/** FILE: pp_lpt.c ********** Module Header *******************************
* * Control panel applet for configuring LPT ports. This file contains * the dialog and utility functions for managing the UI for setting LPT * port parameters * @@BEGIN_DDKSPLIT * History: * jsenior - 7/10/98 - created @@END_DDKSPLIT * * Copyright (C) 1990-1995 Microsoft Corporation * *************************************************************************/
// Include files
#include "ports.h"
#include "pp_lpt.h"
#include <windowsx.h>
TCHAR m_szFilterResourceMethod[] = TEXT("FilterResourceMethod"); TCHAR m_szParEnableLegacyZip[] = TEXT("ParEnableLegacyZip"); TCHAR m_szParEnableLegacyZipRegPath[] = TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Parport\\Parameters");
const DWORD LptHelpIDs[]= { IDC_STATIC, IDH_NOHELP, //Filter resource method text - help not needed
IDC_FILTERMETHOD_TRYNOT, idh_devmgr_portset_trynot, //first radio button
IDC_FILTERMETHOD_NEVER, idh_devmgr_portset_never, //second radio button
IDC_FILTERMETHOD_ACCEPTANY, idh_devmgr_portset_acceptany, //third radio button
IDC_LPTNUMTEXT, idh_devmgr_portset_portnum, //Port number text
PP_LPT_PORT_NUMBER, idh_devmgr_portset_LPTchoice, //the list box for port number
IDC_LPT_ENABLE_LEGACY, idh_devmgr_enable_legacy, //Enable legacy detection checkbox
0, 0 };
DWORD FilterResourceMethods[NUM_FILTER_RESOURCE_METHODS] = { 0, // Try not to use an interrupt
1, // Never use an interrupt
2 // Accept any interrupt given to the port
// C Runtime
// Prototype for IsUserAdmin (in pp.c)
void InformDriverOfChanges(BOOL NeedReboot, IN PLPT_PROP_PARAMS LptPropParams);
void LptPortOnHelp(HWND ParentHwnd, LPHELPINFO HelpInfo);
BOOL LptPortOnContextMenu(HWND HwndControl, WORD Xpos, WORD Ypos);
BOOL LptPortOnInitDialog( HWND ParentHwnd, HWND FocusHwnd, LPARAM Lparam);
ULONG LptFillPortSettings( IN HWND ParentHwnd, IN PLPT_PROP_PARAMS LptPropPageData);
ULONG LptFillPortNameCb( HWND ParentHwnd, PLPT_PROP_PARAMS LptPropPageData);
void LptInitializeControls( IN HWND ParentHwnd, IN PLPT_PROP_PARAMS LptPropPageData);
ULONG LptSetFilterResourceMethod( HWND ParentHwnd, PLPT_PROP_PARAMS LptPropPageData);
ULONG LptSavePortSettings( IN HWND ParentHwnd, IN PLPT_PROP_PARAMS LptPropParams);
BOOL LptPortOnNotify( HWND ParentHwnd, LPNMHDR NmHdr);
void LptPortOnCommand( HWND ParentHwnd, int ControlId, HWND ControlHwnd, UINT NotifyCode);
UINT LptEnactPortNameChanges( IN HWND ParentHwnd, IN PLPT_PROP_PARAMS LptPropParams, IN HKEY hDeviceKey, IN UINT NewLptNum);
void LptEnumerateUsedPorts( IN HWND ParentHwnd, IN PBYTE Buffer, IN DWORD BufferSize);
void LptInitPropParams(IN OUT PLPT_PROP_PARAMS Params, IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData);
INT_PTR APIENTRY LptPortSettingsDlgProc(IN HWND hDlg, IN UINT uMessage, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam);
UINT CALLBACK LptPortSettingsDlgCallback(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, LPPROPSHEETPAGE ppsp);
Routine Description: ParallelPortPropPageProvider
Entry-point for adding additional device manager property sheet pages. Registry specifies this routine under Control\Class\PortNode::EnumPropPage32="msports.dll,thisproc" entry. This entry-point gets called only when the Device Manager asks for additional property pages.
