* * DESCRIPTION: Serial Keys Dialog handler * * HISTORY: * *******************************************************************/
#include "Access.h"
#define NUMPORTS 8
#define NUMRATES 6
extern LPTSTR HelpFile();
INT_PTR WINAPI SerialKeyDlg (HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { int i; UINT uBaud; UINT uBaudRates[] = { 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 }; TCHAR szBuf[256]; BOOL fProcessed = TRUE;
switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: LoadString(g_hinst, IDS_COMPORT, szBuf, ARRAY_SIZE(szBuf)); for (i=1; i <= 4; i++) { TCHAR szBuf2[256];
// Make a correct port name and add it to the list box.
wsprintf(szBuf2, __TEXT("%s%d"), szBuf, i); ComboBox_AddString(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_SK_PORT), szBuf2); }
// Select the current com port.
if (g_serk.lpszActivePort[0] != '\0') { int cport;
// For now we assume that the format of the string is
// com[digit]. So comport[3] = the com port number
// Set all invalid ports to 'COM1'
cport = g_serk.lpszActivePort[3] - '1'; if (cport < 0) cport = 0; if (cport > 4) cport = 0;
// Set the active port.
ComboBox_SetCurSel(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_SK_PORT), cport); } else { // Else default to COM1.
ComboBox_SetCurSel(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_SK_PORT), 0); lstrcpy(g_serk.lpszActivePort, __TEXT("COM1")); }
// Fill in the BAUD RATE options
uBaud = 1; // Default baud rate.
for (i = 0; i < NUMRATES; i++) { TCHAR szBuf1[256]; // renamed to avoid name clash with szBuf
wsprintf(szBuf1, __TEXT("%d"), uBaudRates[i]); ComboBox_AddString(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_SK_BAUD), szBuf1); if (g_serk.iBaudRate == uBaudRates[i]) uBaud = i; } ComboBox_SetCurSel(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_SK_BAUD), uBaud); break;
case WM_HELP: // F1
WinHelp(((LPHELPINFO) lParam)->hItemHandle, HelpFile(), HELP_WM_HELP, (DWORD_PTR) (LPSTR) g_aIds); break;
case WM_CONTEXTMENU: // right mouse click
WinHelp((HWND) wParam, HelpFile(), HELP_CONTEXTMENU, (DWORD_PTR) (LPSTR) g_aIds); break;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { // Watch for combobox changes.
case IDC_SK_BAUD: switch (HIWORD(wParam)) { case CBN_CLOSEUP: case CBN_SELCHANGE: i = ComboBox_GetCurSel(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_SK_BAUD)); g_serk.iBaudRate = uBaudRates[i]; SendMessage(GetParent(hwnd), PSM_CHANGED, (WPARAM) hwnd, 0); break; } break;
case IDC_SK_PORT: switch (HIWORD(wParam)) { case CBN_SELCHANGE: i = 1 + ComboBox_GetCurSel(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_SK_PORT)); wsprintf(g_serk.lpszActivePort, __TEXT("COM%d"), i); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_SK_BAUD), TRUE); break; } break;
case IDOK: case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hwnd, GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)); break; } break;
default: fProcessed = FALSE; break; } return(fProcessed); }
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