// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999
// File: permset.cpp
// This file contains the implementation for the CPermissionSet class
#include "aclpriv.h"
#include "permset.h"
void CPermissionSet::Reset() { TraceEnter(TRACE_PERMSET, "CPermissionSet::Reset");
// Clear the lists
if (m_hPermList != NULL) { DSA_Destroy(m_hPermList); m_hPermList = NULL; }
DestroyDPA(m_hAdvPermList); m_hAdvPermList = NULL;
m_fObjectAcesPresent = FALSE;
TraceLeaveVoid(); }
void CPermissionSet::ResetAdvanced() { TraceEnter(TRACE_PERMSET, "CPermissionSet::ResetAdvanced");
DestroyDPA(m_hAdvPermList); m_hAdvPermList = NULL;
TraceLeaveVoid(); }
BOOL CPermissionSet::AddAce(LPCGUID pguid, ACCESS_MASK mask, DWORD dwFlags) { PERMISSION perm = { mask, dwFlags, 0 };
if (pguid != NULL) perm.guid = *pguid;
return AddPermission(&perm); }
BOOL CPermissionSet::AddPermission(PPERMISSION pPerm) { BOOL bObjectTypePresent = FALSE;
TraceEnter(TRACE_PERMSET, "CPermissionSet::AddAce"); TraceAssert(pPerm != NULL);
if (!IsEqualGUID(pPerm->guid, GUID_NULL)) bObjectTypePresent = TRUE;
if (m_hPermList == NULL) { m_hPermList = DSA_Create(SIZEOF(PERMISSION), 4); if (m_hPermList == NULL) TraceLeaveValue(FALSE); } else { //
// Try to merge with an existing entry in the list.
UINT cItems = DSA_GetItemCount(m_hPermList); while (cItems > 0) { PPERMISSION pPermCompare; DWORD dwMergeFlags; DWORD dwMergeResult; DWORD dwMergeStatus;
--cItems; pPermCompare = (PPERMISSION)DSA_GetItemPtr(m_hPermList, cItems);
dwMergeFlags = 0;
if (bObjectTypePresent) dwMergeFlags |= MF_OBJECT_TYPE_1_PRESENT;
if (!IsEqualGUID(pPermCompare->guid, GUID_NULL)) dwMergeFlags |= MF_OBJECT_TYPE_2_PRESENT;
if (!(dwMergeFlags & (MF_OBJECT_TYPE_1_PRESENT | MF_OBJECT_TYPE_2_PRESENT))) { // Neither are present, so they are the same
dwMergeFlags |= MF_OBJECT_TYPE_EQUAL; } else if (IsEqualGUID(pPermCompare->guid, pPerm->guid)) dwMergeFlags |= MF_OBJECT_TYPE_EQUAL;
dwMergeStatus = MergeAceHelper(pPerm->dwFlags, // #1
pPerm->mask, pPermCompare->dwFlags, // #2
pPermCompare->mask, dwMergeFlags, &dwMergeResult);
if (dwMergeStatus == MERGE_MODIFIED_FLAGS) { pPerm->dwFlags = dwMergeResult; dwMergeStatus = MERGE_OK_1; } else if (dwMergeStatus == MERGE_MODIFIED_MASK) { pPerm->mask = dwMergeResult; dwMergeStatus = MERGE_OK_1; }
if (dwMergeStatus == MERGE_OK_1) { //
// The new permission implies the existing permission, so
// the existing one can be removed.
DSA_DeleteItem(m_hPermList, cItems); //
// Keep looking. Maybe we can remove some more entries
// before adding the new one.
} else if (dwMergeStatus == MERGE_OK_2) { //
// The existing permission implies the new permission, so
// there is nothing to do here.
TraceLeaveValue(TRUE); } } }
// Ok, add the new permission to the list.
DSA_AppendItem(m_hPermList, pPerm);
if (bObjectTypePresent) m_fObjectAcesPresent = TRUE;
TraceLeaveValue(TRUE); }
BOOL CPermissionSet::AddAdvancedAce(PACE_HEADER pAce) { TraceEnter(TRACE_PERMSET, "CPermissionSet::AddAdvancedAce"); TraceAssert(pAce != NULL);
// Create list if necessary
if (m_hAdvPermList == NULL) { m_hAdvPermList = DPA_Create(4); if (m_hAdvPermList == NULL) { TraceMsg("DPA_Create failed"); TraceLeaveValue(FALSE); } }
// This is as big as we need, but sometimes incoming ACEs are extra big.
// Use the incoming AceSize only if it's smaller
if (pAce->AceSize < nAceLen) nAceLen = pAce->AceSize;
// Copy the ACE and add it to the list.