Info - points to PROPSHEETPAGE_REQUEST, see setupapi.h AddFunc - function ptr to call to add sheet. Lparam - add sheet functions private data handle.
Return Value:
BOOL: FALSE if pages could not be added, TRUE on success
pprPropPageRequest = (PSP_PROPSHEETPAGE_REQUEST) Info;
// Only administrators are allowed to see this page
if (!IsUserAdmin()) { return FALSE; } // @@END_DDKSPLIT
// Allocate and zero out memory for the struct that will contain
// page specific data
params = (PLPT_PROP_PARAMS) LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(LPT_PROP_PARAMS));
if (!params) { ErrMemDlg(GetFocus()); return FALSE; }
if (pprPropPageRequest->PageRequested == SPPSR_ENUM_ADV_DEVICE_PROPERTIES) { LptInitPropParams(params, pprPropPageRequest->DeviceInfoSet, pprPropPageRequest->DeviceInfoData);
hpsp = LptInitSettingsPage(&psp, params);
if (!hpsp) { return FALSE; }
if (!(*AddFunc)(hpsp, Lparam)) { DestroyPropertySheetPage(hpsp); return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; } // ParallelPortPropPageProvider
Routine Description: LptPortSettingsDlgProc
The windows control function for the Port Settings properties window
hDlg, uMessage, wParam, lParam: standard windows DlgProc parameters
Return Value:
BOOL: FALSE if function fails, TRUE if function passes
--*/ INT_PTR APIENTRY LptPortSettingsDlgProc(IN HWND hDlg, IN UINT uMessage, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam) { switch(uMessage) { case WM_COMMAND: LptPortOnCommand(hDlg, (int) LOWORD(wParam), (HWND)lParam, (UINT)HIWORD(wParam)); break;
case WM_CONTEXTMENU: return LptPortOnContextMenu((HWND)wParam, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam));
case WM_HELP: LptPortOnHelp(hDlg, (LPHELPINFO) lParam); break;
case WM_INITDIALOG: return LptPortOnInitDialog(hDlg, (HWND)wParam, lParam);
case WM_NOTIFY: return LptPortOnNotify(hDlg, (NMHDR *)lParam);
return FALSE; } // PortSettingsDialogProc
void LptInitPropParams(IN OUT PLPT_PROP_PARAMS Params, IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData) { BOOL bResult; DWORD requiredSize = 0; SP_DEVINFO_LIST_DETAIL_DATA detailData;
ZeroMemory(Params, sizeof(LPT_PROP_PARAMS));
Params->DeviceInfoSet = DeviceInfoSet; Params->DeviceInfoData = DeviceInfoData; Params->ChangesEnabled = TRUE;
// Get the device ID first: if the device path is larger then
// MAX_PATH, we will try again with a bigger buffer
bResult = SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, NULL, MAX_PATH, &requiredSize);
// See if we are being invoked locally or over the network. If over the net,
// then disable all possible changes.
detailData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_LIST_DETAIL_DATA); if (SetupDiGetDeviceInfoListDetail(DeviceInfoSet, &detailData) && detailData.RemoteMachineHandle != NULL) { Params->ChangesEnabled = FALSE; }
} // LptInitPropParams
// Add the Port Settings property page
psp->dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE); psp->dwFlags = PSP_USECALLBACK; // | PSP_HASHELP;
psp->hInstance = g_hInst; psp->pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_PP_LPT_PORTSETTINGS);
// following points to the dlg window proc
psp->pfnDlgProc = LptPortSettingsDlgProc; psp->lParam = (LPARAM) Params;
// following points to some control callback of the dlg window proc
psp->pfnCallback = LptPortSettingsDlgCallback;
// allocate our "Ports Setting" sheet
return CreatePropertySheetPage(psp); }
UINT CALLBACK LptPortSettingsDlgCallback(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, LPPROPSHEETPAGE ppsp) { PLPT_PROP_PARAMS params;
switch (uMsg) { case PSPCB_CREATE: return TRUE; // return TRUE to continue with creation of page
case PSPCB_RELEASE: params = (PLPT_PROP_PARAMS) ppsp->lParam; LocalFree(params);
return 0; // return value ignored
default: break; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL LptPortOnInitDialog( HWND ParentHwnd, HWND FocusHwnd, LPARAM Lparam ) { PLPT_PROP_PARAMS lptPropParams; lptPropParams = (PLPT_PROP_PARAMS) ((LPPROPSHEETPAGE)Lparam)->lParam; //
// Save value away
SetWindowLongPtr(ParentHwnd, DWLP_USER, (ULONG_PTR) lptPropParams);
// Initialize the dialog box parameters
LptFillPortSettings(ParentHwnd, lptPropParams);
// Set up the dialog box with these initialized parameters
LptInitializeControls(ParentHwnd, lptPropParams);
return TRUE; }
Routine Description: LptFillPortSettings
Gets the settings out of the registry ready for initializing the dialog box with.
