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  1. /* Textual file generated for type library: shell32.dll */
  2. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Microsoft Shell Controls And Automation"), localizedhelpstring("Microsoft Shell Controls And Automation"), lcid(0), version(1.0), uuid(50A7E9B0-70EF-11D1-B75A-00A0C90564FE), cUniqueNames(266), cchUniqueNames(2921), CustomGuid(DE77BA64-517C-11D1-A2DA-0000F8773CE9), CustomValue("84017387"), CustomGuid(DE77BA63-517C-11D1-A2DA-0000F8773CE9), CustomValue("926019393")]
  3. library Shell32 {
  4. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Folder View Events Forwarder Object"), localizedhelpstring("Folder View Events Forwarder Object"), dual, version(0.0), uuid(9BA05970-F6A8-11CF-A442-00A0C90A8F39), hidden, cbSizeVft(28), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  5. dispinterface IFolderViewOC {
  6. properties:
  7. methods:
  8. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(0), id(1610612736)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [out] void * * ppvObj) ;
  9. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(4), id(1610612737)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(void) ;
  10. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(8), id(1610612738)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void) ;
  11. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(12), id(1610678272)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfoCount([out] unsigned int * pctinfo) ;
  12. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(16), id(1610678273)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfo([in] unsigned int itinfo, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] void * * pptinfo) ;
  13. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(20), id(1610678274)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetIDsOfNames([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] char * * rgszNames, [in] unsigned int cNames, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] long * rgdispid) ;
  14. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(24), id(1610678275)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Invoke([in] long dispidMember, [in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] unsigned long lcid, [in] unsigned short wFlags, [in] stdole.DISPPARAMS * pdispparams, [out] VARIANT * pvarResult, [out] stdole.EXCEPINFO * pexcepinfo, [out] unsigned int * puArgErr) ;
  15. [localizedhelpstring("Set the ShellFolderView object to monitor events of."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Set the ShellFolderView object to monitor events of."), funckind(4), oVft(28), id(1610743808)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetFolderView([in] IDispatch * pdisp) ;
  16. }
  17. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Folder View Events Forwarder Object"), localizedhelpstring("Folder View Events Forwarder Object"), dual, oleautomation, version(0.0), uuid(9BA05970-F6A8-11CF-A442-00A0C90A8F39), hidden, cbSizeVft(32), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  18. interface IFolderViewOC : stdole.IDispatch {
  19. [localizedhelpstring("Set the ShellFolderView object to monitor events of."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Set the ShellFolderView object to monitor events of."), funckind(1), oVft(28)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetFolderView([in] IDispatch * pdisp) ;
  20. }
  21. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Event interface for ShellFolderView"), localizedhelpstring("Event interface for ShellFolderView"), version(0.0), uuid(62112AA2-EBE4-11CF-A5FB-0020AFE7292D), cbSizeVft(28), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  22. dispinterface DShellFolderViewEvents {
  23. properties:
  24. methods:
  25. [localizedhelpstring("The Selection in the view changed."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("The Selection in the view changed."), funckind(4), oVft(0), id(200)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE SelectionChanged(void) ;
  26. [localizedhelpstring("The folder has finished enumerating (flashlight is gone)."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("The folder has finished enumerating (flashlight is gone)."), funckind(4), oVft(0), id(201)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE EnumDone(void) ;
  27. }
  28. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Shell Folder View Events Router."), localizedhelpstring("Shell Folder View Events Router."), version(0.0), uuid(9BA05971-F6A8-11CF-A442-00A0C90A8F39), hidden, cbSizeVft(0), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  29. coclass ShellFolderViewOC {
  30. [default] dispinterface IFolderViewOC ;
  31. [default, source] dispinterface DShellFolderViewEvents ;
  32. }
  33. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Constraint used in search command"), localizedhelpstring("Constraint used in search command"), dual, version(0.0), uuid(4A3DF050-23BD-11D2-939F-00A0C91EEDBA), cbSizeVft(28), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  34. dispinterface DFConstraint {
  35. properties:
  36. methods:
  37. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(0), id(1610612736)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [out] void * * ppvObj) ;
  38. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(4), id(1610612737)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(void) ;
  39. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(8), id(1610612738)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void) ;
  40. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(12), id(1610678272)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfoCount([out] unsigned int * pctinfo) ;
  41. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(16), id(1610678273)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfo([in] unsigned int itinfo, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] void * * pptinfo) ;
  42. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(20), id(1610678274)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetIDsOfNames([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] char * * rgszNames, [in] unsigned int cNames, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] long * rgdispid) ;
  43. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(24), id(1610678275)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Invoke([in] long dispidMember, [in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] unsigned long lcid, [in] unsigned short wFlags, [in] stdole.DISPPARAMS * pdispparams, [out] VARIANT * pvarResult, [out] stdole.EXCEPINFO * pexcepinfo, [out] unsigned int * puArgErr) ;
  44. [localizedhelpstring("Get the constraint name"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the constraint name"), funckind(4), oVft(28), id(1610743808), propget] BSTR STDMETHODCALLTYPE Name(void) ;
  45. [localizedhelpstring("Get the constraint Value"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the constraint Value"), funckind(4), oVft(32), id(1610743809), propget] VARIANT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Value(void) ;
  46. }
  47. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Constraint used in search command"), localizedhelpstring("Constraint used in search command"), dual, oleautomation, version(0.0), uuid(4A3DF050-23BD-11D2-939F-00A0C91EEDBA), cbSizeVft(36), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  48. interface DFConstraint : stdole.IDispatch {
  49. [localizedhelpstring("Get the constraint name"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the constraint name"), funckind(1), oVft(28), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Name([out, retval] BSTR * pbs) ;
  50. [localizedhelpstring("Get the constraint Value"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the constraint Value"), funckind(1), oVft(32), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Value([out, retval] VARIANT * pv) ;
  51. }
  52. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("DocFind automation interface"), localizedhelpstring("DocFind automation interface"), dual, version(0.0), uuid(1D2EFD50-75CE-11D1-B75A-00A0C90564FE), cbSizeVft(28), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  53. dispinterface ISearchCommandExt {
  54. properties:
  55. methods:
  56. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(0), id(1610612736)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [out] void * * ppvObj) ;
  57. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(4), id(1610612737)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(void) ;
  58. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(8), id(1610612738)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void) ;
  59. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(12), id(1610678272)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfoCount([out] unsigned int * pctinfo) ;
  60. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(16), id(1610678273)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfo([in] unsigned int itinfo, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] void * * pptinfo) ;
  61. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(20), id(1610678274)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetIDsOfNames([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] char * * rgszNames, [in] unsigned int cNames, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] long * rgdispid) ;
  62. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(24), id(1610678275)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Invoke([in] long dispidMember, [in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] unsigned long lcid, [in] unsigned short wFlags, [in] stdole.DISPPARAMS * pdispparams, [out] VARIANT * pvarResult, [out] stdole.EXCEPINFO * pexcepinfo, [out] unsigned int * puArgErr) ;
  63. [localizedhelpstring("Clear out the results"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Clear out the results"), funckind(4), oVft(28), id(1)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE ClearResults(void) ;
  64. [localizedhelpstring("Navigate to Search Results"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Navigate to Search Results"), funckind(4), oVft(32), id(2)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE NavigateToSearchResults(void) ;
  65. [localizedhelpstring("Get the progress text"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the progress text"), funckind(4), oVft(36), id(3), propget] BSTR STDMETHODCALLTYPE ProgressText(void) ;
  66. [localizedhelpstring("Save Search"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Save Search"), funckind(4), oVft(40), id(4)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE SaveSearch(void) ;
  67. [localizedhelpstring("Get the last error information"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the last error information"), funckind(4), oVft(44), id(5)] int STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetErrorInfo([out] BSTR * pbs) ;
  68. [localizedhelpstring("Search For Files/Folders(0) or Printers(1)"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Search For Files/Folders(0) or Printers(1)"), funckind(4), oVft(48), id(6)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE SearchFor([in] int iFor) ;
  69. [localizedhelpstring("Get Scope information - Indexed/NonIndexed/Mixed"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Scope information - Indexed/NonIndexed/Mixed"), funckind(4), oVft(52), id(7)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetScopeInfo([in] BSTR bsScope, [out] int * pdwScopeInfo) ;
  70. [localizedhelpstring("Restore the specified search file."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Restore the specified search file."), funckind(4), oVft(56), id(8)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE RestoreSavedSearch([in] VARIANT * pvarFile) ;
  71. [localizedhelpstring("Start the search"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Start the search"), funckind(4), oVft(60), id(100)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Execute([in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT] VARIANT * RecordsAffected, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT] VARIANT * Parameters, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT] long Options) ;
  72. [localizedhelpstring("Create a parameter"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Create a parameter"), funckind(4), oVft(64), id(101)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddConstraint([in] BSTR Name, [in] VARIANT Value) ;
  73. [localizedhelpstring("Enum through the constraints..."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Enum through the constraints..."), funckind(4), oVft(68), id(102)] dispinterface DFConstraint * STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetNextConstraint([in] boolean fReset) ;
  74. }
  75. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("DocFind automation interface"), localizedhelpstring("DocFind automation interface"), dual, oleautomation, version(0.0), uuid(1D2EFD50-75CE-11D1-B75A-00A0C90564FE), cbSizeVft(72), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  76. interface ISearchCommandExt : stdole.IDispatch {
  77. [localizedhelpstring("Clear out the results"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Clear out the results"), funckind(1), oVft(28)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ClearResults(void) ;
  78. [localizedhelpstring("Navigate to Search Results"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Navigate to Search Results"), funckind(1), oVft(32)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE NavigateToSearchResults(void) ;
  79. [localizedhelpstring("Get the progress text"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the progress text"), funckind(1), oVft(36), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ProgressText([out, retval] BSTR * pbs) ;
  80. [localizedhelpstring("Save Search"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Save Search"), funckind(1), oVft(40)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SaveSearch(void) ;
  81. [localizedhelpstring("Get the last error information"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the last error information"), funckind(1), oVft(44)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetErrorInfo([out] BSTR * pbs, [out, retval] int * phr) ;
  82. [localizedhelpstring("Search For Files/Folders(0) or Printers(1)"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Search For Files/Folders(0) or Printers(1)"), funckind(1), oVft(48)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SearchFor([in] int iFor) ;
  83. [localizedhelpstring("Get Scope information - Indexed/NonIndexed/Mixed"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Scope information - Indexed/NonIndexed/Mixed"), funckind(1), oVft(52)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetScopeInfo([in] BSTR bsScope, [out] int * pdwScopeInfo) ;
  84. [localizedhelpstring("Restore the specified search file."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Restore the specified search file."), funckind(1), oVft(56)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE RestoreSavedSearch([in] VARIANT * pvarFile) ;
  85. [localizedhelpstring("Start the search"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Start the search"), funckind(1), oVft(60)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Execute([in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT] VARIANT * RecordsAffected, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT] VARIANT * Parameters, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT] long Options) ;
  86. [localizedhelpstring("Create a parameter"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Create a parameter"), funckind(1), oVft(64)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddConstraint([in] BSTR Name, [in] VARIANT Value) ;
  87. [localizedhelpstring("Enum through the constraints..."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Enum through the constraints..."), funckind(1), oVft(68)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetNextConstraint([in] boolean fReset, [out, retval] DFConstraint * * ppdfc) ;
  88. }
  89. typedef
  90. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Search Command Execute Errors"), localizedhelpstring("Search Command Execute Errors"), version(0.0), uuid(418F4E6A-B903-11D1-B0A6-00C04FC33AA5), cbSizeVft(0), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  91. enum {
  92. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Path not found"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Path not found")] SCEE_PATHNOTFOUND = 1 ,
  93. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Max files found"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Max files found")] SCEE_MAXFILESFOUND = 2 ,
  94. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Index search on Non Indexed Scope"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Index search on Non Indexed Scope")] SCEE_INDEXSEARCH = 3 ,
  95. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Index Constraint Error"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Index Constraint Error")] SCEE_CONSTRAINT = 4 ,
  96. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Index search on Indexed and Non-Indexed Scopes"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Index search on Indexed and Non-Indexed Scopes")] SCEE_SCOPEMISMATCH = 5 ,
  97. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Case sensitive indexed search"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Case sensitive indexed search")] SCEE_CASESENINDEX = 6 ,
