// Global variables shared with the other pages
var g_bOsPersonal = false;
var g_oUserList = null; var g_oSelectedUser = null; var g_strLoggedOnUserName = null;
var g_szInitialTask = null; var g_bInitialTaskCompleted = false;
var g_bRunningAsOwner = false;
// Used when deleting an account
var g_bDeleteFiles = false;
// Methods shared with the other pages
var g_oShell = null; function GetShell() { if (null == g_oShell) g_oShell = new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application"); return g_oShell; }
var g_oWShell = null; function GetWShell() { if (null == g_oWShell) g_oWShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); return g_oWShell; }
var g_oLocalMachine = null; function GetLocalMachine() { if (null == g_oLocalMachine) g_oLocalMachine = new ActiveXObject("Shell.LocalMachine"); return g_oLocalMachine; }
var g_szAdminAccountName = null; function GetAdminName() { if (!g_szAdminAccountName) { g_szAdminAccountName = GetLocalMachine().AccountName(500); // DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN
if (!g_szAdminAccountName) g_szAdminAccountName = "Administrator"; } return g_szAdminAccountName; }
var g_szGuestAccountName = null; function GetGuestName() { if (!g_szGuestAccountName) { g_szGuestAccountName = GetLocalMachine().AccountName(501); // DOMAIN_USER_RID_GUEST
if (!g_szGuestAccountName) g_szGuestAccountName = "Guest"; } return g_szGuestAccountName; }
function IsSelf() { if (!g_oSelectedUser || !g_strLoggedOnUserName) return false; return (g_oSelectedUser.setting("LoginName").toLowerCase() == g_strLoggedOnUserName); }
function GetUserDisplayName(oUser) { var szDisplayName = oUser.setting("DisplayName"); if (!szDisplayName) szDisplayName = oUser.setting("LoginName");
// Truncate really long names
if (szDisplayName && szDisplayName.length > 20) { //var iBreak = szDisplayName.lastIndexOf(' ',17);
//if (-1 == iBreak) iBreak = 17;
//szDisplayName = szDisplayName.substring(0,iBreak) + "...";
szDisplayName = szDisplayName.substring(0,17) + "..."; }
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-343499-2001/04/03-jeffreys
// Convert '<' to ">" so HTML is displayed as text
if (szDisplayName) szDisplayName = szDisplayName.replace(/</g, "<");
return szDisplayName; }
function CountOwners() { // Note that 'Administrator' is not included in the count
// Note also that we don't really need a true count, we only
// need to know whether there is 0, 1, or many. Therefore, we
// always stop counting at 2.
var cOwners = 0; var cUsers = g_oUserList.length; var strAdmin = GetAdminName().toLowerCase();
for (var i = 0; i < cUsers && cOwners < 2; i++) { var oUser = g_oUserList(i); if ((3 == oUser.setting("AccountType")) && (oUser.setting("LoginName").toLowerCase() != strAdmin)) ++cOwners; }
return cOwners; }
function OnKeySelect(iTab, oEvent) { if (null == oEvent) oEvent = window.event;
if (oEvent.keyCode == 27) // VK_ESCAPE
{ g_Navigator.back(); } else if (oEvent.keyCode == 32) // VK_SPACE
{ // Make the Space key activate links
oEvent.returnValue = false; oEvent.srcElement.click(); } else if (!oEvent.altKey) // ignore navigation shortcuts
{ // Handle arrow key navigation
var oTarget = null;
switch (oEvent.keyCode) { case 37: // VK_LEFT
oTarget = oEvent.srcElement.leftElem; break; case 38: // VK_UP
oTarget = oEvent.srcElement.upElem; break; case 39: // VK_RIGHT
oTarget = oEvent.srcElement.rightElem; break; case 40: // VK_DOWN
oTarget = oEvent.srcElement.downElem; break; }
if (oTarget != null) { oEvent.srcElement.tabIndex = -1; oTarget.tabIndex = (null != iTab) ? iTab : 0; oTarget.focus(); oEvent.returnValue = false; } } }
function SetRelativeTasks(aTasks, iTab) { var cTasks = aTasks.length; var oPrevA = null;
for (var i = 0; i < cTasks; i++) { var oTask = aTasks[i]; if (oTask.style.display != 'none') { // Find the first Anchor tag under this node
var oAnchor = oTask.getElementsByTagName("A")[0]; if (oAnchor) { if (oPrevA) { oPrevA.downElem = oAnchor; oAnchor.upElem = oPrevA; } else oAnchor.tabIndex = (null != iTab) ? iTab : 0;
oPrevA = oAnchor; } } } }
function PopulateLeftPane(szRelatedTasks, szLearnAbout, szDescription) { if (szDescription && szDescription.length > 0) { idDescription.innerHTML = szDescription; idDescription.style.display = 'block'; } else idDescription.style.display = 'none';
if (szRelatedTasks && szRelatedTasks.length > 0) { idRelatedTaskLinks.innerHTML = szRelatedTasks; idRelatedTasks.style.display = 'block';
SetRelativeTasks(idRelatedTaskLinks.children, 2); } else idRelatedTasks.style.display = 'none';
if (szLearnAbout && szLearnAbout.length > 0) { idLearnAboutLinks.innerHTML = szLearnAbout; idLearnAbout.style.display = 'block';
SetRelativeTasks(idLearnAboutLinks.children, 2); } else idLearnAbout.style.display = 'none'; }
function CreateUserDisplayHTML2(szName, szSubtitle, szPicture) { return '<TABLE cellspacing=0 cols=2 cellpadding=0><TD style="width:15mm;padding:1mm;text-align:center;"><IMG src="'+szPicture+'"/></TD><TD style="padding:1mm"><H3>'+szName+'</H3><H4>'+szSubtitle+'</H4></TD></TABLE>'; }