LptPropPageData: the data to fill in ParentHwnd: address of the window
Return Value:
ULONG: returns error messages
--*/ ULONG LptFillPortSettings( IN HWND ParentHwnd, IN PLPT_PROP_PARAMS LptPropPageData ) { HKEY hKey; DWORD dwPortNameSize, dwError; TCHAR szCharBuffer[81]; DWORD dwSize, dwData, dwMethod;
// Open the device key for the source device instance, and retrieve its
// "PortName" value.
hKey = SetupDiOpenDevRegKey(LptPropPageData->DeviceInfoSet, LptPropPageData->DeviceInfoData, DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL, 0, DIREG_DEV, KEY_ALL_ACCESS);
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hKey) { return GetLastError(); }
dwPortNameSize = sizeof(LptPropPageData->szLptName); dwError = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, m_szPortName, // "PortName"
NULL, NULL, (PBYTE)LptPropPageData->szLptName, &dwPortNameSize);
if(ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError) { RegCloseKey(hKey); return dwError; }
// create "lpt#:"
lstrcpy(szCharBuffer, LptPropPageData->szLptName); lstrcat(szCharBuffer, m_szColon);
dwSize = sizeof(LptPropPageData->FilterResourceMethod); dwError = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, m_szFilterResourceMethod, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)(&LptPropPageData->FilterResourceMethod), &dwSize);
if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// value does not exist. Create our own:
// Get Filter Resource Method information
LptPropPageData->FilterResourceMethod = FilterResourceMethods[RESOURCE_METHOD_DEFAULT_IDX];
dwError = RegSetValueEx(hKey, m_szFilterResourceMethod, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)(&LptPropPageData->FilterResourceMethod), sizeof(LptPropPageData->FilterResourceMethod)); } RegCloseKey(hKey);
dwError = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, m_szParEnableLegacyZipRegPath, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Don't have access maybe?
