/** FILE: ports.c ********** Module Header ********************************
* * Class installer for the Ports class. * @@BEGIN_DDKSPLIT * History: * 12:30 on Tues 23 Apr 1991 -by- Steve Cathcart [stevecat] * Took base code from Win 3.1 source * 10:30 on Tues 04 Feb 1992 -by- Steve Cathcart [stevecat] * Updated code to latest Win 3.1 sources * 16:30 on Fri 27 Mar 1992 -by- Steve Cathcart [stevecat] * Changed to allow for unlimited number of NT COM ports * 18:00 on Tue 06 Apr 1993 -by- Steve Cathcart [stevecat] * Updated to work seamlessly with NT serial driver * 19:00 on Wed 05 Jan 1994 -by- Steve Cathcart [stevecat] * Allow setting COM1 - COM4 advanced parameters @@END_DDKSPLIT * * Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Microsoft Corporation * *************************************************************************/ //==========================================================================
// Include files
// C Runtime
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// Application specific
#include "ports.h"
#include <msports.h>
#include <initguid.h>
// Instantiate GUID_NULL.
DEFINE_GUID(GUID_NULL, 0L, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); //
// Instantiate class installer GUIDs (interesting one is GUID_DEVCLASS_PORTS).
#include <devguid.h>
// Globals
HANDLE g_hInst = NULL;
TCHAR g_szClose[ 40 ]; // "Close" string
TCHAR g_szErrMem[ 200 ]; // Low memory message
TCHAR g_szPortsApplet[ 30 ]; // "Ports Control Panel Applet" title
TCHAR g_szNull[] = TEXT(""); // Null string
TCHAR m_szColon[] = TEXT( ":" ); TCHAR m_szComma[] = TEXT( "," ); TCHAR m_szCloseParen[] = TEXT( ")" ); TCHAR m_szPorts[] = TEXT( "Ports" ); TCHAR m_szCOM[] = TEXT( "COM" ); TCHAR m_szSERIAL[] = TEXT( "Serial" ); TCHAR m_szLPT[] = TEXT( "LPT" );
// NT Registry keys to find COM port to Serial Device mapping
TCHAR m_szRegSerialMap[] = TEXT( "Hardware\\DeviceMap\\SerialComm" ); TCHAR m_szRegParallelMap[] = TEXT( "Hardware\\DeviceMap\\PARALLEL PORTS" );
// Registry Serial Port Advanced I/O settings key and valuenames
TCHAR m_szRegServices[] = TEXT( "System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\" );
TCHAR m_szFIFO[] = TEXT( "ForceFifoEnable" ); TCHAR m_szDosDev[] = TEXT( "DosDevices" ); TCHAR m_szPollingPeriod[] = TEXT( "PollingPeriod" ); TCHAR m_szPortName[] = REGSTR_VAL_PORTNAME; TCHAR m_szDosDeviceName[] = TEXT( "DosDeviceName" ); TCHAR m_szFirmwareIdentified[] = TEXT( "FirmwareIdentified" ); TCHAR m_szPortSubClass[] = REGSTR_VAL_PORTSUBCLASS;
int m_nBaudRates[] = { 75, 110, 134, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 128000, 0 };
TCHAR m_sz9600[] = TEXT( "9600" );
TCHAR m_szDefParams[] = TEXT( "9600,n,8,1" );
short m_nDataBits[] = { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0};
TCHAR *m_pszParitySuf[] = { TEXT( ",e" ), TEXT( ",o" ), TEXT( ",n" ), TEXT( ",m" ), TEXT( ",s" ) };
TCHAR *m_pszLenSuf[] = { TEXT( ",4" ), TEXT( ",5" ), TEXT( ",6" ), TEXT( ",7" ), TEXT( ",8" ) };
TCHAR *m_pszStopSuf[] = { TEXT( ",1" ), TEXT( ",1.5" ), TEXT( ",2 " ) };
TCHAR *m_pszFlowSuf[] = { TEXT( ",x" ), TEXT( ",p" ), TEXT( " " ) };
// Include the string-ified form of the Computer (i.e., HAL) class GUID here,
// so we don't have to pull in OLE or RPC just to get StringFromGuid.
TCHAR m_szComputerClassGuidString[] = TEXT( "{4D36E966-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}" );
// String to append onto install section for COM ports in order to generate
// "PosDup" section.
// see GetDetectedSerialPortsList
TCHAR *m_pszSerialPnPIds[] = { TEXT( "*PNP0501" ) };
#define SERIAL_PNP_IDS_COUNT (sizeof(m_pszSerialPnPIds) / sizeof(m_pszSerialPnPIds[0]))
#define IN_RANGE(value, minval, maxval) ((minval) <= (value) && (value) <= (maxval))
// Local Function Prototypes
DWORD InstallPnPSerialPort( IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData );
DWORD GetDetectedSerialPortsList( IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, IN BOOL FirstTimeSetup );
DWORD RegisterDetectedSerialPort( IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData );
BOOL GetPosDupList( IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData, OUT PTSTR **PosDupList, OUT INT *PosDupCount ); // @@END_DDKSPLIT
DWORD InstallPnPParallelPort( IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData );
DWORD InstallSerialOrParallelPort( IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData );
BOOL GetSerialPortDevInstConfig( IN DEVINST DevInst, IN ULONG LogConfigType, OUT PIO_RESOURCE IoResource, OPTIONAL OUT PIRQ_RESOURCE IrqResource OPTIONAL ); BOOL ChangeServiceStartType( IN PCTSTR ServiceName ); // @@END_DDKSPLIT
// Dll Entry Point
BOOL APIENTRY LibMain( HANDLE hDll, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved ) { switch( dwReason ) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: g_hInst = hDll; DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hDll); InitStrings();
default: break; }
return TRUE; }
// Functions
DWORD WINAPI PortsClassInstaller( IN DI_FUNCTION InstallFunction, IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine acts as the class installer for Ports devices.
InstallFunction - Specifies the device installer function code indicating the action being performed.
DeviceInfoSet - Supplies a handle to the device information set being acted upon by this install action.
DeviceInfoData - Optionally, supplies the address of a device information element being acted upon by this install action.
Return Value:
If this function successfully completed the requested action, the return value is NO_ERROR.
If the default behavior is to be performed for the requested action, the return value is ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT.
If an error occurred while attempting to perform the requested action, a Win32 error code is returned.
--*/ { SP_INSTALLWIZARD_DATA iwd; HKEY hDeviceKey; HCOMDB hComDB; DWORD PortNameSize, Err, size; TCHAR PortName[20]; BOOL result;
switch(InstallFunction) {
return InstallSerialOrParallelPort(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData);
if (PortTypeSerial == GetPortType(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, FALSE)) { if (ComDBOpen(&hComDB) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
hDeviceKey = SetupDiOpenDevRegKey(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL, 0, DIREG_DEV, KEY_READ);
if (hDeviceKey != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { PortNameSize = sizeof(PortName); Err = RegQueryValueEx(hDeviceKey, m_szPortName, NULL, NULL, (PBYTE)PortName, &PortNameSize ); RegCloseKey(hDeviceKey);
if (Err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ComDBReleasePort(hComDB, myatoi(PortName+wcslen(m_szCOM))); } }
ComDBClose(hComDB); } }
if (!SetupDiRemoveDevice(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData)) { return GetLastError(); }
return NO_ERROR;
// Change Start type for serial.sys on legacy free machines.
