// wvcoord.cpp : Implementation of CWebViewCoord
#include "priv.h"
#include "wvcoord.h"
#include "shdispid.h"
// String Constants
#define CSC_PLUSCOLD L"<img id=CSCBmp align=middle src=pluscold.gif>"
#define CSC_PLUSHOT L"<img id=CSCBmp align=middle src=plushot.gif>"
#define CSC_MINUSCOLD L"<img id=CSCBmp align=middle src=mincold.gif>"
#define CSC_MINUSHOT L"<img id=CSCBmp align=middle src=minhot.gif>"
#define WV_LINKNAME L"WVLink"
// CFileListWrapper
CFileListWrapper::CFileListWrapper() { m_pThumbNailWrapper = NULL; m_bCSCDisplayed = FALSE; m_bExpanded = FALSE; m_bHotTracked = FALSE; m_dwDateFlags = FDTF_DEFAULT; // default
m_bRTLDocument = FALSE; // default
#define MYDOCS_CLSID L"{450d8fba-ad25-11d0-98a8-0800361b1103}" // CLSID_MyDocuments
HRESULT GetFolderIDList(int nFolder, LPITEMIDLIST* ppidlFolder) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
if (nFolder == CSIDL_PERSONAL) { hr = SHILCreateFromPath(L"::" MYDOCS_CLSID, ppidlFolder, NULL); } else { hr = SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL, nFolder, ppidlFolder); } return hr; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::IsItThisFolder(int nFolder, BOOL& bResult, LPWSTR pwszDisplayName, DWORD cchDisplayName, LPWSTR pwszUrlPath, DWORD cchUrlPath) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; LPITEMIDLIST pidlFolder = NULL, pidlLast = NULL; CComPtr<IShellFolder> psfParent; STRRET strret; CComBSTR bstrTemp; WCHAR wszPath[MAX_PATH];
if (SUCCEEDED(GetFolderIDList(nFolder, &pidlFolder)) && SUCCEEDED(SHBindToIDListParent(pidlFolder, IID_IShellFolder, (void**)&psfParent, (LPCITEMIDLIST*)&pidlLast)) && SUCCEEDED(psfParent->GetDisplayNameOf(pidlLast, SHGDN_NORMAL, &strret)) && SUCCEEDED(StrRetToBufW(&strret, pidlFolder, pwszDisplayName, cchDisplayName)) && SUCCEEDED(psfParent->GetDisplayNameOf(pidlLast, SHGDN_FORPARSING, &strret)) && SUCCEEDED(StrRetToBufW(&strret, pidlFolder, wszPath, ARRAYSIZE(wszPath))) && SUCCEEDED(m_spFolderItem->get_Path(&bstrTemp)) && (bstrTemp.Length() > 0)) { hr = S_OK; bResult = (StrCmpIW(bstrTemp, wszPath) == 0); if (CSIDL_PERSONAL == nFolder) { // Change the URL for mydocs (after comparing with the path) so that it
// is a CLSID URL instead of the file system path
StrCpyNW(wszPath, L"::" MYDOCS_CLSID, ARRAYSIZE(wszPath)); } UrlCreateFromPathW(wszPath, pwszUrlPath, &cchUrlPath, 0); } if (pidlFolder) { ILFree(pidlFolder); } return hr; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::GetIMediaPlayer(CComPtr<IMediaPlayer>& spIMediaPlayer) { // The MediaPlayer objects has too many bugs. So, let's disable it.
#if 0
if (!m_spIMediaPlayer) { if (m_spMediaPlayerSpan) { m_spMediaPlayerSpan->put_innerHTML(OLESTR("<object ID=MediaPlayer classid=\"clsid:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95\" style=\"display:none; position:absolute; width:176px\"> <param name=\"ShowDisplay\" value=false> <param name=\"AutoPlay\" value=false> </object><br>")); } CComPtr<IHTMLElementCollection> spDocAll; CComVariant vEmpty; CComPtr<IDispatch> spdispItem; if (SUCCEEDED(m_spDocument->get_all(&spDocAll)) && SUCCEEDED(spDocAll->item(CComVariant(OLESTR("MediaPlayer")), vEmpty, &spdispItem)) && spdispItem) { if (FAILED(FindObjectStyle(spdispItem, m_spMediaPlayerStyle))) { m_spMediaPlayerStyle = NULL; } if (FAILED(spdispItem->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaPlayer, (void **)&m_spIMediaPlayer))) { m_spIMediaPlayer = NULL; } else { m_spIMediaPlayer->put_EnableContextMenu(VARIANT_FALSE); } spdispItem = NULL; } spDocAll = NULL; } #endif
spIMediaPlayer = m_spIMediaPlayer; return spIMediaPlayer ? S_OK : E_FAIL; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::FormatCrossLink(LPCWSTR pwszDisplayName, LPCWSTR pwszUrlPath, UINT uIDToolTip) { m_bstrCrossLinksHTML += OLESTR("<p class=Half><a href=\""); m_bstrCrossLinksHTML += pwszUrlPath; m_bstrCrossLinksHTML += OLESTR("\"");
WCHAR wszToolTip[MAX_PATH]; wszToolTip[0] = L'\0'; if (LoadStringW(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), uIDToolTip, wszToolTip, ARRAYSIZE(wszToolTip)) > 0) { m_bstrCrossLinksHTML += OLESTR(" title=\""); m_bstrCrossLinksHTML += wszToolTip; m_bstrCrossLinksHTML += OLESTR("\""); } m_bstrCrossLinksHTML += OLESTR(" name=\""); m_bstrCrossLinksHTML += WV_LINKNAME; m_bstrCrossLinksHTML += OLESTR("\""); m_bstrCrossLinksHTML += OLESTR(">"); m_bstrCrossLinksHTML += pwszDisplayName; m_bstrCrossLinksHTML += OLESTR("</a>"); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::GetCrossLink(int nFolder, UINT uIDToolTip) { HRESULT hres = E_FAIL; // Assume error
// Get the links.
