// File: SelRange.cpp
// Contents:
// This file contians Selection Range handling code.
#include "ctlspriv.h"
#include "selrange.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include <shguidp.h>
#define MINCOUNT 6 // number of sel ranges to start with amd maintain
#define GROWSIZE 150 // percent to grow when needed
#define COUNT_SELRANGES_NONE 2 // When count of selranges really means none
class CLVRange : public ILVRange
{ public: // *** IUnknown methods ***
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppv); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void);
// *** ILVRange methods ***
STDMETHODIMP IncludeRange(LONG iBegin, LONG iEnd); STDMETHODIMP ExcludeRange(LONG iBegin, LONG iEnd); STDMETHODIMP InvertRange(LONG iBegin, LONG iEnd); STDMETHODIMP InsertItem(LONG iItem); STDMETHODIMP RemoveItem(LONG iItem);
STDMETHODIMP Clear(); STDMETHODIMP IsSelected(LONG iItem); STDMETHODIMP IsEmpty(); STDMETHODIMP NextSelected(LONG iItem, LONG *piItem); STDMETHODIMP NextUnSelected(LONG iItem, LONG *piItem); STDMETHODIMP CountIncluded(LONG *pcIncluded);
protected: // Helper Functions.
friend ILVRange *LVRange_Create(); CLVRange(); ~CLVRange();
BOOL _Enlarge(); BOOL _Shrink(); BOOL _InsertRange(LONG iAfterItem, LONG iBegin, LONG iEnd); HRESULT _RemoveRanges(LONG iStartItem, LONG iStopItem, LONG *p); BOOL _FindValue(LONG Value, LONG* piItem); void _InitNew();
int _cRef; PSELRANGEITEM _VSelRanges; // Vector of sel ranges
LONG _cSize; // size of above vector in sel ranges
LONG _cSelRanges; // count of sel ranges used
LONG _cIncluded; // Count of Included items...
// Function: _Enlarge
// Summary:
// This will enlarge the number of items the Sel Range can have.
// Arguments:
// PSELRANGE [in] - SelRange to Enlarge
// Return: FALSE if failed.
// Notes: Though this function may fail, pselrange structure is still valid
// History:
// 17-Oct-94 MikeMi Created
BOOL CLVRange::_Enlarge() { LONG cNewSize; PSELRANGEITEM pTempSelRange; BOOL frt = FALSE;
cNewSize = _cSize * GROWSIZE / 100; pTempSelRange = (PSELRANGEITEM) GlobalReAlloc( (HGLOBAL)_VSelRanges, cNewSize * sizeof( SELRANGEITEM ), GMEM_ZEROINIT | GMEM_MOVEABLE ); if (NULL != pTempSelRange) { _VSelRanges = pTempSelRange; _cSize = cNewSize; frt = TRUE; } return( frt ); }
// Function: _Shrink
// Summary:
// This will reduce the number of items the Sel Range can have.
// Arguments:
// Return: FALSE if failed
// Notes: Shrink only happens when a significant size below the next size
// is obtained and the new size is at least the minimum size.