LptPropPageData->ParEnableLegacyZip = ENABLELEGACYZIPDEFAULT; return dwError; } dwSize = sizeof(LptPropPageData->ParEnableLegacyZip); dwError = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, TEXT("ParEnableLegacyZip"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)(&LptPropPageData->ParEnableLegacyZip), &dwSize); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// value does not exist. Create our own
LptPropPageData->ParEnableLegacyZip = ENABLELEGACYZIPDEFAULT; dwError = RegSetValueEx(hKey, m_szParEnableLegacyZip, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)(&LptPropPageData->ParEnableLegacyZip), sizeof(LptPropPageData->ParEnableLegacyZip)); } RegCloseKey(hKey);
return dwError; } // LptFillPortSettings
Routine Description: LptInitializeControls
Initializes all of the controls that represent Fifo
ParentHwnd - handle to the dialog LptPropPageData - Contains all of the initial values
Return Value:
--*/ void LptInitializeControls( IN HWND ParentHwnd, IN PLPT_PROP_PARAMS LptPropPageData ) { TCHAR szCurrentValue[40]; HWND hwnd; int i, periodIdx;
LptFillPortNameCb(ParentHwnd, LptPropPageData);
LptSetFilterResourceMethod(ParentHwnd, LptPropPageData);
// Set the state of the Enable Legacy Detection checkbox
if (LptPropPageData->ParEnableLegacyZip) { CheckDlgButton(ParentHwnd, IDC_LPT_ENABLE_LEGACY, BST_CHECKED); } else { CheckDlgButton(ParentHwnd, IDC_LPT_ENABLE_LEGACY, BST_UNCHECKED); }
if (!LptPropPageData->ChangesEnabled) { // EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(ParentHwnd, IDC_FIFO), FALSE);
} } // LptInitializeControls
Routine Description: LptSetFilterResourceMethod
Checks the appropriate resource method to use
LptPropPageData: where to get the data from ParentHwnd: address of the window
Return Value:
ULONG: returns error messages
--*/ ULONG LptSetFilterResourceMethod( HWND ParentHwnd, PLPT_PROP_PARAMS LptPropPageData ) { switch (LptPropPageData->FilterResourceMethod) { case FILTERMETHOD_TRYNOT: CheckRadioButton( ParentHwnd, // handle to dialog box
IDC_FILTERMETHOD_TRYNOT, // first button in group
IDC_FILTERMETHOD_ACCEPTANY, // last button in group
); break; case FILTERMETHOD_ACCEPTANY: CheckRadioButton( ParentHwnd, // handle to dialog box
IDC_FILTERMETHOD_TRYNOT, // first button in group
IDC_FILTERMETHOD_ACCEPTANY, // last button in group
); break; case FILTERMETHOD_NEVER: CheckRadioButton( ParentHwnd, // handle to dialog box
IDC_FILTERMETHOD_TRYNOT, // first button in group
IDC_FILTERMETHOD_ACCEPTANY, // last button in group
); break; default: CheckRadioButton( ParentHwnd, // handle to dialog box
IDC_FILTERMETHOD_TRYNOT, // first button in group
IDC_FILTERMETHOD_ACCEPTANY, // last button in group
); break; } return 0; }
Routine Description: LptFillPortNameCb
fill in the Port Name combo box selection with a list of possible un-used portnames
LptPropPageData: where to get the data from hDlg: address of the window
Return Value:
ULONG: returns error messages
--*/ ULONG LptFillPortNameCb( HWND ParentHwnd, PLPT_PROP_PARAMS LptPropPageData ) { BYTE portUsage[MAX_LPT_PORT]; DWORD tmp, portsReported; int i, nEntries; int nCurPortNum; TCHAR szLpt[40]; TCHAR szInUse[40]; HWND portHwnd;
portHwnd = GetDlgItem(ParentHwnd, PP_LPT_PORT_NUMBER);
// Check if our LptName is blank. If it is, disable the lpt port selector
if (_tcscmp(LptPropPageData->szLptName, TEXT("")) == 0) { EnableWindow(portHwnd, FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(ParentHwnd, IDC_LPTNUMTEXT), FALSE); return 0; }
// assumes szLptPort filled in...
nCurPortNum = myatoi(&LptPropPageData->szLptName[3]);
if (!LoadString(g_hInst, IDS_IN_USE, szInUse, CharSizeOf(szInUse))) { wcscpy(szInUse, _T(" (in use)")); }
// first tally up which ports NOT to offer in list box
ZeroMemory(portUsage, MAX_LPT_PORT);
// Find out which ports not to offer
LptEnumerateUsedPorts(ParentHwnd, portUsage, MAX_LPT_PORT);
for(i = MIN_LPT-1; i < MAX_LPT_PORT; i++) {
wsprintf(szLpt, TEXT("LPT%d"), i+1); if (portUsage[i] && _tcscmp(szLpt, LptPropPageData->szLptName)) { wcscat(szLpt, szInUse); }
ComboBox_AddString(portHwnd, szLpt); }
ComboBox_SetCurSel(portHwnd, nCurPortNum-1); return 0; } // FillPortNamesCb
void LptPortOnCommand( HWND ParentHwnd, int ControlId, HWND ControlHwnd, UINT NotifyCode ) { PLPT_PROP_PARAMS params = (PLPT_PROP_PARAMS) GetWindowLongPtr(ParentHwnd, DWLP_USER);
if (NotifyCode == CBN_SELCHANGE) { PropSheet_Changed(GetParent(ParentHwnd), ParentHwnd); } else { switch (ControlId) { //
// Because this is a prop sheet, we should never get this.