ChangeServiceStartType(TEXT("serial")); ChangeServiceStartType(TEXT("parport")); //
return GetDetectedSerialPortsList(DeviceInfoSet, (InstallFunction == DIF_FIRSTTIMESETUP) );
return RegisterDetectedSerialPort(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData ); // @@END_DDKSPLIT
default : //
// Just do the default action.
BOOL ChangeServiceStartType( IN PCTSTR ServiceName ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine changes the start type of the passed in Service to SERVICE_DEMAND_START if the system is legacy free.
ServiceName - Service whose start type will be changed.
Return Value:
TRUE is the service type was changed, else FALSE.
--*/ { HKEY hKey; SC_HANDLE scmHandle, serviceHandle; BOOL legacyFree, serviceTypeChanged; DWORD bootArchitecture, dwSize; //
// Check if this system is legacy free or not..
serviceTypeChanged = FALSE; legacyFree = FALSE; if (RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System"), &hKey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// According to ACPI spec, absence of bit 0 means legacy free!!!
// Default to no legacy free.
bootArchitecture = 1; dwSize = sizeof(bootArchitecture); RegQueryValueEx( hKey, TEXT("BootArchitecture"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&bootArchitecture, &dwSize ); if (!(bootArchitecture & 1)) {
legacyFree = TRUE; } RegCloseKey(hKey); } //
// For legacy free systems, change the service start-type to DemandStart (3).
if (legacyFree) {
scmHandle = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if (scmHandle) {
serviceHandle = OpenService(scmHandle, ServiceName, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); if (serviceHandle) {
serviceTypeChanged = ChangeServiceConfig( serviceHandle, SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, SERVICE_DEMAND_START, SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); CloseServiceHandle(serviceHandle); } CloseServiceHandle(scmHandle); } }
return serviceTypeChanged; } // @@END_DDKSPLIT
DWORD InstallSerialOrParallelPort( IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine installs either a serial or a parallel port.
DeviceInfoSet - Supplies a handle to the device information set containing the device being installed.
DeviceInfoData - Supplies the address of the device information element being installed.
Return Value:
If successful, the return value is NO_ERROR, otherwise it is a Win32 error code.
--*/ { switch (GetPortType(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, TRUE)) { case PortTypeParallel: return InstallPnPParallelPort(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData);
case PortTypeSerial: return InstallPnPSerialPort(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData);
default: return ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT; } }
PortType GetPortType( IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData, IN BOOLEAN DoDrvKeyInstall ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine determines whether the driver node selected for the specified device is for a parallel (LPT or ECP) or serial (COM) port. It knows which is which by running the AddReg entries in the driver node's install section, and then looking in the devnode's driver key for a 'PortSubClass' value entry. If this value is present, and set to 0, then this is an LPT or ECP port, otherwise we treat it like a COM port. This value was relied upon in Win9x, so it is the safest way for us to make this determination.
DeviceInfoSet - Supplies a handle to the device information set containing the device being installed.
DeviceInfoData - Supplies the address of the device information element being installed.
Return Value:
If the device is an LPT or ECP port, the return value is nonzero, otherwise it is FALSE. (If anything goes wrong, the default is to return FALSE.)
--*/ { SP_DRVINFO_DATA DriverInfoData; SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA DriverInfoDetailData; HINF hInf; HKEY hkDrv; TCHAR ActualInfSection[LINE_LEN]; DWORD RegDataType; BYTE RegData; DWORD RegDataSize; PortType portType; ULONG err;
portType = PortTypeSerial; hInf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; hkDrv = 0; RegData = 0;
do { //
// Open up the driver key for this device so we can run our INF registry mods
// against it.
hkDrv = SetupDiCreateDevRegKey(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL, 0, DIREG_DRV, NULL, NULL);
if (hkDrv == 0) { break; }
if (DoDrvKeyInstall) { //
// Retrieve information about the driver node selected for this
// device.
DriverInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DRVINFO_DATA); if (!SetupDiGetSelectedDriver(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, &DriverInfoData)) { break; }
DriverInfoDetailData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA); if(!SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetail(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, &DriverInfoData, &DriverInfoDetailData, sizeof(DriverInfoDetailData), NULL) && (GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)) { //
// For some reason we couldn't get detail data--this should
// never happen.
break; }
// Open the INF that installs this driver node, so we can 'pre-run'
// the AddReg entries in its install section.
hInf = SetupOpenInfFile(DriverInfoDetailData.InfFileName, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL);
if (hInf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //
// For some reason we couldn't open the INF--this should never
// happen.
break; }
// Now find the actual (potentially OS/platform-specific) install
// section name.
SetupDiGetActualSectionToInstall( hInf, DriverInfoDetailData.SectionName, ActualInfSection, sizeof(ActualInfSection) / sizeof(TCHAR), NULL, NULL);
// Now run the registry modification (AddReg/DelReg) entries in
// this section...
SetupInstallFromInfSection( NULL, // no UI, so don't need to specify window handle
hInf, ActualInfSection, SPINST_REGISTRY, hkDrv, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); }
// Check for a REG_BINARY (1 byte) 'PortSubClassOther' value entry first
RegDataSize = sizeof(RegData); err = RegQueryValueEx(hkDrv, TEXT("PortSubClassOther"), NULL, &RegDataType, &RegData, &RegDataSize);
if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS && RegDataSize == sizeof(BYTE) && RegDataType == REG_BINARY && RegData != 0) { portType = PortTypeOther; break; }
// Check for a REG_BINARY (1-byte) 'PortSubClass' value entry set to 0.
RegDataSize = sizeof(RegData); if((ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueEx(hkDrv, m_szPortSubClass, NULL, &RegDataType, &RegData, &RegDataSize)) || (RegDataSize != sizeof(BYTE)) || (RegDataType != REG_BINARY)) { portType = PortTypeSerial; // not a LPT/ECP device.
