//Copyright (c) 1998 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <winsta.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include "asyncdlg.h"
#include <utildll.h>
//Most of the code for this has been borrowed from tscfg.
extern void ErrMessage( HWND hwndOwner , INT_PTR iResourceID );
INT_PTR CBInsertInstancedName( LPCTSTR pName , HWND hCombo );
void ParseRootAndInstance( LPCTSTR pString, LPTSTR pRoot, long *pInstance );
CAsyncDlg::CAsyncDlg( ) { m_hDlg = NULL;
m_pCfgcomp = NULL;
m_nHexBase = 0;
m_szWinstation[ 0 ] = 0;
m_szWDName[ 0 ] = 0;
ZeroMemory( &m_ac , sizeof( ASYNCCONFIG ) );
ZeroMemory( &m_uc , sizeof( USERCONFIG ) );
ZeroMemory( &m_oldAC , sizeof( ASYNCCONFIG ) );
m_nOldAsyncDeviceNameSelection = ( INT )-1;
m_nOldAsyncConnectType = ( INT )-1;
m_nOldBaudRate = ( INT )-1;
m_nOldModemCallBack = ( INT )-1; }
BOOL CAsyncDlg::OnInitDialog( HWND hDlg , LPTSTR szWDName , LPTSTR szWinstationName , ICfgComp *pCfgcomp ) { TCHAR tchName[ 80 ];
TCHAR tchErrTitle[ 80 ];
TCHAR tchErrMsg[ 256 ];
ASSERT( pCfgcomp != NULL );
if( m_pCfgcomp == NULL ) { m_pCfgcomp = pCfgcomp;
m_pCfgcomp->AddRef( ); }
m_hDlg = hDlg;
m_oldAC = m_ac;
if( szWinstationName != NULL ) { lstrcpyn( m_szWinstation , szWinstationName , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( m_szWinstation ) - sizeof( TCHAR ) ); }
if( szWDName != NULL ) { lstrcpyn( m_szWDName , szWDName , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( m_szWDName ) - sizeof( TCHAR ) ); }
// initialize controls
int idx = 0;
SendMessage( GetDlgItem( hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_CONNECT ) , CB_RESETCONTENT , 0 , 0 );
while( SUCCEEDED( ( hr = pCfgcomp->GetConnTypeName( idx , tchName ) ) ) ) { if( hr == S_FALSE ) { break; }
SendMessage( GetDlgItem( hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_CONNECT ) , CB_ADDSTRING , 0 , ( LPARAM )tchName );
idx++; }
idx = 0;
SendMessage( GetDlgItem( hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK ) , CB_RESETCONTENT , 0 , 0 );
while( SUCCEEDED( ( hr = pCfgcomp->GetModemCallbackString( idx , tchName ) ) ) ) { if( hr == S_FALSE ) { break; }
SendMessage( GetDlgItem( hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK ) , CB_ADDSTRING , 0 , ( LPARAM )tchName );
idx++; }
// fill in device list
ULONG ulItems = 0;
LPBYTE pBuffer = NULL;
HWND hCombo = GetDlgItem( hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_DEVICENAME );
SendMessage( hCombo , CB_RESETCONTENT , 0 , 0 );
// szWDname is used for creating a new connection
// szWinstaionName is used if we're editing an existing connection
TCHAR *pszName = NULL;
NameType type = WdName;
if( szWDName == NULL ) { pszName = szWinstationName;
type = WsName; } else { pszName = szWDName; }
ASSERT( pszName != NULL );
hr = pCfgcomp->GetDeviceList( pszName , type , &ulItems , &pBuffer );
if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { PPDPARAMS pPdParams = NULL;
DBGMSG( L"TSCC : GetDeviceList returned %d devices that are available\n" , ulItems );
for( idx = 0 , pPdParams = ( PPDPARAMS )pBuffer; idx < ( int )ulItems ; idx++, pPdParams++ ) { // Form decorated name.
#ifdef DBG
TCHAR temsg[ 128 ];
wsprintf( temsg , L"TSCC : %d ) %s is a device\n" , idx , pPdParams->Async.DeviceName );
ODS( temsg ); #endif
FormDecoratedAsyncDeviceName( szDecoratedName, &( pPdParams->Async ) );
if( pCfgcomp->IsAsyncDeviceAvailable( pPdParams->Async.DeviceName ) ) { CBInsertInstancedName( szDecoratedName , hCombo ); }
#if 0 // this block was taken from tscfg and to this date it still does not make any sense
Don't add this device to the list if it is already in use by a WinStation other than the current one. */
if (FALSE == pCfgcomp->IsAsyncDeviceAvailable(pPdParams->Async.DeviceName)) continue;
// Insert the name into the combo-box if it's not a TAPI modem
// or it is a TAPI modem that's not being used by RAS and it's
// port is currently available.
INT_PTR nRet = SendMessage( hCombo , CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT , ( WPARAM )-1 , ( LPARAM )pPdParams->Async.DeviceName );
if( !*( pPdParams->Async.ModemName ) || ( /*!pPdParams->Async.Parity &&*/ ( nRet != ( INT_PTR )CB_ERR ) ) ) { CBInsertInstancedName( szDecoratedName , hCombo ); } #endif
// If this device is a modem, make sure that the raw port this
// device is configured on is not present in the list. This will
// also take care of removing the raw port for TAPI modems that are
// configured for use by RAS, in which case neither the configured.
// TAPI modem(s) or raw port will be present in the list.
INT_PTR nRet = SendMessage( hCombo , CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT , ( WPARAM )-1 , ( LPARAM )pPdParams->Async.DeviceName );
if( *( pPdParams->Async.ModemName ) && ( nRet != CB_ERR ) ) { ODS(L"Deleting item\n");
SendMessage( hCombo , CB_DELETESTRING , ( WPARAM )nRet , 0 ); }
LocalFree( pBuffer );
// Always make sure that the currently configured device is in
if( m_ac.DeviceName[0] != 0 ) { FormDecoratedAsyncDeviceName( szDecoratedName , &m_ac );
INT_PTR nRet = SendMessage( hCombo , CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT , ( WPARAM )-1 , ( LPARAM )szDecoratedName );
if( nRet == CB_ERR ) { nRet = CBInsertInstancedName( szDecoratedName , hCombo ); }
SendMessage( hCombo , CB_SETCURSEL , ( WPARAM )nRet , 0 );
m_nOldAsyncDeviceNameSelection = (int)nRet;
} else { SendMessage( hCombo , CB_SETCURSEL , ( WPARAM )0, 0 );
m_nOldAsyncDeviceNameSelection = 0;
INT_PTR iitem = SendMessage( hCombo , CB_GETCOUNT , ( WPARAM )0 , ( LPARAM )0); if(0 == iitem || CB_ERR == iitem) { LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_ERROR_TITLE , tchErrTitle , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchErrTitle ) );
LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_ERROR_NODEVICES , tchErrMsg , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchErrMsg ) );
MessageBox( hDlg , tchErrMsg , tchErrTitle , MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR );
return FALSE; }
// Set the BAUDRATE combo-box selection (in it's edit field) and limit the
// edit field text.
wsprintf( string, TEXT("%lu"), m_ac.BaudRate );
m_nOldBaudRate = ( INT )m_ac.BaudRate;
HWND hBaud = GetDlgItem( hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_BAUDRATE );
SendMessage( hBaud , CB_RESETCONTENT , 0 , 0 );
SetDlgItemText( hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_BAUDRATE , string );
SendMessage(hBaud , CB_LIMITTEXT , ULONG_DIGIT_MAX - 1 , 0 );
//The Baud rate field should contain only numbers
HWND hEdit = GetWindow(hBaud,GW_CHILD);
if(hEdit) { LONG Style = GetWindowLong(hEdit, GWL_STYLE); SetWindowLong(hEdit,GWL_STYLE, Style | ES_NUMBER); }
TCHAR TempString[100]; // Number enough to hold the baud rate values
//Add the default strings to the BaudRate Field
lstrcpy(TempString, L"9600");
SendMessage(hBaud , CB_ADDSTRING ,(WPARAM)0 ,(LPARAM)(LPCTSTR)TempString );
lstrcpy(TempString, L"19200");
SendMessage(hBaud , CB_ADDSTRING ,(WPARAM)0 ,(LPARAM)(LPCTSTR)TempString );
lstrcpy(TempString, L"38400");
SendMessage(hBaud , CB_ADDSTRING ,(WPARAM)0 ,(LPARAM)(LPCTSTR)TempString );
lstrcpy(TempString, L"57600");
SendMessage(hBaud , CB_ADDSTRING ,(WPARAM)0 ,(LPARAM)(LPCTSTR)TempString );
lstrcpy(TempString, L"115200");
SendMessage(hBaud , CB_ADDSTRING ,(WPARAM)0 ,(LPARAM)(LPCTSTR)TempString );
lstrcpy(TempString, L"230400");
SendMessage(hBaud , CB_ADDSTRING ,(WPARAM)0 ,(LPARAM)(LPCTSTR)TempString );
// Set the CONNECT combo-box selection.
SendMessage( GetDlgItem( hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_CONNECT ) , CB_SETCURSEL , m_ac.Connect.Type , 0 );
m_nOldAsyncConnectType = ( INT )m_ac.Connect.Type;
// CoTaskMemFree( pac );
HWND hCbxModemCallback = GetDlgItem( hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK );
// Set the MODEMCALLBACK combo-box selection, phone number, and 'inherit'
// checkboxes, based on the current UserConfig settings.
SendMessage( hCbxModemCallback , CB_SETCURSEL , ( WPARAM )m_uc.Callback , 0 );
m_nOldModemCallBack = ( INT )m_uc.Callback;
SetDlgItemText( hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_PHONENUMBER , m_uc.CallbackNumber );
CheckDlgButton( hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_INHERIT , m_uc.fInheritCallback );
CheckDlgButton( hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_PHONENUMBER_INHERIT , m_uc.fInheritCallbackNumber );
OnSelchangeAsyncDevicename( );
return TRUE;
BOOL CAsyncDlg::OnSelchangeAsyncModemcallback() { HWND hCbx = GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK);
* Ignore this notification if the combo box is in a dropped-down * state. */ if( SendMessage( hCbx , CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE , 0 , 0 ) ) { return FALSE; }
* Fetch current callback selection. */
INT index = (INT)SendMessage(hCbx,CB_GETCURSEL,0,0);
if( index != m_nOldModemCallBack ) { m_uc.Callback = (CALLBACKCLASS)index;
m_nOldModemCallBack = index;
if( index == 0 ) // disabled
} else { // inusre that these controls are in the proper state
OnClickedAsyncModemcallbackPhonenumberInherit(); }
return TRUE; }
return FALSE;
} // end OnSelchangeAsyncModemcallback
void CAsyncDlg::OnSelchangeAsyncModemcallbackPhoneNumber() { GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_PHONENUMBER);
* Fetch current callback Phone number. */ GetDlgItemText(m_hDlg, IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_PHONENUMBER, m_uc.CallbackNumber,SIZE_OF_BUFFER(m_uc.CallbackNumber));
} // end OnSelchangeAsyncModemcallback
BOOL CAsyncDlg::OnSelchangeAsyncConnect() { HWND hCbx = GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_CONNECT );
* Ignore this notification if the combo box is in a dropped-down * state. */ if( SendMessage( hCbx , CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE , 0 , 0 ) ) { return FALSE; }
INT index = ( INT )SendMessage(hCbx,CB_GETCURSEL,0,0);
if( index != m_nOldAsyncConnectType ) { m_ac.Connect.Type = (ASYNCCONNECTCLASS)index;
m_nOldAsyncConnectType = index;
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; } // end CAsyncDlg::OnSelchangeAsyncConnect
BOOL CAsyncDlg::OnSelchangeAsyncBaudrate() { HWND hCbx = GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_BAUDRATE );
ODS( L"TSCC : OnSelchangeAsyncBaudrate\n" );
TCHAR string[ULONG_DIGIT_MAX], *endptr = NULL;
* Ignore this notification if the combo box is in a dropped-down * state. */ if( SendMessage( hCbx , CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE , 0 , 0 ) ) { return FALSE; }
//GetDlgItemText(m_hDlg, IDC_ASYNC_BAUDRATE, string,ULONG_DIGIT_MAX);
int idx = ( int )SendMessage( hCbx , CB_GETCURSEL , 0 , 0 );
SendMessage( hCbx , CB_GETLBTEXT , ( WPARAM )idx , ( LPARAM )&string[ 0 ] );
INT nBaudRate = ( INT )wcstoul(string, &endptr, 10);
if( m_nOldBaudRate != nBaudRate ) { m_ac.BaudRate = nBaudRate;
m_nOldBaudRate = nBaudRate;
return TRUE; }
return FALSE;
} // end CAsyncDlg::OnSelchangeAsyncBaudrate
void CAsyncDlg::OnClickedModemProperties() { if ( !ConfigureModem( m_ac.ModemName, m_hDlg) ) { ErrMessage(m_hDlg,IDP_ERROR_MODEM_PROPERTIES_NOT_AVAILABLE); } return;
BOOL CAsyncDlg::OnSelchangeAsyncDevicename( ) { HWND hCbx = GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_DEVICENAME );
BOOL bModemEnableFlag, bDirectEnableFlag;
INT_PTR index;
int nModemCmdShow, nDirectCmdShow;
// Ignore this notification if the combo box is in a dropped-down state.
if( SendMessage( hCbx , CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE , 0 , 0 ) ) { return TRUE; }
if( ( index = SendMessage( hCbx , CB_GETCURSEL , 0 , 0 ) ) != CB_ERR ) {
if( m_nOldAsyncDeviceNameSelection != index ) { TCHAR szDeviceName[DEVICENAME_LENGTH+MODEMNAME_LENGTH+1];
// Fetch current selection and parse into device and modem names.