PACE_HEADER pAceCopy = (PACE_HEADER)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, nAceLen); if (pAceCopy == NULL) { TraceMsg("LocalAlloc failed"); TraceLeaveValue(FALSE); }
CopyMemory(pAceCopy, pAce, nAceLen); pAceCopy->AceSize = (USHORT)nAceLen; DPA_AppendPtr(m_hAdvPermList, pAceCopy);
TraceLeaveValue(TRUE); }
UINT CPermissionSet::GetPermCount(BOOL fIncludeAdvAces) const { ULONG cAces = 0;
TraceEnter(TRACE_PERMSET, "CPermissionSet::GetPermCount");
if (m_hPermList != NULL) cAces = DSA_GetItemCount(m_hPermList);
if (fIncludeAdvAces && m_hAdvPermList != NULL) cAces += DPA_GetPtrCount(m_hAdvPermList);
TraceLeaveValue(cAces); }
ULONG CPermissionSet::GetAclLength(ULONG cbSid) const { // Return an estimate of the buffer size needed to hold the
// requested ACEs. The size of the ACL header is NOT INCLUDED.
TraceEnter(TRACE_PERMSET, "CPermissionSet::GetAclLength");
if (m_hPermList != NULL) { cAces = DSA_GetItemCount(m_hPermList); if (m_fObjectAcesPresent) nAclLength += cAces * nObjectAceSize; else nAclLength += cAces * nAceSize; }
if (m_hAdvPermList != NULL) { cAces = DPA_GetPtrCount(m_hAdvPermList); nAclLength += cAces * (nObjectAceSize + SIZEOF(GUID)); }
TraceLeaveValue(nAclLength); }
BOOL CPermissionSet::AppendToAcl(PACL pAcl, PACE_HEADER *ppAcePos, // position to copy first ACE
PSID pSid, BOOL fAllowAce, DWORD dwFlags) const { PACE_HEADER pAce; UINT cAces; DWORD dwSidSize; DWORD dwAceSize; PPERMISSION pPerm; UCHAR uAceType; PSID psidT;
TraceEnter(TRACE_PERMSET, "CPermissionSet::AppendToAcl"); TraceAssert(pAcl != NULL); TraceAssert(ppAcePos != NULL); TraceAssert(pSid != NULL);
if (*ppAcePos == NULL || (ULONG_PTR)*ppAcePos < (ULONG_PTR)FirstAce(pAcl)) *ppAcePos = (PACE_HEADER)FirstAce(pAcl);
TraceAssert((ULONG_PTR)*ppAcePos >= (ULONG_PTR)FirstAce(pAcl) && (ULONG_PTR)*ppAcePos <= (ULONG_PTR)ByteOffset(pAcl, pAcl->AclSize));
dwSidSize = GetLengthSid(pSid); dwAceSize = SIZEOF(KNOWN_ACE) - SIZEOF(DWORD) + dwSidSize; uAceType = (UCHAR)(fAllowAce ? ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE : ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE);
cAces = GetPermCount(); while (cAces > 0) { BOOL bObjectAce;
pPerm = (PPERMISSION)DSA_GetItemPtr(m_hPermList, --cAces); if (pPerm == NULL) continue;
bObjectAce = !IsEqualGUID(pPerm->guid, GUID_NULL);
if (bObjectAce && !(dwFlags & PS_OBJECT)) continue; else if (!bObjectAce && !(dwFlags & PS_NONOBJECT)) continue;
pAce = *ppAcePos;
// Make sure the buffer is large enough.
if ((ULONG_PTR)ByteOffset(*ppAcePos, dwAceSize) > (ULONG_PTR)ByteOffset(pAcl, pAcl->AclSize)) { TraceMsg("ACL buffer too small"); TraceAssert(FALSE); TraceLeaveValue(FALSE); } TraceAssert(!IsBadWritePtr(*ppAcePos, dwAceSize));
// Copy the header and mask
pAce->AceType = uAceType; pAce->AceFlags = (UCHAR)pPerm->dwFlags; pAce->AceSize = (USHORT)dwAceSize; ((PKNOWN_ACE)pAce)->Mask = pPerm->mask;
// Get the normal SID location
psidT = &((PKNOWN_ACE)pAce)->SidStart;
if (bObjectAce) { //
// The Object ACEs that we deal with directly do not have an
// Inherit GUID present. Those ACEs end up in m_hAdvPermList.