  98. } SearchCommandExecuteErrors ;
  99. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Definition of interface FolderItem"), localizedhelpstring("Definition of interface FolderItem"), dual, version(0.0), uuid(FAC32C80-CBE4-11CE-8350-444553540000), cbSizeVft(28), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  100. dispinterface FolderItem {
  101. properties:
  102. methods:
  103. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(0), id(1610612736)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [out] void * * ppvObj) ;
  104. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(4), id(1610612737)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(void) ;
  105. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(8), id(1610612738)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void) ;
  106. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(12), id(1610678272)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfoCount([out] unsigned int * pctinfo) ;
  107. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(16), id(1610678273)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfo([in] unsigned int itinfo, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] void * * pptinfo) ;
  108. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(20), id(1610678274)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetIDsOfNames([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] char * * rgszNames, [in] unsigned int cNames, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] long * rgdispid) ;
  109. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(24), id(1610678275)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Invoke([in] long dispidMember, [in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] unsigned long lcid, [in] unsigned short wFlags, [in] stdole.DISPPARAMS * pdispparams, [out] VARIANT * pvarResult, [out] stdole.EXCEPINFO * pexcepinfo, [out] unsigned int * puArgErr) ;
  110. [localizedhelpstring("Get Application object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Application object"), funckind(4), oVft(28), id(1610743808), propget] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Application(void) ;
  111. [localizedhelpstring("Get Parent object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Parent object"), funckind(4), oVft(32), id(1610743809), propget] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Parent(void) ;
  112. [localizedhelpstring("Get display name for item"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get display name for item"), funckind(4), oVft(36), id(0), propget] BSTR STDMETHODCALLTYPE Name(void) ;
  113. [localizedhelpstring("Get display name for item"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get display name for item"), funckind(4), oVft(40), id(0), propput] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Name([in] BSTR PseudoName) ;
  114. [localizedhelpstring("Get the pathname to the item"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the pathname to the item"), funckind(4), oVft(44), id(1610743812), propget] BSTR STDMETHODCALLTYPE Path(void) ;
  115. [localizedhelpstring("If item is link return link object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("If item is link return link object"), funckind(4), oVft(48), id(1610743813), propget] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetLink(void) ;
  116. [localizedhelpstring("If item is a folder return folder object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("If item is a folder return folder object"), funckind(4), oVft(52), id(1610743814), propget] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetFolder(void) ;
  117. [localizedhelpstring("Is the item a link?"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Is the item a link?"), funckind(4), oVft(56), id(1610743815), propget] boolean STDMETHODCALLTYPE IsLink(void) ;
  118. [localizedhelpstring("Is the item a Folder?"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Is the item a Folder?"), funckind(4), oVft(60), id(1610743816), propget] boolean STDMETHODCALLTYPE IsFolder(void) ;
  119. [localizedhelpstring("Is the item a file system object?"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Is the item a file system object?"), funckind(4), oVft(64), id(1610743817), propget] boolean STDMETHODCALLTYPE IsFileSystem(void) ;
  120. [localizedhelpstring("Is the item browsable?"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Is the item browsable?"), funckind(4), oVft(68), id(1610743818), propget] boolean STDMETHODCALLTYPE IsBrowsable(void) ;
  121. [localizedhelpstring("Modification Date?"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Modification Date?"), funckind(4), oVft(72), id(1610743819), propget] DATE STDMETHODCALLTYPE ModifyDate(void) ;
  122. [localizedhelpstring("Modification Date?"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Modification Date?"), funckind(4), oVft(76), id(1610743819), propput] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE ModifyDate([in] DATE PseudoName) ;
  123. [localizedhelpstring("Size"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Size"), funckind(4), oVft(80), id(1610743821), propget] long STDMETHODCALLTYPE Size(void) ;
  124. [localizedhelpstring("Type"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Type"), funckind(4), oVft(84), id(1610743822), propget] BSTR STDMETHODCALLTYPE Type(void) ;
  125. [localizedhelpstring("Get the list of verbs for the object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the list of verbs for the object"), funckind(4), oVft(88), id(1610743823)] dispinterface FolderItemVerbs * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Verbs(void) ;
  126. [localizedhelpstring("Execute a command on the item"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Execute a command on the item"), funckind(4), oVft(92), id(1610743824)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE InvokeVerb([in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vVerb) ;
  127. }
  128. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Definition of interface FolderItem"), localizedhelpstring("Definition of interface FolderItem"), dual, oleautomation, version(0.0), uuid(FAC32C80-CBE4-11CE-8350-444553540000), cbSizeVft(96), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  129. interface FolderItem : stdole.IDispatch {
  130. [localizedhelpstring("Get Application object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Application object"), funckind(1), oVft(28), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Application([out, retval] IDispatch * * ppid) ;
  131. [localizedhelpstring("Get Parent object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Parent object"), funckind(1), oVft(32), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Parent([out, retval] IDispatch * * ppid) ;
  132. [localizedhelpstring("Get display name for item"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get display name for item"), funckind(1), oVft(36), id(0), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Name([out, retval] BSTR * pbs) ;
  133. [localizedhelpstring("Get display name for item"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get display name for item"), funckind(1), oVft(40), id(0), propput] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Name([in] BSTR pbs) ;
  134. [localizedhelpstring("Get the pathname to the item"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the pathname to the item"), funckind(1), oVft(44), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Path([out, retval] BSTR * pbs) ;
  135. [localizedhelpstring("If item is link return link object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("If item is link return link object"), funckind(1), oVft(48), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetLink([out, retval] IDispatch * * ppid) ;
  136. [localizedhelpstring("If item is a folder return folder object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("If item is a folder return folder object"), funckind(1), oVft(52), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetFolder([out, retval] IDispatch * * ppid) ;
  137. [localizedhelpstring("Is the item a link?"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Is the item a link?"), funckind(1), oVft(56), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IsLink([out, retval] boolean * pb) ;
  138. [localizedhelpstring("Is the item a Folder?"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Is the item a Folder?"), funckind(1), oVft(60), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IsFolder([out, retval] boolean * pb) ;
  139. [localizedhelpstring("Is the item a file system object?"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Is the item a file system object?"), funckind(1), oVft(64), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IsFileSystem([out, retval] boolean * pb) ;
  140. [localizedhelpstring("Is the item browsable?"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Is the item browsable?"), funckind(1), oVft(68), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IsBrowsable([out, retval] boolean * pb) ;
  141. [localizedhelpstring("Modification Date?"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Modification Date?"), funckind(1), oVft(72), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ModifyDate([out, retval] DATE * pdt) ;
  142. [localizedhelpstring("Modification Date?"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Modification Date?"), funckind(1), oVft(76), propput] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ModifyDate([in] DATE pdt) ;
  143. [localizedhelpstring("Size"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Size"), funckind(1), oVft(80), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Size([out, retval] long * pul) ;
  144. [localizedhelpstring("Type"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Type"), funckind(1), oVft(84), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Type([out, retval] BSTR * pbs) ;
  145. [localizedhelpstring("Get the list of verbs for the object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the list of verbs for the object"), funckind(1), oVft(88)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Verbs([out, retval] FolderItemVerbs * * ppfic) ;
  146. [localizedhelpstring("Execute a command on the item"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Execute a command on the item"), funckind(1), oVft(92)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE InvokeVerb([in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vVerb) ;
  147. }
  148. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Definition of interface FolderItemVerbs"), localizedhelpstring("Definition of interface FolderItemVerbs"), dual, version(0.0), uuid(1F8352C0-50B0-11CF-960C-0080C7F4EE85), cbSizeVft(28), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  149. dispinterface FolderItemVerbs {
  150. properties:
  151. methods:
  152. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(0), id(1610612736)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [out] void * * ppvObj) ;
  153. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(4), id(1610612737)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(void) ;
  154. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(8), id(1610612738)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void) ;
  155. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(12), id(1610678272)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfoCount([out] unsigned int * pctinfo) ;
  156. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(16), id(1610678273)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfo([in] unsigned int itinfo, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] void * * pptinfo) ;
  157. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(20), id(1610678274)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetIDsOfNames([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] char * * rgszNames, [in] unsigned int cNames, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] long * rgdispid) ;
  158. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(24), id(1610678275)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Invoke([in] long dispidMember, [in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] unsigned long lcid, [in] unsigned short wFlags, [in] stdole.DISPPARAMS * pdispparams, [out] VARIANT * pvarResult, [out] stdole.EXCEPINFO * pexcepinfo, [out] unsigned int * puArgErr) ;
  159. [localizedhelpstring("Get count of open folder windows"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get count of open folder windows"), funckind(4), oVft(28), id(1610743808), propget] long STDMETHODCALLTYPE Count(void) ;
  160. [localizedhelpstring("Get Application object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Application object"), funckind(4), oVft(32), id(1610743809), propget] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Application(void) ;
  161. [localizedhelpstring("Get Parent object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Parent object"), funckind(4), oVft(36), id(1610743810), propget] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Parent(void) ;
  162. [localizedhelpstring("Return the specified verb"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Return the specified verb"), funckind(4), oVft(40), id(1610743811)] dispinterface FolderItemVerb * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Item([in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT index) ;
  163. [localizedhelpstring("Enumerates the figures"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Enumerates the figures"), funckind(4), oVft(44), id(-4)] IUnknown * STDMETHODCALLTYPE _NewEnum(void) ;
  164. }
  165. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Definition of interface FolderItemVerbs"), localizedhelpstring("Definition of interface FolderItemVerbs"), dual, oleautomation, version(0.0), uuid(1F8352C0-50B0-11CF-960C-0080C7F4EE85), cbSizeVft(48), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  166. interface FolderItemVerbs : stdole.IDispatch {
  167. [localizedhelpstring("Get count of open folder windows"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get count of open folder windows"), funckind(1), oVft(28), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Count([out, retval] long * plCount) ;
  168. [localizedhelpstring("Get Application object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Application object"), funckind(1), oVft(32), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Application([out, retval] IDispatch * * ppid) ;
  169. [localizedhelpstring("Get Parent object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Parent object"), funckind(1), oVft(36), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Parent([out, retval] IDispatch * * ppid) ;
  170. [localizedhelpstring("Return the specified verb"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Return the specified verb"), funckind(1), oVft(40)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Item([in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT index, [out, retval] FolderItemVerb * * ppid) ;
  171. [localizedhelpstring("Enumerates the figures"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Enumerates the figures"), funckind(1), oVft(44)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown * * ppunk) ;
  172. }
  173. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Definition of interface FolderItemVerb"), localizedhelpstring("Definition of interface FolderItemVerb"), dual, version(0.0), uuid(08EC3E00-50B0-11CF-960C-0080C7F4EE85), cbSizeVft(28), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  174. dispinterface FolderItemVerb {
  175. properties:
  176. methods:
  177. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(0), id(1610612736)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [out] void * * ppvObj) ;
  178. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(4), id(1610612737)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(void) ;
  179. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(8), id(1610612738)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void) ;
  180. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(12), id(1610678272)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfoCount([out] unsigned int * pctinfo) ;
  181. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(16), id(1610678273)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfo([in] unsigned int itinfo, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] void * * pptinfo) ;
  182. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(20), id(1610678274)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetIDsOfNames([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] char * * rgszNames, [in] unsigned int cNames, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] long * rgdispid) ;
  183. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(24), id(1610678275)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Invoke([in] long dispidMember, [in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] unsigned long lcid, [in] unsigned short wFlags, [in] stdole.DISPPARAMS * pdispparams, [out] VARIANT * pvarResult, [out] stdole.EXCEPINFO * pexcepinfo, [out] unsigned int * puArgErr) ;
  184. [localizedhelpstring("Get Application object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Application object"), funckind(4), oVft(28), id(1610743808), propget] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Application(void) ;
  185. [localizedhelpstring("Get Parent object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Parent object"), funckind(4), oVft(32), id(1610743809), propget] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Parent(void) ;
