* File name: * scfuncs.cpp * Contents: * Functions exported to smclient intepreter * * Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corp. --*/
#pragma warning(disable:4152) // nonstandard extension, function/data pointer
// conversion in expression
#pragma warning(disable:4201) // nonstandard extension used : nameless
// struct/union
#pragma warning(disable:4706) // assignment within conditional expression
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <winscard.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#include "tclient.h"
#define PROTOCOLAPI // __declspec(dllexport)
#include "protocol.h"
#include "extraexp.h"
#include "gdata.h"
#include "queues.h"
#include "misc.h"
#ifdef _RCLX
#include "rclx.h"
#endif // _RCLX
#include "sccons.h"
#include "scfuncs.h"
// This structure is used by _FindTopWindow
typedef struct _SEARCHWND { TCHAR *szClassName; // The class name of searched window,
// NULL - ignore
TCHAR *szCaption; // Window caption, NULL - ignore
LONG_PTR lProcessId; // Process Id of the owner, 0 - ignore
HWND hWnd; // Found window handle
// type of imported functions, see check("call...") statement
// Function pointers for smarcard APIs. These are not supported on versions
// of Windows before Windows 95 OSR2 or Windows NT 4.0 SP3, so are loaded at
// runtime.
#define SMARTCARD_LIBRARY TEXT("winscard.dll")
HMODULE g_hSmartcardLibrary;
#define SCARDESTABLISHCONTEXT "SCardEstablishContext"
#ifdef UNICODE
#define SCARDLISTREADERS "SCardListReadersW"
#define SCARDLISTREADERS "SCardListReadersA"
#ifdef UNICODE
#define SCARDGETSTATUSCHANGE "SCardGetStatusChangeW"
#define SCARDGETSTATUSCHANGE "SCardGetStatusChangeA"
#define SCARDFREEMEMORY "SCardFreeMemory"
#define SCARDRELEASECONTEXT "SCardReleaseContext"
LONG (WINAPI *g_pfnSCardReleaseContext)( IN SCARDCONTEXT ); /*++
* Function: * SCInit * Description: * Called by smclient after the library is loaded. * Passes trace routine * Arguments: * pInitData - contains a trace routine * Called by: * !smclient --*/ PROTOCOLAPI VOID SMCAPI SCInit(SCINITDATA *pInitData) { g_pfnPrintMessage = pInitData->pfnPrintMessage; }
* Function: * SCConnectEx * Description: * Called by smclient when connect command is interpreted * Arguments: * lpszServerName - server to connect to * lpszUserName - login user name. Empty string means no login * lpszPassword - login password * lpszDomain - login domain, empty string means login to a domain * the same as lpszServerName * xRes, yRes - clients resolution, 0x0 - default * ConnectFlags - * - low speed (compression) option * - cache the bitmaps to the disc option * - connection context allocated in this function * Return value: * Error message. NULL on success * Called by: * SCConnect --*/ PROTOCOLAPI LPCSTR SMCAPI SCConnectEx( LPCWSTR lpszServerName, LPCWSTR lpszUserName, LPCWSTR lpszPassword, LPCWSTR lpszDomain, LPCWSTR lpszShell, int xRes, int yRes, int ConnectionFlags, int Bpp, int AudioOpts, PCONNECTINFO *ppCI) { // HWND hDialog;
HWND hClient; // HWND hConnect;
HWND hContainer, hInput, hOutput; STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION procinfo; LPCSTR rv = NULL; int trys; WCHAR szCommandLine[ 4 * MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; LPCSTR szDiscon; UINT xxRes, yyRes; CHAR myServerName[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ];
// Correct the resolution
if (xRes >= 1600 && yRes >= 1200) {xxRes = 1600; yyRes = 1200;} else if (xRes >= 1280 && yRes >= 1024) {xxRes = 1280; yyRes = 1024;} else if (xRes >= 1024 && yRes >= 768) {xxRes = 1024; yyRes = 768;} else if (xRes >= 800 && yRes >= 600) {xxRes = 800; yyRes = 600;} else {xxRes = 640; yyRes = 480;}
*ppCI = NULL;
for (trys = 60; trys && !g_hWindow; trys--) Sleep(1000);
if (!g_hWindow) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Panic !!! Feedback window is not created\n")); rv = ERR_WAIT_FAIL_TIMEOUT; goto exitpt; }
*ppCI = (PCONNECTINFO)malloc(sizeof(**ppCI));
if (!*ppCI) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Couldn't allocate %d bytes memory\n", sizeof(**ppCI))); rv = ERR_ALLOCATING_MEMORY; goto exitpt; } memset(*ppCI, 0, sizeof(**ppCI));
(*ppCI)->pConfigInfo = (PCONFIGINFO)malloc(sizeof(CONFIGINFO));
if (!((*ppCI)->pConfigInfo)) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Couldn't allocate %d bytes memory\n"); sizeof(**ppCI)); rv = ERR_ALLOCATING_MEMORY; goto exiterr; }
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,lpszServerName,-1,myServerName, sizeof( myServerName ), NULL, NULL);
// check for console extension
if ( 0 != ( ConnectionFlags & TSFLAG_CONSOLE )) { (*ppCI)->bConsole = TRUE;
rv = _SCConsConnect( lpszServerName, lpszUserName, lpszPassword, lpszDomain, xRes, yRes, *ppCI ); if ( NULL == rv ) goto exitpt; else { //
// the trick here is the console will be unloaded after
// several clock ticks, so we need to replace the error with
// generic one
TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Error in console dll (replacing): %s\n", rv )); rv = ERR_CONSOLE_GENERIC; goto exiterr; } }
(*ppCI)->OwnerThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
// Check in what mode the client will be executed
// if the server name starts with '\'
// then tclient.dll will wait until some remote client
// is connected (aka RCLX mode)
// otherwise start the client on the same machine
// running tclient.dll (smclient)
if (*lpszServerName != L'\\') { // This is local mode, start the RDP client process
FillMemory(&si, sizeof(si), 0); si.cb = sizeof(si); si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWMINIMIZED;
if ( (*ppCI)->pConfigInfo->UseRegistry ) _SetClientRegistry(lpszServerName, lpszShell, lpszUserName, lpszPassword, lpszDomain, xxRes, yyRes, Bpp, AudioOpts, ppCI, ConnectionFlags, (*ppCI)->pConfigInfo->KeyboardHook);
if ( 0 != wcslen( (*ppCI)->pConfigInfo->strCmdLineFmt )) { ConstructCmdLine( lpszServerName, lpszUserName, lpszPassword, lpszDomain, lpszShell, xRes, yRes, ConnectionFlags, szCommandLine, sizeof( szCommandLine ) / sizeof( *szCommandLine) - 1, (*ppCI)->pConfigInfo ); } else { _snwprintf(szCommandLine, sizeof(szCommandLine)/sizeof(WCHAR), #ifdef _WIN64
(*ppCI)->pConfigInfo->strClientImg, _T(_HWNDOPT), (LONG_PTR)g_hWindow, (ConnectionFlags & TSFLAG_RCONSOLE)?L"-console":L"", GetCurrentProcessId(), GetCurrentThreadId()); } szCommandLine[ sizeof(szCommandLine)/sizeof(WCHAR) - 1 ] = 0;
(*ppCI)->dead = FALSE;
if (!CreateProcess(NULL, szCommandLine, NULL, // Security attribute for process
NULL, // Security attribute for thread
FALSE, // Inheritance - no
0, // Creation flags
NULL, // Environment
NULL, // Current dir
&si, &procinfo)) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Error creating process (szCmdLine=%S), GetLastError=0x%x\n", szCommandLine, GetLastError())); procinfo.hProcess = procinfo.hThread = NULL;
rv = ERR_CREATING_PROCESS; goto exiterr; }
(*ppCI)->hProcess = procinfo.hProcess; (*ppCI)->hThread = procinfo.hThread; (*ppCI)->lProcessId = procinfo.dwProcessId; (*ppCI)->dwThreadId = procinfo.dwThreadId;
if (wcslen((*ppCI)->pConfigInfo->strDebugger)) // attempt to launch a "debugger"
{ PROCESS_INFORMATION debuggerproc_info;
_snwprintf( szCommandLine, sizeof(szCommandLine)/sizeof(WCHAR), (*ppCI)->pConfigInfo->strDebugger, procinfo.dwProcessId ); szCommandLine[ sizeof(szCommandLine)/sizeof(WCHAR) - 1 ] = 0; FillMemory(&si, sizeof(si), 0); si.cb = sizeof(si); if (CreateProcess( NULL, szCommandLine, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &debuggerproc_info )) { TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "Debugger is started\n")); CloseHandle(debuggerproc_info.hProcess); CloseHandle(debuggerproc_info.hThread); } else { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Can't start debugger. GetLastError=%d\n", GetLastError())); } }
rv = Wait4Connect(*ppCI); if (rv || (*ppCI)->dead) { (*ppCI)->dead = TRUE; TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Client can't connect\n")); rv = ERR_CONNECTING; goto exiterr; }
hClient = (*ppCI)->hClient; if ( NULL == hClient ) { trys = 120; // 2 minutes
do { hClient = _FindTopWindow((*ppCI)->pConfigInfo->strMainWindowClass, NULL, procinfo.dwProcessId); if (!hClient) { Sleep(1000); trys --; } } while(!hClient && trys);
if (!trys) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Can't connect")); rv = ERR_CONNECTING; goto exiterr; } }
// Find the clients child windows
trys = 240; // 2 min
do { hContainer = _FindWindow(hClient, NULL, NAME_CONTAINERCLASS); hInput = _FindWindow(hContainer, NULL, NAME_INPUT); hOutput = _FindWindow(hContainer, NULL, NAME_OUTPUT); if (!hContainer || !hInput || !hOutput) { TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "Can't get child windows. Retry")); Sleep(500); trys--; } } while ((!hContainer || !hInput || !hOutput) && trys);
if (!trys) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Can't find child windows")); rv = ERR_CONNECTING; goto exiterr; }
TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "hClient = 0x%x\n", hClient)); TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "hContainer= 0x%x\n", hContainer)); TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "hInput = 0x%x\n", hInput)); TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "hOutput = 0x%x\n", hOutput));
(*ppCI)->hClient = hClient; (*ppCI)->hContainer = hContainer; (*ppCI)->hInput = hInput; (*ppCI)->hOutput = hOutput; #ifdef _RCLX
} else { // Else what !? This is RCLX mode
// Go in wait mode and wait until some client is connected
// remotely
// set flag in context that this connection works only with remote client
// find the valid server name
while (*lpszServerName && (*lpszServerName) == L'\\') lpszServerName ++;
TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "A thread in RCLX mode. Wait for some client." "The target is: %S\n", lpszServerName));
(*ppCI)->dead = FALSE; (*ppCI)->RClxMode = TRUE; (*ppCI)->dwThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); _AddToClientQ(*ppCI);
rv = _Wait4ConnectTimeout(*ppCI, INFINITE); if (rv || (*ppCI)->dead) { (*ppCI)->dead = TRUE; TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Client can't connect to the test controler (us)\n")); rv = ERR_CONNECTING; goto exiterr; } else { // dwProcessId contains socket. hClient is pointer to RCLX
// context structure, aren't they ?
ASSERT((*ppCI)->lProcessId != INVALID_SOCKET); ASSERT((*ppCI)->hClient);
TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "Client received remote connection\n")); }
// Next, send connection info to the remote client
// like server to connect to, resolution, etc.