WCHAR wszDisplayName[MAX_PATH], wszUrlPath[MAX_PATH]; BOOL bThisFolder; if (SUCCEEDED(IsItThisFolder(nFolder, bThisFolder, wszDisplayName, ARRAYSIZE(wszDisplayName), wszUrlPath, ARRAYSIZE(wszUrlPath))) && !bThisFolder) { hres = FormatCrossLink(wszDisplayName, wszUrlPath, uIDToolTip); } return hres; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::GetCrossLinks() { WCHAR wszSeeAlso[MAX_PATH]; m_bstrCrossLinksHTML += OLESTR("<p>"); LoadStringW(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_SEEALSO, wszSeeAlso, ARRAYSIZE(wszSeeAlso)); m_bstrCrossLinksHTML += wszSeeAlso;
GetCrossLink(CSIDL_PERSONAL, IDS_MYDOCSTEXT); if (!SHRestricted(REST_NONETHOOD)) { GetCrossLink(CSIDL_NETWORK, IDS_MYNETPLACESTEXT); } if (FAILED(GetCrossLink(CSIDL_DRIVES, IDS_MYCOMPTEXT)) && !SHRestricted(REST_NONETHOOD)) { // This is the My Computer folder - Add a link to Network and Dial-up Connections folder
WCHAR wszNDC[MAX_PATH]; wszNDC[0] = L'\0'; LoadStringW(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_NDC, wszNDC, ARRAYSIZE(wszNDC));
FormatCrossLink(wszNDC, L"shell:ConnectionsFolder", IDS_NDCTEXT); } return S_OK; }
// The Media Player folks haven't published the IMediaPlayer interface, so I define it here.
// Should strip it out when their declaration makes it to the public headers.
const IID IID_IMediaPlayer = {0x22D6F311,0xB0F6,0x11D0,{0x94,0xAB,0x00,0x80,0xC7,0x4C,0x7E,0x95}};
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::Init( CComPtr<IShellFolderViewDual> spFileList, CComPtr<IHTMLElement> spInfo, CComPtr<IHTMLElement> spLinks, CComPtr<IHTMLStyle> spPanelStyle, CComPtr<IHTMLElement> spMediaPlayerSpan, CComPtr<IHTMLElement> spCSCPlusMin, CComPtr<IHTMLElement> spCSCText, CComPtr<IHTMLElement> spCSCDetail, CComPtr<IHTMLElement> spCSCButton, CComPtr<IHTMLStyle> spCSCStyle, CComPtr<IHTMLStyle> spCSCDetailStyle, CComPtr<IHTMLStyle> spCSCButtonStyle, CComPtr<IHTMLDocument2> spDocument, CComPtr<IHTMLWindow2> spWindow, CThumbNailWrapper *pThumbNailWrapper) { m_spFileList = spFileList; m_spInfo = spInfo; m_spLinks = spLinks; m_spPanelStyle = spPanelStyle; m_spMediaPlayerSpan = spMediaPlayerSpan; m_spMediaPlayerStyle = NULL; m_spIMediaPlayer = NULL; m_spCSCPlusMin = spCSCPlusMin; m_spCSCText = spCSCText; m_spCSCDetail = spCSCDetail; m_spCSCButton = spCSCButton; m_spCSCStyle = spCSCStyle; m_spCSCDetailStyle = spCSCDetailStyle; m_spCSCButtonStyle = spCSCButtonStyle; m_spDocument = spDocument; m_spWindow = spWindow; m_pThumbNailWrapper = pThumbNailWrapper; if (m_pThumbNailWrapper) { m_pThumbNailWrapper->AddRef(); } m_bNeverGotPanelInfo = TRUE;
// Find out if the reading order is from right to left
m_dwDateFlags = FDTF_DEFAULT; // default
m_bRTLDocument = IsRTLDocument(m_spDocument); // default
// Get the date format reading order
LCID locale = GetUserDefaultLCID(); if ((PRIMARYLANGID(LANGIDFROMLCID(locale)) == LANG_ARABIC) || (PRIMARYLANGID(LANGIDFROMLCID(locale)) == LANG_HEBREW)) { if (m_bRTLDocument) m_dwDateFlags |= FDTF_RTLDATE; else m_dwDateFlags |= FDTF_LTRDATE; }
m_bPathIsSlow = FALSE; // default
// Make sure that the path is not slow
CComPtr<Folder> spFolder; CComPtr<Folder2> spFolder2; CComPtr<FolderItem> spFolderItem; CComBSTR bstrPath; if (m_spFileList && SUCCEEDED(m_spFileList->get_Folder(&spFolder)) && SUCCEEDED(spFolder->QueryInterface(IID_Folder2, (void **)&spFolder2)) && SUCCEEDED(spFolder2->get_Self(&spFolderItem)) && SUCCEEDED(spFolderItem->get_Path(&bstrPath))) { m_bPathIsSlow = PathIsSlowW(bstrPath, -1); }
return S_OK; }
CFileListWrapper::~CFileListWrapper() { // Release any objects we are holding references to
m_spFileList = NULL; m_spInfo = NULL; m_spLinks = NULL; m_spPanelStyle = NULL; m_spIMediaPlayer = NULL; m_spMediaPlayerSpan = NULL; m_spMediaPlayerStyle = NULL; m_spIMediaPlayer = NULL; m_spCSCPlusMin = NULL; m_spCSCText = NULL; m_spCSCDetail = NULL; m_spCSCButton = NULL; m_spCSCStyle = NULL; m_spCSCDetailStyle = NULL; m_spCSCButtonStyle = NULL; m_spDocument = NULL; m_spWindow = NULL;
// Release thumbnail wrapper
if (m_pThumbNailWrapper) { m_pThumbNailWrapper->Release(); } }