TCHAR tchErrMsg[ 512 ];
TCHAR tchbuf[ 356 ];
TCHAR tchErrTitle[ 80 ];
LONG lCount = 0;
if( m_pCfgcomp != NULL ) { m_pCfgcomp->QueryLoggedOnCount( m_szWinstation , &lCount );
if( lCount > 0 ) { if( *m_ac.ModemName != 0 ) { VERIFY_E( 0 , LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_CHANGE_ASYNC , tchbuf , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchbuf ) ) ); } else { VERIFY_E( 0 , LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_CHANGE_MODEM , tchbuf , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchbuf ) ) ); }
wsprintf( tchErrMsg , tchbuf , m_szWinstation ); VERIFY_E( 0 , LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_WARN_TITLE , tchErrTitle , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchErrTitle ) ) );
if( MessageBox( m_hDlg , tchErrMsg , tchErrTitle , MB_YESNO | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ) == IDNO ) { SendMessage( hCbx , CB_SETCURSEL , ( WPARAM )m_nOldAsyncDeviceNameSelection , 0 );
return FALSE;
} } }
SendMessage( hCbx , CB_GETLBTEXT , ( WPARAM )index , ( LPARAM )&szDeviceName[0] );
ParseDecoratedAsyncDeviceName( szDeviceName , &m_ac );
m_nOldAsyncDeviceNameSelection = (INT)index; } else { return FALSE; }
* The SetDefaults, Advanced, and Test buttons and Device Connect * and Baud fields are enabled if the configuration is non-modem. * Otherwise, the Configure Modem button and modem callback fields * are enabled. (The Install Modems buttons is always enabled). */ if( ( *m_ac.ModemName != 0 ) ) {
bModemEnableFlag = TRUE; nModemCmdShow = SW_SHOW; bDirectEnableFlag = FALSE; nDirectCmdShow = SW_HIDE;
} else {
bModemEnableFlag = FALSE; nModemCmdShow = SW_HIDE; bDirectEnableFlag = TRUE; nDirectCmdShow = SW_SHOW;
ShowWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDL_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK) , nModemCmdShow );
EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDL_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK ) , bModemEnableFlag );
ShowWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_MODEM_PROP_PROP) , nModemCmdShow );
EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_MODEM_PROP_PROP ) , bModemEnableFlag );
ShowWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_MODEM_PROP_WIZ) , nModemCmdShow );
EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_MODEM_PROP_WIZ ) , bModemEnableFlag );
ShowWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDL_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK1 ) , nModemCmdShow );
EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDL_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK1 ) , bModemEnableFlag );
ShowWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK ) , nModemCmdShow );
EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK ) , bModemEnableFlag );
ShowWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_INHERIT ) , nModemCmdShow );
EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_INHERIT ) , bModemEnableFlag );
ShowWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDL_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_PHONENUMBER ) , nModemCmdShow );
EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDL_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_PHONENUMBER ) , bModemEnableFlag );
ShowWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_PHONENUMBER ) , nModemCmdShow );
EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_PHONENUMBER ) , bModemEnableFlag );
ShowWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_PHONENUMBER_INHERIT ) , nModemCmdShow );
EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_PHONENUMBER_INHERIT ) , bModemEnableFlag );
ShowWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDL_ASYNC_CONNECT ) , nDirectCmdShow );
EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDL_ASYNC_CONNECT ) , bDirectEnableFlag );
ShowWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_ASYNC_CONNECT ) , nDirectCmdShow );
EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_ASYNC_CONNECT ) , bDirectEnableFlag );
ShowWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDL_ASYNC_BAUDRATE ) , nDirectCmdShow );
EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDL_ASYNC_BAUDRATE ) , bDirectEnableFlag );
ShowWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_ASYNC_BAUDRATE ) , nDirectCmdShow );
EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_ASYNC_BAUDRATE ) , bDirectEnableFlag );
ShowWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_ASYNC_DEFAULTS ) , nDirectCmdShow );
EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_ASYNC_DEFAULTS ) , bDirectEnableFlag );
ShowWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED ) , nDirectCmdShow );
EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED ) , bDirectEnableFlag );
ShowWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_ASYNC_TEST ) , nDirectCmdShow );
EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg, IDC_ASYNC_TEST ) , bDirectEnableFlag );
// If this is a modem device, properly set the callback fields.
if( ( *m_ac.ModemName != 0 ) ) { OnClickedAsyncModemcallbackInherit( );
OnClickedAsyncModemcallbackPhonenumberInherit( ); }
return TRUE; }
void CAsyncDlg::OnClickedAsyncModemcallbackInherit( ) { BOOL bChecked = ( BOOL )SendMessage( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_INHERIT ) , BM_GETCHECK , 0 , 0 );
BOOL bEnable = !bChecked;
m_uc.fInheritCallback = bChecked;
EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDL_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK1 ) , bEnable );
EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK ) , bEnable );
// now check to see if we need to enable the modem callback number
if( bChecked ) { if( SendMessage( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK) , CB_GETCURSEL , 0 , 0 ) == 0 ) { if( !( BOOL )SendMessage( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_PHONENUMBER_INHERIT ) , BM_GETCHECK , 0 , 0 ) ) { EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_PHONENUMBER ) , TRUE );
} } } else { if( (INT)SendMessage( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK) , CB_GETCURSEL , 0 , 0 ) == 0 ) { if( !( BOOL )SendMessage( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_PHONENUMBER_INHERIT ) , BM_GETCHECK , 0 , 0 ) ) { EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_PHONENUMBER ) , FALSE );
} } }
return; }
void CAsyncDlg::OnClickedAsyncModemcallbackPhonenumberInherit( ) { BOOL bChecked = ( BOOL )SendMessage( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_PHONENUMBER_INHERIT ) , BM_GETCHECK , 0 , 0 );
BOOL bEnable = !bChecked;
m_uc.fInheritCallbackNumber = bChecked;
if( !bChecked ) { if( !( BOOL )SendMessage( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_INHERIT ) , BM_GETCHECK , 0 , 0 ) ) { if( SendMessage( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK) , CB_GETCURSEL , 0 , 0 ) == 0 ) { EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDL_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_PHONENUMBER ) , FALSE );
return; } } }
EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDL_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_PHONENUMBER ) , bEnable );
EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_PHONENUMBER ) , bEnable );
return; }
BOOL CAsyncDlg::OnCommand( WORD wNotifyCode , WORD wID , HWND hwndCtrl , PBOOL pfPersisted ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( hwndCtrl );
if( wNotifyCode == BN_CLICKED ) { if( wID == IDC_ASYNC_DEFAULTS ) { if( SetDefaults( ) == S_OK ) { *pfPersisted = FALSE; } } else if( wID == IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED ) { if( DoAsyncAdvance( ) == S_OK ) { *pfPersisted = FALSE; }
} else if( wID == IDC_ASYNC_TEST ) { DoAsyncTest( ); } else if( wID == IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_INHERIT ) { OnClickedAsyncModemcallbackInherit();
*pfPersisted = FALSE; } else if( wID == IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_PHONENUMBER_INHERIT ) { OnClickedAsyncModemcallbackPhonenumberInherit();
*pfPersisted = FALSE; } else if(wID == IDC_MODEM_PROP_PROP || wID == IDC_MODEM_PROP_WIZ) { OnClickedModemProperties(); }
} else if( wNotifyCode == CBN_SELCHANGE ) { if(wID == IDC_ASYNC_DEVICENAME) { if( OnSelchangeAsyncDevicename( ) ) { *pfPersisted = FALSE; }
} else if(wID == IDC_ASYNC_CONNECT) { if( OnSelchangeAsyncConnect() ) { *pfPersisted = FALSE; } } else if(wID == IDC_ASYNC_BAUDRATE) { if( OnSelchangeAsyncBaudrate() ) { *pfPersisted = FALSE; } } else if(wID == IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK) { if( OnSelchangeAsyncModemcallback() ) { *pfPersisted = FALSE; } }
} /*else if( wNotifyCode == CBN_KILLFOCUS)
{ if(wID == IDC_ASYNC_BAUDRATE) { OnSelchangeAsyncBaudrate(); }
}*/ else if(wNotifyCode == EN_CHANGE ) { if(wID == IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_PHONENUMBER) { OnSelchangeAsyncModemcallbackPhoneNumber();
*pfPersisted = FALSE; }
return TRUE;
BOOL CAsyncDlg::AsyncRelease( ) { if( m_pCfgcomp != NULL ) { m_pCfgcomp->Release( ); }
return TRUE; }
HRESULT CAsyncDlg::SetAsyncFields(ASYNCCONFIG& AsyncConfig , PUSERCONFIG pUc) { HRESULT hres = S_OK;
if( pUc == NULL ) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// check for variation
lstrcpy( AsyncConfig.DeviceName , m_ac.DeviceName );
if( memcmp( ( PVOID )&AsyncConfig , ( PVOID )&m_ac , sizeof( ASYNCCONFIG ) ) == 0 ) { if( memcmp( pUc->CallbackNumber , m_uc.CallbackNumber , sizeof( m_uc.CallbackNumber ) ) == 0 &&
pUc->fInheritCallback == m_uc.fInheritCallback &&
pUc->fInheritCallbackNumber == m_uc.fInheritCallbackNumber )
{ return S_FALSE; } }
BOOL bSelectDefault = !( *AsyncConfig.DeviceName);
HWND hCbx = GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_DEVICENAME );
HWND hCbxCallback = GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK );
* Set the DEVICE combo-box selection from the current selection. */ FormDecoratedAsyncDeviceName( szDeviceName, &AsyncConfig );
if( SendMessage( hCbx , CB_SELECTSTRING , ( WPARAM )-1 , ( LPARAM )szDeviceName ) == CB_ERR ) { /*
* Can't select current async DeviceName in combo-box. If this is * because we're supposed to select a default device name, select * the first device in the list. */ if( bSelectDefault ) { SendMessage( hCbx , CB_SETCURSEL , 0 , 0 ); } else { hres = E_FAIL; } }
* Set the MODEMCALLBACK combo-box selection, phone number, and 'inherit' * checkboxes, based on the current UserConfig settings. */ SendMessage( hCbxCallback , CB_SETCURSEL , m_uc.Callback , 0 );
SetDlgItemText( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_PHONENUMBER, m_uc.CallbackNumber );
CheckDlgButton( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_INHERIT , m_uc.fInheritCallback );
CheckDlgButton( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_PHONENUMBER_INHERIT , m_uc.fInheritCallbackNumber );
* Set the BAUDRATE combo-box selection (in it's edit field) and limit the * edit field text. */
wsprintf( string, TEXT("%lu"), AsyncConfig.BaudRate );
SetDlgItemText( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_BAUDRATE, string );
SendMessage( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_BAUDRATE ) , CB_LIMITTEXT , ULONG_DIGIT_MAX-1 , 0);
HWND hEdit = GetWindow(GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_BAUDRATE ),GW_CHILD);
if(hEdit) { LONG Style = GetWindowLong(hEdit, GWL_STYLE); SetWindowLong(hEdit,GWL_STYLE, Style | ES_NUMBER); }
* Set the CONNECT combo-box selection. */
SendMessage( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_CONNECT) , CB_SETCURSEL , AsyncConfig.Connect.Type , 0 );
// copy over default values
CopyMemory( ( PVOID )&m_ac , ( PVOID )&AsyncConfig , sizeof( ASYNCCONFIGW ) );
return hres;
BOOL CAsyncDlg::GetAsyncFields(ASYNCCONFIG& AsyncConfig, USERCONFIG UsrCfg) { /*
* Fetch the currently selected DEVICENAME string. */ HWND hCbx = GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_DEVICENAME );
ASSERT( hCbx != NULL );
if( !SendMessage( hCbx , CB_GETCOUNT , 0 , 0 ) || SendMessage( hCbx , CB_GETCURSEL , 0 , 0 ) == CB_ERR ) { ErrMessage( m_hDlg , IDS_INVALID_DEVICE );
return FALSE; }
* Get the MODEMCALLBACK phone number (callback state and 'user specified' * flags are already gotten). */
GetDlgItemText(m_hDlg,IDC_ASYNC_MODEMCALLBACK_PHONENUMBER, UsrCfg.CallbackNumber, SIZE_OF_BUFFER(UsrCfg.CallbackNumber) );
* Fetch and convert the BAUDRATE combo-box selection (in it's edit field). */ { TCHAR string[ULONG_DIGIT_MAX], *endptr; ULONG ul;
GetDlgItemText(m_hDlg,IDC_ASYNC_BAUDRATE, string, ULONG_DIGIT_MAX); ul = wcstoul( string, &endptr, 10 );
if ( *endptr != TEXT('\0') ) {
* Invalid character in Baud Rate field. */ ErrMessage( m_hDlg , IDS_INVALID_DEVICE );
return FALSE;
} else { AsyncConfig.BaudRate = ul; } }
* Fetch the CONNECT combo-box selection and set/reset the break * disconnect flag. */
AsyncConfig.Connect.Type = (ASYNCCONNECTCLASS)SendMessage( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_CONNECT ) , CB_GETCURSEL , 0 , 0 ); if(AsyncConfig.Connect.Type == Connect_FirstChar) { AsyncConfig.Connect.fEnableBreakDisconnect = 1; } else { AsyncConfig.Connect.fEnableBreakDisconnect = 0; }
} // end CAsyncDlg::GetAsyncFields
// returns E_FAIL for general error
// S_OK for default values saved
// S_FALSE for default values have not been changed
HRESULT CAsyncDlg::SetDefaults() { ASYNCCONFIG AsyncConfig;
HRESULT hResult;
hResult = m_pCfgcomp->GetAsyncConfig(m_szWDName,WdName,&AsyncConfig);
if( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) ) { LONG lsz;
hResult = m_pCfgcomp->GetUserConfig( m_szWinstation , &lsz , &pUserConfig, TRUE ); }
if( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) ) { hResult = SetAsyncFields( AsyncConfig , pUserConfig ); }
if( pUserConfig != NULL ) { CoTaskMemFree( pUserConfig );
return hResult;
HRESULT CAsyncDlg::DoAsyncAdvance( ) { CAdvancedAsyncDlg AADlg;
//Initialize the dialog's member variables.
