// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996-1998
// File: upgrade.cpp
// Contents: All database upgrade related.
// History: 12-09-97 HueiWang
#include "pch.cpp"
#include "server.h"
#include "upgdb.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "kp.h"
#include "keypack.h"
#include "lkpdesc.h"
#include "permlic.h"
DWORD TLSCreateUpgradeDatabase( IN JBDatabase& jbDatabase ) /*++
This routine create a empty license server database.
jbDatabase : database handle.
Jet error code
++*/ { BOOL bSuccess; DWORD dwStatus=ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwCurrentVersion=0;
PBYTE pbSetupId = NULL; DWORD cbSetupId = 0;
VersionTable* pverTable = NULL; LicPackTable* pLicPackTable = NULL; LicensedTable* pLicensedTable = NULL; LicPackDescTable* pLicPackDescTable = NULL; BackupSourceTable* pBckSrcTable = NULL; WorkItemTable* pWkItemTable = NULL;
pverTable = new VersionTable(jbDatabase); pLicPackTable = new LicPackTable(jbDatabase); pLicensedTable = new LicensedTable(jbDatabase); pLicPackDescTable = new LicPackDescTable(jbDatabase); pBckSrcTable = new BackupSourceTable(jbDatabase); pWkItemTable = new WorkItemTable(jbDatabase);
TLSVersion version_search; TLSVersion version_found; DWORD dwDbVersion; BOOL bUpdateVersionRec = FALSE;
if(pverTable == NULL || pLicPackTable == NULL || pLicensedTable == NULL || pLicPackDescTable == NULL || pBckSrcTable == NULL || pWkItemTable == NULL) { dwStatus = TLS_E_ALLOCATE_MEMORY; goto cleanup; }
if(TLSIsBetaNTServer() == TRUE) { dwDbVersion = TLS_BETA_DBVERSION; } else { dwDbVersion = TLS_CURRENT_DBVERSION; }
version_search.dwVersion = dwDbVersion;
_tcsncpy( version_search.szInstallId, (LPTSTR)g_pszServerPid, min(sizeof(version_search.szInstallId)/sizeof(version_search.szInstallId[0]) - 1, g_cbServerPid/sizeof(TCHAR)) );
//version_search.pbDomainSid = g_pbDomainSid;
//version_search.cbDomainSid = g_cbDomainSid;
if(pverTable->OpenTable(FALSE, TRUE) == FALSE) { JET_ERR jetErr = pverTable->GetLastJetError();
if( jetErr != JET_errObjectNotFound || pverTable->OpenTable(TRUE, TRUE) == FALSE || pverTable->InsertRecord(version_search) == FALSE ) { SetLastError( dwStatus = SET_JB_ERROR(pverTable->GetLastJetError()) ); goto cleanup; }
dwCurrentVersion = 0; } else { // load the version table
// must have at least entry in the table.
bSuccess = pverTable->EnumerateBegin( FALSE, ENUMERATE_COMPARE_NO_FIELDS, NULL );
if(bSuccess == FALSE) { dwStatus = SET_JB_ERROR(pverTable->GetLastJetError()); SetLastError(dwStatus); goto cleanup; }
if(pverTable->EnumerateNext(version_found) != RECORD_ENUM_MORE_DATA) { SetLastError(dwStatus = TLS_E_INTERNAL); goto cleanup; }
if( DATABASE_VERSION(version_found.dwVersion) > DATABASE_VERSION(dwDbVersion) && DATABASE_VERSION(version_found.dwVersion) != W2K_RTM_JETBLUE_DBVERSION ) { //
// Database was created by in-compatible license server.
