June 91, JimH initial code Oct 91, JimH port to Win32
Routines for playing the game are here and in game.c
#include "freecell.h"
#include "freecons.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h> // for isdigit()
static HCURSOR hFlipCursor;
This function and the recursive MaxTransfer2 determine the maximum number of cards that could be transfered given the current number of free cells and empty columns.
UINT MaxTransfer() { UINT freecells = 0; UINT freecols = 0; UINT col, pos;
for (pos = 0; pos < 4; pos++) // count free cells
if (card[TOPROW][pos] == EMPTY) freecells++;
for (col = 1; col <= 8; col++) // count empty columns
if (card[col][0] == EMPTY) freecols++;
return MaxTransfer2(freecells, freecols); }
UINT MaxTransfer2(UINT freecells, UINT freecols) { if (freecols == 0) return(freecells + 1); return(freecells + 1 + MaxTransfer2(freecells, freecols-1)); }
Given a from column and a to column, this function returns the number of cards required to do the transfer, or 0 if there is no legal move.
If the transfer is from a column to an empty column, this function returns the maximum number of cards that could transfer.
UINT NumberToTransfer(UINT fcol, UINT tcol) { UINT fpos, tpos; CARD tcard; // card to transfer onto
UINT number = 0; // the returned result
assert(fcol > 0 && fcol < 9); assert(tcol > 0 && tcol < 9); assert(card[fcol][0] != EMPTY);
if (fcol == tcol) return 1; // cancellation takes one move
fpos = FindLastPos(fcol);
if (card[tcol][0] == EMPTY) // if transfer to empty column
{ while (fpos > 0) { if (!FitsUnder(card[fcol][fpos], card[fcol][fpos-1])) break; fpos--; number++; } return (number+1); } else { tpos = FindLastPos(tcol); tcard = card[tcol][tpos]; for (;;) { number++; if (FitsUnder(card[fcol][fpos], tcard)) return number; if (fpos == 0) return 0; if (!FitsUnder(card[fcol][fpos], card[fcol][fpos-1])) return 0; fpos--; } } }
returns TRUE if fcard fits under tcard
BOOL FitsUnder(CARD fcard, CARD tcard) { if ((VALUE(tcard) - VALUE(fcard)) != 1) return FALSE;
if (COLOUR(fcard) == COLOUR(tcard)) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
If there are legal moves remaining, the game is not lost and this function returns without doing anything.
Otherwise, it pops up the YouLose dialog box.
VOID IsGameLost(HWND hWnd) { UINT col, pos; UINT fcol, tcol; CARD lastcard[MAXCOL]; // array of cards at bottoms of columns
CARD c; UINT cMoves = 0; // count of legal moves remaining
if (bCheating == CHEAT_LOSE) goto cheatloselabel;
for (pos = 0; pos < 4; pos++) // any free cells?
if (card[TOPROW][pos] == EMPTY) return;
for (col = 1; col < MAXCOL; col++) // any free columns?
if (card[col][0] == EMPTY) return;
/* Do the bottom cards of any column fit in the home cells? */
for (col = 1; col < MAXCOL; col++) { lastcard[col] = card[col][FindLastPos(col)]; c = lastcard[col]; if (VALUE(c) == ACE) cMoves++; if (home[SUIT(c)] == (VALUE(c) - 1)) // fits in home cell?
cMoves++; }
/* Do any of the cards in the free cells fit in the home cells? */
for (pos = 0; pos < 4; pos++) { c = card[TOPROW][pos]; if (home[SUIT(c)] == (VALUE(c) - 1)) cMoves++; }
/* Do any of the cards in the free cells fit under a column? */
for (pos = 0; pos < 4; pos++) for (col = 1; col < MAXCOL; col++) if (FitsUnder(card[TOPROW][pos], lastcard[col])) cMoves++;
/* Do any of the bottom cards fit under any other bottom card? */
for (fcol = 1; fcol < MAXCOL; fcol++) for (tcol = 1; tcol < MAXCOL; tcol++) if (tcol != fcol) if (FitsUnder(lastcard[fcol], lastcard[tcol])) cMoves++;
if (cMoves > 0) { if (cMoves == 1) // one move left
{ cFlashes = 4; // flash this many times
if (idTimer != 0) KillTimer(hWnd, FLASH_TIMER);
idTimer = SetTimer(hWnd, FLASH_TIMER, FLASH_INTERVAL, NULL); } return; }
/* We've tried everything. There are no more legal moves. */
cheatloselabel: cUndo = 0; EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd), IDM_UNDO, MF_GRAYED); DialogBox(hInst, TEXT("YouLose"), hWnd, YouLoseDlg); gamenumber = 0; // cancel mouse activity
bCheating = FALSE; }
returns position of last card in column, or EMPTY if column is empty.
UINT FindLastPos(UINT col) { UINT pos = 0;
if (col > 9) return EMPTY;
while (card[col][pos] != EMPTY) pos++; pos--;
return pos; }
If game is lost, update statistics.
