// File: tcp.cpp
// Description:
// #include statements
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#include "tcp.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "rw_common.h"
static int siTcpStatus = RW_TCP_NOT_INITILIZED; static HINSTANCE hIcmp= NULL; static WSADATA wsa;
int ResolveHostByThread(LPSTR pHost); int ResolveHostByAddrThread(LPSTR pHost);
#define GET_HOST_TOUT (15 * 1000)
#define PING_TOUT (15 * 1000)
static struct hostent *gphostent= NULL;
BOOL InitForTcp() { BOOL bRet= FALSE;
if( siTcpStatus == RW_TCP_INITILIZED ) return TRUE;
if (! WSAStartup(0x0101, &wsa )) { siTcpStatus = RW_TCP_INITILIZED; bRet= TRUE; } return bRet;
BOOL InitForIcmp() { if(hIcmp) return TRUE; hIcmp = LoadLibrary( _T("ICMP.DLL") ); // Load ICMP.DLL and store globally
if( ! hIcmp ) { // Whine if unable to load the DLL
DisplayMessage("Unable to locate ICMP.DLL"); return( FALSE ); } return TRUE;
void CloseForTcpIcmp() { if (hIcmp) FreeLibrary(hIcmp); // When app is closed, free the ICMP DLL
if(siTcpStatus == RW_TCP_INITILIZED) WSACleanup(); // And clean up sockets
hIcmp = NULL; siTcpStatus = RW_TCP_NOT_INITILIZED;
} //
// Tries to get the host name and pings using ICMP
// returns
// RWZ_PINGSTATUS_NOTCPIP : if no socket library or get hostname fails
// RWZ_PINGSTATUS_SUCCESS : if gethostname and ping is successful
// RWZ_PINGSTATUS_FAIL : if gethostname is succesful and ping via icmp fails
DWORD PingHost() { DWORD dwRet= 0; char szIPAddress[80]; dwRet = RWZ_PINGSTATUS_NOTCPIP; if(!InitForTcp()) { return dwRet; // Tcp is not installed
} memset(szIPAddress, '\0', 80); if (!gethostname(szIPAddress, 80)) { if (Ping(szIPAddress)){ dwRet = RWZ_PINGSTATUS_SUCCESS; }else { dwRet = RWZ_PINGSTATUS_FAIL; } }
return dwRet; }
BOOL Ping(LPSTR szIPAddress) { BOOL bRet= FALSE;
if( !InitForIcmp()) return bRet;
if(!InitForTcp()) { return FALSE; // Tcp is not installed
static struct sockaddr_in saDestAddr;
char szBuffer[64]; DWORD *dwIPAddr, dwStatus; HANDLE hIP; struct hostent *phostent; PIP_ECHO_REPLY pIpe;
if(!ResolveHostByThread(szIPAddress)) { gphostent = gethostbyname(szIPAddress); phostent = gphostent; }else { phostent= NULL; } if( ! phostent ){ RW_DEBUG << "\n Resolving by Address " << flush; int iError; iError = 0; iError = WSAGetLastError (); RW_DEBUG << "\n Get Host By Name Error " << iError << flush; if(iError){ WSASetLastError (0); //return 0;
saDestAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(szIPAddress); if( saDestAddr.sin_addr.s_addr !=INADDR_NONE ) { if(!ResolveHostByAddrThread((LPSTR)&saDestAddr.sin_addr.s_addr)) { gphostent = gethostbyaddr((LPSTR)&saDestAddr.sin_addr.s_addr,4, PF_INET) ; phostent = gphostent; }else { phostent= NULL; } } if(!phostent) { DisplayMessage(szIPAddress , "Unable to obtain an IP address for %s"); return bRet; } }
dwIPAddr = (DWORD *)( *phostent->h_addr_list );
ICMPCREATEFILE pIcmpCreateFile; pIcmpCreateFile = (ICMPCREATEFILE) GetProcAddress(hIcmp, "IcmpCreateFile"); if (NULL == pIcmpCreateFile) { DisplayMessage("IcmpCreateFile GetProc Error", ""); return FALSE; }
ICMPCLOSEHANDLE pIcmpCloseHandle; pIcmpCloseHandle = (ICMPCLOSEHANDLE) GetProcAddress(hIcmp, "IcmpCloseHandle"); if (NULL == pIcmpCloseHandle) { DisplayMessage("IcmpCloseHandle GetProc Error", ""); return bRet; }
ICMPSENDECHO pIcmpSendEcho; pIcmpSendEcho = (ICMPSENDECHO) GetProcAddress(hIcmp, "IcmpSendEcho"); if (NULL == pIcmpSendEcho) { DisplayMessage("IcmpSendEcho GetProc Error", ""); return bRet; }
if( ! pIcmpCreateFile || ! pIcmpCloseHandle || ! pIcmpSendEcho ) { DisplayMessage("Unable to locate required API functions", ""); return bRet; }