  186. [localizedhelpstring("Get display name for item"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get display name for item"), funckind(4), oVft(36), id(0), propget] BSTR STDMETHODCALLTYPE Name(void) ;
  187. [localizedhelpstring("Execute the verb"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Execute the verb"), funckind(4), oVft(40), id(1610743811)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE DoIt(void) ;
  188. }
  189. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Definition of interface FolderItemVerb"), localizedhelpstring("Definition of interface FolderItemVerb"), dual, oleautomation, version(0.0), uuid(08EC3E00-50B0-11CF-960C-0080C7F4EE85), cbSizeVft(44), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  190. interface FolderItemVerb : stdole.IDispatch {
  191. [localizedhelpstring("Get Application object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Application object"), funckind(1), oVft(28), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Application([out, retval] IDispatch * * ppid) ;
  192. [localizedhelpstring("Get Parent object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Parent object"), funckind(1), oVft(32), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Parent([out, retval] IDispatch * * ppid) ;
  193. [localizedhelpstring("Get display name for item"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get display name for item"), funckind(1), oVft(36), id(0), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Name([out, retval] BSTR * pbs) ;
  194. [localizedhelpstring("Execute the verb"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Execute the verb"), funckind(1), oVft(40)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DoIt(void) ;
  195. }
  196. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Definition of interface FolderItems"), localizedhelpstring("Definition of interface FolderItems"), dual, version(0.0), uuid(744129E0-CBE5-11CE-8350-444553540000), cbSizeVft(28), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  197. dispinterface FolderItems {
  198. properties:
  199. methods:
  200. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(0), id(1610612736)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [out] void * * ppvObj) ;
  201. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(4), id(1610612737)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(void) ;
  202. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(8), id(1610612738)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void) ;
  203. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(12), id(1610678272)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfoCount([out] unsigned int * pctinfo) ;
  204. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(16), id(1610678273)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfo([in] unsigned int itinfo, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] void * * pptinfo) ;
  205. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(20), id(1610678274)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetIDsOfNames([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] char * * rgszNames, [in] unsigned int cNames, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] long * rgdispid) ;
  206. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(24), id(1610678275)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Invoke([in] long dispidMember, [in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] unsigned long lcid, [in] unsigned short wFlags, [in] stdole.DISPPARAMS * pdispparams, [out] VARIANT * pvarResult, [out] stdole.EXCEPINFO * pexcepinfo, [out] unsigned int * puArgErr) ;
  207. [localizedhelpstring("Get count of items in the folder"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get count of items in the folder"), funckind(4), oVft(28), id(1610743808), propget] long STDMETHODCALLTYPE Count(void) ;
  208. [localizedhelpstring("Get Application object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Application object"), funckind(4), oVft(32), id(1610743809), propget] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Application(void) ;
  209. [localizedhelpstring("Get Parent object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Parent object"), funckind(4), oVft(36), id(1610743810), propget] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Parent(void) ;
  210. [localizedhelpstring("Return the figure for the given index"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Return the figure for the given index"), funckind(4), oVft(40), id(1610743811)] dispinterface FolderItem * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Item([in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT index) ;
  211. [localizedhelpstring("Enumerates the figures"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Enumerates the figures"), funckind(4), oVft(44), id(-4)] IUnknown * STDMETHODCALLTYPE _NewEnum(void) ;
  212. }
  213. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Definition of interface FolderItems"), localizedhelpstring("Definition of interface FolderItems"), dual, oleautomation, version(0.0), uuid(744129E0-CBE5-11CE-8350-444553540000), cbSizeVft(48), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  214. interface FolderItems : stdole.IDispatch {
  215. [localizedhelpstring("Get count of items in the folder"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get count of items in the folder"), funckind(1), oVft(28), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Count([out, retval] long * plCount) ;
  216. [localizedhelpstring("Get Application object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Application object"), funckind(1), oVft(32), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Application([out, retval] IDispatch * * ppid) ;
  217. [localizedhelpstring("Get Parent object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Parent object"), funckind(1), oVft(36), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Parent([out, retval] IDispatch * * ppid) ;
  218. [localizedhelpstring("Return the figure for the given index"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Return the figure for the given index"), funckind(1), oVft(40)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Item([in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT index, [out, retval] FolderItem * * ppid) ;
  219. [localizedhelpstring("Enumerates the figures"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Enumerates the figures"), funckind(1), oVft(44)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown * * ppunk) ;
  220. }
  221. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Definition of interface Folder"), localizedhelpstring("Definition of interface Folder"), dual, version(0.0), uuid(BBCBDE60-C3FF-11CE-8350-444553540000), cbSizeVft(28), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  222. dispinterface Folder {
  223. properties:
  224. methods:
  225. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(0), id(1610612736)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [out] void * * ppvObj) ;
  226. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(4), id(1610612737)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(void) ;
  227. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(8), id(1610612738)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void) ;
  228. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(12), id(1610678272)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfoCount([out] unsigned int * pctinfo) ;
  229. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(16), id(1610678273)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfo([in] unsigned int itinfo, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] void * * pptinfo) ;
  230. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(20), id(1610678274)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetIDsOfNames([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] char * * rgszNames, [in] unsigned int cNames, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] long * rgdispid) ;
  231. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(24), id(1610678275)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Invoke([in] long dispidMember, [in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] unsigned long lcid, [in] unsigned short wFlags, [in] stdole.DISPPARAMS * pdispparams, [out] VARIANT * pvarResult, [out] stdole.EXCEPINFO * pexcepinfo, [out] unsigned int * puArgErr) ;
  232. [localizedhelpstring("Get the display name for the window"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the display name for the window"), funckind(4), oVft(28), id(0), propget] BSTR STDMETHODCALLTYPE Title(void) ;
  233. [localizedhelpstring("Get Application object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Application object"), funckind(4), oVft(32), id(1610743809), propget] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Application(void) ;
  234. [localizedhelpstring("Get Parent object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Parent object"), funckind(4), oVft(36), id(1610743810), propget] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Parent(void) ;
  235. [localizedhelpstring("Get Parent object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Parent object"), funckind(4), oVft(40), id(1610743811), propget] dispinterface Folder * STDMETHODCALLTYPE ParentFolder(void) ;
  236. [localizedhelpstring("The collection of Items in folder"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("The collection of Items in folder"), funckind(4), oVft(44), id(1610743812)] dispinterface FolderItems * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Items(void) ;
  237. [localizedhelpstring("Parse the name to get an item."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Parse the name to get an item."), funckind(4), oVft(48), id(1610743813)] dispinterface FolderItem * STDMETHODCALLTYPE ParseName([in] BSTR bName) ;
  238. [localizedhelpstring("Create a new sub folder in this folder."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Create a new sub folder in this folder."), funckind(4), oVft(52), id(1610743814)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE NewFolder([in] BSTR bName, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vOptions) ;
  239. [localizedhelpstring("Move Items to this folder."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Move Items to this folder."), funckind(4), oVft(56), id(1610743815)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE MoveHere([in] VARIANT vItem, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vOptions) ;
  240. [localizedhelpstring("Copy Items to this folder."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Copy Items to this folder."), funckind(4), oVft(60), id(1610743816)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE CopyHere([in] VARIANT vItem, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vOptions) ;
  241. [localizedhelpstring("Get the details about an item."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the details about an item."), funckind(4), oVft(64), id(1610743817)] BSTR STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetDetailsOf([in] VARIANT vItem, [in] int iColumn) ;
  242. }
  243. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Definition of interface Folder"), localizedhelpstring("Definition of interface Folder"), dual, oleautomation, version(0.0), uuid(BBCBDE60-C3FF-11CE-8350-444553540000), cbSizeVft(68), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  244. interface Folder : stdole.IDispatch {
  245. [localizedhelpstring("Get the display name for the window"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the display name for the window"), funckind(1), oVft(28), id(0), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Title([out, retval] BSTR * pbs) ;
  246. [localizedhelpstring("Get Application object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Application object"), funckind(1), oVft(32), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Application([out, retval] IDispatch * * ppid) ;
  247. [localizedhelpstring("Get Parent object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Parent object"), funckind(1), oVft(36), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Parent([out, retval] IDispatch * * ppid) ;
  248. [localizedhelpstring("Get Parent object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Parent object"), funckind(1), oVft(40), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ParentFolder([out, retval] Folder * * ppsf) ;
  249. [localizedhelpstring("The collection of Items in folder"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("The collection of Items in folder"), funckind(1), oVft(44)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Items([out, retval] FolderItems * * ppid) ;
  250. [localizedhelpstring("Parse the name to get an item."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Parse the name to get an item."), funckind(1), oVft(48)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ParseName([in] BSTR bName, [out, retval] FolderItem * * ppid) ;
  251. [localizedhelpstring("Create a new sub folder in this folder."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Create a new sub folder in this folder."), funckind(1), oVft(52)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE NewFolder([in] BSTR bName, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vOptions) ;
  252. [localizedhelpstring("Move Items to this folder."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Move Items to this folder."), funckind(1), oVft(56)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE MoveHere([in] VARIANT vItem, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vOptions) ;
  253. [localizedhelpstring("Copy Items to this folder."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Copy Items to this folder."), funckind(1), oVft(60)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CopyHere([in] VARIANT vItem, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vOptions) ;
  254. [localizedhelpstring("Get the details about an item."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the details about an item."), funckind(1), oVft(64)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetDetailsOf([in] VARIANT vItem, [in] int iColumn, [out, retval] BSTR * pbs) ;
  255. }
  256. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Definition of interface Folder2"), localizedhelpstring("Definition of interface Folder2"), dual, version(0.0), uuid(F0D2D8EF-3890-11D2-BF8B-00C04FB93661), cbSizeVft(28), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  257. dispinterface Folder2 {
  258. properties:
  259. methods:
  260. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(0), id(1610612736)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [out] void * * ppvObj) ;
  261. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(4), id(1610612737)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(void) ;
  262. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(8), id(1610612738)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void) ;
  263. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(12), id(1610678272)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfoCount([out] unsigned int * pctinfo) ;
  264. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(16), id(1610678273)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfo([in] unsigned int itinfo, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] void * * pptinfo) ;
  265. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(20), id(1610678274)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetIDsOfNames([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] char * * rgszNames, [in] unsigned int cNames, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] long * rgdispid) ;
  266. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(24), id(1610678275)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Invoke([in] long dispidMember, [in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] unsigned long lcid, [in] unsigned short wFlags, [in] stdole.DISPPARAMS * pdispparams, [out] VARIANT * pvarResult, [out] stdole.EXCEPINFO * pexcepinfo, [out] unsigned int * puArgErr) ;
  267. [localizedhelpstring("Get the display name for the window"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the display name for the window"), funckind(4), oVft(28), id(0), propget] BSTR STDMETHODCALLTYPE Title(void) ;
  268. [localizedhelpstring("Get Application object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Application object"), funckind(4), oVft(32), id(1610743809), propget] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Application(void) ;
  269. [localizedhelpstring("Get Parent object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Parent object"), funckind(4), oVft(36), id(1610743810), propget] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Parent(void) ;
  270. [localizedhelpstring("Get Parent object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Parent object"), funckind(4), oVft(40), id(1610743811), propget] dispinterface Folder * STDMETHODCALLTYPE ParentFolder(void) ;
  271. [localizedhelpstring("The collection of Items in folder"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("The collection of Items in folder"), funckind(4), oVft(44), id(1610743812)] dispinterface FolderItems * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Items(void) ;
  272. [localizedhelpstring("Parse the name to get an item."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Parse the name to get an item."), funckind(4), oVft(48), id(1610743813)] dispinterface FolderItem * STDMETHODCALLTYPE ParseName([in] BSTR bName) ;