STDMETHODIMP CFileListWrapper::Invoke(DISPID dispIdMember, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS *pDispParams, VARIANT *pVarResult, EXCEPINFO *pExcepInfo, UINT *puArgErr) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (riid != IID_NULL) { hr = DISP_E_UNKNOWNINTERFACE; } else if (dispIdMember == DISPID_SELECTIONCHANGED) { hr = OnSelectionChanged(); } else if (dispIdMember == DISPID_FILELISTENUMDONE) { hr = SetDefaultPanelDisplay(); } else if (dispIdMember == DISPID_VERBINVOKED || dispIdMember == DISPID_BEGINDRAG) { hr = StopMediaPlayer(); } else if (dispIdMember == DISPID_HTMLELEMENTEVENTS_ONMOUSEOVER) { hr = OnWebviewLinkEvent( TRUE ); } else if (dispIdMember == DISPID_HTMLELEMENTEVENTS_ONMOUSEOUT) { hr = OnWebviewLinkEvent( FALSE ); } else if (dispIdMember == DISPID_HTMLELEMENTEVENTS_ONFOCUS) { hr = OnWebviewLinkEvent( TRUE ); } else if (dispIdMember == DISPID_HTMLELEMENTEVENTS_ONBLUR) { hr = OnWebviewLinkEvent( FALSE ); } return hr; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::ClearThumbNail() { if (m_pThumbNailWrapper) { m_pThumbNailWrapper->ClearThumbNail(); } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::StopMediaPlayer() { if (m_spIMediaPlayer) { m_spIMediaPlayer->Stop(); } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::ClearMediaPlayer() { StopMediaPlayer(); if (m_spMediaPlayerStyle) { m_spMediaPlayerStyle->put_display(OLESTR("none")); } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::OnSelectionChanged() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (m_spFileList) { // Erase any visible thumbnail since the selection changed
ClearThumbNail(); // Kill any preview
long cSelection = 0; CComPtr<FolderItems> spFolderItems; CComPtr<Folder> spFolder; CComPtr<Folder2> spFolder2;
if (SUCCEEDED(m_spFileList->SelectedItems(&spFolderItems)) && SUCCEEDED(spFolderItems->get_Count(&cSelection)) && SUCCEEDED(m_spFileList->get_Folder(&spFolder)) && SUCCEEDED(spFolder->QueryInterface(IID_Folder2, (void **)&spFolder2))) { m_spFolderItems = spFolderItems; m_spFolder2 = spFolder2;
m_bstrInfoHTML = OLESTR(""); m_bstrCrossLinksHTML = OLESTR("");
if (cSelection == 0) { m_spFolderItems = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(m_spFolder2->Items(&m_spFolderItems))) { // Nothing is selected
hr = NoneSelected(); } } else if (cSelection > 1) { // More than one item is selected
hr = MultipleSelected(cSelection); } else { CComPtr<FolderItem> spFolderItem; if (SUCCEEDED(m_spFolderItems->Item(CComVariant(0), &spFolderItem))) { m_spFolderItem = spFolderItem; m_spFolderItem->QueryInterface(IID_FolderItem2, (void **)&m_spFolderItem2);
// A single item has been selected
hr = OneSelected();
m_spFolderItem2 = NULL; m_spFolderItem = NULL; } }
DisplayInfoHTML(); DisplayCrossLinksHTML();
m_spFolder2 = NULL; m_spFolderItems = NULL; } } return hr; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::SetDefaultPanelDisplay() { CComPtr<Folder> spFolder; CComPtr<Folder2> spFolder2; CComPtr<FolderItems> spFolderItems;
if (m_spFileList && SUCCEEDED(m_spFileList->get_Folder(&spFolder)) && SUCCEEDED(spFolder->QueryInterface(IID_Folder2, (void **)&spFolder2)) && SUCCEEDED(spFolder2->Items(&spFolderItems))) { m_bstrInfoHTML = OLESTR(""); m_bstrCrossLinksHTML = OLESTR("");
m_spFolderItems = spFolderItems; m_spFolder2 = spFolder2;
NoneSelected(); DisplayInfoHTML(); DisplayCrossLinksHTML();
m_spFolder2 = NULL; m_spFolderItems = NULL; } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::DisplayInfoHTML() { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; if (m_spInfo) { // Replace Info.innerHTML with the new text
hr = m_spInfo->put_innerHTML(m_bstrInfoHTML); } return hr; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::DisplayCrossLinksHTML() { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; if (m_spLinks) { // Break old connections
AdviseWebviewLinks( FALSE ); // Replace Links.innerHTML with the new text
hr = m_spLinks->put_innerHTML(m_bstrCrossLinksHTML);
// Make new connections
AdviseWebviewLinks( TRUE ); } return hr; }
BOOL IsExtensionOneOf(LPCWSTR pwszFileName, const LPCWSTR pwszExtList[], int cExtList) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; LPCWSTR pwszExt = PathFindExtensionW(pwszFileName);
if (pwszExt && *pwszExt) { for (int i = 0; i < cExtList; i++) { if (StrCmpICW(pwszExtList[i], pwszExt + 1) == 0) // Get pwszExt past "."