DBGPrintf( DBG_ERROR, DBG_FACILITY_UPGRADE, DBGLEVEL_FUNCTION_ERROR, _TEXT("Beta 3 database version 0x%08x, 0x%08x\n"), version_found.dwVersion, dwDbVersion );
// critical error, database version > what we can support
SetLastError(dwStatus = TLS_E_INCOMPATIBLEDATABSE); goto cleanup; }
if( TLSIsBetaNTServer() == FALSE && DATABASE_VERSION(version_found.dwVersion) == W2K_BETA3_JETBLUE_DBVERSION ) { //
// Beta3 license database, wipe out and restart from scratch
DBGPrintf( DBG_ERROR, DBG_FACILITY_UPGRADE, DBGLEVEL_FUNCTION_ERROR, _TEXT("Beta 3 database version 0x%08x, 0x%08x\n"), version_found.dwVersion, dwDbVersion );
dwStatus = TLS_E_BETADATABSE; goto cleanup; }
if(IS_ENFORCE_VERSION(version_found.dwVersion) != IS_ENFORCE_VERSION(dwDbVersion)) { //
// Enforce/non-enforce in-compatible, wipe out database and restart from
// scratch
DBGPrintf( DBG_ERROR, DBG_FACILITY_UPGRADE, DBGLEVEL_FUNCTION_ERROR, _TEXT("Enforce/Non-enforce database 0x%08x, 0x%08x\n"), version_found.dwVersion, dwDbVersion );
//TLSLogWarningEvent(dwStatus = TLS_W_DB_ENFORCE_NONENFORCE);
//bUpdateVersionRec = TRUE;
dwStatus = TLS_E_INCOMPATIBLEDATABSE; goto cleanup; }
// Server ID
if( _tcscmp(version_found.szInstallId, version_search.szInstallId) != 0 ) { //
// Check if this is pre-beta3 which uses GUID
dwStatus = RetrieveKey( LSERVER_LSA_SETUPID, &pbSetupId, &cbSetupId );
if( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS || _tcscmp(version_found.szInstallId, (LPTSTR)pbSetupId) != 0 ) { DBGPrintf( DBG_ERROR, DBG_FACILITY_UPGRADE, DBGLEVEL_FUNCTION_ERROR, _TEXT("Database does not belong to this machine\n") ); #if ENFORCE_LICENSING
TLSLogWarningEvent(dwStatus = TLS_W_NOTOWNER_DATABASE); #endif
bUpdateVersionRec = TRUE; } }
if(bUpdateVersionRec == TRUE) { //
// take ownership of this database, no other DB operation, current
// record is still at version, update record.
if(pverTable->UpdateRecord(version_search) == FALSE) { SetLastError( dwStatus = SET_JB_ERROR(pverTable->GetLastJetError()) ); goto cleanup; } }
dwCurrentVersion = DATABASE_VERSION(version_search.dwVersion); }
bSuccess = pLicPackTable->UpgradeTable( dwCurrentVersion, DATABASE_VERSION(dwDbVersion) );
if(bSuccess == FALSE) { SetLastError( dwStatus = SET_JB_ERROR(pLicPackTable->GetLastJetError()) ); goto cleanup; }
bSuccess = pLicensedTable->UpgradeTable( dwCurrentVersion, DATABASE_VERSION(dwDbVersion) ); if(bSuccess == FALSE) { SetLastError( dwStatus = SET_JB_ERROR(pLicensedTable->GetLastJetError()) );
goto cleanup; }
bSuccess = pLicPackDescTable->UpgradeTable( dwCurrentVersion, DATABASE_VERSION(dwDbVersion) ) ;
if(bSuccess == FALSE) { SetLastError( dwStatus = SET_JB_ERROR(pLicPackDescTable->GetLastJetError()) ); goto cleanup; }
