* * input.c * * Common input code for all transport drivers * * Copyright 1998, Microsoft * *************************************************************************/
* Includes */ #include <ntddk.h>
#include <ntddvdeo.h>
#include <ntddkbd.h>
#include <ntddmou.h>
#include <ntddbeep.h>
#include <winstaw.h>
#include <icadd.h>
#include <sdapi.h>
#include <td.h>
#if DBG
ULONG DbgPrint( PCH Format, ... ); #define DBGPRINT(x) DbgPrint x
#define TRACE0(x) DbgPrint x
#define TRACE1(x) DbgPrint x
#define TRACE0(x)
#define TRACE1(x)
#define DBGPRINT(x)
#define TRACE0(x)
#define TRACE1(x)
== External Functions Defined =============================================================================*/
NTSTATUS TdInputThread( PTD );
== Internal Functions Defined =============================================================================*/
== Functions used =============================================================================*/
NTSTATUS DeviceInitializeRead( PTD, PINBUF ); NTSTATUS DeviceWaitForRead( PTD ); NTSTATUS DeviceReadComplete( PTD, PUCHAR, PULONG ); NTSTATUS StackCancelIo( PTD, PSD_IOCTL ); NTSTATUS NtSetInformationThread( HANDLE, THREADINFOCLASS, PVOID, ULONG ); NTSTATUS DeviceSubmitRead( PTD, PINBUF ); NTSTATUS MemoryAllocate( ULONG, PVOID * ); VOID MemoryFree( PVOID );
* * TdInputThread * * This private TD thread waits for input data. This thread is created * when a client connection is established and is terminated when * StackCancelIo is called. * * All received data is sent to the up stream stack driver. * * * ENTRY: * pTd (input) * Pointer to TD data structure * * EXIT: * nothing * ******************************************************************************/
NTSTATUS TdInputThread( PTD pTd ) { ICA_CHANNEL_COMMAND Command; KPRIORITY Priority; PFILE_OBJECT pFileObject; PINBUF pInBuf; PLIST_ENTRY Head, Next; KIRQL oldIrql; ULONG InputByteCount; int i; NTSTATUS Status;
TRACE(( pTd->pContext, TC_TD, TT_API2, "TdInputThread (entry)\n" ));
* Check if driver is being closed or endpoint has been closed */ if ( pTd->fClosing || pTd->pDeviceObject == NULL ) { TRACE(( pTd->pContext, TC_TD, TT_API2, "TdInputThread (exit) on init\n" )); return( STATUS_CTX_CLOSE_PENDING ); }
* Set the priority of this thread to lowest realtime (16). */ Priority = LOW_REALTIME_PRIORITY; NtSetInformationThread( NtCurrentThread(), ThreadPriority, &Priority, sizeof(KPRIORITY) );
* Initialize the input wait event */ KeInitializeEvent( &pTd->InputEvent, NotificationEvent, FALSE );
* Allocate and pre-submit one less than the total number * of input buffers that we will use. The final buffer will * be allocated/submitted within the input loop. */ for ( i = 1; i < pTd->InBufCount; i++ ) {
* Allocate an input buffer */ Status = _TdInBufAlloc( pTd, &pInBuf ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) return( Status ); /*
* Initialize the read IRP */ Status = _TdInitializeRead( pTd, pInBuf ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) return( Status ); /*