if (!RClx_SendConnectInfo( (PRCLXCONTEXT)((*ppCI)->hClient), lpszServerName, xxRes, yyRes, ConnectionFlags)) { (*ppCI)->dead = TRUE; TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Client can't send connection info\n")); rv = ERR_CONNECTING; goto exiterr; }
// Now again wait for connect event
// this time it will be real
rv = Wait4Connect(*ppCI); if ((*ppCI)->bWillCallAgain) { // if so, now the client is disconnected
TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "Wait for second call\n")); (*ppCI)->dead = FALSE;
rv = Wait4Connect(*ppCI); // Wait for second connect
rv = Wait4Connect(*ppCI);
if (rv || (*ppCI)->dead) { (*ppCI)->dead = TRUE; TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Client(mstsc) can't connect to TS\n")); rv = ERR_CONNECTING; goto exiterr; } #endif // _RCLX
// Save the resolution
(*ppCI)->xRes = xRes; (*ppCI)->yRes = yRes;
// If username is present
// and no autologon is specified
// try to login
if (wcslen(lpszUserName) && !(*ppCI)->pConfigInfo->Autologon) { rv = _Login(*ppCI, lpszServerName, lpszUserName, lpszPassword, lpszDomain); if (rv) goto exiterr; }
return rv; exiterr: if (*ppCI) { (*ppCI)->bConnectionFailed = TRUE; if ((szDiscon = SCDisconnect(*ppCI))) { TRACE(( WARNING_MESSAGE, "Error disconnecting: %s\n", szDiscon)); }
*ppCI = NULL; }
return rv; }
PROTOCOLAPI LPCSTR SMCAPI SCConnect( LPCWSTR lpszServerName, LPCWSTR lpszUserName, LPCWSTR lpszPassword, LPCWSTR lpszDomain, IN const int xRes, IN const int yRes, PCONNECTINFO *ppCI) { INT nConsole; INT xxRes = xRes; INT yyRes = yRes;
if ( xRes == -1 && yRes == -1 ) //
// this one goes to the console
{ nConsole = TSFLAG_CONSOLE; xxRes = 0; // there's no change for the console resolution
yyRes = 0; } else nConsole = 0;
return SCConnectEx( lpszServerName, lpszUserName, lpszPassword, lpszDomain, NULL, // Default shell (MS Explorer)
xxRes, yyRes, g_ConnectionFlags | nConsole, // compression, bmp cache,
// full screen
8, // bpp
0, // audio options
* Function: * SCDisconnect * Description: * Called by smclient, when disconnect command is interpreted * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * Return value: * Error message. NULL on success * Called by: * !smclient --*/ PROTOCOLAPI LPCSTR SMCAPI SCDisconnect( PCONNECTINFO pCI) { LPCSTR rv = NULL; INT nCloseTime; INT nCloseTries = 0; DWORD dw, dwMaxSearch; DWORD wres; HWND hYesNo = NULL; HWND hDiscBox = NULL; HWND hDialog = NULL; BOOL bDiscClosed = FALSE; if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
if ( pCI->bConsole ) { rv = _SCConsDisconnect( pCI ); if ( NULL != pCI->hConsoleExtension ) FreeLibrary( (HMODULE) pCI->hConsoleExtension ); if ( NULL != pCI->pConfigInfo ) { free( pCI->pConfigInfo ); pCI->pConfigInfo = NULL; } free( pCI ); pCI = NULL; goto exitpt; }
if ( NULL == pCI->pConfigInfo ) { //
// no config, no process
goto no_config; } nCloseTime = pCI->pConfigInfo->WAIT4STR_TIMEOUT;
// if we failed at connection time
// search for "Disconnected" dialog
if ( pCI->bConnectionFailed ) dwMaxSearch = 10; else dwMaxSearch = 1;
for( dw = 0; dw < dwMaxSearch; dw++ ) { hDiscBox = _FindTopWindow(NULL, pCI->pConfigInfo->strDisconnectDialogBox, pCI->lProcessId); if ( hDiscBox ) { TRACE(( INFO_MESSAGE, "Closing disconnect dialog( Visible=%d )\n", IsWindowVisible( hDiscBox ))); PostMessageA(hDiscBox, WM_CLOSE, __LINE__, 0xc001d00d); bDiscClosed = TRUE; break; } else Sleep( 1000 ); }
if ( #ifdef _RCLX
!(pCI->RClxMode) && #endif // _RCLX
NULL != pCI->hProcess ) { // Try to close the client window
if ( !bDiscClosed ) { if ( (hDiscBox = _FindTopWindow(NULL, pCI->pConfigInfo->strDisconnectDialogBox, pCI->lProcessId))) { PostMessageA(hDiscBox, WM_CLOSE, __LINE__, 0xc001d00d); } else { pCI->hClient = _FindTopWindow(pCI->pConfigInfo->strMainWindowClass, NULL, pCI->lProcessId); if ( pCI->hClient ) { TRACE(( INFO_MESSAGE, "Closing main window (Visible=%d)\n", IsWindowVisible( pCI->hClient ))); PostMessageA(pCI->hClient, WM_CLOSE, __LINE__, 0xc001d00d); } } }
do { // search for disconnect dialog and close it
if (!hDialog && !hDiscBox && (hDiscBox = _FindTopWindow(NULL, pCI->pConfigInfo->strDisconnectDialogBox, pCI->lProcessId))) PostMessageA(hDiscBox, WM_CLOSE, __LINE__, 0xc001d00d);
/* can't be in startup dialog UI
// if it is in normal dialog close it
if (!hDiscBox && !hDialog && (hDialog = _FindTopWindow(NULL, pCI->pConfigInfo->strClientCaption, pCI->lProcessId))) PostMessageA(hDialog, WM_CLOSE, __LINE__, 0xc001d00d); */
// If the client asks whether to close or not
// Answer with 'Yes'
if (!hYesNo) hYesNo = _FindTopWindow(NULL, pCI->pConfigInfo->strYesNoShutdown, pCI->lProcessId);
if (hYesNo) PostMessageA(hYesNo, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_RETURN, 0); else if ((nCloseTries % 10) == 5) { // On every 10 attempts retry to close the client
if (!pCI->hClient || 0 != _wcsicmp(pCI->pConfigInfo->strMainWindowClass, NAME_MAINCLASS)) pCI->hClient = _FindTopWindow(pCI->pConfigInfo->strMainWindowClass, NULL, pCI->lProcessId);
if (pCI->hClient) PostMessageA(pCI->hClient, WM_CLOSE, __LINE__, 0xc001d00d); }
nCloseTries++; nCloseTime -= 3000; } while ( (wres = WaitForSingleObject(pCI->hProcess, 3000)) == WAIT_TIMEOUT && nCloseTime > 0 );
if (wres == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Can't close process. WaitForSingleObject timeouts\n")); TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Process #%d will be killed\n", pCI->lProcessId )); #if 0
_snprintf( szCommandLine, sizeof( szCommandLine ), "ntsd -d %d", pCI->lProcessId ); FillMemory(&si, sizeof(si), 0); si.cb = sizeof(si); if (CreateProcessA( NULL, szCommandLine, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &debuggerproc_info )) { TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "Debugger is started\n")); CloseHandle(debuggerproc_info.hProcess); CloseHandle(debuggerproc_info.hThread); } else { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Can't start debugger. GetLastError=%d\n", GetLastError())); } }
if (!TerminateProcess(pCI->hProcess, 1)) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Can't kill process #%p. GetLastError=%d\n", pCI->lProcessId, GetLastError())); } #endif
if (!_RemoveFromClientQ(pCI)) { TRACE(( WARNING_MESSAGE, "Couldn't find CONNECTINFO in the queue\n" )); }
exitpt: return rv; }
* Function: * SCLogoff * Description: * Called by smclient, when logoff command is interpreted * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * Return value: * Error message. NULL on success * Called by: * !smclient --*/ PROTOCOLAPI LPCSTR SMCAPI SCLogoff( PCONNECTINFO pCI) { LPCSTR rv = NULL; // INT retries = 5;
if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
if (pCI->bConsole) { rv = _SCConsLogoff( pCI ); goto exitpt; }
if (pCI->dead) { rv = ERR_CLIENT_IS_DEAD; goto disconnectpt; }
do { // Send Ctrl+Esc
SCSenddata(pCI, WM_KEYDOWN, 17, 1900545); SCSenddata(pCI, WM_KEYDOWN, 27, 65537); SCSenddata(pCI, WM_KEYUP, 27, -1073676287); SCSenddata(pCI, WM_KEYUP, 17, -1071841279); // Wait for Run... menu
rv = _Wait4Str(pCI, pCI->pConfigInfo->strStartRun, pCI->pConfigInfo->WAIT4STR_TIMEOUT/4, WAIT_STRING);
if (rv) goto next_retry;
// Send three times Key-Up (scan code 72) and <Enter>
SCSendtextAsMsgs(pCI, pCI->pConfigInfo->strStartLogoff);
rv = _Wait4Str(pCI, pCI->pConfigInfo->strNTSecurity, pCI->pConfigInfo->WAIT4STR_TIMEOUT/4, WAIT_STRING); next_retry: retries --; } while (rv && retries);
if (rv) goto disconnectpt;
for (retries = 5; retries; retries--) { SCSendtextAsMsgs(pCI, pCI->pConfigInfo->strNTSecurity_Act);
rv = Wait4Str(pCI, pCI->pConfigInfo->strSureLogoff);
if (!rv) break; }
*/ rv = SCStart( pCI, L"logoff" );
// If SCStart fails, send the magic logoff sequence and hope for the
// best. This is a last resort, and should not normally be needed.
if (rv) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Unable to find Run window: blindly trying logoff.\n"));
// Clear any pop-up windows with Escape.
SCSendtextAsMsgs(pCI, L"\\^\\^\\^");
// Send Win+R, or Ctrl+Esc and the Run key, `logoff' and Enter.
// Include a delay to wait for the Run window to appear.
_SendRunHotkey(pCI, TRUE); Sleep(10000); SCSendtextAsMsgs(pCI, L"logoff\\n"); }
// SCSendtextAsMsgs(pCI, g_strSureLogoffAct); // Press enter
rv = Wait4Disconnect(pCI); if (rv) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Can't close the connection\n")); }
disconnectpt: rv = SCDisconnect(pCI);
exitpt: return rv; }
* Function: * SCStart * Description: * Called by smclient, when start command is interpreted * This functions emulates starting an app from Start->Run menu * on the server side * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * lpszAppName - command line * Return value: * Error message. NULL on success * Called by: * !smclient --*/ PROTOCOLAPI LPCSTR SMCAPI SCStart( PCONNECTINFO pCI, LPCWSTR lpszAppName) { LPCSTR waitres = NULL; int retries; // int retries2 = 5;
DWORD dwTimeout; LPCSTR rv = NULL;
if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
if (pCI->bConsole) { rv = _SCConsStart( pCI, lpszAppName ); goto exitpt; }
if (pCI->dead) { rv = ERR_CLIENT_IS_DEAD; goto exitpt; }
dwTimeout = 10000; // start the timeout of 10 secs
// Try to start run menu
do { // Press Ctrl+Esc
for (retries = 0; retries < 5; retries += 1) { TRACE((ALIVE_MESSAGE, "Start: Sending Ctrl+Esc\n")); SCSenddata(pCI, WM_KEYDOWN, 17, 1900545); SCSenddata(pCI, WM_KEYDOWN, 27, 65537); SCSenddata(pCI, WM_KEYUP, 27, -1073676287); SCSenddata(pCI, WM_KEYUP, 17, -1071841279);
// If the last wait was unsuccessfull increase the timeout
if (waitres) dwTimeout += 2000;
// Wait for Run... menu
waitres = _Wait4Str(pCI, pCI->pConfigInfo->strStartRun, dwTimeout, WAIT_STRING);
if (waitres) { TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "Start: Start menu didn't appear. Retrying\n")); } else { TRACE((ALIVE_MESSAGE, "Start: Got the start menu\n")); break; } }
// If the Start menu appeared, send the character to open the run
// window.
if (!waitres) { // sometimes this message is sent before the start menu has the
// input focus therefore let's wait for sometime
TRACE((ALIVE_MESSAGE, "Start: Sending shortcut 'r' for Run command\n")) // press 'R' for Run...
SCSendtextAsMsgs(pCI, pCI->pConfigInfo->strStartRun_Act); }
// If the Start menu didn't appear, send the run hotkey (Win+R).
else { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Start: Start menu didn't appear. Trying hotkey\n")); _SendRunHotkey(pCI, FALSE); }
TRACE((ALIVE_MESSAGE, "Start: Waiting for the \"Run\" box\n")); waitres = _Wait4Str(pCI, pCI->pConfigInfo->strRunBox, dwTimeout+10000, WAIT_STRING); if (waitres) // No success, press Esc
{ TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "Start: Can't get the \"Run\" box. Retrying\n")); SCSenddata(pCI, WM_KEYDOWN, 27, 65537); SCSenddata(pCI, WM_KEYUP, 27, -1073676287); } } while (waitres && dwTimeout < pCI->pConfigInfo->WAIT4STR_TIMEOUT);
if (waitres) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Start: \"Run\" box didn't appear. Giving up\n")); rv = ERR_COULDNT_OPEN_PROGRAM; goto exitpt; }
TRACE((ALIVE_MESSAGE, "Start: Sending the command line\n")); // Now we have the focus on the "Run" box, send the app name
rv = SCSendtextAsMsgs(pCI, lpszAppName);
// Hit <Enter>
SCSenddata(pCI, WM_KEYDOWN, 13, 1835009); SCSenddata(pCI, WM_KEYUP, 13, -1071906815);
exitpt: return rv; }
// Eventualy, we are going to change the clipboard
// Syncronize this, so no other thread's AV while
// checking the clipboard content
// store 1 for write, 0 for read
static LONG g_ClipOpened = 0;
* Function: * SCClipbaord * Description: * Called by smclient, when clipboard command is interpreted * when eClipOp is COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD it copies the lpszFileName to * the clipboard. If eClipOp is PASTE_FROM_CLIPBOARD it * checks the clipboard content against the content of lpszFileName * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * eClipOp - clipboard operation. Possible values: * COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD and PASTE_FROM_CLIPBOARD * Return value: * Error message. NULL on success * Called by: * !smclient --*/ PROTOCOLAPI LPCSTR SMCAPI SCClipboard( PCONNECTINFO pCI, const CLIPBOARDOPS eClipOp, LPCSTR lpszFileName) { LPCSTR rv = NULL; INT hFile = -1; LONG clplength = 0; UINT uiFormat = 0; PBYTE ghClipData = NULL; HGLOBAL hNewData = NULL; PBYTE pClipData = NULL; BOOL bClipboardOpen = FALSE; BOOL bFreeClipHandle = TRUE;
LONG prevOp = 1;
if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
if (pCI->bConsole) { rv = _SCConsClipboard( pCI, eClipOp, lpszFileName ); goto exitpt; }
if (pCI->dead) { rv = ERR_CLIENT_IS_DEAD; goto exitpt; }
if (lpszFileName == NULL || !(*lpszFileName)) { // No filename specified, work like an empty clipboard is requested
if (eClipOp == COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD) { #ifdef _RCLX
if (pCI->RClxMode) { if (!RClx_SendClipboard((PRCLXCONTEXT)(pCI->hClient), NULL, 0, 0)) rv = ERR_COPY_CLIPBOARD; } else { #endif // _RCLX
if (!Clp_EmptyClipboard()) rv = ERR_COPY_CLIPBOARD; #ifdef _RCLX
} #endif // _RCLX
} else if (eClipOp == PASTE_FROM_CLIPBOARD) { #ifdef _RCLX
if (pCI->RClxMode) { if (!RClx_SendClipboardRequest((PRCLXCONTEXT)(pCI->hClient), 0)) { rv = ERR_PASTE_CLIPBOARD; goto exitpt; } if (_Wait4ClipboardTimeout(pCI, pCI->pConfigInfo->WAIT4STR_TIMEOUT)) { rv = ERR_PASTE_CLIPBOARD; goto exitpt; }
// We do not expect to receive clipboard data
// just format ID
if (!pCI->uiClipboardFormat) // if the format is 0, then there's no clipboard
rv = NULL; else rv = ERR_PASTE_CLIPBOARD_DIFFERENT_SIZE; } else { #endif // _RCLX
if (Clp_CheckEmptyClipboard()) rv = NULL; else rv = ERR_PASTE_CLIPBOARD_DIFFERENT_SIZE; #ifdef _RCLX
} #endif // _RCLX
} else { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "SCClipboard: Invalid filename\n")); rv = ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } goto exitpt; }
if (eClipOp == COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD) { // Open the file for reading
hFile = _open(lpszFileName, _O_RDONLY|_O_BINARY); if (hFile == -1) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Error opening file: %s. errno=%d\n", lpszFileName, errno)); rv = ERR_COPY_CLIPBOARD; goto exitpt; }
// Get the clipboard length (in the file)
clplength = _filelength(hFile) - sizeof(uiFormat); // Get the format
if (_read(hFile, &uiFormat, sizeof(uiFormat)) != sizeof(uiFormat)) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Error reading from file. errno=%d\n", errno)); rv = ERR_COPY_CLIPBOARD; goto exitpt; }
ghClipData = (PBYTE) GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE|GMEM_DDESHARE, clplength); if (!ghClipData) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Can't allocate %d bytes\n", clplength)); rv = ERR_COPY_CLIPBOARD; goto exitpt; }
pClipData = (PBYTE) GlobalLock( ghClipData ); if (!pClipData) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Can't lock handle 0x%x\n", ghClipData)); rv = ERR_COPY_CLIPBOARD; goto exitpt; }
if (_read(hFile, pClipData, clplength) != clplength) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Error reading from file. errno=%d\n", errno)); rv = ERR_COPY_CLIPBOARD; goto exitpt; }
#ifdef _RCLX
if (pCI->RClxMode) // RCLX mode, send the data to the client's machine
{ if (!(pClipData = (PBYTE) GlobalLock(ghClipData))) { rv = ERR_COPY_CLIPBOARD; goto exitpt; }
if (!RClx_SendClipboard((PRCLXCONTEXT)(pCI->hClient), pClipData, clplength, uiFormat)) { rv = ERR_COPY_CLIPBOARD; goto exitpt; } } else { #endif // _RCLX
// Local mode, change the clipboard on this machine
if ((prevOp = InterlockedExchange(&g_ClipOpened, 1))) { rv = ERR_CLIPBOARD_LOCKED; goto exitpt; }
if (!OpenClipboard(NULL)) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Can't open the clipboard. GetLastError=%d\n", GetLastError())); rv = ERR_COPY_CLIPBOARD; goto exitpt; }
bClipboardOpen = TRUE;
// Empty the clipboard, so we'll have only one entry
if (!Clp_SetClipboardData(uiFormat, ghClipData, clplength, &bFreeClipHandle)) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "SetClipboardData failed. GetLastError=%d\n", GetLastError())); rv = ERR_COPY_CLIPBOARD; goto exitpt; } #ifdef _RCLX
} #endif // _RCLX
} else if (eClipOp == PASTE_FROM_CLIPBOARD) { INT nClipDataSize;
// Open the file for reading
hFile = _open(lpszFileName, _O_RDONLY|_O_BINARY); if (hFile == -1) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Error opening file: %s. errno=%d\n", lpszFileName, errno)); rv = ERR_PASTE_CLIPBOARD; goto exitpt; }
// Get the clipboard length (in the file)
clplength = _filelength(hFile) - sizeof(uiFormat); // Get the format
if (_read(hFile, &uiFormat, sizeof(uiFormat)) != sizeof(uiFormat)) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Error reading from file. errno=%d\n", errno)); rv = ERR_PASTE_CLIPBOARD; goto exitpt; }
// TODO: For now, set nClipDataSize to avoid warning, but later
// verify usage is safe.