// All notifications for ctrols outside of the sheet come through
case IDOK: case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(ParentHwnd, 0); return; } } } // LptPortOnCommand
BOOL LptPortOnNotify( HWND ParentHwnd, LPNMHDR NmHdr ) { PLPT_PROP_PARAMS params = (PLPT_PROP_PARAMS) GetWindowLongPtr(ParentHwnd, DWLP_USER);
switch (NmHdr->code) { //
// Sent when the user clicks on Apply OR OK !!
case PSN_APPLY: //
// Write out the lpt port options to the registry
LptSavePortSettings(ParentHwnd, params); SetWindowLongPtr(ParentHwnd, DWLP_MSGRESULT, PSNRET_NOERROR); return TRUE;
default: return FALSE; } } // LptPortOnNotify
Routine Description: LptSavePortSettings
saves the advanced box settings back to the registry, if any were changed
AdvancedData: holds the current settings and the location of of the device in the registry ParentHwnd: address of the window
Return Value:
ULONG: returns error messages
--*/ ULONG LptSavePortSettings( IN HWND ParentHwnd, IN PLPT_PROP_PARAMS LptPropParams ) { HKEY hKey; DWORD dwSize, dwData;
UINT i = CB_ERR, curLptNum, newLptNum = CB_ERR; UINT uiTryNotChecked, uiNeverChecked, uiAcceptAnyChecked; DWORD curFilterResourceMethod; DWORD newFilterResourceMethod = 0; DWORD curParEnableLegacyZip, newParEnableLegacyZip; ULONG error = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Grab all of the new settings
// Filter resource method
curFilterResourceMethod = newFilterResourceMethod = LptPropParams->FilterResourceMethod; if (BST_CHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked(ParentHwnd, IDC_FILTERMETHOD_TRYNOT)) newFilterResourceMethod = 0; else if (BST_CHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked(ParentHwnd, IDC_FILTERMETHOD_NEVER)) newFilterResourceMethod = 1; else if (BST_CHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked(ParentHwnd, IDC_FILTERMETHOD_ACCEPTANY)) newFilterResourceMethod = 2;
// LPT port number
curLptNum = myatoi(LptPropParams->szLptName + wcslen(m_szLPT)); newLptNum = ComboBox_GetCurSel(GetDlgItem(ParentHwnd, PP_LPT_PORT_NUMBER)); if (newLptNum == CB_ERR) { newLptNum = curLptNum; } else { newLptNum++; }
// Legacy device detection
curParEnableLegacyZip = LptPropParams->ParEnableLegacyZip; if (BST_CHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked(ParentHwnd, IDC_LPT_ENABLE_LEGACY)) { newParEnableLegacyZip = 0x1; } else { newParEnableLegacyZip = 0x0; }
// See if they changed anything
if ((curLptNum == newLptNum) && (curFilterResourceMethod == newFilterResourceMethod) && (curParEnableLegacyZip == newParEnableLegacyZip)) { //
// They didn't change anything. Just exit.
// Open the device key for the source device instance
hKey = SetupDiOpenDevRegKey(LptPropParams->DeviceInfoSet, LptPropParams->DeviceInfoData, DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL, 0, DIREG_DEV, KEY_ALL_ACCESS);
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hKey) { //
// Not much we can do, just exit gracefully
// Check the LPT port name for changes
if (newLptNum != curLptNum) { LptEnactPortNameChanges(ParentHwnd, LptPropParams, hKey, newLptNum); }
// Check the Filter resource method for changes
if (curFilterResourceMethod != newFilterResourceMethod) { //
// They changed the Filter Resource Method
dwData = newFilterResourceMethod; dwSize = sizeof(dwData); RegSetValueEx(hKey, m_szFilterResourceMethod, 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST BYTE *)(&dwData), dwSize); } RegCloseKey(hKey);
if (curParEnableLegacyZip != newParEnableLegacyZip) { //
// Open the services path and set the new value for Legacy Parallel device
// detection.