// Though this function may fail, pselrange structure is still valid
// History:
// 17-Oct-94 MikeMi Created
BOOL CLVRange::_Shrink() { LONG cNewSize; LONG cTriggerSize; PSELRANGEITEM pTempSelRange; BOOL frt = TRUE;
// check if we are below last grow area by a small percent
cTriggerSize = _cSize * 90 / GROWSIZE; cNewSize = _cSize * 100 / GROWSIZE;
if ((_cSelRanges < cTriggerSize) && (cNewSize >= MINCOUNT)) { pTempSelRange = (PSELRANGEITEM) GlobalReAlloc( (HGLOBAL)_VSelRanges, cNewSize * sizeof( SELRANGEITEM ), GMEM_ZEROINIT | GMEM_MOVEABLE ); if (NULL != pTempSelRange) { _VSelRanges = pTempSelRange; _cSize = cNewSize; } else { frt = FALSE; } } return( frt ); }
// Function: _InsertRange
// Summary:
// inserts a single range item into the range vector
// Arguments:
// iAfterItem [in] - Index to insert range after, -1 means insert as first item
// iBegin [in] - begin of range
// iEnd [in] - end of the range
// Return:
// TRUE if succesful, otherwise FALSE
// Notes:
// History:
// 17-Oct-94 MikeMi Created
BOOL CLVRange::_InsertRange(LONG iAfterItem, LONG iBegin, LONG iEnd ) { LONG iItem; BOOL frt = TRUE;
ASSERT( iAfterItem >= -1 ); ASSERT( iBegin >= SELRANGE_MINVALUE ); ASSERT( iEnd >= iBegin ); ASSERT( iEnd <= SELRANGE_MAXVALUE ); ASSERT( _cSelRanges < _cSize );
// shift all over one
for (iItem = _cSelRanges; iItem > iAfterItem + 1; iItem--) { _VSelRanges[iItem] = _VSelRanges[iItem-1]; } _cSelRanges++;
// make the insertion
_VSelRanges[iAfterItem+1].iBegin = iBegin; _VSelRanges[iAfterItem+1].iEnd = iEnd;
// make sure we have room next time
if (_cSelRanges == _cSize) { frt = _Enlarge(); } return( frt ); }
// Function: _RemoveRanges
// Summary:
// Removes all ranged between and including the speicifed indexes
// Arguments:
// iStartItem [in] - Index to start removal
// iStopItem [in] - Index to stop removal
// Return:
// SELRANGE_ERROR on memory allocation error
// The number of items that are unselected by this removal
// Notes:
// History:
// 17-Oct-94 MikeMi Created
HRESULT CLVRange::_RemoveRanges(LONG iStartItem, LONG iStopItem, LONG *pc ) { LONG iItem; LONG diff; LONG cUnSelected = 0; HRESULT hres = S_OK;
ASSERT( iStartItem > 0 ); ASSERT( iStopItem >= iStartItem ); ASSERT( iStartItem < _cSelRanges - 1 ); ASSERT( iStopItem < _cSelRanges - 1 ); diff = iStopItem - iStartItem + 1; for (iItem = iStartItem; iItem <= iStopItem; iItem++) cUnSelected += _VSelRanges[iItem].iEnd - _VSelRanges[iItem].iBegin + 1;
// shift all over the difference
for (iItem = iStopItem+1; iItem < _cSelRanges; iItem++, iStartItem++) _VSelRanges[iStartItem] = _VSelRanges[iItem];
_cSelRanges -= diff; if (!_Shrink()) { hres = E_FAIL; } else if (pc) *pc = cUnSelected; return( hres ); }
// Function: SelRange_FindValue
// Summary:
// This function will search the ranges for the value, returning true
// if the value was found within a range. The piItem will contain the
// the index at which it was found or the index before where it should be
// The piItem may be set to -1, meaning that there are no ranges in the list
// This functions uses a non-recursive binary search algorithm.
// Arguments:
// piItem [out] - Return of found range index, or one before
// Value [in] - Value to find within a range
// Return: True if found, False if not found
// Notes: The piItem will return one before if return is false.
// History:
// 14-Oct-94 MikeMi Created
BOOL CLVRange::_FindValue(LONG Value, LONG* piItem ) { LONG First; LONG Last; LONG Item; BOOL fFound = FALSE;
First = 0; Last = _cSelRanges - 1; Item = Last / 2;
do { if (_VSelRanges[Item].iBegin > Value) { // Value before this Item
Last = Item; Item = (Last - First) / 2 + First; if (Item == Last) { Item = First; break; } } else if (_VSelRanges[Item].iEnd < Value) { // Value after this Item
First = Item; Item = (Last - First) / 2 + First; if (Item == First) { break; } } else { // Value at this Item
fFound = TRUE; } } while (!fFound);
*piItem = Item; return( fFound ); }
// Function: _InitNew
// Summary:
// This function will initialize a SelRange object.