hIP = pIcmpCreateFile(); if( hIP == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { DisplayMessage("Unable to open PING service"); return bRet; }
memset( szBuffer, '\xAA', 64 ); pIpe = (PIP_ECHO_REPLY)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(IP_ECHO_REPLY) + 64); if (pIpe) { pIpe->Data = szIPAddress; pIpe->DataSize = 64;
dwStatus = pIcmpSendEcho( hIP, *dwIPAddr, szBuffer, 64, NULL, pIpe, sizeof(IP_ECHO_REPLY) + 64, PING_TOUT ); if(dwStatus) { bRet = TRUE; } LocalFree(pIpe); pIcmpCloseHandle(hIP); } return bRet; }
BOOL CheckHostName(LPSTR szIISServer) { // WSAStartup() is already called
if(!InitForTcp()) { return FALSE; // Tcp is not installed
} struct hostent *phostent; if(!ResolveHostByThread(szIISServer)) { phostent = gphostent; }else { phostent= NULL; } if (phostent == NULL) return FALSE; else return TRUE; // WSACleanup() will be called later
// Returns 1 if there is an Error
// 0 if Successful
DWORD GetHostThread(void *vp) { DWORD dwIsError=1; LPSTR szHost; szHost = (LPSTR) vp; int iError = 0;
gphostent = gethostbyname(szHost); if( ! gphostent ){ iError = WSAGetLastError (); if(iError) { WSASetLastError (0); // Reset the error
} } else { dwIsError =0; } ExitThread(dwIsError); return dwIsError; }
// This function returns Calls the gethostbyname and
// returns 0 if Successful and 1 if failure
// the return
int ResolveHostByThread(LPSTR pHost) { int iRet=0; DWORD dwThreadExitCode; DWORD dwCreationFlags=0; // Start CREATE_SUSPENDED
DWORD ThreadId; RW_DEBUG << "\nResolve " << pHost << flush;
HANDLE hParent = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) GetHostThread, (void *) pHost, dwCreationFlags, &ThreadId );
DWORD dwRet = WaitForSingleObject(hParent,GET_HOST_TOUT); switch(dwRet) { case WAIT_ABANDONED : iRet = 1; // Error In Get Host Name
break; case WAIT_OBJECT_0 : RW_DEBUG << "\n\tResolved ( 1 Error, 0 Ok) ";
if( GetExitCodeThread(hParent,&dwThreadExitCode) ) { iRet = (int) dwThreadExitCode;
} else { } RW_DEBUG << iRet; break; case WAIT_TIMEOUT : RW_DEBUG << "\n\t*** Error Resolving " << flush; iRet = 1; // Error In Get Host Name
TerminateThread(hParent,0); break; default: break; } return iRet;
// Returns 1 if there is an Error
// 0 if Successful
DWORD GetHostByAddrThread(void *vp) { DWORD dwIsError=1; LPSTR szAddr; int iError = 0; szAddr = (LPSTR) vp; gphostent = gethostbyaddr(szAddr, 4, PF_INET) ; if( ! gphostent ){ iError = WSAGetLastError (); if(iError) { WSASetLastError (0); // Reset the error
} } else { dwIsError =0; } return dwIsError; }
// This function returns Calls the gethostbyaddr and
// returns 0 if Successful and 1 if failure
// the return
int ResolveHostByAddrThread(LPSTR pHost) { int iRet=0; DWORD dwThreadExitCode; DWORD dwCreationFlags=0; // Start CREATE_SUSPENDED
DWORD ThreadId; RW_DEBUG << "\nResolve " << pHost << " By Address " << flush; HANDLE hParent = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) GetHostByAddrThread, (void *) pHost, dwCreationFlags, &ThreadId );
DWORD dwRet = WaitForSingleObject(hParent,GET_HOST_TOUT); switch(dwRet) { case WAIT_ABANDONED : iRet = 1; // Error In Get Host Name
break; case WAIT_OBJECT_0 : RW_DEBUG << "\n\tResolved ( 1 Error, 0 Ok) "; if( GetExitCodeThread(hParent,&dwThreadExitCode) ) { iRet = (int) dwThreadExitCode; } else { } RW_DEBUG << iRet << flush; break; case WAIT_TIMEOUT : RW_DEBUG << "\n\t*** Error Resolving " << flush; iRet = 1; // Error In Get Host Name
TerminateThread(hParent,0); break; default: break; } return iRet;