#include <windows.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <rpc.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <crt/io.h>
#include <wincrypt.h>
#include "license.h"
#include "certutil.h"
BYTE g_pSecretKey[1024]; DWORD g_cbSecretKey=sizeof(g_pSecretKey);
#define SAFESTRCPY(dest, source) \
_tcsncpy(dest, source, min(_tcslen(source), sizeof(dest) - sizeof(TCHAR)))
#define COMMON_STORE TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\MSLicensing\\Store")
#define LICENSE_VAL TEXT("ClientLicense")
LPCTSTR FileTimeText( FILETIME *pft ) { static TCHAR buf[80]; FILETIME ftLocal; struct tm ctm; SYSTEMTIME st;
FileTimeToLocalFileTime( pft, &ftLocal );
if( FileTimeToSystemTime( &ftLocal, &st ) ) { ctm.tm_sec = st.wSecond; ctm.tm_min = st.wMinute; ctm.tm_hour = st.wHour; ctm.tm_mday = st.wDay; ctm.tm_mon = st.wMonth-1; ctm.tm_year = st.wYear-1900; ctm.tm_wday = st.wDayOfWeek; ctm.tm_yday = 0; ctm.tm_isdst = 0; _tcscpy(buf, _wasctime(&ctm)); buf[_tcslen(buf)-1] = 0; } else { swprintf( buf, L"<FILETIME %08lX:%08lX>", pft->dwHighDateTime, pft->dwLowDateTime ); }
return buf; }
void MyReportError(DWORD errCode) { DWORD dwRet; LPTSTR lpszTemp = NULL;
if(dwRet != 0) { _tprintf(_TEXT("Error : %s (%d)\n"), lpszTemp, errCode); if(lpszTemp) LocalFree((HLOCAL)lpszTemp); }
return; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void DumpLicensedProduct(PLICENSEDPRODUCT pLicensedInfo, BOOL fAdvanced) { if(fAdvanced == TRUE) { _tprintf(_TEXT("TS Certificate Version - 0x%08x\n"), pLicensedInfo->dwLicenseVersion); _tprintf(_TEXT("Licensed Product\n")); _tprintf(_TEXT("\tHWID - 0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x\n"), pLicensedInfo->Hwid.dwPlatformID, pLicensedInfo->Hwid.Data1, pLicensedInfo->Hwid.Data2, pLicensedInfo->Hwid.Data3, pLicensedInfo->Hwid.Data4); _tprintf(_TEXT("\tClient Platform ID - 0x%08x\n"), pLicensedInfo->LicensedProduct.dwPlatformID ); _tprintf(_TEXT("\tCompany Name - %s\n"), pLicensedInfo->LicensedProduct.pProductInfo->pbCompanyName); }
_tprintf(_TEXT("Issuer - %s\n"), pLicensedInfo->szIssuer); _tprintf(_TEXT("Scope - %s\n"), pLicensedInfo->szIssuerScope);
if(pLicensedInfo->szLicensedClient) _tprintf(_TEXT("Issued to machine - %s\n"), pLicensedInfo->szLicensedClient);
if(pLicensedInfo->szLicensedUser) _tprintf(_TEXT("Issued to user - %s\n"), pLicensedInfo->szLicensedUser);
if(fAdvanced == TRUE) { _tprintf(_TEXT("\tTS Locale ID - 0x%08x\n"), pLicensedInfo->LicensedProduct.dwLanguageID); } _tprintf(_TEXT("\tLicense ID - %s\n"), pLicensedInfo->LicensedProduct.pProductInfo->pbProductID);
for(DWORD i=0; i < pLicensedInfo->dwNumLicensedVersion; i++) { if(fAdvanced == TRUE) { _tprintf(_TEXT("Licensed Product Version %04d.%04d, Flag 0x%08x\n"), pLicensedInfo->pLicensedVersion[i].wMajorVersion, pLicensedInfo->pLicensedVersion[i].wMinorVersion, pLicensedInfo->pLicensedVersion[i].dwFlags); }
if (pLicensedInfo->pLicensedVersion[i].dwFlags & LICENSED_VERSION_TEMPORARY) { _tprintf(_TEXT("Temporary\t")); } else { _tprintf(_TEXT("Permanent\t")); }
if (pLicensedInfo->pLicensedVersion[i].dwFlags & LICENSED_VERSION_RTM) { _tprintf(_TEXT("RTM\t")); } else { _tprintf(_TEXT("Beta\t")); }
_tprintf(_TEXT("\n")); }