AADlg.m_Async = m_ac;
AADlg.m_bReadOnly = FALSE;
AADlg.m_bModem = FALSE;
AADlg.m_nHexBase = m_nHexBase;
LONG lSize = 0;
if( m_szWDName[ 0 ] != 0 ) { ODS( L"CAsyncDlg::DoAsyncAdvance m_pCfgcomp->GetWdType\n" );
VERIFY_S( S_OK , m_pCfgcomp->GetWdType( m_szWDName , ( ULONG *)&AADlg.m_nWdFlag ) ); } else if( SUCCEEDED( m_pCfgcomp->GetWSInfo( m_szWinstation , &lSize , &pWs ) ) ) { ODS( L"CAsyncDlg::DoAsyncAdvance with m_szWinstation -- m_pCfgcomp->GetWdType\n" );
VERIFY_S( S_OK , m_pCfgcomp->GetWdType( pWs->wdName , ( ULONG *)&AADlg.m_nWdFlag ) ) ;
CoTaskMemFree( pWs ); }
AADlg.m_pCfgcomp = m_pCfgcomp; // addref here
// Invoke dialog
INT_PTR nRet = ::DialogBoxParam( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDD_ASYNC_ADVANCED ) , m_hDlg , CAdvancedAsyncDlg::DlgProc , ( LPARAM )&AADlg );
if( nRet == IDOK ) { // Fetch the dialog's member variables.
if( memcmp( ( PVOID )&m_ac ,( PVOID )&AADlg.m_Async , sizeof( ASYNCCONFIG ) ) != 0 ) { m_ac = AADlg.m_Async;
m_nHexBase = AADlg.m_nHexBase;
return S_OK; } }
return S_FALSE; }
BOOL CAsyncDlg::DoAsyncTest( ) { CAsyncTestDlg ATDlg( m_pCfgcomp );
HWND hCbx = GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_DEVICENAME );
ASSERT( hCbx != NULL );
if( !SendMessage( hCbx , CB_GETCOUNT , 0 , 0 ) || SendMessage( hCbx , CB_GETCURSEL , 0 , 0 ) == CB_ERR ) { ErrMessage( m_hDlg , IDS_INVALID_DEVICE );
return FALSE; }
ATDlg.m_ac = m_ac;
ATDlg.m_pWSName = m_szWinstation;
// Invoke the dialog.
INT_PTR nRet = ::DialogBoxParam( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDD_ASYNC_TEST ) , m_hDlg , CAsyncTestDlg::DlgProc , ( LPARAM )&ATDlg);
if( nRet == IDOK ) { m_ac = ATDlg.m_ac; }
return TRUE; }
// Help functions from Citrix
* * CBInsertInstancedName - helper function * * Insert the specified 'instanced' name into the specified combo box, * using a special sort based on the 'root' name and 'instance' count. * * ENTRY: * pName (input) * Pointer to name string to insert. * pComboBox (input) * Pointer to CComboBox object to insert name string into. * * EXIT: * (int) Combo box list index of name after insertion, or error code. * ******************************************************************************/
INT_PTR CBInsertInstancedName( LPCTSTR pName, HWND hCombo ) { INT_PTR i, count, result;
TCHAR NameRoot[64], ListRoot[64];
if( pName == NULL || *pName == 0 ) { ODS( L"TSCC: Invalid Arg @ CBInsertInstancedName\n" ); return -1; }
LPTSTR ListString = NULL;
long NameInstance, ListInstance;
* Form the root and instance for this name */ ParseRootAndInstance( pName, NameRoot, &NameInstance );
* Traverse combo box to perform insert. */ for ( i = 0, count = SendMessage( hCombo , CB_GETCOUNT , 0 , 0 ); i < count; i++ ) {
* Fetch current combo (list) box string. */ if( ListString != NULL ) { SendMessage( hCombo , CB_GETLBTEXT , ( WPARAM )i , ( LPARAM )ListString ); }
* Parse the root and instance of the list box string. */ ParseRootAndInstance( ListString, ListRoot, &ListInstance );
* If the list box string's root is greater than the our name string's * root, or the root strings are the same but the list instance is * greater than the name string's instance, or the root strings are * the same and the instances are the same but the entire list string * is greater than the entire name string, the name string belongs * at the current list position: insert it there. */
if ( ((result = lstrcmpi( ListRoot, NameRoot )) > 0) || ((result == 0) && (ListInstance > NameInstance)) || ((result == 0) && (ListInstance == NameInstance) && ( ListString != NULL && lstrcmpi(ListString, pName) > 0) ) ) { return SendMessage( hCombo , CB_INSERTSTRING , ( WPARAM )i , ( LPARAM )pName ); } }
* Insert this name at the end of the list. */ return SendMessage( hCombo , CB_INSERTSTRING , ( WPARAM )-1 , ( LPARAM )pName );
} // end CBInsertInstancedName
* * ParseRootAndInstance - helper function * * Parse the 'root' string and instance count for a specified string. * * ENTRY: * pString (input) * Points to the string to parse. * pRoot (output) * Points to the buffer to store the parsed 'root' string. * pInstance (output) * Points to the int variable to store the parsed instance count. * * EXIT: * ParseRootAndInstance will parse only up to the first blank character * of the string (if a blank exists). * If the string contains no 'instance' count (no trailing digits), the * pInstance variable will contain -1. If the string consists entirely * of digits, the pInstance variable will contain the conversion of those * digits and pRoot will contain a null string. * ******************************************************************************/
void ParseRootAndInstance( LPCTSTR pString, LPTSTR pRoot, long *pInstance ) { LPCTSTR end, p; TCHAR szString[256];
if( pString == NULL || pString[ 0 ] == 0 ) { ODS( L"TSCC: Invalid arg @ ParseRootAndInstance\n" );
return; }
* Make a copy of the string and terminate at first blank (if present). */ lstrcpyn(szString, pString, SIZE_OF_BUFFER( szString ) );
// szString[ lstrlen(szString) - 1 ] = TEXT('\0');
TCHAR *pTemp = szString;
while( *pTemp && *pTemp != L' ' ) { pTemp++; }
p = &(pTemp[lstrlen(pTemp)-1]);
* Parse the instance portion of the string. */ end = p;
while( (p >= pTemp) && !IsCharAlpha(*p) ) p--;
if ( p == end ) {
* No trailing digits: indicate no 'instance' and make the 'root' * the whole string. */ *pInstance = -1; lstrcpy( pRoot, pTemp );
} else {
* Trailing digits found (or entire string was digits): calculate * 'instance' and copy the 'root' string (null if all digits). */ end = p; *pInstance = (int)_tcstol( p+1, NULL, 10 );
* Copy 'root' string. */ for ( p = szString; p <= end; pRoot++, p++ ) *pRoot = *p;
* Terminate 'root' string. */ *pRoot = TEXT('\0'); }
} // end ParseRootAndInstance
CAdvancedAsyncDlg::CAdvancedAsyncDlg() { m_hDlg = NULL;
} // end CAdvancedAsyncDlg::CAdvancedAsyncDlg
BOOL CAdvancedAsyncDlg::HandleEnterEscKey(int nID) { /*
* Check HW Flow Receive and Transmit combo boxes. */ HWND hCbx = GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_HWRX );
ASSERT( hCbx != NULL );
if( SendMessage( hCbx , CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE , 0 , 0 ) ) { if( nID == IDCANCEL ) { // select original selection
SendMessage( hCbx , CB_SETCURSEL , ( WPARAM )m_Async.FlowControl.HardwareReceive , 0 ); }
SendMessage( hCbx , CB_SHOWDROPDOWN , ( WPARAM )FALSE , 0 );
return FALSE; }
hCbx = GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_HWTX );
ASSERT( hCbx != NULL );
if( SendMessage( hCbx , CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE , 0 , 0 ) ) { if( nID == IDCANCEL ) { // select original selection
SendMessage( hCbx , CB_SETCURSEL , ( WPARAM )m_Async.FlowControl.HardwareTransmit , 0 );
SendMessage( hCbx , CB_SHOWDROPDOWN , ( WPARAM )FALSE , 0 );
return FALSE; }
* No combo boxes are down; process Enter/Esc. */
return TRUE;
} // end CAdvancedAsyncDlg::HandleEnterEscKey
void CAdvancedAsyncDlg::SetFields() { int nId = 0;
* Set the FLOWCONTROL radio buttons. */ switch( m_Async.FlowControl.Type ) {
case FlowControl_None: nId = IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_FLOWCONTROL_NONE; break;
case FlowControl_Hardware: nId = IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_FLOWCONTROL_HARDWARE; break;
case FlowControl_Software: nId = IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_FLOWCONTROL_SOFTWARE; break; }
* Set the text of the Hardware flowcontrol button. */ SetHWFlowText();
* If a modem is defined, disable the Flow Control fields, since they cannot * be modified (must match modem's flow control established in Modem dialog). */ if( m_bModem ) { for ( nId = IDL_ASYNC_ADVANCED_FLOWCONTROL; nId <= IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_FLOWCONTROL_NONE; nId++ ) { EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , nId ) , FALSE); } }
* Call member functions to set the Global, Hardware, and Software fields. */ SetGlobalFields(); SetHWFields(); SetSWFields();
} // end CAdvancedAsyncDlg::SetFields
void CAdvancedAsyncDlg::SetHWFlowText( ) { TCHAR tchStr[ 256 ];
LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_HARDWARE , tchStr , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchStr ) );
switch ( m_Async.FlowControl.HardwareReceive ) {
case ReceiveFlowControl_None:
lstrcat( tchStr , TEXT(" (.../") );
case ReceiveFlowControl_RTS:
lstrcat( tchStr , TEXT(" (RTS/") );
case ReceiveFlowControl_DTR:
lstrcat( tchStr , TEXT(" (DTR/") ) ;
break; }
switch ( m_Async.FlowControl.HardwareTransmit ) { case TransmitFlowControl_None:
lstrcat( tchStr , TEXT("...)" ) );
case TransmitFlowControl_CTS:
lstrcat( tchStr , TEXT("CTS)") );
case TransmitFlowControl_DSR:
lstrcat( tchStr , TEXT("DSR)") );
break; }
} // end CAdvancedAsyncDlg::SetHWFlowText
void CAdvancedAsyncDlg::SetGlobalFields() { /*
* Select proper DTR radio button. */ CheckRadioButton( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_DTROFF, IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_DTRON, IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_DTROFF + (int)m_Async.FlowControl.fEnableDTR );
* Select proper RTS radio button. */ CheckRadioButton( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_RTSOFF, IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_RTSON, IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_RTSOFF + (int)m_Async.FlowControl.fEnableRTS );
* Set the STOPBITS radio buttons. */ CheckRadioButton( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_STOPBITS_1, IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_STOPBITS_2, IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_STOPBITS_1 + (int)m_Async.StopBits );
* Set the BYTESIZE radio buttons. * * NOTE: the constant '7' that is subtracted from the stored ByteSize * must track the lowest allowed byte size / BYTESIZE radio button. */ CheckRadioButton( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_BYTESIZE_7, IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_BYTESIZE_8, IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_BYTESIZE_7 + ((int)m_Async.ByteSize - 7) );
* If the currently selected Wd is an ICA type, disable the BYTESIZE * group box and buttons - user can't change from default. */ if ( m_nWdFlag & WDF_ICA ) { int i;
for( i = IDL_ASYNC_ADVANCED_BYTESIZE ; i <= IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_BYTESIZE_8; i++ ) { EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , i ) , FALSE ); } }
} // end CAdvancedAsyncDlg::SetGlobalFields
void CAdvancedAsyncDlg::SetHWFields() { int i;
* Initialize HW Receive class combo-box */ HWND hCbx = GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_HWRX );
ASSERT( hCbx != NULL );
SendMessage( hCbx , CB_SETCURSEL , ( WPARAM )m_Async.FlowControl.HardwareReceive , 0 );
* If HW flow control is selected AND the HW Receive class is set to * ReceiveFlowControl_DTR, disable the DTR controls & labels. * Otherwise, enable the DTR control & labels. */ for( i = IDL_ASYNC_ADVANCED_DTRSTATE ; i <= IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_DTRON ; i++ ) { EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , i ) , ( ( m_Async.FlowControl.Type == FlowControl_Hardware) && (m_Async.FlowControl.HardwareReceive == ReceiveFlowControl_DTR) ) ? FALSE : TRUE ); }
* Initialize HW Transmit class combo-box. */
hCbx = GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_HWTX);
SendMessage( hCbx , CB_SETCURSEL , ( WPARAM )m_Async.FlowControl.HardwareTransmit , 0 );
* If HW flow control is selected AND the HW Receive class is set to * ReceiveFlowControl_RTS, disable the RTS controls & labels. * Otherwise, enable the RTS control & labels. */
for( i = IDL_ASYNC_ADVANCED_RTSSTATE ; i <= IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_RTSON ; i++ ) { EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , i ) , ( ( m_Async.FlowControl.Type == FlowControl_Hardware) && ( m_Async.FlowControl.HardwareReceive == ReceiveFlowControl_RTS ) ) ? FALSE : TRUE ); }
