#include <windows.h>
#include <nddeapi.h>
#include <nddesec.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <ddeml.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "clipsrv.h"
#include "clipfile.h"
#include "ddeutil.h"
#include "callback.h"
#include "debugout.h"
#define ASKED_FOR_LINK 1
#define MAX_XERR 128 // maximum number of XERRs we'll store
#define XERR_INUSE 1
typedef struct _XERR // struct for Xaction ERRor
{ HCONV hConv; // the conversation handle
DWORD dwErr; // the error code
DWORD dwUse; // usage, when & with XERR_MASK gives type,
} // bit 1 is set when if struct is in use.
XERR gXactErr[MAX_XERR]; TCHAR gszXactErrStr[30];
TCHAR szInitShareCmd[] = SZCMD_INITSHARE; TCHAR szExitCmd[] = SZCMD_EXIT; TCHAR szPasteShareCmd[] = SZCMD_PASTESHARE; TCHAR szDelShareCmd[] = SZCMD_DELETE; TCHAR szMarkSharedCmd[] = SZCMD_SHARE; TCHAR szMarkUnSharedCmd[] = SZCMD_UNSHARE; TCHAR szKeepCmd[] = SZCMD_PASTE; TCHAR szSaveAsCmd[] = SZCMD_SAVEAS; TCHAR szSaveAsOldCmd[] = SZCMD_SAVEASOLD; TCHAR szOpenCmd[] = SZCMD_OPEN; TCHAR szDebugCmd[] = SZCMD_DEBUG; TCHAR szVersionCmd[] = SZCMD_VERSION; TCHAR szSecurityCmd[] = SZCMD_SECURITY; TCHAR szDebug[] = TEXT("Debug"); TCHAR szVer[] = TEXT("1.1"); // need to be able to
// handle Uni or Ansi req's for this
TCHAR szSection[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Clipbook Server"); TCHAR szClipviewRoot[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Clipbook"); TCHAR szRegClass[] = TEXT("Config");
HSZ hszSysTopic; HSZ hszTopicList; HSZ hszFormatList; HSZ hszErrorRequest;
* MakeTheRegKey * * Purpose: Open the usual key (the one named by szSection) with the * specified access. * * Parameters: * phkey - Pointer to the HKEY to fill * regsam - The access types, same as RegCreateKeyEx * * Returns: * ERROR_SUCCESS on success, whatever RegOpenKeyEx returns on fail. */
LONG MakeTheRegKey( PHKEY phkey, REGSAM regsam) { DWORD dwR; DWORD dwIck;
dwR = RegCreateKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szSection, 0, szRegClass, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, regsam, NULL, phkey, &dwIck);
if (dwR == ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
dwR = RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szSection, 0, regsam, phkey);
if (dwR == ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
PERROR(TEXT("Couldn't regopen %s with %lx access - #%lx\r\n"), szSection, (long)regsam, dwR);
return dwR; }
* lstrncmp */
int lstrncmp( LPTSTR s1, LPTSTR s2, WORD count ) { unsigned i; register TCHAR tch1; register TCHAR tch2;
for (i = 0; i < (unsigned)count; i++) { if ( (tch1 = *s1++) != (tch2 = *s2++) ) { if (tch1 < tch2) return -1; else return 1; } }
return 0;
* AddXactErr * * To add a XERR record for hConv. Called * when XTYP_CONNECT_CONFIRM. */
static VOID AddXactErr( HCONV hConv) { INT i;
for (i=0; i<MAX_XERR; i++) if (!(gXactErr[i].dwUse & XERR_INUSE)) { gXactErr[i].hConv = hConv; gXactErr[i].dwErr = 0; gXactErr[i].dwUse = XERR_INUSE;
return; } }
* DelXactErr * * To delete a XERR record for hConv. * Called at XTYP_DISCONNECT. */
static VOID DelXactErr( HCONV hConv) { INT i;