} else { if (RegData == 0) { portType = PortTypeParallel; } else { portType = PortTypeSerial; } } } while (FALSE);
if (hkDrv != 0) { RegCloseKey(hkDrv); hkDrv = 0; }
if (hInf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SetupCloseInfFile(hInf); hInf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
return portType; }
// If the preferred value is available, let them have that one
VOID GenerateLptNumber(PDWORD Num, DWORD PreferredValue) { HKEY parallelMap; TCHAR valueName[40]; TCHAR lptName[60], *lptNameLocation;
int i = 0; DWORD valueSize, lptSize, regDataType, newLptNum; DWORD highestLptNum = 0; BOOL change = FALSE; TCHAR errorMsg[MAX_PATH]; DWORD mask = 0;
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, m_szRegParallelMap, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE , ¶llelMap) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return; }
valueSize = CharSizeOf(valueName); lptSize = sizeof(lptName); while (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegEnumValue(parallelMap, i++, valueName, &valueSize, NULL, ®DataType, (LPBYTE) lptName, &lptSize)) { if (regDataType == REG_SZ) { lptNameLocation = wcsstr(_wcsupr(lptName), m_szLPT); if (lptNameLocation) { newLptNum = myatoi(lptNameLocation + wcslen(m_szLPT)); if (newLptNum == PreferredValue) { change = TRUE; } if (newLptNum > highestLptNum) { highestLptNum = newLptNum; } if (newLptNum <= PARALLEL_MAX_NUMBER && newLptNum > 0) { mask |= (1 << (newLptNum-1)); } } }
valueSize = CharSizeOf(valueName); lptSize = sizeof(lptName); }
if (change) { if (mask < 7) { *Num = ((mask & 4)==0) ? PARALLEL_MAX_NUMBER : (((mask & 2)==0) ? 2 : 1); } else { *Num = highestLptNum + 1; } } else { *Num = PreferredValue; }
RegCloseKey(parallelMap); }
BOOL DetermineLptNumberFromResources( IN DEVINST DevInst, OUT PDWORD Num ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine retrieves the base IO port and IRQ for the specified device instance in a particular logconfig.
DevInst - Supplies the handle of a device instance to retrieve configuration for.
Return Value:
If success, the return value is TRUE, otherwise it is FALSE.
--*/ { LOG_CONF logConfig; RES_DES resDes; CONFIGRET cr; BOOL success; IO_RESOURCE ioResource; WORD base; ULONGLONG base2;
if (CM_Get_First_Log_Conf(&logConfig, DevInst, BOOT_LOG_CONF) != CR_SUCCESS) { GenerateLptNumber(Num, PARALLEL_MAX_NUMBER); return TRUE; }
success = FALSE; // assume failure.
// First, get the Io base port
if (CM_Get_Next_Res_Des(&resDes, logConfig, ResType_IO, NULL, 0) != CR_SUCCESS) { goto clean0; }
cr = CM_Get_Res_Des_Data(resDes, &ioResource, sizeof(IO_RESOURCE), 0);
if (cr != CR_SUCCESS) { goto clean0; }
success = TRUE;
// Values for resources from ISA Architecture
base = (WORD) ioResource.IO_Header.IOD_Alloc_Base;
if (IN_RANGE(base, 0x278, 0x27f)) { *Num = 2; } else if (IN_RANGE(base, 0x378, 0x37f)) { *Num = 1; } else if (base == 0x3bc) { *Num = 1; } else { //
// Most machines only have one port anways, so just try that here
GenerateLptNumber(Num, PARALLEL_MAX_NUMBER); }
clean0: CM_Free_Log_Conf_Handle(logConfig);
return success; } // @@END_DDKSPLIT
DWORD InstallPnPParallelPort( IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine installs a parallel (LPT or ECP) port.
DeviceInfoSet - Supplies a handle to the device information set containing the device being installed.
DeviceInfoData - Supplies the address of the device information element being installed.
Return Value:
If successful, the return value is NO_ERROR, otherwise it is a Win32 error code.
// IGNORE the decription below, it is for the DDK only
Routine Description:
This routine installs a parallel port. In the DDK implementation, we let the default setup installer run and do nothing special.
--*/ { // @@BEGIN_DDKSPLIT
TCHAR charBuffer[LINE_LEN], friendlyNameFormat[LINE_LEN], deviceDesc[LINE_LEN], lptPortName[20]; PTCHAR lptLocation; DWORD lptPortNameSize, lptNum; HKEY hDeviceKey; TCHAR lpszService[MAX_PATH]; DWORD error;
// We init the value here so that the DDK version of the function we have an
// initialized value when it returns err. In the shipping version of this
// function, we immediately set this to a different value.
// Predispose the port name to 1. On almost any machine imaginable, there
// will only be ONE LPT port, so we might as well assume it.
ZeroMemory(lptPortName, sizeof(lptPortName));
// First, make sure that Device Parameters\PortName exists and contains a
// valid value so that when the parallel driver starts, it can name the
// device
if ((hDeviceKey = SetupDiCreateDevRegKey(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL, 0, DIREG_DEV, NULL, NULL)) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //
// Retrieve the port name.
lptPortNameSize = sizeof(lptPortName); if (RegQueryValueEx(hDeviceKey, m_szPortName, NULL, NULL, (PBYTE)lptPortName, &lptPortNameSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { lptPortNameSize = sizeof(lptPortName); if (RegQueryValueEx(hDeviceKey, m_szDosDeviceName, NULL, NULL, (PBYTE) lptPortName, &lptPortNameSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if (SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_ENUMERATOR_NAME, NULL, (PBYTE)charBuffer, sizeof(charBuffer), NULL)) {
if (lstrcmpi(charBuffer, m_szAcpiEnumName) == 0) { wsprintf(lptPortName, _T("%s%d"), m_szLPT, 1); } }
if (*lptPortName != _T('\0')) { DWORD dwSize, dwFirmwareIdentified;
dwSize = sizeof(dwFirmwareIdentified); if (RegQueryValueEx(hDeviceKey, m_szFirmwareIdentified, NULL, NULL, (PBYTE) &dwFirmwareIdentified, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// ACPI puts the value "FirmwareIdentified" if it has enumerated
// this port. We only rely on this if a DDN isn't present and we
// couldn't get the enumerator name
wsprintf(lptPortName, _T("%s%d"), m_szLPT, 1); } } } }
if (lptPortName[0] != (TCHAR) 0) {
_wcsupr(lptPortName); lptLocation = wcsstr(lptPortName, m_szLPT); if (lptLocation) { lptNum = myatoi(lptLocation + wcslen(m_szLPT)); } else { DetermineLptNumberFromResources((DEVINST) DeviceInfoData->DevInst, &lptNum); } } else { DetermineLptNumberFromResources((DEVINST) DeviceInfoData->DevInst, &lptNum); } //
// Check if this is a brand new port by querying the service value.
// On a newly detected port, there will be no service value.
if (!SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_SERVICE, NULL, (LPBYTE) lpszService, MAX_PATH*sizeof(TCHAR), NULL)) { if (ERROR_INVALID_DATA == GetLastError()) { GenerateLptNumber(&lptNum, lptNum); } }
wsprintf(lptPortName, _T("LPT%d"), lptNum);
// If this fails, then we can't do much about it but continue
RegSetValueEx(hDeviceKey, m_szPortName, 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE) lptPortName, ByteCountOf(lstrlen(lptPortName) + 1) );
RegCloseKey(hDeviceKey); }
// Second, let the default installation take place.
if (!SetupDiInstallDevice(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData)) { return GetLastError(); }
// Now generate a string, to be used for the device's friendly name, that incorporates
// both the INF-specified device description, and the port name. For example,
// ECP Printer Port (LPT1)
if (LoadString(g_hInst, IDS_FRIENDLY_FORMAT, friendlyNameFormat, CharSizeOf(friendlyNameFormat)) && SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_DEVICEDESC, NULL, (PBYTE)deviceDesc, sizeof(deviceDesc), NULL)) { wsprintf(charBuffer, friendlyNameFormat, deviceDesc, lptPortName); } else { //
// Simply use LPT port name.
lstrcpy(charBuffer, lptPortName); }
SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryProperty(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_FRIENDLYNAME, (PBYTE)charBuffer, ByteCountOf(lstrlen(charBuffer) + 1) );
// Ignore the comments below, but KEEP THEM IN. We need them for the DDK
// Let the default setup installer install parallel ports for the DDK
// version of this class installer
return err; }
DWORD GetDetectedSerialPortsList( IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, IN BOOL FirstTimeSetup ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine retrieves a list of all root-enumerated COM port device instances that are not manually installed (both phantoms and non-phantoms), and adds those device instances to the supplied device information set.