* Let the device level code complete the IRP initialization */ Status = DeviceInitializeRead( pTd, pInBuf ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) return( Status ); /*
* Place the INBUF on the busy list and call the device submit routine. * (TDI based drivers use receive indications, so we let * the TD specific code call the driver.) */ ExInterlockedInsertTailList( &pTd->InBufBusyHead, &pInBuf->Links, &pTd->InBufListLock ); Status = DeviceSubmitRead( pTd, pInBuf ); }
* Allocate an input buffer */ Status = _TdInBufAlloc( pTd, &pInBuf ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) return( Status );
* Reference the file object and keep a local pointer to it. * This is done so that when the endpoint object gets closed, * and pTd->pFileObject gets dereferenced and cleared, the file * object will not get deleted before all of the pending input IRPs * (which reference the file object) get cancelled. */ ObReferenceObject( (pFileObject = pTd->pFileObject) );
* Loop reading input data until cancelled or we get an error. */ for (;;) {
* Initialize the read IRP */ Status = _TdInitializeRead( pTd, pInBuf ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { TRACE0(("TdInputThread: _TdInitializeRead Status=0x%x\n", Status)); KeSetEvent( &pTd->InputEvent, 1, FALSE ); break; }
* Let the device level code complete the IRP initialization */ Status = DeviceInitializeRead( pTd, pInBuf ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { TRACE0(("TdInputThread: DeviceInitializeRead Status=0x%x\n", Status)); KeSetEvent( &pTd->InputEvent, 1, FALSE ); break; }
* Place the INBUF on the busy list and call the device submit routine. * (TDI based drivers use receive indications, so we let * the TD specific code call the driver.) */ ExInterlockedInsertTailList( &pTd->InBufBusyHead, &pInBuf->Links, &pTd->InBufListLock ); Status = DeviceSubmitRead( pTd, pInBuf ); /*
* Indicate we no longer have an INBUF referenced */ pInBuf = NULL;
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { TRACE(( pTd->pContext, TC_TD, TT_ERROR, "TdInputThread: IoCallDriver Status=0x%x\n", Status )); TRACE0(("TdInputThread: IoCallDriver Status=0x%x, Context 0x%x\n", Status, pTd->pAfd )); pTd->ReadErrorCount++; pTd->pStatus->Input.TdErrors++; if ( pTd->ReadErrorCount >= pTd->ReadErrorThreshold ) { // Submit failed, set the event since no IRP's are queued
KeSetEvent( &pTd->InputEvent, 1, FALSE ); break; } }
* If the INBUF completed list is empty, * then wait for one to be available. */ waitforread: ExAcquireSpinLock( &pTd->InBufListLock, &oldIrql ); if ( IsListEmpty( &pTd->InBufDoneHead ) ) {
KeClearEvent( &pTd->InputEvent );
ExReleaseSpinLock( &pTd->InBufListLock, oldIrql ); Status = DeviceWaitForRead( pTd );
