// Package Title ratpak
// File support.c
// Author Timothy David Corrie Jr. ([email protected])
// Copyright (C) 1995-96 Microsoft
// Date 10-21-96
// Description
// Contains support functions for rationals and numbers.
// Special Information
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#if defined( DOS )
#include <dosstub.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <ratpak.h>
BOOL fhalt;
void _readconstants( void );
#if defined( GEN_CONST )
void _dumprawrat( TCHAR *varname, PRAT rat ); void _dumprawnum( PNUMBER num );
static cbitsofprecision = 0; #define READRAWRAT(v)
#define READRAWNUM(v)
#define DUMPRAWRAT(v) _dumprawrat(#v,v)
#define DUMPRAWNUM(v) fprintf( stderr, \
"// Autogenerated by _dumprawrat in support.c\n" ); \ fprintf( stderr, "NUMBER init_" #v "= {\n" ); \ _dumprawnum(v); \ fprintf( stderr, "};\n" )
#define DUMPRAWRAT(v)
#define DUMPRAWNUM(v)
#define READRAWRAT(v) createrat(v); DUPNUM(v->pp,(&(init_p_##v))); \
DUPNUM(v->pq,(&(init_q_##v))); #define READRAWNUM(v) DUPNUM(v,(&(init_##v)))
#define DECIMAL 10
#include <ratconst.h>
unsigned char ftrueinfinite = FALSE; // Set to true if you don't want
// chopping internally
long maxout; // precision used internally
PNUMBER num_one=NULL; PNUMBER num_two=NULL; PNUMBER num_five=NULL; PNUMBER num_six=NULL; PNUMBER num_ten=NULL; PNUMBER num_nRadix=NULL;
PRAT ln_ten=NULL; PRAT ln_two=NULL; PRAT rat_zero=NULL; PRAT rat_one=NULL; PRAT rat_neg_one=NULL; PRAT rat_two=NULL; PRAT rat_six=NULL; PRAT rat_half=NULL; PRAT rat_ten=NULL; PRAT pt_eight_five=NULL; PRAT pi=NULL; PRAT pi_over_two=NULL; PRAT two_pi=NULL; PRAT one_pt_five_pi=NULL; PRAT e_to_one_half=NULL; PRAT rat_exp=NULL; PRAT rad_to_deg=NULL; PRAT rad_to_grad=NULL; PRAT rat_qword=NULL; PRAT rat_dword=NULL; PRAT rat_word=NULL; PRAT rat_byte=NULL; PRAT rat_360=NULL; PRAT rat_400=NULL; PRAT rat_180=NULL; PRAT rat_200=NULL; PRAT rat_nRadix=NULL; PRAT rat_smallest=NULL; PRAT rat_negsmallest=NULL; PRAT rat_max_exp=NULL; PRAT rat_min_exp=NULL; PRAT rat_min_long=NULL;
// FUNCTION: ChangeRadix
// ARGUMENTS: base changing to, and precision to use.
// RETURN: None
// SIDE EFFECTS: sets a mess of constants.
void changeRadix( long nRadix )
{ ChangeConstants( nRadix, maxout ); }
// FUNCTION: changePrecision
// ARGUMENTS: Precision to use
// RETURN: None
// SIDE EFFECTS: sets a mess of constants.
void changePrecision( long nPrecision )
{ ChangeConstants( nRadix, nPrecision ); }
// FUNCTION: ChangeConstants
// ARGUMENTS: base changing to, and precision to use.