DWORD disposition = 0; error = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, m_szParEnableLegacyZipRegPath, 0, (TCHAR *) NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) NULL, &hKey, &disposition);
if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { error = RegSetValueEx(hKey, m_szParEnableLegacyZip, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)(&newParEnableLegacyZip), sizeof(newParEnableLegacyZip)); RegCloseKey(hKey); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto ParEnableLegacyZipSetParamFailed; } if (newParEnableLegacyZip == 0) { //
// We want a reboot when disabling this thing, because the parallel
// enumerator won't get rid of legacy devices.
InformDriverOfChanges(TRUE, LptPropParams); } else { InformDriverOfChanges(FALSE, LptPropParams); } } else { ParEnableLegacyZipSetParamFailed: MyMessageBox(ParentHwnd, IDS_LPT_LEGACY_FAILED, IDS_LPT_PROPERTIES, MB_OK); //
// Don't want to overload the user by telling them they have to
// reboot. Since we were unable to set things correctly, just
// rebuild the stack.
InformDriverOfChanges(FALSE, LptPropParams); } } else { InformDriverOfChanges(FALSE, LptPropParams); }
return error; } // LptSaveAdvancedSettings
UINT LptEnactPortNameChanges( IN HWND ParentHwnd, IN PLPT_PROP_PARAMS LptPropParams, IN HKEY hDeviceKey, IN UINT NewLptNum) { HANDLE hLpt; DWORD dwError, dwNewLptNameLen; UINT curLptNum; BYTE portUsage[MAX_LPT_PORT]; TCHAR charBuffer[LINE_LEN], friendlyNameFormat[LINE_LEN], deviceDesc[LINE_LEN], buffer[BUFFER_SIZE], szNewLptName[20];
// Check if we're trying to rename the port to the same name.
wsprintf(szNewLptName,_T("\\DosDevices\\LPT%d"),NewLptNum); if (wcscmp(szNewLptName, LptPropParams->szLptName) == 0) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Check if a valid port number has been passed in
if (MAX_LPT_PORT < NewLptNum) { //
// Get out of here - exceeding array bounds
// This should never happen in the property page since it is a hardcoded
// selection box. The user can't simply type a number.
// Get an array of used ports
LptEnumerateUsedPorts(ParentHwnd, portUsage, MAX_LPT_PORT); if (portUsage[NewLptNum-1]) { //
// Port name is taken by another port. Check if user wants system to
// get into inconsistent state.
curLptNum = myatoi(LptPropParams->szLptName + wcslen(m_szLPT));
// Make sure that the port has not been opened by another application
wsprintf(buffer, L"\\\\.\\%ws", LptPropParams->szLptName); hLpt = CreateFile(buffer, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);
// If the file handle is invalid, then the Lpt port is open, warn the user
if (hLpt == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && MyMessageBox(ParentHwnd, IDS_PORT_OPEN, IDS_LPT_PROPERTIES, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONINFORMATION) == IDNO) { return GetLastError(); } CloseHandle(hLpt);
wsprintf(szNewLptName, _T("LPT%d"), NewLptNum);
// Open the device key for the source device instance, and write its
// new "PortName" value.
