/* File: cloop.c (created 12/27/93, JKH)
* * Copyright 1994 by Hilgraeve Inc. -- Monroe, MI * All rights reserved * * $Revision: 15 $ * $Date: 7/12/02 8:06a $ */ #include <windows.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "features.h"
// #define DEBUGSTR
#include "stdtyp.h"
#include "session.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "timers.h"
#include "com.h"
#include "xfer_msc.h"
#include <emu\emu.h>
#include "translat.hh"
#include "cloop.h"
#include "cloop.hh"
#include "htchar.h"
#include "assert.h"
#include "chars.h"
#if defined(INCL_VTUTF8)
BOOL DoUTF8 = FALSE; #endif
* FUNCTION: CLoop * * DESCRIPTION: * This function comprises the 'engine' of the engine thread. Its action * is controlled by a series of control bits that are set and cleared * by calls to CLoopRcvControl and CLoopControl * * ARGUMENTS: * pstCLoop -- Handle returned from CLoopCreateHandle * * RETURNS: * nothing */ DWORD WINAPI CLoop(LPVOID pvData) { ST_CLOOP * const pstCLoop = (ST_CLOOP *)pvData; HCOM hCom; int nRcvCount; TCHAR chData = (TCHAR)0; ECHAR echData = (ECHAR)0; HSESSION hSession; HEMU hEmu; KEY_T keyOut; ST_FCHAIN *pstCurrent; CHAINFUNC pfChainFunc; int fValidChar; #if defined(CHARACTER_TRANSLATION)
HHTRANSLATE hTrans = NULL; #endif
int nCount; int nIndx; CHAR chBuffer[32]; /* Yes, it is supposed to be a CHAR */ int mc; PVOID pvUserData; DWORD dwEventCount; HANDLE *pvEvents;
DBGOUT_NORMAL("In CLoop(%lX)\r\n", pstCLoop,0,0,0,0); assert(pstCLoop);
hSession = pstCLoop->hSession; hCom = pstCLoop->hCom; hEmu = pstCLoop->hEmu; #if defined(CHARACTER_TRANSLATION)
hTrans = (HHTRANSLATE)sessQueryTranslateHdl(pstCLoop->hSession); #endif
assert(hSession); assert(hCom); assert(hEmu);
DBGOUT_NORMAL("CLoop got critical section\r\n", 0,0,0,0,0); while (!bittest(pstCLoop->afControl, CLOOP_TERMINATE)) { DWORD dwRet;
// Normally, this CLoop function owns the critical section
// controlling the CLoop data. We give it up at least once each
// time through the loop to give other threads a change to call
// control functions.
dwEventCount = DIM(pstCLoop->ahEvents); pvEvents = pstCLoop->ahEvents;
// Block if there is nothing to do
DBGOUT_YIELD("W+ ", 0,0,0,0,0); dwRet = WaitForMultipleObjects(dwEventCount, pvEvents, FALSE, INFINITE); DBGOUT_YIELD("W(0x%x)", dwRet,0,0,0,0); EnterCriticalSection(&pstCLoop->csect); DBGOUT_YIELD(": ", 0,0,0,0,0);
// See if a transfer has been initiated
if (bittest(pstCLoop->afControl, CLOOP_TRANSFER_READY)) { DBGOUT_NORMAL("CLoop calling xfer\r\n", 0,0,0,0,0);
xfrDoTransfer(sessQueryXferHdl(hSession)); DBGOUT_NORMAL("CLoop back from xfer\r\n", 0,0,0,0,0);
// If there is input waiting and we are not blocked from receiving
if (!pstCLoop->afRcvBlocked) { // Give priority to receiving over sending since normally
// we will receive more data than we send (CR becomes CR LF)
// and since we have more control over the send rate
// TODO: implement priority setting by adjusting rcv count
for (nRcvCount = 10; nRcvCount--; ) { fValidChar = FALSE; if (mComRcvChar(hCom, &chData)) { DBGOUT_NORMAL("Recieved Char\r\n", 0,0,0,0,0);
// Check for force to 7-bit ASCII
if (pstCLoop->stWorkSettings.fASCII7) { chData &= 0x7F; }
nCount = 0;
if( nCount >= 0 && hTrans != NULL ) { LeaveCriticalSection(&pstCLoop->csect); hTrans->pfnIn(hTrans->pDllHandle, chData, &nCount, sizeof(chBuffer), chBuffer); EnterCriticalSection(&pstCLoop->csect); } #else // defined(CHARACTER_TRANSLATION)
if( nCount >= 0 ) { chBuffer[0] = chData; nCount = 1; } #endif // defined(CHARACTER_TRANSLATION)