See also ntos\io\pnpmap.c!PnPBiosEliminateDupes
DeviceInfoSet - Supplies a handle to the device information set into which the detected serial port elements are to be added.
FirstTimeSetup - If non-zero, then we're in GUI-mode setup (responding to DIF_FIRSTTIMESETUP), and we only want to report (unregistered) devnodes created by the firmware mapper.
Return Value:
If successful, the return value is NO_ERROR, otherwise it is a Win32 error code indicating the cause of failure.
--*/ { CONFIGRET cr; PTCHAR DevIdBuffer; ULONG DevIdBufferLen, Status, Problem; PTSTR CurDevId, DeviceIdPart, p; DWORD i; DEVNODE DevNode; HWND hwndParent = NULL; SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS DeviceInstallParams; SP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData;
// First retrieve a list of all root-enumerated device instances.
while(TRUE) {
cr = CM_Get_Device_ID_List_Size(&DevIdBufferLen, m_szRootEnumName, CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_ENUMERATOR );
if((cr != CR_SUCCESS) || !DevIdBufferLen) { //
// This should never happen.
if(!(DevIdBuffer = LocalAlloc(LPTR, DevIdBufferLen * sizeof(TCHAR)))) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
cr = CM_Get_Device_ID_List(m_szRootEnumName, DevIdBuffer, DevIdBufferLen, CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_ENUMERATOR );
if(cr == CR_SUCCESS) { //
// Device list retrieved successfully.
} else { //
// Free the current buffer before determining what error occurred.
// If the error we encountered was anything other than buffer-too-
// small, then we have to bail. (Note: since we sized our buffer
// up-front, the only time we'll hit buffer-too-small is if someone
// else is creating root-enumerated devnodes while we're trying to
// retrieve the list.)
if(cr != CR_BUFFER_SMALL) { return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } } }
// Retrieve the HWND associated with the device information set, so we can
// specify that same handle for any device information elements we create.
DeviceInstallParams.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS);
if(SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams(DeviceInfoSet, NULL, &DeviceInstallParams)) { hwndParent = DeviceInstallParams.hwndParent; }
// Now examine each device ID in our list, looking for ones that match up
// with the list of serial IDs that the firmware mapper can report.
for(CurDevId = DevIdBuffer; *CurDevId; CurDevId += lstrlen(CurDevId) + 1) {
// Skip over the root-enumerator prefix plus the first backslash.
DeviceIdPart = CurDevId + (sizeof(m_szRootEnumName) / sizeof(TCHAR));
// Find the next backslash and temporarily replace it with a NULL char.
p = _tcschr(DeviceIdPart, TEXT('\\'));
if (p) { *p = TEXT('\0'); }
for(i = 0; i < SERIAL_PNP_IDS_COUNT; i++) {
if(!lstrcmpi(DeviceIdPart, m_pszSerialPnPIds[i])) { //
// We found a match
break; } }
// Before checking to see if we found a match, restore the backslash
if (p) { *p = TEXT('\\'); }
if(i >= SERIAL_PNP_IDS_COUNT) { //
// We don't care about this device instance--move on to the next
// one.
continue; }
// Next, attempt to locate the devnode (either present or not-present).
// Note that this call _will not_ succeed for device instances that are
// "private phantoms" (i.e., marked with the "Phantom" flag in their
// device instance key by the firmware mapper or by some other process
// that has created a new root-enumerated device instance, but has not
// yet registered it).
cr = CM_Locate_DevNode(&DevNode, CurDevId, CM_LOCATE_DEVINST_PHANTOM );
if(cr == CR_SUCCESS) { //
// We are dealing with a device that has been registered. It may
// or may not be present, however. Attempt to retrieve its status.
// If that fails, the device isn't present, and we don't want to
// return it in our list of detected serial ports. Also, we want
// to skip this device if it was manually installed.
// Also, make sure we're processing DIF_DETECT. We don't want to
// do this for DIF_FIRSTTIMESETUP, because GUI-mode setup doesn't
// pay attention to what previously-detected devices are no longer
// found, so all we end up doing is causing two installs for each
// detected device.
if(FirstTimeSetup || (CR_SUCCESS != CM_Get_DevNode_Status(&Status, &Problem, DevNode, 0)) || (Status & DN_MANUAL)) {
// Move on to the next device.
continue; }
// OK, now we can add this device information element to our set of
// detected devices. Regardless of success or failure, we're done
// with this device--it's time to move on to the next one.
SetupDiOpenDeviceInfo(DeviceInfoSet, CurDevId, hwndParent, 0, NULL ); continue; }
// If we get to here, then we've found a private phantom. Create a
// device information element for this device. The underlying code
// that implements CM_Create_DevInst won't allow creation of a device
// instance that's already a private phantom _unless_ that device
// instance was created by the firmware mapper. Thus, we don't have to
// worry about the (admittedly unlikely) case that we caught a private
// phantom created by someone else (e.g., another detection in
// progress.)
DeviceInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA); if(!SetupDiCreateDeviceInfo(DeviceInfoSet, CurDevId, &GUID_DEVCLASS_PORTS, NULL, hwndParent, 0, &DeviceInfoData)) { //
// We were unable to create a device information element for this
// private phantom (maybe because it wasn't a creation of the
// firmware mapper). At any rate, there's nothing we can do, so
// skip this device and continue on.
continue; }
// OK, we have a device information element for our detected serial
// port. DIF_FIRSTTIMESETUP expects us to have a driver selected for
// any devices we return. DIF_DETECT doesn't make this requirement,
// but it does respect the driver selection, if we make one. Thus, we
// always go ahead and do the compatible driver search ourselves.
if(!SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList(DeviceInfoSet, &DeviceInfoData, SPDIT_COMPATDRIVER)) { //
// This should never fail--if it does, bail and move on to the next
// device.
SetupDiDeleteDeviceInfo(DeviceInfoSet, &DeviceInfoData); continue; }
// Now select the best driver from among the compatible matches for the
// device.
if(!SetupDiCallClassInstaller(DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV, DeviceInfoSet, &DeviceInfoData)) { //
// This shouldn't fail, unless something really bad has happened
// such as the user deleting %windir%\Inf\msports.inf. If that
// happens, then once again we've no choice but to bail and move on
// to the next device.
