* File name: * tclientaxobj.cpp * Contents: * This module implements a scriptable COM interface to the TClient * APIs. * * Copyright (C) 2002 Microsoft Corp. --*/
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "tclient.h"
#include <protocol.h>
#include <extraexp.h>
#include "tclientax.h"
#include "tclientaxobj.h"
#define LOG_BUFFER_SIZE 2048
#define LOG_PREFIX "TClientApi: "
// Define Boolean values for Visual Basic.
#define VB_TRUE ((BOOL)-1)
#define VB_FALSE ((BOOL)0)
// Define stubs for certain message handlers which may be enabled later, if
// GUI support is added (e.g. for logging).
#if 0
* Function: * CTClientApi:: * Description: * This routine... * Arguments: * ... - ... * Return value: * ... * Called by: * ... * Author: * ... --*/ LRESULT CTClientApi::OnCreate ( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(uMsg); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(wParam); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lParam); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(bHandled); return 0; }
* Function: * CTClientApi:: * Description: * This routine... * Arguments: * ... - ... * Return value: * ... * Called by: * ... * Author: * ... --*/ LRESULT CTClientApi::OnDestroy ( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(bHandled); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lParam); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(wParam); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(uMsg); return 0; }
* Function: * CTClientApi:: * Description: * This routine... * Arguments: * ... - ... * Return value: * ... * Called by: * ... * Author: * ... --*/ LRESULT CTClientApi::OnLButtonDown ( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(uMsg); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(wParam); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lParam); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(bHandled); return 0; }
* Function: * CTClientApi:: * Description: * This routine... * Arguments: * ... - ... * Return value: * ... * Called by: * ... * Author: * ... --*/ LRESULT CTClientApi::OnLButtonUp ( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(uMsg); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(wParam); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lParam); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(bHandled); return 0; }
* Function: * CTClientApi:: * Description: * This routine... * Arguments: * ... - ... * Return value: * ... * Called by: * ... * Author: * ... --*/ LRESULT CTClientApi::OnMouseMove ( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(uMsg); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(wParam); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lParam); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(bHandled); return 0; }
* Function: * CTClientApi:: * Description: * This routine... * Arguments: * ... - ... * Return value: * ... * Called by: * ... * Author: * ... --*/ HRESULT CTClientApi::OnDraw( ATL_DRAWINFO& di ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(di); return S_OK; }
#endif // 0
// Define scriptable interfaces to TClient APIs.
// In the initial version, the COM interfaces will not do any argument
// validation, since they merely wrap the APIs, which must also validate.
// This is equally true for synchronization of threads, therefore the COM
// interfaces will not add any additional synchronisation code, with the
// exception of the Error property.
* Function: * CTClientApi::SaveClipboard * Description: * This routine provides a scriptable interface to SCSaveClipboard. * Arguments: * FormatName - Supplies the name of the clipboard format to use. * Return value: * S_OK if successful, an appropriate HRESULT otherwise. * Called by: * Exported via COM. * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 24-Jan-2002 --*/ STDMETHODIMP CTClientApi::SaveClipboard ( IN BSTR FormatName, IN BSTR FileName ) {
PCSTR szFormatName; PCSTR szFileName; PCSTR szError; HRESULT hrResult;
USES_CONVERSION; ATLTRACE(_T("ITClientApi::SaveClipboard\n"));
// Convert the OLE strings to ANSI strings for TClient. This will
// allocate on the stack.
_try { szFormatName = OLE2A(FormatName); szFileName = OLE2A(FileName); } _except ((GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW || GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION) ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { switch (GetExceptionCode()) { case EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW: _resetstkoflw(); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_STACK_OVERFLOW); break; case EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION: return E_POINTER; break; default: DebugBreak(); return E_FAIL; break; } }
// Call the API and return the result.
ASSERT(m_pCI != NULL); ASSERT(szFormatName != NULL); ASSERT(szFileName != NULL); szError = SCSaveClipboard(m_pCI, szFormatName, szFileName); SaveError(szError, m_dwErrorIndex, &hrResult); return hrResult; }
* Function: * CTClientApi::IsDead * Description: * This routine provides a scriptable interface to SCIsDead. * Arguments: * Dead - Returns the current state of the client: TRUE if it is dead, * FALSE otherwise. * Return value: * S_OK if successful, an appropriate HRESULT otherwise. * Called by: * Exported via COM. * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 24-Jan-2002 --*/ STDMETHODIMP CTClientApi::IsDead ( OUT BOOL *Dead ) {
BOOL fDead;
// Check to see if the connection is dead, and return the result.