var g_AccountProps = new Array(L_Guest_Property, L_Limited_Property, L_UnknownAcct_Property, L_Owner_Property);
function CreateUserDisplayHTML(oUser, szSubtitle) { if (!szSubtitle) { szSubtitle = g_AccountProps[oUser.setting("AccountType")]; if (oUser.passwordRequired) szSubtitle += '<BR>' + L_Password_Property; } return CreateUserDisplayHTML2(GetUserDisplayName(oUser), szSubtitle, oUser.setting("Picture")); }
var g_HelpWindow = null; var g_szHelpUrl = null;
function LaunchHelp(szHTM) { if (szHTM && szHTM.length > 0) { if (null == g_HelpWindow) { var args = new Object; args.mainWindow = window; args.szHTM = szHTM;
if (null == g_szHelpUrl) g_szHelpUrl = GetWShell().ExpandEnvironmentStrings("MS-ITS:%windir%\\help\\nusrmgr.chm::/");
g_HelpWindow = window.showModelessDialog(g_szHelpUrl + "HelpFrame.htm", args, "border=thick; center=0; dialogWidth=30em; dialogHeight=34em; help=0; minimize=1; maximize=1; resizable=1; status=0;"); } else { try { g_HelpWindow.ShowHelp(g_szHelpUrl + szHTM); } catch (e) { g_HelpWindow.close(); g_HelpWindow = null; } } } }
function EnableGuest(bEnable) { if (!bEnable) { var oGuest = g_oUserList(GetGuestName()); if (oGuest && oGuest.isLoggedOn) { alert(L_DisableGuestInUse_ErrorMessage); return false; } }
try { if (bEnable) { GetLocalMachine().EnableGuest(1); // Force a new enumeration.
g_oSelectedUser = null; g_oUserList = null; g_oUserList = new ActiveXObject("Shell.Users"); } else GetLocalMachine().DisableGuest(1); } catch (e) { }
g_Navigator.navigate("mainpage2.htm", true); }
// Methods specific to the main frame
function PageInit() { // Load shgina. If this fails, we can't do anything at all.
try { g_oUserList = new ActiveXObject("Shell.Users"); } catch (e) { alert(L_SHGinaLoad_ErrorMessage); window.close(); return; }
// Initialize globals
g_bOsPersonal = GetShell().GetSystemInformation("IsOS_Personal"); g_oSelectedUser = g_oUserList.currentUser;
if (g_oSelectedUser) { g_strLoggedOnUserName = g_oSelectedUser.setting("LoginName").toLowerCase(); g_bRunningAsOwner = (3 == g_oSelectedUser.setting("AccountType")); } else if (false == g_bOsPersonal) { // Running Pro and couldn't get currentUser, therefore
// we've probably just disjoined a domain without rebooting
// and the current user is probably a domain account. That's
// the only scenario I can come up with where we hit this,
// and it has actually happened in the BVT lab.
// The fact that they had the ability to disjoin the domain
// implies owner.
g_bRunningAsOwner = true; } else { // If we're running Personal and can't get currentUser,
// then we're SOL.
alert(L_NoCurrentUser_ErrorMessage); window.close(); return; }
// Parse the command line to see if we were given an initial task
if (idUM.commandLine) { // It may be necessary in the future to split the command line
// into multiple arguments. But for now this is good enough.
var iInitialTask = idUM.commandLine.indexOf("initialTask=");
if (-1 != iInitialTask) { // 12 == strlen("initialTask=")
g_szInitialTask = idUM.commandLine.substring(iInitialTask+12); } }
g_Navigator = new Navigator(idContent); if (g_Navigator) g_Navigator.navigate(g_bRunningAsOwner ? "mainpage2.htm" : "mainpage.htm"); }
// Navigator object implementation
var g_Navigator = null;
function push(url) { if (url) { if (this.current < 0 || url != this.stack[this.current]) this.stack[++this.current] = url;
// Make sure there's nothing left on the stack after this
this.stack.length = this.current + 1; } }
function navigate(urlTo, bTrim) { // Check for empty stack
if (this.current < 0) bTrim = false;
if (bTrim) { // Look backwards for the page, trimming as we go
while (this.current >= 0) { // Trim the stack to the current location
this.stack.length = this.current + 1;
// Is the page here on the stack?
if (urlTo == this.stack[this.current]) break;
if (0 == this.current) { // Got all the way back to the beginning and didn't
// find it. Push it and stop.
this.push(urlTo); break; }
--this.current; } } else { // Normal navigation
this.push(urlTo); }
this.SetBtnState(); this.frame.navigate(urlTo); }
function back(nCount) { if (this.current > 0) { if (!nCount) nCount = 1;
if (-1 == nCount) this.current = 0; else this.current = Math.max(0, this.current - nCount);
this.frame.navigate(this.stack[this.current]); } this.SetBtnState(); }
function forward() { if (this.current < this.stack.length - 1) this.frame.navigate(this.stack[++this.current]); this.SetBtnState(); }
function SetBtnState() { idToolbar.enabled(0) = (this.current > 0); idToolbar.enabled(1) = (this.current != this.stack.length - 1); idToolbar.enabled(2) = (this.current > 0); }
function Navigator(frame) { // methods
this.push = push; this.navigate = navigate; this.back = back; this.forward = forward; this.SetBtnState = SetBtnState;
// properties
this.frame = frame; this.current = -1; this.stack = new Array();
this.SetBtnState(); }