* * (C) COPYRIGHT MICROSOFT CORP., 1996 * * TITLE: POWERCFG.C * * VERSION: 2.0 * * AUTHOR: ReedB * * DATE: 17 Oct, 1996 * * DESCRIPTION: * Power management UI. Control panel applet. * *******************************************************************************/
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <shlobjp.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <cpl.h>
#include <help.h>
#include <regstr.h>
#include "powercfg.h"
#include "pwrresid.h"
#include <shfusion.h>
* * G L O B A L D A T A * *******************************************************************************/
HINSTANCE g_hInstance; // Global instance handle of this DLL.
UINT wHelpMessage; // Registered help message.
// Registry path to optional top level powercfg pages.
TCHAR g_szRegOptionalPages[] = REGSTR_PATH_CONTROLSFOLDER TEXT("\\Power");
// Array which defines the property tabs/pages in the applet.
// The contents of this array are built dynamically, since they
// depend on the machine power management capabilities.
0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0 };
// Specifies which OS, filled in at init CPL time.
BOOL g_bRunningUnderNT;
// This structure is filled in by the Power Policy Manager at CPL_INIT time.
// The following globals are derived from g_SysPwrCapabilities:
DWORD g_dwNumSleepStates = 1; // Every one suports PowerSystemWorking.
DWORD g_dwSleepStatesMaxMin; // Specs sleep states slider range.
DWORD g_dwBattryLevelMaxMin; // Specs battery level slider range.
DWORD g_dwFanThrottleMaxMin; // Specs fan throttle slider range.
BOOL g_bVideoLowPowerSupported;// This will be moved to g_SysPwrCapabilities
UINT g_uiVideoTimeoutMaxMin; // May be set from registry.
UINT g_uiSpindownMaxMin; // May be set from registry.
PUINT g_puiBatCount; // Number of displayable batteries.
BOOL g_bIsUserAdministrator; // The current user has admin. privileges.
// Static flags:
* * P U B L I C E N T R Y P O I N T S * *******************************************************************************/
* * DllInitialize * * DESCRIPTION: * Library entry point * * PARAMETERS: * *******************************************************************************/
BOOL DllInitialize( IN PVOID hmod, IN ULONG ulReason, IN PCONTEXT pctx OPTIONAL) {
switch (ulReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: g_hInstance = hmod; DisableThreadLibraryCalls(g_hInstance); wHelpMessage = RegisterWindowMessage(TEXT("ShellHelp")); InitSchemesList(); SHFusionInitializeFromModuleID(hmod, 124); break;
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: SHFusionUninitialize(); break; } return TRUE; }
* * CplApplet * * DESCRIPTION: * Called by control panel. * * PARAMETERS: * *******************************************************************************/
LRESULT APIENTRY CPlApplet( HWND hCPLWnd, UINT Message, LPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { LPNEWCPLINFO lpNewCPLInfo; LPCPLINFO lpCPlInfo; WNDCLASS cls; DWORD dwSize, dwSessionId, dwTry = 0; OSVERSIONINFO osvi;
switch (Message) {
case CPL_INIT: // Is there an applet ?
// Set OS global.
osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osvi); GetVersionEx(&osvi); g_bRunningUnderNT = (osvi.dwMajorVersion >= 5) && (osvi.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT);
// If we're running under NT don't allow power management UI
// unless we have power management capabilities.
if (g_bRunningUnderNT) { if (!PowerCapabilities()) { return FALSE; } }
// Set global variables based on the machine capabilities.
return InitCapabilities(&g_SysPwrCapabilities);
case CPL_GETCOUNT: // PowerCfg.Cpl supports one applet.
return 1;
case CPL_INQUIRE: // Fill CplInfo structure
lpCPlInfo = (LPCPLINFO)lParam; lpCPlInfo->idIcon = IDI_PWRMNG; lpCPlInfo->idName = IDS_APPNAME; lpCPlInfo->idInfo = IDS_INFO; // we have to use this in order to support infotips greater than 64 chars, which
// is the max that the NEWCPLINFO struct supports
lpCPlInfo->lData = 0; return 1;
case CPL_NEWINQUIRE: lpNewCPLInfo = (LPNEWCPLINFO)lParam; memset(lpNewCPLInfo, 0, sizeof(NEWCPLINFO)); lpNewCPLInfo->dwSize = sizeof(NEWCPLINFO); lpNewCPLInfo->hIcon = LoadIcon(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_PWRMNG)); LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_APPNAME, lpNewCPLInfo->szName, ARRAYSIZE(lpNewCPLInfo->szName)); LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_INFO, lpNewCPLInfo->szInfo, ARRAYSIZE(lpNewCPLInfo->szInfo)); lpNewCPLInfo->szHelpFile[0] = TEXT('\0'); return 1;
case CPL_DBLCLK: // This applet has been chosen to run
case CPL_STARTWPARMS: // Started from RUNDLL
// Initialize the common controls.