bSuccess = pBckSrcTable->UpgradeTable( dwCurrentVersion, DATABASE_VERSION(dwDbVersion) );
if(bSuccess == FALSE) { SetLastError( dwStatus = SET_JB_ERROR(pBckSrcTable->GetLastJetError()) ); goto cleanup; }
bSuccess = pWkItemTable->UpgradeTable( dwCurrentVersion, DATABASE_VERSION(dwDbVersion) );
if(bSuccess == FALSE) { SetLastError( dwStatus = SET_JB_ERROR(pWkItemTable->GetLastJetError()) ); goto cleanup; }
if(pbSetupId != NULL) { LocalFree(pbSetupId); }
// We use global so don't free the memory
version_search.pbDomainSid = NULL; version_search.cbDomainSid = 0; if(pverTable) { pverTable->CloseTable(); delete pverTable; } if(pLicPackTable) { delete pLicPackTable; } if(pLicensedTable) { delete pLicensedTable; } if(pLicPackDescTable) { delete pLicPackDescTable; } if(pBckSrcTable) { delete pBckSrcTable; } if(pWkItemTable) { delete pWkItemTable; }
return dwStatus; }
BOOL Upgrade236LicensePack( PTLSLICENSEPACK pLicensePack ) /*++
++*/ { DWORD dwMajorVersion; DWORD dwMinorVersion; BOOL bRequireUpgrade=FALSE;
memset(szPreFix, 0, sizeof(szPreFix)); memset(szPostFix, 0, sizeof(szPostFix)); LONG lRet =_stscanf( pLicensePack->szProductId, TERMSERV_PRODUCTID_SCAN_FORMAT, szPreFix, &dwMajorVersion, &dwMinorVersion, szPostFix ); if(lRet != 4) goto cleanup;
if(_tcscmp(szPreFix, TERMSERV_PRODUCTID_SKU) != 0) { //
// Not our license pack
goto cleanup; }
if(_tcscmp(szPostFix, TERMSERV_FULLVERSION_TYPE) == 0) { dwPlatformType = PLATFORMID_OTHERS; } else if(_tcscmp(szPostFix, TERMSERV_FREE_TYPE) == 0) { dwPlatformType = PLATFORMID_FREE; } else { // ignore this error...
goto cleanup; }
// fix entries caused by bug 402870.
// Remote license pack must have remote bit in status and platformtype
if( pLicensePack->ucKeyPackStatus & LSKEYPACKSTATUS_REMOTE && !(pLicensePack->dwPlatformType & LSKEYPACK_PLATFORM_REMOTE) ) { pLicensePack->dwPlatformType |= LSKEYPACK_PLATFORM_REMOTE; bRequireUpgrade = TRUE; goto cleanup; }
// If platform type is correct, no need to upgrade
if( (pLicensePack->dwPlatformType & ~LSKEYPACK_PLATFORM_REMOTE) == dwPlatformType ) { goto cleanup; }
// Update platform Type.
pLicensePack->dwPlatformType = dwPlatformType; if( pLicensePack->ucKeyPackStatus & LSKEYPACKSTATUS_REMOTE ) { pLicensePack->dwPlatformType |= LSKEYPACK_PLATFORM_REMOTE; }
bRequireUpgrade = TRUE;
return bRequireUpgrade; }
DWORD TLSAddTermServCertificatePack( IN PTLSDbWorkSpace pDbWkSpace, IN BOOL bLogWarning ) /*++
This routine add a sepecifc license pack to issuing/generating certificate for terminal server.
Parameter: pDbWkSpace : workspace handle. bLogWarning : Log low license count warning, ignore if enforce
JET Error code.