// Arguments:
// Return:
// Notes:
// History:
// 18-Oct-94 MikeMi Created
void CLVRange::_InitNew() { _cSize = MINCOUNT; _cSelRanges = COUNT_SELRANGES_NONE;
_VSelRanges[0].iBegin = LONG_MIN; // -2 and +2 below are to stop consecutive joining of end markers
_VSelRanges[0].iEnd = SELRANGE_MINVALUE - 2; _VSelRanges[1].iBegin = SELRANGE_MAXVALUE + 2; _VSelRanges[1].iEnd = SELRANGE_MAXVALUE + 2; _cIncluded = 0; }
// Function: SelRange_Create
// Summary:
// This function will create and initialize a SelRange object.
// Arguments:
// Return: HSELRANGE that is created or NULL if it failed.
// Notes:
// History:
// 14-Oct-94 MikeMi Created
ILVRange *LVRange_Create( ) { CLVRange *pselrange = new CLVRange;
if (NULL != pselrange) { pselrange->_VSelRanges = (PSELRANGEITEM) GlobalAlloc( GPTR, sizeof( SELRANGEITEM ) * MINCOUNT ); if (NULL != pselrange->_VSelRanges) { pselrange->_InitNew(); } else { delete pselrange; pselrange = NULL; } }
return( pselrange? SAFECAST(pselrange, ILVRange*) : NULL); }
// Function: Constructor
CLVRange::CLVRange() { _cRef = 1; }
// Function: Destructor
CLVRange::~CLVRange() { GlobalFree( _VSelRanges ); }
// Function: QueryInterface
HRESULT CLVRange::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void **ppv) { if (IsEqualIID(iid, IID_ILVRange) || IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IUnknown)) { *ppv = SAFECAST(this, ILVRange *); } else { *ppv = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; }
_cRef++; return NOERROR; }
// Function: AddRef
ULONG CLVRange::AddRef() { return ++_cRef; }
// Function: Release
ULONG CLVRange::Release() { if (--_cRef) return _cRef;
delete this; return 0; }
// Function: IncludeRange
// Summary:
// This function will include the range defined into the current
// ranges, compacting as needed.
// Arguments:
// hselrange [in] - Handle to the SelRange
// iBegin [in] - Begin of new range
// iEnd [in] - End of new range
// Notes:
// History:
// 14-Oct-94 MikeMi Created
HRESULT CLVRange::IncludeRange(LONG iBegin, LONG iEnd ) { LONG iFirst; // index before or contains iBegin value
LONG iLast; // index before or contains iEnd value
BOOL fExtendFirst; // do we extend the iFirst or create one after it
LONG iRemoveStart; // start of ranges that need to be removed
LONG iRemoveFinish; // end of ranges that need to be removed
LONG iNewEnd; // calculate new end value as we go
BOOL fEndFound; // was the iEnd found in a range already
BOOL fBeginFound; // was the iEnd found in a range already
LONG cSelected = 0; HRESULT hres = S_OK;
// find approximate locations
fBeginFound = _FindValue( iBegin, &iFirst ); fEndFound = _FindValue( iEnd, &iLast );
// Find First values
// check for consecutive End-First values
if ((_VSelRanges[iFirst].iEnd == iBegin - 1) || (fBeginFound)) { // extend iFirst
fExtendFirst = TRUE; iRemoveStart = iFirst + 1; } else { // create one after the iFirst
fExtendFirst = FALSE; iRemoveStart = iFirst + 2; }
// Find Last values
if (fEndFound) { // Use [iLast].iEnd value
iRemoveFinish = iLast; iNewEnd = _VSelRanges[iLast].iEnd;
} else { // check for consecutive First-End values
if (_VSelRanges[iLast + 1].iBegin == iEnd + 1) { // Use [iLast + 1].iEnd value
iNewEnd = _VSelRanges[iLast+1].iEnd; iRemoveFinish = iLast + 1; } else { // Use iEnd value
iRemoveFinish = iLast; iNewEnd = iEnd; } }