{ fRet = TRUE; break; } } } return fRet; }
const LPCWSTR c_pwszMovieFileExt[] = {L"asf",L"avi",L"wmv",L"wvx",L"m1v",L"mov",L"mp2",L"mpa",L"mpe",L"mpeg",L"mpg",L"mpv2",L"qt",L"asx"}; BOOL IsMovieFile(LPCWSTR pwszFileName) { return IsExtensionOneOf(pwszFileName, c_pwszMovieFileExt, ARRAYSIZE(c_pwszMovieFileExt)); }
const LPCWSTR c_pwszSoundFileExt[] = {L"aif",L"aiff",L"au",L"mid",L"midi",L"rmi",L"snd",L"wav",L"mp3",L"m3u",L"wma"}; BOOL IsSoundFile(LPCWSTR pwszFileName) { return IsExtensionOneOf(pwszFileName, c_pwszSoundFileExt, ARRAYSIZE(c_pwszSoundFileExt)); }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::DealWithDriveInfo() { CComBSTR bstrPath; // Update ThumbNail
if (m_pThumbNailWrapper && m_spFolderItem && SUCCEEDED(m_spFolderItem->get_Path(&bstrPath)) && (bstrPath.Length() > 0)) { BOOL bRootFolder = PathIsRootW(bstrPath); BOOL bHaveThumbnail = FALSE; if (!bRootFolder || !PathIsUNCW(bstrPath)) { bHaveThumbnail = m_pThumbNailWrapper->UpdateThumbNail(m_spFolderItem); } if (bHaveThumbnail) { if (bRootFolder) { WCHAR wszTemp[MAX_PATH]; CComBSTR bstrSpace;
if (SUCCEEDED(m_pThumbNailWrapper->TotalSpace(bstrSpace))) { m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("<p><br>"); IfFalseRet(LoadStringW(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_TOTALSIZE, wszTemp, ARRAYSIZE(wszTemp)), E_FAIL); m_bstrInfoHTML += wszTemp; m_bstrInfoHTML += bstrSpace; bstrSpace.Empty(); m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("<p>"); } if (SUCCEEDED(m_pThumbNailWrapper->UsedSpace(bstrSpace))) { m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("<p><table class=Legend width=12 height=12 border=1 align="); if (m_bRTLDocument) { m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("right "); } else { m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("left "); } m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("bgcolor=threedface bordercolordark=black bordercolorlight=black>"); m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("<tr><td title=\'"); IfFalseRet(LoadStringW(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_USEDSPACE_DESC, wszTemp, ARRAYSIZE(wszTemp)), E_FAIL); m_bstrInfoHTML += wszTemp; m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("\'></td></tr></table> "); IfFalseRet(LoadStringW(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_USEDSPACE, wszTemp, ARRAYSIZE(wszTemp)), E_FAIL); m_bstrInfoHTML += wszTemp; m_bstrInfoHTML += bstrSpace; bstrSpace.Empty(); } if (SUCCEEDED(m_pThumbNailWrapper->FreeSpace(bstrSpace))) { m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("<p><table class=Legend width=12 height=12 border=1 align="); if (m_bRTLDocument) { m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("right "); } else { m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("left "); } m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("bgcolor=threedhighlight bordercolordark=black bordercolorlight=black>"); m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("<tr><td title=\'"); IfFalseRet(LoadStringW(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_FREESPACE_DESC, wszTemp, ARRAYSIZE(wszTemp)), E_FAIL); m_bstrInfoHTML += wszTemp; m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("\'></td></tr></table> "); IfFalseRet(LoadStringW(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_FREESPACE, wszTemp, ARRAYSIZE(wszTemp)), E_FAIL); m_bstrInfoHTML += wszTemp; m_bstrInfoHTML += bstrSpace; } m_pThumbNailWrapper->SetDisplay(CComBSTR("")); } } else if (!bRootFolder) { BOOL bDisplayFlag = FALSE; BOOL bMovieFile = IsMovieFile(bstrPath);
if (bMovieFile || IsSoundFile(bstrPath)) { CComPtr<IMediaPlayer> spIMediaPlayer;
if (SUCCEEDED(GetIMediaPlayer(spIMediaPlayer))) { spIMediaPlayer->Open(bstrPath); bDisplayFlag = TRUE; } spIMediaPlayer = NULL; }
if (m_spMediaPlayerStyle && bDisplayFlag) { if (bMovieFile) { m_spMediaPlayerStyle->put_height(CComVariant(136)); } else { m_spMediaPlayerStyle->put_height(CComVariant(46)); } m_spMediaPlayerStyle->put_display(OLESTR("")); } } } return S_OK;; }
HRESULT MakeLink(LPCWSTR pwszLink, LPCWSTR pwszText, CComBSTR& bstrText) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if (pwszLink) { bstrText += OLESTR("<A HREF=\""); bstrText += pwszLink; bstrText += OLESTR("\">"); if (pwszText && pwszText[0]) { bstrText += pwszText; } else // If pwszText is NULL, use pwszLink itself as text.
{ bstrText += pwszLink; } bstrText += OLESTR("</A>"); hr = S_OK; } return hr; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::GetItemNameForDisplay() { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; CComBSTR bstrIgnore, bstrName;
// Get the name of the item
if (SUCCEEDED(GetItemInfo(IDS_NAME_COL, L"Name", bstrIgnore, bstrName)) && (bstrName.Length() > 0)) { m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("<b>"); // Begin bold tag
m_bstrInfoHTML += bstrName; // Add the name
m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("</b>"); // End bold tag
hr = S_OK; } return hr; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::GetItemType() { CComBSTR bstrIgnore, bstrType; HRESULT hr = GetItemInfo(IDS_TYPE_COL, L"Type", bstrIgnore, bstrType);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (bstrType.Length() > 0)) { m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("<br>"); m_bstrInfoHTML += bstrType; } return hr; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::GetItemDateTime() { CComBSTR bstrDesc, bstrDateTime; HRESULT hr = GetItemInfo(IDS_MODIFIED_COL, L"Modified", bstrDesc, bstrDateTime);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (bstrDateTime.Length() > 0)) { m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("<p>"); m_bstrInfoHTML += bstrDesc; m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR(": "); m_bstrInfoHTML += bstrDateTime; } return hr; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::GetItemSize() { WCHAR wszTemp[MAX_PATH]; long lSize = 0; HRESULT hr = m_spFolderItem->get_Size(&lSize);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (lSize > 0L) { m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("<p>"); IfFalseRet(LoadStringW(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_SIZE, wszTemp, ARRAYSIZE(wszTemp)), E_FAIL); m_bstrInfoHTML += wszTemp; StrFormatByteSizeW(lSize, wszTemp, ARRAYSIZE(wszTemp)); m_bstrInfoHTML += wszTemp; } } else { CComBSTR bstrDesc, bstrSize; hr = GetItemInfo(IDS_SIZE_COL, L"Size", bstrDesc, bstrSize); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (bstrSize.Length() > 0)) { m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("<p>"); m_bstrInfoHTML += bstrDesc; m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR(": "); m_bstrInfoHTML += bstrSize; } } return hr; }
const WCHAR c_wszAttributeCodes[] = {L"RHSCE"}; const int c_iaAttribStringIDs[] = {IDS_READONLY, IDS_HIDDEN, IDS_SYSTEM, //IDS_ARCHIVE,
IDS_COMPRESSED, IDS_ENCRYPTED}; HRESULT FormatAttributes(CComBSTR& bstrDetails, CComBSTR& bstrText) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL bFlag = FALSE; WCHAR wszDelimiter[10], wszTemp[MAX_PATH];
IfFalseRet(LoadStringW(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_DELIMITER, wszDelimiter, ARRAYSIZE(wszDelimiter)), E_FAIL); for (int i = 0; i < (int)bstrDetails.Length(); i++) { WCHAR* pwCh; if ((pwCh = StrChrIW(c_wszAttributeCodes, bstrDetails[i]))) // Is the value, one of "RHSCE"?
