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  2. // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
  3. // Used by eudcedit.rc
  4. //
  5. #define IDR_MAINFRAME 2
  6. #define IDR_EUDCTYPE 3
  7. #define ID_PALETTEPEN 103
  8. #define ID_PALETTESLOPE 104
  9. #define ID_PALETTERECT 105
  10. #define IDD_REFERENCE 105
  11. #define ID_PALETTERECTFILL 106
  12. #define IDC_BUTTOMFONT 106
  13. #define ID_PALETTECIRCLE 107
  14. #define IDD_CUSTOMCODE 107
  15. #define ID_PALETTECIRCLEFILL 108
  16. #define ID_PALETTERECTBAND 109
  17. #define IDC_EDITCODE 109
  18. #define IDC_PENCIL 109
  19. #define IDC_EDITCHAR 110
  20. #define IDC_EDITFONT 111
  21. #define IDW_STATICSTYLE 111
  22. #define IDW_STATIC 112
  23. #define IDC_STATIC1 113
  24. #define IDC_BRUSH 113
  25. #define IDC_STATICC 113
  26. #define IDC_COMPUS 114
  27. #define IDC_STATIC3 115
  28. #define IDC_STATICF 115
  29. #define ID_REFERCODE 116
  30. #define IDB_CLOSE_REF 118
  31. #define IDD_INPUTFILE 120
  32. #define IDD_ASSOCIATION 121
  33. #define IDC_CUSTOMEDIT 122
  34. #define IDC_CODECUST 123
  35. #define IDC_CUSTOMCHR 125
  36. #define IDD_IMEREGISTDLG 125
  37. #define IDD_IMPORT 126
  38. #define IDI_ROTATE90 127
  39. #define IDI_ROTATE180 128
  40. #define IDI_ROTATE270 129
  41. #define IDI_FLIPHOR 130
  42. #define IDI_FLIPVER 131
  43. #define IDD_ROTATECHAR 132
  44. #define IDC_STATICFONT 133
  45. #define IDC_FONT_NAME 133
  46. #define IDD_GAGE 136
  47. #define IDC_SETFONTNAME 137
  48. #define IDI_TRUETYPE 137
  49. #define IDB_CLOSEBMP 138
  50. #define IDC_STATIC5 139
  51. #define IDB_CLOSEBMPP 139
  52. #define IDC_EDITFILENAME 140
  53. #define IDW_STATICFILE 142
  54. #define IDC_STATIC7 142
  55. #define IDI_WIFEFONT 142
  56. #define IDC_FILE_NAME 142
  57. #define IDW_STATICNAME 143
  58. #define IDC_SETFILENAME 143
  59. #define IDC_REGISTLIST 144
  60. #define IDD_LINKBATCH 145
  61. #define IDC_MODIFY 146
  62. #define IDD_BROWSE_TTF 147
  63. #define IDC_CHINARANGE 157
  64. #define IDC_ERASER 161
  65. #define IDW_STATICCODE 162
  66. #define IDC_IMEREGISTEDIT 162
  67. #define IDI_UPRIGHT 162
  68. #define IDW_STATICCODENUM 163
  69. #define IDC_REMOVE 167
  70. #define IDC_BMP_IMPUT 169
  71. #define IDC_FILE_BROWSE 170
  72. #define IDC_FLIPHOR 173
  73. #define IDC_FLIPVER 174
  74. #define IDC_ROTATE90 175
  75. #define IDC_ROTATE180 176
  76. #define IDC_ROTATE270 177
  77. #define IDC_ASSOCIATE_BROWSE 188
  78. #define IDC_GAGE 196
  79. #define IDC_IMPORT_STATIC 197
  80. #define IDC_SCRIPTCOMBO 200
  81. #define IDC_STATICSCRIPT 201
  82. #define IDC_STATICRANGE 202
  83. #define IDC_IMETABLE 209
  84. #define IDC_BROWSETABLE 210
  85. #define IDC_CUSTOMLISTFRAME 213
  86. #define IDC_CUSTOMINFOFRAME 214
  87. #define IDC_CUSTOMFRAME 215
  88. #define IDC_LISTFRAME1 216
  89. #define IDC_LISTFRAME2 217
  90. #define IDC_INFOFRAME 218
  91. #define IDC_CUSTOMFRAME2 219
  92. #define IDC_CUSTOMFRAME3 220
  93. #define IDC_TTFLIST 221
  94. #define IDC_RADIO_SYSTEM 222
  95. #define IDC_RADIO_DBCS 223
  96. #define IDC_LIST_SYSTEM 224
  97. #define IDC_CODE_NAME 225
  98. #define IDC_ICON_HOR 226
  99. #define IDC_ICON_VER 227
  100. #define IDC_ICON_R90 228
  101. #define IDC_ICON_R180 229
  102. #define IDC_ICON_R270 230