  273. [localizedhelpstring("Create a new sub folder in this folder."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Create a new sub folder in this folder."), funckind(4), oVft(52), id(1610743814)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE NewFolder([in] BSTR bName, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vOptions) ;
  274. [localizedhelpstring("Move Items to this folder."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Move Items to this folder."), funckind(4), oVft(56), id(1610743815)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE MoveHere([in] VARIANT vItem, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vOptions) ;
  275. [localizedhelpstring("Copy Items to this folder."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Copy Items to this folder."), funckind(4), oVft(60), id(1610743816)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE CopyHere([in] VARIANT vItem, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vOptions) ;
  276. [localizedhelpstring("Get the details about an item."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the details about an item."), funckind(4), oVft(64), id(1610743817)] BSTR STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetDetailsOf([in] VARIANT vItem, [in] int iColumn) ;
  277. [localizedhelpstring("Folder's FolderItem interface"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Folder's FolderItem interface"), funckind(4), oVft(68), id(1610809344), propget] dispinterface FolderItem * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Self(void) ;
  278. [localizedhelpstring("Offline status of the server?"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Offline status of the server?"), funckind(4), oVft(72), id(1610809345), propget] long STDMETHODCALLTYPE OfflineStatus(void) ;
  279. [localizedhelpstring("Synchronize all offline files"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Synchronize all offline files"), funckind(4), oVft(76), id(1610809346)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Synchronize(void) ;
  280. [localizedhelpstring("Should the WebView barricade be shown?"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Should the WebView barricade be shown?"), funckind(4), oVft(80), id(1), propget] boolean STDMETHODCALLTYPE HaveToShowWebViewBarricade(void) ;
  281. [localizedhelpstring("Call this after the WebView barricade is dismissed by the user"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Call this after the WebView barricade is dismissed by the user"), funckind(4), oVft(84), id(1610809348)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE DismissedWebViewBarricade(void) ;
  282. }
  283. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Definition of interface Folder2"), localizedhelpstring("Definition of interface Folder2"), dual, oleautomation, version(0.0), uuid(F0D2D8EF-3890-11D2-BF8B-00C04FB93661), cbSizeVft(88), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  284. interface Folder2 : Folder {
  285. [localizedhelpstring("Folder's FolderItem interface"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Folder's FolderItem interface"), funckind(1), oVft(68), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Self([out, retval] FolderItem * * ppfi) ;
  286. [localizedhelpstring("Offline status of the server?"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Offline status of the server?"), funckind(1), oVft(72), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OfflineStatus([out, retval] long * pul) ;
  287. [localizedhelpstring("Synchronize all offline files"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Synchronize all offline files"), funckind(1), oVft(76)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Synchronize(void) ;
  288. [localizedhelpstring("Should the WebView barricade be shown?"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Should the WebView barricade be shown?"), funckind(1), oVft(80), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE HaveToShowWebViewBarricade([out, retval] boolean * pbHaveToShowWebViewBarricade) ;
  289. [localizedhelpstring("Call this after the WebView barricade is dismissed by the user"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Call this after the WebView barricade is dismissed by the user"), funckind(1), oVft(84)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DismissedWebViewBarricade(void) ;
  290. }
  291. typedef
  292. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Constants for Folder2.OfflineStatus"), localizedhelpstring("Constants for Folder2.OfflineStatus"), version(0.0), uuid(35F1A0D0-3E9A-11D2-8499-005345000000), cbSizeVft(0), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  293. enum {
  294. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Offline caching not available for this folder"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Offline caching not available for this folder")] OFS_INACTIVE = -1 ,
  295. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Server is online"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Server is online")] OFS_ONLINE = 0 ,
  296. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Server is offline"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Server is offline")] OFS_OFFLINE = 1 ,
  297. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Server is offline but is reachable"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Server is offline but is reachable")] OFS_SERVERBACK = 2 ,
  298. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Server is online with unmerged changes"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Server is online with unmerged changes")] OFS_DIRTYCACHE = 3 ,
  299. } OfflineFolderStatus ;
  300. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Definition of interface FolderItem Version 2"), localizedhelpstring("Definition of interface FolderItem Version 2"), dual, version(0.0), uuid(EDC817AA-92B8-11D1-B075-00C04FC33AA5), cbSizeVft(28), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  301. dispinterface FolderItem2 {
  302. properties:
  303. methods:
  304. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(0), id(1610612736)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [out] void * * ppvObj) ;
  305. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(4), id(1610612737)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(void) ;
  306. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(8), id(1610612738)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void) ;
  307. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(12), id(1610678272)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfoCount([out] unsigned int * pctinfo) ;
  308. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(16), id(1610678273)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfo([in] unsigned int itinfo, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] void * * pptinfo) ;
  309. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(20), id(1610678274)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetIDsOfNames([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] char * * rgszNames, [in] unsigned int cNames, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] long * rgdispid) ;
  310. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(24), id(1610678275)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Invoke([in] long dispidMember, [in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] unsigned long lcid, [in] unsigned short wFlags, [in] stdole.DISPPARAMS * pdispparams, [out] VARIANT * pvarResult, [out] stdole.EXCEPINFO * pexcepinfo, [out] unsigned int * puArgErr) ;
  311. [localizedhelpstring("Get Application object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Application object"), funckind(4), oVft(28), id(1610743808), propget] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Application(void) ;
  312. [localizedhelpstring("Get Parent object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Parent object"), funckind(4), oVft(32), id(1610743809), propget] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Parent(void) ;
  313. [localizedhelpstring("Get display name for item"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get display name for item"), funckind(4), oVft(36), id(0), propget] BSTR STDMETHODCALLTYPE Name(void) ;
  314. [localizedhelpstring("Get display name for item"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get display name for item"), funckind(4), oVft(40), id(0), propput] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Name([in] BSTR PseudoName) ;
  315. [localizedhelpstring("Get the pathname to the item"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the pathname to the item"), funckind(4), oVft(44), id(1610743812), propget] BSTR STDMETHODCALLTYPE Path(void) ;
  316. [localizedhelpstring("If item is link return link object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("If item is link return link object"), funckind(4), oVft(48), id(1610743813), propget] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetLink(void) ;
  317. [localizedhelpstring("If item is a folder return folder object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("If item is a folder return folder object"), funckind(4), oVft(52), id(1610743814), propget] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetFolder(void) ;
  318. [localizedhelpstring("Is the item a link?"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Is the item a link?"), funckind(4), oVft(56), id(1610743815), propget] boolean STDMETHODCALLTYPE IsLink(void) ;
  319. [localizedhelpstring("Is the item a Folder?"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Is the item a Folder?"), funckind(4), oVft(60), id(1610743816), propget] boolean STDMETHODCALLTYPE IsFolder(void) ;
  320. [localizedhelpstring("Is the item a file system object?"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Is the item a file system object?"), funckind(4), oVft(64), id(1610743817), propget] boolean STDMETHODCALLTYPE IsFileSystem(void) ;
  321. [localizedhelpstring("Is the item browsable?"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Is the item browsable?"), funckind(4), oVft(68), id(1610743818), propget] boolean STDMETHODCALLTYPE IsBrowsable(void) ;
  322. [localizedhelpstring("Modification Date?"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Modification Date?"), funckind(4), oVft(72), id(1610743819), propget] DATE STDMETHODCALLTYPE ModifyDate(void) ;
  323. [localizedhelpstring("Modification Date?"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Modification Date?"), funckind(4), oVft(76), id(1610743819), propput] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE ModifyDate([in] DATE PseudoName) ;
  324. [localizedhelpstring("Size"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Size"), funckind(4), oVft(80), id(1610743821), propget] long STDMETHODCALLTYPE Size(void) ;
  325. [localizedhelpstring("Type"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Type"), funckind(4), oVft(84), id(1610743822), propget] BSTR STDMETHODCALLTYPE Type(void) ;
  326. [localizedhelpstring("Get the list of verbs for the object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the list of verbs for the object"), funckind(4), oVft(88), id(1610743823)] dispinterface FolderItemVerbs * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Verbs(void) ;
  327. [localizedhelpstring("Execute a command on the item"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Execute a command on the item"), funckind(4), oVft(92), id(1610743824)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE InvokeVerb([in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vVerb) ;
  328. [localizedhelpstring("Extended version of InvokeVerb"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Extended version of InvokeVerb"), funckind(4), oVft(96), id(1610809344)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE InvokeVerbEx([in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vVerb, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vArgs) ;
  329. [localizedhelpstring("Access an extended property"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Access an extended property"), funckind(4), oVft(100), id(1610809345)] VARIANT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ExtendedProperty([in] BSTR bstrPropName) ;
  330. }
  331. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Definition of interface FolderItem Version 2"), localizedhelpstring("Definition of interface FolderItem Version 2"), dual, oleautomation, version(0.0), uuid(EDC817AA-92B8-11D1-B075-00C04FC33AA5), cbSizeVft(104), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  332. interface FolderItem2 : FolderItem {
  333. [localizedhelpstring("Extended version of InvokeVerb"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Extended version of InvokeVerb"), funckind(1), oVft(96)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE InvokeVerbEx([in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vVerb, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vArgs) ;
  334. [localizedhelpstring("Access an extended property"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Access an extended property"), funckind(1), oVft(100)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ExtendedProperty([in] BSTR bstrPropName, [out, retval] VARIANT * pvRet) ;
  335. }
  336. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Shell Folder Item"), localizedhelpstring("Shell Folder Item"), version(0.0), uuid(2FE352EA-FD1F-11D2-B1F4-00C04F8EEB3E), cbSizeVft(0), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  337. coclass ShellFolderItem {
  338. [default] dispinterface FolderItem2 ;
  339. }
  340. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Definition of interface FolderItems Version 2"), localizedhelpstring("Definition of interface FolderItems Version 2"), dual, version(0.0), uuid(C94F0AD0-F363-11D2-A327-00C04F8EEC7F), cbSizeVft(28), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  341. dispinterface FolderItems2 {
  342. properties:
  343. methods:
  344. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(0), id(1610612736)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [out] void * * ppvObj) ;
  345. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(4), id(1610612737)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(void) ;
  346. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(8), id(1610612738)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void) ;
  347. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(12), id(1610678272)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfoCount([out] unsigned int * pctinfo) ;
  348. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(16), id(1610678273)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfo([in] unsigned int itinfo, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] void * * pptinfo) ;
  349. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(20), id(1610678274)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetIDsOfNames([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] char * * rgszNames, [in] unsigned int cNames, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] long * rgdispid) ;
  350. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(24), id(1610678275)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Invoke([in] long dispidMember, [in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] unsigned long lcid, [in] unsigned short wFlags, [in] stdole.DISPPARAMS * pdispparams, [out] VARIANT * pvarResult, [out] stdole.EXCEPINFO * pexcepinfo, [out] unsigned int * puArgErr) ;
  351. [localizedhelpstring("Get count of items in the folder"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get count of items in the folder"), funckind(4), oVft(28), id(1610743808), propget] long STDMETHODCALLTYPE Count(void) ;
  352. [localizedhelpstring("Get Application object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Application object"), funckind(4), oVft(32), id(1610743809), propget] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Application(void) ;
  353. [localizedhelpstring("Get Parent object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Parent object"), funckind(4), oVft(36), id(1610743810), propget] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Parent(void) ;
  354. [localizedhelpstring("Return the figure for the given index"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Return the figure for the given index"), funckind(4), oVft(40), id(1610743811)] dispinterface FolderItem * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Item([in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT index) ;
  355. [localizedhelpstring("Enumerates the figures"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Enumerates the figures"), funckind(4), oVft(44), id(-4)] IUnknown * STDMETHODCALLTYPE _NewEnum(void) ;
  356. [localizedhelpstring("Extended version of InvokeVerb for a collection of Folder Items"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Extended version of InvokeVerb for a collection of Folder Items"), funckind(4), oVft(48), id(1610809344)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE InvokeVerbEx([in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vVerb, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vArgs) ;
  357. }
  358. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Definition of interface FolderItems Version 2"), localizedhelpstring("Definition of interface FolderItems Version 2"), dual, oleautomation, version(0.0), uuid(C94F0AD0-F363-11D2-A327-00C04F8EEC7F), cbSizeVft(52), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  359. interface FolderItems2 : FolderItems {