* Enable or disable all HW fields. */
EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , i ) , m_Async.FlowControl.Type == FlowControl_Hardware ); }
} // end CAdvancedAsyncDlg::SetHWFields
void CAdvancedAsyncDlg::SetSWFields() { TCHAR string[UCHAR_DIGIT_MAX];
* Initialize Xon character edit control. */ wsprintf( string, ( m_nHexBase ? TEXT("0x%02X") : TEXT("%d")) , (UCHAR)m_Async.FlowControl.XonChar );
SetDlgItemText( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_XON , string );
SendMessage( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_XON ) , EM_SETMODIFY , ( WPARAM )FALSE , 0 );
SendMessage( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_XON ) , EM_LIMITTEXT , ( WPARAM )UCHAR_DIGIT_MAX-1 , 0 );
* Initialize Xoff character edit control. */ wsprintf( string, ( m_nHexBase ? TEXT( "0x%02X" ) : TEXT( "%d" ) ) , ( UCHAR )m_Async.FlowControl.XoffChar );
SetDlgItemText( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_XOFF, string );
SendMessage( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_XOFF ) , EM_SETMODIFY , ( WPARAM )FALSE , 0 );
* Initialize the Xon/Xoff base control. */ CheckRadioButton( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_BASEDEC, IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_BASEHEX, ( int )( IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_BASEDEC + m_nHexBase ) );
* Enable or disable all SW fields. */ for( int i = IDL_ASYNC_ADVANCED_SOFTWARE ; i <= IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_BASEHEX ; i++ ) { EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , i ) , m_Async.FlowControl.Type == FlowControl_Software ); }
} // end CAdvancedAsyncDlg::SetSWFields
BOOL CAdvancedAsyncDlg::GetFields() { /*
* Call member functions to get the Flow Control, Global, Hardware, and * Software fields. */ GetFlowControlFields();
if ( !GetGlobalFields() ) return(FALSE);
if ( !GetHWFields() ) return(FALSE);
if ( !GetSWFields(TRUE) ) return(FALSE);
} // end CAdvancedAsyncDlg::GetFields
void CAdvancedAsyncDlg::GetFlowControlFields() { switch( GetCheckedRadioButton( IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_FLOWCONTROL_HARDWARE , IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_FLOWCONTROL_NONE ) ) {
case IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_FLOWCONTROL_NONE: m_Async.FlowControl.Type = FlowControl_None; break;
case IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_FLOWCONTROL_SOFTWARE: m_Async.FlowControl.Type = FlowControl_Software; break;
case IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_FLOWCONTROL_HARDWARE: m_Async.FlowControl.Type = FlowControl_Hardware; break; }
} // end CAdvancedAsyncDlg::GetFlowControlFields
BOOL CAdvancedAsyncDlg::GetGlobalFields() { /*
* Fetch DTR state. */ m_Async.FlowControl.fEnableDTR = (GetCheckedRadioButton( IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_DTROFF, IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_DTRON ) - IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_DTROFF);
* Fetch RTS state. */ m_Async.FlowControl.fEnableRTS = (GetCheckedRadioButton( IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_RTSOFF, IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_RTSON ) - IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_RTSOFF);
* Fetch the selected BYTESIZE. * * NOTE: the constant '7' that is added to the stored ByteSize * must track the lowest allowed byte size / BYTESIZE radio button. */ m_Async.ByteSize = (ULONG) (GetCheckedRadioButton( IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_BYTESIZE_7, IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_BYTESIZE_8 ) - IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_BYTESIZE_7 + 7);
} // end CAdvancedAsyncDlg::GetGlobalFields
BOOL CAdvancedAsyncDlg::GetHWFields() { /*
* Fetch the HW receive flow class. */ m_Async.FlowControl.HardwareReceive = ( RECEIVEFLOWCONTROLCLASS ) SendMessage( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_HWRX ) , CB_GETCURSEL , 0 , 0 );
* Fetch the HW transmit flow class. */ m_Async.FlowControl.HardwareTransmit = ( TRANSMITFLOWCONTROLCLASS ) SendMessage( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_HWTX ) , CB_GETCURSEL , 0 , 0 );
return TRUE;
} // end CAdvancedAsyncDlg::GetHWFields
BOOL CAdvancedAsyncDlg::GetSWFields( BOOL bValidate ) { TCHAR string[UCHAR_DIGIT_MAX], *endptr; ULONG ul; INT_PTR nNewHexBase, base;
* Determine the current state of the base controls and save. */ nNewHexBase = (GetCheckedRadioButton( IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_BASEDEC, IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_BASEHEX ) - IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_BASEDEC);
* Fetch and convert XON character. */ GetDlgItemText( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_XON , string , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( string ) );
* If the edit box is modified, use the 'new' base for conversion. */ base = SendMessage( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_XON ) , EM_GETMODIFY , 0 , 0 ) ? nNewHexBase : m_nHexBase ;
ul = _tcstoul( string, &endptr, (base ? 16 : 10) );
* If validation is requested and there is a problem with the input, * complain and allow user to fix. */ if( bValidate && ( (*endptr != TEXT('\0') ) || ( ul > 255 ) ) ) {
* Invalid character in field or invalid value. */ // ERROR_MESSAGE((IDP_INVALID_XONXOFF))
* Set focus to the control so that it can be fixed. */ SetFocus( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_XON ) );
return FALSE; }
* Save the Xon character. */ m_Async.FlowControl.XonChar = (UCHAR)ul;
* Fetch and convert XOFF character. */ GetDlgItemText( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_XOFF , string , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( string ) );
* If the edit box is modified, use the 'new' base for conversion. */
base = SendMessage( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_XOFF ) , EM_GETMODIFY , 0 , 0 ) ? nNewHexBase : m_nHexBase ;
ul = _tcstoul( string, &endptr, (base ? 16 : 10) );
* If validation is requested and there is a problem with the input, * complain and allow user to fix. */ if( bValidate && ( (*endptr != TEXT('\0' )) || ( ul > 255 ) ) ) { /*
* Invalid character in field or invalid value. */ // ERROR_MESSAGE((IDP_INVALID_XONXOFF))
* Set focus to the control so that it can be fixed. */ SetFocus( GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_XOFF ) );
return FALSE; }
* Save the Xoff character. */ m_Async.FlowControl.XoffChar = (UCHAR)ul;
* Save the current base state. */ m_nHexBase = nNewHexBase;
return TRUE;
} // end CAdvancedAsyncDlg::GetSWFields
// CAdvancedAsyncDlg message map
BOOL CAdvancedAsyncDlg::OnCommand( WORD wNotifyCode , WORD wID , HWND hwndCtrl ) { switch( wNotifyCode ) { case BN_CLICKED: if( wID == IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_BASEDEC ) { OnClickedAsyncAdvancedBasedec( ); } else if( wID == IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_BASEHEX ) { OnClickedAsyncAdvancedBasehex( ); } else if( wID == IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_FLOWCONTROL_HARDWARE ) { OnClickedAsyncAdvancedFlowcontrolHardware( ); } else if( wID == IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_FLOWCONTROL_SOFTWARE ) { OnClickedAsyncAdvancedFlowcontrolSoftware( ); } else if( wID == IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_FLOWCONTROL_NONE ) { OnClickedAsyncAdvancedFlowcontrolNone( ); } else if( wID == IDOK ) { OnOK( );
return EndDialog( m_hDlg , IDOK ); } else if( wID == IDCANCEL ) { OnCancel( );
return EndDialog( m_hDlg , IDCANCEL ); } else if( wID == ID_HELP ) { TCHAR tchHelpFile[ MAX_PATH ];
VERIFY_E( 0 , LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_ASYNC_HELPFILE , tchHelpFile , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchHelpFile ) ) ); WinHelp( GetParent( hwndCtrl ) , tchHelpFile , HELP_CONTEXT , HID_ASYNCADVANCE ); }
if( wID == IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_HWRX ) { OnCloseupAsyncAdvancedHwrx( ); } else if( wID == IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_HWTX ) { OnCloseupAsyncAdvancedHwtx( ); } break;
if( wID == IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_HWRX ) { OnSelchangeAsyncAdvancedHwrx( ); } else if( wID == IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_HWTX ) { OnSelchangeAsyncAdvancedHwtx( ); } break;
return TRUE; }
// CAdvancedAsyncDlg commands
// int i;
TCHAR tchString[ 80 ];
ASSERT( hCbx != NULL );
// Load up combo boxes with strings.
m_hDlg = hDlg;
int idx = 0;
while( SUCCEEDED( ( hr = m_pCfgcomp->GetHWReceiveName( idx , tchString ) ) ) ) { if( hr == S_FALSE ) { break; }
SendMessage( hCbx , CB_ADDSTRING , 0 , ( LPARAM )tchString );
idx++; }
hCbx = GetDlgItem( hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_HWTX);
ASSERT( hCbx != NULL );
idx = 0;
while( SUCCEEDED( ( hr = m_pCfgcomp->GetHWTransmitName( idx , tchString ) ) ) ) { if( hr == S_FALSE ) { break; }
SendMessage( hCbx , CB_ADDSTRING , 0 , ( LPARAM )tchString );
idx++; }
// Initalize all dialog fields.
if ( m_bReadOnly ) {
* Document is 'read-only': disable all dialog controls and labels * except for CANCEL & HELP buttons.
for ( i=IDL_ASYNC_ADVANCED_FLOWCONTROL; i <=IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_BYTESIZE_8; i++ ) GetDlgItem(i)->EnableWindow(FALSE); GetDlgItem(IDOK)->EnableWindow(FALSE); } */
} // end CAdvancedAsyncDlg::OnInitDialog
void CAdvancedAsyncDlg::OnClickedAsyncAdvancedFlowcontrolHardware() { GetFlowControlFields(); SetFields();
} // end CAdvancedAsyncDlg::OnClickedAsyncAdvancedFlowcontrolHardware
void CAdvancedAsyncDlg::OnClickedAsyncAdvancedFlowcontrolSoftware() { GetFlowControlFields(); SetFields();
} // end CAdvancedAsyncDlg::OnClickedAsyncAdvancedFlowcontrolSoftware
void CAdvancedAsyncDlg::OnClickedAsyncAdvancedFlowcontrolNone() { GetFlowControlFields(); SetFields();
} // end CAdvancedAsyncDlg::OnClickedAsyncAdvancedFlowcontrolNone
void CAdvancedAsyncDlg::OnCloseupAsyncAdvancedHwrx() { OnSelchangeAsyncAdvancedHwrx();
} // end CAdvancedAsyncDlg::OnCloseupAsyncAdvancedHwrx
void CAdvancedAsyncDlg::OnSelchangeAsyncAdvancedHwrx() { HWND hCbx = GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_HWRX );
ASSERT( hCbx != NULL );
* Ignore this notification if the combo box is in a dropped-down * state. */ if( SendMessage( hCbx , CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE , 0 , 0 ) ) { return; }
* Fetch and Set the Hardware fields to update. */ GetHWFields(); SetHWFields(); SetHWFlowText();
} // end CAdvancedAsyncDlg::OnSelchangeAsyncAdvancedHwrx
void CAdvancedAsyncDlg::OnCloseupAsyncAdvancedHwtx() { OnSelchangeAsyncAdvancedHwtx();
} // end CAdvancedAsyncDlg::OnCloseupAsyncAdvancedHwtx
void CAdvancedAsyncDlg::OnSelchangeAsyncAdvancedHwtx() { HWND hCbx = GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDC_ASYNC_ADVANCED_HWTX );
ASSERT( hCbx != NULL );
* Ignore this notification if the combo box is in a dropped-down * state. */ if( SendMessage( hCbx , CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE , 0 , 0 ) ) { return; }
* Fetch and Set the Hardware fields to update. */ GetHWFields(); SetHWFields(); SetHWFlowText();
} // end CAdvancedAsyncDlg::OnSelchangeAsyncAdvancedHwtx
void CAdvancedAsyncDlg::OnClickedAsyncAdvancedBasedec() { /*
* Get/Set the SW fields to display in decimal base. */ GetSWFields(FALSE); SetSWFields();
} // end CAdvancedAsyncDlg::OnClickedAsyncAdvancedBasedec
void CAdvancedAsyncDlg::OnClickedAsyncAdvancedBasehex() { /*
* Get/Set the SW fields to display in hexadecimal base. */ GetSWFields(FALSE); SetSWFields();
} // end CAdvancedAsyncDlg::OnClickedAsyncAdvancedBasehex
void CAdvancedAsyncDlg::OnOK() { /*
* If the Enter key was pressed while a combo box was dropped down, ignore * it (treat as combo list selection only). */ if ( !HandleEnterEscKey(IDOK) ) return;