// remove condenced items if needed
if (iRemoveStart <= iRemoveFinish) { LONG cChange;
hres = _RemoveRanges(iRemoveStart, iRemoveFinish, &cChange ); if (FAILED(hres)) return hres; else { cSelected -= cChange; } } //
// insert item and reset values as needed
if (fExtendFirst) { cSelected += iNewEnd - _VSelRanges[iFirst].iEnd; _VSelRanges[iFirst].iEnd = iNewEnd; } else { if (iRemoveStart > iRemoveFinish + 1) { cSelected += iEnd - iBegin + 1; // create one
if (!_InsertRange(iFirst, iBegin, iNewEnd )) { hres = E_FAIL; } } else { cSelected += iNewEnd - _VSelRanges[iFirst+1].iEnd; cSelected += _VSelRanges[iFirst+1].iBegin - iBegin; // no need to create one since the Removal would have left us one
_VSelRanges[iFirst+1].iEnd = iNewEnd; _VSelRanges[iFirst+1].iBegin = iBegin; } } _cIncluded += cSelected; return( hres ); }
// Function: SelRange_ExcludeRange
// Summary:
// This function will exclude the range defined from the current
// ranges, compacting and enlarging as needed.
// Arguments:
// hselrange [in] - Handle to the SelRange
// iBegin [in] - Begin of range to remove
// iEnd [in] - End of range to remove
// Return:
// SELRANGE_ERROR if memory allocation error
// the number actual items that changed state
// Notes:
// History:
// 17-Oct-94 MikeMi Created
HRESULT CLVRange::ExcludeRange( LONG iBegin, LONG iEnd ) { LONG iFirst; // index before or contains iBegin value
LONG iLast; // index before or contains iEnd value
LONG iRemoveStart; // start of ranges that need to be removed
LONG iRemoveFinish; // end of ranges that need to be removed
LONG iFirstNewEnd; // calculate new end value as we go
BOOL fBeginFound; // was the iBegin found in a range already
BOOL fEndFound; // was the iEnd found in a range already
LONG cUnSelected = 0; HRESULT hres = S_OK;
// find approximate locations
fBeginFound = _FindValue( iBegin, &iFirst ); fEndFound = _FindValue( iEnd, &iLast );
// Find First values
// start removal after first
iRemoveStart = iFirst + 1; // save FirstEnd as we may need to modify it
iFirstNewEnd = _VSelRanges[iFirst].iEnd;
if (fBeginFound) { // check for complete removal of first
// (first is a single selection or match?)
if (_VSelRanges[iFirst].iBegin == iBegin) { iRemoveStart = iFirst; } else { // otherwise truncate iFirst
iFirstNewEnd = iBegin - 1; } } //
// Find Last values
// end removal on last
iRemoveFinish = iLast;
if (fEndFound) { // check for complete removal of last
// (first/last is a single selection or match?)
if (_VSelRanges[iLast].iEnd != iEnd) { if (iFirst == iLast) { // split
if (!_InsertRange(iFirst, iEnd + 1, _VSelRanges[iFirst].iEnd )) { return( E_FAIL ); } cUnSelected -= _VSelRanges[iFirst].iEnd - iEnd; } else { // truncate Last
iRemoveFinish = iLast - 1; cUnSelected += (iEnd + 1) - _VSelRanges[iLast].iBegin; _VSelRanges[iLast].iBegin = iEnd + 1; } } }
// Now set the new end, since Last code may have needed the original values
cUnSelected -= iFirstNewEnd - _VSelRanges[iFirst].iEnd; _VSelRanges[iFirst].iEnd = iFirstNewEnd;
// remove items if needed
if (iRemoveStart <= iRemoveFinish) { LONG cChange;
if (SUCCEEDED(hres = _RemoveRanges(iRemoveStart, iRemoveFinish, &cChange ))) cUnSelected += cChange; }
_cIncluded -= cUnSelected; return( hres ); }
// Function: SelRange_Clear
// Summary:
// This function will remove all ranges within the SelRange object.