for (i=0; i<MAX_XERR; i++) if ((gXactErr[i].dwUse & XERR_INUSE) && gXactErr[i].hConv == hConv) { gXactErr[i].dwUse = 0; return; } }
* GetXactErr * * Returns the XERR error code associated with hConv. */
DWORD GetXactErr( HCONV hConv) { INT i;
for (i=0; i<MAX_XERR; i++) if ((gXactErr[i].dwUse & XERR_INUSE) && gXactErr[i].hConv == hConv) return gXactErr[i].dwErr;
return 0L; }
* GetXactErrType * * Returns the XERR error type associated with hConv. */
DWORD GetXactErrType( HCONV hConv) { INT i;
for (i=0; i<MAX_XERR; i++) if ((gXactErr[i].dwUse & XERR_INUSE) && gXactErr[i].hConv == hConv) return gXactErr[i].dwUse & XERRT_MASK;
return 0L; }
* SetXactErr * * Sets XERR for hConv. * dwType specifies type, this should be one of the XERRT_ defines. * dwErr specifies error code. */
VOID SetXactErr( HCONV hConv, DWORD dwType, DWORD dwErr) { INT i;
for (i=0; i<MAX_XERR; i++) if ((gXactErr[i].dwUse & XERR_INUSE) && gXactErr[i].hConv == hConv) { gXactErr[i].dwErr = dwErr; gXactErr[i].dwUse = (gXactErr[i].dwUse & ~XERRT_MASK) | dwType; return; } }
* DdeCallback */
HDDEDATA EXPENTRY DdeCallback( WORD wType, WORD wFmt, HCONV hConv, HSZ hszTopic, HSZ hszItem, HDDEDATA hData, DWORD lData1, DWORD lData2) { HDDEDATA hDDEtmp = 0L; UINT uiErr;
PINFO(TEXT("\n>>>> DdeCallback\n"));
if (!(wType & XCLASS_NOTIFICATION)) { PINFO(TEXT("Impersonating\n")); DdeImpersonateClient(hConv); }
switch ( wType ) { case XTYP_CONNECT_CONFIRM:
AddXactErr (hConv); PINFO(TEXT("Confirming connect\r\n")); hDDEtmp = (HDDEDATA)TRUE; break;
// no error yet
SetXactErr (hConv, 0, 0);
// We only take executes on the System topic.
// And only in Unicode or CF_TEXT format.
if ((wFmt == CF_TEXT || wFmt == CF_UNICODETEXT) && DdeCmpStringHandles ( hszTopic, hszSysTopic ) ) { PERROR(TEXT("XTYP_EXECUTE received on non-system topic\n\r")); hDDEtmp = (HDDEDATA)DDE_FNOTPROCESSED;
break; }
DdeGetData(hData, (LPBYTE)szExec, MAX_EXEC, 0); szExec[MAX_EXEC - 1] = '\0';
if (!lstrcmp (szExec, szInitShareCmd)) { InitShares(); hDDEtmp = (HDDEDATA)DDE_FACK; } else if (!lstrncmp (szExec, szKeepCmd, (WORD)lstrlen(szKeepCmd))) { DWORD dwErr;
dwErr = AddShare ( szExec + lstrlen(szKeepCmd ), 0); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) SetXactErr (hConv, XERRT_SYS, dwErr); else hDDEtmp = (HDDEDATA)DDE_FACK; } else if (!lstrncmp (szExec, szVersionCmd, (WORD)lstrlen(szVersionCmd))) { hDDEtmp = DdeCreateDataHandle(idInst, szVer, sizeof(szVer) + 1, 0, 0L, wFmt, 0L); } else if (!lstrncmp( szExec, szSaveAsCmd, (WORD)lstrlen(szSaveAsCmd))) { DWORD dwErr;
fNTSaveFileFormat = TRUE;
dwErr = SaveClipboardToFile (hwndApp, NULL, szExec + lstrlen(szSaveAsCmd ), FALSE); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) SetXactErr (hConv, XERRT_SYS, dwErr); else hDDEtmp = (HDDEDATA)DDE_FACK; } else if (!lstrncmp (szExec, szSaveAsOldCmd, (WORD)lstrlen(szSaveAsOldCmd))) { DWORD dwErr;
fNTSaveFileFormat = FALSE;
dwErr = SaveClipboardToFile(hwndApp, NULL, szExec + lstrlen(szSaveAsOldCmd), FALSE); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) SetXactErr (hConv, XERRT_SYS, dwErr); else hDDEtmp = (HDDEDATA)DDE_FACK; } else if (!lstrncmp (szExec, szOpenCmd, (WORD)lstrlen(szOpenCmd )) ) { DWORD dwErr;