SetupDiDeleteDeviceInfo(DeviceInfoSet, &DeviceInfoData); continue; }
// We've successfully added the detected device to the device info set.
// On to the next device...
return NO_ERROR; }
DWORD RegisterDetectedSerialPort( IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine performs duplicate detection on the specified device information element, and if it isn't found to be a duplicate of any existing device, this devinfo element is registered (thus transforming it from just registry spooge into a real, live root-enumerated devnode).
DeviceInfoSet - Supplies the handle of the device information set that contains the element to be registered.
DeviceInfoData - Supplies the context structure for the device information element to be registered.
Return Value:
If the device isn't a duplicate, the return value is NO_ERROR. Otherwise, it is some other Win32 error code indicating the cause of failure. The most common failure is due to having detected the device as being a duplicate of an existing one--in that case the error reported is ERROR_DUPLICATE_FOUND.
If the device being registered wasn't created via device detection (i.e., it doesn't have a boot config), then we just return ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT.
--*/ { CONFIGRET cr; LOG_CONF LogConf; RES_DES ResDes; IO_RESOURCE IoResource; CONFLICT_LIST ConflictList; ULONG ConflictCount, ConflictIndex; CONFLICT_DETAILS ConflictDetails; INT i, PosDupIndex, PosDupCount; PTCHAR IdBuffer = NULL; ULONG IdBufferSize = 0; DWORD Err; PCTSTR p; PTCHAR SerialDevNodeList = NULL; ULONG SerialDevNodeListSize; TCHAR CharBuffer[MAX_DEVNODE_ID_LEN]; ULONG CharBufferSize; PTSTR *PosDupList;
// First, check to see if the boot config for this device conflicts with
// any other device. If it doesn't, then we know we don't have a duplicate.
if(!GetSerialPortDevInstConfig((DEVNODE)(DeviceInfoData->DevInst), BOOT_LOG_CONF, &IoResource, NULL)) { //
// The device instance doesn't have a boot config--this will happen if
// the user is attempting to manually install a COM port (i.e., not via
// detection). In this case, just let the default behavior happen.
// We can't query for the resource conflict list on a phantom devnode.
// Therefore, we are forced to register this devnode now, then uninstall it
// later if we discover that it is, in fact, a duplicate.
if(!SetupDiRegisterDeviceInfo(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL)) { //
// Device couldn't be registered.
return GetLastError(); }
cr = CM_Query_Resource_Conflict_List(&ConflictList, (DEVNODE)(DeviceInfoData->DevInst), ResType_IO, &IoResource, sizeof(IoResource), 0, NULL );
if(cr != CR_SUCCESS) { //
// Couldn't retrieve a conflict list--assume there are no conflicts,
// thus this device isn't a duplicate.
return NO_ERROR; }
// Find out how many things conflicted.
if((CR_SUCCESS != CM_Get_Resource_Conflict_Count(ConflictList, &ConflictCount)) || !ConflictCount) {
// Either we couldn't retrieve the conflict count, or it was zero. In
// any case, we should assume this device isn't a duplicate.
Err = NO_ERROR; goto clean1; }
// Retrieve the list of devnodes with which the Serial service is
// associated (as either the function driver or a filter driver).
SerialDevNodeListSize = 1024; // start out with a 1K character buffer
while(TRUE) {
if(!(SerialDevNodeList = LocalAlloc(LPTR, SerialDevNodeListSize))) { //
// Out of memory--time to bail!
Err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto clean1; }
cr = CM_Get_Device_ID_List(m_szSERIAL, SerialDevNodeList, SerialDevNodeListSize, CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_SERVICE );
if(cr == CR_SUCCESS) { break; }
LocalFree(SerialDevNodeList); SerialDevNodeList = NULL;
if(cr != CR_BUFFER_SMALL) { //
// We failed for some reason other than buffer-too-small. Maybe
// the Serial service isn't even installed. At any rate, we'll
// just skip this part of our check when processing the conflicting
// devnodes below.
break; }
// Figure out how big of a buffer we actually need,
cr = CM_Get_Device_ID_List_Size(&SerialDevNodeListSize, m_szSERIAL, CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_SERVICE ); if(cr != CR_SUCCESS) { //
// This shouldn't fail, but if it does we'll just do without the
// list.
break; } }
// Retrieve the list of possible duplicate IDs
if(!GetPosDupList(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, &PosDupList, &PosDupCount)) { //
// We couldn't retrieve the PosDup list for some reason--default to
// the list of IDs known to be spat out by the firmware mapper.
PosDupList = m_pszSerialPnPIds; PosDupCount = SERIAL_PNP_IDS_COUNT; }
// Loop through each conflict, checking to see whether our device is a
// duplicate of any of them.
for(ConflictIndex = 0; ConflictIndex < ConflictCount; ConflictIndex++) {
ZeroMemory(&ConflictDetails, sizeof(ConflictDetails));
ConflictDetails.CD_ulSize = sizeof(CONFLICT_DETAILS); ConflictDetails.CD_ulMask = CM_CDMASK_DEVINST | CM_CDMASK_FLAGS;
cr = CM_Get_Resource_Conflict_Details(ConflictList, ConflictIndex, &ConflictDetails );
// If we failed to retrieve the conflict details, or if the conflict
// was not with a PnP devnode, then we can ignore this conflict.
if((cr != CR_SUCCESS) || (ConflictDetails.CD_dnDevInst == -1) || (ConflictDetails.CD_ulFlags & (CM_CDFLAGS_DRIVER | CM_CDFLAGS_ROOT_OWNED | CM_CDFLAGS_RESERVED))) { continue; }
// We have a devnode--first check to see if this is the HAL devnode
// (class = "Computer"). If so, then we've found the serial port in
// use by the kernel debugger.
CharBufferSize = sizeof(CharBuffer); cr = CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property(ConflictDetails.CD_dnDevInst, CM_DRP_CLASSGUID, NULL, CharBuffer, &CharBufferSize, 0 );
if((cr == CR_SUCCESS) && !lstrcmpi(CharBuffer, m_szComputerClassGuidString)) { //
// We're conflicting with the HAL, presumably because it's claimed
// the serial port IO addresses for use as the kernel debugger port.
// There are 3 scenarios:
// 1. non-ACPI, non-PnPBIOS machine -- detection is not required
// on these machines, because the mapper-reported devnodes are
// not reported as phantoms in the first place.
// 2. PnPBIOS or ACPI machine, debugger on PnP COM port -- we
// don't want to install our detected devnode because it's a
// duplicate.
// 3. PnPBIOS or ACPI machine, debugger on legacy COM port -- we
// _should_ install this devnode, because otherwise having the
// kernel debugger hooked up will prevent us from detecting
// the COM port.
// Unfortunately, we can't distinguish between cases (2) and (3) on
// ACPI machines, because ACPI doesn't enumerate a devnode for the
// serial port that's being used as the kernel debugger. For now,
// we're going to punt case (3) and say "tough"--you have to
// disable the kernel debugger, reboot and re-run the hardware
// wizard. This isn't too bad considering that it's no worse than
// what would happen if we actually had to poke at ports to detect
// the COM port. In that case, too, we would be unable to detect
// the COM port if it was already in use by the debugger.