  360. [localizedhelpstring("Extended version of InvokeVerb for a collection of Folder Items"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Extended version of InvokeVerb for a collection of Folder Items"), funckind(1), oVft(48)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE InvokeVerbEx([in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vVerb, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vArgs) ;
  361. }
  362. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Definition of Shell Link IDispatch interface"), localizedhelpstring("Definition of Shell Link IDispatch interface"), dual, version(0.0), uuid(88A05C00-F000-11CE-8350-444553540000), hidden, cbSizeVft(28), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  363. dispinterface IShellLinkDual {
  364. properties:
  365. methods:
  366. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(0), id(1610612736)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [out] void * * ppvObj) ;
  367. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(4), id(1610612737)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(void) ;
  368. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(8), id(1610612738)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void) ;
  369. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(12), id(1610678272)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfoCount([out] unsigned int * pctinfo) ;
  370. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(16), id(1610678273)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfo([in] unsigned int itinfo, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] void * * pptinfo) ;
  371. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(20), id(1610678274)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetIDsOfNames([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] char * * rgszNames, [in] unsigned int cNames, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] long * rgdispid) ;
  372. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(24), id(1610678275)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Invoke([in] long dispidMember, [in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] unsigned long lcid, [in] unsigned short wFlags, [in] stdole.DISPPARAMS * pdispparams, [out] VARIANT * pvarResult, [out] stdole.EXCEPINFO * pexcepinfo, [out] unsigned int * puArgErr) ;
  373. [localizedhelpstring("Get the path of the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the path of the link"), funckind(4), oVft(28), id(1610743808), propget] BSTR STDMETHODCALLTYPE Path(void) ;
  374. [localizedhelpstring("Get the path of the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the path of the link"), funckind(4), oVft(32), id(1610743808), propput] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Path([in] BSTR PseudoName) ;
  375. [localizedhelpstring("Get the description for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the description for the link"), funckind(4), oVft(36), id(1610743810), propget] BSTR STDMETHODCALLTYPE Description(void) ;
  376. [localizedhelpstring("Get the description for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the description for the link"), funckind(4), oVft(40), id(1610743810), propput] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Description([in] BSTR PseudoName) ;
  377. [localizedhelpstring("Get the working directory for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the working directory for the link"), funckind(4), oVft(44), id(1610743812), propget] BSTR STDMETHODCALLTYPE WorkingDirectory(void) ;
  378. [localizedhelpstring("Get the working directory for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the working directory for the link"), funckind(4), oVft(48), id(1610743812), propput] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE WorkingDirectory([in] BSTR PseudoName) ;
  379. [localizedhelpstring("Get the arguments for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the arguments for the link"), funckind(4), oVft(52), id(1610743814), propget] BSTR STDMETHODCALLTYPE Arguments(void) ;
  380. [localizedhelpstring("Get the arguments for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the arguments for the link"), funckind(4), oVft(56), id(1610743814), propput] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Arguments([in] BSTR PseudoName) ;
  381. [localizedhelpstring("Get the Hotkey for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the Hotkey for the link"), funckind(4), oVft(60), id(1610743816), propget] int STDMETHODCALLTYPE Hotkey(void) ;
  382. [localizedhelpstring("Get the Hotkey for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the Hotkey for the link"), funckind(4), oVft(64), id(1610743816), propput] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Hotkey([in] int PseudoName) ;
  383. [localizedhelpstring("Get the Show Command for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the Show Command for the link"), funckind(4), oVft(68), id(1610743818), propget] int STDMETHODCALLTYPE ShowCommand(void) ;
  384. [localizedhelpstring("Get the Show Command for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the Show Command for the link"), funckind(4), oVft(72), id(1610743818), propput] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE ShowCommand([in] int PseudoName) ;
  385. [localizedhelpstring("Tell the link to resolve itself"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Tell the link to resolve itself"), funckind(4), oVft(76), id(1610743820)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Resolve([in] int fFlags) ;
  386. [localizedhelpstring("Get the IconLocation for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the IconLocation for the link"), funckind(4), oVft(80), id(1610743821)] int STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetIconLocation([out] BSTR * pbs) ;
  387. [localizedhelpstring("Set the IconLocation for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Set the IconLocation for the link"), funckind(4), oVft(84), id(1610743822)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetIconLocation([in] BSTR bs, [in] int iIcon) ;
  388. [localizedhelpstring("Tell the link to save the changes"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Tell the link to save the changes"), funckind(4), oVft(88), id(1610743823)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Save([in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vWhere) ;
  389. }
  390. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Definition of Shell Link IDispatch interface"), localizedhelpstring("Definition of Shell Link IDispatch interface"), dual, oleautomation, version(0.0), uuid(88A05C00-F000-11CE-8350-444553540000), hidden, cbSizeVft(92), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  391. interface IShellLinkDual : stdole.IDispatch {
  392. [localizedhelpstring("Get the path of the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the path of the link"), funckind(1), oVft(28), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Path([out, retval] BSTR * pbs) ;
  393. [localizedhelpstring("Get the path of the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the path of the link"), funckind(1), oVft(32), propput] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Path([in] BSTR pbs) ;
  394. [localizedhelpstring("Get the description for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the description for the link"), funckind(1), oVft(36), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Description([out, retval] BSTR * pbs) ;
  395. [localizedhelpstring("Get the description for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the description for the link"), funckind(1), oVft(40), propput] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Description([in] BSTR pbs) ;
  396. [localizedhelpstring("Get the working directory for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the working directory for the link"), funckind(1), oVft(44), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WorkingDirectory([out, retval] BSTR * pbs) ;
  397. [localizedhelpstring("Get the working directory for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the working directory for the link"), funckind(1), oVft(48), propput] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WorkingDirectory([in] BSTR pbs) ;
  398. [localizedhelpstring("Get the arguments for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the arguments for the link"), funckind(1), oVft(52), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Arguments([out, retval] BSTR * pbs) ;
  399. [localizedhelpstring("Get the arguments for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the arguments for the link"), funckind(1), oVft(56), propput] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Arguments([in] BSTR pbs) ;
  400. [localizedhelpstring("Get the Hotkey for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the Hotkey for the link"), funckind(1), oVft(60), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Hotkey([out, retval] int * piHK) ;
  401. [localizedhelpstring("Get the Hotkey for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the Hotkey for the link"), funckind(1), oVft(64), propput] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Hotkey([in] int piHK) ;
  402. [localizedhelpstring("Get the Show Command for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the Show Command for the link"), funckind(1), oVft(68), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ShowCommand([out, retval] int * piShowCommand) ;
  403. [localizedhelpstring("Get the Show Command for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the Show Command for the link"), funckind(1), oVft(72), propput] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ShowCommand([in] int piShowCommand) ;
  404. [localizedhelpstring("Tell the link to resolve itself"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Tell the link to resolve itself"), funckind(1), oVft(76)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Resolve([in] int fFlags) ;
  405. [localizedhelpstring("Get the IconLocation for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the IconLocation for the link"), funckind(1), oVft(80)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetIconLocation([out] BSTR * pbs, [out, retval] int * piIcon) ;
  406. [localizedhelpstring("Set the IconLocation for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Set the IconLocation for the link"), funckind(1), oVft(84)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetIconLocation([in] BSTR bs, [in] int iIcon) ;
  407. [localizedhelpstring("Tell the link to save the changes"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Tell the link to save the changes"), funckind(1), oVft(88)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Save([in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vWhere) ;
  408. }
  409. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Shell Link2 IDispatch interface"), localizedhelpstring("Shell Link2 IDispatch interface"), dual, version(0.0), uuid(317EE249-F12E-11D2-B1E4-00C04F8EEB3E), hidden, cbSizeVft(28), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  410. dispinterface IShellLinkDual2 {
  411. properties:
  412. methods:
  413. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(0), id(1610612736)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [out] void * * ppvObj) ;
  414. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(4), id(1610612737)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(void) ;
  415. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(8), id(1610612738)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void) ;
  416. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(12), id(1610678272)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfoCount([out] unsigned int * pctinfo) ;
  417. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(16), id(1610678273)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfo([in] unsigned int itinfo, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] void * * pptinfo) ;
  418. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(20), id(1610678274)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetIDsOfNames([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] char * * rgszNames, [in] unsigned int cNames, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] long * rgdispid) ;
  419. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(24), id(1610678275)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Invoke([in] long dispidMember, [in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] unsigned long lcid, [in] unsigned short wFlags, [in] stdole.DISPPARAMS * pdispparams, [out] VARIANT * pvarResult, [out] stdole.EXCEPINFO * pexcepinfo, [out] unsigned int * puArgErr) ;
  420. [localizedhelpstring("Get the path of the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the path of the link"), funckind(4), oVft(28), id(1610743808), propget] BSTR STDMETHODCALLTYPE Path(void) ;
  421. [localizedhelpstring("Get the path of the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the path of the link"), funckind(4), oVft(32), id(1610743808), propput] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Path([in] BSTR PseudoName) ;
  422. [localizedhelpstring("Get the description for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the description for the link"), funckind(4), oVft(36), id(1610743810), propget] BSTR STDMETHODCALLTYPE Description(void) ;
  423. [localizedhelpstring("Get the description for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the description for the link"), funckind(4), oVft(40), id(1610743810), propput] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Description([in] BSTR PseudoName) ;
  424. [localizedhelpstring("Get the working directory for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the working directory for the link"), funckind(4), oVft(44), id(1610743812), propget] BSTR STDMETHODCALLTYPE WorkingDirectory(void) ;
  425. [localizedhelpstring("Get the working directory for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the working directory for the link"), funckind(4), oVft(48), id(1610743812), propput] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE WorkingDirectory([in] BSTR PseudoName) ;
  426. [localizedhelpstring("Get the arguments for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the arguments for the link"), funckind(4), oVft(52), id(1610743814), propget] BSTR STDMETHODCALLTYPE Arguments(void) ;
  427. [localizedhelpstring("Get the arguments for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the arguments for the link"), funckind(4), oVft(56), id(1610743814), propput] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Arguments([in] BSTR PseudoName) ;
  428. [localizedhelpstring("Get the Hotkey for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the Hotkey for the link"), funckind(4), oVft(60), id(1610743816), propget] int STDMETHODCALLTYPE Hotkey(void) ;
  429. [localizedhelpstring("Get the Hotkey for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the Hotkey for the link"), funckind(4), oVft(64), id(1610743816), propput] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Hotkey([in] int PseudoName) ;
  430. [localizedhelpstring("Get the Show Command for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the Show Command for the link"), funckind(4), oVft(68), id(1610743818), propget] int STDMETHODCALLTYPE ShowCommand(void) ;
  431. [localizedhelpstring("Get the Show Command for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the Show Command for the link"), funckind(4), oVft(72), id(1610743818), propput] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE ShowCommand([in] int PseudoName) ;
  432. [localizedhelpstring("Tell the link to resolve itself"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Tell the link to resolve itself"), funckind(4), oVft(76), id(1610743820)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Resolve([in] int fFlags) ;
  433. [localizedhelpstring("Get the IconLocation for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the IconLocation for the link"), funckind(4), oVft(80), id(1610743821)] int STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetIconLocation([out] BSTR * pbs) ;
  434. [localizedhelpstring("Set the IconLocation for the link"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Set the IconLocation for the link"), funckind(4), oVft(84), id(1610743822)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetIconLocation([in] BSTR bs, [in] int iIcon) ;
  435. [localizedhelpstring("Tell the link to save the changes"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Tell the link to save the changes"), funckind(4), oVft(88), id(1610743823)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Save([in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vWhere) ;
  436. [localizedhelpstring("Get the target of a link object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the target of a link object"), funckind(4), oVft(92), id(1610809344), propget] dispinterface FolderItem * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Target(void) ;
  437. }
  438. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Shell Link2 IDispatch interface"), localizedhelpstring("Shell Link2 IDispatch interface"), dual, oleautomation, version(0.0), uuid(317EE249-F12E-11D2-B1E4-00C04F8EEB3E), hidden, cbSizeVft(96), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  439. interface IShellLinkDual2 : IShellLinkDual {
  440. [localizedhelpstring("Get the target of a link object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the target of a link object"), funckind(1), oVft(92), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Target([out, retval] FolderItem * * ppfi) ;
