// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Module Name: Compatibility.cpp
// Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corporation
// Module to handle compatibility problems in general.
// History: 2000-08-03 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "StandardHeader.h"
#include "Compatibility.h"
#include <lpcfus.h>
#include <trayp.h>
#include "KernelResources.h"
#include "RegistryResources.h"
#include "SingleThreadedExecution.h"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCompatibility::HasEnoughMemoryForNewSession
// Purpose: LPC port to server
// History: 2000-11-02 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HANDLE CCompatibility::s_hPort = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCompatibility::HasEnoughMemoryForNewSession
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: bool
// Purpose: Currently unused. Was originally intended to be used to stop
// disconnects if there isn't enough memory. Algorithm and/or
// usage still to be decided.
// History: 2000-08-03 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CCompatibility::HasEnoughMemoryForNewSession (void)
{ return(true); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCompatibility::DropSessionProcessesWorkSets
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Iterates all the processes in the session (of the calling
// process) and drops their working sets. This is in preparation
// for a disconnect when typically the session is idle.
// History: 2000-08-03 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCompatibility::DropSessionProcessesWorkingSets (void)
{ (bool)EnumSessionProcesses(NtCurrentPeb()->SessionId, CB_DropSessionProcessesWorkingSetsProc, NULL); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCompatibility::TerminateNonCompliantApplications
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Requests disconnect capability from the Bad Application
// Manager service. This will check the session to be
// disconnected (this process -> the client) and walk its list
// of processes registered as type 2 (terminate on disconnect).
// If any of those processes cannot be identified as being
// terminated gracefully then the disconnect is failed.
// If the BAM is down then allow the call.
// History: 2000-09-08 vtan created
// 2000-11-02 vtan rework to call BAM service
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CCompatibility::TerminateNonCompliantApplications (void)
{ NTSTATUS status;
if (s_hPort == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { status = ConnectToServer(); } else if (s_hPort != NULL) { status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { status = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND; } if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { status = RequestSwitchUser();
// If the port is disconnected because the service was stopped and
// restarted then dump the current handle and re-establish a new
// connection.
if (status == STATUS_PORT_DISCONNECTED) { ReleaseHandle(s_hPort); s_hPort = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } else { status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCompatibility::MinimizeWindowsOnDisconnect
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Creates a thread to walk the windows on WinSta0\Default and
// minimize them. This is required because
// user32!SetThreadDesktop doesn't work on the main thread of
// winlogon due to the SAS window.
// History: 2001-04-13 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCompatibility::MinimizeWindowsOnDisconnect (void)
{ (BOOL)QueueUserWorkItem(CB_MinimizeWindowsWorkItem, NULL, WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCompatibility::RestoreWindowsOnReconnect
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Walks the array of minimized windows for this session and
// restores them. Deletes the array for the next time.
// History: 2001-04-13 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCompatibility::RestoreWindowsOnReconnect (void)
{ (BOOL)QueueUserWorkItem(CB_RestoreWindowsWorkItem, NULL, WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCompatibility::StaticInitialize
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose:
// History: 2001-06-22 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CCompatibility::StaticInitialize (void)
{ return(STATUS_SUCCESS); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCompatibility::StaticTerminate
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Release resources used by the module.
// History: 2001-06-22 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CCompatibility::StaticTerminate (void)
{ if ((s_hPort != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && (s_hPort != NULL)) { TBOOL(CloseHandle(s_hPort)); s_hPort = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } return(STATUS_SUCCESS); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCompatibility::ConnectToServer
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Connects to the Bad Application Manager server if no
// connection has been established.
// History: 2000-11-02 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CCompatibility::ConnectToServer (void)
{ ULONG ulConnectionInfoLength; UNICODE_STRING portName; SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE sqos; WCHAR szConnectionInfo[32];
ASSERTMSG(s_hPort == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "Attempt to call CCompatibility::ConnectToServer more than once"); RtlInitUnicodeString(&portName, FUS_PORT_NAME); sqos.Length = sizeof(sqos); sqos.ImpersonationLevel = SecurityImpersonation; sqos.ContextTrackingMode = SECURITY_DYNAMIC_TRACKING; sqos.EffectiveOnly = TRUE; lstrcpyW(szConnectionInfo, FUS_CONNECTION_REQUEST); ulConnectionInfoLength = sizeof(szConnectionInfo); return(NtConnectPort(&s_hPort, &portName, &sqos, NULL, NULL, NULL, szConnectionInfo, &ulConnectionInfoLength)); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCompatibility::RequestSwitchUser
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Request the BAM server to do BAM2.