Err = ERROR_DUPLICATE_FOUND; goto clean2; }
// OK, we're not looking at the kernel debugger port. Now check to see
// if one of our known mapper-reported IDs is among this device's list
// of hardware or compatible IDs.
for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
cr = CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property(ConflictDetails.CD_dnDevInst, (i ? CM_DRP_COMPATIBLEIDS : CM_DRP_HARDWAREID), NULL, IdBuffer, &IdBufferSize, 0 );
if(cr == CR_BUFFER_SMALL) {
if(IdBuffer) { LocalFree(IdBuffer); }
if(!(IdBuffer = LocalAlloc(LPTR, IdBufferSize))) { //
// Out of memory--time to bail!
Err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto clean2; }
// Decrement our index, so when we loop around again, we'll
// re-attempt to retrieve the same property.
i--; continue;
} else if(cr != CR_SUCCESS) { //
// Failed to retrieve the property--just move on to the next
// one.
continue; }
// If we get to here, we successfully retrieved a multi-sz list of
// hardware or compatible IDs for this device.
for(p = IdBuffer; *p; p += (lstrlen(p) + 1)) { for(PosDupIndex = 0; PosDupIndex < PosDupCount; PosDupIndex++) { if(!lstrcmpi(p, PosDupList[PosDupIndex])) { //
// We found a match--our guy's a dupe.
Err = ERROR_DUPLICATE_FOUND; goto clean2; } } } }
// If we get to here, then we didn't find any duplicates based on ID
// matching. However, there are some 16550-compatible PnP devices that
// don't report the correct compatible ID. However, we have another
// trick we can use--if the device has serial.sys as either the
// function driver or a filter driver, then this is a solid indicator
// that we have a dupe.
if(SerialDevNodeList) { //
// Retrieve the name of this devnode so we can compare it against
// the list of devnodes with which the Serial service is associated.
if(CR_SUCCESS == CM_Get_Device_ID(ConflictDetails.CD_dnDevInst, CharBuffer, sizeof(CharBuffer) / sizeof(TCHAR), 0)) {
for(p = SerialDevNodeList; *p; p += (lstrlen(p) + 1)) { if(!lstrcmpi(CharBuffer, p)) { //
// This devnode is using serial.sys--it must be a dupe.
Err = ERROR_DUPLICATE_FOUND; goto clean2; } } } } }
// If we get here, then all our checks have past--our newly-detected device
// instance is not a duplicate of any other existing devnodes.
clean2: if(SerialDevNodeList) { LocalFree(SerialDevNodeList); } if(IdBuffer) { LocalFree(IdBuffer); } if(PosDupList != m_pszSerialPnPIds) { for(PosDupIndex = 0; PosDupIndex < PosDupCount; PosDupIndex++) { LocalFree(PosDupList[PosDupIndex]); } LocalFree(PosDupList); }
clean1: CM_Free_Resource_Conflict_Handle(ConflictList);
if(Err != NO_ERROR) { //
// Since we registered the devnode, we must manually uninstall it if
// we fail.
SetupDiRemoveDevice(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData); }
return Err; }
BOOL GetPosDupList( IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData, OUT PTSTR **PosDupList, OUT INT *PosDupCount ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine retrieves the list of PosDup IDs contained in the [<ActualInstallSec>.PosDup] INF section for the device information element's selected driver node.
DeviceInfoSet - Supplies the handle of the device information set that contains the device information element for which a driver is selected
DeviceInfoData - Supplies the context structure for the device information element for which a driver node is selected. The PosDup list will be retrieved based on this driver node's (potentially decorated) INF install section.
PosDupList - Supplies the address of a pointer that will be set, upon successful return, to point to a newly-allocated array of string pointers, each pointing to a newly-allocated string buffer containing a device ID referenced in the relevant PosDup section for the selected driver node.
PosDupCount - Supplies the address of an integer variable that, upon successful return, receives the number of string pointers stored in the PosDupList array.
Return Value:
If successful, the return value is non-zero. The caller is responsible for freeing each string pointer in the array, as well as the array buffer itself.
If unsuccessful, the return value is zero (FALSE). (Note: the call is also considered unsuccessful if there's no associated PosDup section, or if it's empty).
--*/ { SP_DRVINFO_DATA DriverInfoData; SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA DriverInfoDetailData; HINF hInf; TCHAR InfSectionWithExt[255]; // MAX_SECT_NAME_LEN from setupapi\inf.h
BOOL b = FALSE; LONG LineCount, LineIndex; INFCONTEXT InfContext; DWORD NumElements, NumFields, FieldIndex; TCHAR PosDupId[MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN]; PTSTR PosDupCopy;
// Get the driver node selected for the specified device information
// element.
DriverInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DRVINFO_DATA); if(!SetupDiGetSelectedDriver(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, &DriverInfoData)) { //
// No driver node selected--there's nothing we can do!
goto clean0; }
// Now retrieve the corresponding INF and install section.
DriverInfoDetailData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA); if(!SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetail(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, &DriverInfoData, &DriverInfoDetailData, sizeof(DriverInfoDetailData), NULL) && (GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)) { //
// We failed, and it wasn't because the buffer was too small. We gotta
// bail.
goto clean0; }
// Open the INF for this driver node.
hInf = SetupOpenInfFile(DriverInfoDetailData.InfFileName, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL );
if(hInf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { goto clean0; }
// Get the (potentially decorated) install section name.
if(!SetupDiGetActualSectionToInstall(hInf, DriverInfoDetailData.SectionName, InfSectionWithExt, sizeof(InfSectionWithExt) / sizeof(TCHAR), NULL, NULL)) { goto clean1; }
// Append ".PosDup" to decorated install section.
lstrcat(InfSectionWithExt, m_szPosDupSectionSuffix);
// First, figure out the size of the array we're going to populate...
NumElements = 0;
// Loop through each line in the PosDup section.
LineCount = SetupGetLineCount(hInf, InfSectionWithExt);
for(LineIndex = 0; LineIndex < LineCount; LineIndex++) { if(SetupGetLineByIndex(hInf, InfSectionWithExt, LineIndex, &InfContext)) { NumElements += SetupGetFieldCount(&InfContext); } }
if(!NumElements) { //
// We didn't find any PosDup entries.
goto clean1; }
// Now allocate a buffer big enough to hold all these entries.