for (nIndx = 0; nIndx < nCount; nIndx++) { if (pstCLoop->fDoMBCS) { if (pstCLoop->cLeadByte != 0) { chData = 0; echData = chBuffer[nIndx] & 0xFF; // There must be a macro for this somewhere
echData |= (ECHAR)(pstCLoop->cLeadByte << 8); pstCLoop->cLeadByte = 0; fValidChar = TRUE; } else { if (IsDBCSLeadByte(chBuffer[nIndx])) { pstCLoop->cLeadByte = chBuffer[nIndx]; } else { echData = chBuffer[nIndx] & 0xFF; pstCLoop->cLeadByte = 0; fValidChar = TRUE; } } } // if (fDoMBCS)
else { echData = ETEXT(chBuffer[nIndx]); fValidChar = TRUE; } // else (fDoMBCS)
if (fValidChar) { // Character translation/stripping
//*if ((chData = pstCLoop->panFltrIn[chData]) == -1)
//* continue;
// walk remote input function chain if it exists
if (pstCLoop->fRmtChain) { pstCLoop->pstRmtChainNext = pstCLoop->pstRmtChain; while (pstCLoop->pstRmtChainNext) { pstCurrent = pstCLoop->pstRmtChainNext; pstCLoop->pstRmtChainNext = pstCurrent->pstNext; pfChainFunc = pstCurrent->pfFunc; pvUserData = pstCurrent->pvUserData;
LeaveCriticalSection(&pstCLoop->csect); mc = (*pfChainFunc)(chData, pvUserData); EnterCriticalSection(&pstCLoop->csect); if ( mc == CLOOP_DISCARD ) break; } }
if ( mc != CLOOP_DISCARD ) { pstCLoop->fDataReceived = TRUE; CLoopCharIn(pstCLoop, echData); }
if (pstCLoop->afRcvBlocked) { /*
* This is necessary because a script may be * checking input and then stopping after it * finds what it is looking for. If the loop * count is still possitive, the remaining * characters will "slip thru" before this * loop terminates. * This won't break in any obvious way, so be * careful to preserve this feature if this * loop is rewritten. * * TODO: when scripts are added, make sure this * works correctly with character translation. */ // Receiving has been blocked,
// make sure any received
// data gets displayed.
LeaveCriticalSection(&pstCLoop->csect); emuComDone(hEmu); EnterCriticalSection(&pstCLoop->csect); break; } } }
// Clear the temporary input character buffer.
// as the buffer has been copied into echData.
// REV: 03/06/2001
memset(chBuffer, 0, sizeof(chBuffer)); } else { CLoopRcvControl((HCLOOP)pstCLoop, CLOOP_SUSPEND, CLOOP_RB_NODATA); if (pstCLoop->fDataReceived) { // Notify emulator that there is a pause in the
// stream of received data
LeaveCriticalSection(&pstCLoop->csect); emuComDone(hEmu); EnterCriticalSection(&pstCLoop->csect);
// If we had a delay timer already running, kill it
if (pstCLoop->htimerRcvDelay) { TimerDestroy(&pstCLoop->htimerRcvDelay); }
// The stream of incoming data has stopped, set a
// timer so we can tell if it stops long enough to
// do cursor tracking etc.
if (TimerCreate(pstCLoop->hSession, &pstCLoop->htimerRcvDelay, CLOOP_TRACKING_DELAY, /* pstCLoop->pfRcvDelay, */ CLoopRcvDelayProc, (void *)pstCLoop) != TIMER_OK) { pstCLoop->htimerRcvDelay = (HTIMER)0; assert(FALSE); }
pstCLoop->fDataReceived = FALSE;
} } } }
// Check for outgoing data.
if (!pstCLoop->afSndBlocked) { // (Taken verbatim from HA5G, by JMH 03-22-96):
// This change was added to fix a deadlock problem. While sending
// and receiving data simultaneously at high speed, it was
// possible for us to issue a handshake stop at the same time
// we would receive one from the host. Our code would wait
// in the ComSendBufr call and stop processing. Because of this,
// we would not be processing incoming data so we would never
// clear the handshake stop we had issued to the other end. If
// the other end was caught in the same state -- deadlock.
