// // cpstyle.uix // // // Banner stylesheet // <style resid=BannerSS>
element [id=atom(banner)] { background: argb(0,0,0,0); }
element [id=atom(iconsite)] { padding: rect(10rp, 7rp, 0, 0); }
element [id=atom(icon)] { background: argb(0,0,0,0); }
element [id=atom(header)] { background: BannerBkgnd; padding: rect(50rp, 1rp, 3rp, 1rp); }
element [id=atom(title)] { foreground: BannerFontColor; fontface: BannerFont; fontsize: BannerFontSize; fontweight: BannerFontWeight; contentalign: middleleft; margin: rect(0, 4rp, 0, 4rp); }
// // Style for the 'directive' text used in both the category // choice and category views. // <style resid=DirectiveSS>
element { background: argb(0,0,0,0); }
element { foreground: DirectiveFontColor; fontface: DirectiveFont; fontsize: DirectiveFontSize; fontweight: DirectiveFontWeight; contentalign: wrapleft; margin: rect(0, 30rp, 0, 0); } </style>
// // Style for the list of category choices. // <style resid=CategoryListSS>
element { background: argb(0,0,0,0); }
element [id=atom(view)] { background: CategoryListBkgnd; borderthickness: rect(0,0,0,1); bordercolor: white; }
element [id=atom(separator)] { background: SeparatorColor; }
element [id=atom(container)] { padding: rect(20rp,20rp,20rp,20rp); }
element [id=atom(categorylist)] { margin: rect(0,12rp,0,0); }
// // Style for a single item in the category list. // This style is applied programmatically to each item // at item creation in cpview.cpp. // <style resid=CategoryListItemSS>
linkelement { fontsize: CategoryLinkFontSize; fontface: CategoryLinkFont; foreground: CategoryLinkFontColor; fontweight: CategoryLinkFontWeight; background: argb(0,0,0,0); margin: rect(12rp,12rp,12rp,12rp); padding: rect(1,1,1,1); // For focus rect }
linkelement [keyfocused] { contentalign: focusrect; foreground: CategoryLinkFontColorHot; }
linkelement [mousefocused] { cursor: hand; foreground: CategoryLinkFontColorHot; fontstyle: CategoryLinkFontStyleHot; }
element { background: argb(0,0,0,0); }
element [id=atom(icon)] { contentalign: middleleft; }
element [id=atom(title)] { contentalign: wrapleft; padding: rect(5rp,0,0,0); }
// // Style for the view of a given category. // <style resid=CategoryViewSS>
element { background: argb(0,0,0,0); }
element [id=atom(view)] { borderthickness: rect(0,0,0,1); bordercolor: white; background: CategoryViewBkgnd; }
element [id=atom(separator)] { background: SeparatorColor; }
element [id=atom(container)] { padding: rect(20rp,20rp,20rp,20rp); }
element [id=atom(categorytasklist)] { margin: rect(0,12rp,0,0); }
element [id=atom(appletlist)] { margin: rect(0,12rp,0,0); }
// // Style for a single item in a category's list of tasks. // This style is applied programmatically to each item // at item creation in cpview.cpp. // <style resid=CategoryTaskListItemSS>
linkelement { fontsize: TaskLinkFontSize; fontface: TaskLinkFont; foreground: TaskLinkFontColor; fontweight: TaskLinkFontWeight; background: argb(0,0,0,0); margin: rect(12rp,12rp,12rp,12rp); padding: rect(1,1,1,1); // For focus rect cursor: hand; }
linkelement [keyfocused] { contentalign: focusrect; foreground: TaskLinkFontColorHot; }
linkelement [mousefocused] { cursor: hand; foreground: TaskLinkFontColorHot; fontstyle: TaskLinkFontStyleHot; }
element { background: argb(0,0,0,0); }
element [id=atom(icon)] { contentalign: middleleft; }
element [id=atom(title)] { contentalign: wrapleft; padding: rect(5rp,0,0,0); }
// // This style is applied to the 'barricade' text displayed when // there are no tasks or CPL applets available for a particular // Control Panel category. // <style resid=BarricadeSS>
element [id=atom(barricadetitle)] { fontface: BarricadeTitleFont; fontsize: BarricadeTitleFontSize; fontweight: BarricadeTitleFontWeight; foreground: BarricadeTitleFontColor; background: argb(0,0,0,0); padding: rect (10rp,20rp,10rp,0rp); contentalign: wrapleft; }
element [id=atom(barricademsg)] { fontface: BarricadeMsgFont; fontsize: BarricadeMsgFontSize; fontweight: BarricadeMsgFontWeight; foreground: BarricadeMsgFontColor; background: argb(0,0,0,0); padding: rect (10rp,15rp,10rp,0rp); contentalign: wrapleft; }