nClipDataSize = 0; #ifdef _RCLX
// This piece retrieves the clipboard
if (pCI->RClxMode) // Send request for a clipboard
{ if (!RClx_SendClipboardRequest((PRCLXCONTEXT)(pCI->hClient), uiFormat)) { rv = ERR_PASTE_CLIPBOARD; goto exitpt; } if (_Wait4ClipboardTimeout(pCI, pCI->pConfigInfo->WAIT4STR_TIMEOUT)) { rv = ERR_PASTE_CLIPBOARD; goto exitpt; }
ghClipData = (PBYTE) pCI->ghClipboard; // Get the clipboard size
nClipDataSize = pCI->nClipboardSize; } else { #endif // _RCLX
// retrieve the local clipboard
if ((prevOp = InterlockedExchange(&g_ClipOpened, 1))) { rv = ERR_CLIPBOARD_LOCKED; goto exitpt; }
if (!OpenClipboard(NULL)) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Can't open the clipboard. GetLastError=%d\n", GetLastError())); rv = ERR_PASTE_CLIPBOARD; goto exitpt; }
bClipboardOpen = TRUE;
// Retrieve the data
ghClipData = (PBYTE) GetClipboardData(uiFormat); if (ghClipData) { Clp_GetClipboardData(uiFormat, ghClipData, &nClipDataSize, &hNewData); bFreeClipHandle = FALSE; }
if (hNewData) ghClipData = (PBYTE) hNewData; #ifdef _RCLX
} #endif // _RCLX
if (!ghClipData) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Can't get clipboard data (empty clipboard ?). GetLastError=%d\n", GetLastError())); rv = ERR_PASTE_CLIPBOARD_EMPTY; goto exitpt; }
if (!nClipDataSize) TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Clipboard is empty.\n"));
pClipData = (PBYTE) GlobalLock(ghClipData); if (!pClipData) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Can't lock global mem. GetLastError=%d\n", GetLastError())); rv = ERR_PASTE_CLIPBOARD; goto exitpt; }
#ifdef _RCLX
// Check if the client is on Win16 platform
// and the clipboard is paragraph aligned
// the file size is just bellow this size
if (pCI->RClxMode && (strstr(pCI->szClientType, "WIN16") != NULL) && ((nClipDataSize % 16) == 0) && ((nClipDataSize - clplength) < 16) && (nClipDataSize != 0)) { // if so, then cut the clipboard size with the difference
nClipDataSize = clplength; } else #endif // _RCLX
if (nClipDataSize != clplength) { TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "Different length: file=%d, clipbrd=%d\n", clplength, nClipDataSize)); rv = ERR_PASTE_CLIPBOARD_DIFFERENT_SIZE; goto exitpt; }
// compare the data
{ BYTE pBuff[1024]; PBYTE pClp = pClipData; UINT nBytes; BOOL bEqu = TRUE; while (bEqu && (nBytes = _read(hFile, pBuff, sizeof(pBuff))) && nBytes != -1) { if (memcmp(pBuff, pClp, nBytes)) bEqu = FALSE;
pClp += nBytes; }
if (!bEqu) { TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "Clipboard and file are not equal\n")); rv = ERR_PASTE_CLIPBOARD_NOT_EQUAL; } }
exitpt: // Do the cleanup
// Release the clipboard handle
if (pClipData) GlobalUnlock(ghClipData);
#ifdef _RCLX
// free any clipboard received in RCLX mode
if (pCI->RClxMode && pCI->ghClipboard) { GlobalFree(pCI->ghClipboard); pCI->ghClipboard = NULL; } else #endif // _RCLX
if (ghClipData && eClipOp == COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD && bFreeClipHandle) GlobalFree(ghClipData);
if (hNewData) GlobalFree(hNewData);
// Close the file
if (hFile != -1) _close(hFile);
// Close the clipboard
if (bClipboardOpen) CloseClipboard(); if (!prevOp) InterlockedExchange(&g_ClipOpened, 0);
return rv; }
* Function: * SCSaveClipboard * Description: * Save the clipboard in file (szFileName) with * format specified in szFormatName * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * szFormatName- format name * szFileName - the name of the file to save to * Return value: * Error message. NULL on success * Called by: * !perlext --*/ PROTOCOLAPI LPCSTR SMCAPI SCSaveClipboard( PCONNECTINFO pCI, LPCSTR szFormatName, LPCSTR szFileName) { LPCSTR rv = ERR_SAVE_CLIPBOARD; BOOL bClipboardOpen = FALSE; UINT nFormatID = 0; HGLOBAL ghClipData = NULL; HGLOBAL hNewData = NULL; INT nClipDataSize; CHAR *pClipData = NULL; INT hFile = -1;
LONG prevOp = 1;
// ++++++ First go thru parameter check
if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
if (pCI->dead) { rv = ERR_CLIENT_IS_DEAD; goto exitpt; }
if (szFormatName == NULL || !(*szFormatName)) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "SCClipboard: Invalid format name\n")); rv = ERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto exitpt; }
if (szFileName == NULL || !(*szFileName)) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "SCClipboard: Invalid filename\n")); rv = ERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto exitpt; } // ------ End of parameter check
#ifdef _RCLX
if (pCI->RClxMode) { nFormatID = _GetKnownClipboardFormatIDByName(szFormatName); if (!nFormatID) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Can't get the clipboard format ID: %s.\n", szFormatName)); goto exitpt; }
// Send request for a clipboard
if (!RClx_SendClipboardRequest((PRCLXCONTEXT)(pCI->hClient), nFormatID)) { rv = ERR_PASTE_CLIPBOARD; goto exitpt; } if (_Wait4ClipboardTimeout(pCI, pCI->pConfigInfo->WAIT4STR_TIMEOUT)) { rv = ERR_PASTE_CLIPBOARD; goto exitpt; }
ghClipData = pCI->ghClipboard; // Get the clipboard size
nClipDataSize = pCI->nClipboardSize;
if (!ghClipData || !nClipDataSize) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Clipboard is empty.\n")); goto exitpt; } } else { #endif // _RCLX
// local mode
// Open the clipboard
if ((prevOp = InterlockedExchange(&g_ClipOpened, 1))) { rv = ERR_CLIPBOARD_LOCKED; goto exitpt; }
if (!OpenClipboard(NULL)) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Can't open the clipboard. GetLastError=%d\n", GetLastError())); goto exitpt; }
bClipboardOpen = TRUE;
nFormatID = Clp_GetClipboardFormat(szFormatName);
if (!nFormatID) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Can't get the clipboard format: %s.\n", szFormatName)); goto exitpt; }
TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "Format ID: %d(0x%X)\n", nFormatID, nFormatID));
// Retrieve the data
ghClipData = GetClipboardData(nFormatID); if (!ghClipData) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Can't get clipboard data. GetLastError=%d\n", GetLastError())); goto exitpt; }
Clp_GetClipboardData(nFormatID, ghClipData, &nClipDataSize, &hNewData); if (hNewData) ghClipData = hNewData;
if (!nClipDataSize) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Clipboard is empty.\n")); goto exitpt; } #ifdef _RCLX
} #endif // _RCLX
pClipData = (char *) GlobalLock(ghClipData); if (!pClipData) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Can't lock global mem. GetLastError=%d\n", GetLastError())); goto exitpt; }
// Open the destination file
hFile = _open(szFileName, _O_RDWR|_O_CREAT|_O_BINARY|_O_TRUNC, _S_IREAD|_S_IWRITE); if (hFile == -1) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Can't open a file: %s\n", szFileName)); goto exitpt; }
// First write the format type
if (_write(hFile, &nFormatID, sizeof(nFormatID)) != sizeof(nFormatID)) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "_write failed. errno=%d\n", errno)); goto exitpt; }
if (_write(hFile, pClipData, nClipDataSize) != (INT)nClipDataSize) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "_write failed. errno=%d\n", errno)); goto exitpt; }
TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "File written successfully. %d bytes written\n", nClipDataSize));
rv = NULL; exitpt: // Do the cleanup
// Close the file
if (hFile != -1) _close(hFile);
// Release the clipboard handle
if (pClipData) GlobalUnlock(ghClipData);
if (hNewData) GlobalFree(hNewData);
// Close the clipboard
if (bClipboardOpen) CloseClipboard(); if (!prevOp) InterlockedExchange(&g_ClipOpened, 0);
#ifdef _RCLX
// free any clipboard received in RCLX mode
if (pCI && pCI->RClxMode && pCI->ghClipboard) { GlobalFree(pCI->ghClipboard); pCI->ghClipboard = NULL; } #endif // _RCLX
return rv; }
* Function: * SCSenddata * Description: * Called by smclient, when senddata command is interpreted * Sends an window message to the client * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * uiMessage - the massage Id * wParam - word param of the message * lParam - long param of the message * Return value: * Error message. NULL on success * Called by: * !smclient --*/ PROTOCOLAPI LPCSTR SMCAPI SCSenddata( PCONNECTINFO pCI, const UINT uiMessage, const WPARAM wParam, const LPARAM lParam) { UINT msg = uiMessage; LPCSTR rv = NULL;
if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
if (pCI->bConsole) { rv = _SCConsSenddata( pCI, uiMessage, wParam, lParam ); goto exitpt; }
if (pCI->dead) { rv = ERR_CLIENT_IS_DEAD; goto exitpt; }
// TRACE((ALIVE_MESSAGE, "Senddata: uMsg=%x wParam=%x lParam=%x\n",
// uiMessage, wParam, lParam));
// Determines whether it will
// send the message to local window
// or thru RCLX
#ifdef _RCLX
if (!pCI->RClxMode) { #endif // _RCLX
// Obsolete, a client registry setting "Allow Background Input" asserts
// that the client will accept the message
// SetFocus(pCI->hInput);
// SendMessageA(pCI->hInput, WM_SETFOCUS, 0, 0);
SendMessageA(pCI->hInput, msg, wParam, lParam); #ifdef _RCLX
} else { // RClxMode
ASSERT(pCI->lProcessId != INVALID_SOCKET); ASSERT(pCI->hClient);
if (!RClx_SendMessage((PRCLXCONTEXT)(pCI->hClient), msg, wParam, lParam)) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Can't send message thru RCLX\n")); } } #endif // _RCLX
exitpt: return rv; }
if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
#ifdef _RCLX
if (!(pCI->RClxMode)) { #endif // _RCLX
if (!TerminateProcess(pCI->hProcess, 1)) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Can't kill process #%p. GetLastError=%d\n", pCI->lProcessId, GetLastError())); goto exitpt; } #ifdef _RCLX
} else { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "ClientTerminate is not supported in RCLX mode yet\n")); TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Using disconnect\n")); } #endif // _RCLX
rv = SCDisconnect(pCI);
exitpt: return rv;
* Function: * SCGetSessionId * Description: * Called by smclient, returns the session ID. 0 is invalid, not logged on * yet * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * Return value: * session id, 0 is invlid value, -1 is returned on NT4 clients * Called by: * !smclient --*/ PROTOCOLAPI UINT SMCAPI SCGetSessionId(PCONNECTINFO pCI) { UINT rv = 0;
if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); goto exitpt; }
if (pCI->dead) { goto exitpt; }
rv = pCI->uiSessionId;
return rv; }
* Function: * SCCheck * Description: * Called by smclient, when check command is interpreted * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * lpszCommand - command name * lpszParam - command parameter * Return value: * Error message. NULL on success. Exceptions are GetDisconnectReason and * GetWait4MultipleStrResult * Called by: * !smclient --*/ PROTOCOLAPI LPCSTR SMCAPI SCCheck(PCONNECTINFO pCI, LPCSTR lpszCommand, LPCWSTR lpszParam) { LPCSTR rv = ERR_INVALID_COMMAND;
if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
if (pCI->bConsole) { rv = _SCConsCheck( pCI, lpszCommand, lpszParam ); goto exitpt; }
if (pCI->dead) { rv = ERR_CLIENT_IS_DEAD; goto exitpt; }
if ( !_stricmp(lpszCommand, "Wait4Str")) rv = Wait4Str(pCI, lpszParam); else if (!_stricmp(lpszCommand, "Wait4Disconnect")) rv = Wait4Disconnect(pCI); else if (!_stricmp(lpszCommand, "RegisterChat")) rv = RegisterChat(pCI, lpszParam); else if (!_stricmp(lpszCommand, "UnregisterChat")) rv = UnregisterChat(pCI, lpszParam); else if (!_stricmp(lpszCommand, "GetDisconnectReason")) rv = GetDisconnectReason(pCI); else if (!_stricmp(lpszCommand, "Wait4StrTimeout")) rv = Wait4StrTimeout(pCI, lpszParam); else if (!_stricmp(lpszCommand, "Wait4MultipleStr")) rv = Wait4MultipleStr(pCI, lpszParam); else if (!_stricmp(lpszCommand, "Wait4MultipleStrTimeout")) rv = Wait4MultipleStrTimeout(pCI, lpszParam); else if (!_stricmp(lpszCommand, "GetWait4MultipleStrResult")) rv = GetWait4MultipleStrResult(pCI, lpszParam); else if (!_stricmp(lpszCommand, "SwitchToProcess")) rv = SCSwitchToProcess(pCI, lpszParam); else if (!_stricmp(lpszCommand, "SetClientTopmost")) rv = SCSetClientTopmost(pCI, lpszParam); else if (!_strnicmp(lpszCommand, "call:", 5)) rv = SCCallDll(pCI, lpszCommand + 5, lpszParam); /* **New** */ else if (!_stricmp(lpszCommand, "DoUntil" )) rv = SCDoUntil( pCI, lpszParam );
exitpt: return rv; }
* Extensions and help functions */
* Function: * Wait4Disconnect * Description: * Waits until the client is disconnected * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * Return value: * Error message. NULL on success * Called by: * SCCheck, SCLogoff --*/ LPCSTR Wait4Disconnect(PCONNECTINFO pCI) { WAIT4STRING Wait; LPCSTR rv = NULL;
if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
if (pCI->dead) { rv = ERR_CLIENT_IS_DEAD; goto exitpt; }
memset(&Wait, 0, sizeof(Wait)); Wait.evWait = CreateEvent(NULL, //security
TRUE, //manual
FALSE, //initial state
NULL); //name
Wait.lProcessId = pCI->lProcessId; Wait.pOwner = pCI; Wait.WaitType = WAIT_DISC;
rv = _WaitSomething(pCI, &Wait, pCI->pConfigInfo->WAIT4STR_TIMEOUT); if (!rv) { TRACE(( INFO_MESSAGE, "Client is disconnected\n")); }
CloseHandle(Wait.evWait); exitpt: return rv; }
* Function: * Wait4Connect * Description: * Waits until the client is connect * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * Return value: * Error message, NULL on success * Called by: * SCCOnnect --*/ LPCSTR Wait4Connect(PCONNECTINFO pCI) { return (_Wait4ConnectTimeout(pCI, pCI->pConfigInfo->CONNECT_TIMEOUT)); }
* Function: * _Wait4ConnectTimeout * Description: * Waits until the client is connect * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * dwTimeout - timeout value * Return value: * Error message, NULL on success * Called by: * SCConnect --*/ LPCSTR _Wait4ConnectTimeout(PCONNECTINFO pCI, DWORD dwTimeout) { WAIT4STRING Wait; LPCSTR rv = NULL;
if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
memset(&Wait, 0, sizeof(Wait)); Wait.evWait = CreateEvent(NULL, //security
TRUE, //manual
FALSE, //initial state
NULL); //name
Wait.lProcessId = pCI->lProcessId; Wait.pOwner = pCI; Wait.WaitType = WAIT_CONN;
rv = _WaitSomething(pCI, &Wait, dwTimeout); if (!rv) { TRACE(( INFO_MESSAGE, "Client is connected\n")); }
CloseHandle(Wait.evWait); exitpt: return rv; }