struct tm convertTime; time_t expired_time; time_t activate_time;
// Set activation date to 1970 - client/server might not sync. up in time
memset(&convertTime, 0, sizeof(convertTime)); convertTime.tm_year = 1980 - 1900; // expire on 2036/1/1
convertTime.tm_mday = 1; activate_time = mktime(&convertTime); if(activate_time == (time_t) -1) { DBGPrintf( DBG_ERROR, DBG_FACILITY_UPGRADE, DBGLEVEL_FUNCTION_ERROR, _TEXT("Can't calculate keypack activate time\n") );
// Expiration date
memset(&convertTime, 0, sizeof(convertTime)); convertTime.tm_year = 2036 - 1900; // expire on 2036/1/1
convertTime.tm_mday = 1; expired_time = mktime(&convertTime); if(expired_time == (time_t) -1) { DBGPrintf( DBG_ERROR, DBG_FACILITY_UPGRADE, DBGLEVEL_FUNCTION_ERROR, _TEXT("Can't calculate keypack expiration time\n") );
// Add a special keypack to hydra server
LSKeyPack hsKeyPack;
memset(&hsKeyPack, 0, sizeof(LSKeyPack)); hsKeyPack.ucKeyPackType = LSKEYPACKTYPE_FREE; SAFESTRCPY(hsKeyPack.szKeyPackId, HYDRAPRODUCT_HS_CERTIFICATE_KEYPACKID);
if(!LoadResourceString( IDS_HS_COMPANYNAME, hsKeyPack.szCompanyName, sizeof(hsKeyPack.szCompanyName) / sizeof(hsKeyPack.szCompanyName[0]))) { DBGPrintf( DBG_ERROR, DBG_FACILITY_UPGRADE, DBGLEVEL_FUNCTION_ERROR, _TEXT("Can't load resources for IDS_HS_COMPANYNAME\n") );
SetLastError(dwStatus = TLS_E_UPGRADE_DATABASE); goto cleanup; }
if(!LoadResourceString( IDS_HS_PRODUCTNAME, hsKeyPack.szProductName, sizeof(hsKeyPack.szProductName) / sizeof(hsKeyPack.szProductName[0]))) { DBGPrintf( DBG_ERROR, DBG_FACILITY_UPGRADE, DBGLEVEL_FUNCTION_ERROR, _TEXT("Can't load resources for IDS_HS_PRODUCTNAME\n") ); SetLastError(dwStatus = TLS_E_UPGRADE_DATABASE); goto cleanup; }
if(!LoadResourceString( IDS_HS_PRODUCTDESC, hsKeyPack.szProductDesc, sizeof(hsKeyPack.szProductDesc) / sizeof(hsKeyPack.szProductDesc[0]))) { DBGPrintf( DBG_ERROR, DBG_FACILITY_UPGRADE, DBGLEVEL_FUNCTION_ERROR, _TEXT("Can't load resources for IDS_HS_PRODUCTDESC\n") ); SetLastError(dwStatus = TLS_E_UPGRADE_DATABASE); goto cleanup; }
hsKeyPack.ucKeyPackStatus = LSKEYPACKSTATUS_ACTIVE; hsKeyPack.dwActivateDate = activate_time; hsKeyPack.dwExpirationDate = expired_time;
hsKeyPack.wMajorVersion=HIWORD(HYDRACERT_PRODUCT_VERSION); hsKeyPack.wMinorVersion=LOWORD(HYDRACERT_PRODUCT_VERSION); hsKeyPack.dwPlatformType=CLIENT_PLATFORMID_WINDOWS_NT_FREE; hsKeyPack.ucLicenseType=LSKEYPACKLICENSETYPE_NEW; hsKeyPack.dwLanguageId=MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US); hsKeyPack.ucChannelOfPurchase=LSKEYPACKCHANNELOFPURCHASE_RETAIL; SAFESTRCPY(hsKeyPack.szBeginSerialNumber, _TEXT("0")); hsKeyPack.dwTotalLicenseInKeyPack = 0; hsKeyPack.dwProductFlags = 0;
dwStatus = TLSDBLicenseKeyPackAdd( pDbWkSpace, &hsKeyPack );
if(dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { hsKeyPack.ucKeyPackStatus = LSKEYPACKSTATUS_ACTIVE; hsKeyPack.dwActivateDate = activate_time; hsKeyPack.dwExpirationDate = expired_time;
dwStatus=TLSDBLicenseKeyPackSetStatus( pDbWkSpace, LSKEYPACK_SET_ALLSTATUS, &hsKeyPack );
#if DBG
if(hsKeyPack.dwKeyPackId != 1) { // this can only success in empty database.
if(dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DBGPrintf( DBG_ERROR, DBG_FACILITY_UPGRADE, DBGLEVEL_FUNCTION_ERROR, _TEXT("Can't add keypack or set status - %d\n"), dwStatus ); }
// Begin another transaction for upgrading 236 product
plicensePack = new TLSLICENSEPACK; if(plicensePack == NULL) { SetLastError(dwStatus = TLS_E_ALLOCATE_MEMORY); goto cleanup; }
memset(plicensePack, 0, sizeof(TLSLICENSEPACK));
// Terminal Server specific code...
