=FALSE so don't create if doesn't exist
hr = _GetCountWithDefault(pszCmd, /*fDef=*/FALSE, &aCnt);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // don't want default...
rwi.self = this; rwi.pszName = pszCmd; hr = aCnt.SaveTo(TRUE, &s_Nrw3Info, &rwi); }
return hr; }
// fDefault provide default if entry not found
// ret S_OK: found w/o default; S_FALSE: needed default; E_xxx: error
// calling w/ fDefault=FALSE can still return S_FALSE
HRESULT CEMDBLog::_GetCountWithDefault(LPCTSTR pszCmd, BOOL fDefault, CUACount *pCnt) { HRESULT hr, hrDef; NRWINFO rwi;
rwi.self = this; rwi.pszName = pszCmd; hr = pCnt->LoadFrom(&s_Nrw3Info, &rwi);
hrDef = S_OK; if (FAILED(hr)) { hrDef = S_FALSE; if (fDefault) { rwi.pszName = SZ_CUACount_ctor; hr = pCnt->LoadFrom(&s_Nrw3Info, &rwi);
// pCnt->Initialize happens below (possibly 2x)
if (FAILED(hr)) { TraceMsg(DM_UEMTRACE, "uadb._gcwd: create ctor %s", SZ_CUACount_ctor); hr = pCnt->Initialize(SAFECAST(this, IUASession *));
ASSERT(pCnt->_GetCount() == 0); pCnt->_SetMru(SID_SNOWINIT); // start clock ticking...
// cnt=UAC_NEWCOUNT, age=Now
int i = _fNoDecay ? 1 : UAC_NEWCOUNT; pCnt->SetCount(i); // force age
ASSERT(pCnt->_GetCount() == i);
hr = pCnt->SaveTo(/*fForce*/TRUE, &s_Nrw3Info, &rwi); }
} }
hr = pCnt->Initialize(SAFECAST(this, IUASession *)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) pCnt->_SetFlags(UAXF_XMASK, _SetFlags(0, 0) & UAXF_XMASK);
return SUCCEEDED(hr) ? hrDef : hr; }
HRESULT CEMDBLog::SetFileTime(LPCTSTR pszCmd, const FILETIME *pft) { HRESULT hr; NRWINFO rwi;
TraceMsg(DM_UEMTRACE, "uemt: sft <%s>", pszCmd);
if (DB_NOLOG) return E_FAIL;
CUACount aCnt;
// fDef=FALSE so don't create if doesn't exist
hr = _GetCountWithDefault(pszCmd, /*fDef=*/FALSE, &aCnt);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // don't want default...
rwi.self = this; rwi.pszName = pszCmd; hr = aCnt.SaveTo(TRUE, &s_Nrw3Info, &rwi); }
return hr; }
#define BTOM(b, m) ((b) ? (m) : 0)
DWORD CEMDBLog::_SetFlags(DWORD dwMask, DWORD dwFlags) { // standard guys
if (dwMask & UAXF_NOPURGE) _fNoPurge = BOOLIFY(dwFlags & UAXF_NOPURGE); if (dwMask & UAXF_BACKUP) _fBackup = BOOLIFY(dwFlags & UAXF_BACKUP); if (dwMask & UAXF_NOENCRYPT) _fNoEncrypt = BOOLIFY(dwFlags & UAXF_NOENCRYPT); if (dwMask & UAXF_NODECAY) _fNoDecay = BOOLIFY(dwFlags & UAXF_NODECAY);
// my guys
// (none)
return 0 // n.b. see continuation line(s)!!!
| BTOM(_fNoPurge , UAXF_NOPURGE) | BTOM(_fBackup , UAXF_BACKUP) | BTOM(_fNoEncrypt, UAXF_NOENCRYPT) | BTOM(_fNoDecay , UAXF_NODECAY) ; } #endif
#define ROT13(i) (((i) + 13) % 26)
#define XXX_HASH 0 // proto code for way-shorter regnames
#if !defined(DEBUG) && XXX_HASH
#pragma message("warning: XXX_HASH defined non-DEBUG")
//*** _MayEncrypt -- encrypt registry key/value name
TCHAR *CEMDBLog::_MayEncrypt(LPCTSTR pszSrcPlain, LPTSTR pszDstEnc, int cchDst) { TCHAR *pszName;
if (!_fNoEncrypt) { #if XXX_HASH
DWORD dwHash;
HashData((BYTE*)pszSrcPlain, lstrlen(pszSrcPlain), (BYTE*)&dwHash, SIZEOF(dwHash)); if (EVAL(cchDst >= (8 + 1))) { StringCchPrintf(pszDstEnc, cchDst, TEXT("%x"), dwHash); pszName = pszDstEnc; } else pszName = (TCHAR *)pszSrcPlain; #else
// uh-oh, gotta figure out an intl-aware encryption scheme...