RTL_SOFT_ASSERT(m_pCI != NULL); fDead = SCIsDead(m_pCI);
return S_OK; }
* Function: * CTClientApi::SendTextAsMessages * Description: * This routine provides a scriptable interface to SCSendtextAsMsgs. * Arguments: * Text - Supplies a text string to send to the client. * Return value: * S_OK if successful, an appropriate HRESULT otherwise. * Called by: * Exported via COM. * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 24-Jan-2002 --*/ STDMETHODIMP CTClientApi::SendTextAsMessages ( IN BSTR Text ) {
PCWSTR szText; PCSTR szError; HRESULT hrResult;
USES_CONVERSION; ATLTRACE(_T("ITClientApi::SendTextAsMessages\n"));
// Convert the OLE string to a Unicode string for TClient. OLE strings
// are already Unicode, so this will not allocate any storage.
// Call the API and return the result.
ASSERT(m_pCI != NULL); ASSERT(szText != NULL); szError = SCSendtextAsMsgs(m_pCI, szText); SaveError(szError, m_dwErrorIndex, &hrResult); return hrResult; }
* Function: * CTClientApi::Connect2 * Description: * This routine provides a scriptable interface to SCConnectEx. * Arguments: * ServerName - Supplies the name of the server to connect to. * UserName - Supples the name of the user to log on with. * Password - Supplied the user password. * Domain - Supples the domain to which the user belongs. * Shell - Supplies the name of the executable with which the shell * process will be created. * XResolution - Supplies the horizontal resolution to use for the * session. * YResolution - Supplies the vertical resolution to use for the * session. * ConnectionFlags Supplies the connection flags. * ColorDepth - Supplies the color depth to use for the session. * AudioOptions - Supplies the audio options. * Return value: * S_OK if successful, an appropriate HRESULT otherwise. * Called by: * Exported via COM. * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 24-Jan-2002 --*/ STDMETHODIMP CTClientApi::Connect2 ( IN BSTR ServerName, IN BSTR UserName, IN BSTR Password, IN BSTR Domain, IN BSTR Shell, IN ULONG XResolution, IN ULONG YResolution, IN ULONG ConnectionFlags, IN ULONG ColorDepth, IN ULONG AudioOptions ) {
PCWSTR szServerName; PCWSTR szUserName; PCWSTR szPassword; PCWSTR szDomain; PCWSTR szShell; PCSTR szError; HRESULT hrResult;
USES_CONVERSION; ATLTRACE(_T("ITClientApi::Connect2\n"));
// Convert the OLE strings to Unicode strings for TClient. OLE strings
// are already Unicode, so this will not allocate any storage.
_try { szServerName = OLE2W(ServerName); szUserName = OLE2W(UserName); szPassword = OLE2W(Password); szDomain = OLE2W(Domain); szShell = OLE2W(Shell); } _except (GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { return E_POINTER; }
// Call the API and return the result.
ASSERT(m_pCI == NULL); RTL_SOFT_ASSERT(szServerName != NULL); RTL_SOFT_ASSERT(szUserName != NULL); RTL_SOFT_ASSERT(szPassword != NULL); RTL_SOFT_ASSERT(szDomain != NULL); RTL_SOFT_ASSERT(szShell != NULL); szError = SCConnectEx(szServerName, szUserName, szPassword, szDomain, szShell, XResolution, YResolution, ConnectionFlags, ColorDepth, AudioOptions, &m_pCI); SaveError(szError, m_dwErrorIndex, &hrResult); return hrResult; }
* Function: * CTClientApi::GetFeedbackString * Description: * This routine provides a scriptable interface to SCGetFeedbackString. * Arguments: * FeedbackString - Returns the latest feedback string to the caller. * The underlying storage must be freed by the caller with * SysFreeString. * Return value: * S_OK if successful, an appropriate HRESULT otherwise. * Called by: * Exported via COM. * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 24-Jan-2002 --*/ STDMETHODIMP CTClientApi::GetFeedbackString ( OUT BSTR *FeedbackString ) {
PCSTR szError; WCHAR szBuffer[MAX_STRING_LENGTH + 1]; HRESULT hrResult; BSTR bstrFeedback;
USES_CONVERSION; ATLTRACE(_T("ITClientApi::GetFeedbackString\n"));
// Get the feedback string and add a terminator.