dwStatus = TLSDBKeyPackEnumBegin( pDbWkSpace, FALSE, LSKEYPACK_SEARCH_NONE, plicensePack );
while(dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwStatus = TLSDBKeyPackEnumNext( pDbWkSpace, plicensePack );
if(dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; }
if( Upgrade236LicensePack(plicensePack) == TRUE || (plicensePack->ucAgreementType & LSKEYPACK_REMOTE_TYPE) ) { BOOL bSuccess; LicPackTable& licpackTable=pDbWkSpace->m_LicPackTable;
if( plicensePack->ucAgreementType & LSKEYPACK_REMOTE_TYPE || plicensePack->ucKeyPackStatus & LSKEYPACKSTATUS_REMOTE ) { plicensePack->dwPlatformType |= LSKEYPACK_PLATFORM_REMOTE; plicensePack->ucKeyPackStatus |= LSKEYPACKSTATUS_REMOTE; plicensePack->ucAgreementType &= ~LSKEYPACK_RESERVED_TYPE; }
// use the same timestamp for this record, tlsdb require update entry's timestamp
if(bSuccess == FALSE) { dwStatus = SET_JB_ERROR(licpackTable.GetLastJetError()); } }
if(bLogWarning == FALSE) { DBGPrintf( DBG_ERROR, DBG_FACILITY_UPGRADE, DBGLEVEL_FUNCTION_ERROR, _TEXT("Ignore low license count warning...\n") );
continue; }
if(plicensePack->ucAgreementType & LSKEYPACK_REMOTE_TYPE) { // don't log warning for remote license pack.
continue; }
if(plicensePack->ucKeyPackStatus & LSKEYPACKSTATUS_REMOTE) { // don't log warning for remote license pack.
continue; }
// log low license count warning message
if( plicensePack->ucAgreementType == LSKEYPACKTYPE_OPEN || plicensePack->ucAgreementType == LSKEYPACKTYPE_RETAIL || plicensePack->ucAgreementType == LSKEYPACKTYPE_SELECT ) { if(plicensePack->dwNumberOfLicenses > g_LowLicenseCountWarning) { continue; }
LICPACKDESC kpDescSearch, kpDescFound;
memset(&kpDescSearch, 0, sizeof(kpDescSearch)); memset(&kpDescFound, 0, sizeof(kpDescFound));
kpDescSearch.dwKeyPackId = plicensePack->dwKeyPackId; kpDescSearch.dwLanguageId = GetSystemDefaultLangID();
dwKpDescStatus = TLSDBKeyPackDescFind( pDbWkSpace, TRUE, LSKEYPACK_SEARCH_KEYPACKID | LSKEYPACK_SEARCH_LANGID, &kpDescSearch, &kpDescFound );
if( dwKpDescStatus == TLS_E_RECORD_NOTFOUND && GetSystemDefaultLangID() != MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US) ) { // use english description
dwKpDescStatus = TLSDBKeyPackDescFind( pDbWkSpace, TRUE, LSKEYPACK_SEARCH_KEYPACKID | LSKEYPACK_SEARCH_LANGID, &kpDescSearch, &kpDescFound ); }
if(dwKpDescStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // ignore this.
continue; }
if( _tcsicmp( plicensePack->szCompanyName, PRODUCT_INFO_COMPANY_NAME ) == 0 ) { //
// check with known termsrv product ID.