dwErr = OpenClipboardFile(hwndApp, szExec + lstrlen(szOpenCmd)); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) SetXactErr (hConv, XERRT_SYS, dwErr); else hDDEtmp = (HDDEDATA)DDE_FACK; } else if (!lstrncmp (szExec, szDelShareCmd, (WORD)lstrlen(szDelShareCmd))) { PINFO(TEXT("Deleting %s\n\r"), (LPSTR)szExec + lstrlen(szDelShareCmd));
if (DelShare ( hConv, szExec + lstrlen(szDelShareCmd) )) { hDDEtmp = (HDDEDATA)DDE_FACK; } } else if (!lstrncmp (szExec,szMarkSharedCmd, (WORD)lstrlen(szMarkSharedCmd))) { PINFO(TEXT("Marking %s as shared\n\r"), (LPSTR)szExec + lstrlen(szMarkSharedCmd));
if ( MarkShare (szExec + lstrlen(szMarkSharedCmd), SIF_SHARED )) { hDDEtmp = (HDDEDATA)DDE_FACK; } } else if (!lstrncmp(szExec,szMarkUnSharedCmd, (WORD)lstrlen(szMarkUnSharedCmd))) { if ( MarkShare ( szExec + lstrlen(szMarkUnSharedCmd ), 0 )) { hDDEtmp = (HDDEDATA)DDE_FACK; } }
else if (!lstrncmp(szExec,szDebugCmd, (WORD)lstrlen(szDebugCmd))) { DumpShares(); hDDEtmp = (HDDEDATA)DDE_FACK; } #endif
else { PERROR(TEXT("Invalid execute\r\n")); hDDEtmp = (HDDEDATA)DDE_FNOTPROCESSED; }
DelXactErr (hConv); break;
if ( IsSupportedTopic( hszTopic ) ) { if (!DdeKeepStringHandle (idInst, hszAppName)) { PERROR(TEXT("DdeKSHandle fail in DdeCB\r\n")); } hDDEtmp = (HDDEDATA)TRUE; } #if DEBUG
else { TCHAR buf[128]; DdeQueryString ( idInst, hszTopic, buf, 128, CP_WINANSI ); PERROR(TEXT("ClipSRV: Unsupported topic %s requested\n\r"), (LPSTR)buf ); } #endif
// must be a valid topic
{ TCHAR atch[128];
DdeQueryString(idInst, hszTopic, atch, 128, CP_WINANSI); PINFO(TEXT("Topic = %s, "), atch); DdeQueryString(idInst, hszItem, atch, 128, CP_WINANSI); PINFO(TEXT("item = %s\r\n"), atch); }
if (!IsSupportedTopic ( hszTopic )) { #if DEBUG
TCHAR buf[128]; DdeQueryString ( idInst, hszTopic, buf, 128, CP_WINANSI ); PERROR(TEXT("Topic %s unsupported!\n\r"), (LPTSTR)buf ); #endif
hDDEtmp = (HDDEDATA)0; } else { PINFO("System topic request\r\n");
if (!DdeCmpStringHandles (hszTopic, hszSysTopic)) { if (!DdeCmpStringHandles (hszItem, hszErrorRequest)) { StringCchPrintf (gszXactErrStr, 30, XERR_FORMAT, GetXactErrType (hConv), GetXactErr (hConv));
hDDEtmp = DdeCreateDataHandle (idInst, gszXactErrStr, lstrlen(gszXactErrStr)+sizeof(CHAR), 0, hszErrorRequest, wFmt, 0);
uiErr = DdeGetLastError (idInst); } else if (!DdeCmpStringHandles (hszItem, hszTopicList)) { PINFO(TEXT("Topic list requested\r\n"));
SetXactErr (hConv, 0, 0);
if (CF_TEXT == wFmt) { hDDEtmp = (HDDEDATA)GetTopicListA(hConv, TRUE); } else if (CF_UNICODETEXT == wFmt) { hDDEtmp = (HDDEDATA)GetTopicListW(hConv, TRUE); } else // Can't get the topiclist in anything but CF_TEXT or UNICODE
{ PERROR(TEXT("ClSrv\\DdeCB: Client asked for topics in bad fmt\r\n")); hDDEtmp = (HDDEDATA)0; } } else { #if DEBUG
TCHAR rgtch[128];
DdeQueryString(idInst, hszItem,rgtch, 128, CP_WINANSI); PERROR(TEXT("item %s requested under system\n\r"), rgtch); #endif
hDDEtmp = (HDDEDATA)0; } } else { // all other topics are assumed clipboard shares!!!
// Is format list the requested item?