* Function: * _Wait4ClipboardTimeout * Description: * Waits until clipboard response is received from RCLX module * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * dwTimeout - timeout value * Return value: * Error message, NULL on success * Called by: * SCClipboard --*/ LPCSTR _Wait4ClipboardTimeout(PCONNECTINFO pCI, DWORD dwTimeout) { #ifdef _RCLX
WAIT4STRING Wait; #endif
#ifndef _RCLX
if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
#ifdef _RCLX
if (!(pCI->RClxMode)) #endif // _RCLX
{ TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "WaitForClipboard: Not in RCLX mode\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
#ifdef _RCLX
memset(&Wait, 0, sizeof(Wait)); Wait.evWait = CreateEvent(NULL, //security
TRUE, //manual
FALSE, //initial state
NULL); //name
Wait.lProcessId = pCI->lProcessId; Wait.pOwner = pCI; Wait.WaitType = WAIT_CLIPBOARD;
rv = _WaitSomething(pCI, &Wait, dwTimeout); if (!rv) { TRACE(( INFO_MESSAGE, "Clipboard received\n")); }
CloseHandle(Wait.evWait); #endif // _RCLX
exitpt: return rv; }
* Function: * GetDisconnectReason * Description: * Retrieves, if possible, the client error box * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * Return value: * The error box message. NULL if not available * Called by: * SCCheck --*/ LPCSTR GetDisconnectReason(PCONNECTINFO pCI) { HWND hDiscBox; LPCSTR rv = NULL; HWND hWnd, hwndTop, hwndNext; CHAR classname[128]; CHAR caption[256];
if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
if (!pCI->dead) { rv = ERR_CLIENT_IS_DEAD; goto exitpt; }
if (strlen(pCI->szDiscReason)) { rv = pCI->szDiscReason; goto exitpt; }
hDiscBox = _FindTopWindow(NULL, pCI->pConfigInfo->strDisconnectDialogBox, pCI->lProcessId);
if (!hDiscBox) { rv = ERR_NORMAL_EXIT; goto exitpt; } else { TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "Found hDiscBox=0x%x", hDiscBox)); }
pCI->szDiscReason[0] = 0; hWnd = NULL;
hwndTop = GetWindow(hDiscBox, GW_CHILD); if (!hwndTop) { TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "GetWindow failed. hwnd=0x%x\n", hDiscBox)); goto exitpt; }
hwndNext = hwndTop; do { hWnd = hwndNext; if (!GetClassNameA(hWnd, classname, sizeof(classname))) { TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "GetClassName failed. hwnd=0x%x\n", hWnd)); goto nextwindow; } if (!GetWindowTextA(hWnd, caption, sizeof(caption))) { TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "GetWindowText failed. hwnd=0x%x\n")); goto nextwindow; }
if (!strcmp(classname, STATIC_CLASS) && strlen(classname) < sizeof(pCI->szDiscReason) - strlen(pCI->szDiscReason) - 3) { strcat(pCI->szDiscReason, caption); strcat(pCI->szDiscReason, "\n"); } nextwindow: hwndNext = GetNextWindow(hWnd, GW_HWNDNEXT); } while (hWnd && hwndNext != hwndTop);
rv = (LPCSTR)pCI->szDiscReason;
exitpt: return rv; }
* Function: * Wait4Str * Description: * Waits for a specific string to come from clients feedback * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * lpszParam - waited string * Return value: * Error message, NULL on success * Called by: * SCCheck --*/ LPCSTR Wait4Str(PCONNECTINFO pCI, LPCWSTR lpszParam) { return _Wait4Str(pCI, lpszParam, pCI->pConfigInfo->WAIT4STR_TIMEOUT, WAIT_STRING); }
* Function: * Wait4StrTimeout * Description: * Waits for a specific string to come from clients feedback * The timeout is different than default and is specified in * lpszParam argument, like: * waited_string<->timeout_value * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * lpszParam - waited string and timeout * Return value: * Error message, NULL on success * Called by: * SCCheck --*/ LPCSTR Wait4StrTimeout(PCONNECTINFO pCI, LPCWSTR lpszParam) { WCHAR waitstr[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; WCHAR *sep = wcsstr(lpszParam, CHAT_SEPARATOR); DWORD dwTimeout; LPCSTR rv = NULL;
if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
if (pCI->dead) { rv = ERR_CLIENT_IS_DEAD; goto exitpt; }
if (!sep) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Wait4StrTiemout: No timeout value. Default applying\n")); rv = Wait4Str(pCI, lpszParam); } else { LONG_PTR len = sep - lpszParam;
if (len > sizeof(waitstr) - 1) len = sizeof(waitstr) - 1;
wcsncpy(waitstr, lpszParam, len); waitstr[len] = 0; sep += wcslen(CHAT_SEPARATOR); dwTimeout = _wtoi(sep);
if (!dwTimeout) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Wait4StrTiemout: No timeout value(%s). Default applying\n", sep)); dwTimeout = pCI->pConfigInfo->WAIT4STR_TIMEOUT; }
rv = _Wait4Str(pCI, waitstr, dwTimeout, WAIT_STRING); } exitpt: return rv; }
* Function: * Wait4MultipleStr * Description: * Same as Wait4Str, but waits for several strings at once * the strings are separated by '|' character * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * lpszParam - waited strings * Return value: * Error message, NULL on success * Called by: * SCCheck --*/ LPCSTR Wait4MultipleStr(PCONNECTINFO pCI, LPCWSTR lpszParam) { return _Wait4Str(pCI, lpszParam, pCI->pConfigInfo->WAIT4STR_TIMEOUT, WAIT_MSTRINGS); }
* Function: * Wait4MultipleStrTimeout * Description: * Combination between Wait4StrTimeout and Wait4MultipleStr * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * lpszParam - waited strings and timeout value. Example * - "string1|string2|...|stringN<->5000" * Return value: * Error message, NULL on success * Called by: * SCCheck --*/ LPCSTR Wait4MultipleStrTimeout(PCONNECTINFO pCI, LPCWSTR lpszParam) { WCHAR waitstr[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; WCHAR *sep = wcsstr(lpszParam, CHAT_SEPARATOR); DWORD dwTimeout; LPCSTR rv = NULL;
if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
if (pCI->dead) { rv = ERR_CLIENT_IS_DEAD; goto exitpt; }
pCI->nWait4MultipleStrResult = 0; pCI->szWait4MultipleStrResult[0] = 0;
if (!sep) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Wait4MultipleStrTiemout: No timeout value. Default applying")); rv = Wait4MultipleStr(pCI, lpszParam); } else { LONG_PTR len = sep - lpszParam;
if (len > sizeof(waitstr) - 1) len = sizeof(waitstr) - 1;
wcsncpy(waitstr, lpszParam, len); waitstr[len] = 0; sep += wcslen(CHAT_SEPARATOR); dwTimeout = _wtoi(sep);
if (!dwTimeout) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Wait4StrTiemout: No timeout value. Default applying")); dwTimeout = pCI->pConfigInfo->WAIT4STR_TIMEOUT; }
rv = _Wait4Str(pCI, waitstr, dwTimeout, WAIT_MSTRINGS); }
exitpt: return rv; }
* Function: * GetWait4MultipleStrResult * Description: * Retrieves the result from last Wait4MultipleStr call * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * lpszParam - unused * Return value: * The string, NULL on error * Called by: * SCCheck --*/ LPCSTR GetWait4MultipleStrResult(PCONNECTINFO pCI, LPCWSTR lpszParam) { LPCSTR rv = NULL;
if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
if (*pCI->szWait4MultipleStrResult) rv = (LPCSTR)pCI->szWait4MultipleStrResult; else rv = NULL;
exitpt: return rv; }
LPCSTR SMCAPI SCGetFeedbackStringA( PCONNECTINFO pCI, LPSTR szBuff, UINT maxBuffChars ) { LPWSTR szwBuff; LPCSTR rv;
__try { szwBuff = (LPWSTR) _alloca(( maxBuffChars ) * sizeof( WCHAR )); } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { szwBuff = NULL; }
if ( NULL == szBuff ) { rv = ERR_ALLOCATING_MEMORY; goto exitpt; }
rv = SCGetFeedbackString( pCI, szwBuff, maxBuffChars ); if ( NULL == rv ) { WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, szwBuff, -1, szBuff, maxBuffChars, NULL, NULL ); }
exitpt: return rv; }
LPCSTR SMCAPI SCGetFeedbackString( PCONNECTINFO pCI, LPWSTR szBuff, UINT maxBuffChars ) { LPCSTR rv = NULL; INT nFBpos, nFBsize ;
if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; } if (pCI->dead) { rv = ERR_CLIENT_IS_DEAD; goto exitpt; }
if ( NULL == szBuff ) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "SCGetFeedbackString, szBuff is null\n")); rv = ERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto exitpt; }
if (!maxBuffChars) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "SCGetFeedbackString, maxBuffChars is zero\n")); rv = ERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto exitpt; }
// Grab the buffer pointers
EnterCriticalSection(g_lpcsGuardWaitQueue); nFBpos = pCI->nFBend + FEEDBACK_SIZE - pCI->nFBsize; nFBsize = pCI->nFBsize; LeaveCriticalSection(g_lpcsGuardWaitQueue);
*szBuff = 0;
if (!nFBsize) // Empty buffer, wait for feedback to receive
{ rv = _Wait4Str(pCI, L"", pCI->pConfigInfo->WAIT4STR_TIMEOUT, WAIT_STRING); } if (!rv) // Pickup from buffer
{ EnterCriticalSection(g_lpcsGuardWaitQueue);
// Adjust the buffer pointers
pCI->nFBsize = pCI->nFBend + FEEDBACK_SIZE - nFBpos - 1; pCI->nFBsize %= FEEDBACK_SIZE;
_snwprintf( szBuff, maxBuffChars, L"%s", pCI->Feedback[nFBpos] );
LeaveCriticalSection(g_lpcsGuardWaitQueue); }
exitpt: return rv; }
VOID SMCAPI SCFreeMem( PVOID pMem ) { if ( NULL != pMem ) free( pMem ); }
* Function: * SCGetFeedback * Description: * Copies the last received strings to an user buffer * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * pszBufs - pointer to the strings, don't forget to 'SCFreeMem' this buffer * pnFBCount - number of strings in *pszBuffs * pnFBMaxStrLen - for now MAX_STRING_LENGTH * Return value: * Error message, NULL on success * Called by: * * * * EXPORTED * * * --*/ LPCSTR SMCAPI SCGetFeedback( CONNECTINFO *pCI, LPWSTR *pszBufs, UINT *pnFBCount, UINT *pnFBMaxStrLen ) { LPWSTR szBufPtr; LPWSTR szBufs = NULL; LPCSTR rv = NULL; INT nFBpos; INT nFBindex; BOOL bCSAcquired = FALSE;
if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; } if (pCI->dead) { rv = ERR_CLIENT_IS_DEAD; goto exitpt; }
if (NULL == pszBufs || NULL == pnFBCount || NULL == pnFBMaxStrLen) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "SCGetFeedbackStrings, szBufs is null\n")); rv = ERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto exitpt; }
EnterCriticalSection(g_lpcsGuardWaitQueue); bCSAcquired = TRUE;
if (0 == pCI->nFBsize) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "No strings available\n")); rv = ERR_NODATA; goto exitpt; }
szBufs = (LPWSTR)malloc(MAX_STRING_LENGTH * pCI->nFBsize * sizeof(WCHAR)); if(!szBufs) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Could not allocate buffer array\n")); rv = ERR_ALLOCATING_MEMORY; goto exitpt; }
// prepare the loop
nFBpos = pCI->nFBend; szBufPtr = szBufs; nFBindex = 0; do { if(0 == nFBpos) nFBpos = FEEDBACK_SIZE - 1; else nFBpos --; wcscpy(szBufPtr, pCI->Feedback[nFBpos]); szBufPtr += MAX_STRING_LENGTH; //
// loop until we have gathered all the strings
nFBindex++; } while(nFBindex < pCI->nFBsize);
// return back info of strings
*pnFBCount = pCI->nFBsize; *pnFBMaxStrLen = MAX_STRING_LENGTH;
exitpt: if ( NULL != rv ) { if ( NULL != szBufs ) free( szBufs ); szBufs = NULL; } if ( bCSAcquired ) LeaveCriticalSection(g_lpcsGuardWaitQueue);
if ( NULL != pszBufs ) *pszBufs = szBufs;
return rv; }
* Function: * SCCallDll * Description: * Calls an exported dll function * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * lpszDllExport - dll name and function in form: * dllname!ExportedFunction * the function prototype is: * LPCSTR lpfnFunction( PVOID pCI, LPWCSTR lpszParam ) * lpszParam - parameter passed to the function * Return value: * the value returned from the call * Called by: * SCCheck --*/ LPCSTR SMCAPI SCCallDll( PCONNECTINFO pCI, LPCSTR lpszDllExport, LPCWSTR lpszParam ) { LPCSTR rv = NULL; PFNSMCDLLIMPORT lpfnImport; CHAR lpszDllName[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; LPSTR lpszImportName; LPSTR lpszBang; HINSTANCE hLib = NULL; DWORD dwDllNameLen;
if ( NULL == lpszDllExport ) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "SCCallDll: DllExport is NULL\n")); rv = ERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto exitpt; }
if ( NULL == lpszParam ) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "SCCallDll: Param is NULL\n")); rv = ERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto exitpt; }
// split the dll and import names
lpszBang = strchr( lpszDllExport, '!' ); if ( NULL == lpszBang ) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "SCCallDll: invalid import name (no !)\n")); rv = ERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto exitpt; }
dwDllNameLen = PtrToLong((PVOID)( lpszBang - lpszDllExport ));
if ( 0 == dwDllNameLen ) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "SCCallDll: dll name is empty string\n")); rv = ERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto exitpt; }
// copy the dll name
strncpy( lpszDllName, lpszDllExport, dwDllNameLen ); lpszDllName[ dwDllNameLen ] = 0;
// the function name is lpszBang + 1
lpszImportName = lpszBang + 1;
TRACE((ALIVE_MESSAGE, "SCCallDll: calling %s!%s(%S)\n", lpszDllName, lpszImportName, lpszParam ));
hLib = LoadLibraryA( lpszDllName ); if ( NULL == hLib ) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "SCCallDll: can't load %s library: %d\n", lpszDllName, GetLastError())); rv = ERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto exitpt; }
lpfnImport = (PFNSMCDLLIMPORT)GetProcAddress( hLib, lpszImportName ); if ( NULL == lpfnImport ) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "SCCallDll: can't get the import proc address " "of %s. GetLastError=%d\n", lpszImportName, GetLastError())); rv = ERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto exitpt; }
__try { rv = lpfnImport( pCI, lpszParam ); } __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "SCCallDll: exception 0x%x\n", GetExceptionCode())); rv = ERR_UNKNOWNEXCEPTION; }
if ( NULL != hLib ) FreeLibrary( hLib );
return rv; }
* Function: * SCDoUntil * Description: * Sends keystrokes every 10 seconds until string is received * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * lpszParam - parameter in the form of send_text<->wait_for_this_string * Return value: * Error message, NULL on success * Called by: * SCCheck --*/ LPCSTR SMCAPI SCDoUntil( PCONNECTINFO pCI, LPCWSTR lpszParam ) { LPCSTR rv = NULL; DWORD timeout; LPWSTR szSendStr, szSepStr, szWaitStr; DWORD dwlen;
if ( NULL == lpszParam ) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "SCDoUntil: Param is NULL\n")); rv = ERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto exitpt; }
// extract the parameters
