// Sharing.cpp
// Utility functions to help with file and printer sharing.
// To use these functions, you need to add SvrApi.cpp to your project,
// and call its InitSvrApiThunk() function at startup.
// History:
// 5/17/1999 KenSh Created for JetNet
// 10/05/1999 KenSh Adapted for Home Networking Wizard
// 10/19/1999 KenSh Added AreAdvancedFoldersShared
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Sharing.h"
#include "MySvrApi.h"
#include "MyDocs.h"
#include "Util.h"
#include <regstr.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include "theapp.h"
#include "newapi.h"
#include <msshrui.h> // SetFolderPermissionsForSharing
// Allocates array of shares using malloc(), returns number of shares
int EnumLocalShares(SHARE_INFO** pprgShares) { SHARE_INFO_502* prgShares = NULL; DWORD dwShares; DWORD dwTotalShares;
if (NERR_Success == NetShareEnum(NULL, 502, (LPBYTE*)&prgShares, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, &dwShares, &dwTotalShares, NULL)) { // We defined SHARE_INFO to mimic SHARE_INFO_502, even though we ignore
// all but four fields of it.
*pprgShares = (SHARE_INFO*)prgShares; return (int)dwShares; } else { *pprgShares = NULL; return 0; } }
// EnumSharedDrives
// Use this version if you've already enumerated shares via EnumLocalShares().
// pbDriveArray is an array of 26 bytes, one for each possible shared drive.
// Each entry is filled with a NETACCESS flag (defined in Sharing.h): 0 if not
// shared, 1 if read-only, 2 if read-write, 3 if depends-on-password.
// Return value is number of drives shared.
int EnumSharedDrives(LPBYTE pbDriveArray, int cShares, const SHARE_INFO* prgShares) { ZeroMemory(pbDriveArray, 26); int cDrives = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < cShares; i++) { LPCTSTR pszPath = prgShares[i].pszPath;
if (pszPath[1] == _T(':') && pszPath[2] == _T('\\')) // is it a folder
{ if (pszPath[3] == _T('\0')) // is it a whole drive
{ TCHAR ch = (TCHAR)CharUpper((LPTSTR)(prgShares[i].pszPath[0])); ASSERT (ch >= _T('A') && ch <= _T('Z'));
pbDriveArray[ch - _T('A')] = (BYTE)(prgShares[i].uFlags & NETACCESS_MASK); cDrives += 1; } } }
return cDrives; }
// Use this version of EnumSharedDrives if you haven't called EnumLocalShares()
int EnumSharedDrives(LPBYTE pbDriveArray) { SHARE_INFO* prgShares; int cShares = EnumLocalShares(&prgShares); int cDrives = EnumSharedDrives(pbDriveArray, cShares, prgShares); NetApiBufferFree(prgShares); return cDrives; }
// Helper function for ShareFolder() (and SharePrinter on 9x)
BOOL ShareHelper(LPCTSTR pszPath, LPCTSTR pszShareName, DWORD dwAccess, BYTE bShareType, LPCTSTR pszReadOnlyPassword, LPCTSTR pszFullAccessPassword) { ASSERTMSG(pszReadOnlyPassword==NULL, "ShareHelper doesn't support roPassword");
SHARE_INFO_502 si;
si.shi502_netname = (LPTSTR)pszShareName; //CharUpperA(si.shi50_netname);
si.shi502_type = bShareType; si.shi502_remark = NULL; si.shi502_permissions = ACCESS_ALL; si.shi502_max_uses = -1; si.shi502_current_uses = -1;
TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; if (bShareType == STYPE_DISKTREE) { StrCpyN(szPath, pszPath, ARRAYSIZE(szPath)); CharUpper(szPath); si.shi502_path = szPath; } else { si.shi502_path = (LPWSTR)pszPath; }
si.shi502_passwd = (pszFullAccessPassword) ? (LPTSTR)pszFullAccessPassword : L""; si.shi502_reserved = NULL; si.shi502_security_descriptor = NULL;
if (NO_ERROR != NetShareAdd(NULL, 502, (LPBYTE)&si)) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// Either or both passwords may be NULL. For simplicity, you can pass the
// same password for both, even if you're only sharing read-only or full-access.