if( _tcsnicmp( plicensePack->szProductId, TERMSERV_PRODUCTID_SKU, _tcslen(TERMSERV_PRODUCTID_SKU)) == 0 ) { TLSResetLogLowLicenseWarning( plicensePack->szCompanyName, TERMSERV_PRODUCTID_SKU, MAKELONG(plicensePack->wMinorVersion, plicensePack->wMajorVersion), TRUE ); } else if(_tcsnicmp( plicensePack->szProductId, TERMSERV_PRODUCTID_INTERNET_SKU, _tcslen(TERMSERV_PRODUCTID_INTERNET_SKU)) == 0 ) { TLSResetLogLowLicenseWarning( plicensePack->szCompanyName, TERMSERV_PRODUCTID_INTERNET_SKU, MAKELONG(plicensePack->wMinorVersion, plicensePack->wMajorVersion), TRUE ); } else { TLSResetLogLowLicenseWarning( plicensePack->szCompanyName, plicensePack->szProductId, MAKELONG(plicensePack->wMinorVersion, plicensePack->wMajorVersion), TRUE ); } } else { TLSResetLogLowLicenseWarning( plicensePack->szCompanyName, plicensePack->szProductId, MAKELONG(plicensePack->wMinorVersion, plicensePack->wMajorVersion), TRUE ); }
{ LPCTSTR pString[3]; TCHAR szCount[25]; memset(szCount, 0, sizeof(szCount));
_sntprintf( szCount, sizeof(szCount)/sizeof(szCount[0]) - 1, _TEXT("%d"), plicensePack->dwNumberOfLicenses ); pString[0] = g_szComputerName; pString[1] = szCount; pString[2] = kpDescFound.szProductDesc;
TLSLogEventString( EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, TLS_W_LOWLICENSECOUNT, sizeof(pString)/sizeof(pString[0]), pString ); } } #endif
if(dwStatus == TLS_I_NO_MORE_DATA) { dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } TLSDBKeyPackEnumEnd( pDbWkSpace );
if(plicensePack != NULL) { delete plicensePack; } if(dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pDbWkSpace->CommitTransaction(); } else { pDbWkSpace->RollbackTransaction(); }
return dwStatus; }
// Upgrade License Server Database
DWORD TLSUpgradeDatabase( IN JBInstance& jbInstance, IN LPTSTR szDatabaseFile, IN LPTSTR szUserName, IN LPTSTR szPassword ) /*++
++*/ { DWORD dwStatus=ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL bSuccess; DWORD dwCurrentDbVersion; BOOL bCreateEmpty=FALSE;
if(jbInstance.IsValid() == FALSE) { SetLastError(dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return dwStatus; }
JBSession jbSession(jbInstance); JBDatabase jbDatabase(jbSession);
// open version table to determine the current database version stamp.
VersionTable verTable(jbDatabase);
TLSVersion version_search; TLSVersion version_found;
// initialize a session, then database
bSuccess = jbSession.BeginSession(szUserName, szPassword); if(bSuccess == FALSE) { LPTSTR pString = NULL;
TLSGetESEError(jbSession.GetLastJetError(), &pString); TLSLogEvent( EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, TLS_E_DBGENERAL, TLS_E_JB_BEGINSESSION, jbSession.GetLastJetError(), (pString != NULL) ? pString : _TEXT("") );
if(pString != NULL) { LocalFree(pString); }
DBGPrintf( DBG_ERROR, DBG_FACILITY_UPGRADE, DBG_ALL_LEVEL, _TEXT("Can't start a jet session - %d\n"), jbSession.GetLastJetError() ); SetLastError(dwStatus = TLS_E_UPGRADE_DATABASE); goto cleanup; }
// Open the database
bSuccess = jbDatabase.OpenDatabase(szDatabaseFile); if( bSuccess == FALSE ) { JET_ERR jetErr = jbDatabase.GetLastJetError();
if(jetErr == JET_errDatabaseCorrupted) { //
// report corrupted database
SetLastError(dwStatus = TLS_E_CORRUPT_DATABASE); jbSession.EndSession(); goto cleanup; } else if(jetErr != JET_errFileNotFound) { LPTSTR pString = NULL;
TLSGetESEError(jetErr, &pString);
// other type of error
TLSLogEvent( EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, TLS_E_DBGENERAL, TLS_E_JB_OPENDATABASE, szDatabaseFile, jbDatabase.GetLastJetError(), (pString != NULL) ? pString : _TEXT("") );