// RETURN: None
// SIDE EFFECTS: sets a mess of constants.
void ChangeConstants( long nRadix, long nPrecision )
{ long digit; DWORD dwLim;
maxout = nPrecision; fhalt = FALSE; // ratio is set to the number of digits in the current nRadix, you can get
// in the internal BASEX nRadix, this is important for length calculations
// in translating from nRadix to BASEX and back.
dwLim = (DWORD)BASEX / (DWORD)nRadix;
for ( digit = 1, ratio = 0; (DWORD)digit < dwLim; digit *= nRadix ) { ratio++; } ratio += !ratio;
destroynum(num_nRadix); num_nRadix=longtonum( nRadix, BASEX ); destroyrat(rat_nRadix); rat_nRadix=longtorat( nRadix ); // Check to see what we have to recalculate and what we don't
if ( cbitsofprecision < ( ratio * nRadix * nPrecision ) ) { ftrueinfinite=FALSE; num_one=longtonum( 1L, BASEX ); DUMPRAWNUM(num_one); num_two=longtonum( 2L, BASEX ); DUMPRAWNUM(num_two); num_five=longtonum( 5L, BASEX ); DUMPRAWNUM(num_five); num_six=longtonum( 6L, BASEX ); DUMPRAWNUM(num_six); num_ten=longtonum( 10L, BASEX ); DUMPRAWNUM(num_ten);
DUPRAT(rat_smallest,rat_nRadix); ratpowlong(&rat_smallest,-nPrecision); DUPRAT(rat_negsmallest,rat_smallest); rat_negsmallest->pp->sign = -1; DUMPRAWRAT(rat_smallest); DUMPRAWRAT(rat_negsmallest); createrat( rat_half );
createrat( pt_eight_five );
pt_eight_five->pp=longtonum( 85L, BASEX ); pt_eight_five->pq=longtonum( 100L, BASEX ); DUMPRAWRAT(pt_eight_five);
rat_six = longtorat( 6L ); DUMPRAWRAT(rat_six);
rat_two=longtorat( 2L ); DUMPRAWRAT(rat_two);
rat_zero=longtorat( 0L ); DUMPRAWRAT(rat_zero);
rat_one=longtorat( 1L ); DUMPRAWRAT(rat_one);
rat_neg_one=longtorat( -1L ); DUMPRAWRAT(rat_neg_one);
DUPNUM(rat_half->pp,num_one); DUPNUM(rat_half->pq,num_two); DUMPRAWRAT(rat_half);
rat_ten=longtorat( 10L ); DUMPRAWRAT(rat_ten); // Apparently when dividing 180 by pi, another (internal) digit of
// precision is needed.
maxout += ratio; DUPRAT(pi,rat_half); asinrat( &pi ); mulrat( &pi, rat_six ); DUMPRAWRAT(pi); DUPRAT(two_pi,pi); DUPRAT(pi_over_two,pi); DUPRAT(one_pt_five_pi,pi); addrat(&two_pi,pi); DUMPRAWRAT(two_pi); divrat(&pi_over_two,rat_two); DUMPRAWRAT(pi_over_two); addrat(&one_pt_five_pi,pi_over_two); DUMPRAWRAT(one_pt_five_pi); DUPRAT(e_to_one_half,rat_half); _exprat(&e_to_one_half); DUMPRAWRAT(e_to_one_half);
DUPRAT(rat_exp,rat_one); _exprat(&rat_exp); DUMPRAWRAT(rat_exp); // WARNING: remember lograt uses exponent constants calculated above...