GUID *pGuid;
// Adjust AceType and AceSize and set the object Flags
// Get the object type guid location
pGuid = RtlObjectAceObjectType(pAce);
// We just set the flag for this, so it can't be NULL
// Make sure the buffer is large enough.
if ((ULONG_PTR)ByteOffset(pAce, pAce->AceSize) > (ULONG_PTR)ByteOffset(pAcl, pAcl->AclSize)) { TraceMsg("ACL buffer too small"); TraceAssert(FALSE); TraceLeaveValue(FALSE); } TraceAssert(!IsBadWritePtr(pGuid, SIZEOF(GUID)));
// Copy the object type guid
*pGuid = pPerm->guid;
// Get new SID location
psidT = RtlObjectAceSid(pAce);
// Adjust ACL revision
if (pAcl->AclRevision < ACL_REVISION_DS) pAcl->AclRevision = ACL_REVISION_DS; }
// Copy the SID
TraceAssert(!IsBadWritePtr(psidT, dwSidSize)); CopyMemory(psidT, pSid, dwSidSize);
// Move to next ACE position
pAcl->AceCount++; *ppAcePos = (PACE_HEADER)NextAce(pAce); }
if ((dwFlags & PS_OBJECT) && m_hAdvPermList != NULL) { cAces = DPA_GetPtrCount(m_hAdvPermList); while (cAces > 0) { pAce = (PACE_HEADER)DPA_FastGetPtr(m_hAdvPermList, --cAces); if (pAce == NULL) continue;
// Make sure the buffer is large enough.
if ((ULONG_PTR)ByteOffset(*ppAcePos, pAce->AceSize) > (ULONG_PTR)ByteOffset(pAcl, pAcl->AclSize)) { TraceMsg("ACL buffer too small"); TraceAssert(FALSE); TraceLeaveValue(FALSE); } TraceAssert(!IsBadWritePtr(*ppAcePos, pAce->AceSize));
// Copy the ACE
CopyMemory(*ppAcePos, pAce, pAce->AceSize);
// Adjust ACL revision
if (IsObjectAceType(pAce) && pAcl->AclRevision < ACL_REVISION_DS) pAcl->AclRevision = ACL_REVISION_DS;
// Move to next ACE position
pAcl->AceCount++; *ppAcePos = (PACE_HEADER)NextAce(*ppAcePos); } }
TraceLeaveValue(TRUE); }
void CPermissionSet::ConvertInheritedAces(CPermissionSet &permInherited) { UINT cItems;
TraceEnter(TRACE_PERMSET, "CPermissionSet::ConvertInheritedAces");
if (permInherited.m_hPermList != NULL) { PPERMISSION pPerm;
cItems = DSA_GetItemCount(permInherited.m_hPermList); while (cItems) { --cItems; pPerm = (PPERMISSION)DSA_GetItemPtr(permInherited.m_hPermList, cItems); if (pPerm != NULL) { pPerm->dwFlags &= ~INHERITED_ACE; AddPermission(pPerm); } } }
if (permInherited.m_hAdvPermList != NULL) { PACE_HEADER pAceHeader;
cItems = DPA_GetPtrCount(permInherited.m_hAdvPermList); while (cItems) { --cItems; pAceHeader = (PACE_HEADER)DPA_FastGetPtr(permInherited.m_hAdvPermList, cItems); if (pAceHeader != NULL) { pAceHeader->AceFlags &= ~INHERITED_ACE; AddAdvancedAce(pAceHeader); } } }
TraceLeaveVoid(); }
//Removes permission. If bInheritFlag, match inheritance flags before
//removing permission
void CPermissionSet::RemovePermission(PPERMISSION pPerm, BOOL bInheritFlag ) { BOOL bObjectAcePresent = FALSE;
TraceEnter(TRACE_PERMSET, "CPermissionSet::RemovePermission"); TraceAssert(pPerm != NULL);
if (m_hPermList) { BOOL bNullGuid = IsEqualGUID(pPerm->guid, GUID_NULL); UINT cItems = DSA_GetItemCount(m_hPermList); while (cItems > 0) { PPERMISSION pPermCompare; BOOL bNullGuidCompare;
--cItems; pPermCompare = (PPERMISSION)DSA_GetItemPtr(m_hPermList, cItems);
bNullGuidCompare = IsEqualGUID(pPermCompare->guid, GUID_NULL);
if (bNullGuid || bNullGuidCompare || IsEqualGUID(pPermCompare->guid, pPerm->guid)) { if( !bInheritFlag || ( (pPermCompare->dwFlags & VALID_INHERIT_FLAGS) == (pPerm->dwFlags & VALID_INHERIT_FLAGS) ) ) { pPermCompare->mask &= ~pPerm->mask; if (0 == pPermCompare->mask) DSA_DeleteItem(m_hPermList, cItems); else if (!bNullGuidCompare) bObjectAcePresent = TRUE; } } else if (!bNullGuidCompare) bObjectAcePresent = TRUE; } }
m_fObjectAcesPresent = bObjectAcePresent;
TraceLeaveVoid(); }