// Sync the current scheme registry and PPM.
// Build the displayed pages base on system capabilities.
BuildPages(&g_SysPwrCapabilities, g_TopLevelPages);
// Will return FALSE if we didn't display any pages.
return DoPropSheetPages(hCPLWnd, &(g_TopLevelPages[0]), g_szRegOptionalPages);
case CPL_EXIT: // This applet must die
case CPL_STOP: break;
case CPL_SELECT: // This applet has been selected
break; }
return FALSE; }
* * LoadDynamicString * * DESCRIPTION: * Wrapper for the FormatMessage function that loads a string from our * resource table into a dynamically allocated buffer, optionally filling * it with the variable arguments passed. * * PARAMETERS: * StringID, resource identifier of the string to use. * (optional), parameters to use to format the string message. * *******************************************************************************/
LPTSTR CDECL LoadDynamicString( UINT StringID, ... ) { va_list Marker; TCHAR Buffer[256]; LPTSTR pStr; int iLen;
// va_start is a macro...it breaks when you use it as an assign...on ALPHA.
va_start(Marker, StringID);
iLen = LoadString(g_hInstance, StringID, Buffer, ARRAYSIZE(Buffer));
if (iLen == 0) { MYDBGPRINT(( "LoadDynamicString: LoadString on: %X failed", StringID)); return NULL; }
return pStr; }
* * DisplayFreeStr * * DESCRIPTION: * * PARAMETERS: * *******************************************************************************/
LPTSTR DisplayFreeStr(HWND hWnd, UINT uID, LPTSTR pStr, BOOL bFree) { if (pStr) { SetDlgItemText(hWnd, uID, pStr); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hWnd, uID), SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); if (bFree) { LocalFree(pStr); return NULL; } } else { ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hWnd, uID), SW_HIDE); } return pStr; }
* * ValidateUISchemeFields * * DESCRIPTION: * Validate only the data values which are set by our UI. * * PARAMETERS: * *******************************************************************************/
memcpy(&pp, ppp, sizeof(pp));
if (ValidatePowerPolicies(NULL, &pp)) {
if (g_SysPwrCapabilities.HiberFilePresent) { ppp->mach.DozeS4TimeoutAc = pp.mach.DozeS4TimeoutAc; ppp->mach.DozeS4TimeoutDc = pp.mach.DozeS4TimeoutDc; }
if (g_SysPwrCapabilities.SystemS1 || g_SysPwrCapabilities.SystemS2 || g_SysPwrCapabilities.SystemS3) { ppp->user.IdleTimeoutAc = pp.user.IdleTimeoutAc; ppp->user.IdleTimeoutDc = pp.user.IdleTimeoutDc; }
if (g_bVideoLowPowerSupported) { ppp->user.VideoTimeoutAc = pp.user.VideoTimeoutAc; ppp->user.VideoTimeoutDc = pp.user.VideoTimeoutDc; }
if (g_SysPwrCapabilities.DiskSpinDown) { ppp->user.SpindownTimeoutAc = pp.user.SpindownTimeoutAc; ppp->user.SpindownTimeoutDc = pp.user.SpindownTimeoutDc; } return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
* * GetGlobalPwrPolicy * * DESCRIPTION: * Read the global power policy and validate only the data values which are * set by our UI. * * PARAMETERS: * *******************************************************************************/
if (ReadGlobalPwrPolicy(pgpp)) {
memcpy(&gpp, pgpp, sizeof(gpp));
if (ValidatePowerPolicies(&gpp, NULL)) {
if (g_SysPwrCapabilities.PowerButtonPresent && !g_SysPwrCapabilities.SleepButtonPresent) { pgpp->user.PowerButtonAc = gpp.user.PowerButtonAc; pgpp->user.PowerButtonDc = gpp.user.PowerButtonDc; } if (g_SysPwrCapabilities.LidPresent) { pgpp->user.LidCloseAc = gpp.user.LidCloseAc; pgpp->user.LidCloseDc = gpp.user.LidCloseDc; } if (g_SysPwrCapabilities.SystemBatteriesPresent) { for (i = 0; i < NUM_DISCHARGE_POLICIES; i++) { pgpp->user.DischargePolicy[i] = gpp.user.DischargePolicy[i]; } } pgpp->user.GlobalFlags = gpp.user.GlobalFlags; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