{ if (bFlag) { bstrText += wszDelimiter; bstrText += OLESTR(" "); } else { bFlag = TRUE; } int iPos = (int)(pwCh - c_wszAttributeCodes); ASSERT((iPos >= 0) && (iPos < ARRAYSIZE(c_iaAttribStringIDs))); IfFalseRet(LoadStringW(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), c_iaAttribStringIDs[iPos], wszTemp, ARRAYSIZE(wszTemp)), E_FAIL); bstrText += wszTemp; } } if (!bFlag) { IfFalseRet(LoadStringW(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_NOATTRIBUTES, wszTemp, ARRAYSIZE(wszTemp)), E_FAIL); bstrText += wszTemp; } return hr; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::GetItemAttributes() { VARIANT_BOOL fIsFolder; HRESULT hr = m_spFolderItem->get_IsFolder(&fIsFolder); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (fIsFolder == VARIANT_FALSE)) { VARIANT_BOOL fIsFileSystem; hr = m_spFolderItem->get_IsFileSystem(&fIsFileSystem); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (fIsFileSystem == VARIANT_TRUE)) { CComBSTR bstrDesc, bstrAttributes; hr = GetItemInfo(IDS_ATTRIBUTES_COL, L"Attributes", bstrDesc, bstrAttributes); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) // Go ahead evenif (bstrAttributes.Length() > 0)
{ m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("<p>"); m_bstrInfoHTML += bstrDesc; m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR(": "); FormatAttributes(bstrAttributes, m_bstrInfoHTML); } } } return hr; }
HRESULT MakeMailLink(LPCWSTR pwszMailee, CComBSTR& bstrText) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
bstrText += OLESTR("<A HREF=\'mailto:"); bstrText += pwszMailee; bstrText += OLESTR("\'>"); bstrText += pwszMailee; bstrText += OLESTR("</a>"); return hr; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::GetItemAuthor() { CComBSTR bstrDesc, bstrAuthor; HRESULT hr = GetItemInfo(IDS_AUTHOR_COL, L"Author", bstrDesc, bstrAuthor);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (bstrAuthor.Length() > 0)) { m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("<p>"); m_bstrInfoHTML += bstrDesc; m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR(": "); if (StrChrW(bstrAuthor, L'@')) // This is most likely to be an e-mail address
{ MakeMailLink(bstrAuthor, m_bstrInfoHTML); } else { m_bstrInfoHTML += bstrAuthor; } m_bFoundAuthor = TRUE; } return hr; }
HRESULT MakeLinksHyper(LPCWSTR pwszStr, CComBSTR& bstrText) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR pwszBegin;
if ((pwszBegin = StrStrIW(pwszStr, L"http://")) || (pwszBegin = StrStrIW(pwszStr, L"file://"))) { WCHAR wszTemp[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; int i;
for (i = 0; &pwszStr[i] != pwszBegin; i++) { wszTemp[i] = pwszStr[i]; } wszTemp[i] = L'\0'; bstrText += wszTemp; WCHAR* pwChEnd = StrStrW(pwszBegin, L" "); if (!pwChEnd) { pwChEnd = &pwszBegin[lstrlenW(pwszBegin)]; } for (i = 0; &pwszBegin[i] != pwChEnd; i++) // Seperate out the http://... or file://... string
{ wszTemp[i] = pwszBegin[i]; } wszTemp[i] = L'\0'; MakeLink(wszTemp, wszTemp, bstrText); for (i = 0; pwChEnd[i]; i++) // Copy out the rest, till the end
{ wszTemp[i] = pwChEnd[i]; } wszTemp[i] = L'\0'; bstrText += wszTemp; } else { bstrText += pwszStr; } return hr; }
HRESULT FormatDetails(LPCWSTR pwszDesc, LPCWSTR pwszDetails, CComBSTR& bstrText) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
bstrText += OLESTR("<p>"); bstrText += pwszDesc; bstrText += OLESTR(":"); if ((lstrlenW(pwszDesc) + lstrlenW(pwszDetails)) > 32) { bstrText += OLESTR("<br>"); } else { bstrText += OLESTR(" "); } MakeLinksHyper(pwszDetails, bstrText); return hr; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::GetItemComment() { CComBSTR bstrDesc, bstrComment; HRESULT hr = GetItemInfo(IDS_COMMENT_COL, L"Comment", bstrDesc, bstrComment);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (bstrComment.Length() > 0)) { m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("<p><div class = Message>"); m_bstrInfoHTML += bstrComment; m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("</div>"); m_bFoundComment = TRUE; } return hr; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::GetItemHTMLInfoTip() { CComBSTR bstrDesc, bstrHTMLInfoTipFile; HRESULT hr = GetItemInfo(0, L"HTMLInfoTipFile", bstrDesc, bstrHTMLInfoTipFile);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (bstrHTMLInfoTipFile.Length() > 0)) { m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("<br><p><iframe FRAMEBORDER=0 class=Message src=\""); m_bstrInfoHTML += bstrHTMLInfoTipFile; m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("\"></iframe>"); } return hr; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::GetItemInfo(long lResId, LPWSTR wszInfoDescCanonical, CComBSTR& bstrInfoDesc, CComBSTR& bstrInfo) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; WCHAR wszInfoDesc[MAX_PATH];
LoadStringW(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), lResId, wszInfoDesc, ARRAYSIZE(wszInfoDesc)); bstrInfoDesc = wszInfoDesc;
if (m_spFolderItem2) { CComBSTR bstrInfoDescCanonical = wszInfoDescCanonical; CComVariant var; hr = m_spFolderItem2->ExtendedProperty(bstrInfoDescCanonical, &var); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { WCHAR wszTemp[80]; if (var.vt == VT_BSTR) { // Of the three types of data we care about one is dangerous. The BSTR data that
// we read from the file could contain HTML code which we would render in WebView.