* Fetch the field contents. Return (don't close dialog) if a problem * was found. */ GetFields();
} // end CAdvancedAsyncDlg::OnOK
void CAdvancedAsyncDlg::OnCancel() { /*
* If the Esc key was pressed while a combo box was dropped down, ignore * it (treat as combo close-up and cancel only). */ HandleEnterEscKey( IDCANCEL );
} // end CAdvancedAsyncDlg::OnCancel
int CAdvancedAsyncDlg::GetCheckedRadioButton( int nIDFirstButton, int nIDLastButton ) { for (int nID = nIDFirstButton; nID <= nIDLastButton; nID++) { if( IsDlgButtonChecked( m_hDlg , nID ) ) { return nID; // id that matched
} }
return 0; // invalid ID
INT_PTR CALLBACK CAdvancedAsyncDlg::DlgProc( HWND hwnd , UINT msg , WPARAM wp , LPARAM lp ) { CAdvancedAsyncDlg *pDlg;
if( msg == WM_INITDIALOG ) { CAdvancedAsyncDlg *pDlg = ( CAdvancedAsyncDlg * )lp;
SetWindowLongPtr( hwnd , DWLP_USER, ( LONG_PTR )pDlg );
if( !IsBadReadPtr( pDlg , sizeof( CAdvancedAsyncDlg ) ) ) { pDlg->OnInitDialog( hwnd , wp , lp ); }
return 0; }
else { pDlg = ( CAdvancedAsyncDlg * )GetWindowLongPtr( hwnd , DWLP_USER);
if( IsBadReadPtr( pDlg , sizeof( CAdvancedAsyncDlg ) ) ) { return 0; } }
switch( msg ) {
/*case WM_DESTROY:
pDlg->OnDestroy( );
pDlg->OnCommand( HIWORD( wp ) , LOWORD( wp ) , ( HWND )lp );
pt.x = LOWORD( lp );
pt.y = HIWORD( lp );
// pDlg->OnContextMenu( ( HWND )wp , pt );
case WM_HELP:
// pDlg->OnHelp( hwnd , ( LPHELPINFO )lp );
/*case WM_NOTIFY:
return pDlg->OnNotify( ( int )wp , ( LPNMHDR )lp , hwnd );*/ }
return 0; } /***********************************************************************************************************/
void CEchoEditControl::OnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( nRepCnt ); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( nFlags ); /*
* Tell dialog to write the character to the device unless we're * currently processing edit control output. This flag check is needed * because the CEdit::Cut() member function will generate an OnChar() * event, which we need to ignore ('\b' processing). */
if( !m_bProcessingOutput ) { ODS( L"CEchoEditControl::OnChar -- WM_ASYNCTESTWRITECHAR( S )\n" );
::SendMessage( m_hDlg , WM_ASYNCTESTWRITECHAR, nChar, 0 ); }
* Pass character on to the edit control. This will do nothing if * the edit control is 'read only'. To cause a 'local echo' effect, * set the edit control to 'read/write'. */
void CEchoEditControl::SubclassDlgItem( HWND hDlg , int nRes ) { HWND hCtrl = GetDlgItem( hDlg , nRes );
ASSERT( hCtrl != NULL );
m_oldproc = ( WNDPROC )SetWindowLongPtr( hCtrl , GWLP_WNDPROC , ( LONG_PTR )CEchoEditControl::WndProc );
SetWindowLongPtr( hCtrl , GWLP_USERDATA , ( LONG_PTR )this );
LRESULT CALLBACK CEchoEditControl::WndProc( HWND hwnd , UINT msg , WPARAM wp , LPARAM lp ) { CEchoEditControl *pEdit = ( CEchoEditControl * )GetWindowLongPtr( hwnd , GWLP_USERDATA );
if( pEdit == NULL ) { ODS( L"CEchoEditControl static object not set\n" );
return 0; }
switch( msg ) {
case WM_CHAR:
pEdit->OnChar( ( TCHAR )wp , LOWORD( lp ) , HIWORD( lp ) );
break; }
if( pEdit->m_oldproc != NULL ) { return ::CallWindowProc( pEdit->m_oldproc , hwnd , msg ,wp , lp ) ; }
return DefWindowProc( hwnd , msg ,wp , lp ); }
CLed::CLed( HBRUSH hBrush ) { m_hBrush = hBrush;
m_bOn = FALSE; }
void CLed::Subclass( HWND hDlg , int nRes ) { HWND hCtrl = GetDlgItem( hDlg , nRes );
ASSERT( hCtrl != NULL );
m_hWnd = hCtrl;
m_oldproc = ( WNDPROC )SetWindowLongPtr( hCtrl , GWLP_WNDPROC , ( LONG_PTR )CLed::WndProc );
SetWindowLongPtr( hCtrl , GWLP_USERDATA , ( LONG_PTR )this ); }
void CLed::Update(int nOn) { m_bOn = nOn ? TRUE : FALSE;
InvalidateRect( m_hWnd , NULL , FALSE );
UpdateWindow( m_hWnd ); }
void CLed::Toggle() { ODS(L"CLed::Toggle\n");
m_bOn = !m_bOn;
InvalidateRect( m_hWnd , NULL , FALSE );
// UpdateWindow( m_hWnd );
void CLed::OnPaint( HWND hwnd ) { RECT rect; PAINTSTRUCT ps;
HDC dc = BeginPaint( hwnd , &ps );
HBRUSH brush;
GetClientRect( hwnd , &rect );
(rect.right)--; (rect.bottom)--; brush = ( HBRUSH )GetStockObject( GRAY_BRUSH );
FrameRect( dc , &rect, brush );
(rect.top)++; (rect.left)++; (rect.right)++; (rect.bottom)++;
brush = ( HBRUSH )GetStockObject( WHITE_BRUSH );
FrameRect( dc , &rect, brush );
(rect.top)++; (rect.left)++; (rect.right) -= 2; (rect.bottom) -= 2; #else
brush = ( HBRUSH )GetStockObject( BLACK_BRUSH ); FrameRect( dc , &rect , brush ); (rect.top)++; (rect.left)++; (rect.right)--; (rect.bottom)--; #endif
DBGMSG( L"led should be %s\n" , m_bOn ? L"red" : L"grey" );
brush = m_bOn ? m_hBrush : ( HBRUSH )GetStockObject( LTGRAY_BRUSH );
FillRect( dc , &rect , brush );
EndPaint( hwnd , &ps );
LRESULT CALLBACK CLed::WndProc( HWND hwnd , UINT msg , WPARAM wp , LPARAM lp ) { CLed *pWnd = ( CLed * )GetWindowLongPtr( hwnd , GWLP_USERDATA );
if( pWnd == NULL ) { ODS( L"CLed is not available\n" );
return 0; }
switch( msg ) {
case WM_PAINT:
pWnd->OnPaint( hwnd );
break; }
if( pWnd->m_oldproc != NULL ) { return ::CallWindowProc( pWnd->m_oldproc , hwnd , msg ,wp , lp ) ; }
return DefWindowProc( hwnd , msg ,wp , lp );
// CThread class construction / destruction, implementation
* * CThread - CThread constructor * * ENTRY: * EXIT: * ******************************************************************************/
CThread::CThread() { m_hThread = NULL;
m_dwThreadID = 0; } // end CThread::CThread
* * ~CThread - CThread destructor * * ENTRY: * EXIT: * ******************************************************************************/ CThread::~CThread() { } // end CThread::~CThread
// CThread operations: primary thread
* * CreateThread - CThread implementation function * * Class wrapper for the Win32 CreateThread API. * * ENTRY: * EXIT: * ******************************************************************************/
HANDLE CThread::CreateThread( DWORD cbStack , DWORD fdwCreate ) { /*
* Simple wrapper for Win32 CreateThread API. */ return( m_hThread = ::CreateThread( NULL, cbStack, ThreadEntryPoint , ( LPVOID ) this, fdwCreate, &m_dwThreadID ) );
} // end CThread::CreateThread
// CThread operations: secondary thread
* * ThreadEntryPoint - CThread implementation function * (SECONDARY THREAD) * * ENTRY: * EXIT: * ******************************************************************************/
DWORD __stdcall CThread::ThreadEntryPoint( LPVOID lpParam ) { CThread *pThread; DWORD dwResult = ( DWORD )-1;
* (lpParam is actually the 'this' pointer) */ pThread = (CThread*)lpParam;
* Run the thread. */ if( pThread != NULL ) { dwResult = pThread->RunThread(); }
* Return the result. */ return(dwResult);
} // end CThread::ThreadEntryPoint
// CATDlgInputThread class construction / destruction, implementation
* * CATDlgInputThread - CATDlgInputThread constructor * * ENTRY: * EXIT: * ******************************************************************************/
CATDlgInputThread::CATDlgInputThread() { /*
* Initialize member variables. */ m_bExit = FALSE; m_ErrorStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; m_hConsumed = NULL;
ZeroMemory( &m_OverlapSignal , sizeof( OVERLAPPED ) ); ZeroMemory( &m_OverlapRead , sizeof( OVERLAPPED ) );
//m_OverlapSignal.hEvent = NULL;
//m_OverlapRead.hEvent = NULL;
m_BufferBytes = 0;
} // end CATDlgInputThread::CATDlgInputThread
* * ~CATDlgInputThread - CATDlgInputThread destructor * * ENTRY: * EXIT: * ******************************************************************************/
CATDlgInputThread::~CATDlgInputThread() { /*
* Close the semaphore and events when the CATDlgInputThread * object is destroyed. */ if ( m_hConsumed ) CloseHandle(m_hConsumed);
if ( m_OverlapRead.hEvent ) CloseHandle(m_OverlapRead.hEvent);
if ( m_OverlapSignal.hEvent ) CloseHandle(m_OverlapSignal.hEvent);
} // end CATDlgInputThread::~CATDlgInputThread
* * RunThread - CATDlgInputThread secondary thread main function loop * (SECONDARY THREAD) * * ENTRY: * EXIT: * (DWORD) exit status for the secondary thread. * ******************************************************************************/
DWORD CATDlgInputThread::RunThread() { HANDLE hWait[2]; DWORD Status; int iStat;
* Initialize for overlapped status and read input. */ m_hConsumed = CreateSemaphore( NULL , 0 , MAX_STATUS_SEMAPHORE_COUNT , NULL );
m_OverlapRead.hEvent = CreateEvent( NULL , TRUE , FALSE , NULL );
m_OverlapSignal.hEvent = CreateEvent( NULL , TRUE , FALSE , NULL );
if ( m_hConsumed == NULL || m_OverlapRead.hEvent == NULL || m_OverlapSignal.hEvent == NULL || !SetCommMask( m_hDevice , EV_CTS | EV_DSR | EV_ERR | EV_RING | EV_RLSD | EV_BREAK ) ) {
* Query initial comm status to initialize dialog with (return if error). */ if ( (iStat = CommStatusAndNotify()) != -1 ) return(iStat);
* Post Read for input data. */ if ( (iStat = PostInputRead()) != -1 ) return(iStat);
* Post Read for status. */ if ( (iStat = PostStatusRead()) != -1 ) return(iStat);
* Loop till exit requested. */ for ( ; ; ) {
* Wait for either input data or an comm status event. */ hWait[0] = m_OverlapRead.hEvent; hWait[1] = m_OverlapSignal.hEvent;
ODS( L"CATDlgInputThread::RunThread waiting on either event to be signaled\n"); Status = WaitForMultipleObjects(2, hWait, FALSE, INFINITE);
* Check for exit. */ if ( m_bExit ) { ODS( L"CATDlgInputThread::RunThread exiting\n" );
return(0); }
if ( Status == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) {
* Read event: * Get result of overlapped read. */
ODS(L"CATDlgInputThread::RunThread Read event signaled\n" );
if ( !GetOverlappedResult( m_hDevice, &m_OverlapRead, &m_BufferBytes, TRUE ) ) {
* Notify dialog. */ if ( (iStat = CommInputNotify()) != -1 ) return(iStat);
* Post Read for input data. */ if ( (iStat = PostInputRead()) != -1 ) return(iStat);
} else if ( Status == WAIT_OBJECT_0+1 ) {
ODS(L"CATDlgInputThread::RunThread Signal event signaled\n" );
* Comm status event: * Query comm status and notify dialog. */ if ( (iStat = CommStatusAndNotify()) != -1 ) return(iStat);
* Post Read for status. */ if ( (iStat = PostStatusRead()) != -1 ) return(iStat);
} else {
* Unknown event: Abort. */ NotifyAbort(IDP_ERROR_WAIT_FOR_MULTIPLE_OBJECTS); return(1); } }
} // end CATDlgInputThread::RunThread
// CATDlgInputThread operations: primary thread
* * SignalConsumed - CATDlgInputThread member function: public operation * * Release the m_hConsumed semaphore to allow secondary thread to continue * running. * * ENTRY: * EXIT: * ******************************************************************************/
void CATDlgInputThread::SignalConsumed() { ReleaseSemaphore( m_hConsumed, 1, NULL );
} // end CATDlgInputThread::SignalConsumed
* * ExitThread - CATDlgInputThread member function: public operation * * Tell the secondary thread to exit and cleanup after. * * ENTRY: * EXIT: * ******************************************************************************/
void CATDlgInputThread::ExitThread() { DWORD dwReturnCode; int i; // CWaitCursor wait;
* If the thread was not created properly, just delete object and return. */ if ( !m_hThread ) { delete this; return; }
* Set the m_bExit flag to TRUE, wake up the run thread's WaitCommEvent() by * resetting device's Comm mask, and bump the consumed semaphore to assure exit. */ m_bExit = TRUE; SetCommMask(m_hDevice, 0); SignalConsumed();
* Purge the recieve buffer and any pending read. */ PurgeComm(m_hDevice, PURGE_RXABORT | PURGE_RXCLEAR);
* Wait a while for the thread to exit. */ for ( i = 0, GetExitCodeThread( m_hThread, &dwReturnCode ); (i < MAX_SLEEP_COUNT) && (dwReturnCode == STILL_ACTIVE); i++ ) {
Sleep(100); GetExitCodeThread( m_hThread, &dwReturnCode ); }
* If the thread has still not exited, terminate it. */ if( dwReturnCode == STILL_ACTIVE ) { TerminateThread( m_hThread, 1 );
ODS( L"Thread terminated irregularly\n" ); }
* Close the thread handle and delete this CATDlgInputThread object */ CloseHandle( m_hThread );
delete this;
} // end CATDlgInputThread::ExitThread
// CATDlgInputThread operations: secondary thread