  441. }
  442. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Shell Link object"), localizedhelpstring("Shell Link object"), version(0.0), uuid(11219420-1768-11D1-95BE-00609797EA4F), cbSizeVft(0), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  443. coclass ShellLinkObject {
  444. [default] dispinterface IShellLinkDual ;
  445. }
  446. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("definition of interface IShellFolderViewDual"), localizedhelpstring("definition of interface IShellFolderViewDual"), dual, version(0.0), uuid(E7A1AF80-4D96-11CF-960C-0080C7F4EE85), hidden, cbSizeVft(28), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  447. dispinterface IShellFolderViewDual {
  448. properties:
  449. methods:
  450. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(0), id(1610612736)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [out] void * * ppvObj) ;
  451. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(4), id(1610612737)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(void) ;
  452. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(8), id(1610612738)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void) ;
  453. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(12), id(1610678272)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfoCount([out] unsigned int * pctinfo) ;
  454. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(16), id(1610678273)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfo([in] unsigned int itinfo, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] void * * pptinfo) ;
  455. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(20), id(1610678274)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetIDsOfNames([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] char * * rgszNames, [in] unsigned int cNames, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] long * rgdispid) ;
  456. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(24), id(1610678275)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Invoke([in] long dispidMember, [in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] unsigned long lcid, [in] unsigned short wFlags, [in] stdole.DISPPARAMS * pdispparams, [out] VARIANT * pvarResult, [out] stdole.EXCEPINFO * pexcepinfo, [out] unsigned int * puArgErr) ;
  457. [localizedhelpstring("Get Application object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Application object"), funckind(4), oVft(28), id(1610743808), propget] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Application(void) ;
  458. [localizedhelpstring("Get Parent object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Parent object"), funckind(4), oVft(32), id(1610743809), propget] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Parent(void) ;
  459. [localizedhelpstring("Get the folder being viewed"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the folder being viewed"), funckind(4), oVft(36), id(1610743810), propget] dispinterface Folder * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Folder(void) ;
  460. [localizedhelpstring("The collection of Selected Items in folder"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("The collection of Selected Items in folder"), funckind(4), oVft(40), id(1610743811)] dispinterface FolderItems * STDMETHODCALLTYPE SelectedItems(void) ;
  461. [localizedhelpstring("The currently focused item in the folder"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("The currently focused item in the folder"), funckind(4), oVft(44), id(1610743812), propget] dispinterface FolderItem * STDMETHODCALLTYPE FocusedItem(void) ;
  462. [localizedhelpstring("Select the item"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Select the item"), funckind(4), oVft(48), id(1610743813)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE SelectItem([in] VARIANT * pvfi, [in] int dwFlags) ;
  463. [localizedhelpstring("Show items menu and return command selected"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Show items menu and return command selected"), funckind(4), oVft(52), id(1610743814)] BSTR STDMETHODCALLTYPE PopupItemMenu([in] dispinterface FolderItem * pfi, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vx, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vy) ;
  464. [localizedhelpstring("Returns the scripting automation model."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Returns the scripting automation model."), funckind(4), oVft(56), id(1610743815), propget] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Script(void) ;
  465. [localizedhelpstring("Returns the view options for showing a folder."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Returns the view options for showing a folder."), funckind(4), oVft(60), id(1610743816), propget] long STDMETHODCALLTYPE ViewOptions(void) ;
  466. }
  467. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("definition of interface IShellFolderViewDual"), localizedhelpstring("definition of interface IShellFolderViewDual"), dual, oleautomation, version(0.0), uuid(E7A1AF80-4D96-11CF-960C-0080C7F4EE85), hidden, cbSizeVft(64), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  468. interface IShellFolderViewDual : stdole.IDispatch {
  469. [localizedhelpstring("Get Application object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Application object"), funckind(1), oVft(28), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Application([out, retval] IDispatch * * ppid) ;
  470. [localizedhelpstring("Get Parent object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Parent object"), funckind(1), oVft(32), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Parent([out, retval] IDispatch * * ppid) ;
  471. [localizedhelpstring("Get the folder being viewed"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the folder being viewed"), funckind(1), oVft(36), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Folder([out, retval] Folder * * ppid) ;
  472. [localizedhelpstring("The collection of Selected Items in folder"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("The collection of Selected Items in folder"), funckind(1), oVft(40)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SelectedItems([out, retval] FolderItems * * ppid) ;
  473. [localizedhelpstring("The currently focused item in the folder"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("The currently focused item in the folder"), funckind(1), oVft(44), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE FocusedItem([out, retval] FolderItem * * ppid) ;
  474. [localizedhelpstring("Select the item"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Select the item"), funckind(1), oVft(48)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SelectItem([in] VARIANT * pvfi, [in] int dwFlags) ;
  475. [localizedhelpstring("Show items menu and return command selected"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Show items menu and return command selected"), funckind(1), oVft(52)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE PopupItemMenu([in] FolderItem * pfi, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vx, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vy, [out, retval] BSTR * pbs) ;
  476. [localizedhelpstring("Returns the scripting automation model."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Returns the scripting automation model."), funckind(1), oVft(56), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Script([out, retval] IDispatch * * ppDisp) ;
  477. [localizedhelpstring("Returns the view options for showing a folder."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Returns the view options for showing a folder."), funckind(1), oVft(60), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ViewOptions([out, retval] long * plViewOptions) ;
  478. }
  479. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Shell Folder View Object"), localizedhelpstring("Shell Folder View Object"), version(0.0), uuid(62112AA1-EBE4-11CF-A5FB-0020AFE7292D), cbSizeVft(0), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  480. coclass ShellFolderView {
  481. [default] dispinterface IShellFolderViewDual ;
  482. [default, source] dispinterface DShellFolderViewEvents ;
  483. }
  484. typedef
  485. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Constants for ViewOptions"), localizedhelpstring("Constants for ViewOptions"), version(0.0), uuid(742A99A0-C77E-11D0-A32C-00A0C91EEDBA), cbSizeVft(0), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  486. enum {
  487. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Show All Objects"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Show All Objects")] SFVVO_SHOWALLOBJECTS = 1 ,
  488. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Show File Extensions"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Show File Extensions")] SFVVO_SHOWEXTENSIONS = 2 ,
  489. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Color encode Compressed files"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Color encode Compressed files")] SFVVO_SHOWCOMPCOLOR = 8 ,
  490. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Show System Files"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Show System Files")] SFVVO_SHOWSYSFILES = 32 ,
  491. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Use Windows 95 UI settings"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Use Windows 95 UI settings")] SFVVO_WIN95CLASSIC = 64 ,
  492. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("User needs to double click in web View"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("User needs to double click in web View")] SFVVO_DOUBLECLICKINWEBVIEW = 128 ,
  493. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Is Desktop HTML enabled"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Is Desktop HTML enabled")] SFVVO_DESKTOPHTML = 512 ,
  494. } ShellFolderViewOptions ;
  495. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Definition of interface IShellDispatch"), localizedhelpstring("Definition of interface IShellDispatch"), dual, version(0.0), uuid(D8F015C0-C278-11CE-A49E-444553540000), hidden, cbSizeVft(28), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  496. dispinterface IShellDispatch {
  497. properties:
  498. methods:
  499. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(0), id(1610612736)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [out] void * * ppvObj) ;
  500. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(4), id(1610612737)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(void) ;
  501. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(8), id(1610612738)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void) ;
  502. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(12), id(1610678272)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfoCount([out] unsigned int * pctinfo) ;
  503. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(16), id(1610678273)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfo([in] unsigned int itinfo, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] void * * pptinfo) ;
  504. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(20), id(1610678274)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetIDsOfNames([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] char * * rgszNames, [in] unsigned int cNames, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] long * rgdispid) ;
  505. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(24), id(1610678275)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Invoke([in] long dispidMember, [in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] unsigned long lcid, [in] unsigned short wFlags, [in] stdole.DISPPARAMS * pdispparams, [out] VARIANT * pvarResult, [out] stdole.EXCEPINFO * pexcepinfo, [out] unsigned int * puArgErr) ;
  506. [localizedhelpstring("Get Application object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Application object"), funckind(4), oVft(28), id(1610743808), propget] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Application(void) ;
  507. [localizedhelpstring("Get Parent object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Parent object"), funckind(4), oVft(32), id(1610743809), propget] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Parent(void) ;
  508. [localizedhelpstring("Get special folder from ShellSpecialFolderConstants"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get special folder from ShellSpecialFolderConstants"), funckind(4), oVft(36), id(1610743810)] dispinterface Folder * STDMETHODCALLTYPE NameSpace([in] VARIANT vDir) ;
  509. [localizedhelpstring("Browse the name space for a Folder"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Browse the name space for a Folder"), funckind(4), oVft(40), id(1610743811)] dispinterface Folder * STDMETHODCALLTYPE BrowseForFolder([in] long Hwnd, [in] BSTR Title, [in] long Options, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT RootFolder) ;
  510. [localizedhelpstring("The collection of open folder windows"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("The collection of open folder windows"), funckind(4), oVft(44), id(1610743812)] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Windows(void) ;
  511. [localizedhelpstring("Open a folder"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Open a folder"), funckind(4), oVft(48), id(1610743813)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Open([in] VARIANT vDir) ;
  512. [localizedhelpstring("Explore a folder"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Explore a folder"), funckind(4), oVft(52), id(1610743814)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Explore([in] VARIANT vDir) ;
  513. [localizedhelpstring("Minimize all windows"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Minimize all windows"), funckind(4), oVft(56), id(1610743815)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE MinimizeAll(void) ;
  514. [localizedhelpstring("Undo Minimize All"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Undo Minimize All"), funckind(4), oVft(60), id(1610743816)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE UndoMinimizeALL(void) ;
  515. [localizedhelpstring("Bring up the file run"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Bring up the file run"), funckind(4), oVft(64), id(1610743817)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE FileRun(void) ;
  516. [localizedhelpstring("Cascade Windows"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Cascade Windows"), funckind(4), oVft(68), id(1610743818)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE CascadeWindows(void) ;
  517. [localizedhelpstring("Tile windows vertically"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Tile windows vertically"), funckind(4), oVft(72), id(1610743819)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE TileVertically(void) ;
  518. [localizedhelpstring("Tile windows horizontally"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Tile windows horizontally"), funckind(4), oVft(76), id(1610743820)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE TileHorizontally(void) ;
  519. [localizedhelpstring("Exit Windows"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Exit Windows"), funckind(4), oVft(80), id(1610743821)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE ShutdownWindows(void) ;
  520. [localizedhelpstring("Suspend the pc"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Suspend the pc"), funckind(4), oVft(84), id(1610743822)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Suspend(void) ;
  521. [localizedhelpstring("Eject the pc"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Eject the pc"), funckind(4), oVft(88), id(1610743823)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE EjectPC(void) ;
  522. [localizedhelpstring("Bring up the Set time dialog"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Bring up the Set time dialog"), funckind(4), oVft(92), id(1610743824)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetTime(void) ;
  523. [localizedhelpstring("Handle Tray properties"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Handle Tray properties"), funckind(4), oVft(96), id(1610743825)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE TrayProperties(void) ;
  524. [localizedhelpstring("Display shell help"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Display shell help"), funckind(4), oVft(100), id(1610743826)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Help(void) ;
  525. [localizedhelpstring("Find Files"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Find Files"), funckind(4), oVft(104), id(1610743827)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE FindFiles(void) ;
  526. [localizedhelpstring("Find a computer"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Find a computer"), funckind(4), oVft(108), id(1610743828)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE FindComputer(void) ;
  527. [localizedhelpstring("Refresh the menu"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Refresh the menu"), funckind(4), oVft(112), id(1610743829)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE RefreshMenu(void) ;
  528. [localizedhelpstring("Run a controlpanelItem"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Run a controlpanelItem"), funckind(4), oVft(116), id(1610743830)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE ControlPanelItem([in] BSTR szDir) ;
  529. }
  530. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Definition of interface IShellDispatch"), localizedhelpstring("Definition of interface IShellDispatch"), dual, oleautomation, version(0.0), uuid(D8F015C0-C278-11CE-A49E-444553540000), hidden, cbSizeVft(120), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  531. interface IShellDispatch : stdole.IDispatch {