szSepStr = wcsstr( lpszParam, CHAT_SEPARATOR ); if ( NULL == szSepStr ) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "SCDoUntil: missing wait string\n" )); rv = ERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto exitpt; }
szWaitStr = szSepStr + wcslen( CHAT_SEPARATOR ); if ( 0 == szWaitStr[0] ) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "SCDoUntil: wait string is empty\n" )); rv = ERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto exitpt; }
dwlen = ((DWORD)PtrToLong( (PBYTE)(((PBYTE)szSepStr) - ((PBYTE)lpszParam)) )) / sizeof( WCHAR ); __try { szSendStr = (LPWSTR) _alloca( (dwlen + 1) * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
} __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { szSendStr = NULL; } if ( NULL == szSendStr ) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "SCDoUntil: _alloca failed\n" )); rv = ERR_ALLOCATING_MEMORY; goto exitpt; }
wcsncpy( szSendStr, lpszParam, dwlen ); szSendStr[dwlen] = 0;
timeout = 0; while( timeout < pCI->pConfigInfo->WAIT4STR_TIMEOUT ) { if ( pCI->dead ) { rv = ERR_CLIENT_IS_DEAD; break; }
SCSendtextAsMsgs( pCI, szSendStr ); rv = _Wait4Str( pCI, szWaitStr, 3000, WAIT_MSTRINGS ); if ( NULL == rv ) break;
timeout += 3000; } exitpt: return rv; }
#ifdef _RCLX
* Function: * _SendRClxData * Description: * Sends request for data to the client * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * pRClxData - data to send * Return value: * Error message, NULL on success * Called by: * SCGetClientScreen --*/ LPCSTR _SendRClxData(PCONNECTINFO pCI, PRCLXDATA pRClxData) { LPCSTR rv = NULL; PRCLXCONTEXT pRClxCtx; RCLXREQPROLOG Request;
if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
if (!(pCI->RClxMode)) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "_SendRClxData: Not in RCLX mode\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
pRClxCtx = (PRCLXCONTEXT)pCI->hClient; if (!pRClxCtx || pRClxCtx->hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Not connected yet, RCLX context is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
if (!pRClxData) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "_SendRClxData: Data block is null\n")); rv = ERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto exitpt; }
Request.ReqType = REQ_DATA; Request.ReqSize = pRClxData->uiSize + sizeof(*pRClxData); if (!RClx_SendBuffer(pRClxCtx->hSocket, &Request, sizeof(Request))) { rv = ERR_CLIENT_DISCONNECTED; goto exitpt; }
if (!RClx_SendBuffer(pRClxCtx->hSocket, pRClxData, Request.ReqSize)) { rv = ERR_CLIENT_DISCONNECTED; goto exitpt; }
exitpt: return rv; } #endif // _RCLX
#ifdef _RCLX
* Function: * _Wait4RClxData * Description: * Waits for data response from RCLX client * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * dwTimeout - timeout value * Return value: * Error message, NULL on success * Called by: * SCGetClientScreen --*/ LPCSTR _Wait4RClxDataTimeout(PCONNECTINFO pCI, DWORD dwTimeout) { WAIT4STRING Wait; LPCSTR rv = NULL;
if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
if (!(pCI->RClxMode)) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "_Wait4RClxData: Not in RCLX mode\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
memset(&Wait, 0, sizeof(Wait)); Wait.evWait = CreateEvent(NULL, //security
TRUE, //manual
FALSE, //initial state
NULL); //name
Wait.lProcessId = pCI->lProcessId; Wait.pOwner = pCI; Wait.WaitType = WAIT_DATA;
rv = _WaitSomething(pCI, &Wait, dwTimeout); if (!rv) { TRACE(( INFO_MESSAGE, "RCLX data received\n")); }
CloseHandle(Wait.evWait); exitpt: return rv; } #endif // _RCLX
* Function: * _Wait4Str * Description: * Waits for string(s) with specified timeout * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * lpszParam - waited string(s) * dwTimeout - timeout value * WaitType - WAIT_STRING ot WAIT_MSTRING * Return value: * Error message, NULL on success * Called by: * SCStart, Wait4Str, Wait4StrTimeout, Wait4MultipleStr * Wait4MultipleStrTimeout, GetFeedbackString --*/ LPCSTR _Wait4Str(PCONNECTINFO pCI, LPCWSTR lpszParam, DWORD dwTimeout, WAITTYPE WaitType) { WAIT4STRING Wait; INT_PTR parlen; // int i;
if (pCI->dead) { rv = ERR_CLIENT_IS_DEAD; goto exitpt; }
memset(&Wait, 0, sizeof(Wait));
// Check the parameter
parlen = wcslen(lpszParam);
// Copy the string
if (parlen > sizeof(Wait.waitstr)/sizeof(WCHAR)-1) parlen = sizeof(Wait.waitstr)/sizeof(WCHAR)-1;
wcsncpy(Wait.waitstr, lpszParam, parlen); Wait.waitstr[parlen] = 0; Wait.strsize = parlen;
// Convert delimiters to 0s
if (WaitType == WAIT_MSTRINGS) { WCHAR *p = Wait.waitstr;
while((p = wcschr(p, WAIT_STR_DELIMITER))) { *p = 0; p++; } }
Wait.evWait = CreateEvent(NULL, //security
TRUE, //manual
FALSE, //initial state
NULL); //name
if (!Wait.evWait) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Couldn't create event\n")); goto exitpt; } Wait.lProcessId = pCI->lProcessId; Wait.pOwner = pCI; Wait.WaitType = WaitType;
TRACE(( INFO_MESSAGE, "Expecting string: %S\n", Wait.waitstr)); rv = _WaitSomething(pCI, &Wait, dwTimeout); TRACE(( INFO_MESSAGE, "String %S received\n", Wait.waitstr));
if (!rv && pCI->dead) { rv = ERR_CLIENT_IS_DEAD; }
CloseHandle(Wait.evWait); exitpt: return rv; }
* Function: * _WaitSomething * Description: * Wait for some event: string, connect or disconnect * Meanwhile checks for chat sequences * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * pWait - the event function waits for * dwTimeout - timeout value * Return value: * Error message, NULL on success * Called by: * Wait4Connect, Wait4Disconnect, _Wait4Str --*/ LPCSTR _WaitSomething(PCONNECTINFO pCI, PWAIT4STRING pWait, DWORD dwTimeout) { BOOL bDone = FALSE; LPCSTR rv = NULL; DWORD waitres;
ASSERT(pCI || pWait);
_AddToWaitQueue(pCI, pWait); pCI->evWait4Str = pWait->evWait;
do { waitres = WaitForMultipleObjects( pCI->nChatNum+1, &pCI->evWait4Str, FALSE, dwTimeout ); if ( waitres <= pCI->nChatNum + WAIT_OBJECT_0) { if (waitres == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { bDone = TRUE; } else { PWAIT4STRING pNWait;
ASSERT((unsigned)pCI->nChatNum >= waitres - WAIT_OBJECT_0);
// Here we must send response messages
waitres -= WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1; ResetEvent(pCI->aevChatSeq[waitres]); pNWait = _RetrieveFromWaitQByEvent(pCI->aevChatSeq[waitres]);
ASSERT(pNWait); ASSERT(wcslen(pNWait->respstr)); TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "Recieved : [%d]%S\n", pNWait->strsize, pNWait->waitstr )); SCSendtextAsMsgs(pCI, (LPCWSTR)pNWait->respstr); } } else { if (*(pWait->waitstr)) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Wait for \"%S\" failed: TIMEOUT\n", pWait->waitstr)); } else { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Wait failed: TIMEOUT\n")); } rv = ERR_WAIT_FAIL_TIMEOUT; bDone = TRUE; } } while(!bDone);
pCI->evWait4Str = NULL;
if (!rv && pCI->dead) rv = ERR_CLIENT_IS_DEAD;
return rv; }
* Function: * RegisterChat * Description: * This regiters a wait4str <-> sendtext pair * so when we receive a specific string we will send a proper messages * lpszParam is kind of: XXXXXX<->YYYYYY * XXXXX is the waited string, YYYYY is the respond * These command could be nested up to: MAX_WAITING_EVENTS * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * lpszParam - parameter, example: * "Connect to existing Windows NT session<->\n" * - hit enter when this string is received * Return value: * Error message, NULL on success * Called by: * SCCheck, _Login --*/ LPCSTR RegisterChat(PCONNECTINFO pCI, LPCWSTR lpszParam) { PWAIT4STRING pWait; INT_PTR parlen; // int i;
INT_PTR resplen; LPCSTR rv = NULL; LPCWSTR resp;
if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
if (!lpszParam) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Parameter is null\n")); rv = ERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto exitpt; }
if (pCI->dead) { rv = ERR_CLIENT_IS_DEAD; goto exitpt; }
if (pCI->nChatNum >= MAX_WAITING_EVENTS) { TRACE(( WARNING_MESSAGE, "RegisterChat: too much waiting strings\n" )); goto exitpt; }
// Split the parameter
resp = wcsstr(lpszParam, CHAT_SEPARATOR); // Check the strings
if (!resp) { TRACE(( WARNING_MESSAGE, "RegisterChat: invalid parameter\n" )); rv = ERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto exitpt; }
parlen = wcslen(lpszParam) - wcslen(resp); resp += wcslen(CHAT_SEPARATOR);
if (!parlen) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "RegisterChat empty parameter\n")); goto exitpt; }
resplen = wcslen(resp); if (!resplen) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "RegisterChat: empty respond string\n" )); goto exitpt; }
// Allocate the WAIT4STRING structure
pWait = (PWAIT4STRING)malloc(sizeof(*pWait)); if (!pWait) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "RegisterChat: can't allocate %d bytes\n", sizeof(*pWait) )); goto exitpt; } memset(pWait, 0, sizeof(*pWait));
// Copy the waited string
if (parlen > sizeof(pWait->waitstr)/sizeof(WCHAR)-1) parlen = sizeof(pWait->waitstr)/sizeof(WCHAR)-1;
wcsncpy(pWait->waitstr, lpszParam, parlen); pWait->waitstr[parlen] = 0; pWait->strsize = parlen;
// Copy the respond string
if (resplen > sizeof(pWait->respstr)-1) resplen = sizeof(pWait->respstr)-1;
wcsncpy(pWait->respstr, resp, resplen); pWait->respstr[resplen] = 0; pWait->respsize = resplen;
pWait->evWait = CreateEvent(NULL, //security
TRUE, //manual
FALSE, //initial state
NULL); //name
if (!pWait->evWait) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Couldn't create event\n")); free (pWait); goto exitpt; } pWait->lProcessId = pCI->lProcessId; pWait->pOwner = pCI; pWait->WaitType = WAIT_STRING;
// _AddToWaitQNoCheck(pCI, pWait);
_AddToWaitQueue(pCI, pWait);
// Add to connection info array
pCI->aevChatSeq[pCI->nChatNum] = pWait->evWait; pCI->nChatNum++;
exitpt: return rv; }
// Remove a WAIT4STRING from waiting Q
// Param is the waited string
* Function: * UnregisterChat * Description: * Deallocates and removes from waiting Q everithing * from RegisterChat function * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * lpszParam - waited string * Return value: * Error message, NULL on success * Called by: * SCCheck, _Login --*/ LPCSTR UnregisterChat(PCONNECTINFO pCI, LPCWSTR lpszParam) { PWAIT4STRING pWait; LPCSTR rv = NULL; int i;
if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
if (!lpszParam) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Parameter is null\n")); rv = ERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto exitpt; }
pWait = _RemoveFromWaitQIndirect(pCI, lpszParam); if (!pWait) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "UnregisterChat: can't find waiting string: %S\n", lpszParam )); goto exitpt; }
i = 0; while (i < pCI->nChatNum && pCI->aevChatSeq[i] != pWait->evWait) i++;
ASSERT(i < pCI->nChatNum);
memmove(pCI->aevChatSeq+i, pCI->aevChatSeq+i+1, (pCI->nChatNum-i-1)*sizeof(pCI->aevChatSeq[0])); pCI->nChatNum--;
exitpt: return rv; }
* Returns TRUE if the client is dead */ PROTOCOLAPI BOOL SMCAPI SCIsDead(PCONNECTINFO pCI) { if (!pCI) return TRUE;
return pCI->dead; }
* Function: * _CloseConnectInfo * Description: * Clean all resources for this connection. Close the client * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * Called by: * SCDisconnect --*/ VOID _CloseConnectInfo(PCONNECTINFO pCI) { #ifdef _RCLX
PRCLXDATACHAIN pRClxDataChain, pNext; #endif // _RCLX
// Close All handles
/* // not needed, the handle is already closed
if (pCI->evWait4Str) { CloseHandle(pCI->evWait4Str); pCI->evWait4Str = NULL; } */
// Chat events are already closed by FlushFromWaitQ
// no need to close them
pCI->nChatNum = 0;
#ifdef _RCLX
if (!pCI->RClxMode) { #endif // _RCLX
// The client was local, so we have handles opened
if (pCI->hProcess) CloseHandle(pCI->hProcess);
if (pCI->hThread) CloseHandle(pCI->hThread);
pCI->hProcess = pCI->hThread =NULL; #ifdef _RCLX
} else { // Hmmm, RCLX mode. Then disconnect the socket
if (pCI->hClient) RClx_EndRecv((PRCLXCONTEXT)(pCI->hClient));
pCI->hClient = NULL; // Clean the pointer
// Clear the clipboard handle (if any)
if (pCI->ghClipboard) { GlobalFree(pCI->ghClipboard); pCI->ghClipboard = NULL; }
// clear any recevied RCLX data
pRClxDataChain = pCI->pRClxDataChain; while(pRClxDataChain) { pNext = pRClxDataChain->pNext; free(pRClxDataChain); pRClxDataChain = pNext; } #endif // _RCLX
if ( #ifdef _RCLX
!pCI->RClxMode && #endif // _RCLX
NULL != pCI->pConfigInfo && pCI->pConfigInfo->UseRegistry ) { _DeleteClientRegistry(pCI); }
if ( NULL != pCI->pConfigInfo ) { free(pCI->pConfigInfo); pCI->pConfigInfo = NULL; } free(pCI); pCI = NULL; }
* Function: * _Login * Description: * Emulate login procedure * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * lpszServerName * lpszUserName - user name * lpszPassword - password * lpszDomain - domain name * Return value: * Error message, NULL on success * Called by: * SCConnect --*/ LPCSTR _Login(PCONNECTINFO pCI, LPCWSTR lpszServerName, LPCWSTR lpszUserName, LPCWSTR lpszPassword, LPCWSTR lpszDomain) { LPCSTR waitres; LPCSTR rv = NULL; WCHAR szBuff[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; #define _LOGON_RETRYS 5
INT nLogonRetrys = _LOGON_RETRYS; UINT nLogonWaitTime; INT nFBSize; INT nFBEnd;
szBuff[MAX_STRING_LENGTH - 1] = 0;
// If a smartcard is being used, wait for the smartcard UI, dismiss it,
// then wait for the non-smartcard UI.
if (_IsSmartcardActive()) { waitres = Wait4Str(pCI, pCI->pConfigInfo->strSmartcard); if (!waitres) { SCSendtextAsMsgs(pCI, pCI->pConfigInfo->strSmartcard_Act); waitres = Wait4Str(pCI, pCI->pConfigInfo->strNoSmartcard); }
if (waitres) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Login failed (smartcard)")); rv = waitres; goto exitpt; } }
// Look for a logon string, which will indicate the current state of the
// logon desktop, and try to get to the logon window.
retry_logon: _snwprintf(szBuff, MAX_STRING_LENGTH - 1, L"%s|%s|%s", pCI->pConfigInfo->strWinlogon, pCI->pConfigInfo->strPriorWinlogon, pCI->pConfigInfo->strLogonDisabled);
waitres = Wait4MultipleStr(pCI, szBuff); if (!waitres) {
// Prior Winlogon: send the string to begin the logon.
if (pCI->nWait4MultipleStrResult == 1) { SCSendtextAsMsgs(pCI, pCI->pConfigInfo->strPriorWinlogon_Act); waitres = Wait4Str(pCI, pCI->pConfigInfo->strWinlogon); }
// Dismiss logon-disabled pop-up.