_tprintf(L"Valid from - %x %x %s\n", pLicensedInfo->NotBefore.dwHighDateTime, pLicensedInfo->NotBefore.dwLowDateTime, FileTimeText(&pLicensedInfo->NotBefore)); _tprintf(L"Expires on - %x %x %s\n", pLicensedInfo->NotAfter.dwHighDateTime, pLicensedInfo->NotAfter.dwLowDateTime, FileTimeText(&pLicensedInfo->NotAfter)); }
int __cdecl wmain(int argc, LPCWSTR argv[]) { HKEY hKey, hKeyStore; LPBYTE lpKeyValue=NULL; DWORD cbKeyValue; DWORD dwStatus; DWORD dwKeyType; TCHAR lpName[128]; DWORD cName; FILETIME ftWrite; LICENSEDPRODUCT LicensedInfo[10]; DWORD dwNum; ULARGE_INTEGER SerialNumber; BYTE pbKey[1024]; DWORD cbKey=1024; LICENSE_STATUS lstatus; BOOL fAdvanced = FALSE;
if(argc > 2 || ((argc == 2) && (_wcsicmp(argv[1], L"/a") != 0)) ) { _tprintf(_T("Usage: tsctst /A\n")); _tprintf(_T("/A \t Displays advanced license information in addition to default basics.\n")); return 0; }
if(argc == 2) { fAdvanced = TRUE; }
dwStatus=RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, COMMON_STORE, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey); if(dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { _tprintf(_TEXT("Can't open key - %ld\n"), dwStatus); return 0; }
LSInitCertutilLib( 0 );
LicenseGetSecretKey( &cbKey, pbKey );
for (DWORD dwKey = 0; dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS; dwKey++) { cName = sizeof(lpName) / sizeof(TCHAR);
dwStatus=RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, dwKey, lpName, &cName, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ftWrite); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus) { if(!cName) { _tprintf(_TEXT("Can't open key - %ld\n"), dwStatus); goto cleanup; } dwStatus = RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, lpName, 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyStore); if(dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { _tprintf(_TEXT("can't open store %s - %d\n"), lpName, dwStatus); continue; }
cbKeyValue=0; dwStatus = RegQueryValueEx(hKeyStore, LICENSE_VAL, NULL, &dwKeyType, NULL, &cbKeyValue);
if(dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { _tprintf(_TEXT("can't get value size - %d\n"), dwStatus); RegCloseKey(hKeyStore); continue; }
lpKeyValue = (LPBYTE)malloc(cbKeyValue); if(!lpKeyValue) { _tprintf(_TEXT("Can't allocate %d bytes\n"), cbKeyValue); RegCloseKey(hKeyStore); goto cleanup; }
dwStatus = RegQueryValueEx(hKeyStore, LICENSE_VAL, NULL, &dwKeyType, lpKeyValue, &cbKeyValue); if(dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { _tprintf(_TEXT("can't get value - %d\n"), dwStatus); free(lpKeyValue); RegCloseKey(hKeyStore); continue; }
memset(LicensedInfo, 0, sizeof(LicensedInfo));
dwNum = 10;
lstatus = LSVerifyDecodeClientLicense(lpKeyValue, cbKeyValue, pbKey, cbKey, &dwNum, LicensedInfo);
if (lstatus == LICENSE_STATUS_OK) { for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwNum; i++) { _tprintf(_TEXT("\n*** License # %d ***\n"), i+1); DumpLicensedProduct(LicensedInfo+i, fAdvanced); } LSFreeLicensedProduct(LicensedInfo); } else { _tprintf(_TEXT("can't decode license - %d, %d\n"), lstatus, GetLastError()); free(lpKeyValue); RegCloseKey(hKeyStore); continue; }
_tprintf(_TEXT("\n\n")); }//endif
else { if(dwKey == 0) { _tprintf(_TEXT("\nThe client does not have a license\n")); }
} }//endfor
cleanup: RegCloseKey(hKey);
return 0; }