Leaked source code of windows server 2003

312 lines
11 KiB

  1. /*****************************************************************************\
  2. FILE: newmenu.cpp
  4. The file supports the "New" menu to create new items on the FTP server.
  5. This currently only supports Folders but hopefully it will support other
  6. items later.
  7. \*****************************************************************************/
  8. #include "priv.h"
  9. #include "util.h"
  10. #include "newmenu.h"
  11. // This is used to surf the hwnds to find the one we need to
  12. // hack because IShellView2::SelectAndPositionItem() isn't implemented
  13. // on Browser Only.
  15. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  16. /////// Private helpers /////////////////////////////////////////////
  17. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  19. {
  20. LV_ITEM item;
  21. item.mask = LVIF_PARAM;
  22. item.iItem = i;
  23. item.iSubItem = 0;
  24. item.lParam = 0;
  25. if (i != -1)
  26. {
  27. ListView_GetItem(hwndLV, &item);
  28. }
  29. return (LPITEMIDLIST) item.lParam;
  30. }
  31. int DefView_FindItemHack(CFtpFolder * pff, HWND hwndListView, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl)
  32. {
  33. int nIndex;
  34. int nItemsTotal;
  35. nItemsTotal = ListView_GetItemCount(hwndListView);
  36. for (nIndex = 0; nItemsTotal > nIndex; nIndex++)
  37. {
  38. HRESULT hres = ResultFromShort(-1);
  39. LPITEMIDLIST pidlT = DV_GetPIDL(hwndListView, nIndex);
  40. if (!pidlT)
  41. return -1;
  42. hres = pff->CompareIDs(COL_NAME, pidl, pidlT);
  43. ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hres));
  44. if (FAILED(hres))
  45. return -1;
  46. if (ShortFromResult(hres) == 0)
  47. {
  48. return nIndex;
  49. }
  50. }
  51. return -1; // not found
  52. }
  53. typedef struct tagFOLDERNAMECOMP
  54. {
  55. BOOL * pfFound;
  56. LPCWSTR pszFolderName;
  58. /*****************************************************************************\
  59. FUNCTION: _ComparePidlAndFolderStr
  61. Compare the pidl and folder name str.
  62. \*****************************************************************************/
  63. int _ComparePidlAndFolderStr(LPVOID pvPidl, LPVOID pvFolderNameComp)
  64. {
  65. FOLDERNAMECOMP * pFolderNameComp = (FOLDERNAMECOMP *) pvFolderNameComp;
  67. WCHAR wzDisplayName[MAX_PATH];
  68. BOOL fContinue = TRUE;
  69. if (EVAL(SUCCEEDED(FtpPidl_GetDisplayName(pidl, wzDisplayName, ARRAYSIZE(wzDisplayName)))))
  70. {
  71. if (!StrCmpW(wzDisplayName, pFolderNameComp->pszFolderName))
  72. {
  73. *pFolderNameComp->pfFound = TRUE;
  74. fContinue = FALSE;
  75. }
  76. }
  77. return fContinue; // Continue looking?
  78. }
  79. /*****************************************************************************\
  80. FUNCTION: _DoesFolderExist
  82. Look thru all the items (files and folders) in this folder and see if
  83. any have the same name as pszFolderName.
  84. \*****************************************************************************/
  85. BOOL _DoesFolderExist(LPCWSTR pszFolderName, CFtpDir * pfd)
  86. {
  87. BOOL fExist = FALSE;
  88. if (EVAL(pfd))
  89. {
  90. CFtpPidlList * pPidlList = pfd->GetHfpl();
  91. // This may fail, but the worst that will happen is that the new folder won't appear.
  92. // This happens when the cache is flushed.