* Check for broken connection */ if ( pTd->fClosing ) { TRACE(( pTd->pContext, TC_TD, TT_IN1, "TdInputThread: fClosing set\n" )); TRACE0(("TdInputThread: fClosing set Context 0x%x\n",pTd->pAfd )); break; } else if ( Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE(( pTd->pContext, TC_TD, TT_ERROR, "TdInputThread: DeviceWaitForRead Status=0x%x\n", Status )); TRACE0(( "TdInputThread: DeviceWaitForRead Status=0x%x, Context 0x%x\n", Status, pTd->pAfd )); pTd->ReadErrorCount++; pTd->pStatus->Input.TdErrors++; if ( pTd->ReadErrorCount < pTd->ReadErrorThreshold ) goto waitforread; break; } ExAcquireSpinLock( &pTd->InBufListLock, &oldIrql );
* Check for broken connection */ } else if ( pTd->fClosing ) { ExReleaseSpinLock( &pTd->InBufListLock, oldIrql ); TRACE(( pTd->pContext, TC_TD, TT_IN1, "TdInputThread: fClosing set\n" )); TRACE0(("TdInputThread: fClosing set Context 0x%x\n",pTd->pAfd )); break; } /*
* If the list is empty as this point, we will just bail. */ if (!IsListEmpty( &pTd->InBufDoneHead )) { /*
* Take the first INBUF off the completed list. */ Head = RemoveHeadList( &pTd->InBufDoneHead ); ExReleaseSpinLock( &pTd->InBufListLock, oldIrql ); pInBuf = CONTAINING_RECORD( Head, INBUF, Links ); /*
* Do any preliminary read complete processing */ (VOID) _TdReadComplete( pTd, pInBuf ); /*
* Get status from IRP. Note that we allow warning and informational * status codes as they can also return valid data. */ Status = pInBuf->pIrp->IoStatus.Status; InputByteCount = (ULONG)pInBuf->pIrp->IoStatus.Information; if (NT_ERROR(Status)) { TRACE(( pTd->pContext, TC_TD, TT_ERROR, "TdInputThread: IRP Status=0x%x\n", Status )); TRACE0(("TdInputThread: IRP Status=0x%x, Context 0x%x\n", Status, pTd->pAfd )); pTd->ReadErrorCount++; pTd->pStatus->Input.TdErrors++; if ( pTd->ReadErrorCount < pTd->ReadErrorThreshold ) continue; break; } if ( Status == STATUS_TIMEOUT ) Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; /*
* Make sure we got some data */ TRACE(( pTd->pContext, TC_TD, TT_IN1, "TdInputThread: read cnt=%04u, Status=0x%x\n", InputByteCount, Status )); /*
* Check for consecutive zero byte reads * -- the client may have dropped the connection and ReadFile does * not always return an error. * -- some tcp networks return zero byte reads now and then */ if ( InputByteCount == 0 ) { TRACE(( pTd->pContext, TC_TD, TT_ERROR, "recv warning: zero byte count\n" )); TRACE0(("recv warning: zero byte count, Context 0x%x\n",pTd->pAfd )); if ( ++pTd->ZeroByteReadCount > MAXIMUM_ZERO_BYTE_READS ) { TRACE(( pTd->pContext, TC_TD, TT_ERROR, "recv failed: %u zero bytes\n", MAXIMUM_ZERO_BYTE_READS )); TRACE0(("recv failed: %u zero bytes Context 0x%x\n", MAXIMUM_ZERO_BYTE_READS, pTd->pAfd )); Status = STATUS_CTX_TD_ERROR; break; } continue; } /*
* Clear count of consecutive zero byte reads */ pTd->ZeroByteReadCount = 0; TRACEBUF(( pTd->pContext, TC_TD, TT_IRAW, pInBuf->pBuffer, InputByteCount )); /*
* Do device specific read completion processing. * If the byte count returned is 0, then the device routine * processed all input data so there is nothing for us to do. */ Status = DeviceReadComplete( pTd, pInBuf->pBuffer, &InputByteCount ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { TRACE(( pTd->pContext, TC_TD, TT_ERROR, "TdInputThread: DeviceReadComplete Status=0x%x\n", Status )); TRACE0(("TdInputThread: DeviceReadComplete Status=0x%x, Context 0x%x\n", Status, pTd->pAfd )); pTd->ReadErrorCount++; pTd->pStatus->Input.TdErrors++; if ( pTd->ReadErrorCount < pTd->ReadErrorThreshold ) continue; break; } if ( InputByteCount == 0 ) continue; /*