* * NotifyAbort - CATDlgInputThread member function: private operation * (SECONDARY THREAD) * * Notify the dialog of thread abort and reason. * * ENTRY: * idError (input) * Resource id for error message. * EXIT: * ******************************************************************************/
void CATDlgInputThread::NotifyAbort(UINT idError ) { TCHAR tchErrTitle[ 80 ];
TCHAR tchErrMsg[ 256 ]; //::PostMessage(m_hDlg, WM_ASYNCTESTABORT, idError, GetLastError());
LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_ERROR_TITLE , tchErrTitle , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchErrTitle ) );
LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , idError , tchErrMsg , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchErrMsg ) );
MessageBox( m_hDlg , tchErrMsg , tchErrTitle , MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR );
} // end CATDlgInputThread::NotifyAbort
* * CommInputNotify - CATDlgInputThread member function: private operation * (SECONDARY THREAD) * * Notify the dialog of comm input. * * ENTRY: * EXIT: * -1 no error and continue thread * 0 if ExitThread was requested by parent * ******************************************************************************/
int CATDlgInputThread::CommInputNotify() { /*
* Tell the dialog that we've got some new input. */ ::PostMessage(m_hDlg, WM_ASYNCTESTINPUTREADY, 0, 0);
ODS( L"TSCC:CATDlgInputThread::CommInputNotify WM_ASYNCTESTINPUTREADY (P)\n" ); ODS( L"TSCC:CATDlgInputThread::CommInputNotify waiting on semaphore\n" ); WaitForSingleObject(m_hConsumed, INFINITE); ODS( L"TSCC:CATDlgInputThread::CommInputNotify semaphore signaled\n" );
* Check for thread exit request. */ if ( m_bExit ) return(0); else return(-1);
} // end CATDlgInputThread::CommInputNotify
* * CommStatusAndNotify - CATDlgInputThread member function: private operation * (SECONDARY THREAD) * * Read the comm port status and notify dialog. * * ENTRY: * EXIT: * -1 no error and continue thread * 0 if ExitThread was requested by parent * 1 error condition * ******************************************************************************/
int CATDlgInputThread::CommStatusAndNotify() { PFLOWCONTROLCONFIG pFlow = NULL; DWORD ModemStatus = 0; DWORD Error = 0;
if ( !GetCommModemStatus(m_hDevice, &ModemStatus) ) {
* We can't query the comm information; tell the primary thread * that we've aborted, and return error (will exit thread). */ NotifyAbort(IDP_ERROR_GET_COMM_MODEM_STATUS); return(1); }
* Update modem status */ m_Status.AsyncSignal = ModemStatus;
* Or in status of DTR and RTS */ // pFlow = &m_PdConfig.Params.Async.FlowControl;
pFlow = &m_ac.FlowControl;
if ( pFlow->fEnableDTR ) m_Status.AsyncSignal |= MS_DTR_ON; if ( pFlow->fEnableRTS ) m_Status.AsyncSignal |= MS_RTS_ON;
* OR in new event mask */ m_Status.AsyncSignalMask |= m_EventMask;
* Update async error counters */ if ( m_EventMask & EV_ERR ) { (VOID) ClearCommError( m_hDevice, &Error, NULL ); if ( Error & CE_OVERRUN ) m_Status.Output.AsyncOverrunError++; if ( Error & CE_FRAME ) m_Status.Input.AsyncFramingError++; if ( Error & CE_RXOVER ) m_Status.Input.AsyncOverflowError++; if ( Error & CE_RXPARITY ) m_Status.Input.AsyncParityError++; }
* Tell the dialog that we've got some new status information. */ ::PostMessage(m_hDlg, WM_ASYNCTESTSTATUSREADY, 0, 0);
ODS( L"TSCC:CATDlgInputThread::CommStatusAndNotify WM_ASYNCTESTSTATUSREADY( P )\n"); ODS( L"TSCC:CATDlgInputThread::CommStatusAndNotify waiting on semaphore\n" ); WaitForSingleObject(m_hConsumed, INFINITE); ODS( L"TSCC:CATDlgInputThread::CommStatusAndNotify semaphore signaled\n" );
* Check for thread exit request. */ if ( m_bExit ) return(0); else return(-1);
} // end CATDlgInputThread::CommStatusAndNotify
* * PostInputRead - CATDlgInputThread member function: private operation * (SECONDARY THREAD) * * Post a ReadFile operation for the device, processing as long as data * is present. * * ENTRY: * EXIT: * -1 if read operation posted sucessfully * 0 if ExitThread was requested by parent * 1 if error condition * ******************************************************************************/
int CATDlgInputThread::PostInputRead() { int iStat;
// TCHAR tchErrTitle[ 80 ];
// TCHAR tchErrMsg[ 256 ];
* Post read for input data, processing immediataly if not 'pending'. */
while ( ReadFile( m_hDevice, m_Buffer, MAX_COMMAND_LEN, &m_BufferBytes, &m_OverlapRead ) ) { DBGMSG( L"Buffer received %s\n",m_Buffer );
if ( (iStat = CommInputNotify()) != -1 ) return(iStat); }
* Make sure read is pending (not some other error). */ if ( GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { DBGMSG( L"ReadFile returned 0x%x\n" , GetLastError() );
NotifyAbort(IDP_ERROR_READ_FILE); /* LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_ERROR_TITLE , tchErrTitle , sizeof( tchErrTitle ) );
LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDP_ERROR_READ_FILE , tchErrMsg , sizeof( tchErrMsg ) );
MessageBox( m_hDlg , tchErrMsg , tchErrTitle , MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR );*/
EndDialog(m_hDlg, IDCANCEL);
return(1); }
* Return 'posted sucessfully' status. */ return(-1);
} // end CATDlgInputThread::PostInputRead
* * PostStatusRead - CATDlgInputThread member function: private operation * (SECONDARY THREAD) * * Post a WaitCommStatus operation for the device. * * ENTRY: * EXIT: * -1 if status operation posted sucessfully * 1 if error condition * ******************************************************************************/
int CATDlgInputThread::PostStatusRead() { /*
* Post read for comm status. */ ODS( L"CATDlgInputThread::PostStatusRead\n");
if ( !WaitCommEvent(m_hDevice, &m_EventMask, &m_OverlapSignal) ) {
* Make sure comm status read is pending (not some other error). */ if ( GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING ) {
NotifyAbort(IDP_ERROR_WAIT_COMM_EVENT); return(1); } }
* Return 'posted sucessfully' status. */ return(-1);
} // end CATDlgInputThread::PostStatusRead
// CAsyncTestDlg class construction / destruction, implementation
* * CAsyncTestDlg - CAsyncTestDlg constructor * * ENTRY: * EXIT: * (Refer to MFC CDialog::CDialog documentation) * ******************************************************************************/
CAsyncTestDlg::CAsyncTestDlg(ICfgComp * pCfgComp) : m_hDevice(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), m_hRedBrush(NULL), m_LEDToggleTimer(0), m_pATDlgInputThread(NULL), m_CurrentPos(0), m_hModem(NULL), m_bDeletedWinStation(FALSE) { /*
* Create a solid RED brush for painting the 'LED's when 'on'. */ m_hRedBrush = CreateSolidBrush( RGB( 255 , 0 , 0 ) );
* Initialize member variables. */
FillMemory( &m_Status , sizeof( PROTOCOLSTATUS ) , 0 );
FillMemory( &m_OverlapWrite , sizeof( OVERLAPPED ) , 0 );
* Create the led objects. */ for( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_LEDS ; i++ ) { m_pLeds[i] = new CLed(m_hRedBrush);
m_pCfgComp = pCfgComp;
if( pCfgComp != NULL ) { m_pCfgComp->AddRef(); }
} // end CAsyncTestDlg::CAsyncTestDlg
* * ~CAsyncTestDlg - CAsyncTestDlg destructor * * ENTRY: * EXIT: * (Refer to MFC CDialog::~CDialog documentation) * ******************************************************************************/
CAsyncTestDlg::~CAsyncTestDlg() { /*
* Zap our led objects. */ for( int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++ ) { if( m_pLeds[i] != NULL ) { delete m_pLeds[i]; } } if(m_pCfgComp != NULL ) { m_pCfgComp->Release(); }
} // end CAsyncTestDlg::~CAsyncTestDlg
// CAsyncTestDlg operations
* * NotifyAbort - CAsyncTestDlg member function: private operation * * Post a WM_ASYNCTESTABORT message to notify the dialog of * abort and reason. * * ENTRY: * idError (input) * Resource id for error message. * EXIT: * ******************************************************************************/
void CAsyncTestDlg::NotifyAbort( UINT idError ) { TCHAR tchErrTitle[ 80 ];
TCHAR tchErrMsg[ 256 ];
LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_ERROR_TITLE , tchErrTitle , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchErrTitle ) );
LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , idError , tchErrMsg , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchErrMsg ) );
MessageBox( m_hDlg , tchErrMsg , tchErrTitle , MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR );
} // end CAsyncTestDlg::NotifyAbort
* * DeviceSetParams - CAsyncTestDlg member function: private operation * * Set device parameters for opened device. * * ENTRY: * EXIT: * TRUE - no error; FALSE error. * ******************************************************************************/
BOOL CAsyncTestDlg::DeviceSetParams() { PASYNCCONFIG pAsync; PFLOWCONTROLCONFIG pFlow; DCB Dcb;
* Get pointer to async parameters */ // pAsync = &m_PdConfig0.Params.Async;
pAsync = &m_ac;
* Get current DCB */ if( !GetCommState( m_hDevice, &Dcb ) ) { return(FALSE); }
* Set defaults */ Dcb.fOutxCtsFlow = FALSE; Dcb.fOutxDsrFlow = FALSE; Dcb.fTXContinueOnXoff = TRUE; Dcb.fOutX = FALSE; Dcb.fInX = FALSE; Dcb.fErrorChar = FALSE; Dcb.fNull = FALSE; Dcb.fAbortOnError = FALSE;
* Set Communication parameters */ Dcb.BaudRate = pAsync->BaudRate; Dcb.Parity = (BYTE) pAsync->Parity; Dcb.StopBits = (BYTE) pAsync->StopBits; Dcb.ByteSize = (BYTE) pAsync->ByteSize; Dcb.fDsrSensitivity = pAsync->fEnableDsrSensitivity;
pFlow = &pAsync->FlowControl;
* Initialize default DTR state */ if ( pFlow->fEnableDTR ) Dcb.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE; else Dcb.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE;
* Initialize default RTS state */ if ( pFlow->fEnableRTS ) Dcb.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE; else Dcb.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE;
* Initialize flow control */ switch ( pFlow->Type ) {
* Initialize hardware flow control */ case FlowControl_Hardware :
switch ( pFlow->HardwareReceive ) { case ReceiveFlowControl_RTS : Dcb.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE; break; case ReceiveFlowControl_DTR : Dcb.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE; break; } switch ( pFlow->HardwareTransmit ) { case TransmitFlowControl_CTS : Dcb.fOutxCtsFlow = TRUE; break; case TransmitFlowControl_DSR : Dcb.fOutxDsrFlow = TRUE; break; } break;
* Initialize software flow control */ case FlowControl_Software : Dcb.fOutX = pFlow->fEnableSoftwareTx; Dcb.fInX = pFlow->fEnableSoftwareRx; Dcb.XonChar = (char) pFlow->XonChar; Dcb.XoffChar = (char) pFlow->XoffChar; break;
case FlowControl_None : break;
* Set new DCB */ if ( !SetCommState( m_hDevice, &Dcb ) ) return(FALSE);
return( TRUE );
} // end CAsyncTestDlg::DeviceSetParams
* * DeviceWrite - CAsyncTestDlg member function: private operation * * Write out m_Buffer contents (m_BufferBytes length) to the m_hDevice. * * ENTRY: * EXIT: * TRUE - no error; FALSE error. * ******************************************************************************/
BOOL CAsyncTestDlg::DeviceWrite() { DWORD Error, BytesWritten;
* Write data */ ODS( L"TSCC:CAsyncTestDlg::DeviceWrite Writing out to buffer\n" );
if ( !WriteFile( m_hDevice, m_Buffer, m_BufferBytes, &BytesWritten, &m_OverlapWrite ) ) { DBGMSG( L"TSCC:CAsyncTestDlg::DeviceWrite WriteFile returned 0x%x\n" , GetLastError() );
if ( (Error = GetLastError()) == ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { /*
* Wait for write to complete (this may block till timeout) */ if ( !GetOverlappedResult( m_hDevice, &m_OverlapWrite, &BytesWritten, TRUE ) ) { CancelIo( m_hDevice );
return(FALSE); }
} else {
NotifyAbort(IDP_ERROR_WRITE_FILE); return(FALSE); } }
} // end CAsyncTestDlg::DeviceWrite
cwnd * CAsyncTestDlg::GetDlgItem( int nRes ) { HWND hCtrl = ::GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , nRes );
for( int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++ ) { if( m_pLeds[ i ] != NULL ) { if( m_pLeds[ i ]->m_hWnd == hCtrl ) { return m_pLeds[ i ]; } } }
return 0; }