if (!DdeCmpStringHandles (hszItem, hszErrorRequest)) { StringCchPrintf (gszXactErrStr, 30, XERR_FORMAT, GetXactErrType (hConv), GetXactErr (hConv));
hDDEtmp = DdeCreateDataHandle (idInst, gszXactErrStr, lstrlen(gszXactErrStr)+sizeof(CHAR), 0, hszErrorRequest, wFmt, 0);
uiErr = DdeGetLastError (idInst); } else if (!DdeCmpStringHandles (hszItem, hszFormatList)) { PINFO(TEXT("Getting format list\r\n"));
SetXactErr (hConv, 0, 0);
if (CF_TEXT == wFmt) { hDDEtmp = (HDDEDATA)GetFormatListA(hConv, hszTopic); } else { hDDEtmp = (HDDEDATA)GetFormatListW(hConv, hszTopic); } } else { // request for specific format, or invalid
SetXactErr (hConv, 0, 0); hDDEtmp = GetFormat ( hConv, hszTopic, hszItem ); } } } break;
if (0 == DdeCmpStringHandles(hszItem, hszTopicList) && 0 == DdeCmpStringHandles(hszTopic, hszSysTopic)) { PINFO(TEXT("Advise on topiclist OK\r\n")); hDDEtmp = (HDDEDATA)TRUE; } else { PERROR(TEXT("Advise loop requested on item other than topiclist\n\r")); hDDEtmp = (HDDEDATA)FALSE; } break;
PINFO (TEXT("unknown wType %#x\n"), wType); break; }
if (!(wType & XCLASS_NOTIFICATION)) { RevertToSelf(); }
if (0L == hDDEtmp) { TCHAR atch[128];
DdeQueryString(idInst, hszTopic, atch, 128, CP_WINANSI); PINFO(TEXT("Topic was %s, "), atch); DdeQueryString(idInst, hszItem, atch, 128, CP_WINANSI); PINFO(TEXT("item was %s\r\n"), atch); }
PINFO(TEXT("Return %#x\n"), hDDEtmp); PINFO(TEXT("<<<< DdeCallback\n\n"));
return hDDEtmp; }
* IsSupportedTopic */
BOOL IsSupportedTopic ( HSZ hszTopic ) { pShrInfo p;
if ( !DdeCmpStringHandles (hszTopic, hszSysTopic)) { DdeKeepStringHandle ( idInst, hszTopic ); return TRUE; }
for ( p = SIHead; p; p = p->Next ) { if (!DdeCmpStringHandles (hszTopic, p->hszName)) return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
* CleanUpShares */
BOOL CleanUpShares ( VOID ) { pShrInfo p, tmp;
for (p=SIHead; p; p=tmp) { DdeFreeStringHandle ( idInst, p->hszName );
PINFO(TEXT("freeing cached format list\n\r")); if ( p->hFormatList ) DdeFreeDataHandle ( p->hFormatList ); #endif
PINFO(TEXT("freeing cached preview bitmap\n\r")); if ( p->hPreviewBmp ) DdeFreeDataHandle ( p->hPreviewBmp ); #endif
tmp = p->Next; LocalFree ((HLOCAL) p ); }
SIHead = NULL;
return TRUE; }
* InitShares */
BOOL InitShares (VOID) { TCHAR szComputerName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+3]; TCHAR rgtchPageName[MAX_CLPSHRNAME+1]; TCHAR rgtchPageFile[MAX_FILEPATH+1]; DWORD dwPageSize; DWORD dwNameSize; DWORD dwType; HKEY hkeyClp; DWORD dwR;
unsigned iValue = 0; unsigned iKeys = 0;
CleanUpShares ();
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != MakeTheRegKey(&hkeyClp, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | KEY_QUERY_VALUE)) { PERROR(TEXT("Couldn't get to Clipbook root key\r\n")); return FALSE; }
szComputerName[0] = szComputerName[1] = TEXT('\\'); dwNameSize = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1; GetComputerName (szComputerName+2, &dwNameSize);
do {
dwNameSize = sizeof (rgtchPageName); dwPageSize = sizeof (rgtchPageFile);
dwR = RegEnumValue (hkeyClp, iValue, rgtchPageName, &dwNameSize, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)rgtchPageFile, &dwPageSize);
if (dwR == ERROR_SUCCESS) { rgtchPageName[dwNameSize] = 0; rgtchPageFile[dwPageSize] = 0;
AddRecord (rgtchPageName, rgtchPageFile, (SHR_CHAR == rgtchPageName[0]) ? SIF_SHARED : 0); }
} while (dwR != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS);
PINFO(TEXT("Read %d pages\r\n"),iKeys);
return TRUE; }
* GetFormat */
HDDEDATA GetFormat ( HCONV hConv, HSZ hszTopic, HSZ hszItem ) { HDDEDATA hData = 0l; HANDLE hClpData = NULL; DWORD cbData = 0L; pShrInfo pshrinfo; HANDLE fh; FORMATHEADER FormatHeader; unsigned i; TCHAR szItemKey[CCHFMTNAMEMAX]; unsigned cFormats; BOOL fPreviewRequested; unsigned fLocalAskedForLocal = 0;
#ifndef UNICODE
TCHAR szFormatName[CCHFMTNAMEMAX * 2]; #endif
if (!DdeQueryString (idInst,hszItem,szItemKey,CCHFMTNAMEMAX,CP_WINANSI)) { PERROR(TEXT("invalid item\n\r")); return 0; }
// is the asked-for format cf_preview?
