#include <windows.h>
#include <port1632.h>
#include "std.h"
#include "crd.h"
#include "back.h"
#include "debug.h"
#ifdef DEBUG
#undef Assert
#define Assert(f) { if (!(f)) { char s[80]; wsprintf(s, "CARDS.DLL: %s(%d)", (LPSTR) __FILE__, __LINE__); MessageBox(NULL, s, "Assert Failure", MB_OK); return FALSE; } }
VOID SaveCorners(HDC hdc, LONG FAR *rgRGB, INT x, INT y, INT dx, INT dy); VOID RestoreCorners(HDC hdc, LONG FAR *rgRGB, INT x, INT y, INT dx, INT dy);
static HBITMAP HbmFromCd(INT cd); BOOL FLoadBack(INT cd);
VOID MyDeleteHbm(HBITMAP hbm);
typedef struct { INT id; DX dx; DY dy; } SPR;
#define isprMax 4
typedef struct { INT cdBase; DX dxspr; DY dyspr; INT isprMac; SPR rgspr[isprMax]; } ANI; // we removed the older card decks that required Animation. The new
// card deck doesn't involve any animation.
#define ianiMax 0
HANDLE hinstApp;
/****** L I B M A I N ******/
/* Called once to initialize data */ /* Determines if display is color and remembers the hInstance for the DLL */
INT APIENTRY LibMain(HANDLE hInst, ULONG ul_reason_being_called, LPVOID lpReserved) {
hinstApp = hInst; return 1; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ul_reason_being_called); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lpReserved); }
BOOL FInRange(INT w, INT wFirst, INT wLast) { Assert(wFirst <= wLast); return(w >= wFirst && w <= wLast); }
BOOL APIENTRY cdtInit(INT FAR *pdxCard, INT FAR *pdyCard) /*
* Parameters: * pdxCard, pdyCard * Far pointers to ints where card size will be placed * * Returns: * True when successful, False when it can't find one of the standard * bitmaps. */ { BITMAP bmCard; HDC hdc;
if (cInits++ != 0) { *pdxCard = dxCard; *pdyCard = dyCard; return fTrue; } hbmGhost = LoadBitmap( hinstApp, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDGHOST)); hbmDeckX = LoadBitmap( hinstApp, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDX)); hbmDeckO = LoadBitmap( hinstApp, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDO)); if(hbmGhost == NULL || hbmDeckX == NULL || hbmDeckO == NULL) goto Fail; GetObject( hbmGhost, sizeof( BITMAP), (LPSTR)&bmCard); dxCard = *pdxCard = bmCard.bmWidth; dyCard = *pdyCard = bmCard.bmHeight; return fTrue; Fail: MyDeleteHbm(hbmGhost); MyDeleteHbm(hbmDeckX); MyDeleteHbm(hbmDeckO); return fFalse; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hdc); }
BOOL APIENTRY cdtDrawExt(HDC hdc, INT x, INT y, INT dx, INT dy, INT cd, INT mode, DWORD rgbBgnd) /*
* Parameters: * hdc HDC to window to draw cards on * x, y Where you'd like them * dx,dy card extents * cd Card to be drawn * mode Way you want it drawn (or with MINLONG if to be fast) * * Returns: * True if card successfully drawn, False otherwise */ { static HBITMAP hbmSav; HDC hdcMemory; DWORD dwRop = 0; HBRUSH hbr; PT pt; POINT ptReal; LONG rgRGB[12]; DWORD dwOldBknd; BOOL bFast=FALSE; // true if we shouldn't save corners
if( mode & MINLONG ) { mode= mode + MINLONG; bFast= TRUE; }
Assert(hdc != NULL); switch (mode) { default: Assert(fFalse); break; case FACEUP: hbmSav = HbmFromCd(cd); dwRop = SRCCOPY; rgbBgnd = RGB(255,255,255); break; case FACEDOWN: if(!FLoadBack(cd)) return fFalse; hbmSav = hbmBack; dwRop = SRCCOPY; break; case REMOVE: case GHOST: hbr = CreateSolidBrush( rgbBgnd); if(hbr == NULL) return fFalse; /* *(LONG *)&pt = +++GetDCOrg - NO 32BIT FORM(probably can noop)+++(hdc); */ //guess again! -- 12-Jul-1994 JonPa