  93. if (pPidlList)
  94. {
  95. FOLDERNAMECOMP folderNameComp = {&fExist, pszFolderName};
  96. pPidlList->Enum(_ComparePidlAndFolderStr, (LPVOID) &folderNameComp);
  97. pPidlList->Release();
  98. }
  99. }
  100. return fExist;
  101. }
  102. /*****************************************************************************\
  103. FUNCTION: _CreateNewFolderName
  105. Create the name of a new folder.
  106. \*****************************************************************************/
  107. HRESULT _CreateNewFolderName(LPWSTR pszNewFolder, DWORD cchSize, CFtpDir * pfd)
  108. {
  109. HRESULT hr = S_OK;
  110. int nTry = 1;
  111. WCHAR wzTemplate[MAX_PATH];
  112. wzTemplate[0] = 0;
  113. LoadStringW(HINST_THISDLL, IDS_NEW_FOLDER_FIRST, pszNewFolder, cchSize);
  114. while (_DoesFolderExist(pszNewFolder, pfd))
  115. {
  116. if (0 == wzTemplate[0])
  117. LoadStringW(HINST_THISDLL, IDS_NEW_FOLDER_TEMPLATE, wzTemplate, ARRAYSIZE(wzTemplate));
  118. nTry++; // Try the next number.
  119. wnsprintf(pszNewFolder, cchSize, wzTemplate, nTry);
  120. }
  121. return hr;
  122. }
  123. /*****************************************************************************\
  124. FUNCTION: _CreateNewFolder
  126. Create the actual directory.
  127. \*****************************************************************************/
  128. HRESULT CreateNewFolderCB(HINTERNET hint, HINTPROCINFO * phpi, LPVOID pvFCFS, BOOL * pfReleaseHint)
  129. {
  130. HRESULT hr = S_OK;
  132. WIRECHAR wFilePath[MAX_PATH];
  133. CWireEncoding * pWireEncoding = phpi->pfd->GetFtpSite()->GetCWireEncoding();
  134. hr = pWireEncoding->UnicodeToWireBytes(NULL, pfcfs->pszNewFolderName, (phpi->pfd->IsUTF8Supported() ? WIREENC_USE_UTF8 : WIREENC_NONE), wFilePath, ARRAYSIZE(wFilePath));
  135. if (EVAL(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
  136. {
  137. hr = FtpCreateDirectoryWrap(hint, TRUE, wFilePath);
  138. if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
  139. {
  140. LPITEMIDLIST pidlNew;
  141. HINTERNET hIntFind;
  142. // For some reason, FtpFindFirstFile needs an '*' behind the name.
  143. StrCatBuffA(wFilePath, SZ_ASTRICSA, ARRAYSIZE(wFilePath));
  144. hr = FtpFindFirstFilePidlWrap(hint, TRUE, NULL, pWireEncoding, wFilePath, &pidlNew, (INTERNET_NO_CALLBACK | INTERNET_FLAG_DONT_CACHE | INTERNET_FLAG_RESYNCHRONIZE | INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD), 0, &hIntFind);
  145. if (EVAL(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
  146. {
  147. // Notify the folder of the new item so the Shell Folder updates.
  148. // PERF: I worry about doing a FtpFindFirstFile() being too expensive onto to get the date correct
  149. // for SHChangeNotify().
  150. FtpChangeNotify(phpi->hwnd, SHCNE_MKDIR, pfcfs->pff, phpi->pfd, pidlNew, NULL, TRUE);
  151. ILFree(pidlNew);
  152. InternetCloseHandle(hIntFind);
  153. }
  154. }
  155. }
  156. return hr;
  157. }
  158. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  159. /////// DLL Wide Functions /////////////////////////////////////////////
  160. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  161. HRESULT CreateNewFolder(HWND hwnd, CFtpFolder * pff, CFtpDir * pfd, IUnknown * punkSite, BOOL fPosition, POINT point)
  162. {
  163. HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
  164. CFtpDir * pfdTemp = NULL;
  165. if (!pfd)
  166. pfd = pfdTemp = pff->GetFtpDir();
  167. if (EVAL(pfd))
  168. {
  169. WCHAR wzNewFolderName[MAX_PATH];
  170. // 1. Check if "New Folder" exists.