  532. [localizedhelpstring("Get Application object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Application object"), funckind(1), oVft(28), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Application([out, retval] IDispatch * * ppid) ;
  533. [localizedhelpstring("Get Parent object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Parent object"), funckind(1), oVft(32), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Parent([out, retval] IDispatch * * ppid) ;
  534. [localizedhelpstring("Get special folder from ShellSpecialFolderConstants"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get special folder from ShellSpecialFolderConstants"), funckind(1), oVft(36)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE NameSpace([in] VARIANT vDir, [out, retval] Folder * * ppsdf) ;
  535. [localizedhelpstring("Browse the name space for a Folder"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Browse the name space for a Folder"), funckind(1), oVft(40)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE BrowseForFolder([in] long Hwnd, [in] BSTR Title, [in] long Options, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT RootFolder, [out, retval] Folder * * ppsdf) ;
  536. [localizedhelpstring("The collection of open folder windows"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("The collection of open folder windows"), funckind(1), oVft(44)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Windows([out, retval] IDispatch * * ppid) ;
  537. [localizedhelpstring("Open a folder"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Open a folder"), funckind(1), oVft(48)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Open([in] VARIANT vDir) ;
  538. [localizedhelpstring("Explore a folder"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Explore a folder"), funckind(1), oVft(52)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Explore([in] VARIANT vDir) ;
  539. [localizedhelpstring("Minimize all windows"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Minimize all windows"), funckind(1), oVft(56)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE MinimizeAll(void) ;
  540. [localizedhelpstring("Undo Minimize All"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Undo Minimize All"), funckind(1), oVft(60)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE UndoMinimizeALL(void) ;
  541. [localizedhelpstring("Bring up the file run"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Bring up the file run"), funckind(1), oVft(64)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE FileRun(void) ;
  542. [localizedhelpstring("Cascade Windows"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Cascade Windows"), funckind(1), oVft(68)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CascadeWindows(void) ;
  543. [localizedhelpstring("Tile windows vertically"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Tile windows vertically"), funckind(1), oVft(72)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE TileVertically(void) ;
  544. [localizedhelpstring("Tile windows horizontally"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Tile windows horizontally"), funckind(1), oVft(76)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE TileHorizontally(void) ;
  545. [localizedhelpstring("Exit Windows"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Exit Windows"), funckind(1), oVft(80)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ShutdownWindows(void) ;
  546. [localizedhelpstring("Suspend the pc"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Suspend the pc"), funckind(1), oVft(84)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Suspend(void) ;
  547. [localizedhelpstring("Eject the pc"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Eject the pc"), funckind(1), oVft(88)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE EjectPC(void) ;
  548. [localizedhelpstring("Bring up the Set time dialog"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Bring up the Set time dialog"), funckind(1), oVft(92)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetTime(void) ;
  549. [localizedhelpstring("Handle Tray properties"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Handle Tray properties"), funckind(1), oVft(96)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE TrayProperties(void) ;
  550. [localizedhelpstring("Display shell help"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Display shell help"), funckind(1), oVft(100)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Help(void) ;
  551. [localizedhelpstring("Find Files"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Find Files"), funckind(1), oVft(104)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE FindFiles(void) ;
  552. [localizedhelpstring("Find a computer"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Find a computer"), funckind(1), oVft(108)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE FindComputer(void) ;
  553. [localizedhelpstring("Refresh the menu"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Refresh the menu"), funckind(1), oVft(112)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE RefreshMenu(void) ;
  554. [localizedhelpstring("Run a controlpanelItem"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Run a controlpanelItem"), funckind(1), oVft(116)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ControlPanelItem([in] BSTR szDir) ;
  555. }
  556. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Updated IShellDispatch"), localizedhelpstring("Updated IShellDispatch"), dual, version(0.0), uuid(A4C6892C-3BA9-11D2-9DEA-00C04FB16162), hidden, cbSizeVft(28), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  557. dispinterface IShellDispatch2 {
  558. properties:
  559. methods:
  560. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(0), id(1610612736)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [out] void * * ppvObj) ;
  561. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(4), id(1610612737)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(void) ;
  562. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(8), id(1610612738)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void) ;
  563. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(12), id(1610678272)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfoCount([out] unsigned int * pctinfo) ;
  564. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(16), id(1610678273)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfo([in] unsigned int itinfo, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] void * * pptinfo) ;
  565. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(20), id(1610678274)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetIDsOfNames([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] char * * rgszNames, [in] unsigned int cNames, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] long * rgdispid) ;
  566. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(24), id(1610678275)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Invoke([in] long dispidMember, [in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] unsigned long lcid, [in] unsigned short wFlags, [in] stdole.DISPPARAMS * pdispparams, [out] VARIANT * pvarResult, [out] stdole.EXCEPINFO * pexcepinfo, [out] unsigned int * puArgErr) ;
  567. [localizedhelpstring("Get Application object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Application object"), funckind(4), oVft(28), id(1610743808), propget] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Application(void) ;
  568. [localizedhelpstring("Get Parent object"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get Parent object"), funckind(4), oVft(32), id(1610743809), propget] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Parent(void) ;
  569. [localizedhelpstring("Get special folder from ShellSpecialFolderConstants"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get special folder from ShellSpecialFolderConstants"), funckind(4), oVft(36), id(1610743810)] dispinterface Folder * STDMETHODCALLTYPE NameSpace([in] VARIANT vDir) ;
  570. [localizedhelpstring("Browse the name space for a Folder"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Browse the name space for a Folder"), funckind(4), oVft(40), id(1610743811)] dispinterface Folder * STDMETHODCALLTYPE BrowseForFolder([in] long Hwnd, [in] BSTR Title, [in] long Options, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT RootFolder) ;
  571. [localizedhelpstring("The collection of open folder windows"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("The collection of open folder windows"), funckind(4), oVft(44), id(1610743812)] IDispatch * STDMETHODCALLTYPE Windows(void) ;
  572. [localizedhelpstring("Open a folder"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Open a folder"), funckind(4), oVft(48), id(1610743813)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Open([in] VARIANT vDir) ;
  573. [localizedhelpstring("Explore a folder"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Explore a folder"), funckind(4), oVft(52), id(1610743814)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Explore([in] VARIANT vDir) ;
  574. [localizedhelpstring("Minimize all windows"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Minimize all windows"), funckind(4), oVft(56), id(1610743815)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE MinimizeAll(void) ;
  575. [localizedhelpstring("Undo Minimize All"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Undo Minimize All"), funckind(4), oVft(60), id(1610743816)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE UndoMinimizeALL(void) ;
  576. [localizedhelpstring("Bring up the file run"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Bring up the file run"), funckind(4), oVft(64), id(1610743817)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE FileRun(void) ;
  577. [localizedhelpstring("Cascade Windows"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Cascade Windows"), funckind(4), oVft(68), id(1610743818)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE CascadeWindows(void) ;
  578. [localizedhelpstring("Tile windows vertically"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Tile windows vertically"), funckind(4), oVft(72), id(1610743819)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE TileVertically(void) ;
  579. [localizedhelpstring("Tile windows horizontally"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Tile windows horizontally"), funckind(4), oVft(76), id(1610743820)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE TileHorizontally(void) ;
  580. [localizedhelpstring("Exit Windows"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Exit Windows"), funckind(4), oVft(80), id(1610743821)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE ShutdownWindows(void) ;
  581. [localizedhelpstring("Suspend the pc"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Suspend the pc"), funckind(4), oVft(84), id(1610743822)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Suspend(void) ;
  582. [localizedhelpstring("Eject the pc"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Eject the pc"), funckind(4), oVft(88), id(1610743823)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE EjectPC(void) ;
  583. [localizedhelpstring("Bring up the Set time dialog"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Bring up the Set time dialog"), funckind(4), oVft(92), id(1610743824)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetTime(void) ;
  584. [localizedhelpstring("Handle Tray properties"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Handle Tray properties"), funckind(4), oVft(96), id(1610743825)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE TrayProperties(void) ;
  585. [localizedhelpstring("Display shell help"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Display shell help"), funckind(4), oVft(100), id(1610743826)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Help(void) ;
  586. [localizedhelpstring("Find Files"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Find Files"), funckind(4), oVft(104), id(1610743827)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE FindFiles(void) ;
  587. [localizedhelpstring("Find a computer"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Find a computer"), funckind(4), oVft(108), id(1610743828)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE FindComputer(void) ;
  588. [localizedhelpstring("Refresh the menu"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Refresh the menu"), funckind(4), oVft(112), id(1610743829)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE RefreshMenu(void) ;
  589. [localizedhelpstring("Run a controlpanelItem"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Run a controlpanelItem"), funckind(4), oVft(116), id(1610743830)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE ControlPanelItem([in] BSTR szDir) ;
  590. [localizedhelpstring("get restriction settings"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("get restriction settings"), funckind(4), oVft(120), id(1610809344)] long STDMETHODCALLTYPE IsRestricted([in] BSTR Group, [in] BSTR Restriction) ;
  591. [localizedhelpstring("Execute generic command"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Execute generic command"), funckind(4), oVft(124), id(1610809345)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE ShellExecute([in] BSTR File, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vArgs, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vDir, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vOperation, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vShow) ;
  592. [localizedhelpstring("Find a Printer in the Directory Service"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Find a Printer in the Directory Service"), funckind(4), oVft(128), id(1610809346)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE FindPrinter([in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT] BSTR Name, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT] BSTR location, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT] BSTR model) ;
  593. [localizedhelpstring("Retrieve info about the user's system"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Retrieve info about the user's system"), funckind(4), oVft(132), id(1610809347)] VARIANT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetSystemInformation([in] BSTR Name) ;
  594. [localizedhelpstring("Start a service by name, and optionally set it to autostart."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Start a service by name, and optionally set it to autostart."), funckind(4), oVft(136), id(1610809348)] VARIANT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ServiceStart([in] BSTR ServiceName, [in] VARIANT Persistent) ;
  595. [localizedhelpstring("Stop a service by name, and optionally disable autostart."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Stop a service by name, and optionally disable autostart."), funckind(4), oVft(140), id(1610809349)] VARIANT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ServiceStop([in] BSTR ServiceName, [in] VARIANT Persistent) ;
  596. [localizedhelpstring("Determine if a service is running by name."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Determine if a service is running by name."), funckind(4), oVft(144), id(1610809350)] VARIANT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IsServiceRunning([in] BSTR ServiceName) ;
  597. [localizedhelpstring("Determine if the current user can start/stop the named service."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Determine if the current user can start/stop the named service."), funckind(4), oVft(148), id(1610809351)] VARIANT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CanStartStopService([in] BSTR ServiceName) ;
  598. [localizedhelpstring("Show/Hide browser bar."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Show/Hide browser bar."), funckind(4), oVft(152), id(1610809352)] VARIANT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ShowBrowserBar([in] BSTR bstrClsid, [in] VARIANT bShow) ;
  599. }
  600. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Updated IShellDispatch"), localizedhelpstring("Updated IShellDispatch"), dual, oleautomation, version(0.0), uuid(A4C6892C-3BA9-11D2-9DEA-00C04FB16162), hidden, cbSizeVft(156), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  601. interface IShellDispatch2 : IShellDispatch {
  602. [localizedhelpstring("get restriction settings"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("get restriction settings"), funckind(1), oVft(120)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IsRestricted([in] BSTR Group, [in] BSTR Restriction, [out, retval] long * plRestrictValue) ;
  603. [localizedhelpstring("Execute generic command"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Execute generic command"), funckind(1), oVft(124)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ShellExecute([in] BSTR File, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vArgs, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vDir, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vOperation, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT vShow) ;
  604. [localizedhelpstring("Find a Printer in the Directory Service"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Find a Printer in the Directory Service"), funckind(1), oVft(128)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE FindPrinter([in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT] BSTR Name, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT] BSTR location, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT] BSTR model) ;