* * ErrorMsgBox * * DESCRIPTION: * Display a messag box for system message strings specified by dwErr and * title string specified by uiTitleID. * * PARAMETERS: * *******************************************************************************/
int ErrorMsgBox( HWND hwnd, DWORD dwErr, UINT uiTitleID) { LPTSTR pszErr = NULL; LPTSTR pszTitle = NULL; TCHAR szUnknownErr[64]; UINT idRet;
if (dwErr == NO_ERROR) { dwErr = GetLastError(); }
pszTitle = LoadDynamicString(uiTitleID); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, dwErr, 0, (LPTSTR)&pszErr, 1, NULL); }
if (NULL == pszErr) { LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_UNKNOWN_ERROR, szUnknownErr, ARRAYSIZE(szUnknownErr)); pszErr = szUnknownErr; }
idRet = MessageBox(hwnd, pszErr, pszTitle, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
if (pszTitle) { LocalFree(pszTitle); }
if ((pszErr) && (pszErr != szUnknownErr)) { LocalFree(pszErr); }
return idRet; }
* * WritePwrSchemeReport * * DESCRIPTION: * Cover for WritePwrScheme with error reporting. * * PARAMETERS: * *******************************************************************************/
BOOLEAN WritePwrSchemeReport( HWND hwnd, PUINT puiID, LPTSTR lpszSchemeName, LPTSTR lpszDescription, PPOWER_POLICY lpScheme ) { if (WritePwrScheme(puiID, lpszSchemeName, lpszDescription, lpScheme)) { return TRUE; } else { ErrorMsgBox(hwnd, NO_ERROR, IDS_UNABLETOSETPOLICY); return FALSE; } }
* * WriteGlobalPwrPolicyReport * * DESCRIPTION: * Cover for WriteGlobalPwrPolicy with error reporting. * * PARAMETERS: * *******************************************************************************/
BOOLEAN WriteGlobalPwrPolicyReport( HWND hwnd, PGLOBAL_POWER_POLICY pgpp, BOOL fDisplayErrorUI ) { if (WriteGlobalPwrPolicy(pgpp)) { return TRUE; } else { if (fDisplayErrorUI) { ErrorMsgBox(hwnd, NO_ERROR, IDS_UNABLETOSETGLOBALPOLICY); }
return FALSE; } }
* * SetActivePwrSchemeReport * * DESCRIPTION: * Cover for WriteGlobalPwrPolicy with error reporting. * * PARAMETERS: * *******************************************************************************/
BOOLEAN SetActivePwrSchemeReport( HWND hwnd, UINT uiID, PGLOBAL_POWER_POLICY pgpp, PPOWER_POLICY ppp) { if (SetActivePwrScheme(uiID, pgpp, ppp)) { return TRUE; } else { ErrorMsgBox(hwnd, NO_ERROR, IDS_UNABLETOSETACTIVEPOLICY); return FALSE; } }
* * P R I V A T E F U N C T I O N S * *******************************************************************************/
* * BuildPages * * DESCRIPTION: * Build the g_TopLevelPages array based on the machine capabilities. The * order of the tabs\pages is set here. * * PARAMETERS: * *******************************************************************************/
int BuildPages(PSYSTEM_POWER_CAPABILITIES pspc, PPOWER_PAGES ppp) { int iPageCount = 1; // We always have at least the power scheme page.
// Do we have system batteries? Different dialog templates will be used
// depending on the answer to this question.
if (pspc->SystemBatteriesPresent) { AppendPropSheetPage(ppp, IDD_POWERSCHEME, PowerSchemeDlgProc); AppendPropSheetPage(ppp, IDD_ALARMPOLICY, AlarmDlgProc); iPageCount++;
// Is there a battery driver that the battery meter can query?
if (BatMeterCapabilities(&g_puiBatCount)) { AppendPropSheetPage(ppp, IDD_BATMETERCFG, BatMeterCfgDlgProc); iPageCount++; } } else { // No battery pages.