fPreviewRequested = !lstrcmpi ( szItemKey, SZPREVNAME );
for ( pshrinfo=SIHead; pshrinfo; pshrinfo = pshrinfo->Next ) { if ( DdeCmpStringHandles ( hszTopic, pshrinfo->hszName ) == 0 ) { DdeKeepStringHandle ( idInst, hszTopic );
if ( fPreviewRequested && pshrinfo->hPreviewBmp ) { return pshrinfo->hPreviewBmp; } fh = CreateFileW(pshrinfo->szFileName, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == fh) { PERROR(TEXT("ERROR opening %ls\n\r"), pshrinfo->szFileName ); } else { cFormats = ReadFileHeader(fh);
if (0 == cFormats) { PERROR(TEXT("Bad .CLP file\r\n")); }
for (i=0; i < cFormats; i++) { ReadFormatHeader(fh, &FormatHeader, i);
#ifndef UNICODE
WideCharToMultiByte (CP_ACP, 0, FormatHeader.Name, CCHFMTNAMEMAX, szFormatName, CCHFMTNAMEMAX * 2, NULL, NULL);
if (!lstrcmpi (szItemKey, szFormatName)) #else
if (!lstrcmpi (szItemKey, FormatHeader.Name)) #endif
{ // Put back the format names, if a local client asked
// us for objectlink or link.
if (ASKED_FOR_OBJECTLINK == fLocalAskedForLocal) { StringCchCopyW(FormatHeader.Name, CCHFMTNAMEMAX, LSZOBJECTLINK); } else if (ASKED_FOR_LINK == fLocalAskedForLocal) { StringCchCopyW(FormatHeader.Name, CCHFMTNAMEMAX, LSZLINK); }
hData = RenderRawFormatToDDE(&FormatHeader, fh);
if ( fPreviewRequested ) { PINFO(TEXT("GetFormat: caching preview\n\r")); pshrinfo->hPreviewBmp = hData; } #endif
if (!hData) { PERROR(TEXT("RenderRawFormatToDDE resulted in 0 handle\n\r")); } #endif
} } if (!hData) { PERROR(TEXT("GetFormat: requested format %s not found\n\r"), (LPSTR)szItemKey ); } CloseHandle(fh); } } }
PINFO("Returning %lx",hData);
return hData; }
* DelShare * * Purpose: Delete a ClipBook page. * * Parameters: * pszName - The name of the page. * * Returns: * TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */
BOOL DelShare( HCONV hConv, TCHAR *pszName) { pShrInfo pshrinfo; pShrInfo q; HKEY hkeyClp; TCHAR atch[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 3]; DWORD dwLen = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1; BOOL fOK = FALSE; DWORD ret; WCHAR rgwchT[MAX_CLPSHRNAME + 1]; TCHAR tch;
assert(pszName); assert(*pszName);
#ifndef UNICODE
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pszName, -1, rgwchT, MAX_CLPSHRNAME + 1); #else
StringCchCopy(rgwchT, MAX_CLPSHRNAME + 1, pszName); #endif
PINFO(TEXT("Looking for %ls\r\n"), rgwchT);
q = NULL;
for (pshrinfo = SIHead; pshrinfo; pshrinfo = (q = pshrinfo)->Next) { assert(pshrinfo->szName); PINFO(TEXT("Comparing to %ls\r\n"), pshrinfo->szName);
if (!lstrcmpW(pshrinfo->szName, rgwchT)) {
// Delete the Network DDE share for this item
atch[0] = atch[1] = TEXT('\\'); dwLen = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH +1; GetComputerName(atch+2, &dwLen);
tch = pszName[0]; pszName[0] = SHR_CHAR;
PINFO(TEXT("Deleting share %s on %s\r\n"), pszName, atch);
ret = NDdeShareDel(atch, pszName, 0); pszName[0] = tch;
if (NDDE_NO_ERROR == ret) { // Delete the key in the registry
RevertToSelf(); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == MakeTheRegKey(&hkeyClp, KEY_SET_VALUE)) { RegDeleteValue(hkeyClp, pszName); RegCloseKey(hkeyClp); } else { PERROR(TEXT("Couldn't delete key! #%ld\r\n"), GetLastError()); }
// force render all if applicable!
SendMessage (hwndApp, WM_RENDERALLFORMATS, 0, 0L);
// unlink file!