else if (pCI->nWait4MultipleStrResult == 2) { SCSendtextAsMsgs(pCI, L"\\n"); waitres = Wait4Str(pCI, pCI->pConfigInfo->strWinlogon); } }
if (waitres) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Login failed")); rv = waitres; goto exitpt; }
ConstructLogonString( lpszServerName, lpszUserName, lpszPassword, lpszDomain, szBuff, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, pCI->pConfigInfo );
if ( 0 != szBuff[0] ) { SCSendtextAsMsgs( pCI, szBuff ); } else { //
// do the default login
// Hit Alt+U to go to user name field
if ( _LOGON_RETRYS != nLogonRetrys ) { SCSendtextAsMsgs(pCI, pCI->pConfigInfo->strWinlogon_Act);
SCSendtextAsMsgs(pCI, lpszUserName); // Hit <Tab> key
Sleep(300); SCSendtextAsMsgs(pCI, L"\\t"); }
Sleep(700); SCSendtextAsMsgs(pCI, lpszPassword);
if ( _LOGON_RETRYS != nLogonRetrys ) { // Hit <Tab> key
Sleep(300); SCSendtextAsMsgs(pCI, L"\\t");
SCSendtextAsMsgs(pCI, lpszDomain); Sleep(300); } }
// Retry logon in case of
// 1. Winlogon is on background
// 2. Wrong username/password/domain
// 3. Other
// Hit <Enter>
SCSendtextAsMsgs(pCI, L"\\n");
if ( !pCI->pConfigInfo->LoginWait ) goto exitpt;
nLogonWaitTime = 0; _snwprintf(szBuff, MAX_STRING_LENGTH - 1, L"%s|%s<->1000", pCI->pConfigInfo->strLogonErrorMessage, pCI->pConfigInfo->strSessionListDlg );
while (!pCI->dead && !pCI->uiSessionId && nLogonWaitTime < pCI->pConfigInfo->CONNECT_TIMEOUT) { nFBSize = pCI->nFBsize; nFBEnd = pCI->nFBend; //
// check if session list dialog is present
if ( pCI->pConfigInfo->strSessionListDlg[0] ) { waitres = Wait4MultipleStrTimeout(pCI, szBuff); if (!waitres) { TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "Session list dialog is present\n" )); //
// restore buffer
pCI->nFBsize = nFBSize; pCI->nFBend = nFBEnd; Sleep( 1000 ); SCSendtextAsMsgs(pCI, L"\\n"); Sleep( 1000 ); } }
// Sleep with wait otherwise the chat won't work
// i.e. this is a hack
waitres = _Wait4Str(pCI, pCI->pConfigInfo->strLogonErrorMessage, 1000, WAIT_STRING); if (!waitres) // Error message received
{ //
// restore buffer
pCI->nFBsize = nFBSize; pCI->nFBend = nFBEnd; Sleep(1000); SCSendtextAsMsgs(pCI, L"\\n"); Sleep(1000); break; } nLogonWaitTime += 1000; }
if (!pCI->dead && !pCI->uiSessionId) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Logon sequence failed. Retrying (%d)", nLogonRetrys)); if (nLogonRetrys--) goto retry_logon; }
if (!pCI->uiSessionId) { // Send Enter, just in case we are not logged yet
SCSendtextAsMsgs(pCI, L"\\n"); rv = ERR_CANTLOGON; }
exitpt: return rv; }
WPARAM _GetVirtualKey(INT scancode) { if (scancode == 29) // L Control
return VK_CONTROL; else if (scancode == 42) // L Shift
return VK_SHIFT; else if (scancode == 56) // L Alt
return VK_MENU; else return MapVirtualKeyA(scancode, 3); }
* Function: * SCSendtextAsMsgs * Description: * Converts a string to WM_KEYUP/KEYDOWN messages * And sends them thru client window * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * lpszString - the string to be send * it can contain the following escape character: * \n - Enter, \t - Tab, \^ - Esc, \& - Alt switch up/down * \XXX - scancode XXX is down, \*XXX - scancode XXX is up * Return value: * Error message, NULL on success * Called by: * SCLogoff, SCStart, _WaitSomething, _Login --*/ PROTOCOLAPI LPCSTR SMCAPI SCSendtextAsMsgs(PCONNECTINFO pCI, LPCWSTR lpszString) { LPCSTR rv = NULL; INT scancode = 0; WPARAM vkKey; BOOL bShiftDown = FALSE; BOOL bAltKey = FALSE; BOOL bCtrlKey = FALSE; UINT uiMsg; LPARAM lParam; DWORD dwShiftDown = (ISWIN9X())?SHIFT_DOWN9X:SHIFT_DOWN;
#define _SEND_KEY(_c_, _m_, _v_, _l_) {/*Sleep(40); */SCSenddata(_c_, _m_, _v_, _l_);}
if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
if (!lpszString) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "NULL pointer passed to SCSendtextAsMsgs")); rv = ERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto exitpt; }
TRACE(( INFO_MESSAGE, "Sending: \"%S\"\n", lpszString)); /*
// Send KEYUP for the shift(s)
// CapsLock ???!!!
_SEND_KEY(pCI, WM_KEYUP, VK_SHIFT, WM_KEY_LPARAM(1, 0x2A, 0, 0, 1, 1)); // Ctrl key
_SEND_KEY(pCI, WM_KEYUP, VK_CONTROL, WM_KEY_LPARAM(1, 0x1D, 0, 0, 1, 1)); // Alt key
_SEND_KEY(pCI, WM_SYSKEYUP, VK_MENU, WM_KEY_LPARAM(1, 0x38, 0, 0, 1, 1)); */ for (;*lpszString; lpszString++) { if ( pCI->pConfigInfo && pCI->pConfigInfo->bUnicode ) { if ((*lpszString != '\\' && 1 == (rand() & 1) ) || // add randomness and...
*lpszString > 0x80 // send as unicode if non ascii
) { //
// send unicode character
uiMsg = (!bAltKey || bCtrlKey)?WM_KEYDOWN:WM_SYSKEYDOWN; _SEND_KEY( pCI, uiMsg, VK_PACKET, (*lpszString << 16) ); uiMsg = (!bAltKey || bCtrlKey)?WM_KEYUP:WM_SYSKEYUP; _SEND_KEY( pCI, uiMsg, VK_PACKET, (*lpszString << 16) );
continue; } }
if (*lpszString != '\\') { try_again: if ((scancode = OemKeyScan(*lpszString)) == 0xffffffff) { rv = ERR_INVALID_SCANCODE_IN_XLAT; goto exitpt; }
// Check the Shift key state
if ((scancode & dwShiftDown) && !bShiftDown) { uiMsg = (bAltKey)?WM_SYSKEYDOWN:WM_KEYDOWN; _SEND_KEY(pCI, uiMsg, VK_SHIFT, WM_KEY_LPARAM(1, 0x2A, 0, (bAltKey)?1:0, 0, 0)); bShiftDown = TRUE; } else if (!(scancode & dwShiftDown) && bShiftDown) { uiMsg = (bAltKey)?WM_SYSKEYUP:WM_KEYUP; _SEND_KEY(pCI, uiMsg, VK_SHIFT, WM_KEY_LPARAM(1, 0x2A, 0, (bAltKey)?1:0, 1, 1)); bShiftDown = FALSE; } } else { // Non printable symbols
lpszString++; switch(*lpszString) { case 'n': scancode = 0x1C; break; // Enter
case 't': scancode = 0x0F; break; // Tab
case '^': scancode = 0x01; break; // Esc
case 'p': Sleep(100); continue; break; // Sleep for 0.1 sec
case 'P': Sleep(1000); continue; break; // Sleep for 1 sec
case 'x': SCSendMouseClick(pCI, pCI->xRes/2, pCI->yRes/2); continue; break; case '&': // Alt key
if (bAltKey) { _SEND_KEY(pCI, WM_KEYUP, VK_MENU, WM_KEY_LPARAM(1, 0x38, 0, 0, 1, 1)); } else { _SEND_KEY(pCI, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, VK_MENU, WM_KEY_LPARAM(1, 0x38, 0, 1, 0, 0)); } bAltKey = !bAltKey; continue; case '*': lpszString ++; if (isdigit(*lpszString)) { INT exten;
scancode = _wtoi(lpszString); TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "Scancode: %d UP\n", scancode));
vkKey = _GetVirtualKey(scancode);
uiMsg = (!bAltKey || bCtrlKey)?WM_KEYUP:WM_SYSKEYUP;
if (vkKey == VK_MENU) bAltKey = FALSE; else if (vkKey == VK_CONTROL) bCtrlKey = FALSE; else if (vkKey == VK_SHIFT) bShiftDown = FALSE;
exten = (_IsExtendedScanCode(scancode))?1:0; lParam = WM_KEY_LPARAM(1, scancode, exten, (bAltKey)?1:0, 1, 1); if (uiMsg == WM_KEYUP) { TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "WM_KEYUP, 0x%x, 0x%x\n", vkKey, lParam)); } else { TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "WM_SYSKEYUP, 0x%x, 0x%x\n", vkKey, lParam)); }
_SEND_KEY(pCI, uiMsg, vkKey, lParam);
while(isdigit(lpszString[1])) lpszString++; } else { lpszString--; } continue; break; case 0: continue; default: if (isdigit(*lpszString)) { INT exten;
scancode = _wtoi(lpszString); TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "Scancode: %d DOWN\n", scancode)); vkKey = _GetVirtualKey(scancode);
if (vkKey == VK_MENU) bAltKey = TRUE; else if (vkKey == VK_CONTROL) bCtrlKey = TRUE; else if (vkKey == VK_SHIFT) bShiftDown = TRUE;
uiMsg = (!bAltKey || bCtrlKey)?WM_KEYDOWN:WM_SYSKEYDOWN;
exten = (_IsExtendedScanCode(scancode))?1:0; lParam = WM_KEY_LPARAM(1, scancode, exten, (bAltKey)?1:0, 0, 0);
if (uiMsg == WM_KEYDOWN) { TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "WM_KEYDOWN, 0x%x, 0x%x\n", vkKey, lParam)); } else { TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "WM_SYSKEYDOWN, 0x%x, 0x%x\n", vkKey, lParam)); }
_SEND_KEY(pCI, uiMsg, vkKey, lParam);
while(isdigit(lpszString[1])) lpszString++;
continue; } goto try_again; } } vkKey = MapVirtualKeyA(scancode, 3); // Remove flag fields
scancode &= 0xff;
uiMsg = (!bAltKey || bCtrlKey)?WM_KEYDOWN:WM_SYSKEYDOWN; // Send the scancode
_SEND_KEY(pCI, uiMsg, vkKey, WM_KEY_LPARAM(1, scancode, 0, (bAltKey)?1:0, 0, 0)); uiMsg = (!bAltKey || bCtrlKey)?WM_KEYUP:WM_SYSKEYUP; _SEND_KEY(pCI, uiMsg, vkKey, WM_KEY_LPARAM(1, scancode, 0, (bAltKey)?1:0, 1, 1)); }
// And Alt key
if (bAltKey) _SEND_KEY(pCI, WM_KEYUP, VK_MENU, WM_KEY_LPARAM(1, 0x38, 0, 0, 1, 1));
// Shift up
if (bShiftDown) _SEND_KEY(pCI, WM_KEYUP, VK_LSHIFT, WM_KEY_LPARAM(1, 0x2A, 0, 0, 1, 1));
// Ctrl key
if (bCtrlKey) _SEND_KEY(pCI, WM_KEYUP, VK_CONTROL, WM_KEY_LPARAM(1, 0x1D, 0, 0, 1, 1)); #undef _SEND_KEY
exitpt: return rv; }
* Function: * SwitchToProcess * Description: * Use Alt+Tab to switch to a particular process that is already running * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * lpszParam - the text in the alt-tab box that uniquely identifies the * process we should stop at (i.e., end up switching to) * Return value: * Error message, NULL on success * Called by: * SCCheck --*/ PROTOCOLAPI LPCSTR SMCAPI SCSwitchToProcess(PCONNECTINFO pCI, LPCWSTR lpszParam) { #define ALT_TAB_WAIT_TIMEOUT 1000
#define MAX_APPS 20
LPCSTR rv = NULL; LPCSTR waitres = NULL; INT retrys = MAX_APPS;
// WCHAR *wszCurrTask = 0;
if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
if (pCI->dead) { rv = ERR_CLIENT_IS_DEAD; goto exitpt; }
// Wait and look for the string, before we do any switching. This makes
// sure we don't hit the string even before we hit alt-tab, and then
// end up switching to the wrong process
while (_Wait4Str(pCI, lpszParam, ALT_TAB_WAIT_TIMEOUT/5, WAIT_STRING) == 0) ;
// Press alt down
SCSenddata(pCI, WM_KEYDOWN, 18, 540540929);
// Now loop through the list of applications (assuming there is one),
// stopping at our desired app.