DUPRAT(ln_ten,rat_ten); lograt( &ln_ten ); DUMPRAWRAT(ln_ten);
DUPRAT(ln_two,rat_two); lograt(&ln_two); DUMPRAWRAT(ln_two); destroyrat(rad_to_deg); rad_to_deg=longtorat(180L); divrat(&rad_to_deg,pi); DUMPRAWRAT(rad_to_deg); destroyrat(rad_to_grad); rad_to_grad=longtorat(200L); divrat(&rad_to_grad,pi); DUMPRAWRAT(rad_to_grad); maxout -= ratio;
DUPRAT(rat_qword,rat_two); numpowlong( &(rat_qword->pp), 64, BASEX ); subrat( &rat_qword, rat_one ); DUMPRAWRAT(rat_qword);
DUPRAT(rat_dword,rat_two); numpowlong( &(rat_dword->pp), 32, BASEX ); subrat( &rat_dword, rat_one ); DUMPRAWRAT(rat_dword); DUPRAT(rat_min_long,rat_dword); rat_min_long->pp->sign *= -1; DUMPRAWRAT(rat_min_long);
rat_word = longtorat( 0xffff ); DUMPRAWRAT(rat_word); rat_byte = longtorat( 0xff ); DUMPRAWRAT(rat_byte);
rat_400 = longtorat( 400 ); DUMPRAWRAT(rat_400);
rat_360 = longtorat( 360 ); DUMPRAWRAT(rat_360);
rat_200 = longtorat( 200 ); DUMPRAWRAT(rat_200);
rat_180 = longtorat( 180 ); DUMPRAWRAT(rat_180);
rat_max_exp = longtorat( 100000 ); DUPRAT(rat_min_exp,rat_max_exp); rat_min_exp->pp->sign *= -1; DUMPRAWRAT(rat_max_exp); DUMPRAWRAT(rat_min_exp);
cbitsofprecision = ratio * nRadix * nPrecision; } else { _readconstants();
DUPRAT(rat_smallest,rat_nRadix); ratpowlong(&rat_smallest,-nPrecision); DUPRAT(rat_negsmallest,rat_smallest); rat_negsmallest->pp->sign = -1; }
// FUNCTION: intrat
// ARGUMENTS: pointer to x PRAT representation of number
// RETURN: no return value x PRAT is smashed with integral number
void intrat( PRAT *px)
{ PRAT pret=NULL; PNUMBER pnum=NULL; TCHAR *psz; // Only do the intrat operation if number is nonzero.
// and only if the bottom part is not one.
if ( !zernum( (*px)->pp ) && !equnum( (*px)->pq, num_one ) ) { psz=putrat( NULL, px, nRadix, FMT_FLOAT ); pnum = innum( psz ); zfree( psz );
destroyrat( *px ); *px = numtorat( pnum, nRadix ); destroynum( pnum );
DUPRAT(pret,*px); modrat( &pret, rat_one ); subrat( px, pret ); destroyrat( pret ); } }
// FUNCTION: rat_equ
// RETURN: TRUE if equal FALSE otherwise.
BOOL rat_equ( PRAT a, PRAT b )
{ PRAT rattmp=NULL; BOOL bret; DUPRAT(rattmp,a); rattmp->pp->sign *= -1; addrat( &rattmp, b ); bret = zernum( rattmp->pp ); destroyrat( rattmp ); return( bret ); }
// FUNCTION: rat_ge
// RETURN: TRUE if a is greater than or equal to b
BOOL rat_ge( PRAT a, PRAT b )
{ PRAT rattmp=NULL; BOOL bret; DUPRAT(rattmp,a); b->pp->sign *= -1; addrat( &rattmp, b ); b->pp->sign *= -1; bret = ( zernum( rattmp->pp ) || rattmp->pp->sign * rattmp->pq->sign == 1 ); destroyrat( rattmp ); return( bret ); }
// FUNCTION: rat_gt
// RETURN: TRUE if a is greater than b
BOOL rat_gt( PRAT a, PRAT b )
{ PRAT rattmp=NULL; BOOL bret; DUPRAT(rattmp,a); b->pp->sign *= -1; addrat( &rattmp, b ); b->pp->sign *= -1; bret = ( !zernum( rattmp->pp ) && rattmp->pp->sign * rattmp->pq->sign == 1 ); destroyrat( rattmp ); return( bret ); }
// FUNCTION: rat_le
// RETURN: TRUE if a is less than or equal to b
BOOL rat_le( PRAT a, PRAT b )
PRAT rattmp=NULL; BOOL bret; DUPRAT(rattmp,a); b->pp->sign *= -1; addrat( &rattmp, b ); b->pp->sign *= -1; bret = ( zernum( rattmp->pp ) || rattmp->pp->sign * rattmp->pq->sign == -1 ); destroyrat( rattmp ); return( bret ); }
// FUNCTION: rat_lt
// RETURN: TRUE if a is less than b
BOOL rat_lt( PRAT a, PRAT b )
{ PRAT rattmp=NULL; BOOL bret; DUPRAT(rattmp,a); b->pp->sign *= -1; addrat( &rattmp, b ); b->pp->sign *= -1; bret = ( !zernum( rattmp->pp ) && rattmp->pp->sign * rattmp->pq->sign == -1 ); destroyrat( rattmp ); return( bret ); }
// FUNCTION: rat_neq
// RETURN: TRUE if a is not equal to b
BOOL rat_neq( PRAT a, PRAT b )
{ PRAT rattmp=NULL; BOOL bret; DUPRAT(rattmp,a); rattmp->pp->sign *= -1; addrat( &rattmp, b ); bret = !( zernum( rattmp->pp ) ); destroyrat( rattmp ); return( bret ); }
// function: scale
// ARGUMENTS: pointer to x PRAT representation of number, and scaling factor
// RETURN: no return, value x PRAT is smashed with a scaled number in the
// range of the scalefact.