hDeviceKey = SetupDiOpenDevRegKey(LptPropParams->DeviceInfoSet, LptPropParams->DeviceInfoData, DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL, 0, DIREG_DEV, KEY_ALL_ACCESS);
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hDeviceKey) { return GetLastError(); }
dwNewLptNameLen = ByteCountOf(wcslen(szNewLptName) + 1);
dwError = RegSetValueEx(hDeviceKey, m_szPortName, 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE) szNewLptName, dwNewLptNameLen); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError) { wcscpy(LptPropParams->szLptName, szNewLptName); } else { return dwError; }
// Now generate a string, to be used for the device's friendly name, that
// incorporates both the INF-specified device description, and the port
// name. For example,
// ECP Printer Port (LPT1)
if (LoadString(g_hInst, IDS_FRIENDLY_FORMAT, friendlyNameFormat, CharSizeOf(friendlyNameFormat)) && SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(LptPropParams->DeviceInfoSet, LptPropParams->DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_DEVICEDESC, NULL, (PBYTE)deviceDesc, sizeof(deviceDesc), NULL)) { wsprintf(charBuffer, friendlyNameFormat, deviceDesc, szNewLptName); } else { //
// Simply use LPT port name.
lstrcpy(charBuffer, szNewLptName); }
SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryProperty(LptPropParams->DeviceInfoSet, LptPropParams->DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_FRIENDLYNAME, (PBYTE)charBuffer, ByteCountOf(lstrlen(charBuffer) + 1) );
} // LptEnactPortNameChanges
void InformDriverOfChanges(BOOL NeedReboot, IN PLPT_PROP_PARAMS LptPropParams) { SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS spDevInstall;
// Now broadcast this change to the device manager
ZeroMemory(&spDevInstall, sizeof(SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS)); spDevInstall.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS);
if (SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams(LptPropParams->DeviceInfoSet, LptPropParams->DeviceInfoData, &spDevInstall)) { if (NeedReboot) { spDevInstall.Flags |= DI_PROPERTIES_CHANGE | DI_NEEDREBOOT; } else { spDevInstall.FlagsEx |= DI_FLAGSEX_PROPCHANGE_PENDING; } SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParams(LptPropParams->DeviceInfoSet, LptPropParams->DeviceInfoData, &spDevInstall); } }
// Takes a Buffer of bytes and marks out which port names are taken
void LptEnumerateUsedPorts( IN HWND ParentHwnd, IN PBYTE Buffer, IN DWORD BufferSize) { HKEY hParallelMap; TCHAR szParallel[BUFFER_SIZE]; DWORD dwParallelSize, dwLptSize, dwEnum, dwType, dwResult, dwPortNum; TCHAR szLpt[BUFFER_SIZE]; PTCHAR szParPortNum;
ZeroMemory(Buffer, BufferSize);
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, m_szRegParallelMap, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hParallelMap) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dwEnum = 0; do { dwParallelSize = CharSizeOf(szParallel); dwLptSize = sizeof(szLpt); dwResult = RegEnumValue(hParallelMap, dwEnum++, szParallel, &dwParallelSize, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szLpt, &dwLptSize);
if (dwResult != ERROR_SUCCESS || dwType != REG_SZ) { continue; }
szParPortNum = _tcsspnp(szLpt,_T("\\DosDevices\\LPT")); if (szParPortNum) { //
// Find out if this is an actual port and not simply a
// device attached to the port
if (_tcscspn(szParPortNum,_T(".")) == _tcslen(szParPortNum)) { dwPortNum = myatoi(szParPortNum); if (dwPortNum-1 < BufferSize) { Buffer[dwPortNum-1] = TRUE; } } } } while (dwResult == ERROR_SUCCESS); RegCloseKey(hParallelMap); } } // LptEnumerateUsedPorts
BOOL LptPortOnContextMenu(HWND HwndControl, WORD Xpos, WORD Ypos) { WinHelp(HwndControl, _T("devmgr.hlp"), HELP_CONTEXTMENU, (ULONG_PTR) LptHelpIDs);
return FALSE; }
void LptPortOnHelp(HWND ParentHwnd, LPHELPINFO HelpInfo) { if (HelpInfo->iContextType == HELPINFO_WINDOW) { WinHelp((HWND) HelpInfo->hItemHandle, _T("devmgr.hlp"), HELP_WM_HELP, (ULONG_PTR) LptHelpIDs); } }