*PosDupList = LocalAlloc(LPTR, NumElements * sizeof(PTSTR));
if(!*PosDupList) { goto clean1; }
*PosDupCount = 0;
// Now loop though each PosDup entry, and store copies of those entries in
// our array.
for(LineIndex = 0; LineIndex < LineCount; LineIndex++) {
if(SetupGetLineByIndex(hInf, InfSectionWithExt, LineIndex, &InfContext)) {
NumFields = SetupGetFieldCount(&InfContext);
for(FieldIndex = 1; FieldIndex <= NumFields; FieldIndex++) {
if(!SetupGetStringField(&InfContext, FieldIndex, PosDupId, sizeof(PosDupId) / sizeof(TCHAR), NULL)) { //
// This shouldn't fail, but if it does, just move on to the
// next field.
continue; }
PosDupCopy = LocalAlloc(LPTR, (lstrlen(PosDupId) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) ); if(!PosDupCopy) { goto clean2; }
lstrcpy(PosDupCopy, PosDupId);
(*PosDupList)[(*PosDupCount)++] = PosDupCopy; } } }
// If we get to here, and we found even one PosDup entry, consider the
// operation a success
if(*PosDupCount) { b = TRUE; goto clean1; }
clean2: //
// Something bad happened--clean up all memory allocated.
{ INT i;
for(i = 0; i < *PosDupCount; i++) { LocalFree((*PosDupList)[i]); } LocalFree(*PosDupList); }
clean1: SetupCloseInfFile(hInf);
clean0: return b; }
#define NO_COM_NUMBER 0
BOOL DetermineComNumberFromResources( IN DEVINST DevInst, OUT PDWORD Num ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine retrieves the base IO port and IRQ for the specified device instance in a particular logconfig.
If a successful match is found, then *Num == found number, otherwise *Num == NO_COM_NUMBER.
DevInst - Supplies the handle of a device instance to retrieve configuration for.
Return Value:
If success, the return value is TRUE, otherwise it is FALSE.
--*/ { LOG_CONF logConfig; RES_DES resDes; CONFIGRET cr; BOOL success; IO_RESOURCE ioResource; WORD base; ULONGLONG base2;
success = FALSE; // assume failure.
// If the device does not have a boot config, use the com db
if (CM_Get_First_Log_Conf(&logConfig, DevInst, BOOT_LOG_CONF) != CR_SUCCESS) { return success; }
// First, get the Io base port
if (CM_Get_Next_Res_Des(&resDes, logConfig, ResType_IO, NULL, 0) != CR_SUCCESS) { goto clean0; }
cr = CM_Get_Res_Des_Data(resDes, &ioResource, sizeof(IO_RESOURCE), 0);
if (cr != CR_SUCCESS) { goto clean0; }
// Values for resources from ISA Architecture
base = (WORD) ioResource.IO_Header.IOD_Alloc_Base; if (IN_RANGE(base, 0x3f8, 0x3ff)) { *Num = 1; } else if (IN_RANGE(base, 0x2f8, 0x2ff)) { *Num = 2; } else if (IN_RANGE(base, 0x3e8, 0x3ef)) { *Num = 3; } else if (IN_RANGE(base, 0x2e8, 0x2ef)) { *Num = 4; }
if (*Num != NO_COM_NUMBER) { success = TRUE; }
clean0: CM_Free_Log_Conf_Handle(logConfig);
return success; }
#define DEF_MIN_COM_NUM (5)
DWORD InstallPnPSerialPort( IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine performs the installation of a PnP ISA serial port device (may actually be a modem card). This involves the following steps:
1. Select a COM port number and serial device name for this port (This involves duplicate detection, since PnP ISA cards will sometimes have a boot config, and thus be reported by ntdetect/ARC firmware.) 2. Create a subkey under the serial driver's Parameters key, and set it up just as if it was a manually-installed port. 3. Display the resource selection dialog, and allow the user to configure the settings for the port. 4. Write out the settings to the serial port's key in legacy format (i.e., the way serial.sys expects to see it). 5. Write out PnPDeviceId value to the serial port's key, which gives the device instance name with which this port is associated. 6. Write out PortName value to the devnode key, so that modem class installer can continue with installation (if this is really a PnP ISA modem).
DeviceInfoSet - Supplies a handle to the device information set containing the device being installed.
DeviceInfoData - Supplies the address of the device information element being installed.
Return Value:
If successful, the return value is NO_ERROR, otherwise it is a Win32 error code.
--*/ { HKEY hKey; HCOMDB hComDB; TCHAR comPort[40], szPortName[20], charBuffer[MAX_PATH], friendlyNameFormat[LINE_LEN], deviceDesc[LINE_LEN]; PTCHAR comLocation; DWORD comPortSize1,comPortSize2, comPortNumber = NO_COM_NUMBER, portsReported; DWORD dwFirmwareIdentified, dwSize; BYTE portUsage[32]; BOOL res; DWORD firmwarePort = FALSE;
#error MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN is greater than MAX_PATH. Update charBuffer.
ZeroMemory(comPort, sizeof(comPort));
if ((hKey = SetupDiOpenDevRegKey(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL, 0, DIREG_DEV, KEY_READ)) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
comPortSize1 = sizeof(comPort); comPortSize2 = sizeof(comPort); if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, m_szPortName, NULL, NULL, (PBYTE)comPort, &comPortSize1) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { firmwarePort = TRUE; } else if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, m_szDosDeviceName, NULL, NULL, (PBYTE) comPort, &comPortSize2) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// ACPI puts the name of the port as DosDeviceName, use this name
// as the basis for what to call this port
firmwarePort = TRUE; } else { //
// Our final check is to check the enumerator. We care about two
// cases:
// 1) If the enumerators is ACPI. If so, blindly consider this
// a firmware port (and get the BIOS mfg to provide a _DDN method
// for this device!)
// 2) The port is "root" enumerated, yet it's not marked as
// DN_ROOT_ENUMERATED. This is the
// way we distinguish PnPBIOS-reported devnodes. Note that, in
// general, these devnodes would've been caught by the check for a
// "PortName" value above, but this won't be present if we couldn't
// find a matching ntdetect-reported device from which to migrate
// the COM port name.
// Note also that this check doesn't catch ntdetect or firmware
// reported devices. In these cases, we should already have a
// PortName, thus the check above should catch those devices. In
// the unlikely event that we encounter an ntdetect or firmware
// devnode that doesn't already have a COM port name, then it'll
// get an arbitrary one assigned. Oh well.
if (SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_ENUMERATOR_NAME, NULL, (PBYTE)charBuffer, sizeof(charBuffer), NULL)) { if (lstrcmpi(charBuffer, m_szAcpiEnumName) == 0) { firmwarePort = TRUE; } else if (lstrcmpi(charBuffer, m_szRootEnumName) == 0) { ULONG status, problem;
if ((CM_Get_DevNode_Status(&status, &problem, (DEVNODE)(DeviceInfoData->DevInst), 0) == CR_SUCCESS) && !(status & DN_ROOT_ENUMERATED)) { firmwarePort = TRUE; } } }
dwSize = sizeof(dwFirmwareIdentified); if (firmwarePort == FALSE && RegQueryValueEx(hKey, m_szFirmwareIdentified, NULL, NULL, (PBYTE) &dwFirmwareIdentified, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// ACPI puts the value "FirmwareIdentified" if it has enumerated
// this port. We only rely on this if a DDN isn't present and we
// couldn't get the enumerator name
firmwarePort = TRUE; }
ZeroMemory(charBuffer, sizeof(charBuffer)); }
RegCloseKey(hKey); }
if (firmwarePort) { //
// Try to find "COM" in the name. If it is found, simply extract
// the number that follows it and use that as the com number.