* Clear count of consecutive read errors */ pTd->ReadErrorCount = 0; /*
* Update input byte counter */ pTd->pStatus->Input.Bytes += (InputByteCount - pTd->InBufHeader); if ( pTd->PdFlag & PD_FRAME ) pTd->pStatus->Input.Frames++; /*
* Send input data to upstream stack driver */ Status = IcaRawInput( pTd->pContext, NULL, (pInBuf->pBuffer + pTd->InBufHeader), (InputByteCount - pTd->InBufHeader) ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) break; } else { ExReleaseSpinLock( &pTd->InBufListLock, oldIrql ); TRACE(( pTd->pContext, TC_TD, TT_IN1, "TdInputThread: InBuf is empty\n" )); ASSERT(FALSE); pTd->ReadErrorCount++; pTd->pStatus->Input.TdErrors++; if ( pTd->ReadErrorCount < pTd->ReadErrorThreshold ) goto waitforread; else break; } }
TRACE0(("TdInputThread: Breaking Connection Context 0x%x\n",pTd->pAfd));
* Free current INBUF if we have one */ if ( pInBuf ) _TdInBufFree( pTd, pInBuf );
* Cancel all i/o */ (VOID) StackCancelIo( pTd, NULL );
* Wait for pending read (if any) to be cancelled */ (VOID) IcaWaitForSingleObject( pTd->pContext, &pTd->InputEvent, -1 );
* Free all remaining INBUFs */ ExAcquireSpinLock( &pTd->InBufListLock, &oldIrql ); while ( !IsListEmpty( &pTd->InBufBusyHead ) || !IsListEmpty( &pTd->InBufDoneHead ) ) {
if ( !IsListEmpty( &pTd->InBufBusyHead ) ) { BOOLEAN rc;
Head = RemoveHeadList( &pTd->InBufBusyHead ); Head->Flink = NULL; ExReleaseSpinLock( &pTd->InBufListLock, oldIrql ); pInBuf = CONTAINING_RECORD( Head, INBUF, Links ); rc = IoCancelIrp( pInBuf->pIrp ); #if DBG
if ( !rc ) { DbgPrint("TDCOMMON: StackCancelIo: Could not cancel IRP 0x%x\n",pInBuf->pIrp); } #endif
ExAcquireSpinLock( &pTd->InBufListLock, &oldIrql ); }
if ( IsListEmpty( &pTd->InBufDoneHead ) ) { KeClearEvent( &pTd->InputEvent ); ExReleaseSpinLock( &pTd->InBufListLock, oldIrql ); Status = DeviceWaitForRead( pTd ); ExAcquireSpinLock( &pTd->InBufListLock, &oldIrql ); }
if ( !IsListEmpty( &pTd->InBufDoneHead ) ) { Head = RemoveHeadList( &pTd->InBufDoneHead ); ExReleaseSpinLock( &pTd->InBufListLock, oldIrql ); pInBuf = CONTAINING_RECORD( Head, INBUF, Links ); _TdInBufFree( pTd, pInBuf ); ExAcquireSpinLock( &pTd->InBufListLock, &oldIrql ); } } ASSERT( IsListEmpty( &pTd->InBufBusyHead ) ); ASSERT( IsListEmpty( &pTd->InBufDoneHead ) ); ExReleaseSpinLock( &pTd->InBufListLock, oldIrql );
* Release our reference on the underlying file object */ ObDereferenceObject( pFileObject );
* Report broken connection if no modem callback in progress */ if ( !pTd->fCallbackInProgress ) { Command.Header.Command = ICA_COMMAND_BROKEN_CONNECTION;
// If it's not an unexpected disconnection then set the reason
// to disconnect. This prevents problems where termsrv resets the
// session if it receives the wrong type of notification.