  605. [localizedhelpstring("Retrieve info about the user's system"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Retrieve info about the user's system"), funckind(1), oVft(132)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetSystemInformation([in] BSTR Name, [out, retval] VARIANT * pv) ;
  606. [localizedhelpstring("Start a service by name, and optionally set it to autostart."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Start a service by name, and optionally set it to autostart."), funckind(1), oVft(136)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ServiceStart([in] BSTR ServiceName, [in] VARIANT Persistent, [out, retval] VARIANT * pSuccess) ;
  607. [localizedhelpstring("Stop a service by name, and optionally disable autostart."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Stop a service by name, and optionally disable autostart."), funckind(1), oVft(140)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ServiceStop([in] BSTR ServiceName, [in] VARIANT Persistent, [out, retval] VARIANT * pSuccess) ;
  608. [localizedhelpstring("Determine if a service is running by name."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Determine if a service is running by name."), funckind(1), oVft(144)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IsServiceRunning([in] BSTR ServiceName, [out, retval] VARIANT * pRunning) ;
  609. [localizedhelpstring("Determine if the current user can start/stop the named service."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Determine if the current user can start/stop the named service."), funckind(1), oVft(148)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CanStartStopService([in] BSTR ServiceName, [out, retval] VARIANT * pCanStartStop) ;
  610. [localizedhelpstring("Show/Hide browser bar."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Show/Hide browser bar."), funckind(1), oVft(152)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ShowBrowserBar([in] BSTR bstrClsid, [in] VARIANT bShow, [out, retval] VARIANT * pSuccess) ;
  611. }
  612. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Shell Object Type Information"), localizedhelpstring("Shell Object Type Information"), version(0.0), uuid(13709620-C279-11CE-A49E-444553540000), cbSizeVft(0), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  613. coclass Shell {
  614. [default] dispinterface IShellDispatch ;
  615. }
  616. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("ShellDispatch Load in Shell Context"), localizedhelpstring("ShellDispatch Load in Shell Context"), version(0.0), uuid(0A89A860-D7B1-11CE-8350-444553540000), hidden, cbSizeVft(0), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  617. coclass ShellDispatchInproc {
  618. [default] interface stdole.IUnknown ;
  619. }
  620. [helpcontext(0), version(0.0), uuid(1820FED0-473E-11D0-A96C-00C04FD705A2), hidden, cbSizeVft(0), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  621. coclass WebViewFolderContents {
  622. [default] dispinterface IShellFolderViewDual ;
  623. [default, source] dispinterface DShellFolderViewEvents ;
  624. }
  625. typedef
  626. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Constants for Special Folders for open/Explore"), localizedhelpstring("Constants for Special Folders for open/Explore"), version(0.0), uuid(CA31EA20-48D0-11CF-8350-444553540000), cbSizeVft(0), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  627. enum {
  628. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder DESKTOP"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder DESKTOP")] ssfDESKTOP = 0 ,
  629. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder PROGRAMS"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder PROGRAMS")] ssfPROGRAMS = 2 ,
  630. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder CONTROLS"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder CONTROLS")] ssfCONTROLS = 3 ,
  631. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder PRINTERS"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder PRINTERS")] ssfPRINTERS = 4 ,
  632. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder PERSONAL"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder PERSONAL")] ssfPERSONAL = 5 ,
  633. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder FAVORITES"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder FAVORITES")] ssfFAVORITES = 6 ,
  634. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder STARTUP"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder STARTUP")] ssfSTARTUP = 7 ,
  635. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder RECENT"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder RECENT")] ssfRECENT = 8 ,
  636. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder SENDTO"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder SENDTO")] ssfSENDTO = 9 ,
  637. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder BITBUCKET"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder BITBUCKET")] ssfBITBUCKET = 10 ,
  638. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder STARTMENU"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder STARTMENU")] ssfSTARTMENU = 11 ,
  639. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder DESKTOPDIRECTORY"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder DESKTOPDIRECTORY")] ssfDESKTOPDIRECTORY = 16 ,
  640. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder DRIVES"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder DRIVES")] ssfDRIVES = 17 ,
  641. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder NETWORK"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder NETWORK")] ssfNETWORK = 18 ,
  642. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder NETHOOD"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder NETHOOD")] ssfNETHOOD = 19 ,
  643. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder FONTS"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder FONTS")] ssfFONTS = 20 ,
  644. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder TEMPLATES"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder TEMPLATES")] ssfTEMPLATES = 21 ,
  645. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder COMMON STARTMENU"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder COMMON STARTMENU")] ssfCOMMONSTARTMENU = 22 ,
  646. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder COMMON PROGRAMS"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder COMMON PROGRAMS")] ssfCOMMONPROGRAMS = 23 ,
  647. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder COMMON STARTUP"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder COMMON STARTUP")] ssfCOMMONSTARTUP = 24 ,
  648. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder COMMON DESKTOPDIR"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder COMMON DESKTOPDIR")] ssfCOMMONDESKTOPDIR = 25 ,
  649. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder APPDATA"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder APPDATA")] ssfAPPDATA = 26 ,
  650. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder PRINTHOOD"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder PRINTHOOD")] ssfPRINTHOOD = 27 ,
  651. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder LOCAL APPDATA"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder LOCAL APPDATA")] ssfLOCALAPPDATA = 28 ,
  652. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder ALTSTARTUP"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder ALTSTARTUP")] ssfALTSTARTUP = 29 ,
  653. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder COMMON ALTSTARTUP"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder COMMON ALTSTARTUP")] ssfCOMMONALTSTARTUP = 30 ,
  654. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder COMMON FAVORITES"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder COMMON FAVORITES")] ssfCOMMONFAVORITES = 31 ,
  655. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder INTERNET CACHE"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder INTERNET CACHE")] ssfINTERNETCACHE = 32 ,
  656. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder COOKIES"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder COOKIES")] ssfCOOKIES = 33 ,
  657. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder HISTORY"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder HISTORY")] ssfHISTORY = 34 ,
  658. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder COMMON APPDATA"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder COMMON APPDATA")] ssfCOMMONAPPDATA = 35 ,
  659. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder WINDOWS"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder WINDOWS")] ssfWINDOWS = 36 ,
  660. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder SYSTEM"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder SYSTEM")] ssfSYSTEM = 37 ,
  661. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder PROGRAM FILES"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder PROGRAM FILES")] ssfPROGRAMFILES = 38 ,
  662. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder MYPICTURES"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder MYPICTURES")] ssfMYPICTURES = 39 ,
  663. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder PROFILE"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder PROFILE")] ssfPROFILE = 40 ,
  664. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder SYSTEMx86"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder SYSTEMx86")] ssfSYSTEMx86 = 41 ,
  665. [varkind(2), localizedhelpstring("Special Folder PROGRAM FILESx86"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Special Folder PROGRAM FILESx86")] ssfPROGRAMFILESx86 = 48 ,
  666. } ShellSpecialFolderConstants ;
  667. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Event interface for command events"), localizedhelpstring("Event interface for command events"), version(0.0), uuid(60890160-69F0-11D1-B758-00A0C90564FE), cbSizeVft(28), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  668. dispinterface DSearchCommandEvents {
  669. properties:
  670. methods:
  671. [localizedhelpstring("Search started."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Search started."), funckind(4), oVft(0), id(1)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SearchStart(void) ;
  672. [localizedhelpstring("Search completed normally."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Search completed normally."), funckind(4), oVft(0), id(2)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SearchComplete(void) ;
  673. [localizedhelpstring("Search cancelled."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Search cancelled."), funckind(4), oVft(0), id(3)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SearchAbort(void) ;
  674. [localizedhelpstring("Recordset changed."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Recordset changed."), funckind(4), oVft(0), id(4)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE RecordsetUpdate(void) ;
  675. [localizedhelpstring("The Progress text changed"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("The Progress text changed"), funckind(4), oVft(0), id(5)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ProgressTextChanged(void) ;
  676. [localizedhelpstring("An error has happened."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("An error has happened."), funckind(4), oVft(0), id(6)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SearchError(void) ;
  677. [localizedhelpstring("Criteria and resultes restored from file."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Criteria and resultes restored from file."), funckind(4), oVft(0), id(7)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SearchRestored(void) ;
  678. }
  679. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("Search command object."), localizedhelpstring("Search command object."), version(0.0), uuid(B005E690-678D-11D1-B758-00A0C90564FE), cbSizeVft(0), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  680. coclass SearchCommand {
  681. [default] interface stdole.IDispatch ;
  682. [default, source] dispinterface DSearchCommandEvents ;
  683. }
  684. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("IFileSearchBand Interface"), localizedhelpstring("IFileSearchBand Interface"), dual, version(0.0), uuid(2D91EEA1-9932-11D2-BE86-00A0C9A83DA1), hidden, cbSizeVft(28), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  685. dispinterface IFileSearchBand {
  686. properties:
  687. methods:
  688. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(0), id(1610612736)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [out] void * * ppvObj) ;
  689. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(4), id(1610612737)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(void) ;
  690. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(8), id(1610612738)] unsigned long STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void) ;
  691. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(12), id(1610678272)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfoCount([out] unsigned int * pctinfo) ;
  692. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(16), id(1610678273)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetTypeInfo([in] unsigned int itinfo, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] void * * pptinfo) ;
  693. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(20), id(1610678274)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetIDsOfNames([in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] char * * rgszNames, [in] unsigned int cNames, [in] unsigned long lcid, [out] long * rgdispid) ;
  694. [helpcontext(0), restricted, funckind(4), oVft(24), id(1610678275)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Invoke([in] long dispidMember, [in] stdole.GUID * riid, [in] unsigned long lcid, [in] unsigned short wFlags, [in] stdole.DISPPARAMS * pdispparams, [out] VARIANT * pvarResult, [out] stdole.EXCEPINFO * pexcepinfo, [out] unsigned int * puArgErr) ;
  695. [localizedhelpstring("method SetFocus"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("method SetFocus"), funckind(4), oVft(28), id(1)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetFocus(void) ;
  696. [localizedhelpstring("method SetSearchParameters"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("method SetSearchParameters"), funckind(4), oVft(32), id(2)] void STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetSearchParameters([in] BSTR * pbstrSearchID, [in] boolean bNavToResults, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT * pvarScope, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT * pvarQueryFile) ;
  697. [localizedhelpstring("Retrieve the guid of the currently active search."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Retrieve the guid of the currently active search."), funckind(4), oVft(36), id(3), propget] BSTR STDMETHODCALLTYPE SearchID(void) ;
  698. [localizedhelpstring("Get the search scope"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the search scope"), funckind(4), oVft(40), id(4), propget] VARIANT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Scope(void) ;
  699. [localizedhelpstring("Retrieve the file from which the search was restored."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Retrieve the file from which the search was restored."), funckind(4), oVft(44), id(5), propget] VARIANT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryFile(void) ;
  700. }
  701. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("IFileSearchBand Interface"), localizedhelpstring("IFileSearchBand Interface"), dual, oleautomation, version(0.0), uuid(2D91EEA1-9932-11D2-BE86-00A0C9A83DA1), hidden, cbSizeVft(48), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  702. interface IFileSearchBand : stdole.IDispatch {
  703. [localizedhelpstring("method SetFocus"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("method SetFocus"), funckind(1), oVft(28)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetFocus(void) ;
  704. [localizedhelpstring("method SetSearchParameters"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("method SetSearchParameters"), funckind(1), oVft(32)] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetSearchParameters([in] BSTR * pbstrSearchID, [in] boolean bNavToResults, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT * pvarScope, [in, PARAMFLAG_FOPT, optional] VARIANT * pvarQueryFile) ;
  705. [localizedhelpstring("Retrieve the guid of the currently active search."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Retrieve the guid of the currently active search."), funckind(1), oVft(36), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SearchID([out, retval] BSTR * pbstrSearchID) ;
  706. [localizedhelpstring("Get the search scope"), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Get the search scope"), funckind(1), oVft(40), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Scope([out, retval] VARIANT * pvarScope) ;
  707. [localizedhelpstring("Retrieve the file from which the search was restored."), helpcontext(0), helpstring("Retrieve the file from which the search was restored."), funckind(1), oVft(44), propget] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryFile([out, retval] VARIANT * pvarFile) ;
  708. }
  709. [helpcontext(0), helpstring("FileSearchBand Class"), localizedhelpstring("FileSearchBand Class"), version(0.0), uuid(C4EE31F3-4768-11D2-BE5C-00A0C9A83DA1), hidden, cbSizeVft(0), cbSizeInstance(4), cbAlignment(4)]
  710. coclass FileSearchBand {
  711. [default] dispinterface IFileSearchBand ;
  712. }
  713. }