  103. #define IDC_STATICS 231
  104. #define IDC_UPRIGHT 231
  105. #define IDD_RADICAL 232
  106. #define IDC_ROTATE_GROUP 234
  107. #define IDC_STANDARD_GROUP 235
  108. #define IDC_DBCS_GROUP 236
  109. #define IDC_COLUMNHEADING 237
  110. #define IDC_SELECTCHARSET 238
  111. #define IDC_STATICBMP 240
  112. #define IDC_STATICIMETBL 241
  113. #define ID_STATUS_CHARSET 300
  114. #define ID_STATUS_CODE 301
  115. #define ID_STATUS_FONT 302
  116. #define ID_STATUS_FILE 303
  117. #define IDC_COLUMNHEADINGR 304
  118. #define IDH_EUDC_ASSOCIATE 1010
  119. #define IDH_EUDC_ASSO_STANDARD 1011
  120. #define IDH_EUDC_ASSO_LIST 1012
  121. #define IDH_EUDC_MODIFY 1013
  122. #define IDH_EUDC_REMOVE 1014
  123. #define IDH_EUDC_ASSO_TYPEFACE 1015
  124. #define IDH_EUDC_MODFILE 1020
  125. #define IDH_EUDC_SELLIST 1030
  126. #define IDH_EUDC_SELCODE 1031
  127. #define IDH_EUDC_SELFONT 1032
  128. #define IDH_EUDC_SELFILE 1033
  129. #define IDH_EUDC_SELCHAR 1034
  130. #define IDH_EUDC_SELRANGE 1035
  131. #define IDH_EUDC_REFLIST 1040
  132. #define IDH_EUDC_REFCODE 1041
  133. #define IDH_EUDC_REFFONT 1042
  134. #define IDH_EUDC_REFCHAR 1043
  135. #define IDH_EUDC_IMPOBMP 1050
  136. #define IDH_EUDC_FLIPH 1060
  137. #define IDH_EUDC_FLIPV 1061
  138. #define IDH_EUDC_ROTA90 1062
  139. #define IDH_EUDC_ROTA180 1063
  140. #define IDH_EUDC_ROTA270 1064
  141. #define IDH_EUDC_EXAMPLE 1065
  142. #define IDH_EUDC_OK 1070
  143. #define IDH_EUDC_CANCEL 1071
  144. #define IDH_EUDC_BROWSE 1072
  145. #define IDH_EUDC_FONT 1073
  146. #define IDH_EUDC_BROWSE_TTF 1080
  147. #define IDH_EUDC_LINK_IMELIST 1090
  148. #define IDH_EUDC_BLINK_EDITTBL 1100
  149. #define IDH_EUDC_OUTCAUTION 1200
  150. #define IDH_EUDC_REGLIST 1530
  151. #define IDH_EUDC_REGCODE 1531
  152. #define IDH_EUDC_REGFONT 1532
  153. #define IDH_EUDC_REGFILE 1533
  154. #define IDH_EUDC_REGCHAR 1534
  155. #define IDH_EUDC_REGRANGE 1535
  156. #define IDH_EUDC_CALLLIST 1540
  157. #define IDH_EUDC_CALLCODE 1541
  158. #define IDH_EUDC_CALLFONT 1542
  159. #define IDH_EUDC_CALLCHAR 1543
  160. #define IDW_STYLES 32771
  161. #define ID_TOOLBAR 32772
  162. #define ID_REFFERFILE_NEW 32775
  163. #define ID_READ_CHAR 32776
  164. #define ID_GAIJI_COPY 32777
  165. #define ID_GAIJI_CUT 32778
  166. #define ID_GAIJI_PASTE 32779
  167. #define ID_SAVE_CHARAS 32780
  168. #define ID_SAVECHAR 32781
  169. #define ID_GAIJI_UNDO 32782
  170. #define ID_FIT_CURVE 32783
  171. #define ID_SELECTFAMILY 32784
  172. #define ID_PALETTEBRUSH 32785
  173. #define ID_REFFER_CLOSE 32788
  174. #define ID_SHOW_GRID 32789
  175. #define ID_DELETE_EDIT 32790
  176. #define ID_LINKIME 32791
  177. #define ID_PALETTEFREEFORM 32794
  178. #define ID_NEXTCODE 32795
  179. #define ID_PREVCODE 32796
  180. #define ID_CALL_CHAR 32797
  181. #define ID_IMPORT_FILE 32798
  182. #define ID_ROTATE 32799
  183. #define ID_LINKBATCHMODE 32802
  184. #define ID_PALETTEERASER 32803
  185. #define IDS_APPSELECTION 61216
  186. #define IDS_SELECTCODE_DLGTITLE 61216
  187. #define IDS_APPENTRY 61217
  188. #define IDS_REGISTAS_DLGTITLE 61217
  189. #define IDS_NOTSELCHARACTER_MSG 61220
  190. #define IDS_REFERENCE_DLGTITLE 61222
  191. #define IDS_ILLEGALCODE_MSG 61223
  192. #define IDS_ILLEGALCODE_TITLE 61224