// This could cause potential security problems. To get around this we sanatize
// the BSTR before we return it. We need to do the following replacements:
// original replace with
// < <
// > >
// " " <= this would be paranoid and isn't 100% critical
// ' ‘ <= this would be paranoid and isn't 100% critical
LPWSTR psz = var.bstrVal; LPWSTR pszBad;
if (psz == NULL) { // we probably cant depend on hr and the out param matching (since this is
// scriptable and therefore must return success)
psz = L""; }
while (pszBad = StrPBrkW(psz, L"<>")) { // store the bad character
WCHAR chBadChar = *pszBad;
// null the string
*pszBad = NULL;
// add the good part of the string, if there is any
if ( *psz ) bstrInfo += psz;
// based on which bad character we found add the correct HTLM special character code
switch ( chBadChar ) { case L'<': bstrInfo += L"<"; break;
case L'>': bstrInfo += L">"; break; }
// Advance the psz pointer. Note it might be an empty string after this.
psz = pszBad+1; }
// Add the remaining portion of the good string, even if it's an empty string.
// bstrInfo is passed in uninitialized so we need to set it to something even
// if that something is an empty string.
bstrInfo += psz; } else if (var.vt == VT_DATE) { SYSTEMTIME st; FILETIME ft;
if (VariantTimeToSystemTime(var.date, &st) && SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &ft) && SHFormatDateTimeW(&ft, &m_dwDateFlags, wszTemp, ARRAYSIZE(wszTemp))) { bstrInfo += wszTemp; } else { hr = E_FAIL; } } else if (var.vt == VT_UI8 && StrCmpIW(wszInfoDescCanonical, L"size") == 0) { StrFormatByteSize64(var.ullVal, wszTemp, ARRAYSIZE(wszTemp)); bstrInfo += wszTemp; } else { hr = E_FAIL; } } } return hr; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::NoneSelected() { WCHAR wszIntro[MAX_PATH]; CComPtr<FolderItem> spFolderItem;
if (!m_bCSCDisplayed) { CSCShowStatusInfo(); m_bCSCDisplayed = TRUE; } if (m_spFolderItems->Item(CComVariant(0), &spFolderItem) == S_OK) { // This filelist has atleast one item.
IfFalseRet(LoadStringW(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_PROMPT, wszIntro, ARRAYSIZE(wszIntro)), E_FAIL); } else { IfFalseRet(LoadStringW(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_EMPTY, wszIntro, ARRAYSIZE(wszIntro)), E_FAIL); } m_bstrInfoHTML += wszIntro; spFolderItem = NULL;
if (SUCCEEDED(m_spFolder2->get_Self(&spFolderItem))) { m_spFolderItem = spFolderItem; m_spFolderItem->QueryInterface(IID_FolderItem2, (void **)&m_spFolderItem2); m_bFoundAuthor = FALSE; m_bFoundComment = FALSE;
// Get the comment for the item
GetItemComment(); GetItemHTMLInfoTip();
m_spFolderItem2 = NULL; m_spFolderItem = NULL; } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::MultipleSelected(long cSelection) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE;
if (cSelection > 1) { WCHAR wszTemp[MAX_PATH];
wnsprintfW(wszTemp, ARRAYSIZE(wszTemp), L"%ld", cSelection); m_bstrInfoHTML += wszTemp; IfFalseRet(LoadStringW(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_MULTIPLE, wszTemp, ARRAYSIZE(wszTemp)), E_FAIL); m_bstrInfoHTML += wszTemp; if (cSelection <= MAX_SELECTEDFILES_FOR_COMPUTING_SIZE) { m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("<p>");
CComPtr<FolderItem> spFolderItem; long lSize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < cSelection; i++) { long lTempSize; if (SUCCEEDED(m_spFolderItems->Item(CComVariant(i), &spFolderItem))) { if (SUCCEEDED(spFolderItem->get_Size(&lTempSize))) { lSize += lTempSize; } spFolderItem = NULL; } } if (lSize > 0L) { IfFalseRet(LoadStringW(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_FILESIZE, wszTemp, ARRAYSIZE(wszTemp)), E_FAIL); m_bstrInfoHTML += wszTemp; StrFormatByteSizeW(lSize, wszTemp, ARRAYSIZE(wszTemp)); m_bstrInfoHTML += wszTemp; m_bstrInfoHTML += OLESTR("<p>"); } if (cSelection <= MAX_SELECTEDFILES_FOR_DISPLAYING_NAMES) { CComBSTR bstrTemp; for (int i = 0; i < cSelection; i++) { if (SUCCEEDED(m_spFolderItems->Item(CComVariant(i), &spFolderItem))) { if (SUCCEEDED(spFolderItem->get_Name(&bstrTemp))) { m_bstrInfoHTML += "<br>"; m_bstrInfoHTML += bstrTemp; bstrTemp.Empty(); } spFolderItem = NULL; } } } } hr = S_OK; } return hr; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::OneSelected() { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
m_bFoundAuthor = FALSE; m_bFoundComment = FALSE;
// Get the name of the item, making it a hyper-link if appropriate.
// Get the type of the item
if (!m_bPathIsSlow) { // Get the comment for the item
// Get the HTMLInfoTip
// Get the date/time stamp on the item
// Get the size of the item
// Get the attributes (hidden, RO etc.) of the item
// Get the author of the document
DealWithDriveInfo(); } hr = S_OK; return hr; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::OnCSCClick() { HRESULT hres = E_FAIL; CComPtr<Folder> spFolder; CComPtr<Folder2> spFolder2;
if (m_spFileList && SUCCEEDED(m_spFileList->get_Folder(&spFolder)) && SUCCEEDED(spFolder->QueryInterface(IID_Folder2, (void **)&spFolder2))) { m_spFolder2 = spFolder2; hres = CSCShowStatus_FoldExpand_Toggle(); m_spFolder2 = NULL; } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::OnCSCMouseOnOff(BOOL fOn) { CComPtr<IHTMLStyle> psPlusMin; CComPtr<IHTMLStyle> psText; HRESULT hres = E_FAIL;
// If we're already in this state don't do anything
if (m_bHotTracked == fOn) return S_OK;
// If we receive a 'mouse on' but the element is not one we want to track or if we receive a 'mouse off' but
// the mouse is over one of our other elements that we want to hot track then don't do anything.