// Otherwise:
// 1) try to determine the number of the com port based on its
// IO range, otherwise
// 2) look through the com db and try to find an unused port from
// 1 to 4, if none are present then let the DB pick the next open
// port number
if (comPort[0] != (TCHAR) 0) { _wcsupr(comPort); comLocation = wcsstr(comPort, m_szCOM); if (comLocation) { comPortNumber = myatoi(comLocation + wcslen(m_szCOM)); } }
if (comPortNumber == NO_COM_NUMBER && !DetermineComNumberFromResources((DEVINST) DeviceInfoData->DevInst, &comPortNumber) && (hComDB != HCOMDB_INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && (ComDBGetCurrentPortUsage(hComDB, portUsage, MAX_COM_PORT / 8, CDB_REPORT_BITS, &portsReported) == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { if (!(portUsage[0] & 0x1)) { comPortNumber = 1; } else if (!(portUsage[0] & 0x2)) { comPortNumber = 2; } else if (!(portUsage[0] & 0x4)) { comPortNumber = 3; } else if (!(portUsage[0] & 0x8)) { comPortNumber = 4; } else { comPortNumber = NO_COM_NUMBER; } } }
if (comPortNumber == NO_COM_NUMBER) { if (hComDB == HCOMDB_INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //
// Couldn't open the DB, pick a com port number that doesn't conflict
// with any firmware ports
comPortNumber = DEF_MIN_COM_NUM; } else { //
// Let the db find the next number
ComDBClaimNextFreePort(hComDB, &comPortNumber); } } else { //
// We have been told what number to use, claim it irregardless of what
// has already been claimed
ComDBClaimPort(hComDB, comPortNumber, TRUE, NULL); }
// Generate the serial and COM port names based on the numbers we picked.
wsprintf(szPortName, TEXT("%s%d"), m_szCOM, comPortNumber);
// Write out Device Parameters\PortName and PollingPeriod
if((hKey = SetupDiCreateDevRegKey(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL, 0, DIREG_DEV, NULL, NULL)) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD PollingPeriod = PollingPeriods[POLL_PERIOD_DEFAULT_IDX];
// A failure is not catastrophic, serial will just not know what to call
// the port
RegSetValueEx(hKey, m_szPortName, 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE) szPortName, ByteCountOf(lstrlen(szPortName) + 1) );
RegSetValueEx(hKey, m_szPollingPeriod, 0, REG_DWORD, (PBYTE) &PollingPeriod, sizeof(DWORD) );
RegCloseKey(hKey); }
// Now do the installation for this device.
if(!SetupDiInstallDevice(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData)) { return GetLastError(); }
// Write out the friendly name based on the device desc
if (LoadString(g_hInst, IDS_FRIENDLY_FORMAT, friendlyNameFormat, CharSizeOf(friendlyNameFormat)) && SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_DEVICEDESC, NULL, (PBYTE)deviceDesc, sizeof(deviceDesc), NULL)) { wsprintf(charBuffer, friendlyNameFormat, deviceDesc, szPortName); } else { lstrcpy(charBuffer, szPortName); }
// Write the string friendly name string out
SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryProperty(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_FRIENDLYNAME, (PBYTE)charBuffer, ByteCountOf(lstrlen(charBuffer) + 1) );
// Write out the default settings to win.ini (really a registry key) if they
// don't already exist.
wcscat(szPortName, m_szColon); charBuffer[0] = TEXT('\0'); GetProfileString(m_szPorts, szPortName, TEXT(""), charBuffer, sizeof(charBuffer) / sizeof(TCHAR) ); //
// Check to see if the default string provided was copied in, if so, write
// out the port defaults
if (charBuffer[0] == TEXT('\0')) { WriteProfileString(m_szPorts, szPortName, m_szDefParams); }
return NO_ERROR; }
BOOL GetSerialPortDevInstConfig( IN DEVINST DevInst, IN ULONG LogConfigType, OUT PIO_RESOURCE IoResource, OPTIONAL OUT PIRQ_RESOURCE IrqResource OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine retrieves the base IO port and IRQ for the specified device instance in a particular logconfig.
DevInst - Supplies the handle of a device instance to retrieve configuration for.
LogConfigType - Specifies the type of logconfig to retrieve. Must be either ALLOC_LOG_CONF, BOOT_LOG_CONF, or FORCED_LOG_CONF.
IoResource - Optionally, supplies the address of an Io resource structure that receives the Io resource retreived.
IrqResource - Optionally, supplies the address of an IRQ resource variable that receives the IRQ resource retrieved.
AdditionalResources - Optionally, supplies the address of a CM_RESOURCE_LIST pointer. If this parameter is specified, then this pointer will be filled in with the address of a newly-allocated buffer containing any additional resources contained in this logconfig. If there are no additional resources (which will typically be the case), then this pointer will be set to NULL.
The caller is responsible for freeing this buffer.
AdditionalResourcesSize - Optionally, supplies the address of a variable that receives the size, in bytes, of the buffer allocated and returned in the AdditionalResources parameter. If that parameter is not specified, then this parameter is ignored.
Return Value:
If success, the return value is TRUE, otherwise it is FALSE.
--*/ { LOG_CONF LogConfig; RES_DES ResDes; CONFIGRET cr; BOOL Success; PBYTE ResDesBuffer = NULL; ULONG ResDesBufferSize = 68; // big enough for everything but class-specific resource.
if(CM_Get_First_Log_Conf(&LogConfig, DevInst, LogConfigType) != CR_SUCCESS) { return FALSE; }
Success = FALSE; // assume failure.
// First, get the Io base port
if(IoResource) {
if(CM_Get_Next_Res_Des(&ResDes, LogConfig, ResType_IO, NULL, 0) != CR_SUCCESS) { goto clean0; }
cr = CM_Get_Res_Des_Data(ResDes, IoResource, sizeof(IO_RESOURCE), 0);
if(cr != CR_SUCCESS) { goto clean0; } }
// Now, get the IRQ
if(IrqResource) {
if(CM_Get_Next_Res_Des(&ResDes, LogConfig, ResType_IRQ, NULL, 0) != CR_SUCCESS) { goto clean0; }
cr = CM_Get_Res_Des_Data(ResDes, IrqResource, sizeof(IRQ_RESOURCE), 0);
if(cr != CR_SUCCESS) { goto clean0; } }
Success = TRUE;
clean0: CM_Free_Log_Conf_Handle(LogConfig);
if(ResDesBuffer) { LocalFree(ResDesBuffer); }
return Success; } // @@END_DDKSPLIT
void InitStrings(void) { DWORD dwClass, dwShare; TCHAR szClass[ 40 ];
LoadString(g_hInst, INITS, g_szErrMem, CharSizeOf(g_szErrMem)); LoadString(g_hInst, IDS_INIT_NAME, g_szPortsApplet, CharSizeOf(g_szPortsApplet));
// Get the "Close" string
LoadString(g_hInst, IDS_INIT_CLOSE, g_szClose, CharSizeOf(g_szClose)); }