pszName = pszDstEnc; pszDstEnc[--cchDst] = 0; // pre-terminate for overflow case
ch = -1; while (cchDst-- > 0 && ch != 0) { ch = *pszSrcPlain++;
if (TEXT('a') <= ch && ch <= TEXT('z')) ch = TEXT('a') + ROT13(ch - TEXT('a')); else if (TEXT('A') <= ch && ch <= TEXT('Z')) ch = TEXT('A') + ROT13(ch - TEXT('A')); else ;
*pszDstEnc++ = ch; } #endif
TraceMsg(DM_UEMTRACE, "uadb._me: plain=%s(enc=%s)", pszSrcPlain - (pszDstEnc - pszName), pszName); } else { pszName = (TCHAR *)pszSrcPlain; }
return pszName; }
#if XXX_CACHE // {
// op 0:read, 1:write, 2:delete
HRESULT CEMDBLog::CacheOp(CACHEOP op, void *pvBuf, DWORD cbBuf, PNRWINFO prwi) { static TCHAR * const pszNameTab[] = { SZ_CTLSESSION, SZ_CUACount_ctor, }; int i;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(pszNameTab); i++) { if (lstrcmp(prwi->pszName, pszNameTab[i]) == 0) { TraceMsg(DM_PERF, "cedl.s_%c: this'=%x n=%s", TEXT("rwd")[op], prwi->self, prwi->pszName);
switch (op) { // Read from the cache
case CO_READ: // Do we have a cached item?
if (_rgCache[i].pv) { // The cached buffer should be smaller than or equal to the
// passed buffer size, or we get a buffer overflow
if (_rgCache[i].cbSize <= cbBuf) { // Load the cache into the buffer. Note that the
// size requested may be larger than the size cached. This
// is due to upgrade senarios
memcpy(pvBuf, _rgCache[i].pv, _rgCache[i].cbSize); return S_OK; } else { ASSERT(FALSE); } } break;
// Write to the Cache
case CO_WRITE:
// Is the size different or not initialized?
// When we first allocate this spot, it's size is zero. The
// incomming buffer should be greater.
if (_rgCache[i].cbSize != cbBuf) { // The size is different or uninialized.
if (_rgCache[i].pv) // Free whatever we've got
{ // because we're getting a new one.
_rgCache[i].cbSize = 0; // Set the size to zero.
LocalFree(_rgCache[i].pv); }
// Allocate a new buffer of the current size.
_rgCache[i].pv = LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbBuf); }
// Were we successful in allocating a cache buffer?
if (_rgCache[i].pv) { // Yes, make the buffer size the same... Do this here incase the
// allocate fails.
_rgCache[i].cbSize = cbBuf; memcpy(_rgCache[i].pv, pvBuf, _rgCache[i].cbSize); return S_OK; } break;
case CO_DELETE: // delete
if (_rgCache[i].pv) { LocalFree(_rgCache[i].pv); _rgCache[i].pv = NULL; _rgCache[i].cbSize = 0; } return S_OK;
default: ASSERT(0); // 'impossible'
break; }
TraceMsg(DM_PERF, "cedl.s_%c: this'=%x n=%s cache miss", TEXT("rwd")[op], prwi->self, prwi->pszName); break; } } return S_FALSE; } #endif // }
HRESULT CEMDBLog::s_Read(void *pvBuf, DWORD cbBuf, PNRWINFO prwi) { HRESULT hr; CEMDBLog *pdb = (CEMDBLog *)prwi->self; TCHAR *pszName; TCHAR szNameEnc[MAX_URL_STRING];
if (pdb->CacheOp(CO_READ, pvBuf, cbBuf, prwi) == S_OK) return S_OK; #endif
pszName = pdb->_MayEncrypt(prwi->pszName, szNameEnc, ARRAYSIZE(szNameEnc)); hr = pdb->QueryValue(pszName, (BYTE *)pvBuf, &cbBuf); #if XXX_CACHE
pdb->CacheOp(CO_WRITE, pvBuf, cbBuf, prwi); #endif
return hr; }
HRESULT CEMDBLog::s_Write(void *pvBuf, DWORD cbBuf, PNRWINFO prwi) { HRESULT hr; CEMDBLog *pdb = (CEMDBLog *)prwi->self; TCHAR *pszName; TCHAR szNameEnc[MAX_URL_STRING];
// CO_DELETE not CO_WRITE (easier/safer) (perf fine since rarely write)
pdb->CacheOp(CO_DELETE, pvBuf, cbBuf, prwi); #endif
pszName = pdb->_MayEncrypt(prwi->pszName, szNameEnc, ARRAYSIZE(szNameEnc)); hr = pdb->SetValue(pszName, REG_BINARY, (BYTE *)pvBuf, cbBuf); return hr; }
HRESULT CEMDBLog::s_Delete(void *pvBuf, DWORD cbBuf, PNRWINFO prwi) { HRESULT hr; CEMDBLog *pdb = (CEMDBLog *)prwi->self; TCHAR *pszName; TCHAR szNameEnc[MAX_URL_STRING];
pdb->CacheOp(CO_DELETE, pvBuf, cbBuf, prwi); #endif
pszName = pdb->_MayEncrypt(prwi->pszName, szNameEnc, ARRAYSIZE(szNameEnc)); if (pdb->_fBackup) { if (pvBuf == NULL) { // happily we already have the data
// o.w. we'd need to QueryValue into a mega-buffer
TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "uadb.s_d: _fBackup && !pvBuf (!)"); ASSERT(0); } else { TCHAR szDel[MAX_URL_STRING]; hr = StringCchPrintf(szDel, ARRAYSIZE(szDel), SZ_DEL_PREFIX TEXT("%s"), pszName); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pdb->SetValue(szDel, REG_BINARY, (BYTE *)pvBuf, cbBuf); }
if (FAILED(hr)) TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "uadb.s_d: _fBackup hr=%x (!)", hr); } // (we'll do delete whether or not the _fBackup works)
hr = pdb->DeleteValue(pszName); TraceMsg(DM_UEMTRACE, "uadb.s_d: delete s=%s(%s) (_fBackup=%d) pRaw=0x%x hr=%x", pszName, prwi->pszName, pdb->_fBackup, pvBuf, hr); #if 1 // unneeded?