do { SCSenddata(pCI, WM_KEYDOWN, 9, 983041); SCSenddata(pCI, WM_KEYUP, 9, -1072758783);
waitres = _Wait4Str(pCI, lpszParam, ALT_TAB_WAIT_TIMEOUT, WAIT_STRING);
retrys --; } while (waitres && retrys);
SCSenddata(pCI, WM_KEYUP, 18, -1070071807); rv = waitres;
exitpt: return rv; }
* Function: * SCSetClientTopmost * Description: * Swithces the focus to this client * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * lpszParam * - "0" will remote the WS_EX_TOPMOST style * - "non_zero" will set it as topmost window * Return value: * Error message, NULL on success * Called by: * SCCheck --*/ PROTOCOLAPI LPCSTR SMCAPI SCSetClientTopmost( PCONNECTINFO pCI, LPCWSTR lpszParam ) { LPCSTR rv = NULL; BOOL bTop = FALSE; HWND hClient;
if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
if (pCI->dead) { rv = ERR_CLIENT_IS_DEAD; goto exitpt; } #ifdef _RCLX
if (pCI->RClxMode) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "SetClientOnFocus not supported in RCLX mode\n")); rv = ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; goto exitpt; } #endif // _RCLX
hClient = _FindTopWindow(pCI->pConfigInfo->strMainWindowClass, NULL, pCI->lProcessId); if (!hClient) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Client's window handle is null\n")); rv = ERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto exitpt; }
if (lpszParam) bTop = (_wtoi(lpszParam) != 0); else bTop = 0;
if (!SetWindowPos(hClient, (bTop)?HWND_TOPMOST:HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0,0,0,0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE)) { TRACE(( ERROR_MESSAGE, "SetWindowPos failed=%d\n", GetLastError())); }
ShowWindow(hClient, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
if (bTop) { TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "Client is SET as topmost window\n")); } else { TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "Client is RESET as topmost window\n")); }
exitpt: return rv; }
* Function: * _SendMouseClick * Description: * Sends a messages for a mouse click * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * xPos - mouse position * yPos * Return value: * error string if fails, NULL on success * Called by: * * * * EXPORTED * * * --*/ PROTOCOLAPI LPCSTR SMCAPI SCSendMouseClick( PCONNECTINFO pCI, UINT xPos, UINT yPos) { LPCSTR rv;
rv = SCSenddata(pCI, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, xPos + (yPos << 16)); if (!rv) SCSenddata(pCI, WM_LBUTTONUP, 0, xPos + (yPos << 16));
return rv; }
#ifdef _RCLX
* Function: * SCSaveClientScreen * Description: * Saves in a file rectangle of the client's receive screen buffer * ( aka shadow bitmap) * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * left, top, right, bottom - rectangle coordinates * if all == -1 get's the whole screen * szFileName - file to record * Return value: * error string if fails, NULL on success * Called by: * * * * EXPORTED * * * --*/ PROTOCOLAPI LPCSTR SMCAPI SCSaveClientScreen( PCONNECTINFO pCI, INT left, INT top, INT right, INT bottom, LPCSTR szFileName) { LPCSTR rv = NULL; PVOID pDIB = NULL; UINT uiSize = 0;
if (!szFileName) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "SCSaveClientScreen: szFileName is NULL\n")); rv = ERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto exitpt; }
// leave the rest of param checking to SCGetClientScreen
rv = SCGetClientScreen(pCI, left, top, right, bottom, &uiSize, &pDIB); if (rv) goto exitpt;
if (!pDIB || !uiSize) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "SCSaveClientScreen: failed, no data\n")); rv = ERR_NODATA; goto exitpt; }
if (!SaveDIB(pDIB, szFileName)) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "SCSaveClientScreen: save failed\n")); rv = ERR_NODATA; goto exitpt; }
if (pDIB) free(pDIB);
return rv; }
* Function: * SCGetClientScreen * Description: * Gets rectangle of the client's receive screen buffer * ( aka shadow bitmap) * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * left, top, right, bottom - rectangle coordinates * if all == -1 get's the whole screen * ppDIB - pointer to the received DIB * puiSize - size of allocated data in ppDIB * * !!!!! DON'T FORGET to free() THAT MEMORY !!!!! * * Return value: * error string if fails, NULL on success * Called by: * SCSaveClientScreen * * * * EXPORTED * * * --*/ PROTOCOLAPI LPCSTR SMCAPI SCGetClientScreen( PCONNECTINFO pCI, INT left, INT top, INT right, INT bottom, UINT *puiSize, PVOID *ppDIB) { LPCSTR rv; PRCLXDATA pRClxData; PREQBITMAP pReqBitmap; PRCLXDATACHAIN pIter, pPrev, pNext; PRCLXDATACHAIN pRClxDataChain = NULL;
if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
if (pCI->dead) { rv = ERR_CLIENT_IS_DEAD; goto exitpt; }
if (!pCI->RClxMode) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "SCGetClientScreen is not supported in non-RCLX mode\n")); rv = ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; goto exitpt; }
if (!ppDIB || !puiSize) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "ppDIB and/or puiSize parameter is NULL\n")); rv = ERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto exitpt; }
// Remove all recieved DATA_BITMAP from the recieve buffer
EnterCriticalSection(g_lpcsGuardWaitQueue); { pIter = pCI->pRClxDataChain; pPrev = NULL;
while (pIter) { pNext = pIter->pNext;
if (pIter->RClxData.uiType == DATA_BITMAP) { // dispose this entry
if (pPrev) pPrev->pNext = pIter->pNext; else pCI->pRClxDataChain = pIter->pNext;
if (!pIter->pNext) pCI->pRClxLastDataChain = pPrev;
free(pIter); } else pPrev = pIter;
pIter = pNext; } } LeaveCriticalSection(g_lpcsGuardWaitQueue);
__try { pRClxData = (PRCLXDATA) alloca(sizeof(*pRClxData) + sizeof(*pReqBitmap)); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { pRClxData = NULL; } if ( NULL == pRClxData ) { goto exitpt; }
pRClxData->uiType = DATA_BITMAP; pRClxData->uiSize = sizeof(*pReqBitmap); pReqBitmap = (PREQBITMAP)pRClxData->Data; pReqBitmap->left = left; pReqBitmap->top = top; pReqBitmap->right = right; pReqBitmap->bottom = bottom;
TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "Getting client's DIB (%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", left, top, right, bottom)); rv = _SendRClxData(pCI, pRClxData);
if (rv) goto exitpt;
do { rv = _Wait4RClxDataTimeout(pCI, pCI->pConfigInfo->WAIT4STR_TIMEOUT); if (rv) goto exitpt;
if (!pCI->pRClxDataChain) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "RClxData is not received\n")); rv = ERR_WAIT_FAIL_TIMEOUT; goto exitpt; }
EnterCriticalSection(g_lpcsGuardWaitQueue); // Get any received DATA_BITMAP
{ pIter = pCI->pRClxDataChain; pPrev = NULL;
while (pIter) { pNext = pIter->pNext;
if (pIter->RClxData.uiType == DATA_BITMAP) { // dispose this entry from the chain
if (pPrev) pPrev->pNext = pIter->pNext; else pCI->pRClxDataChain = pIter->pNext;
if (!pIter->pNext) pCI->pRClxLastDataChain = pPrev;
goto entry_is_found; } else pPrev = pIter;
pIter = pNext; } entry_is_found: pRClxDataChain = (pIter && pIter->RClxData.uiType == DATA_BITMAP)? pIter:NULL; } LeaveCriticalSection(g_lpcsGuardWaitQueue); } while (!pRClxDataChain && !pCI->dead);
if (!pRClxDataChain) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "SCGetClientScreen: client died\n")); goto exitpt; }
*ppDIB = malloc(pRClxDataChain->RClxData.uiSize); if (!(*ppDIB)) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Can't allocate %d bytes\n", pRClxDataChain->RClxData.uiSize)); rv = ERR_ALLOCATING_MEMORY; goto exitpt; }
memcpy(*ppDIB, pRClxDataChain->RClxData.Data, pRClxDataChain->RClxData.uiSize); *puiSize = pRClxDataChain->RClxData.uiSize;
if (pRClxDataChain) free(pRClxDataChain);
return rv; }
* Function: * SCSendVCData * Description: * Sends data to a virtual channel * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * szVCName - the virtual channel name * pData - data * uiSize - data size * Return value: * error string if fails, NULL on success * Called by: * * * * EXPORTED * * * --*/ PROTOCOLAPI LPCSTR SMCAPI SCSendVCData( PCONNECTINFO pCI, LPCSTR szVCName, PVOID pData, UINT uiSize ) { LPCSTR rv; PRCLXDATA pRClxData = NULL; CHAR *szName2Send; PVOID pData2Send; UINT uiPacketSize;
if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
if (pCI->dead) { rv = ERR_CLIENT_IS_DEAD; goto exitpt; }
if (!pCI->RClxMode) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "SCSendVCData is not supported in non-RCLXmode\n")); rv = ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; goto exitpt; }
if (!pData || !uiSize) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "pData and/or uiSize parameter are NULL\n")); rv = ERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto exitpt; }
if (strlen(szVCName) > MAX_VCNAME_LEN - 1) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "channel name too long\n")); rv = ERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto exitpt; }
uiPacketSize = sizeof(*pRClxData) + MAX_VCNAME_LEN + uiSize;
pRClxData = (PRCLXDATA) malloc(uiPacketSize); if (!pRClxData) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "SCSendVCData: can't allocate %d bytes\n", uiPacketSize)); rv = ERR_ALLOCATING_MEMORY; goto exitpt; }
pRClxData->uiType = DATA_VC; pRClxData->uiSize = uiPacketSize - sizeof(*pRClxData); szName2Send = (CHAR *)pRClxData->Data; strcpy(szName2Send, szVCName);
pData2Send = szName2Send + MAX_VCNAME_LEN; memcpy(pData2Send, pData, uiSize);
rv = _SendRClxData(pCI, pRClxData);
exitpt: if (pRClxData) free(pRClxData);
return rv; }
* Function: * SCRecvVCData * Description: * Receives data from virtual channel * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * szVCName - the virtual channel name * ppData - data pointer * * !!!!! DON'T FORGET to free() THAT MEMORY !!!!! * * puiSize - pointer to the data size * Return value: * error string if fails, NULL on success * Called by: * * * * EXPORTED * * * --*/ PROTOCOLAPI LPCSTR SMCAPI SCRecvVCData( PCONNECTINFO pCI, LPCSTR szVCName, PVOID pData, UINT uiBlockSize, UINT *puiBytesRead ) { LPCSTR rv; LPSTR szRecvVCName; PVOID pChanData; PRCLXDATACHAIN pIter, pPrev, pNext; PRCLXDATACHAIN pRClxDataChain = NULL; UINT uiBytesRead = 0; BOOL bBlockFree = FALSE;
if (!pCI) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
if (pCI->dead) { rv = ERR_CLIENT_IS_DEAD; goto exitpt; }
if (!pCI->RClxMode) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "SCRecvVCData is not supported in non-RCLXmode\n")); rv = ERR_NOTSUPPORTED; goto exitpt; }
if (!pData || !uiBlockSize || !puiBytesRead) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Invalid parameters\n")); rv = ERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto exitpt; }
if (strlen(szVCName) > MAX_VCNAME_LEN - 1) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "channel name too long\n")); rv = ERR_INVALID_PARAM; goto exitpt; }
// Extract data entry from this channel
do { if (!pCI->pRClxDataChain) { rv = _Wait4RClxDataTimeout(pCI, pCI->pConfigInfo->WAIT4STR_TIMEOUT); if (rv) goto exitpt; } EnterCriticalSection(g_lpcsGuardWaitQueue);
// Search for data from this channel
{ pIter = pCI->pRClxDataChain; pPrev = NULL;
while (pIter) { pNext = pIter->pNext;
if (pIter->RClxData.uiType == DATA_VC && !_stricmp((LPCSTR) pIter->RClxData.Data, szVCName)) {
if (pIter->RClxData.uiSize - pIter->uiOffset - MAX_VCNAME_LEN <= uiBlockSize) { // will read the whole block
// dispose this entry
if (pPrev) pPrev->pNext = pIter->pNext; else pCI->pRClxDataChain = pIter->pNext;
if (!pIter->pNext) pCI->pRClxLastDataChain = pPrev;
bBlockFree = TRUE; }
goto entry_is_found; } else pPrev = pIter;
pIter = pNext; } entry_is_found:
pRClxDataChain = (pIter && pIter->RClxData.uiType == DATA_VC)? pIter:NULL; } LeaveCriticalSection(g_lpcsGuardWaitQueue); } while (!pRClxDataChain && !pCI->dead);
ASSERT(pRClxDataChain->RClxData.uiType == DATA_VC);
szRecvVCName = (LPSTR) pRClxDataChain->RClxData.Data; if (_stricmp(szRecvVCName, szVCName)) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "SCRecvVCData: received from different channel: %s\n", szRecvVCName)); ASSERT(0); }
pChanData = (BYTE *)(pRClxDataChain->RClxData.Data) + pRClxDataChain->uiOffset + MAX_VCNAME_LEN; uiBytesRead = pRClxDataChain->RClxData.uiSize - pRClxDataChain->uiOffset - MAX_VCNAME_LEN; if (uiBytesRead > uiBlockSize) uiBytesRead = uiBlockSize;
memcpy(pData, pChanData, uiBytesRead);
pRClxDataChain->uiOffset += uiBytesRead;
rv = NULL;
if (pRClxDataChain && bBlockFree) { ASSERT(pRClxDataChain->uiOffset + MAX_VCNAME_LEN == pRClxDataChain->RClxData.uiSize); free(pRClxDataChain); }
if (puiBytesRead) { *puiBytesRead = uiBytesRead; TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "SCRecvVCData: %d bytes read\n", uiBytesRead)); }
return rv; } #endif // _RCLX
* Function: * _EnumWindowsProc * Description: * Used to find a specific window * Arguments: * hWnd - current enumerated window handle * lParam - pointer to SEARCHWND passed from * _FindTopWindow * Return value: * TRUE on success but window is not found * FALSE if the window is found * Called by: * _FindTopWindow thru EnumWindows --*/ BOOL CALLBACK _EnumWindowsProc( HWND hWnd, LPARAM lParam ) { TCHAR classname[128]; TCHAR caption[128]; BOOL rv = TRUE; DWORD dwProcessId; LONG_PTR lProcessId; PSEARCHWND pSearch = (PSEARCHWND)lParam;
if (pSearch->szClassName && // !GetClassNameWrp(hWnd, classname, sizeof(classname)/sizeof(classname[0])))
!GetClassNameW(hWnd, classname, sizeof(classname)/sizeof(classname[0]))) { goto exitpt; }
if (pSearch->szCaption && // !GetWindowTextWrp(hWnd, caption, sizeof(caption)/sizeof(caption[0])))
!GetWindowTextW(hWnd, caption, sizeof(caption)/sizeof(caption[0]))) { goto exitpt; }
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &dwProcessId); lProcessId = dwProcessId; if ( (!pSearch->szClassName || ! // Check for classname
#ifdef UNICODE
wcscmp #else
strcmp #endif
(classname, pSearch->szClassName)) && (!pSearch->szCaption || ! #ifdef UNICODE
wcscmp #else
strcmp #endif
(caption, pSearch->szCaption)) && lProcessId == pSearch->lProcessId) { ((PSEARCHWND)lParam)->hWnd = hWnd; rv = FALSE; }
exitpt: return rv; }
* Function: * _FindTopWindow * Description: * Find specific window by classname and/or caption and/or process Id * Arguments: * classname - class name to search for, NULL ignore * caption - caption to search for, NULL ignore * dwProcessId - process Id, 0 ignore * Return value: * window handle found, NULL otherwise * Called by: * SCConnect, SCDisconnect, GetDisconnectResult --*/ HWND _FindTopWindow(LPTSTR classname, LPTSTR caption, LONG_PTR lProcessId) { SEARCHWND search;
search.szClassName = classname; search.szCaption = caption; search.hWnd = NULL; search.lProcessId = lProcessId;
EnumWindows(_EnumWindowsProc, (LPARAM)&search);
return search.hWnd; }
* Function: * _FindWindow * Description: * Find child window by caption and/or classname * Arguments: * hwndParent - the parent window handle * srchcaption - caption to search for, NULL - ignore * srchclass - class name to search for, NULL - ignore * Return value: * window handle found, NULL otherwise * Called by: * SCConnect --*/ HWND _FindWindow(HWND hwndParent, LPTSTR srchcaption, LPTSTR srchclass) { HWND hWnd, hwndTop, hwndNext; BOOL bFound; TCHAR classname[128]; TCHAR caption[128];
hWnd = NULL;
hwndTop = GetWindow(hwndParent, GW_CHILD); if (!hwndTop) { TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "GetWindow failed. hwnd=0x%x\n", hwndParent)); goto exiterr; }
bFound = FALSE; hwndNext = hwndTop; do { hWnd = hwndNext; // if (srchclass && !GetClassNameWrp(hWnd, classname, sizeof(classname)))
if (srchclass && !GetClassNameW(hWnd, classname, sizeof(classname)/sizeof(classname[0]))) { TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "GetClassName failed. hwnd=0x%x\n")); goto nextwindow; } if (srchcaption && // !GetWindowTextWrp(hWnd, caption, sizeof(caption)/sizeof(classname[0])))
!GetWindowTextW(hWnd, caption, sizeof(caption)/sizeof(classname[0])/sizeof(classname[0]))) { TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "GetWindowText failed. hwnd=0x%x\n")); goto nextwindow; }
if ( (!srchclass || ! #ifdef UNICODE
wcscmp #else
strcmp #endif
(classname, srchclass)) && (!srchcaption || ! #ifdef UNICODE
wcscmp #else
strcmp #endif
(caption, srchcaption)) ) bFound = TRUE; else { //
// search recursively
HWND hSubWnd = _FindWindow( hWnd, srchcaption, srchclass); if ( NULL != hSubWnd ) { bFound = TRUE; hWnd = hSubWnd; goto exitpt; } } nextwindow: hwndNext = GetNextWindow(hWnd, GW_HWNDNEXT); } while (hWnd && hwndNext != hwndTop && !bFound);
exitpt: if (!bFound) goto exiterr;
return hWnd; exiterr: return NULL; }
BOOL _IsExtendedScanCode(INT scancode) { static BYTE extscans[] = \ {28, 29, 53, 55, 56, 71, 72, 73, 75, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 87, 88}; INT idx;
for (idx = 0; idx < sizeof(extscans); idx++) { if (scancode == (INT)extscans[idx]) return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
PROTOCOLAPI BOOL SMCAPI SCOpenClipboard(HWND hwnd) { return OpenClipboard(hwnd); }
PROTOCOLAPI BOOL SMCAPI SCCloseClipboard(VOID) { return CloseClipboard(); }
if ( NULL == pCI ) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); rv = ERR_NULL_CONNECTINFO; goto exitpt; }
if (!_RemoveFromClientQ(pCI)) { TRACE(( WARNING_MESSAGE, "Couldn't find CONNECTINFO in the queue\n" )); } _CloseConnectInfo( pCI );
exitpt: return rv; }
* Function: * SCAttach * Description: * Attach CONNECTINFO to a client window, assuming that the client * is already started * it uses a special cookie to identify the client in the future * It is recommended to call SCDetach instead of SCLogoff or SCDisconnect * Arguments: * hClient - handle to a container window * the function will find the client window in the child windows * lClientCookie - This value is used to identify the client * in normal SCConnect function the client's process id is used * here any value could be used, but the client has to be notified for * it * ppCI - the function returns non-NULL connection structure on * success * Return value: * SC error message * Called by: * exported --*/ PROTOCOLAPI LPCSTR SMCAPI SCAttach( HWND hClient, LONG_PTR lClientCookie, PCONNECTINFO *ppCI ) { LPCSTR rv = NULL; PCONNECTINFO pCI = NULL; HWND hContainer = NULL; HWND hInput = NULL; HWND hOutput = NULL; UINT trys;
pCI = (PCONNECTINFO) malloc( sizeof( *pCI )); if ( NULL == pCI ) { TRACE(( ERROR_MESSAGE, "SCAttach: failed to allocate memory\n" )); rv = ERR_ALLOCATING_MEMORY; goto exitpt; }
ZeroMemory( pCI, sizeof( *pCI )); //
// get all the windows we need
trys = 240; // 2 min
do { hContainer = _FindWindow(hClient, NULL, NAME_CONTAINERCLASS); hInput = _FindWindow(hContainer, NULL, NAME_INPUT); hOutput = _FindWindow(hContainer, NULL, NAME_OUTPUT); if (!hContainer || !hInput || !hOutput) { TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "Can't get child windows. Retry")); Sleep(500); trys--; } } while ((!hContainer || !hInput || !hOutput) && trys);
if (!trys) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Can't find child windows")); rv = ERR_CONNECTING; goto exitpt; }
TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "hClient = 0x%x\n", hClient)); TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "hContainer= 0x%x\n", hContainer)); TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "hInput = 0x%x\n", hInput)); TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "hOutput = 0x%x\n", hOutput)); TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "ClientCookie= 0x%x\n", lClientCookie ));
pCI->hClient = hClient; pCI->hContainer = hContainer; pCI->hInput = hInput; pCI->hOutput = hOutput; pCI->lProcessId = lClientCookie;
*ppCI = pCI;
_AddToClientQ(*ppCI); //
// success !!!