// Arguments:
// hselrange [in] - the hselrange object to clear
// Return: FALSE if failed.
// Notes:
// This function may return FALSE on memory allocation problems, but
// will leave the SelRange object in the last state before this call.
// History:
// 14-Oct-94 MikeMi Created
pNewItems = (PSELRANGEITEM) GlobalAlloc( GPTR, sizeof( SELRANGEITEM ) * MINCOUNT ); if (NULL != pNewItems) { GlobalFree( _VSelRanges ); _VSelRanges = pNewItems;
_InitNew(); } else { hres = E_FAIL; } return( hres ); }
// Function: SelRange_IsSelected
// Summary:
// This function will return if the value iItem is within a
// selected range.
// Arguments:
// hselrange [in] - the hselrange object to use
// iItem [in] - value to check for
// Return: TRUE if selected, FALSE if not.
// Notes:
// History:
// 17-Oct-94 MikeMi Created
HRESULT CLVRange::IsSelected( LONG iItem ) { LONG iFirst;
return( _FindValue( iItem, &iFirst ) ? S_OK : S_FALSE); }
// Function: SelRange_IsEmpty
// Summary:
// This function will return TRUE if the range is empty
// Arguments:
// hselrange [in] - the hselrange object to use
// Return: TRUE if empty
// Notes:
// History:
HRESULT CLVRange::IsEmpty() { return (_cSelRanges == COUNT_SELRANGES_NONE)? S_OK : S_FALSE; }
HRESULT CLVRange::CountIncluded(LONG *pcIncluded) { *pcIncluded = _cIncluded; return S_OK; }
// Function: SelRange_InsertItem
// Summary:
// This function will insert a unselected item at the location,
// which will push all selections up one index.
// Arguments:
// hselrange [in] - the hselrange object to use
// iItem [in] - value to check for
// Return:
// False on memory allocation error
// otherwise TRUE
// Notes:
// History:
// 20-Dec-94 MikeMi Created
HRESULT CLVRange::InsertItem( LONG iItem ) { LONG iFirst; LONG i; LONG iBegin; LONG iEnd;
if (_FindValue( iItem, &iFirst ) ) { // split it
if ( _VSelRanges[iFirst].iBegin == iItem ) { // but don't split if starts with value
iFirst--; } else { if (!_InsertRange(iFirst, iItem, _VSelRanges[iFirst].iEnd )) { return( E_FAIL ); } _VSelRanges[iFirst].iEnd = iItem - 1; } }
// now walk all ranges past iFirst, incrementing all values by one
for (i = _cSelRanges-2; i > iFirst; i--) { iBegin = _VSelRanges[i].iBegin; iEnd = _VSelRanges[i].iEnd;
iBegin = min( SELRANGE_MAXVALUE, iBegin + 1 ); iEnd = min( SELRANGE_MAXVALUE, iEnd + 1 );
_VSelRanges[i].iBegin = iBegin; _VSelRanges[i].iEnd = iEnd; } return( S_OK ); }
// Function: SelRange_RemoveItem
// Summary:
// This function will remove an item at the location,
// which will pull all selections down one index.