  171. // 2. Cycle thru names until a unique name is found.
  172. hr = _CreateNewFolderName(wzNewFolderName, ARRAYSIZE(wzNewFolderName), pfd);
  173. if (EVAL(SUCCEEDED(hr) && pfd))
  174. {
  175. FTPCREATEFOLDERSTRUCT fcfs = {wzNewFolderName, pff};
  176. // 3. Create a Directory with that name.
  177. hr = pfd->WithHint(NULL, hwnd, CreateNewFolderCB, (LPVOID) &fcfs, punkSite, pff);
  178. if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
  179. {
  180. WIRECHAR wNewFolderWireName[MAX_PATH];
  181. LPITEMIDLIST pidlFolder = NULL;
  182. CWireEncoding * pWireEncoding = pff->GetCWireEncoding();
  183. // Give me UTF-8 baby.
  184. EVAL(SUCCEEDED(pWireEncoding->UnicodeToWireBytes(NULL, wzNewFolderName, (pfd->IsUTF8Supported() ? WIREENC_USE_UTF8 : WIREENC_NONE), wNewFolderWireName, ARRAYSIZE(wNewFolderWireName))));
  185. if (EVAL(SUCCEEDED(FtpItemID_CreateFake(wzNewFolderName, wNewFolderWireName, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, &pidlFolder))))
  186. {
  187. // Is this browser only?
  188. if (SHELL_VERSION_W95NT4 == GetShellVersion())
  189. {
  190. HWND hwndDefView = NULL;
  191. // Yes, so we need to do this the hard way.
  192. // 1.
  193. ShellFolderView_SetItemPos(hwnd, pidlFolder, point.x, point.y);
  194. hwndDefView = FindWindowExA(hwnd, NULL, DEFVIEW_CLASS_BROWSERONLYA, NULL);
  195. if (EVAL(hwndDefView))
  196. {
  197. HWND hwndListView = FindWindowExA(hwndDefView, NULL, WC_LISTVIEWA, NULL);
  198. if (EVAL(hwndListView))
  199. {
  200. int nIndex = DefView_FindItemHack(pff, hwndListView, pidlFolder);
  201. if (EVAL(-1 != nIndex))
  202. ListView_EditLabel(hwndListView, nIndex);
  203. }
  204. }
  205. }
  206. else
  207. {
  208. // No, so this won't be as hard.
  209. IShellView2 * pShellView2 = NULL;
  210. // ASSERT(punkSite); // Can happen when invoked from Captionbar.
  211. IUnknown_QueryService(punkSite, SID_DefView, IID_IShellView2, (void **)&pShellView2);
  212. if (!pShellView2)
  213. {
  214. IDefViewFrame * pdvf = NULL;
  215. IUnknown_QueryService(punkSite, SID_DefView, IID_IDefViewFrame, (void **)&pdvf);
  216. if (pdvf) // Can fail when invoked from caption bar.
  217. {
  218. EVAL(SUCCEEDED(pdvf->QueryInterface(IID_IShellView2, (void **) &pShellView2)));
  219. pdvf->Release();
  220. }
  221. }
  222. if (pShellView2) // Can fail when invoked from the caption bar. Oh well, cry me a river.
  223. {
  224. if (fPosition)
  225. pShellView2->SelectAndPositionItem(pidlFolder, (SVSI_SELECT | SVSI_TRANSLATEPT | SVSI_EDIT), &point);
  226. else
  227. pShellView2->SelectItem(pidlFolder, (SVSI_EDIT | SVSI_SELECT));
  228. pShellView2->Release();
  229. }
  230. }
  231. ILFree(pidlFolder);
  232. }
  233. }
  234. else
  235. {
  236. // An error occured, so display UI. Most often because access is denied.
  239. }
  240. }
  241. if (pfdTemp)
  242. pfdTemp->Release();
  243. }
  244. return hr;
  245. }