AppendPropSheetPage(ppp, IDD_POWERSCHEME_NOBAT, PowerSchemeDlgProc); }
// Always show the Advanced page.
AppendPropSheetPage(ppp, IDD_ADVANCEDPOLICY, AdvancedDlgProc); iPageCount++;
// Can we put up the hibernate page?
if (pspc->SystemS4) { AppendPropSheetPage(ppp, IDD_HIBERNATE, HibernateDlgProc); iPageCount++; }
#ifdef WINNT
if (pspc->ApmPresent) { //
// Is APM present on the machine? This page is
// not shown if ACPI is present
AppendPropSheetPage(ppp, IDD_APM, APMDlgProc); iPageCount++; }
if (pspc->UpsPresent) { AppendPropSheetPage(ppp, IDD_UPS, UPSMainPageProc); iPageCount++; }
return iPageCount; }
* * InitCapabilities * * DESCRIPTION: * Call down to the PPM to get power management capabilities and set * global variables based on the results. * * PARAMETERS: * *******************************************************************************/
BOOL InitCapabilities(PSYSTEM_POWER_CAPABILITIES pspc) { UINT i, uiGran = 0, uiMax, uiMin; ADMINISTRATOR_POWER_POLICY app; int dummy;
// Set hard limits. These may be overridden by optional registry values.
g_uiVideoTimeoutMaxMin = MAKELONG((short) MAX_VIDEO_TIMEOUT, (short) 1); g_uiSpindownMaxMin = MAKELONG((short) MAX_SPINDOWN_TIMEOUT,(short) 1);
g_dwNumSleepStates = 0; if (!GetPwrCapabilities(pspc)) { return FALSE; }
if (pspc->SystemS1) { g_dwNumSleepStates++; }
if (pspc->SystemS2) { g_dwNumSleepStates++; }
if (pspc->SystemS3) { g_dwNumSleepStates++; }
if (pspc->SystemS4) { g_dwNumSleepStates++; }
// Get administrator overrides if present.
if (IsAdminOverrideActive(&app)) { if (app.MaxVideoTimeout > -1) { uiMin = LOWORD(g_uiVideoTimeoutMaxMin); uiMax = app.MaxVideoTimeout; g_uiVideoTimeoutMaxMin = MAKELONG((short) uiMax,(short) uiMin); }
if (app.MaxSleep < PowerSystemHibernate) { g_dwNumSleepStates = (DWORD)app.MaxSleep; } }
// Get the optional disk spindown timeout range.
if (GetPwrDiskSpindownRange(&uiMax, &uiMin)) { g_uiSpindownMaxMin = MAKELONG((short) uiMax,(short) uiMin); }
if (g_dwNumSleepStates > 1) { g_dwSleepStatesMaxMin = MAKELONG((short) 0, (short) g_dwNumSleepStates - 1); }
g_dwBattryLevelMaxMin = MAKELONG((short)0, (short)100);
g_dwFanThrottleMaxMin = MAKELONG((short)0, (short)100);
// Call will fail if monitor or adapter don't support DPMS.
g_bVideoLowPowerSupported = SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETLOWPOWERACTIVE, 0, &dummy, 0); if (!g_bVideoLowPowerSupported) { g_bVideoLowPowerSupported = SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETPOWEROFFACTIVE, 0, &dummy, 0); }
#ifdef WINNT
// Check to see if APM is present
pspc->ApmPresent = IsNtApmPresent(pspc); pspc->UpsPresent = IsUpsPresent(pspc); #endif
return TRUE; }
* * SyncRegPPM * * DESCRIPTION: * Call down to the PPM to get the current power policies and write them * to the registry. This is done in case the PPM is out of sync with the * PowerCfg registry settings. Requested by JVert. * * PARAMETERS: * *******************************************************************************/
if (ReadGlobalPwrPolicy(&gpp)) { uiFlags = gpp.user.GlobalFlags; }
if (GetActivePwrScheme(&uiID)) { // Get the current PPM settings.
if (GetCurrentPowerPolicies(&gpp, &pp)) { SetActivePwrScheme(uiID, &gpp, &pp); } }
gpp.user.GlobalFlags |= uiFlags; }