ASSERT(m_pCI != NULL); szError = SCGetFeedbackString(m_pCI, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer) / sizeof(*szBuffer) - 1); szBuffer[sizeof(szBuffer) / sizeof(*szBuffer) - 1] = L'\0'; SaveError(szError, m_dwErrorIndex, &hrResult); if (szError != NULL) { return hrResult; }
// If the feedback string is empty, use NULL.
if (*szBuffer == '\0') { bstrFeedback = NULL; }
// Convert the feedback string to a BSTR. This will allocate from the CRT
// heap, and the storage must be freed by the caller, using
// SysFreeString.
else { bstrFeedback = W2BSTR(szBuffer); if (bstrFeedback == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
// Set the output parameter. If the supplied argument is invalid, the
// BSTR will not be returned, so free it.
hrResult = E_FAIL; _try { _try { *FeedbackString = bstrFeedback; hrResult = S_OK; } _except (GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { hrResult = E_POINTER; } } _finally { if (FAILED(hrResult)) { ASSERT(bstrFeedback != NULL); SysFreeString(bstrFeedback); } }
return hrResult; }
* Function: * CTClientApi::GetFeedback * Description: * This routine provides a scriptable interface to SCGetFeedback. * Arguments: * FeedbackString - Returns the feedback strings to the caller. The * underlying storage must be freed by the caller with * SafeArrayDestroy. * Return value: * S_OK if successful, an appropriate HRESULT otherwise. * Called by: * Exported via COM. * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 24-Jan-2002 --*/ STDMETHODIMP CTClientApi::GetFeedback ( OUT SAFEARRAY **Feedback ) {
PCSTR szError; PWSTR pStrings; UINT nCount; UINT nMaxStringLength; HRESULT hrResult; SAFEARRAY *pArray; LONG lIndex; BSTR bstrCurrentString;
USES_CONVERSION; ATLTRACE(_T("ITClientApi::GetFeedback\n"));
// Clear the output argument.
// Get the feedback strings.
ASSERT(m_pCI != NULL); szError = SCGetFeedback(m_pCI, &pStrings, &nCount, &nMaxStringLength); if (szError != NULL) { SaveError(szError, m_dwErrorIndex, &hrResult); return hrResult; }
// Always free the feedback strings.
hrResult = E_FAIL; pArray = NULL; _try {
// Allocate a safe-array of BSTRs, large enough to hold the feedback
// strings. The storage must be freed by the caller with
// SafeArrayDestroy.
ASSERT(nCount > 0); pArray = SafeArrayCreateVectorEx(VT_BSTR, 0, nCount, NULL); if (pArray == NULL) { hrResult = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); _leave; }
// Always destroy the safe-array on failure.
_try {
// Copy each string to the array.
for (lIndex = 0; lIndex < (LONG)nCount; lIndex += 1) {
// Convert the current string to a BSTR. This will allocate
// storage on the CRT heap, which must be freed with
// SysFreeString before the next loop iteration.
bstrCurrentString = W2BSTR(pStrings + lIndex); if (bstrCurrentString == NULL) { hrResult = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _leave; } _try {
// Add the current string to the array. This will
// allocate storage with SysAllocString and copy the
// current string to it. The allocated storage will be
// freed when the safe-array is destroyed.
hrResult = SafeArrayPutElement(pArray, &lIndex, (PVOID)bstrCurrentString); }
// Free the current string.
_finally { ASSERT(bstrCurrentString != NULL); SysFreeString(bstrCurrentString); } } ASSERT(lIndex == (LONG)nCount); }
// If an error occurred, free the array.
_finally { if (FAILED(hrResult)) { ASSERT(pArray != NULL); RTL_VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(SafeArrayDestroy(pArray))); } } }
// Free the storage allocated by SCGetFeedback.
_finally { ASSERT(pStrings != NULL); SCFreeMem((PVOID)pStrings); }
// If the array was successfully allocated and filled in, set the output
// argument. The caller is responsible for freeing the underlying
// storage.
if (SUCCEEDED(hrResult)) { ASSERT(pArray != NULL); _try { *Feedback = pArray; } _except (GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { DebugBreak(); RTL_VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(SafeArrayDestroy(pArray))); return E_POINTER; } }
return hrResult; }
* Function: * CTClientApi::ClientTerminate * Description: * This routine provides a scriptable interface to SCClientTerminate. * Arguments: * None. * Return value: * S_OK if successful, an appropriate HRESULT otherwise. * Called by: * Exported via COM. * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 24-Jan-2002 --*/ STDMETHODIMP CTClientApi::ClientTerminate ( VOID ) {
PCSTR szError; HRESULT hrResult;
ASSERT(m_pCI != NULL); szError = SCClientTerminate(m_pCI); SaveError(szError, m_dwErrorIndex, &hrResult); return hrResult; }
* Function: * CTClientApi::Check * Description: * This routine provides a scriptable interface to SCCheck. * Arguments: * Command - Supplies the SmClient Check command to execute. * Parameter - Supplies the argument to the Check command. * Return value: * S_OK if successful, an appropriate HRESULT otherwise. * Called by: * Exported via COM. * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 24-Jan-2002 --*/ STDMETHODIMP CTClientApi::Check ( IN BSTR Command, IN BSTR Parameter ) {
PCSTR szCommand; PCWSTR szParameter; PCSTR szError; HRESULT hrResult;
// Convert the OLE strings to ANSI and Unicode strings for TClient. This
// will allocate storage for the ANSI string on the stack.