* * SetInfoFields - CAsyncTestDlg member function: private operation * * Update the fields in the dialog with new data, if necessary. * * ENTRY: * pCurrent (input) * points to COMMINFO structure containing the current Comm Input data. * pNew (input) * points to COMMINFO structure containing the new Comm Input data. * * EXIT: * ******************************************************************************/
void CAsyncTestDlg::SetInfoFields( PPROTOCOLSTATUS pCurrent , PPROTOCOLSTATUS pNew ) { BOOL bSetTimer = FALSE;
* Set new LED states if state change, or set up for quick toggle if * no state changed, but change(s) were detected since last query. */ if( ( pCurrent->AsyncSignal & MS_DTR_ON ) != ( pNew->AsyncSignal & MS_DTR_ON ) ) { pNew->AsyncSignalMask &= ~EV_DTR;
((CLed *)GetDlgItem(IDC_ATDLG_DTR))->Update(pNew->AsyncSignal & MS_DTR_ON);
} else if ( pNew->AsyncSignalMask & EV_DTR ) {
pCurrent->AsyncSignal ^= MS_DTR_ON;
((CLed *)GetDlgItem(IDC_ATDLG_DTR))->Toggle();
bSetTimer = TRUE; }
if ( (pCurrent->AsyncSignal & MS_RTS_ON) != (pNew->AsyncSignal & MS_RTS_ON) ) {
pNew->AsyncSignalMask &= ~EV_RTS; ((CLed *)GetDlgItem(IDC_ATDLG_RTS))-> Update(pNew->AsyncSignal & MS_RTS_ON);
} else if ( pNew->AsyncSignalMask & EV_RTS ) {
pCurrent->AsyncSignal ^= MS_RTS_ON;
((CLed *)GetDlgItem(IDC_ATDLG_RTS))->Toggle();
bSetTimer = TRUE; }
if ( (pCurrent->AsyncSignal & MS_CTS_ON) != (pNew->AsyncSignal & MS_CTS_ON) ) {
pNew->AsyncSignalMask &= ~EV_CTS; ((CLed *)GetDlgItem(IDC_ATDLG_CTS))-> Update(pNew->AsyncSignal & MS_CTS_ON);
} else if ( pNew->AsyncSignalMask & EV_CTS ) {
pCurrent->AsyncSignal ^= MS_CTS_ON;
((CLed *)GetDlgItem(IDC_ATDLG_CTS))->Toggle();
bSetTimer = TRUE; }
if ( (pCurrent->AsyncSignal & MS_RLSD_ON) != (pNew->AsyncSignal & MS_RLSD_ON) ) {
pNew->AsyncSignalMask &= ~EV_RLSD; ((CLed *)GetDlgItem(IDC_ATDLG_DCD))-> Update(pNew->AsyncSignal & MS_RLSD_ON);
} else if ( pNew->AsyncSignalMask & EV_RLSD ) {
pCurrent->AsyncSignal ^= MS_RLSD_ON;
((CLed *)GetDlgItem(IDC_ATDLG_DCD))->Toggle();
bSetTimer = TRUE; }
if ( (pCurrent->AsyncSignal & MS_DSR_ON) != (pNew->AsyncSignal & MS_DSR_ON) ) {
pNew->AsyncSignalMask &= ~EV_DSR; ((CLed *)GetDlgItem(IDC_ATDLG_DSR))-> Update(pNew->AsyncSignal & MS_DSR_ON);
} else if ( pNew->AsyncSignalMask & EV_DSR ) {
pCurrent->AsyncSignal ^= MS_DSR_ON;
((CLed *)GetDlgItem(IDC_ATDLG_DSR))->Toggle();
bSetTimer = TRUE; }
if ( (pCurrent->AsyncSignal & MS_RING_ON) != (pNew->AsyncSignal & MS_RING_ON) ) {
pNew->AsyncSignalMask &= ~EV_RING; ((CLed *)GetDlgItem(IDC_ATDLG_RI))-> Update(pNew->AsyncSignal & MS_RING_ON);
} else if ( pNew->AsyncSignalMask & EV_RING ) {
pCurrent->AsyncSignal ^= MS_RING_ON;
((CLed *)GetDlgItem(IDC_ATDLG_RI))->Toggle();
bSetTimer = TRUE; }
* Create our led toggle timer if needed. */ if ( bSetTimer && !m_LEDToggleTimer ) { m_LEDToggleTimer = SetTimer( m_hDlg , IDD_ASYNC_TEST , ASYNC_LED_TOGGLE_MSEC, NULL ); }
} // end CAsyncTestDlg::SetInfoFields
// CAsyncTestDlg message map
BOOL CAsyncTestDlg::OnCommand( WORD wNotifyCode , WORD wID , HWND hwndCtrl ) { if( wNotifyCode == BN_CLICKED ) { if( wID == IDC_ATDLG_MODEM_DIAL ) { OnClickedAtdlgModemDial( ); } else if( wID == IDC_ATDLG_MODEM_INIT ) { OnClickedAtdlgModemInit( ); } else if( wID == IDC_ATDLG_MODEM_LISTEN ) { OnClickedAtdlgModemListen( ); } else if( wID == IDOK ) { EndDialog( m_hDlg , IDOK ); } else if( wID == IDCANCEL ) { EndDialog( m_hDlg , IDCANCEL ); } else if( wID == ID_HELP ) { TCHAR tchHelpFile[ MAX_PATH ];
VERIFY_E( 0 , LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_ASYNC_HELPFILE , tchHelpFile , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchHelpFile ) ) );
WinHelp( GetParent( hwndCtrl ) , tchHelpFile , HELP_CONTEXT , HID_ASYNCTEST ); }
return TRUE; }
// CAsyncTestDlg commands
* * OnInitDialog - CAsyncTestDlg member function: command (override) * * Performs the dialog intialization. * * ENTRY: * EXIT: * (Refer to CDialog::OnInitDialog documentation) * WM_ASYNCTESTABORT message(s) will have been posted on error. * ******************************************************************************/
int i;
TCHAR tchErrTitle[ 80 ];
TCHAR tchErrMsg[ 256 ];
m_hDlg = hDlg;
//#ifdef WINSTA
ULONG LogonId; //#endif // WINSTA
* Fill in the device and baud fields. */ SetDlgItemText( hDlg , IDL_ATDLG_DEVICE , m_ac.DeviceName );
SetDlgItemInt( hDlg , IDL_ATDLG_BAUD , m_ac.BaudRate , FALSE );
* If a WinStation memory object is currently present, reset it. */ //#ifdef WINSTA
if ( m_pWSName != NULL ) //&& LogonIdFromWinStationName( SERVERNAME_CURRENT , m_pWSName , &LogonId ) )
{ LONG Status;
ULONG Length;
LONG lCount = 0;
TCHAR tchbuf[ 256 ];
if( m_pCfgComp != NULL ) { ODS( L"TSCC : Testing for live connections\n" );
m_pCfgComp->QueryLoggedOnCount( m_pWSName,&lCount);
if( lCount ) { VERIFY_E( 0 , LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_WRN_TSTCON , tchbuf , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchbuf ) ) );
wsprintf( tchErrMsg , tchbuf , m_pWSName);
VERIFY_E( 0 , LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_WARN_TITLE , tchErrTitle , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchErrTitle ) ) );
if( MessageBox( hDlg , tchbuf , tchErrTitle , MB_YESNO | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ) == IDNO ) { PostMessage( hDlg , WM_COMMAND , MAKEWPARAM( IDOK, BN_CLICKED ) , (LPARAM)(::GetDlgItem( hDlg , IDOK ) ) );
return(TRUE); // exit dialog via posted 'OK' click
} } }
Status = RegWinStationQuery( SERVERNAME_CURRENT, m_pWSName, &m_WSConfig, sizeof(WINSTATIONCONFIG2), &Length ); if(Status) { NotifyAbort(IDP_ERROR_DISABLE); return(TRUE); }
m_WSConfig.Create.fEnableWinStation = FALSE;
Status = RegWinStationCreate( SERVERNAME_CURRENT, m_pWSName, FALSE, &m_WSConfig, sizeof(WINSTATIONCONFIG2 ) ) ; if(Status) { NotifyAbort(IDP_ERROR_DISABLE); return(TRUE); }
* Do the reset. If, for some reason, the reset was unsucessful, * the device open will fail (below). */ // CWaitCursor wait;
if( LogonIdFromWinStationName( SERVERNAME_CURRENT , m_pWSName , &LogonId ) ) {
BOOL b = ( BOOL )WinStationReset(SERVERNAME_CURRENT, LogonId, TRUE);
DBGMSG( L"TSCC:CAsyncTestDlg::OnInitDialog WinStationReset returned %s\n", b ? L"TRUE" : L"FALSE" );
//m_bDeletedWinStation = TRUE;
m_bDeletedWinStation = TRUE; } //#endif // WINSTA
* Open the specified device. */ lstrcpy( DeviceName, TEXT("\\\\.\\") );
// lstrcat( DeviceName, m_PdConfig0.Params.Async.DeviceName );
lstrcat( DeviceName, m_ac.DeviceName );
if( ( m_hDevice = CreateFile( DeviceName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, // exclusive access
NULL, // no security attr
OPEN_EXISTING, // must exist
) ) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { NotifyAbort(IDP_ERROR_CANT_OPEN_DEVICE); /* LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_ERROR_TITLE , tchErrTitle , sizeof( tchErrTitle ) );
LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDP_ERROR_CANT_OPEN_DEVICE , tchErrMsg , sizeof( tchErrMsg ) );
MessageBox( hDlg , tchErrMsg , tchErrTitle , MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR );*/
return(FALSE); }
* Set device timeouts & communication parameters and create an event * for overlapped writes. */ FillMemory( &CommTimeouts , sizeof( COMMTIMEOUTS ) , 0 );
CommTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 1; // 1 msec
CommTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 1000; // 1 second
m_OverlapWrite.hEvent = CreateEvent( NULL , TRUE , FALSE, NULL );
if( !SetCommTimeouts(m_hDevice, &CommTimeouts) || !DeviceSetParams() || m_OverlapWrite.hEvent == NULL ) {
/* LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_ERROR_TITLE , tchErrTitle , sizeof( tchErrTitle ) );
LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDP_ERROR_CANT_INITIALIZE_DEVICE , tchErrMsg , sizeof( tchErrMsg ) );
MessageBox( hDlg , tchErrMsg , tchErrTitle , MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR );*/
return(TRUE); }
* Create the input thread object and initialize it's member variables. */ m_pATDlgInputThread = new CATDlgInputThread;
m_pATDlgInputThread->m_hDlg = m_hDlg;
m_pATDlgInputThread->m_hDevice = m_hDevice;
// m_pATDlgInputThread->m_PdConfig = m_PdConfig0;
m_pATDlgInputThread->m_ac = m_ac;
return(TRUE); }
* Hide the modem string buttons if a modem is not configured, or disable * buttons that are not valid. */ for( int id = IDC_ATDLG_MODEM_INIT ; id <= IDC_ATDLG_PHONE_NUMBER ; id++ ) { EnableWindow( ::GetDlgItem( hDlg , id) , FALSE);
ShowWindow( ::GetDlgItem( hDlg , id) , SW_HIDE); }
* Subclass the edit field to pass messages to dialog first. */ m_EditControl.m_hDlg = m_hDlg;
m_EditControl.m_bProcessingOutput = FALSE;
m_EditControl.SubclassDlgItem( hDlg , IDC_ATDLG_EDIT );
* Determine the edit control's font and format offset metrics. */
TEXTMETRIC tm; RECT Rect; HDC dc; HFONT hFont , hOldFont;
dc = GetDC( m_EditControl.m_hWnd );
hFont = ( HFONT )SendMessage( m_EditControl.m_hWnd , WM_GETFONT , 0 , 0 );
hOldFont = ( HFONT )SelectObject( dc , hFont);
GetTextMetrics( dc , &tm );
SelectObject( dc , hOldFont);
ReleaseDC( m_EditControl.m_hWnd , dc );
m_EditControl.m_FontHeight = tm.tmHeight;
m_EditControl.m_FontWidth = tm.tmMaxCharWidth;
SendMessage( m_EditControl.m_hWnd , EM_GETRECT , 0 , ( LPARAM )&Rect );
m_EditControl.m_FormatOffsetY = Rect.top;
m_EditControl.m_FormatOffsetX = Rect.left;
* Subclass the led controls and default to 'off'. */ for( i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++ ) { m_pLeds[i]->Subclass( hDlg , LedIds[i] );
return ( TRUE );
} // end CAsyncTestDlg::OnInitDialog
* * OnTimer - CAsyncTestDlg member function: command (override) * * Used for quick 'LED toggle'. * * ENTRY: * EXIT: * (Refer to CWnd::OnTimer documentation) * ******************************************************************************/
void CAsyncTestDlg::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) { /*
* Process this timer event if it it our 'LED toggle' event. */ ODS( L"TSCC:CAsyncTestDlg::OnTimer \n" );
if( nIDEvent == m_LEDToggleTimer ) { ODS( L"TSCC:CAsyncTestDlg::OnTimer hit event\n" ); /*
* Toggle each LED that is flagged as 'changed'. */ ODS( L"TSCC:led toggle " );
if( m_Status.AsyncSignalMask & EV_DTR ) { ODS( L"dtr\n");
( ( CLed * )GetDlgItem( IDC_ATDLG_DTR ) )->Toggle(); }
if( m_Status.AsyncSignalMask & EV_RTS ) { ODS(L"rts\n");
( ( CLed * )GetDlgItem( IDC_ATDLG_RTS ) )->Toggle(); }
if( m_Status.AsyncSignalMask & EV_CTS ) { ODS(L"cts\n"); ( ( CLed * )GetDlgItem( IDC_ATDLG_CTS ) )->Toggle(); }
if( m_Status.AsyncSignalMask & EV_RLSD ) { ODS(L"rlsd\n");
( ( CLed * )GetDlgItem( IDC_ATDLG_DCD ) )->Toggle(); }
if( m_Status.AsyncSignalMask & EV_DSR ) { ODS(L"dsr\n");
( ( CLed * )GetDlgItem( IDC_ATDLG_DSR ) )->Toggle(); }
if( m_Status.AsyncSignalMask & EV_RING ) { ODS(L"ring\n" ); ( ( CLed * )GetDlgItem( IDC_ATDLG_RI ) )->Toggle(); }
* Kill this timer event and indicate so. */
KillTimer( m_hDlg , m_LEDToggleTimer );
m_LEDToggleTimer = 0; }
} // end CAsyncTestDlg::OnTimer
* * OnAsyncTestError - CAsyncTestDlg member function: command * * Handle the Async Test Dialog error conditions. * * ENTRY: * wParam (input) * Contains message ID for error. * wLparam (input) * Contains error code (GetLastError or API-specific return code) * EXIT: * (LRESULT) always returns 0 to indicate error handling complete. * ******************************************************************************/ /*#define STANDARD_ERROR_MESSAGE(x) { if ( 1 ) StandardErrorMessage x ; }
LRESULT CAsyncTestDlg::OnAsyncTestError( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { /*
* Handle special and default errors. */
/*switch ( wParam )
case IDP_ERROR_DISABLE: StandardErrorMessage( L"Test", (HWND)LOGONID_NONE, (HINSTANCE)lParam, wParam, (UINT)m_pWSName,0 ); break;
default: StandardErrorMessage( L"Test",(HWND) LOGONID_NONE, (HINSTANCE)lParam, (UINT)wParam, lParam,0); break; }
} // end CAsyncTestDlg::OnAsyncTestError*/