// Take this page out of the linked list of pages.
if (q == NULL) { SIHead = pshrinfo->Next; } else { q->Next = pshrinfo->Next; }
DdeFreeStringHandle ( idInst, pshrinfo->hszName );
if ( pshrinfo->hFormatList ) DdeFreeDataHandle ( pshrinfo->hFormatList );
if ( pshrinfo->hPreviewBmp ) DdeFreeDataHandle ( pshrinfo->hPreviewBmp );
LocalFree ( (HLOCAL)pshrinfo );
DdePostAdvise ( idInst, hszSysTopic, hszTopicList ); #endif
fOK = TRUE; } else { PERROR(TEXT("Csrv: NDde err %ld on delshare\r\n"), ret); SetXactErr (hConv, XERRT_NDDE, ret); }
break; // Don't loop thru additional pages if you found the right one
} }
if (!fOK) { PERROR(TEXT("Clipsrv: item to delete '%s' not found\n\r"), pszName ); }
return fOK; }
* AddRecord * * Purpose: * Add a record to the linked list of Clipbook pages in memory. * * Parameters: * lpszName - Name of the page. * lpszFileName - Name of the .CLP file containing the page's data. * siflags - Flags for the page. * * Returns: * TRUE on success, FALSE on failure */
BOOL AddRecord ( LPTSTR lpszName, LPTSTR lpszFileName, ULONG siflags) { pShrInfo pshrinfo;
PINFO(TEXT("Making page %s with file %s\r\n"), lpszName, lpszFileName);
pshrinfo = (pShrInfo) LocalAlloc ( LPTR, sizeof ( ShrInfo ) );
if ( !pshrinfo ) { PERROR(TEXT("AddRecord: LocalAlloc failed\n\r")); return FALSE; }
if ( !( pshrinfo->hszName = DdeCreateStringHandle ( idInst, lpszName, 0 ))) { PERROR(TEXT("AddRecord: DdeCHSZ fail\r\n"));
LocalFree (pshrinfo); return(FALSE); }
#ifdef UNICODE
StringCchCopy( pshrinfo->szFileName, MAX_FILEPATH, lpszFileName ); StringCchCopy( pshrinfo->szName, MAX_CLPSHRNAME+1, lpszName ); #else
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0L, lpszFileName, -1, pshrinfo->szFileName, MAX_FILEPATH - 1); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0L, lpszName, -1, pshrinfo->szName, MAX_CLPSHRNAME); #endif
PINFO(TEXT("Made page %ls with file %ls\r\n"), pshrinfo->szName, pshrinfo->szFileName);
pshrinfo->hFormatList = 0L; #endif
pshrinfo->hPreviewBmp = 0L; #endif
pshrinfo->Next = SIHead; SIHead = pshrinfo; pshrinfo->flags = (WORD) siflags;
return TRUE; }
* ResetRecord * * When paste into an existing page, we need to clear the cached * stuff for the old data. */
void ResetRecord (pShrInfo pInfo) {
// clear the format list
if (pInfo->hFormatList) { DdeFreeDataHandle (pInfo->hFormatList); pInfo->hFormatList = NULL; }
// clear the preview bitmap
if (pInfo->hPreviewBmp) { DdeFreeDataHandle (pInfo->hPreviewBmp); pInfo->hPreviewBmp = NULL; } }
* GetShareFileName * */
pShrInfo GetShareFileName (LPTSTR szSName, LPTSTR szFName) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; HSZ hS; CHAR cSave; pShrInfo pInfo;
cSave = *szSName;
hS = DdeCreateStringHandle (idInst, szSName, 0); if (!hS) goto done;
for (pInfo = SIHead; pInfo; pInfo = pInfo->Next) if (!DdeCmpStringHandles (pInfo->hszName, hS)) { #ifndef UNICODE
WideCharToMultiByte (CP_ACP, 0, pInfo->szFileName, -1, szFName, MAX_PATH+1, NULL, NULL); #else
StringCchCopy (szFName, MAX_PATH+1, pInfo->szFileName); #endif
bRet = TRUE; goto done; }
DdeFreeStringHandle (idInst, hS);
// not found, change share name to shared or unshared
if (UNSHR_CHAR == cSave) *szSName = SHR_CHAR; else *szSName = UNSHR_CHAR;
// try again with new share name
hS = DdeCreateStringHandle (idInst, szSName, 0); if (!hS) goto done;
for (pInfo = SIHead; pInfo; pInfo = pInfo->Next) if (!DdeCmpStringHandles (pInfo->hszName, hS)) { #ifndef UNICODE
WideCharToMultiByte (CP_ACP, 0, pInfo->szFileName, -1, szFName, MAX_PATH+1, NULL, NULL); #else
StringCchCopy (szFName, MAX_PATH+1, pInfo->szFileName); #endif
bRet = TRUE; goto done; }
if (hS) DdeFreeStringHandle (idInst, hS);
*szSName = cSave;
if (bRet) return pInfo; else return NULL; }