if (m_spWindow) { CComPtr<IHTMLEventObj> phtmlevent; CComPtr<IHTMLElement> phtmlelement; CComBSTR bstrId;
if (SUCCEEDED(m_spWindow->get_event(&phtmlevent)) && phtmlevent) { HRESULT hres;
if (!fOn) hres = phtmlevent->get_toElement(&phtmlelement); else hres = phtmlevent->get_srcElement(&phtmlelement);
if (SUCCEEDED(hres) && phtmlelement && SUCCEEDED(phtmlelement->get_id(&bstrId)) && (bstrId.Length() > 0)) { BOOL bContainsCSC; bContainsCSC = (StrStrIW(bstrId, L"CSC") != NULL); if (bContainsCSC != fOn) return S_OK; } } }
if (m_spCSCPlusMin && m_spCSCText && SUCCEEDED(hres = m_spCSCPlusMin->get_style(&psPlusMin)) && SUCCEEDED(hres = m_spCSCText->get_style(&psText))) { CComVariant vcolorBlack (OLESTR("black")); CComBSTR bstrCSCPlusMin; LPOLESTR pstrCursor = (fOn ? OLESTR("hand") : OLESTR("auto")); CComVariant vcolorLink;
m_bHotTracked = fOn;
if (m_bExpanded) bstrCSCPlusMin = fOn ? CSC_MINUSHOT : CSC_MINUSCOLD; else bstrCSCPlusMin = fOn ? CSC_PLUSHOT : CSC_PLUSCOLD; m_spCSCPlusMin->put_innerHTML(bstrCSCPlusMin);
psPlusMin->put_cursor(pstrCursor); psText->put_color(fOn ? vcolorLink : vcolorBlack); psText->put_cursor(pstrCursor); } return hres; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::CSCSynchronize() { HRESULT hres = E_FAIL; CComPtr<Folder> spFolder; CComPtr<Folder2> spFolder2;
if (m_spFileList && SUCCEEDED(m_spFileList->get_Folder(&spFolder)) && SUCCEEDED(spFolder->QueryInterface(IID_Folder2, (void **)&spFolder2))) { hres = spFolder2->Synchronize(); } return hres; }
const UINT c_ids_uiCSCText[] = {IDS_CSC_ONLINE, IDS_CSC_OFFLINE, IDS_CSC_SERVERAVAILABLE, IDS_CSC_DIRTYCACHE}; HRESULT CFileListWrapper::CSCGetStatusText(LONG lStatus, CComBSTR& bstrCSCText) { WCHAR wszTemp[MAX_PATH]; if ((lStatus >= 0) && (lStatus < ARRAYSIZE(c_ids_uiCSCText)) && LoadStringW(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), c_ids_uiCSCText[(int)lStatus], wszTemp, ARRAYSIZE(wszTemp))) { bstrCSCText += wszTemp; } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::CSCGetStatusDetail(LONG lStatus, CComBSTR& bstrCSCDetail) { WCHAR wszTemp[MAX_PATH]; if ((lStatus >= 0) && (lStatus < ARRAYSIZE(c_ids_uiCSCDetail)) && LoadStringW(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), c_ids_uiCSCDetail[(int)lStatus], wszTemp, ARRAYSIZE(wszTemp))) { bstrCSCDetail += wszTemp; } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::CSCGetStatusButton(LONG lStatus, CComBSTR& bstrCSCButton) { if ((lStatus == CSC_STATUS_SERVERAVAILABLE) || (lStatus == CSC_STATUS_DIRTYCACHE)) { bstrCSCButton += OLESTR("<p class=Button><button onclick=\'WVCoord.CSCSynchronize()\'>"); WCHAR wszTemp[MAX_PATH]; LoadStringW(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_CSC_SYNCHRONIZE, wszTemp, ARRAYSIZE(wszTemp)); bstrCSCButton += wszTemp; bstrCSCButton += OLESTR("</button>"); } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::GetCSCFolderStatus(LONG* plStatus) { return m_spFolder2 ? m_spFolder2->get_OfflineStatus(plStatus) : E_FAIL; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::CSCShowStatusInfo() { LONG lStatus;
if (m_spCSCText && m_spCSCPlusMin && m_spCSCDetail && m_spCSCButton && m_spCSCStyle && m_spCSCDetailStyle && m_spCSCButtonStyle) { CComBSTR bstrCSC_Display; if (SUCCEEDED(GetCSCFolderStatus(&lStatus)) && (lStatus >= 0)) { CComBSTR bstrCSCText; CSCGetStatusText(lStatus, bstrCSCText); bstrCSCText += OLESTR("<br>"); CComBSTR bstrCSCPlusMin; CComBSTR bstrCSCDetail; CComBSTR bstrCSCDetail_Display;
if (m_bExpanded) { bstrCSCPlusMin = m_bHotTracked ? CSC_MINUSHOT : CSC_MINUSCOLD; bstrCSCText += OLESTR("<br>"); CSCGetStatusDetail(lStatus, bstrCSCDetail); bstrCSCDetail += OLESTR("<br>");
bstrCSCDetail_Display = OLESTR("");
if (m_bRTLDocument) { // [msadek]; Life would be easier if the object model has exposed
// right offset through get_offsetRight().
CComPtr<IHTMLControlElement> spDocBody = NULL; long lOffsetLeft, lOffsetWidth, lClientWidth, lOffsetRight = 0; if (SUCCEEDED(m_spCSCText->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLControlElement, (void **)&spDocBody)) && SUCCEEDED(m_spCSCText->get_offsetLeft(&lOffsetLeft)) && SUCCEEDED(m_spCSCText->get_offsetWidth(&lOffsetWidth)) && SUCCEEDED(spDocBody->get_clientWidth(&lClientWidth))) { lOffsetRight = lClientWidth - (lOffsetLeft + lOffsetWidth); } m_spCSCDetailStyle->put_marginRight(CComVariant(lOffsetRight - 10L)); } else { long lOffsetLeft; if (FAILED(m_spCSCText->get_offsetLeft(&lOffsetLeft))) { lOffsetLeft = 0; } m_spCSCDetailStyle->put_marginLeft(CComVariant(lOffsetLeft - 10L)); } } else { bstrCSCPlusMin = m_bHotTracked ? CSC_PLUSHOT : CSC_PLUSCOLD; bstrCSCDetail += OLESTR(""); bstrCSCDetail_Display = OLESTR("none"); } m_spCSCPlusMin->put_innerHTML(bstrCSCPlusMin); m_spCSCText->put_innerHTML(bstrCSCText); m_spCSCDetail->put_innerHTML(bstrCSCDetail); m_spCSCDetailStyle->put_display(bstrCSCDetail_Display);
CComBSTR bstrCSCButton_Display; CComBSTR bstrCSCButton; if (SUCCEEDED(CSCGetStatusButton(lStatus, bstrCSCButton)) && (bstrCSCButton.Length() > 0)) { bstrCSCButton_Display = OLESTR(""); } else { bstrCSCButton = OLESTR(""); bstrCSCButton_Display = OLESTR("none"); } m_spCSCButton->put_innerHTML(bstrCSCButton); m_spCSCButtonStyle->put_display(bstrCSCButton_Display); bstrCSC_Display = OLESTR(""); } else { bstrCSC_Display = OLESTR("none"); } m_spCSCStyle->put_display(bstrCSC_Display); } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::CSCShowStatus_FoldExpand_Toggle() { m_bExpanded = !m_bExpanded; return (CSCShowStatusInfo()); }
// fEnter true for mouseover, focus; false for mouseout, blur
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::OnWebviewLinkEvent( BOOL fEnter ) { CComPtr<IHTMLEventObj> spEvent; CComPtr<IHTMLElement> spAnchor; HRESULT hr;
// NT# 354743, IHTMLEventObj::get_event() can return S_OK and
// not set the out param, so we need to protect against that.
