// debug.c
#include "priv.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#ifdef DEBUG
#ifndef WINNT
#include <windows.h>
#include "debug.h"
void _Assert (DWORD dw, LPSTR lpszExp, LPSTR lpszFile, DWORD dwLine) { DWORD dwT; TCHAR lpszT[256]; StringCchPrintf(lpszT, ARRAYSIZE(lpszT), TEXT("Assertion %hs Failed.\n\n%hs, line# %ld\n\nYes to continue, No to debug, Cancel to exit"), lpszExp, lpszFile, dwLine); dwT = MessageBox (GetFocus(), lpszT, TEXT("Assertion Failed!"), MB_YESNOCANCEL); switch (dwT) { case IDCANCEL : //exit (1);
FatalExit(1); case IDNO : DebugTrap; } }
void _AssertSz (DWORD dw, LPSTR lpszExp, LPTSTR lpsz, LPSTR lpszFile, DWORD dwLine) { DWORD dwT; TCHAR lpszT[512]; StringCchPrintf(lpszT, ARRAYSIZE(lpszT), TEXT("Assertion %hs Failed.\n\n%s\n%hs, line# %ld\n\nYes to continue, No to debug, Cancel to exit"), lpszExp, lpsz, lpszFile, dwLine); dwT = MessageBox (GetFocus(), lpszT, TEXT("Assertion Failed!"), MB_YESNOCANCEL); switch (dwT) { case IDCANCEL: //exit (1);
FatalExit(1); case IDNO : DebugTrap; } }
#include <windows.h>
#include <winerror.h>
#include <oleauto.h>
#include "debug.h"
void _DebugHr (HRESULT hr, LPTSTR lpszFile, DWORD dwLine) { TCHAR szHRESULT[512];
switch (hr) { case S_OK : return; case STG_E_INVALIDNAME: StringCchPrintf(szHRESULT, ARRAYSIZE(szHRESULT), TEXT("\tBogus filename\n\n%s, line# %ld\n"),lpszFile, dwLine); break; case STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION : StringCchPrintf(szHRESULT, ARRAYSIZE(szHRESULT), TEXT("\tInvalid Function\n\n%s, line# %ld\n"),lpszFile, dwLine); break; case STG_E_FILENOTFOUND: StringCchPrintf(szHRESULT, ARRAYSIZE(szHRESULT), TEXT("\tFile not found\n\n%s, line# %ld\n"),lpszFile, dwLine); break; case STG_E_INVALIDFLAG: StringCchPrintf(szHRESULT, ARRAYSIZE(szHRESULT), TEXT("\tBogus flag\n\n%s, line# %ld\n"),lpszFile, dwLine); break; case STG_E_INVALIDPOINTER: StringCchPrintf(szHRESULT, ARRAYSIZE(szHRESULT), TEXT("\tBogus pointer\n\n%s, line# %ld\n"),lpszFile, dwLine); break; case STG_E_ACCESSDENIED: StringCchPrintf(szHRESULT, ARRAYSIZE(szHRESULT), TEXT("\tAccess Denied\n\n%s, line# %ld\n"),lpszFile, dwLine); break; case STG_E_INSUFFICIENTMEMORY : case E_OUTOFMEMORY : StringCchPrintf(szHRESULT, ARRAYSIZE(szHRESULT), TEXT("\tInsufficient Memory\n\n%s, line# %ld\n"),lpszFile, dwLine); break; case E_INVALIDARG : StringCchPrintf(szHRESULT, ARRAYSIZE(szHRESULT), TEXT("\tInvalid argument\n\n%s, line# %ld\n"),lpszFile, dwLine); break; case TYPE_E_UNKNOWNLCID: StringCchPrintf(szHRESULT, ARRAYSIZE(szHRESULT), TEXT("\tUnknown LCID\n\n%s, line# %ld\n"),lpszFile, dwLine); break; case TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY: StringCchPrintf(szHRESULT, ARRAYSIZE(szHRESULT), TEXT("\tCan't load typelib or dll\n\n%s, line# %ld\n"),lpszFile, dwLine); break; case TYPE_E_INVDATAREAD: StringCchPrintf(szHRESULT, ARRAYSIZE(szHRESULT), TEXT("\tCan't read file\n\n%s, line# %ld\n"),lpszFile, dwLine); break; case TYPE_E_INVALIDSTATE: StringCchPrintf(szHRESULT, ARRAYSIZE(szHRESULT), TEXT("\tTypelib couldn't be opened\n\n%s, line# %ld\n"),lpszFile, dwLine); break; case TYPE_E_IOERROR: StringCchPrintf(szHRESULT, ARRAYSIZE(szHRESULT), TEXT("\tI/O error\n\n%s, line# %ld\n"),lpszFile, dwLine); break; default: StringCchPrintf(szHRESULT, ARRAYSIZE(szHRESULT), TEXT("\tUnknown HRESULT %lx (%ld) \n\n%s, line# %ld\n"),hr, hr, lpszFile, dwLine); }
MessageBox (GetFocus(), szHRESULT, NULL, MB_OK); return; }
#endif // LOTS_O_DEBUG
#endif // DEBUG