Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

37 lines
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  1. ; This file is maintained by HCW. Do not modify this file directly.
  2. ; This help project requires hc 3.1
  3. [OPTIONS]
  4. HCW=0
  5. COMPRESS=60 Hall Zeck
  6. ERRORLOG=winadmin.err
  7. LCID=0x409 0x0 0x0 ;English (United States)
  8. REPORT=Yes
  9. TITLE=WinStation Administration Help
  10. CNT=winadmin.cnt
  11. BMROOT=..\common\hlp
  12. HLP=.\winadmin.hlp
  13. [FILES]
  14. hlp\winadmin.rtf ; Table Of Contents
  15. ..\common\hlp\common.rtf ; Common WINUTILS topics and definitions
  16. [MAP]
  17. #include ..\..\..\..\..\public\sdk\inc\mfc42\afxhelp.hm
  18. #include <hlp\winadmin.hm>
  19. [WINDOWS]
  20. main="WinStation Administration Help",(658,104,334,537),0,,(r12632256)
  21. howto="",(653,101,360,600),20740,(r14876671),(r12632256),f3
  22. [CONFIG]
  23. ;CreateButton("gb", "&Glossary", "JI(`glossary.hlp>glossary', `IDH_GLOSSARY_CONTENTS')")
  24. RegisterRoutine("ftui","InitRoutines","SU")
  25. InitRoutines(qchPath,1)
  26. RegisterRoutine("ftui","SwitchToTopicsFound","U")
  27. AddAccelerator(0x46, 2, "SwitchToTopicsFound(hwndApp)")
  28. RegisterRoutine("ftui","ExecFullTextSearch","USSS")
  29. CreateButton("ftSearch","F&ind","ExecFullTextSearch(hwndApp,qchPath,`',`')")
  30. [CONFIG-howto]
  31. RegisterRoutine("ftui","SwitchToTopicsFound","U")