if (pTd->UserBrokenReason == TD_USER_BROKENREASON_UNEXPECTED) { Command.BrokenConnection.Reason = Broken_Unexpected; //
// We don't know better so pick server as the source
Command.BrokenConnection.Source = BrokenSource_Server; } else { Command.BrokenConnection.Reason = Broken_Disconnect; Command.BrokenConnection.Source = BrokenSource_User; }
(void) IcaChannelInput( pTd->pContext, Channel_Command, 0, NULL, (PCHAR) &Command, sizeof(Command) ); }
TRACE(( pTd->pContext, TC_TD, TT_API2, "TdInputThread (exit), Status=0x%x\n", Status )); TRACE0(("TdInputThread (exit), Status=0x%x, Context 0x%x\n", Status, pTd->pAfd ));
return( Status ); }
* * _TdInBufAlloc * * Routine to allocate an INBUF and related objects. * * ENTRY: * pTd (input) * Pointer to TD data structure * * EXIT: * STATUS_SUCCESS - no error * ******************************************************************************/
NTSTATUS _TdInBufAlloc( PTD pTd, PINBUF *ppInBuf ) { ULONG InBufLength; ULONG irpSize; ULONG mdlSize; ULONG AllocationSize; KIRQL oldIrql; PINBUF pInBuf; NTSTATUS Status;
* Determine size of input buffer */ InBufLength = pTd->OutBufLength + pTd->InBufHeader;
* Determine the sizes of the various components of an INBUF. * Note that these are all worst-case calculations-- * actual size of the MDL may be smaller. */ irpSize = IoSizeOfIrp( INBUF_STACK_SIZE ) + 8; mdlSize = (ULONG)MmSizeOfMdl( (PVOID)(PAGE_SIZE-1), InBufLength );
* Add up the component sizes of an INBUF to determine * the total size that is needed to allocate. */ AllocationSize = (((sizeof(INBUF) + InBufLength + irpSize + mdlSize) + 3) & ~3);
Status = MemoryAllocate( AllocationSize, &pInBuf ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) return( STATUS_NO_MEMORY );
* Initialize the IRP pointer and the IRP itself. */ if ( irpSize ) { pInBuf->pIrp = (PIRP)(( ((ULONG_PTR)(pInBuf + 1)) + 7) & ~7); IoInitializeIrp( pInBuf->pIrp, (USHORT)irpSize, INBUF_STACK_SIZE ); }
* Set up the MDL pointer but don't build it yet. * It will be built by the TD write code if needed. */ if ( mdlSize ) { pInBuf->pMdl = (PMDL)((PCHAR)pInBuf->pIrp + irpSize); }
* Set up the address buffer pointer. */ pInBuf->pBuffer = (PUCHAR)pInBuf + sizeof(INBUF) + irpSize + mdlSize;
* Initialize the rest of InBuf */ InitializeListHead( &pInBuf->Links ); pInBuf->MaxByteCount = InBufLength; pInBuf->ByteCount = 0; pInBuf->pPrivate = pTd;
* Return buffer to caller */ #if DBG
DbgPrint( "TdInBufAlloc: pInBuf=0x%x\n", pInBuf ); #endif // DBG
*ppInBuf = pInBuf;
return( STATUS_SUCCESS ); }
* * _TdInBufFree * * Routine to free an INBUF and related objects. * * ENTRY: * pTd (input) * Pointer to TD data structure * * EXIT: * STATUS_SUCCESS - no error * ******************************************************************************/
VOID _TdInBufFree( PTD pTd, PINBUF pInBuf ) { MemoryFree( pInBuf ); }
* * _TdInitializeRead * * Routine to allocate and initialize the input IRP and related objects. * * ENTRY: * pTd (input) * Pointer to TD data structure * * EXIT: * STATUS_SUCCESS - no error * ******************************************************************************/
NTSTATUS _TdInitializeRead( PTD pTd, PINBUF pInBuf ) { PIRP irp = pInBuf->pIrp; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp; NTSTATUS Status;
* Check if driver is being closed or endpoint has been closed */ if ( pTd->fClosing || pTd->pDeviceObject == NULL ) { TRACE(( pTd->pContext, TC_TD, TT_API2, "_TdInitializeRead: closing\n" )); return( STATUS_CTX_CLOSE_PENDING ); }
* Set current thread for IoSetHardErrorOrVerifyDevice. */ irp->Tail.Overlay.Thread = PsGetCurrentThread();
* Get a pointer to the stack location of the first driver which will be * invoked. This is where the function codes and the parameters are set. */ irpSp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation( irp );
* Set the file/device objects and anything not specific to * the TD. and read parameters. */ irpSp->FileObject = pTd->pFileObject; irpSp->DeviceObject = pTd->pDeviceObject;
irp->MdlAddress = NULL;