// Arguments:
// hselrange [in] - the hselrange object to use
// iItem [in] - value to check for
// pfWasSelected [out] - was the removed item selected before the removal
// Return:
// TRUE if the item was removed
// FALSE if the an error happend
// Notes:
// History:
// 20-Dec-94 MikeMi Created
HRESULT CLVRange::RemoveItem(LONG iItem ) { LONG iFirst; LONG i; LONG iBegin; LONG iEnd; HRESULT hres = S_OK;
if (_FindValue( iItem, &iFirst ) ) { // item within, change the end value
iEnd = _VSelRanges[iFirst].iEnd; iEnd = min( SELRANGE_MAXVALUE, iEnd - 1 ); _VSelRanges[iFirst].iEnd = iEnd;
_cIncluded--; } else { // check for merge situation
if ((iFirst < _cSelRanges - 1) && (_VSelRanges[iFirst].iEnd == iItem - 1) && (_VSelRanges[iFirst+1].iBegin == iItem + 1)) { _VSelRanges[iFirst].iEnd = _VSelRanges[iFirst + 1].iEnd - 1; if (FAILED(hres = _RemoveRanges(iFirst + 1, iFirst + 1, NULL ))) return( hres ); } }
// now walk all ranges past iFirst, decrementing all values by one
for (i = _cSelRanges-2; i > iFirst; i--) { iBegin = _VSelRanges[i].iBegin; iEnd = _VSelRanges[i].iEnd;
iBegin = min( SELRANGE_MAXVALUE, iBegin - 1 ); iEnd = min( SELRANGE_MAXVALUE, iEnd - 1 );
_VSelRanges[i].iBegin = iBegin; _VSelRanges[i].iEnd = iEnd; } return( hres ); }
// Function: NextSelected
// Summary:
// This function will start with given item and find the next
// item that is selected. If the given item is selected, that
// item number will be returned.
// Arguments:
// hselrange [in] - the hselrange object to use
// iItem [in] - value to start check at
// Return:
// -1 if none found, otherwise the item
// Notes:
// History:
// 04-Jan-95 MikeMi Created
HRESULT CLVRange::NextSelected( LONG iItem, LONG *piItem ) { LONG i;
if (!_FindValue( iItem, &i ) ) { i++; if (i < _cSelRanges-1) { iItem = _VSelRanges[i].iBegin; } else { iItem = -1; } }
ASSERT( iItem >= -1 ); ASSERT( iItem <= SELRANGE_MAXVALUE ); *piItem = iItem; return S_OK; }
// Function: NextUnSelected
// Summary:
// This function will start with given item and find the next
// item that is not selected. If the given item is not selected, that
// item number will be returned.
// Arguments:
// hselrange [in] - the hselrange object to use
// iItem [in] - value to start check at
// Return:
// -1 if none found, otherwise the item
// Notes:
// History:
// 04-Jan-95 MikeMi Created
HRESULT CLVRange::NextUnSelected( LONG iItem, LONG *piItem ) { LONG i;
if (_FindValue( iItem, &i ) ) { if (i < _cSelRanges-1) { iItem = _VSelRanges[i].iEnd + 1; if (iItem > SELRANGE_MAXVALUE) { iItem = -1; } } else { iItem = -1; } }
ASSERT( iItem >= -1 ); ASSERT( iItem <= SELRANGE_MAXVALUE );
*piItem = iItem; return S_OK; }
// Function: InvertRange
// Summary:
// This function will invert the range defined from the current
// ranges, compacting and enlarging as needed.
// Arguments:
// iBegin [in] - Begin of range to invert
// iEnd [in] - End of range to invert
// Return:
// SELRANGE_ERROR on memory error
// The difference in items selected from previous to current.
// negative values means less items are selected in that range now.
// Notes:
// History:
// 13-Dec-95 MikeMi Created
LONG CLVRange::InvertRange( LONG iBegin, LONG iEnd ) { LONG iFirst; // index before or contains iBegin value
BOOL fSelect; // are we selecting or unselecting
LONG iTempE; LONG iTempB; HRESULT hres = S_OK;
// find if first is selected or not
fSelect = !_FindValue( iBegin, &iFirst ); iTempE = iBegin - 1;
do { iTempB = iTempE + 1;
if (fSelect) NextSelected( iTempB, &iTempE ); else NextUnSelected( iTempB, &iTempE );
if (-1 == iTempE) { iTempE = SELRANGE_MAXVALUE; } else { iTempE--; }
iTempE = min( iTempE, iEnd );
if (fSelect) { if (FAILED(hres = IncludeRange( iTempB, iTempE ))) { return( hres ); } } else { if (FAILED(hres = ExcludeRange( iTempB, iTempE ))) { return( hres ); } }
fSelect = !fSelect; } while (iTempE < iEnd );
return( hres ); }