if (FAILED(hr)) hr = s_Write(pvBuf, cbBuf, prwi); #endif
return hr; }
// }
//*** THIS::IUASession::* {
int CEMDBLog::GetSessionId() { HRESULT hr; NRWINFO rwi; CUASession aSess; int i;
rwi.self = this; rwi.pszName = SZ_CTLSESSION; hr = aSess.LoadFrom(&s_Nrw3Info, &rwi); aSess.Initialize();
i = aSess.GetSessionId();
hr = aSess.SaveTo(FALSE, &s_Nrw3Info, &rwi);
return i; }
void CEMDBLog::SetSession(UAQUANTUM uaq, BOOL fForce) { HRESULT hr; NRWINFO rwi; CUASession aSess;
rwi.self = this; rwi.pszName = SZ_CTLSESSION; hr = aSess.LoadFrom(&s_Nrw3Info, &rwi); aSess.Initialize();
aSess.SetSession(uaq, fForce);
hr = aSess.SaveTo(TRUE, &s_Nrw3Info, &rwi);
return; }
// }
//*** THIS::CUASession::* {
extern DWORD g_dSessTime;
CUASession::CUASession() { _fInited = FALSE; _fDirty = FALSE; return; }
HRESULT CUASession::Initialize() { if (!_fInited) { _fInited = TRUE;
_cCnt = 0; _qtMru = 0; _fDirty = TRUE; }
return S_OK; }
//*** THIS::GetSessionId -- increment profile count for command
int CUASession::GetSessionId() { return _cCnt; }
// fForce ignore threshhold rules (e.g. for DEBUG)
void CUASession::SetSession(UAQUANTUM uaq, BOOL fForce) { UATIME qtNow;
qtNow = GetUaTime(NULL); if (qtNow - _qtMru >= g_dSessTime || fForce) { TraceMsg(DM_UEMTRACE, "uadb.ss: sid=%d++", _cCnt); _cCnt++; // nt5:173090
// if we wrap, there's nothing we can do. it would be pretty
// bad, since everything would get promoted (since 'now' will
// be *older* than 'mru' so there will be no decay). worse still
// they'd stay promoted for a v. long time. we could detect that
// in the decay code and (lazily) reset the count to 'now,1' or
// somesuch, but it should never happen so we simply ASSERT.
ASSERT(_cCnt != 0); // 'impossible'
_qtMru = qtNow;
_fDirty = TRUE; }
return; }
hr = (*pfnIO->_pfnRead)(_GetRawData(), _GetRawCount(), pRwi); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) _fInited = TRUE; return hr; }
hr = S_FALSE; if (fForce || _fDirty) { hr = (*pfnIO->_pfnWrite)(_GetRawData(), _GetRawCount(), pRwi); _fDirty = FALSE; } return hr; }
// }
//*** CGCTask::* {
CGCTask *CGCTask_Create(CEMDBLog *that) { CGCTask *pthis = new CGCTask; if (pthis) { if (FAILED(pthis->Initialize(that))) { delete pthis; pthis = NULL; } } return pthis; }
HRESULT CGCTask::Initialize(CEMDBLog *that) { ASSERT(!_that); ASSERT(that); that->AddRef(); _that = that; return S_OK; }
CGCTask::CGCTask() : CRunnableTask(RTF_DEFAULT) { }
CGCTask::~CGCTask() { if (_that) _that->Release(); }
//*** CGCTask::CRunnableTaskRT::* {
ASSERT(_that); g_fDidUAGC = 2; // breadcrumbs in case we die (even non-DEBUG)
hr = _that->_GarbageCollectSlow(); g_fDidUAGC = 3; // breadcrumbs in case we die (even non-DEBUG)
return hr; }
// }
// }
#if 0
#ifdef DEBUG
void emdbtst() { HRESULT hr; CEMDBLog *pdb = new CEMDBLog;
if (pdb) { hr = pdb->Initialize(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, TEXT("UIProf")); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
pdb->CountIncr("foo"); pdb->CountIncr("bar"); pdb->CountIncr("foo");
delete pdb; }
return; } #endif
// }