exitpt: if ( NULL != rv && NULL != pCI ) { SCDetach( pCI ); *ppCI = NULL; }
return rv; }
* Function: * _IsSmartcardActive * Description: * Determine whether or not to look for the smartcard UI. * Arguments: * None. * Return value: * TRUE if the smartcard UI is expected, FALSE otherwise. * Called by: * _Login * Author: * Based on code from Sermet Iskin (sermeti) 15-Jan-2002 * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 20-Jan-2002 --*/ BOOL _IsSmartcardActive( VOID ) {
// Windows releases earlier than XP (NT 5.1/2600) do not support
// smartcards, so return if running on such.
if (!ISSMARTCARDAWARE()) { TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "OS does not support smartcards.\n")); return FALSE; }
// Load the smartcard library, which will set the appropriate function
// pointers. It is loaded only once, and remains loaded until the process
// exits.
dwRet = _LoadSmartcardLibrary(); if (dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Unable to load smartcard library (error %#x).\n", dwRet)); return FALSE; } ASSERT(g_hSmartcardLibrary != NULL);
// Get an scard context. If this fails, the service might not be running.
ASSERT(g_pfnSCardEstablishContext != NULL); dwRet = g_pfnSCardEstablishContext(SCARD_SCOPE_SYSTEM, NULL, NULL, &hCtx); switch (dwRet) {
// Got scard context.
case SCARD_S_SUCCESS: TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "Smartcard context established.\n")); break;
// The smartcard service is not running, so there will be no
// smartcard UI.
case SCARD_E_NO_SERVICE: TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "Smartcard service not running.\n")); return FALSE; break;
// The call has failed.
default: TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Unable to establish smartcard context (error %#x).\n", dwRet)); return FALSE; break; } ASSERT(hCtx != 0);
// Always release the smartcard context.
fSuccess = FALSE; try {
// Get the list of the readers, using an auto-allocated buffer.
mszRdrs = NULL; cchRdrs = SCARD_AUTOALLOCATE; ASSERT(g_pfnSCardListReaders != NULL); dwRet = g_pfnSCardListReaders(hCtx, NULL, (LPTSTR)&mszRdrs, &cchRdrs); switch (dwRet) {
// Readers are present.
case SCARD_S_SUCCESS: ASSERT(cchRdrs != 0 && mszRdrs != NULL && *mszRdrs != TEXT('\0')); TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "Smartcard readers are present.\n")); break;
// No readers are present, so there will be no smartcard UI.
case SCARD_E_NO_READERS_AVAILABLE: TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "No smartcard readers are present.\n")); leave; break;
// The call has failed.
default: TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Unable to get smartcard-reader list (error %#x).\n", dwRet)); leave; break; }
// Always free the reader-list buffer, which is allocated by the
// smartcard code.
try {
// Count the number of readers.
ZeroMemory(rgStateArr, sizeof(rgStateArr)); for (szRdr = _FirstString(mszRdrs), cRdrs = 0; szRdr != NULL; szRdr = _NextString(szRdr)) { rgStateArr[cRdrs].szReader = szRdr; rgStateArr[cRdrs].dwCurrentState = SCARD_STATE_UNAWARE; cRdrs += 1; }
// Query for reader states.
ASSERT(g_pfnSCardGetStatusChange != NULL); dwRet = g_pfnSCardGetStatusChange(hCtx, 0, rgStateArr, cRdrs); if (dwRet != SCARD_S_SUCCESS) { TRACE(( ERROR_MESSAGE, "Unable to query smartcard-reader states (error %#x).\n", dwRet)); leave; }
// Check each reader for a card. If one is found, the smartcard
// UI must be handled.
for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < cRdrs; dwIndex += 1) { if (rgStateArr[dwIndex].dwEventState & SCARD_STATE_PRESENT) { TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "Smartcard present.\n")); fSuccess = TRUE; leave; } }
// No smartcards were found, so there will be no smartcard UI.
TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "No smartcards are present.\n")); }
// Free reader strings.
finally { ASSERT(g_pfnSCardFreeMemory != NULL); ASSERT(hCtx != 0); ASSERT(mszRdrs != NULL); g_pfnSCardFreeMemory(hCtx, mszRdrs); mszRdrs = NULL; } }
// Release smartcard context.
finally { ASSERT(g_pfnSCardReleaseContext != NULL); ASSERT(hCtx != 0); g_pfnSCardReleaseContext(hCtx); hCtx = 0; }
return fSuccess; }
* Function: * _LoadSmartcardLibrary * Description: * This routine loads the smartcard library. * Arguments: * None. * Return value: * ERROR_SUCCESS if successful, an appropriate Win32 error code * otherwise. * Called by: * _IsSmartcardActive * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 20-Jan-2002 --*/ DWORD _LoadSmartcardLibrary( VOID ) {
HANDLE hSmartcardLibrary; HANDLE hPreviousSmartcardLibrary;
// If the smartcard library has already been loaded, succeed.
if (g_hSmartcardLibrary != NULL && g_pfnSCardEstablishContext != NULL && g_pfnSCardListReaders != NULL && g_pfnSCardGetStatusChange != NULL && g_pfnSCardFreeMemory != NULL && g_pfnSCardReleaseContext != NULL) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Load the library.
hSmartcardLibrary = LoadLibrary(SMARTCARD_LIBRARY); if (hSmartcardLibrary == NULL) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Unable to load smardcard library.\n")); return GetLastError(); }
// Save the library handle to the global pointer. If it has already been
// set, decrement the reference count.
hPreviousSmartcardLibrary = InterlockedExchangePointer(&g_hSmartcardLibrary, hSmartcardLibrary); if (hPreviousSmartcardLibrary != NULL) { RTL_VERIFY(FreeLibrary(hSmartcardLibrary)); }
// Get the addresses of the smartcard routines.
return _GetSmartcardRoutines(); }
* Function: * _GetSmartcardRoutines * Description: * This routine sets the global function pointers used to call the * smartcard routines. * Arguments: * None. * Return value: * ERROR_SUCCESS if successful, an appropriate Win32 error code * otherwise. * Called by: * _LoadSmartcardLibrary * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 20-Jan-2002 --*/ DWORD _GetSmartcardRoutines( VOID ) {
FARPROC pfnSCardEstablishContext; FARPROC pfnSCardListReaders; FARPROC pfnSCardGetStatusChange; FARPROC pfnSCardFreeMemory; FARPROC pfnSCardReleaseContext;
// If the smartcard pointers have already been set, succeed.
ASSERT(g_hSmartcardLibrary != NULL); if (g_pfnSCardEstablishContext != NULL && g_pfnSCardListReaders != NULL && g_pfnSCardGetStatusChange != NULL && g_pfnSCardFreeMemory != NULL && g_pfnSCardReleaseContext != NULL) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Get the address of each routine.
pfnSCardEstablishContext = GetProcAddress(g_hSmartcardLibrary, SCARDESTABLISHCONTEXT); if (pfnSCardEstablishContext == NULL) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Unable to get SCardEstablishContext address.\n")); return GetLastError(); }
pfnSCardListReaders = GetProcAddress(g_hSmartcardLibrary, SCARDLISTREADERS); if (pfnSCardListReaders == NULL) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Unable to get SCardListReaders address.\n")); return GetLastError(); }
pfnSCardGetStatusChange = GetProcAddress(g_hSmartcardLibrary, SCARDGETSTATUSCHANGE); if (pfnSCardGetStatusChange == NULL) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Unable to get SCardGetStatusChange address.\n")); return GetLastError(); }
pfnSCardFreeMemory = GetProcAddress(g_hSmartcardLibrary, SCARDFREEMEMORY); if (pfnSCardFreeMemory == NULL) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Unable to get SCardFreeMemory address.\n")); return GetLastError(); }
pfnSCardReleaseContext = GetProcAddress(g_hSmartcardLibrary, SCARDRELEASECONTEXT); if (pfnSCardReleaseContext == NULL) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "Unable to get SCardReleaseContext address.\n")); return GetLastError(); }
// Fill in any the global pointers. It would be better to
// compare/exchange, but Windows 95 lacks the necessary APIs.
InterlockedExchangePointer((PVOID *)&g_pfnSCardEstablishContext, pfnSCardEstablishContext); ASSERT(g_pfnSCardEstablishContext != NULL);
InterlockedExchangePointer((PVOID *)&g_pfnSCardListReaders, pfnSCardListReaders); ASSERT(g_pfnSCardListReaders != NULL);
InterlockedExchangePointer((PVOID *)&g_pfnSCardGetStatusChange, pfnSCardGetStatusChange); ASSERT(g_pfnSCardGetStatusChange != NULL);
InterlockedExchangePointer((PVOID *)&g_pfnSCardFreeMemory, pfnSCardFreeMemory); ASSERT(g_pfnSCardFreeMemory != NULL);
InterlockedExchangePointer((PVOID *)&g_pfnSCardReleaseContext, pfnSCardReleaseContext); ASSERT(g_pfnSCardReleaseContext != NULL);
* Function: * _FirstString * Description: * This routine returns a pointer to the first string in a multistring, * or NULL if there aren't any. * Arguments: * szMultiString - This supplies the address of the current position * within a Multi-string structure. * Return value: * The address of the first null-terminated string in the structure, or * NULL if there are no strings. * Called by: * _IsSmartcardActive * Author: * Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 11/25/1996 * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 20-Jan-2002 --*/ LPCTSTR _FirstString( IN LPCTSTR szMultiString ) {
// If the multi-string is NULL, or is empty, there is no first string.
if (szMultiString == NULL || *szMultiString == TEXT('\0')) { return NULL; }
return szMultiString; }
* Function: * _NextString * Description: * In some cases, the Smartcard API returns multiple strings, separated * by Null characters, and terminated by two null characters in a row. * This routine simplifies access to such structures. Given the current * string in a multi-string structure, it returns the next string, or * NULL if no other strings follow the current string. * Arguments: * szMultiString - This supplies the address of the current position * within a Multi-string structure. * Return value: * The address of the next Null-terminated string in the structure, or * NULL if no more strings follow. * Called by: * _IsSmartcardActive * Author: * Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 8/12/1996 * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 20-Jan-2002 --*/ LPCTSTR _NextString( IN LPCTSTR szMultiString ) {
DWORD_PTR dwLength; LPCTSTR szNext;
// If the multi-string is NULL, or is empty, there is no next string.
if (szMultiString == NULL || *szMultiString == TEXT('\0')) { return NULL; }
// Get the length of the current string.
dwLength = _tcslen(szMultiString); ASSERT(dwLength != 0);
// Skip the current string, including the terminating NULL, and check to
// see if there is a next string.
szNext = szMultiString + dwLength + 1; if (*szNext == TEXT('\0')) { return NULL; }
return szNext; }
* Function: * _SendRunHotkey * Description: * This routine sends the Windows hotkey used to open the shell's Run * window. * Note: Keyboard hooks must be enabled for this to work! * Arguments: * pCI - Supplies the connection context. * bFallBack - Supplies a value indicating whether or not to fall back * to Ctrl+Esc and R if the keyboard hook is disabled. * Return value: * None. * Called by: * SCLogoff * SCStart * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 15-Jan-2002 --*/ VOID _SendRunHotkey( IN CONST PCONNECTINFO pCI, IN BOOL bFallBack ) { ASSERT(pCI != NULL);
// Send Win+R if the keyboard hook is enabled.
if (pCI->pConfigInfo->KeyboardHook == TCLIENT_KEYBOARD_HOOK_ALWAYS) { TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "Sending Win+R hotkey.\n")); SCSenddata(pCI, WM_KEYDOWN, 0x0000005B, 0x015B0001); SCSenddata(pCI, WM_KEYDOWN, 0x00000052, 0x00130001); SCSenddata(pCI, WM_CHAR, 0x00000072, 0x00130001); SCSenddata(pCI, WM_KEYUP, 0x00000052, 0x80130001); SCSenddata(pCI, WM_KEYUP, 0x0000005B, 0x815B0001); }
// If the keyboard hook is not enabled, either fail or try Ctrl+Esc and
// the Run key.
else { if (bFallBack) { TRACE((INFO_MESSAGE, "Sending Ctrl+Esc and Run key.\n")); SCSenddata(pCI, WM_KEYDOWN, 0x00000011, 0x001D0001); SCSenddata(pCI, WM_KEYDOWN, 0x0000001B, 0x00010001); SCSenddata(pCI, WM_KEYUP, 0x0000001B, 0xC0010001); SCSenddata(pCI, WM_KEYUP, 0x00000011, 0xC01D0001); SCSendtextAsMsgs(pCI, pCI->pConfigInfo->strStartRun_Act); } else { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Keyboard hook disabled! Cannot send Win+R!\n")); } } }
* Function: * SCClientHandle * Description: * Get client window * Arguments: * pCI - connection context * Return value: * window handle found, NULL otherwise * Called by: * --*/ PROTOCOLAPI HWND SMCAPI SCGetClientWindowHandle( PCONNECTINFO pCI ) { HWND hWnd;
hWnd = NULL;
if ( NULL == pCI ) { TRACE((WARNING_MESSAGE, "Connection info is null\n")); goto exitpt; }
hWnd = pCI->hClient; if (!hWnd) { TRACE((ERROR_MESSAGE, "SCGetClientHandle failed\n")); goto exitpt; }
exitpt: return hWnd; }