/* File: C:\WACKER\xfer\mdmx_sd.c (Created: 17-Jan-1994)
* created from HAWIN * mdmx_sd.c -- Routines to handle xmodem displays for HA5a/G * * Copyright 1989, 1994 by Hilgraeve Inc. -- Monroe, MI * All rights reserved * * $Revision: 7 $ * $Date: 7/12/02 8:10a $ */ #include <windows.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <setjmp.h>
#define BYTE unsigned char
#include <tdll\assert.h>
#include <tdll\stdtyp.h>
#include <tdll\session.h>
#include <tdll\xfer_msc.h>
#include <tdll\load_res.h>
#include <term\res.h>
#include <tdll\globals.h>
#include <tdll\file_io.h>
#include <tdll\com.h>
#include "xfr_srvc.h"
#include "xfr_todo.h"
#include "xfr_dsp.h"
#include "xfer_tsc.h"
#include "foo.h"
#include "xfer.h"
#include "xfer.hh"
#include "mdmx.h"
#include "mdmx.hh"
void mdmxXferInit(ST_MDMX *xc, int method) { XFR_XY_PARAMS *pX; #if defined(DEADWOOD)
DWORD nLen; #endif // defined(DEADWOOD)
if (xc) { ComSndBufrClear(sessQueryComHdl((xc->hSession))); ComRcvBufrClear(sessQueryComHdl((xc->hSession)));
pX = (XFR_XY_PARAMS *)xfer_get_params(xc->hSession, method); assert(pX);
if (pX) { switch (pX->nErrCheckType) { default: case XP_ECP_AUTOMATIC: xc->mdmx_chkt = UNDETERMINED; break; case XP_ECP_CRC: xc->mdmx_chkt = CRC; break; case XP_ECP_CHECKSUM: xc->mdmx_chkt = CHECKSUM; break; } xc->mdmx_tries = pX->nNumRetries; xc->mdmx_chartime = pX->nByteWait; xc->mdmx_pckttime = pX->nPacketWait; } else { //
// Set to the defaults set in xfrInitializeXandYmodem().
xc->mdmx_chkt = UNDETERMINED; xc->mdmx_tries = 10; xc->mdmx_chartime = 5; xc->mdmx_pckttime = 20; }
xc->p_putc = xm_putc; // Should we do this ?
// xc->p_getc = xm_getc;
xc->p_crc_tbl = NULL;
#if defined(DEADWOOD)
resLoadDataBlock(glblQueryDllHinst(), IDT_CSB_CRC_TABLE, &xc->p_crc_tbl, &nLen); assert(nLen != 0); #else // defined(DEADWOOD)
xc->p_crc_tbl = usCrc16Lookup; #endif // defined(DEADWOOD)
} }
void mdmxdspFilecnt(ST_MDMX *pX, int cnt) { if (pX) { xferMsgFilecnt(pX->hSession, cnt); } }
void mdmxdspErrorcnt(ST_MDMX *pX, int cnt) { if (pX) { xferMsgErrorcnt(pX->hSession, cnt); } }
void mdmxdspPacketErrorcnt(ST_MDMX *pX, int cnt) { if (pX) { xferMsgPacketErrcnt(pX->hSession, cnt); } }
void mdmxdspTotalsize(ST_MDMX *pX, long bytes) { if (pX) { xferMsgTotalsize(pX->hSession, bytes); } }
void mdmxdspFilesize(ST_MDMX *pX, long fsize) { if (pX) { xferMsgFilesize(pX->hSession, fsize); } }
void mdmxdspNewfile(ST_MDMX *pX, int filen, LPSTR theirname, LPTSTR ourname) { if (pX) { xferMsgNewfile(pX->hSession, filen, theirname, ourname); } }
void mdmxdspProgress(ST_MDMX *pX, long stime, long ttime, long cps, long file_so_far, long total_so_far) { if (pX) { xferMsgProgress(pX->hSession, stime, ttime, cps, file_so_far, total_so_far); } }
void mdmxdspChecktype(ST_MDMX *pX, int ctype) { if (pX) { xferMsgChecktype(pX->hSession, ctype); } }
void mdmxdspPacketnumber(ST_MDMX *pX, long number) { if (pX) { xferMsgPacketnumber(pX->hSession, number); } }
void mdmxdspLastError(ST_MDMX *pX, int errcode) { if (pX) { xferMsgLasterror(pX->hSession, errcode); } }
void mdmxdspCloseDisplay(ST_MDMX * pX) { if (pX) { xferMsgClose(pX->hSession); } }