void scale( PRAT *px, PRAT scalefact )
{ long logscale; PRAT pret=NULL; DUPRAT(pret,*px); // Logscale is a quick way to tell how much extra precision is needed for
// scaleing by scalefact.
logscale = ratio * ( (pret->pp->cdigit+pret->pp->exp) - (pret->pq->cdigit+pret->pq->exp) ); if ( logscale > 0 ) { maxout += logscale; } else { logscale = 0; }
divrat( &pret, scalefact); intrat(&pret); mulrat( &pret, scalefact); pret->pp->sign *= -1; addrat( px, pret);
maxout -= logscale; destroyrat( pret ); }
// function: scale2pi
// ARGUMENTS: pointer to x PRAT representation of number
// RETURN: no return, value x PRAT is smashed with a scaled number in the
// range of 0..2pi
void scale2pi( PRAT *px )
{ long logscale; PRAT pret=NULL; PRAT my_two_pi=NULL; DUPRAT(pret,*px); // Logscale is a quick way to tell how much extra precision is needed for
// scaleing by 2 pi.
logscale = ratio * ( (pret->pp->cdigit+pret->pp->exp) - (pret->pq->cdigit+pret->pq->exp) ); if ( logscale > 0 ) { maxout += logscale; DUPRAT(my_two_pi,rat_half); asinrat( &my_two_pi ); mulrat( &my_two_pi, rat_six ); mulrat( &my_two_pi, rat_two ); } else { DUPRAT(my_two_pi,two_pi); logscale = 0; }
divrat( &pret, my_two_pi); intrat(&pret); mulrat( &pret, my_two_pi); pret->pp->sign *= -1; addrat( px, pret);
maxout -= logscale; destroyrat( my_two_pi ); destroyrat( pret ); }
// FUNCTION: inbetween
// ARGUMENTS: PRAT *px, and PRAT range.
// RETURN: none, changes *px to -/+range, if px is outside -range..+range
void inbetween( PRAT *px, PRAT range )
{ if ( rat_gt(*px,range) ) { DUPRAT(*px,range); } else { range->pp->sign *= -1; if ( rat_lt(*px,range) ) { DUPRAT(*px,range); } range->pp->sign *= -1; } }
#if defined( GEN_CONST )
// FUNCTION: _dumprawrat
// ARGUMENTS: char *name of variable, PRAT x
// RETURN: none, prints the results of a dump of the internal structures
// of a PRAT, suitable for READRAWRAT to stderr.
void _dumprawrat( TCHAR *varname, PRAT rat )
{ fprintf( stderr, "// Autogenerated by _dumprawrat in support.c\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "NUMBER init_p_%s = {\n", varname ); _dumprawnum( rat->pp ); fprintf( stderr, "};\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "NUMBER init_q_%s = {\n", varname ); _dumprawnum( rat->pq ); fprintf( stderr, "};\n" ); }
// FUNCTION: _dumprawnum
// RETURN: none, prints the results of a dump of the internal structures
// of a PNUMBER, suitable for READRAWNUM to stderr.