* AddShare * * Purpose: * Creates a new Clipbook page by doing this: * - Save the current clipboard with some random file name. * - Add the Clipbook page to the list in memory * - Record the existence of the page in the Clipbook Server * section of the registry. The value name is the page name, * and the value is the filename. * * Parameters: * pszName - Name of the page. * flags - Flags to store with the page. * * Returns: * TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */
DWORD AddShare( LPTSTR pszName, WORD flags) { TCHAR szFName[MAX_PATH+1]; HKEY hkeyClp; DWORD dwR = NO_ERROR; pShrInfo pInfo;
fNTSaveFileFormat = TRUE;
if (pInfo = GetShareFileName (pszName, szFName)) { dwR = SaveClipboardToFile (hwndApp, pszName, szFName, TRUE);
ResetRecord (pInfo);
StringCchCopy (szUpdateName, MAX_CLPSHRNAME+1, pszName); } else { dwR = GetRandShareFileName (szFName); if (dwR != NO_ERROR) return dwR;
dwR = SaveClipboardToFile (hwndApp, pszName, szFName, TRUE); if (dwR != NO_ERROR) return dwR;
if (!AddRecord ( pszName, szFName, flags )) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == MakeTheRegKey(&hkeyClp, KEY_SET_VALUE)) { RegSetValueEx(hkeyClp, pszName, 0, REG_SZ, szFName, lstrlen(szFName)); RegCloseKey(hkeyClp);
PINFO(TEXT("%s is being written...\n\r"), pszName); } }
DdePostAdvise ( idInst, hszSysTopic, hszTopicList ); #endif
return dwR; }
* DumpShares */
VOID DumpShares (void) { char buf[65]; pShrInfo pshrinfo; int i; DWORD cbRet;
for ( i=0, pshrinfo = SIHead; pshrinfo; pshrinfo = pshrinfo->Next, i++ ) { PINFO(TEXT("---------- Share %d flags:%x-------------\n\r"), i, pshrinfo->flags ); cbRet = DdeQueryString ( idInst, pshrinfo->hszName, buf, 128L, CP_WINANSI ); PINFO(TEXT("name: >%s<\n\r"), (LPSTR)pshrinfo->szName ); PINFO(TEXT("hsz: >%s<\n\r"), cbRet? (LPSTR)buf : (LPSTR)TEXT("ERROR") ); }
} #else
VOID DumpShares (void) { } #endif
* MarkShare * * Purpose: Mark a Clipbook page as shared or unshared. * * Parameters: * pszName - Name of the page. * flags - 0 for "unshared", SIF_SHARED for "shared." * * Returns: * TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. * */
BOOL MarkShare( TCHAR *pszName, WORD flags) { PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSDShare; pShrInfo pshrinfo; HKEY hkeyClp; INT iTmp;
ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE *pace; WCHAR rgwchT[MAX_CLPSHRNAME+1]; UINT ret; DWORD dwBytes = sizeof(pSDShare); WORD wItems = 0; PACL Acl; BOOL fDacl; BOOL fDefault; DWORD i;
#ifndef UNICODE
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pszName, -1, rgwchT, MAX_CLPSHRNAME); #endif
PINFO(TEXT("Entering MarkShare\r\n"));
for (pshrinfo = SIHead; pshrinfo; pshrinfo = pshrinfo->Next) {
#ifdef UNICODE
iTmp = lstrcmpW (pshrinfo->szName+1, pszName+1); #else
iTmp = lstrcmpW (pshrinfo->szName+1, rgwchT+1); #endif
if (!iTmp) { PINFO(TEXT("MarkShare: marking %s %d\n\r"), (LPSTR)pszName, flags );
// If the name's changing, need to delete old reg key.
// (We make the new one after hitting the file security.)
if ((pshrinfo->flags & SIF_SHARED) != (flags & SIF_SHARED)) { PINFO(TEXT("Changing shared status\r\n"));
// Delete the registry item with the old name
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == MakeTheRegKey(&hkeyClp, KEY_SET_VALUE)) { PINFO(TEXT("Deleting old name %ws\r\n"),pshrinfo->szName); RegDeleteValueW(hkeyClp, pshrinfo->szName); RegCloseKey(hkeyClp); } else { PERROR(TEXT("MarkShare: Couldn't open registry!\r\n")); } }
// Set name to reflect shared/unshared status
pshrinfo->szName[0] = (flags & SIF_SHARED) ? SHR_CHAR : UNSHR_CHAR; pshrinfo->flags = flags;
// Sync the security on the Clipbook page file to be
// analogous to the security set on the NetDDE share.