* Register the I/O completion routine */ if ( pTd->pSelfDeviceObject ) { IoSetCompletionRoutineEx( pTd->pSelfDeviceObject, irp, _TdReadCompleteRoutine, pInBuf, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE ); } else { IoSetCompletionRoutine( irp, _TdReadCompleteRoutine, pInBuf, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE ); }
return( STATUS_SUCCESS ); }
* * _TdReadCompleteRoutine * * This routine is called at DPC level by the lower level device * driver when an input IRP is completed. * * ENTRY: * DeviceObject (input) * not used * pIrp (input) * pointer to IRP that is complete * Context (input) * Context pointer setup when IRP was initialized. * This is a pointer to the corresponding INBUF. * * EXIT: * STATUS_SUCCESS - no error * ******************************************************************************/
NTSTATUS _TdReadCompleteRoutine( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context ) { KIRQL oldIrql; PINBUF pInBuf = (PINBUF)Context; PTD pTd = (PTD)pInBuf->pPrivate;
* Unlink inbuf from busy list and place on completed list */ ExAcquireSpinLock( &pTd->InBufListLock, &oldIrql );
if ( pInBuf->Links.Flink ) RemoveEntryList( &pInBuf->Links ); InsertTailList( &pTd->InBufDoneHead, &pInBuf->Links );
* Check the auxiliary buffer pointer in the packet and if a buffer was * allocated, deallocate it now. Note that this buffer must be freed * here since the pointer is overlayed with the APC that will be used * to get to the requesting thread's context. */ if (Irp->Tail.Overlay.AuxiliaryBuffer) { IcaStackFreePool( Irp->Tail.Overlay.AuxiliaryBuffer ); Irp->Tail.Overlay.AuxiliaryBuffer = NULL; }
// Check to see whether any pages need to be unlocked.
if (Irp->MdlAddress != NULL) { PMDL mdl, thisMdl;
// Unlock any pages that may be described by MDLs.
mdl = Irp->MdlAddress; while (mdl != NULL) { thisMdl = mdl; mdl = mdl->Next; if (thisMdl == pInBuf->pMdl) continue;
MmUnlockPages( thisMdl ); IoFreeMdl( thisMdl ); } }
* Indicate an INBUF was completed */ KeSetEvent( &pTd->InputEvent, 1, FALSE );
// WARNING!: At this point, we may context switch back to the input thread
// and unload the darn driver!!! This has been temporarily hacked
// for TDPipe by remoing the unload entry point ;-(
ExReleaseSpinLock( &pTd->InBufListLock, oldIrql );
* We return STATUS_MORE_PROCESS_REQUIRED so that no further * processing for this IRP is done by the I/O completion routine. */ return( STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED ); }
* * _TdReadComplete * * This routine is called at program level after an input IRP * has been completed. * * ENTRY: * pTd (input) * Pointer to TD data structure * * EXIT: * STATUS_SUCCESS - no error * ******************************************************************************/
NTSTATUS _TdReadComplete( IN PTD pTd, IN PINBUF pInBuf ) { PIRP irp = pInBuf->pIrp;
* Handle the buffered I/O case */ if (irp->Flags & IRP_BUFFERED_IO) {
// Copy the data if this was an input operation. Note that no copy
// is performed if the status indicates that a verify operation is
// required, or if the final status was an error-level severity.
if (irp->Flags & IRP_INPUT_OPERATION && irp->IoStatus.Status != STATUS_VERIFY_REQUIRED && !NT_ERROR( irp->IoStatus.Status )) {
// Copy the information from the system buffer to the caller's
// buffer. This is done with an exception handler in case
// the operation fails because the caller's address space
// has gone away, or it's protection has been changed while
// the service was executing.
try { RtlCopyMemory( irp->UserBuffer, irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, irp->IoStatus.Information ); } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {
// An exception occurred while attempting to copy the
// system buffer contents to the caller's buffer. Set
// a new I/O completion status.
irp->IoStatus.Status = GetExceptionCode(); } }
// Free the buffer if needed.
if (irp->Flags & IRP_DEALLOCATE_BUFFER) { IcaStackFreePool( irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer ); } }
return( STATUS_SUCCESS ); }