//LIBID_SHELL // 4547D580-355D-11CF-A9BC-00AA004AE837 // DEFINE_GUID(varNameHere, 0x4547D580L, 0x355D, 0x11CF, 0xA9, 0xBC, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x4A, 0xE8, 0x37);
[ uuid(4547D580-355D-11CF-A9BC-00AA004AE837) , helpstring("Shell Explorer Type Library") , lcid(0x0000) , version(1.0) ]
library ShellExplorerTypeLibrary { importlib("stdole2.tlb"); // IID_DHyperLink: {0002DF07-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} [ uuid(0002DF07-0000-0000-C000-000000000046), helpstring("HyperLink Object."), helpcontext(0x0000), hidden, oleautomation, dual ] interface DHyperLink : IDispatch { // id(0) indicates that this is the "value" member. [id(0), propget, helpstring("Returns or sets the Friendly Name for the HyperLink."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT FriendlyName([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrName);
[id(0), propput, helpstring("Returns or sets the Friendly Name for the HyperLink."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT FriendlyName([in] BSTR bstrName);
[propget, helpstring("Returns or sets the string reference for the HyperLink."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT Source([out,retval] BSTR* pbstrSource);
[propput, helpstring("Returns or sets the string reference for the HyperLink."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT Source([in] BSTR bstrSource);
[helpstring("Jumps to the hyperlink."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT Navigate([in,optional]VARIANT* OpenInNewWindow, [in,optional] VARIANT* NoHistory);
[propget, helpstring("Returns a pointer to creator of the object."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT Application([out,retval] IDispatch** ppDisp);
[propget, helpstring("Returns a pointer to the IExplorer Object."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT Parent([out,retval] IDispatch** ppDisp); };
// IID_DInternetHistory: {0002DF04-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} [ uuid(0002DF04-0000-0000-C000-000000000046), helpstring("Internet History Object."), helpcontext(0x0000), oleautomation, hidden, dual ] interface DInternetHistory : IDispatch { // id(0) indicates that this is the "value" member. [id(0), helpstring("Returns a specific Hyperlink object either by HLID or name."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT Item([in] VARIANT* Index, [out, retval] VARIANT* pVarResult); [helpstring("Adds a Hyperlink to the collection"), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT Add( [in] DHyperLink* HLink, [in, optional] VARIANT* Key, [in, optional] VARIANT* Before, [in, optional] VARIANT* After); [helpstring("Returns the number of Hyperlinks in the collection"), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT Count([out,retval] long* plCount); [helpstring("Removes a Hyperlink from a Collection object"), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT Remove([in] VARIANT* Index); [id(-4), restricted, propget] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown** ppUnk); [propget, helpstring("Returns a pointer to the IExplorer Object."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT Application([out,retval] IDispatch** ppDisp); [propget, helpstring("Returns a pointer to creator of the object."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT Parent([out,retval] IDispatch** ppDisp); };
// IID_DIExplorer: {0002DF05-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} [ uuid(0002DF05-0000-0000-C000-000000000046), helpstring("Internet Explorer Frame Object."), helpcontext(0x0000), hidden, oleautomation, dual ] interface DIExplorer : IDispatch { // Standard OLE Automation required methods and properties // id(0) indicates that this is the "value" member. [id(0), propget, helpstring("Returns name of the application."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT Name([out,retval] BSTR* pbstrName); [propget, helpstring("Returns the full pathname to the IExplorer executable."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT FullName([out,retval] BSTR* pbstrFullName); [propget, helpstring("Returns a pointer to the IExplorer Object."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT Application([out,retval] IDispatch** ppDisp); [propget, helpstring("Returns a pointer to the IExplorer Object."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT Parent([out,retval] IDispatch** ppDisp);
[propget, helpstring("The horizontal position (pixels) of the frame window relative to the screen"), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT Left([out, retval] long *pl); [propput] HRESULT Left([in] long Left); [propget, helpstring("The vertical position (pixels) of the frame window relative to the screen"), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT Top([out, retval] long *pl); [propput] HRESULT Top([in] long Top); [propget, helpstring("The horizontal dimension (pixels) of the frame window"), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT Width([out, retval] long *pl); [propput] HRESULT Width([in] long Width); [propget, helpstring("The vertical dimension (pixels) of the frame window"), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT Height([out, retval] long *pl); [propput] HRESULT Height([in] long Height); // [propget, helpstring("The text in the status bar"), helpcontext(0x0000)] // BSTR StatusBar(void); // [propput] // HRESULT StatusBar([in] BSTR Text);
[propget, helpstring("Determines whether IExplorer is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT Visible([out, retval] boolean* pBool); [propput, helpstring("Determines whether IExplorer is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT Visible([in] boolean Value); [propget, helpstring("Returns the active Document."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT Document([out,retval] IDispatch** ppDisp); // Added a property to see if the viewer is currenly busy or not... [propget, helpstring("Query to see if something is still in progress."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT Busy([out,retval] boolean *pBool); // End of modifications [helpstring("Exits IExplorer and closes the open document."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT Quit();
// IExplorer specific methods and properties [helpstring("Opens a file."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT Open( [in] BSTR Source); [helpstring("Prints the current document."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT PrintOut([in] long What, [in] VARIANT Numbering, [in, optional] VARIANT FirstPage, [in, optional] VARIANT Sections, [in, optional] VARIANT FileName, [in, optional] VARIANT PrinterName, [in, optional] VARIANT DriverName, [in, optional] VARIANT NoPrinting); [helpstring("Navigates to a hyperlink."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT Navigate([in]DHyperLink* Hlink, [in,optional]VARIANT* OpenInNewWindow, [in,optional] VARIANT* NoHistory); [helpstring("Navigates to the previous item in the history list."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT GoBack(); [helpstring("Navigates to the next item in the history list."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT GoForward(); [helpstring("Go home/start page."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT GoHome(); [helpstring("Stops opening a file."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT Stop(); [helpstring("Refreshes the current file."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT Refresh(); [propget, helpstring("Returns the history list."), helpcontext(0x0000)] HRESULT History([out, retval] DInternetHistory** ppDInternetHistory); // [propget, helpstring("Returns the Favorites list."), helpcontext(0x0000)] // HRESULT Favorites([out, retval] DInternetHistory** ppDInternetHistory); };
//CLSID_InternetExplorer [ uuid(0002DF01-0000-0000-C000-000000000046), helpstring("Internet Explorer Application Object."), ] coclass InternetExplorer { [default] interface DIExplorer; }
typedef [ uuid(0002DF08-0000-0000-C000-000000000046), helpstring("Constants for DInternetHistory") ] enum HlinkIDConstants { [helpstring("Previous Item")] hlidPrevious = 0, [helpstring("Next Item")] hlidNext = 0xFFFFFFFF, [helpstring("Current Item")] hlidCurrent = 0xFFFFFFFE, [helpstring("Last Item")] hlidStackBottom = 0xFFFFFFFD, [helpstring("First Item")] hlidStackTop = 0xFFFFFFFC } HlinkIDConstants;