  193. #define IDS_LINK_DLGTITLE 61226
  194. #define IDS_ILLEGALFILE_MSG 61229
  195. #define IDS_MODIFY_DLGTITLE 61230
  196. #define IDS_NOTEUDCFILE_MSG 61231
  197. #define IDS_NOUSEEUDCFILE_MSG 61232
  198. #define IDS_NOTCREATEEUDC_MSG 61233
  199. #define IDS_SAVEORNOT 61234
  200. #define IDS_ASSOCIATE_DLGTITLE 61235
  201. #define IDS_NOTSELTYPEFACE_MSG 61236
  202. #define IDS_NOTSELECT_STR 61238
  203. #define IDS_EDIT_STR 61239
  204. #define IDS_REFERENCE_STR 61240
  205. #define IDS_FONT_STR 61241
  206. #define IDS_FILE_STR 61242
  207. #define IDS_MAINFRAMETITLE 61243
  208. #define IDS_INVALIDREAD_MSG 61245
  209. #define IDS_CODE_STR 61246
  210. #define IDS_MODIFYREAD_MSG 61248
  211. #define IDS_CALL_DLGTITLE 61249
  212. #define IDS_SYSTEMEUDCFONT_STR 61250
  213. #define IDS_WANSUNG_STR 61251
  214. #define IDS_JOHAB_STR 61252
  215. #define IDS_BATCHIME_FILTER 61255
  216. #define IDS_FILEHEADER_MSGTITLE 61256
  217. #define IDS_FILEHEADER_MSG 61257
  218. #define IDS_FILESIZE_MSGTITLE 61258
  219. #define IDS_FILESIZE_MSG 61259
  220. #define IDS_INMETHOD_MSGTITLE 61260
  221. #define IDS_INMETHOD_MSG 61261
  222. #define IDS_BANKID_MSGTITLE 61262
  223. #define IDS_BANKID_MSG 61263
  224. #define IDS_CODEPAGE_MSGTITLE 61264
  225. #define IDS_CODEPAGE_MSG 61265
  226. #define IDS_SIGN_MSGTITLE 61266
  227. #define IDS_SIGN_MSG 61267
  228. #define IDS_BATCHLNK_DLGTITLE 61268
  229. #define IDS_NOTOPEN_MSG 61269
  230. #define IDS_BROWSETTF_DLGTITLE 61270
  231. #define IDS_NOTSELECTTTF_MSG 61271
  232. #define IDS_IMPORT_DLGTITLE 61272
  233. #define IDS_NOTUSERFONT_MSG 61273
  234. #define IDS_BROWSEUSER_DLGTITLE 61274
  235. #define IDS_ROTATE_DLGTITLE 61275
  236. #define IDS_BROWSETABLE_DLGTITLE 61276
  237. #define IDS_DEFAULTFILENAME 61277
  238. #define IDS_IMPORT_JAPAN_FILTER 61278
  239. #define IDS_NOTENOUGHMEMORY_ERROR 61279
  240. #define IDS_IMPORT_CHINA_FILTER 61280
  241. #define IDS_INTERNAL_TITLE 61281
  242. #define IDS_INTERNAL_MSG 61282
  243. #define IDS_NOTOPEN_TITLE 61283
  244. #define IDS_UNMATCHED_TITLE 61284
  245. #define IDS_UNMATCHED_MSG 61285
  246. #define IDS_CHINESE_CHAR 61286
  247. #define IDS_QUERY_NOTFINISH 61287
  248. #define IDS_QUERY_REGISTER 61288
  249. #define IDS_NOIME_TITLE 61289
  250. #define IDS_NOIME_MSG 61290
  251. #define IDS_NOMEM_TITLE 61291
  252. #define IDS_NOMEM_MSG 61292
  253. #define IDS_EUDCTTF_FILTER 61293
  254. #define IDS_SELECTFONT_ERROR 61294
  255. #define IDS_CHARSET_STR 61295
  256. #define IDS_UNICODE 61297
  257. #define IDS_SHIFTJIS 61298
  258. #define IDS_GB2312 61299
  259. #define IDS_HANGUL 61300
  260. #define IDS_CHINESEBIG5 61301
  261. #define IDS_INVALID_CODE_MSG 61302
  262. #define IDS_IMPORTFONT_MSG 61303
  263. #define IDS_OVERWRITEFAIL 61304
  264. #define IDS_ACCESSDENIED 61305
  265. #define IDS_NOTTE 61306
  266. // Next default values for new objects
  267. //
  268. #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED
  270. #define _APS_3D_CONTROLS 1
  271. #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 165
  272. #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 32811
  273. #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 242
  274. #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 151
  275. #endif
  276. #endif