// File name: TSrvMisc.c
// Description: Misc TShareSRV support routines
// Microsoft Confidential
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1991-1997
// All rights reserved
#include <TSrv.h>
// Data declarations
BOOL g_fTSrvReady = FALSE; BOOL g_fTSrvTerminating = FALSE;
// TSrvReady()
// Purpose: Sets the TShareSRV "ready" state
// Parameters: IN [fReady] -- TSrv ready state
// Return: void
// History: 07-17-97 BrianTa Created
void TSrvReady(IN BOOL fReady) { TRACE((DEBUG_TSHRSRV_FLOW, "TShrSRV: TSrvReady entry\n"));
g_fTSrvReady = fReady;
TRACE((DEBUG_TSHRSRV_NORMAL, "TShrSRV: TShareSRV %sready\n", (g_fTSrvReady ? "" : "not ")));
if (g_hReadyEvent) SetEvent(g_hReadyEvent);
TRACE((DEBUG_TSHRSRV_FLOW, "TShrSRV: TSrvReady exit\n")); }
// TSrvIsReady()
// Purpose: Returns the TShareSRV "ready" state
// Parameters: IN [fWait] -- Wait if not ready
// Return: TRUE if ready
// FALSE if not
// History: 07-17-97 BrianTa Created
BOOL TSrvIsReady(IN BOOL fWait) { if (!g_fTSrvReady && fWait) { TRACE((DEBUG_TSHRSRV_NORMAL, "TShrSRV: Waiting for TShareSRV to become ready\n"));
WaitForSingleObject(g_hReadyEvent, 60000);
TRACE((DEBUG_TSHRSRV_NORMAL, "TShrSRV: Done Waiting for TShareSRV to become ready - 0x%x\n", g_fTSrvReady)); }
return (g_fTSrvReady); }
// TSrvTerminating()
// Purpose: Sets the TShareSRV "terminating" state
// Parameters: IN [fTerminating] -- TSrv ready state
// Return: void
// History: 07-17-97 BrianTa Created
void TSrvTerminating(BOOL fTerminating) { TRACE((DEBUG_TSHRSRV_FLOW, "TShrSRV: TSrvTerminating entry\n"));
g_fTSrvTerminating = fTerminating;
TRACE((DEBUG_TSHRSRV_FLOW, "TShrSRV: TSrvTerminating exit\n")); }
// TSrvIsTerminating()
// Purpose: Returns the TShareSRV "terminating" state
// Parameters: void
// Return: TRUE if terminating
// FALSE if not
// History: 07-17-97 BrianTa Created
BOOL TSrvIsTerminating(void) { return (g_fTSrvTerminating); }
// TSrvAllocSection()
// Purpose: Allocates and mapps a section object
// Parameters: ulSize -- Section size
// phSection -- ptr to section handle
// Return: Ptr to section base - if successfull
// NULL otherwise
// History: 12-17-97 BrianTa Created
PVOID TSrvAllocSection(PHANDLE phSection, ULONG ulSize) { LARGE_INTEGER SectionSize; LARGE_INTEGER liOffset; ULONG_PTR ulViewSize; NTSTATUS ntStatus; PVOID pvBase; // Create section and map it into the kernel
pvBase = NULL;
SectionSize.QuadPart = ulSize;
ntStatus = NtCreateSection(phSection, SECTION_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &SectionSize, PAGE_READWRITE, SEC_COMMIT, NULL);
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { pvBase = NULL; ulViewSize = ulSize;
// Map the section into the current process and commit it
liOffset.QuadPart = 0;
ntStatus = NtMapViewOfSection(*phSection, GetCurrentProcess(), &pvBase, 0, ulViewSize, &liOffset, &ulViewSize, ViewShare, SEC_NO_CHANGE, PAGE_READWRITE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { KdPrint(("NtMapViewOfSection failed - 0x%x\n", ntStatus)); } } else { KdPrint(("NtCreateSection failed - 0x%x\n", ntStatus)); }
return (pvBase); }
// TSrvFreeSection()
// Purpose: Frees a section object
// Parameters: hSection -- Section handle
// pvBase -- Base section address
// Return: None
// History: 12-17-97 BrianTa Created
void TSrvFreeSection(HANDLE hSection, PVOID pvBase) { NTSTATUS ntStatus;
TS_ASSERT(hSection); ntStatus = NtUnmapViewOfSection(GetCurrentProcess, pvBase);
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { ntStatus = CloseHandle(hSection);
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) KdPrint(("Closehandle failed - 0x%x\n", ntStatus)); } else { KdPrint(("NtUnmapViewOfSection failed - 0x%x\n", ntStatus)); } }