pszName[0] = SHR_CHAR; NDdeGetShareSecurity(NULL, pszName, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, NULL, 0, &i);
PINFO(TEXT("Getting security %ld bytes\r\n"), i);
if (!(pSDShare = (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, i))) { PERROR(TEXT("LocalAlloc fail\r\n")); } else { ret = NDdeGetShareSecurity (NULL, pszName, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, pSDShare, i, &i);
if (NDDE_NO_ERROR != ret) { PERROR(TEXT("Couldn't get sec #%ld\r\n"), ret); } else if (!GetSecurityDescriptorDacl(pSDShare, &fDacl, &Acl, &fDefault)) { PERROR(TEXT("GetDACL fail %ld\r\n"), GetLastError()); } else { DWORD dwGeneric;
for (i = 0; GetAce(Acl, i, &pace); i++) { dwGeneric = 0L;
// Convert NDDE access mask types to generic access
// mask types
if (ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE == pace->Header.AceType || ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE == pace->Header.AceType) { if ((pace->Mask & NDDE_SHARE_READ) == NDDE_SHARE_READ) { PINFO(TEXT("R")); dwGeneric |= GENERIC_READ; }
if ((pace->Mask & NDDE_SHARE_WRITE) == NDDE_SHARE_WRITE) { PINFO(TEXT("R")); dwGeneric |= GENERIC_WRITE; }
PINFO(TEXT(" = %ld\r\n"), dwGeneric); pace->Mask = dwGeneric; } else { PERROR(TEXT("Invalid ACE type!!!\r\n")); } }
ret = SetFileSecurityW (pshrinfo->szFileName, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, pSDShare);
if (FALSE == ret) { PERROR(TEXT("SetFSec err %ld\r\n"), GetLastError()); }
LocalFree(pSDShare); }
DdeFreeStringHandle ( idInst, pshrinfo->hszName ); pshrinfo->hszName = DdeCreateStringHandleW( idInst, pshrinfo->szName, CP_WINUNICODE);
if ( !pshrinfo->hszName ) { PERROR(TEXT("DdeCreateStringHandle failed\n\r")); } else { // update the registry to show shared/unshared status
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == MakeTheRegKey(&hkeyClp, KEY_SET_VALUE)) { PINFO(TEXT("Making registry key %ls from %ls, %d\r\n"), pshrinfo->szName, pshrinfo->szFileName, lstrlenW(pshrinfo->szFileName));
RegSetValueExW (hkeyClp, pshrinfo->szName, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)pshrinfo->szFileName, lstrlenW (pshrinfo->szFileName) *sizeof(WCHAR) +sizeof(WCHAR));
DdePostAdvise ( idInst, hszSysTopic, hszTopicList ); return TRUE; } else { PERROR(TEXT("Could not make registry key to record %s"), pshrinfo->szName); } } } }
PERROR(TEXT("Item to mark '%s' not found\n\r"), pszName );
return FALSE; }
* Hszize * This creates often used global hszs from standard global strings. * It also fills the hsz fields of the topic and item tables. * */
void Hszize(void) {
hszAppName = DdeCreateStringHandle (idInst, szServer, 0L); hszSysTopic = DdeCreateStringHandle (idInst, SZDDESYS_TOPIC, 0L); hszTopicList = DdeCreateStringHandle (idInst, SZDDESYS_ITEM_TOPICS, 0L); hszFormatList = DdeCreateStringHandle (idInst, SZ_FORMAT_LIST, 0L); hszErrorRequest = DdeCreateStringHandle (idInst, SZ_ERR_REQUEST, 0L);
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( !hszAppName || !hszSysTopic || !hszTopicList || !hszFormatList ) { PERROR(TEXT("error creating HSZ constants\n\r")); } #endif
* UnHszize */
void UnHszize(void) { DdeFreeStringHandle (idInst, hszAppName); DdeFreeStringHandle (idInst, hszSysTopic); DdeFreeStringHandle (idInst, hszTopicList); DdeFreeStringHandle (idInst, hszFormatList); DdeFreeStringHandle (idInst, hszErrorRequest); }
* GetRandShareFileName * * Purpose: * Generate a random share file name in the Windows directory. * * Parameters: * buf - Buffer to place the file name in. * * Returns: * TRUE if a valid filename was found, or FALSE if all of the random * filenames are taken up. */
DWORD GetRandShareFileName ( LPTSTR buf) { TCHAR szWinDir[144]; BOOL IsUnique = FALSE; WORD rand; WORD cTry = 0; HANDLE hFile;
if (!GetWindowsDirectory( szWinDir, 144)) { return GetLastError(); }
rand = (WORD)GetTickCount() % 10000;
do { StringCchPrintf ( buf, MAX_PATH+1, TEXT("%s\\CBK%04d.CLP"), szWinDir, rand++ ); hFile = CreateFile (buf, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_NEW, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);
}while (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile && cTry++ < 10000);
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile) { PERROR(TEXT("GetRandShareFileName: More than 10000 clipbook file exist!\r\n")); return GetLastError(); } else { CloseHandle(hFile); return NO_ERROR; }