void _dumprawnum( PNUMBER num )
{ int i;
fprintf( stderr, "\t%d,\n", num->sign ); fprintf( stderr, "\t%d,\n", num->cdigit ); fprintf( stderr, "\t%d,\n", num->exp ); fprintf( stderr, "\t{ " );
for ( i = 0; i < num->cdigit; i++ ) { fprintf( stderr, " %d,", num->mant[i] ); } fprintf( stderr, "}\n" ); } #endif
void _readconstants( void )
{ READRAWNUM(num_one); READRAWNUM(num_two); READRAWNUM(num_five); READRAWNUM(num_six); READRAWNUM(num_ten); READRAWRAT(pt_eight_five); READRAWRAT(rat_six); READRAWRAT(rat_two); READRAWRAT(rat_zero); READRAWRAT(rat_one); READRAWRAT(rat_neg_one); READRAWRAT(rat_half); READRAWRAT(rat_ten); READRAWRAT(pi); READRAWRAT(two_pi); READRAWRAT(pi_over_two); READRAWRAT(one_pt_five_pi); READRAWRAT(e_to_one_half); READRAWRAT(rat_exp); READRAWRAT(ln_ten); READRAWRAT(ln_two); READRAWRAT(rad_to_deg); READRAWRAT(rad_to_grad); READRAWRAT(rat_qword); READRAWRAT(rat_dword); READRAWRAT(rat_word); READRAWRAT(rat_byte); READRAWRAT(rat_360); READRAWRAT(rat_400); READRAWRAT(rat_180); READRAWRAT(rat_200); READRAWRAT(rat_smallest); READRAWRAT(rat_negsmallest); READRAWRAT(rat_max_exp); READRAWRAT(rat_min_exp); READRAWRAT(rat_min_long); DUPNUM(gllfact.pnum,num_one); gllfact.llprev = NULL; gllfact.llnext = NULL; }
void factnum( IN OUT PLINKEDLIST *ppllfact, PNUMBER pnum )
{ PNUMBER thisnum=NULL; PLINKEDLIST pllfact = *ppllfact;
if ( pllfact->llnext == NULL ) { // This factorial hasn't happened yet, lets compute it.
DUPNUM(thisnum,pllfact->pnum); mulnumx(&thisnum,pnum); pllfact->llnext = (PLINKEDLIST)zmalloc( sizeof( LINKEDLIST ) ); if (pllfact->llnext) { pllfact->llnext->pnum = thisnum; pllfact->llnext->llprev = pllfact; pllfact->llnext->llnext = NULL; } } *ppllfact = pllfact->llnext; }
// FUNCTION: trimit
// DESCRIPTION: Chops off digits from rational numbers to avoid time
// explosions in calculations of functions using series.
// Gregory Stepanets proved it was enough to only keep the first n digits
// of the largest of p or q in the rational p over q form, and of course
// scale the smaller by the same number of digits. This will give you
// n-1 digits of accuracy. This dramatically speeds up calculations
// involving hundreds of digits or more.
// The last part of this trim dealing with exponents never affects accuracy
// RETURN: none, modifies the pointed to PRAT
void trimit( PRAT *px )
{ if ( !ftrueinfinite ) { long trim; PNUMBER pp=(*px)->pp; PNUMBER pq=(*px)->pq; trim = ratio * (min((pp->cdigit+pp->exp),(pq->cdigit+pq->exp))-1) - maxout; if ( trim > ratio ) { trim /= ratio;
if ( trim <= pp->exp ) { pp->exp -= trim; } else { memmove( MANT(pp), &(MANT(pp)[trim-pp->exp]), sizeof(MANTTYPE)*(pp->cdigit-trim+pp->exp) ); pp->cdigit -= trim-pp->exp; pp->exp = 0; }
if ( trim <= pq->exp ) { pq->exp -= trim; } else { memmove( MANT(pq), &(MANT(pq)[trim-pq->exp]), sizeof(MANTTYPE)*(pq->cdigit-trim+pq->exp) ); pq->cdigit -= trim-pq->exp; pq->exp = 0; } } trim = min(pp->exp,pq->exp); pp->exp -= trim; pq->exp -= trim; } }