BOOL ShareFolder(LPCTSTR pszPath, LPCTSTR pszShareName, DWORD dwAccess, LPCTSTR pszReadOnlyPassword, LPCTSTR pszFullAccessPassword) { ASSERT(pszPath != NULL); ASSERT(pszShareName != NULL); ASSERT(dwAccess == NETACCESS_READONLY || dwAccess == NETACCESS_FULL || dwAccess == NETACCESS_DEPENDSON);
BOOL bResult = ShareHelper(pszPath, pszShareName, dwAccess, STYPE_DISKTREE, pszReadOnlyPassword, pszFullAccessPassword); if (bResult) { SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_NETSHARE, SHCNF_PATH, pszPath, NULL);
// On NT, make sure the folder permissions are set correctly
HINSTANCE hInstNtShrUI = LoadLibrary(TEXT("ntshrui.dll")); if (hInstNtShrUI != NULL) { PFNSETFOLDERPERMISSIONSFORSHARING pfn = (PFNSETFOLDERPERMISSIONSFORSHARING)GetProcAddress(hInstNtShrUI, "SetFolderPermissionsForSharing"); if (pfn != NULL) { // level 3 means "shared read/write"
// level 2 means "shared read-only"
(*pfn)(pszPath, NULL, dwAccess == NETACCESS_FULL ? 3 : 2, NULL); } FreeLibrary(hInstNtShrUI); } }
return bResult; }
BOOL UnshareFolder(LPCTSTR pszPath) { TCHAR szShareName[SHARE_NAME_LENGTH+1]; BOOL bResult = FALSE;
if (ShareNameFromPath(pszPath, szShareName, ARRAYSIZE(szShareName))) { if (NO_ERROR == NetShareDel(NULL, szShareName, 0)) { SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_NETUNSHARE, SHCNF_PATH, pszPath, NULL); bResult = TRUE;
// On NT, make sure the folder permissions are set correctly
HINSTANCE hInstNtShrUI = LoadLibrary(TEXT("ntshrui.dll")); if (hInstNtShrUI != NULL) { PFNSETFOLDERPERMISSIONSFORSHARING pfn = (PFNSETFOLDERPERMISSIONSFORSHARING)GetProcAddress(hInstNtShrUI, "SetFolderPermissionsForSharing"); if (pfn != NULL) { // level 1 means "not shared"
(*pfn)(pszPath, NULL, 1, NULL); } FreeLibrary(hInstNtShrUI); } } }
return bResult; }
BOOL ShareNameFromPath(LPCTSTR pszPath, LPTSTR pszShareName, UINT cchShareName) { BOOL bResult = FALSE; *pszShareName = _T('\0');
SHARE_INFO* prgShares; int cShares = EnumLocalShares(&prgShares);
for (int i = 0; i < cShares; i++) { if (0 == StrCmpI(prgShares[i].pszPath, pszPath)) { StrCpyN(pszShareName, prgShares[i].szShareName, cchShareName); bResult = TRUE; break; } }
NetApiBufferFree(prgShares); return bResult; }
BOOL IsVisibleFolderShare(const SHARE_INFO* pShare) { return (pShare->bShareType == STYPE_DISKTREE && pShare->szShareName[lstrlen(pShare->szShareName) - 1] != _T('$')); }
BOOL IsShareNameInUse(LPCTSTR pszShareName) { LPBYTE pbuf; BOOL bResult = (NERR_Success == NetShareGetInfo(NULL, pszShareName, 502, &pbuf)); if (bResult) NetApiBufferFree(pbuf);
return bResult; }
// Note: this function works for printers too
BOOL IsFolderSharedEx(LPCTSTR pszPath, BOOL bDetectHidden, BOOL bPrinter, int cShares, const SHARE_INFO* prgShares) { BYTE bShareType = (bPrinter ? STYPE_PRINTQ : STYPE_DISKTREE);