// History: 2001-03-08 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CCompatibility::RequestSwitchUser (void)
{ NTSTATUS status; FUSAPI_PORT_MESSAGE portMessageIn, portMessageOut;
ZeroMemory(&portMessageIn, sizeof(portMessageIn)); ZeroMemory(&portMessageOut, sizeof(portMessageOut)); portMessageIn.apiBAM.apiGeneric.ulAPINumber = API_BAM_REQUESTSWITCHUSER; portMessageIn.portMessage.u1.s1.DataLength = sizeof(API_BAM); portMessageIn.portMessage.u1.s1.TotalLength = static_cast<CSHORT>(sizeof(FUSAPI_PORT_MESSAGE)); status = NtRequestWaitReplyPort(s_hPort, &portMessageIn.portMessage, &portMessageOut.portMessage); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { status = portMessageOut.apiBAM.apiGeneric.status; if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { if (portMessageOut.apiBAM.apiSpecific.apiRequestSwitchUser.out.fAllowSwitch) { status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; } } } return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCompatibility::CB_DropSessionProcessesWorkingSetsProc
// Arguments: dwProcessID = Process ID for this enumeration.
// pV = User data pointer.
// Returns: bool
// Purpose: Attempts to open the given process ID to change the quotas.
// This will drop the working set when set to -1.
// History: 2000-08-07 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CCompatibility::CB_DropSessionProcessesWorkingSetsProc (DWORD dwProcessID, void *pV)
HANDLE hProcess;
ASSERTMSG(pV == NULL, "Unexpected pV passed to CCompatibility::CB_DropSessionProcessesWorkingSetsProc"); hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_SET_QUOTA, FALSE, dwProcessID); if (hProcess != NULL) { TBOOL(SetProcessWorkingSetSize(hProcess, static_cast<SIZE_T>(-1), static_cast<SIZE_T>(-1))); TBOOL(CloseHandle(hProcess)); } return(true); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCompatibility::EnumSessionProcesses
// Arguments: dwSessionID = Session ID to enumerate processes of.
// pfnCallback = Callback procedure address.
// pV = User defined data to pass to callback.
// Returns: bool
// Purpose: Enumerates all processes on the system looking only for those
// in the given session ID. Once a process ID is found it passes
// that back to the callback. The callback may return false to
// terminate the loop and return a false result to the caller of
// this function.
// History: 2000-08-07 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CCompatibility::EnumSessionProcesses (DWORD dwSessionID, PFNENUMSESSIONPROCESSESPROC pfnCallback, void *pV)
{ bool fResult; ULONG ulLengthToAllocate, ulLengthReturned; SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION spi, *pSPI;
fResult = false; (NTSTATUS)NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemProcessInformation, &spi, sizeof(spi), &ulLengthToAllocate); pSPI = reinterpret_cast<SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION*>(LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, ulLengthToAllocate)); if (pSPI != NULL) { SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION *pAllocatedSPI;
pAllocatedSPI = pSPI; if (NT_SUCCESS(NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemProcessInformation, pSPI, ulLengthToAllocate, &ulLengthReturned))) { fResult = true; while (fResult && (pSPI != NULL)) { if (pSPI->SessionId == dwSessionID) { fResult = pfnCallback(HandleToUlong(pSPI->UniqueProcessId), pV); } if (pSPI->NextEntryOffset != 0) { pSPI = reinterpret_cast<SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION*>(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(pSPI) + pSPI->NextEntryOffset); } else { pSPI = NULL; } } } (HLOCAL)LocalFree(pAllocatedSPI); } return(fResult); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCompatibility::CB_MinimizeWindowsWorkItem
// Arguments: pV = User data.
// Returns: DWORD
// Purpose: Separate thread to handle switching to the default desktop and
// enumerating the windows on it and minimizing them.
// History: 2001-04-13 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
DWORD WINAPI CCompatibility::CB_MinimizeWindowsWorkItem (void *pV)
CDesktop desktop;
if (NT_SUCCESS(desktop.Set(TEXT("Default")))) { HWND hwndTray;
hwndTray = FindWindow(TEXT("Shell_TrayWnd"), NULL); if (hwndTray != NULL) { // can be a post since we don't care how long it takes for the windows
// to be minimized
PostMessage(hwndTray, WM_COMMAND, 415 /* IDM_MINIMIZEALL */, 0); } }
return(0); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCompatibility::CB_RestoreWindowsWorkItem
// Arguments: pV = User data.
// Returns: DWORD
// Purpose: Separate thread to handle switching to the default desktop and
// enumerating the windows on it and minimizing them.
// History: 2001-04-25 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
DWORD WINAPI CCompatibility::CB_RestoreWindowsWorkItem (void *pV)
if (NT_SUCCESS(desktop.Set(TEXT("Default")))) { HWND hwndTray;
hwndTray = FindWindow(TEXT("Shell_TrayWnd"), NULL); if (hwndTray != NULL) { // use SendMessage to make this happen more quickly, otherwise the user
// might wonder where all of their apps went
SendMessage(hwndTray, WM_COMMAND, 416 /* IDM_UNDO */, 0); } }
return(0); }