if(pString != NULL) { LocalFree(pString); } dwStatus = SET_JB_ERROR(jetErr); SetLastError(dwStatus); jbSession.EndSession(); goto cleanup; }
// database does not exist, create one
bSuccess = jbDatabase.CreateDatabase(szDatabaseFile); if(bSuccess == FALSE) { LPTSTR pString = NULL;
TLSGetESEError(jbDatabase.GetLastJetError(), &pString);
TLSLogEvent( EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, TLS_E_DBGENERAL, TLS_E_JB_CREATEDATABASE, szDatabaseFile, jbDatabase.GetLastJetError(), (pString != NULL) ? pString : _TEXT("") );
if(pString != NULL) { LocalFree(pString); }
DBGPrintf( DBG_ERROR, DBG_FACILITY_JETBLUE, DBGLEVEL_FUNCTION_ERROR, _TEXT("Error : can't create new database - error code %d\n"), jbDatabase.GetLastJetError() );
dwStatus = SET_JB_ERROR(jbDatabase.GetLastJetError()); SetLastError(dwStatus); jbSession.EndSession(); goto cleanup; }
bCreateEmpty=TRUE; }
// Create/upgrade all the tables
dwStatus = TLSCreateUpgradeDatabase( jbDatabase );
if(TLS_ERROR(dwStatus) == TRUE) { jbSession.RollbackTransaction(); } else { jbSession.CommitTransaction(); }
jbDatabase.CloseDatabase(); jbSession.EndSession();
if(TLS_ERROR(dwStatus) == TRUE) { return dwStatus; }
return (bCreateEmpty) ? TLS_I_CREATE_EMPTYDATABASE : dwStatus; }
// Upgrade 5.1 License Keypacks to 5.2
DWORD UpgradeKeyPackVersion(IN PTLSDbWorkSpace pDbWkSpace) { DWORD dwStatus=ERROR_SUCCESS; TLSLICENSEPACK LicPack; BOOL fCommit = TRUE;
memset(&LicPack, 0, sizeof(LicPack));
TLSDBLockKeyPackTable(); dwStatus = TLSDBKeyPackEnumBegin( pDbWkSpace, TRUE, LSKEYPACK_SEARCH_NONE, &LicPack ); if(dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; } while(dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if(!(LicPack.ucAgreementType & LSKEYPACK_REMOTE_TYPE) && LicPack.wMajorVersion == 5 && LicPack.wMinorVersion == 1) { LicPack.wMinorVersion = 2;
LicPack.szProductId[7] = _T('2');
dwStatus = TLSDBKeyPackEnumNext( pDbWkSpace, &LicPack ); }
if(fCommit) { COMMIT_TRANSACTION(pDbWkSpace); } else { ROLLBACK_TRANSACTION(pDbWkSpace); }
cleanup: TLSDBUnlockKeyPackTable(); if(dwStatus == TLS_I_NO_MORE_DATA) dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; return dwStatus; }
DWORD TLSLogRemoveLicenseEvent( IN PTLSDbWorkSpace pDbWkSpace, IN PTLSLICENSEPACK plicensePack, IN DWORD dwNumLicenses ) /*++
Log a 'license has been removed' event.
pDbWkSpace : DB work space handle. pLicensePack : Pointer to license pack that available licenses are to be remove. dwNumLicenses : Number of licenses has been removed.
ERROR_SUCCESS or error code.
--*/ { DWORD dwKpDescStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
LICPACKDESC kpDescSearch, kpDescFound;
memset(&kpDescSearch, 0, sizeof(kpDescSearch)); memset(&kpDescFound, 0, sizeof(kpDescFound));
kpDescSearch.dwKeyPackId = plicensePack->dwKeyPackId; kpDescSearch.dwLanguageId = GetSystemDefaultLangID();
dwKpDescStatus = TLSDBKeyPackDescFind( pDbWkSpace, TRUE, LSKEYPACK_SEARCH_KEYPACKID | LSKEYPACK_SEARCH_LANGID, &kpDescSearch, &kpDescFound );
if( dwKpDescStatus == TLS_E_RECORD_NOTFOUND && GetSystemDefaultLangID() != MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US) ) { // use english description
dwKpDescStatus = TLSDBKeyPackDescFind( pDbWkSpace, TRUE, LSKEYPACK_SEARCH_KEYPACKID | LSKEYPACK_SEARCH_LANGID, &kpDescSearch, &kpDescFound );
if(dwKpDescStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS || dwKpDescStatus == TLS_E_RECORD_NOTFOUND) { //
// Log event.