GetDCOrgEx(hdc, &ptReal); pt.x = ptReal.x; pt.y = ptReal.y;
(VOID)MSetBrushOrg( hdc, pt.x, pt.y); MUnrealizeObject( hbr); if((hbr = SelectObject( hdc, hbr)) != NULL) { PatBlt(hdc, x, y, dx, dy, PATCOPY); hbr = SelectObject( hdc, hbr); } if (hbr) DeleteObject( hbr); if(mode == REMOVE) return fTrue; Assert(mode == GHOST); // default: fall thru
case INVISIBLEGHOST: hbmSav = hbmGhost; dwRop = SRCAND; break;
case DECKX: hbmSav = hbmDeckX; dwRop = SRCCOPY; break; case DECKO: hbmSav = hbmDeckO; dwRop = SRCCOPY; break; case HILITE: hbmSav = HbmFromCd( cd); dwRop = NOTSRCCOPY; break; } if (hbmSav == NULL) return fFalse; else { hdcMemory = CreateCompatibleDC( hdc); if(hdcMemory == NULL) return fFalse;
if((hbmSav = SelectObject( hdcMemory, hbmSav)) != NULL) { dwOldBknd = SetBkColor(hdc, rgbBgnd); if( !bFast ) SaveCorners(hdc, rgRGB, x, y, dx, dy); if(dx != dxCard || dy != dyCard) StretchBlt(hdc, x, y, dx, dy, hdcMemory, 0, 0, dxCard, dyCard, dwRop); else BitBlt( hdc, x, y, dxCard, dyCard, hdcMemory, 0, 0, dwRop);
SelectObject( hdcMemory, hbmSav); /* draw the border for the red cards */ if(mode == FACEUP) { INT icd;
icd = RaFromCd(cd) % 13 + SuFromCd(cd) * 13+1; if((icd >= IDADIAMONDS && icd <= IDTDIAMONDS) || (icd >= IDAHEARTS && icd <= IDTHEARTS)) { PatBlt(hdc, x+2, y, dx-4, 1, BLACKNESS); // top
PatBlt(hdc, x+dx-1, y+2, 1, dy-4, BLACKNESS); // right
PatBlt(hdc, x+2, y+dy-1, dx-4, 1, BLACKNESS); // bottom
PatBlt(hdc, x, y+2, 1, dy-4, BLACKNESS); // left
SetPixel(hdc, x+1, y+1, 0L); // top left
SetPixel(hdc, x+dx-2, y+1, 0L); // top right
SetPixel(hdc, x+dx-2, y+dy-2, 0L); // bot right
SetPixel(hdc, x+1, y+dy-2, 0L); // bot left
} }
if( !bFast ) RestoreCorners(hdc, rgRGB, x, y, dx, dy);
SetBkColor(hdc, dwOldBknd); } DeleteDC( hdcMemory); return fTrue; } }
BOOL APIENTRY cdtDraw(HDC hdc, INT x, INT y, INT cd, INT mode, DWORD rgbBgnd) /*
* Parameters: * hdc HDC to window to draw cards on * x, y Where you'd like them * cd Card to be drawn * mode Way you want it drawn * * Returns: * True if card successfully drawn, False otherwise */ {
return cdtDrawExt(hdc, x, y, dxCard, dyCard, cd, mode, rgbBgnd); }
VOID SaveCorners(HDC hdc, LONG FAR *rgRGB, INT x, INT y, INT dx, INT dy) { if(dx != dxCard || dy != dyCard) return; // Upper Left
rgRGB[0] = GetPixel(hdc, x, y); rgRGB[1] = GetPixel(hdc, x+1, y); rgRGB[2] = GetPixel(hdc, x, y+1);
// Upper Right
x += dx -1; rgRGB[3] = GetPixel(hdc, x, y); rgRGB[4] = GetPixel(hdc, x-1, y); rgRGB[5] = GetPixel(hdc, x, y+1);
// Lower Right
y += dy-1; rgRGB[6] = GetPixel(hdc, x, y); rgRGB[7] = GetPixel(hdc, x, y-1); rgRGB[8] = GetPixel(hdc, x-1, y);
// Lower Left
x -= dx-1; rgRGB[9] = GetPixel(hdc, x, y); rgRGB[10] = GetPixel(hdc, x+1, y); rgRGB[11] = GetPixel(hdc, x, y-1);
BOOL APIENTRY cdtAnimate(HDC hdc, INT cd, INT x, INT y, INT ispr) { INT iani; ANI *pani; SPR *pspr; HBITMAP hbm; HDC hdcMem; X xSrc; Y ySrc;
// remove animation as we are removing those card decks but just in case
// someone calls this function, don't do anything.