* * OnAsyncTestAbort - CAsyncTestDlg member function: command * * Handle the Async Test Dialog abort conditions. * * ENTRY: * wParam (input) * Contains message ID for error. * wLparam (input) * Contains error code (GetLastError) * EXIT: * (LRESULT) always returns 0 to indicate error handling complete. Will * have posted an 'Ok' (Exit) button click to cause exit. * ******************************************************************************/
LRESULT CAsyncTestDlg::OnAsyncTestAbort( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( lParam ); /*
* Call OnAsyncTestError() to output message. */ //OnAsyncTestError(wParam, lParam);
NotifyAbort((UINT)wParam); /*
* Post a click for 'OK' (Exit) button to exit dialog. */ PostMessage( m_hDlg , WM_COMMAND , MAKEWPARAM( IDOK, BN_CLICKED ) , (LPARAM)::GetDlgItem( m_hDlg , IDOK ) );
} // end CAsyncTestDlg::OnAsyncTestAbort
* * OnAsyncTestStatusReady - CAsyncTestDlg member function: command * * Update dialog with comm status information. * * ENTRY: * wParam (input) * not used (0) * wLparam (input) * not used (0) * EXIT: * (LRESULT) always returns 0. * ******************************************************************************/
* Update dialog fields with information from the input thread's * PROTOCOLSTATUS structure. */ SetInfoFields( &m_Status, &(m_pATDlgInputThread->m_Status) );
* Set our working PROTOCOLSTATUS structure to the new one and signal * the thread that we're done. */ m_Status = m_pATDlgInputThread->m_Status;
} // end CAsyncTestDlg::OnAsyncTestStatusReady
* * OnAsyncTestInputReady - CAsyncTestDlg member function: command * * Update dialog with comm input data. * * ENTRY: * wParam (input) * not used (0) * wLparam (input) * not used (0) * EXIT: * (LRESULT) always returns 0. * ******************************************************************************/
int i, j;
* Copy the thread's buffer and count locally. */ m_BufferBytes = m_pATDlgInputThread->m_BufferBytes;
CopyMemory( m_Buffer , m_pATDlgInputThread->m_Buffer , m_BufferBytes );
* Always return caret to the current position before processing, and set * edit control to 'read/write' so that character overwrites can occur * properly. Finally, flag control for no redraw until all updates are completed, * and flag 'processing output' to avoid OnChar() recursion during '\b' processing. */
SendMessage( m_EditControl.m_hWnd , EM_SETSEL , m_CurrentPos , m_CurrentPos );
SendMessage( m_EditControl.m_hWnd , EM_SETREADONLY , ( WPARAM )FALSE , 0 );
SendMessage( m_EditControl.m_hWnd , WM_SETREDRAW , ( WPARAM )FALSE , 0 );
* Loop to traverse the buffer, with special processing for certain * control characters. */ for ( i = 0, j = 0; m_BufferBytes; i++, m_BufferBytes-- ) { switch( m_Buffer[i] ) { case '\b': /*
* If there is data in the output buffer, write it now. */ if( j ) { OutputToEditControl(OutBuf, &j); }
* Output the '\b' (will actually cut current character from buffer) */ OutBuf[j++] = '\b';
OutputToEditControl(OutBuf, &j);
case '\r': /*
* If there is data in the output buffer, write it now. */ if( j ) { OutputToEditControl(OutBuf, &j); }
* Output the '\r' (will not actually output, but will special case * for caret positioning and screen update). */
OutBuf[j++] = '\r';
OutputToEditControl(OutBuf, &j);
case '\n': /*
* If there is data in the output buffer, write it now. */
if( j ) { OutputToEditControl(OutBuf, &j); }
* Output the '\n' (will actually quietly output the '\r' and take * care of scolling). */ OutBuf[j++] = '\n';
OutputToEditControl(OutBuf, &j);
continue; }
* Add this character to the output buffer. */ OutBuf[j++] = m_Buffer[i]; }
* If there is anything remaining in the output buffer, output it now. */ if( j ) { OutputToEditControl(OutBuf, &j); }
* Place edit control back in 'read only' mode, flag 'not processing output', * set redraw flag for control, and validate the entire control (updates have * already taken place). */ SendMessage( m_EditControl.m_hWnd , EM_SETREADONLY , ( WPARAM )TRUE , 0 );
SendMessage( m_EditControl.m_hWnd , WM_SETREDRAW , ( WPARAM )TRUE , 0 );
ValidateRect( m_EditControl.m_hWnd , NULL );
* Signal thread that we're done with input so that it can continue. * NOTE: we don't do this at the beginning of the routine even though * we could (for more parallelism), since a constantly chatty async * line would cause WM_ASYNCTESTINPUTREADY messages to always be posted * to our message queue, effectively blocking any other message processing * (like telling the dialog to exit!). */
} // end CAsyncTestDlg::OnAsyncTestInputReady
/*******************************************************************************/ void CAsyncTestDlg::OutputToEditControl( BYTE *pBuffer, int *pIndex ) { RECT Rect, ClientRect;
BOOL bScroll = FALSE;
INT_PTR CurrentLine = SendMessage( m_EditControl.m_hWnd , EM_LINEFROMCHAR , ( WPARAM )m_CurrentPos , 0 );
INT_PTR FirstVisibleLine = SendMessage( m_EditControl.m_hWnd , EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE , 0 , 0 );
INT_PTR CurrentLineIndex = SendMessage( m_EditControl.m_hWnd , EM_LINEINDEX , ( WPARAM )CurrentLine , 0 );
* Calculate clip rectangle. */ Rect.top = ( ( int )( CurrentLine - FirstVisibleLine ) * m_EditControl.m_FontHeight ) + m_EditControl.m_FormatOffsetY;
Rect.bottom = Rect.top + m_EditControl.m_FontHeight;
Rect.left = m_EditControl.m_FormatOffsetX +( ( int )( m_CurrentPos - CurrentLineIndex ) * m_EditControl.m_FontWidth );
Rect.right = Rect.left + (*pIndex * m_EditControl.m_FontWidth);
* Handle special cases. */ if ( pBuffer[0] == '\b' ) {
* If we're already at the beginning of the line, clear buffer index * and return (don't do anything). */ if ( m_CurrentPos == CurrentLineIndex ) {
*pIndex = 0; return; }
* Position the caret back one character and select through current character. */ SendMessage( m_EditControl.m_hWnd , EM_SETSEL , m_CurrentPos - 1 , m_CurrentPos );
* Cut the character out of the edit buffer. */ m_EditControl.m_bProcessingOutput = TRUE;
SendMessage( m_EditControl.m_hWnd , WM_CUT , 0 , 0 );
m_EditControl.m_bProcessingOutput = FALSE;
* Decrement current position and zero index to suppress further output. Also, * widen the clipping rectangle back one character. */ Rect.left -= m_EditControl.m_FontWidth;
*pIndex = 0;
} else if( pBuffer[0] == '\r' ) {
* Position the caret at the beginning of the current line. */ m_CurrentPos = CurrentLineIndex;
SendMessage( m_EditControl.m_hWnd , EM_SETSEL , m_CurrentPos, m_CurrentPos );
* Zero index to keep from actually outputing to edit buffer. */ *pIndex = 0;
} else if( pBuffer[0] == '\n' ) {
* Position selection point at end of the current edit buffer. */
m_CurrentPos = GetWindowTextLength( m_EditControl.m_hWnd );
SendMessage( m_EditControl.m_hWnd , EM_SETSEL , m_CurrentPos , -1 );
* Cause '\r' '\n' pair to be output to edit buffer. */ pBuffer[0] = '\r'; pBuffer[1] = '\n'; *pIndex = 2;
* See if scrolling needed. */ GetClientRect( m_EditControl.m_hWnd , &ClientRect );
if ( (Rect.bottom + m_EditControl.m_FontHeight) > ClientRect.bottom ) bScroll = TRUE;
} else {
* Set selection from current position through *pIndex characters. This * will perform desired 'overwrite' function if current position is not at * the end of the edit buffer. */
SendMessage( m_EditControl.m_hWnd , EM_SETSEL , m_CurrentPos , m_CurrentPos + *pIndex ); }
* If necessary, update the dialog's edit box with the buffer data. */ if( *pIndex ) {
#ifdef UNICODE
mbstowcs(OutBuffer, (PCHAR)pBuffer, *pIndex); OutBuffer[*pIndex] = TEXT('\0'); SendMessage( m_EditControl.m_hWnd , EM_REPLACESEL , ( WPARAM )FALSE , ( LPARAM )OutBuffer ); #else
pBuffer[*pIndex] = BYTE('\0');
SendMessage( m_EditControl.m_hWnd , EM_REPLACESEL , ( WPARAM )FALSE , ( LPARAM )pBuffer );
#endif // UNICODE
* Update the current line. */
SendMessage( m_EditControl.m_hWnd , WM_SETREDRAW , ( WPARAM )TRUE , 0 );
ValidateRect( m_EditControl.m_hWnd , NULL );
InvalidateRect( m_EditControl.m_hWnd , &Rect , FALSE );
UpdateWindow( m_EditControl.m_hWnd ); /*
* If scrolling is required to see the new line, do so. */ if( bScroll ) { SendMessage( m_EditControl.m_hWnd , EM_LINESCROLL , 0 , 1 ); }
SendMessage( m_EditControl.m_hWnd , WM_SETREDRAW , ( WPARAM )FALSE , 0 );
* Update current position and clear buffer index. */
m_CurrentPos += *pIndex;
*pIndex = 0;
} // end CAsyncTestDlg::OutputToEditControl
* * OnAsyncTestWriteChar - CAsyncTestDlg member function: command * * Place the specified character in m_Buffer, set m_BufferBytes to 1, * and call DeviceWrite() to output the character to the device. * * ENTRY: * wParam (input) * Character to write. * lParam (input) * not used (0) * EXIT: * (LRESULT) always returns 0. * ******************************************************************************/
LRESULT CAsyncTestDlg::OnAsyncTestWriteChar( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( wParam ); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( lParam ); /*
* Write the byte to the device. */ m_Buffer[0] = (BYTE)wParam;
m_BufferBytes = 1;
} // end CAsyncTestDlg::OnAsyncTestWriteChar
* * OnClickedAtdlgModemDial - CAsyncTestDlg member function: command * * Send the modem dial string. * * ENTRY: * EXIT: * ******************************************************************************/
void CAsyncTestDlg::OnClickedAtdlgModemDial() { } // end CAsyncTestDlg::OnClickedAtdlgModemDial
* * OnClickedAtdlgModemInit - CAsyncTestDlg member function: command * * Send the modem init string. * * ENTRY: * EXIT: * ******************************************************************************/
void CAsyncTestDlg::OnClickedAtdlgModemInit() { } // end CAsyncTestDlg::OnClickedAtdlgModemInit
* * OnClickedAtdlgModemListen - CAsyncTestDlg member function: command * * Send the modem listen string. * * ENTRY: * EXIT: * ******************************************************************************/
void CAsyncTestDlg::OnClickedAtdlgModemListen() { lstrcpy((TCHAR *)m_Buffer, m_szModemListen);
m_BufferBytes = lstrlen((TCHAR *)m_Buffer);
} // end CAsyncTestDlg::OnClickedAtdlgModemListen
* * OnNcDestroy - CAsyncTestDlg member function: command * * Clean up before deleting dialog object. * * ENTRY: * EXIT: * (Refer to CWnd::OnNcDestroy documentation) * ******************************************************************************/
void CAsyncTestDlg::OnNcDestroy() { if( m_LEDToggleTimer ) { KillTimer( m_hDlg , m_LEDToggleTimer ); }
if( m_pATDlgInputThread ) { m_pATDlgInputThread->ExitThread(); }
if( m_hDevice != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { PurgeComm(m_hDevice, PURGE_TXABORT | PURGE_TXCLEAR); }
if( m_OverlapWrite.hEvent != NULL ) { CloseHandle(m_OverlapWrite.hEvent); }
if( m_hDevice != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { CloseHandle(m_hDevice); }
if( m_bDeletedWinStation && m_pWSName ) { m_WSConfig.Create.fEnableWinStation = TRUE;
if( RegWinStationCreate( SERVERNAME_CURRENT , m_pWSName , FALSE , &m_WSConfig , sizeof(WINSTATIONCONFIG2) ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _WinStationReadRegistry(SERVERNAME_CURRENT);
} }
} // end CAsyncTestDlg::OnNcDestroy
INT_PTR CALLBACK CAsyncTestDlg::DlgProc( HWND hwnd , UINT msg , WPARAM wp , LPARAM lp ) { CAsyncTestDlg *pDlg;
if( msg == WM_INITDIALOG ) { CAsyncTestDlg *pDlg = ( CAsyncTestDlg * )lp;
SetWindowLongPtr( hwnd , DWLP_USER, ( LONG_PTR )pDlg );
if( !IsBadReadPtr( pDlg , sizeof( CAsyncTestDlg ) ) ) { if(FALSE == pDlg->OnInitDialog( hwnd , wp , lp )) PostMessage(hwnd,WM_CLOSE,0,0); }
return 0; }
else { pDlg = ( CAsyncTestDlg * )GetWindowLongPtr( hwnd , DWLP_USER);
if( IsBadReadPtr( pDlg , sizeof( CAsyncTestDlg ) ) ) { return 0; } }
switch( msg ) {
pDlg->OnNcDestroy( );
pDlg->OnCommand( HIWORD( wp ) , LOWORD( wp ) , ( HWND )lp );
case WM_TIMER:
pDlg->OnTimer( ( UINT )wp );
pDlg->OnAsyncTestAbort( wp , lp );
pDlg->OnAsyncTestStatusReady( wp , lp );
pDlg->OnAsyncTestInputReady( wp , lp );
pDlg->OnAsyncTestWriteChar( wp , lp );
break; }
return 0; }