// This test slows our text transmission down. We should
// redesgin our transmission model to fix this. jkh, 1/19/95
// if (CLoopGetNextOutput(pstCLoop, &keyOut)) DEADWOOD:jmh 03-22-96
if (ComSndBufrBusy(hCom) == COM_BUSY) { //
// Yield to other threads, but don't wait too long
// to cause undo delay of data transfer. Time was
// changed from 10 milliseconds to 0 millisecond
// which will yield to other threads (so the CPU
// doesn't peg), but will not cause undo delay in
// the data transmission. This bug was reported
// by customers after HTPE3 (and by Motorola to MS)
// when sending data via text send. REV: 06/13/2001.
#if defined(DEADWOOD)
Sleep(0); // jkh 04/29/1998 don't peg CPU
#else // defined(DEADWOOD)
// We should wait for the COM/TAPI driver to write the
// data before we continue. For now we will leave the
// critical section so other threads can continue,
// and loop back around. TODO:REV 7/11/2002
LeaveCriticalSection(&pstCLoop->csect); //ComSndBufrWait(hCom, 100);
//WaitForSingleObject(hCom->hSndReady, 1000);
EnterCriticalSection(&pstCLoop->csect); #endif // defined(DEADWOOD)
} else if (CLoopGetNextOutput(pstCLoop, &keyOut)) { // Check for tab expansion
//DbgOutStr("C", 0,0,0,0,0);
if (keyOut == TEXT('\t') && pstCLoop->stWorkSettings.fExpandTabsOut && pstCLoop->stWorkSettings.nTabSizeOut) { //* int i;
//* POINT pt;
//* mEmuGetCursorPos(
//* mGetEmulatorHdl(pstCLoop->hSession),
//* &pt);
//* i = pstCLoop->stWorkSettings.usTabSizeOut -
//* ((pt.x + 1) % pstCLoop->stWorkSettings.usTabSizeOut);
//* while (i-- > 0)
//* (VOID)mEmuKbdIn(hEmu, (KEY_T)TEXT(' '), FALSE);
} else { //jmh 03-22-96 We need to unlock cloop around calls to
// emuKbdIn and emuDataIn, because they call the com
// thread, which may be stuck waiting to access cloop.
LeaveCriticalSection(&pstCLoop->csect); emuKbdIn(hEmu, keyOut, FALSE); EnterCriticalSection(&pstCLoop->csect); }
// The keyOut shouuld no longer be (VK_RETURN | VIRTUAL_KEY)
// but if it is, then treat it like '\r'. REV: 5/16/2002
if (keyOut == TEXT('\r') || keyOut == (VK_RETURN | VIRTUAL_KEY)) { if (pstCLoop->stWorkSettings.fLineWait) { CLoopSndControl((HCLOOP)pstCLoop, CLOOP_SUSPEND, CLOOP_SB_LINEWAIT); }
if (pstCLoop->stWorkSettings.fSendCRLF) { //DEADWOOD:jkh 8/18/97
// Can't use CLoopSend here because the '\n' is placed
// behind any other codes waiting in the output queue.
// This caused all LF codes in a text file send to be
// sent AFTER the whole file, rather than after each CR
// CLoopSend((HCLOOP) pstCLoop, TEXT("\n"), 1, 0);
LeaveCriticalSection(&pstCLoop->csect); emuKbdIn(hEmu, (KEY_T)'\n', FALSE); EnterCriticalSection(&pstCLoop->csect); #if 0 //DEADWOOD: RDE 20AUG98 MPT Fixed a local echo problem down in
// CloopCharIn which then caused an extra linefeed
// to be displayed on the local terminal.
if (pstCLoop->stWorkSettings.fLocalEcho && !pstCLoop->fSuppressDsp) { //jmh 03-22-96 We need to unlock cloop around calls to
// emuKbdIn and emuDataIn, because they call the com
// thread, which may be stuck waiting to access cloop.