for (int i = 0; i < cShares; i++) { const SHARE_INFO* pShare = &prgShares[i];
if (pShare->bShareType == bShareType && (bDetectHidden || IsVisibleFolderShare(pShare)) && 0 == StrCmpI(pShare->pszPath, pszPath)) { return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
BOOL IsFolderShared(LPCTSTR pszPath, BOOL bDetectHidden) { SHARE_INFO* prgShares; int cShares = EnumLocalShares(&prgShares); BOOL bShared = IsFolderSharedEx(pszPath, bDetectHidden, FALSE, cShares, prgShares); NetApiBufferFree(prgShares); return bShared; }
void MakeSharePersistent(LPCTSTR pszShareName) { SHARE_INFO_502* pShare2; if (GetShareInfo502(pszShareName, &pShare2)) { SetShareInfo502(pShare2->shi502_netname, pShare2);
// Need to manually add the Path to the registry
CRegistry reg; if (reg.OpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGSTR_KEY_SHARES)) { if (reg.OpenSubKey(pShare2->shi502_netname)) { reg.SetStringValue(REGSTR_VAL_SHARES_PATH, pShare2->shi502_path); } else if (reg.OpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGSTR_KEY_SHARES) && reg.CreateSubKey(pShare2->shi502_netname)) { // On older downlevel platforms we need to persist this manually.
DWORD dwFlags = (pShare2->shi502_permissions & (ACCESS_ALL ^ ACCESS_READ)) ? SHI50F_FULL : SHI50F_RDONLY; dwFlags |= SHI50F_PERSIST; if (pShare2->shi502_type == STYPE_PRINTQ) dwFlags |= 0x0090; // REVIEW: what does this number mean?
else dwFlags |= 0x0080; // REVIEW: what does this number mean?
reg.SetDwordValue(REGSTR_VAL_SHARES_FLAGS, dwFlags); reg.SetDwordValue(REGSTR_VAL_SHARES_TYPE, (DWORD)pShare2->shi502_type); reg.SetStringValue(REGSTR_VAL_SHARES_PATH, pShare2->shi502_path); reg.SetStringValue(REGSTR_VAL_SHARES_REMARK, pShare2->shi502_remark); } }
NetApiBufferFree(pShare2); }
#ifdef OLD_WAY
// Hack: add the new share to the registry, or else it won't be persisted!
// REVIEW: surely there must be an API that does this??
CRegistry reg; if (reg.OpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGSTR_KEY_SHARES)) { if (reg.CreateSubKey(pShare->szShareName) || reg.OpenSubKey(pShare->szShareName)) { DWORD dwFlags = pShare->uFlags | SHI50F_PERSIST; if (pShare->bShareType == STYPE_PRINTQ) dwFlags |= 0x0090; // REVIEW: what does this number mean?
else dwFlags |= 0x0080; // REVIEW: what does this number mean?
reg.SetDwordValue(REGSTR_VAL_SHARES_FLAGS, dwFlags); reg.SetDwordValue(REGSTR_VAL_SHARES_TYPE, (DWORD)pShare->bShareType); reg.SetStringValue(REGSTR_VAL_SHARES_PATH, pShare->pszPath); reg.SetStringValue(REGSTR_VAL_SHARES_REMARK, pShare->pszComment); reg.SetStringValue(REGSTR_VAL_SHARES_RW_PASS, pShare->szPassword_rw); reg.SetStringValue(REGSTR_VAL_SHARES_RO_PASS, pShare->szPassword_ro); // reg.SetBinaryValue("Parm1enc", "", 0);
// reg.SetBinaryValue("Parm2enc", "", 0);
// Note: passwords are encrypted next time the user reboots.