TCHAR szNumLicenses[25]; LPCTSTR pString[3];
wsprintf( szNumLicenses, _TEXT("%d"), dwNumLicenses );
pString[0] = szNumLicenses; pString[1] = (dwKpDescStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) ? kpDescFound.szProductDesc : plicensePack->szProductId;
pString[2] = g_szComputerName; TLSLogEventString( EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, TLS_W_REMOVELICENSES, sizeof(pString)/sizeof(pString[0]), pString );
dwKpDescStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
return dwKpDescStatus; }
DWORD TLSRemoveLicensesFromInvalidDatabase( IN PTLSDbWorkSpace pDbWkSpace ) /*++
Remove available licenses from all license pack.
pDbWkSpace : Pointer to DB work space handle.
ERROR_SUCCESS or error code.
--*/ { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if(pDbWkSpace == NULL) { dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return dwStatus; }
// all license keypack inserted has the setup id on it.
memset( &found, 0, sizeof(found) );
dwStatus = TLSDBKeyPackEnumBegin( pDbWkSpace, FALSE, LSKEYPACK_SEARCH_NONE, &found );
if(dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { TLSASSERT(FALSE); goto cleanup; }
while(dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwStatus = TLSDBKeyPackEnumNext( pDbWkSpace, &found );
if(dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { continue; }
if( _tcsicmp(found.szKeyPackId, HYDRAPRODUCT_HS_CERTIFICATE_KEYPACKID) == 0 && _tcsicmp(found.szProductId, HYDRAPRODUCT_HS_CERTIFICATE_SKU) == 0 ) { // don't touch terminal server certificate keypack
continue; }
if( (found.ucAgreementType & LSKEYPACK_REMOTE_TYPE) || (found.ucKeyPackStatus & LSKEYPACKSTATUS_REMOTE) ) { #if 0
// Don't bother about remote keypack
// remote license keypack, delete it.
dwStatus = TLSDBKeyPackDeleteEntry( pDbWkSpace, TRUE, &found );
// non-critical error if failed.
dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; continue; }
UCHAR ucAgreementType = found.ucAgreementType & ~LSKEYPACK_RESERVED_TYPE; UCHAR ucKeyPackStatus = found.ucKeyPackStatus & ~LSKEYPACKSTATUS_RESERVED;
if(ucKeyPackStatus == LSKEYPACKSTATUS_RETURNED) { //
// This license pack has been restored before.
continue; }
// Select, retail, concurrent, open
if( ucAgreementType == LSKEYPACKTYPE_SELECT || ucAgreementType == LSKEYPACKTYPE_RETAIL || ucAgreementType == LSKEYPACKTYPE_OPEN ) { DWORD dwNumLicenses = found.dwNumberOfLicenses;
// Mark license pack returned so that no license can be issued
// from this license pack.
found.ucKeyPackStatus = LSKEYPACKSTATUS_RETURNED; dwStatus = TLSDBKeyPackUpdateEntry( pDbWkSpace, TRUE, LSKEYPACK_EXSEARCH_KEYPACKSTATUS, &found );
if(dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DBGPrintf( DBG_ERROR, DBG_FACILITY_UPGRADE, DBG_ALL_LEVEL, _TEXT("TLSDBKeyPackUpdateEntry() failed - %d\n"), dwStatus );
TLSASSERT(FALSE); continue; } // log an event
dwStatus = TLSLogRemoveLicenseEvent( pDbWkSpace, &found, dwNumLicenses );
if(dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { continue; } } }
if(dwStatus == TLS_I_NO_MORE_DATA) { dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else if(dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; }
if(TLS_ERROR(dwStatus) == TRUE) { pDbWkSpace->RollbackTransaction(); } else { pDbWkSpace->CommitTransaction(); }
return dwStatus; }