VOID UpdateLossCount() { int cLifetimeLosses; // includes .ini stats
int wStreak, wSType; // streak length and type
int wLosses; // record loss streak
LONG lRegResult; // used to store return code from registry call
// repeats and negative (unwinnable) games don't count
if ((gamenumber > 0) && (gamenumber != oldgamenumber)) { lRegResult = REGOPEN
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lRegResult) { cLifetimeLosses = GetInt(pszLost, 0); cLifetimeLosses++; cLosses++; cGames++; SetInt(pszLost, cLifetimeLosses); wSType = GetInt(pszSType, WON); if (wSType == WON) { SetInt(pszSType, LOST); wStreak = 1; SetInt(pszStreak, wStreak); } else { wStreak = GetInt(pszStreak, 0); wStreak++; SetInt(pszStreak, wStreak); }
wLosses = GetInt(pszLosses, 0); if (wLosses < wStreak) // if new record
{ wLosses = wStreak; SetInt(pszLosses, wLosses); }
REGCLOSE } } oldgamenumber = gamenumber; }
Handles keyboard input from the main message loop. Only digits are considered. This function works by simulating mouse clicks for each digit pressed.
Note that when you have selected a card in a free cell, but you want to select another card, you press '0' again. This function sends (not posts, sends so that bMessages can be turned off) a mouse click to deselect that card, and then looks if there is another card in free cells to the right, and if so, selects it.
VOID KeyboardInput(HWND hWnd, UINT keycode) { UINT x, y; UINT col = TOPROW; UINT pos = 0; BOOL bSave; // save status of bMessages;
if (!isdigit(keycode)) return;
switch (keycode) {
case '0': // free cell
if (wMouseMode == FROM) // select a card to transfer
{ for (pos = 0; pos < 4; pos++) if (card[TOPROW][pos] != EMPTY) break; if (pos == 4) // no card to select
return; } else // transfer TO free cell
{ if (wFromCol == TOPROW) // pick new free cell
{ /* Turn off messages so deselection moves don't complain
if there is only one move left. */
bSave = bMessages; bMessages = FALSE;
/* deselect current selection */
Card2Point(TOPROW, wFromPos, &x, &y); SendMessage(hWnd, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, MAKELONG((WORD)x, (WORD)y));
/* find next non-empty free cell */
for (pos = wFromPos+1; pos < 4; pos++) { if (card[TOPROW][pos] != EMPTY) break; }
bMessages = bSave; if (pos == 4) // none found, so leave deselected
return; } else // transfer from a column, not TOPROW
{ for (pos = 0; pos < 4; pos++) if (card[TOPROW][pos] == EMPTY) break;
if (pos == 4) // no empty freecells
pos = 0; // force an error message
} } break;
case '9': // home cell
if (wMouseMode == FROM) // can't move from home cell
c = card[wFromCol][wFromPos]; pos = homesuit[SUIT(c)]; if (pos == EMPTY) // no home suit so can't do anything
pos = 4; // force error
default: // columns 1 to 8
col = keycode - '0'; break; }
if (col == wFromCol && wMouseMode == TO && col > 0 && col < 9 && card[col][1] != EMPTY) { bFlipping = (BOOL) SetTimer(hWnd, FLIP_TIMER, FLIP_INTERVAL, NULL); }
if (bFlipping) { hFlipCursor = SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT)); ShowCursor(TRUE); Flip(hWnd); // do first card manually
} else { Card2Point(col, pos, &x, &y); PostMessage(hWnd, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, MAKELONG((WORD)x, (WORD)y)); } }
This function is called by the FLASH_TIMER to flash main window.
VOID Flash(HWND hWnd) { FlashWindow(hWnd, TRUE); cFlashes--;
if (cFlashes <= 0) { FlashWindow(hWnd, FALSE); KillTimer(hWnd, FLASH_TIMER); idTimer = 0; } }
This function is called by the FLIP_TIMER to flip cards through in one column. It is used for keyboard players who want to reveal hidden cards.
VOID Flip(HWND hWnd) { HDC hDC; UINT x, y; static UINT pos = 0;
hDC = GetDC(hWnd); DrawCard(hDC, wFromCol, pos, card[wFromCol][pos], FACEUP); pos++; if (card[wFromCol][pos] == EMPTY) { pos = 0; KillTimer(hWnd, FLIP_TIMER); bFlipping = FALSE; ShowCursor(FALSE); SetCursor(hFlipCursor);
/* cancel move */
Card2Point(wFromCol, pos, &x, &y); PostMessage(hWnd, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, MAKELONG((WORD)x, (WORD)y)); } ReleaseDC(hWnd, hDC); }
Undo last move
VOID Undo(HWND hWnd) { int i;
if (cUndo == 0) return;
SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT)); // set cursor to hourglass
SetCapture(hWnd); ShowCursor(TRUE);
for (i = cUndo-1; i >= 0; i--) { CARD c; int fcol, fpos, tcol, tpos;
fcol = movelist[i].tcol; fpos = movelist[i].tpos; tcol = movelist[i].fcol; tpos = movelist[i].fpos;
if (fcol != TOPROW && fcol == tcol) // no move so exit
if (fcol != TOPROW) fpos = FindLastPos(fcol);
if (tcol != TOPROW) tpos = FindLastPos(tcol) + 1;
Glide(hWnd, fcol, fpos, tcol, tpos); // send the card on its way
c = card[fcol][fpos];
if (fcol == TOPROW && fpos > 3) // if from home cell
{ wCardCount++; DisplayCardCount(hWnd); // update display
if (VALUE(c) == ACE) { card[fcol][fpos] = EMPTY; homesuit[SUIT(c)] = EMPTY; } else { card[fcol][fpos] -= 4; } } else card[fcol][fpos] = EMPTY;
card[tcol][tpos] = c; }
cUndo = 0; EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWnd), IDM_UNDO, MF_GRAYED);
ShowCursor(FALSE); SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW)); ReleaseCapture(); }