LeaveCriticalSection(&pstCLoop->csect); emuDataIn(hEmu, TEXT('\n')); emuComDone(hEmu); EnterCriticalSection(&pstCLoop->csect); } #endif
if (pstCLoop->stWorkSettings.nLineDelay) { if (TimerCreate( pstCLoop->hSession, &pstCLoop->htimerCharDelay, pstCLoop->stWorkSettings.nLineDelay, pstCLoop->pfCharDelay, (void *)pstCLoop) == TIMER_OK) { CLoopSndControl((HCLOOP)pstCLoop, CLOOP_SUSPEND, CLOOP_SB_DELAY); } } } else { if (pstCLoop->stWorkSettings.nCharDelay) { if (TimerCreate(pstCLoop->hSession, &pstCLoop->htimerCharDelay, pstCLoop->stWorkSettings.nCharDelay, pstCLoop->pfCharDelay, (void *)pstCLoop) == TIMER_OK) { CLoopSndControl((HCLOOP)pstCLoop, CLOOP_SUSPEND, CLOOP_SB_DELAY); } } }
//* if (pstCLoop->lpLearn)
//* {
//* CLearnSendChar(pstCLoop->lpLearn, (METACHAR)keyOut);
//* }
} }
// Make sure any buffered output waiting gets sent.
//* ComSendPush(pstCLoop->hCom);
DBGOUT_NORMAL("Leaving CLoop(%lX)\r\n", pstCLoop,0,0,0,0);
return 0; }
* FUNCTION: CLoopCharIn * * DESCRIPTION: * Does rec eive processing for characters received from the remote system * * ARGUMENTS: * pstCLoop -- Handle returned from CLoopCreateHandle * mc -- Character to be processed. * * RETURNS: * nothing */ void CLoopCharIn(ST_CLOOP *pstCLoop, ECHAR chIn) { // Check for echoplex
if (pstCLoop->stWorkSettings.fEchoplex) { //mpt:1-27-98 converting echars to tchar was converting
// the character to a single byte. Consequently,
// echoing of a dbcs character was only echoing
// the second byte of the character.
if ( (pstCLoop->fDoMBCS) && (chIn > 255) ) { //send first byte
ComSendCharNow(pstCLoop->hCom, (TCHAR) (chIn >> 8)); //send second byte
ComSendCharNow(pstCLoop->hCom, (TCHAR) (chIn & 0xFF)); } else { ComSendCharNow(pstCLoop->hCom, (TCHAR) chIn); }
// See if we need to add a line feed to line end. REV: 5/21/2002
if ((chIn == ETEXT('\r') || chIn == (VK_RETURN | VIRTUAL_KEY)) && pstCLoop->stWorkSettings.fAddLF) { ComSendCharNow(pstCLoop->hCom, TEXT('\n')); } }
if (pstCLoop->stWorkSettings.fLineWait && chIn == pstCLoop->stWorkSettings.chWaitChar) CLoopSndControl((HCLOOP)pstCLoop, CLOOP_RESUME, CLOOP_SB_LINEWAIT);
// Display character in normal or image mode
if (!pstCLoop->fSuppressDsp) { // DbgOutStr("Dsp %02X (%c)\r\n", chIn, chIn, 0,0,0);
emuDataIn(pstCLoop->hEmu, chIn);
// See if we need to add a line feed to line end. REV: 5/21/2002
if ((chIn == ETEXT('\r') || chIn == (VK_RETURN | VIRTUAL_KEY)) && pstCLoop->stWorkSettings.fAddLF) { emuDataIn(pstCLoop->hEmu, ETEXT('\n')); } } }
* FUNCTION: * CLoopCharOut * * DESCRIPTION: * Called to send a character out the port with processing by the CLoop * routines. Note that this differs from CLoopSend. * * ARGUMENTS: * * * RETURNS: * */ void CLoopCharOut(HCLOOP hCLoop, TCHAR chOut) { ST_CLOOP * const pstCLoop = (ST_CLOOP *)hCLoop; int fCharValid = FALSE; ECHAR echOut = (ECHAR)0;
HHTRANSLATE hTrans = NULL; int nCount = 0; int nIndx; CHAR chBuffer[32]; /* Yes, it is supposed to be a CHAR */
