// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994 - 1995.
// File: uastrfnc.cpp
// Contents: Unaligned UNICODE lstr functions for MIPS, PPC, ALPHA
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 1-11-95 davepl Created
// NOTE (DavePl) None of these pay any heed to locale!
#include "priv.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#ifdef UNIX
#define _alloca alloca
#endif /* UNIX */
// Function: ualstrcpynW
// Synopsis: UNALIGNED UNICODE version of lstrcpyn
// Arguments: [lpString1] -- dest string
// [lpString2] -- source string
// [iMaxLength] -- max chars to copy
// Returns:
// History: 1-11-95 davepl NT Port
// Notes:
UNALIGNED WCHAR * ualstrcpynW(UNALIGNED WCHAR * lpString1, UNALIGNED const WCHAR * lpString2, int iMaxLength) { UNALIGNED WCHAR * src; UNALIGNED WCHAR * dst;
src = (UNALIGNED WCHAR *)lpString2; dst = lpString1;
while(iMaxLength && *src) { *dst++ = *src++; iMaxLength--; }
if ( iMaxLength ) { *dst = '\0'; } else { dst--; *dst = '\0'; } return dst; }
// Function: ualstrcmpiW
// Synopsis: UNALIGNED UNICODE wrap of lstrcmpi
// Arguments: [dst] -- first string
// [src] -- string to comapre to
// Returns:
// History: 1-11-95 davepl Created
// 4-20-98 scotthan localized, bug 141655
int ualstrcmpiW (UNALIGNED const WCHAR * dst, UNALIGNED const WCHAR * src) { WCHAR *pwszDst, *pwszSrc; int cb ;
// Make aligned copies on the stack if appropriate...
// PERF - not the most inefficient tact (scotthan)
// note: _alloca should always succeed, unless out of stack
if( IS_ALIGNED( dst ) ) pwszDst = (WCHAR*)dst ; else { cb = (ualstrlenW( dst ) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ; pwszDst = (WCHAR*)_alloca( cb ) ; if (pwszDst) { CopyMemory( pwszDst, dst, cb ) ; } }
if( IS_ALIGNED( src ) ) pwszSrc = (WCHAR*)src ; else { cb = (ualstrlenW( src ) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ; pwszSrc = (WCHAR*)_alloca( cb ) ; if (pwszSrc) { CopyMemory( pwszSrc, src, cb ) ; } }
// Call the aligned method.
// Note: if this ever runs on Win95, we should call StrCmpIW instead.
return lstrcmpiW( pwszDst, pwszSrc ) ; }
// Function: ualstrcmpW
// Synopsis: UNALIGNED UNICODE wrap of lstrcmp
// Arguments: [dst] -- first string
// [src] -- string to comapre to
// Returns:
// History: 1-11-95 davepl Created
// 4-29-98 scotthan localized, bug 164091
int ualstrcmpW (UNALIGNED const WCHAR * src, UNALIGNED const WCHAR * dst) { WCHAR *pwszDst, *pwszSrc; int cb ;
// Make aligned copies on the stack if appropriate...
// PERF - not the most inefficient tact (scotthan)
// note: _alloca should always succeed, unless out of stack
if( IS_ALIGNED( dst ) ) pwszDst = (WCHAR*)dst ; else { cb = (ualstrlenW( dst ) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ; pwszDst = (WCHAR*)_alloca( cb ) ; if (pwszDst) { CopyMemory( pwszDst, dst, cb ) ; } }
if( IS_ALIGNED( src ) ) pwszSrc = (WCHAR*)src ; else { cb = (ualstrlenW( src ) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ; pwszSrc = (WCHAR*)_alloca( cb ) ; if (pwszSrc) { CopyMemory( pwszSrc, src, cb ) ; } }
// Call the aligned method.
// Note: if this ever runs on Win95, we should call StrCmpW instead.
return lstrcmpW( pwszDst, pwszSrc ) ; }
// Function: ualstrlenW
// Synopsis: UNALIGNED UNICODE version of lstrlen
// Arguments: [wcs] -- string to return length of
// Returns:
// History: 1-11-95 davepl NT Port
// Notes:
size_t ualstrlenW (UNALIGNED const WCHAR * wcs) { UNALIGNED const WCHAR *eos = wcs;
while( *eos++ ) { NULL; }
return( (size_t) (eos - wcs - 1) ); }
// Function: ualstrcpyW
// Synopsis: UNALIGNED UNICODE version of lstrcpy
// Arguments: [dst] -- string to copy to
// [src] -- string to copy from
// Returns:
// History: 1-11-95 davepl NT Port
// Notes:
while( *cp++ = *src++ ) NULL ;
return( dst ); }