} } #endif // OLD_WAY
BOOL SetShareInfo502(LPCTSTR pszShareName, SHARE_INFO_502* pShare) { BOOL bResult;
if (StrCmpI(pszShareName, pShare->shi502_netname) != 0) { // Can't rename an existing share. Unshare and re-share instead.
bResult = (NO_ERROR == NetShareDel(NULL, pszShareName, 0) && NO_ERROR == NetShareAdd(NULL, 502, (LPBYTE)pShare));
if (bResult) { MakeSharePersistent(pShare->shi502_netname); } } else { // Change parameters of existing share.
bResult = (NO_ERROR == NetShareSetInfo(NULL, pszShareName, 502, (LPBYTE)pShare)); }
return bResult; }
BOOL GetShareInfo502(LPCTSTR pszShareName, SHARE_INFO_502** ppShare) { NET_API_STATUS ret = NetShareGetInfo(NULL, pszShareName, 502, (LPBYTE*)ppShare);
return (NERR_Success == ret); }
BOOL SharePrinter(LPCTSTR pszPrinterName, LPCTSTR pszShareName, LPCTSTR pszPassword) { ASSERT(pszPrinterName != NULL); ASSERT(pszShareName != NULL);
BOOL fResult = FALSE; if (g_fRunningOnNT) { HANDLE hPrinter; PRINTER_DEFAULTS pd = {0}; pd.DesiredAccess = PRINTER_ALL_ACCESS;
if (OpenPrinter_NT((LPWSTR) pszPrinterName, &hPrinter, &pd)) { DWORD cbBuffer = 0; // Get buffer size
if (!GetPrinter_NT(hPrinter, 2, NULL, 0, &cbBuffer) && cbBuffer) { PRINTER_INFO_2* pInfo2 = (PRINTER_INFO_2*) LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbBuffer); if (pInfo2) { if (GetPrinter_NT(hPrinter, 2, (LPBYTE) pInfo2, cbBuffer, &cbBuffer)) { if (pInfo2->Attributes & PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_SHARED) { // Printer is already shared - we're good to go
fResult = TRUE; } else { // Share printer
pInfo2->Attributes |= PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_SHARED; if((!pInfo2->pShareName) || (!pInfo2->pShareName[0])) { pInfo2->pShareName = (LPWSTR) pszShareName; }
fResult = SetPrinter_NT(hPrinter, 2, (LPBYTE) pInfo2, 0); } }
LocalFree(pInfo2); } }
ClosePrinter_NT(hPrinter); } } else { fResult = ShareHelper(pszPrinterName, pszShareName, NETACCESS_FULL, STYPE_PRINTQ, NULL, pszPassword); if (fResult) { Sleep(500); // need to wait for VSERVER to register the changes, same as msprint2
SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_NETSHARE, SHCNF_PRINTER, pszPrinterName, NULL); } }
return fResult; }
BOOL IsPrinterShared(LPCTSTR pszPrinterName) { SHARE_INFO* prgShares; int cShares = EnumLocalShares(&prgShares); BOOL bShared = IsFolderSharedEx(pszPrinterName, TRUE, TRUE, cShares, prgShares); NetApiBufferFree(prgShares); return bShared; }
BOOL SetSharePassword(LPCTSTR pszShareName, LPCTSTR pszReadOnlyPassword, LPCTSTR pszFullAccessPassword) { SHARE_INFO_502* pShare; BOOL bResult = FALSE;
if (GetShareInfo502(pszShareName, &pShare)) { ASSERTMSG(NULL == pszReadOnlyPassword, "SetSharePassword can't store roPassword");
if (pszFullAccessPassword == NULL) pszFullAccessPassword = TEXT(""); pShare->shi502_passwd = (LPTSTR)pszFullAccessPassword;
bResult = SetShareInfo502(pszShareName, pShare); NetApiBufferFree(pShare); }
return bResult; }
BOOL GetSharePassword(LPCTSTR pszShareName, LPTSTR pszReadOnlyPassword, DWORD cchRO, LPTSTR pszFullAccessPassword, DWORD cchFA) { SHARE_INFO_502* pShare; BOOL bResult = GetShareInfo502(pszShareName, &pShare);
if (bResult) { ASSERTMSG(NULL==pszReadOnlyPassword, "GetSharePassword can't support roPassword");
if (pszFullAccessPassword != NULL) StrCpyN(pszFullAccessPassword, pShare->shi502_passwd, cchFA);
NetApiBufferFree(pShare); }
return bResult; }