hTrans = (HHTRANSLATE)sessQueryTranslateHdl(pstCLoop->hSession);
if (hTrans) { (*hTrans->pfnOut)(hTrans->pDllHandle, chOut, &nCount, sizeof(chBuffer)/sizeof(TCHAR), chBuffer); } else { StrCharCopyN(chBuffer, &chOut, sizeof(chBuffer)/sizeof(TCHAR)); }
for (nIndx = 0; nIndx < nCount; nIndx += 1) { chOut = chBuffer[nIndx]; #endif //CHARACTER_TRANSLATION
ComSendCharNow(pstCLoop->hCom, chOut); if (pstCLoop->stWorkSettings.fLocalEcho && !pstCLoop->fSuppressDsp) { if (pstCLoop->fDoMBCS) { if (pstCLoop->cLocalEchoLeadByte) { echOut = chOut & 0xFF; echOut |= (ECHAR)(pstCLoop->cLocalEchoLeadByte << 8); pstCLoop->cLocalEchoLeadByte = 0; fCharValid = TRUE; } else { if (IsDBCSLeadByte(chOut)) { pstCLoop->cLocalEchoLeadByte = chOut; } else { echOut = chOut & 0xFF; fCharValid = TRUE; } } } else { echOut = (ECHAR)chOut; fCharValid = TRUE; }
if (fCharValid) { emuDataIn(pstCLoop->hEmu, echOut); emuComDone(pstCLoop->hEmu); } } #if defined(CHARACTER_TRANSLATION)
} #endif
return; }
* FUNCTION: * CLoopBufrOut * * DESCRIPTION: * Called to send a buffer of characters out the port with processing by the CLoop * routines. Note that this differs from CLoopSend. * * ARGUMENTS: * * * RETURNS: * void * */ void CLoopBufrOut(HCLOOP hCLoop, TCHAR *pchOut, int nLen) { ST_CLOOP * const pstCLoop = (ST_CLOOP *)hCLoop; int fCharValid = FALSE;
while (nLen--) { ComSendChar(pstCLoop->hCom, *pchOut); // place chars in comsend buffer
if (pstCLoop->stWorkSettings.fLocalEcho && !pstCLoop->fSuppressDsp) { if (pstCLoop->fDoMBCS) { if (pstCLoop->cLocalEchoLeadByte != 0) { *pchOut |= (TCHAR)(pstCLoop->cLocalEchoLeadByte << 8); pstCLoop->cLocalEchoLeadByte = 0; fCharValid = TRUE; } else { if (IsDBCSLeadByte(*pchOut)) { pstCLoop->cLocalEchoLeadByte = *pchOut; } else { fCharValid = TRUE; } } } else { fCharValid = TRUE; }
if (fCharValid) { emuDataIn(pstCLoop->hEmu, *pchOut); emuComDone(pstCLoop->hEmu); } } ++pchOut; } ComSendPush(pstCLoop->hCom); }
* FUNCTION: CLoopRcvDelayProc * * DESCRIPTION: * * * ARGUMENTS: * * * RETURNS: * */ /* ARGSUSED */ void CALLBACK CLoopRcvDelayProc(void *pvData, long lSince) { // This timer was set the last time data input stopped. If no data
// has been received since, notify the display routines so they can
// do cursor tracking or whatever silly thing it is they do.
ST_CLOOP *pstCLoop = (ST_CLOOP *)pvData;
EnterCriticalSection(&pstCLoop->csect); if (!pstCLoop->fDataReceived) { emuTrackingNotify(pstCLoop->hEmu); } TimerDestroy(&pstCLoop->htimerRcvDelay);
(void)&lSince; // avoid compiler warnings
LeaveCriticalSection(&pstCLoop->csect); }
* FUNCTION: CLoopCharDelayProc * * DESCRIPTION: * * * ARGUMENTS: * * * RETURNS: * */ /* ARGSUSED */ void CALLBACK CLoopCharDelayProc(void *pvData, long lSince) { ST_CLOOP *pstCLoop = (ST_CLOOP *)pvData;
TimerDestroy(&pstCLoop->htimerCharDelay); CLoopSndControl((HCLOOP)pstCLoop, CLOOP_RESUME, CLOOP_SB_DELAY);
(void)&lSince; // avoid compiler warnings