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// dlgbase.h: base class for dialogs
// (modal and modeless)
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1999-2001
// (nadima)
#ifndef _dlgbase_h_
#define _dlgbase_h_
class CDlgBase { public: CDlgBase(HWND hwndOwner, HINSTANCE hInst, INT dlgResId); virtual ~CDlgBase();
virtual INT_PTR CALLBACK DialogBoxProc (HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg,WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
BOOL GetPosition(int* pLeft, int* pTop); BOOL SetPosition(int left, int top); void SetStartupPosLeft(int left) {_startupLeft = left;} void SetStartupPosTop(int top) {_startupTop = top;} int GetStartupPosLeft() {return _startupLeft;} int GetStartupPosTop() {return _startupTop;}
protected: //
// Protected dialog utility functions
INT CreateModalDialog(LPCTSTR lpTemplateName); static INT_PTR CALLBACK StaticDialogBoxProc(HWND _hwndDlgDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
void SetDialogAppIcon(HWND hwndDlg); void EnableDlgItem(UINT dlgItemId, BOOL enabled); void CenterWindow(HWND hwndCenterOn, INT xRatio=2, INT yRatio=2);
protected: void RepositionControls(int moveDeltaX, int moveDeltaY, UINT* ctlIDs, int numID); void EnableControls(UINT* ctlIDs, int numID, BOOL bEnable); DLGTEMPLATE* DoLockDlgRes(LPCTSTR lpszResName); HWND _hwndDlg; HWND _hwndOwner; HINSTANCE _hInstance; INT _dlgResId;
// Start position
int _startupLeft; int _startupTop;
// End positon on exit
int _Left; int _Top; };
#endif //_dlgbase_h_