return fTrue;
if(ispr < 0) return fFalse; Assert(hdc != NULL); for(iani = 0; iani < ianiMax; iani++) { if(cd == rgani[iani].cdBase) { pani = &rgani[iani]; if(ispr < pani->isprMac) { pspr = &pani->rgspr[ispr]; Assert(pspr->id != 0); if(pspr->id == cd) { xSrc = pspr->dx; ySrc = pspr->dy; } else xSrc = ySrc = 0;
hbm = LoadBitmap(hinstApp, MAKEINTRESOURCE(pspr->id)); if(hbm == NULL) return fFalse;
hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc); if(hdcMem == NULL) { DeleteObject(hbm); return fFalse; }
if((hbm = SelectObject(hdcMem, hbm)) != NULL) { BitBlt(hdc, x+pspr->dx, y+pspr->dy, pani->dxspr, pani->dyspr, hdcMem, xSrc, ySrc, SRCCOPY); DeleteObject(SelectObject(hdcMem, hbm)); } DeleteDC(hdcMem); return fTrue; } } } return fFalse;
VOID RestoreCorners(HDC hdc, LONG FAR *rgRGB, INT x, INT y, INT dx, INT dy) { if(dx != dxCard || dy != dyCard) return;
// Upper Left
SetPixel(hdc, x, y, rgRGB[0]); SetPixel(hdc, x+1, y, rgRGB[1]); SetPixel(hdc, x, y+1, rgRGB[2]);
// Upper Right
x += dx-1; SetPixel(hdc, x, y, rgRGB[3]); SetPixel(hdc, x-1, y, rgRGB[4]); SetPixel(hdc, x, y+1, rgRGB[5]);
// Lower Right
y += dy-1; SetPixel(hdc, x, y, rgRGB[6]); SetPixel(hdc, x, y-1, rgRGB[7]); SetPixel(hdc, x-1, y, rgRGB[8]);
// Lower Left
x -= dx-1; SetPixel(hdc, x, y, rgRGB[9]); SetPixel(hdc, x+1, y, rgRGB[10]); SetPixel(hdc, x, y-1, rgRGB[11]); }
/* loads global bitmap hbmBack */ BOOL FLoadBack(INT idbackNew) { extern HBITMAP hbmBack; extern INT idback; CHAR szPath[64]; INT fh; CHAR *pch;
if(idback != idbackNew) { MyDeleteHbm(hbmBack); if((hbmBack = LoadBitmap(hinstApp, MAKEINTRESOURCE(idbackNew))) != NULL) idback = idbackNew; else idback = 0; } return idback != 0; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pch); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(szPath); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(fh); }
static HBITMAP HbmFromCd(INT cd) { static INT iNext = 0; INT icd;
if (hbmCard[cd] == NULL) { if (cLoaded >= CLOADMAX) { for (; hbmCard[iNext] == NULL; iNext = (iNext == 51) ? 0 : iNext + 1); DeleteObject( hbmCard[iNext]); hbmCard[iNext] = NULL; cLoaded--; }
icd = RaFromCd(cd) % 13 + SuFromCd(cd) * 13; while ((hbmCard[cd]=LoadBitmap(hinstApp,MAKEINTRESOURCE(icd+1))) == NULL) { if (cLoaded == 0) return NULL; else { for (; hbmCard[iNext] == NULL; iNext = (iNext == 51) ? 0 : iNext + 1); DeleteObject( hbmCard[iNext]); hbmCard[iNext] = NULL; cLoaded--; } } cLoaded++; } return hbmCard[cd]; }
VOID MyDeleteHbm(HBITMAP hbm) { if(hbm != NULL) DeleteObject(hbm); }
VOID APIENTRY cdtTerm() /*
* Free up space if it's time to do so. * * Parameters: * none * * Returns: * nothing */ { INT i;
if (--cInits > 0) return; for (i = 0; i < 52; i++) MyDeleteHbm(hbmCard[i]); MyDeleteHbm(hbmGhost); MyDeleteHbm(hbmBack); MyDeleteHbm(hbmDeckX); MyDeleteHbm(hbmDeckO); }