spEvent = NULL; hr = m_spWindow->get_event(&spEvent); // Automation interfaces sometimes return S_FALSE on failures to prevent scripting errors
if (S_OK == hr) { // Sometimes Trident will not set the out parameter when it returns S_OK, so
// we need to make sure it's not NULL.
if (spEvent) { hr = GetEventAnchorElement(spEvent, &spAnchor); } else hr = E_FAIL;
if (S_OK == hr) { if (fEnter) { CComBSTR bstrTitle; hr = spAnchor->get_title(&bstrTitle); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_spWindow->put_status(bstrTitle); } spEvent->put_returnValue(CComVariant(true)); } else { hr = m_spWindow->put_status(OLESTR("")); } } } return S_OK; }
// Walks up the component chain from the event source, looking for
// an anchor element. Returns S_OK if successful, some error otherwise.
// On failure *ppElt will be set to null. Note that this gives back
// the IHTMLElement that corresponds to the anchor, not the
// IHTMLAnchorElement, as only IHTMLElement has get_title
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::GetEventAnchorElement( IHTMLEventObj *pEvent, IHTMLElement **ppElt ) { CComPtr<IHTMLElement> spElement;
*ppElt = NULL; if( SUCCEEDED( pEvent->get_srcElement( &spElement ))) { BOOL fContinue = TRUE; while( fContinue && spElement ) { CComPtr<IHTMLAnchorElement> spAnchor; if( SUCCEEDED( spElement->QueryInterface( IID_IHTMLAnchorElement, reinterpret_cast<void**>( &spAnchor )))) { fContinue = false; *ppElt = spElement; reinterpret_cast<IUnknown*>( *ppElt )->AddRef(); } else { IHTMLElement *pIElt = NULL;
if( SUCCEEDED( spElement->get_parentElement( &pIElt ))) { spElement = pIElt; if (pIElt) { pIElt->Release(); } } else { spElement.Release(); } } } }
return ( *ppElt ? S_OK : E_FAIL ); }
// Bind to the connection points for each of the link elements
// contained within m_spLinks. The advise cookie for each link
// is stored as an attribute within the link, so we don't need
// to maintain a mapping between links and elements.
// fAdvise -- true to make connections, false to break
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::AdviseWebviewLinks( BOOL fAdvise) { CComPtr<IDispatch> spDisp; CComPtr<IHTMLElement> spElement; CComPtr<IHTMLElementCollection> spCollection; CComVariant vtEmpty; CComBSTR bstrAttr = WV_LINKNAME; long cLinks; DWORD dwCookie; HRESULT hr;
IfFailRet( GetWVLinksCollection( &spCollection, &cLinks ));
for( long i = 0; i < cLinks; i++ ) { hr = spCollection->item( CComVariant( i ), vtEmpty, &spDisp ); if (!spDisp) { hr = E_FAIL; }
if( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { hr = spDisp->QueryInterface( IID_IHTMLElement, reinterpret_cast<void**>( &spElement )); spDisp.Release(); }
if( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { if( fAdvise ) { hr = AtlAdvise( spElement, this, IID_IDispatch, &dwCookie ); if( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { hr = spElement->setAttribute( bstrAttr, CComVariant( static_cast<long>( dwCookie )), VARIANT_FALSE );
if( FAILED( hr )) { AtlUnadvise( spElement, IID_IDispatch, dwCookie ); } } } else { CComVariant vtCookie; hr = spElement->getAttribute( bstrAttr, FALSE, &vtCookie ); if( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { dwCookie = static_cast<DWORD>( vtCookie.lVal ); AtlUnadvise( spElement, IID_IDispatch, dwCookie ); } }
spElement.Release(); } } return S_OK; }
// Get the IHTMLElementCollection that holds the named links
HRESULT CFileListWrapper::GetWVLinksCollection( IHTMLElementCollection **ppCollection, long *pcLinks ) { CComPtr<IDispatch> spDisp; CComPtr<IHTMLElementCollection> spCollection; CComVariant vtEmpty; HRESULT hr;
ASSERT( ppCollection ); ASSERT( pcLinks );
*ppCollection = NULL; *pcLinks = 0;
if (!m_spLinks) return E_FAIL;
// Get the initial element collection from m_spLinks
IfFailRet( m_spLinks->get_all( &spDisp )); IfFailRet( spDisp->QueryInterface( IID_IHTMLElementCollection, reinterpret_cast<void**>( &spCollection ))); spDisp.Release();
// Get the collection of elements with our linkname. If nothing exists, spDisp
// will be null and item returns S_OK.
IfFailRet( spCollection->item( CComVariant( WV_LINKNAME ), vtEmpty, &spDisp )); if( !spDisp ) return E_FAIL;
IfFailRet( spDisp->QueryInterface( IID_IHTMLElementCollection, reinterpret_cast<void**>( ppCollection )));
return reinterpret_cast<IHTMLElementCollection*>( *ppCollection )->get_length( pcLinks ); }