if ( Command == NULL || Parameter == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
_try { szCommand = OLE2A(Command); szParameter = OLE2W(Parameter); } _except ((GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW || GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION) ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { switch (GetExceptionCode()) { case EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW: _resetstkoflw(); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_STACK_OVERFLOW); break; case EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION: return E_POINTER; break; default: DebugBreak(); return E_FAIL; break; } }
// Call the API and return the result.
ASSERT(m_pCI != NULL); szError = SCCheck(m_pCI, szCommand, szParameter); SaveError(szError, m_dwErrorIndex, &hrResult); return hrResult; }
* Function: * CTClientApi::Clipboard * Description: * This routine provides a scriptable interface to SCClipboard. * Arguments: * Command - Supplies the clipboard command to execute. * FileName - Supplies the clipboard-data file on which to operate. * Return value: * S_OK if successful, an appropriate HRESULT otherwise. * Called by: * Exported via COM. * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 24-Jan-2002 --*/ STDMETHODIMP CTClientApi::Clipboard ( IN ULONG Command, IN BSTR FileName ) {
CLIPBOARDOPS eCommand; PCSTR szFileName; PCSTR szError; HRESULT hrResult;
USES_CONVERSION; ATLTRACE(_T("ITClientApi::Clipboard\n"));
// Convert the OLE string to an ANSI string for TClient. This will
// allocate on the stack.
_try { szFileName = OLE2A(FileName); } _except ((GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW || GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION) ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { switch (GetExceptionCode()) { case EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW: _resetstkoflw(); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_STACK_OVERFLOW); break; case EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION: return E_POINTER; break; default: DebugBreak(); return E_FAIL; break; } }
// Convert the command to a clipboard operation.
switch (Command) { case COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD: eCommand = COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD; break; case PASTE_FROM_CLIPBOARD: eCommand = PASTE_FROM_CLIPBOARD; break; default: return E_INVALIDARG; break; }
// Call the API and return the result.
ASSERT(m_pCI != NULL); szError = SCClipboard(m_pCI, eCommand, szFileName); SaveError(szError, m_dwErrorIndex, &hrResult); return hrResult; }
* Function: * CTClientApi::Connect * Description: * This routine provides a scriptable interface to SCConnect. * Arguments: * ServerName - Supplies the name of the server to connect to. * UserName - Supples the name of the user to log on with. * Password - Supplied the user password. * Domain - Supples the domain to which the user belongs. * XResolution - Supplies the horizontal resolution to use for the * session. * YResolution - Supplies the vertical resolution to use for the * session. * Return value: * S_OK if successful, an appropriate HRESULT otherwise. * Called by: * Exported via COM. * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 24-Jan-2002 --*/ STDMETHODIMP CTClientApi::Connect ( IN BSTR ServerName, IN BSTR UserName, IN BSTR Password, IN BSTR Domain, IN ULONG XResolution, IN ULONG YResolution ) {
PCWSTR szServerName; PCWSTR szUserName; PCWSTR szPassword; PCWSTR szDomain; PCSTR szError; HRESULT hrResult;
USES_CONVERSION; ATLTRACE(_T("ITClientApi::Connect\n"));
// Convert the OLE strings to Unicode strings for TClient. OLE strings
// are already Unicode, so this will not allocate any storage.
_try { szServerName = OLE2W(ServerName); szUserName = OLE2W(UserName); szPassword = OLE2W(Password); szDomain = OLE2W(Domain); } _except (GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { return E_POINTER; }
// Call the API and return the result.
ASSERT(m_pCI == NULL); RTL_SOFT_ASSERT(szServerName != NULL); RTL_SOFT_ASSERT(szUserName != NULL); RTL_SOFT_ASSERT(szPassword != NULL); RTL_SOFT_ASSERT(szDomain != NULL); szError = SCConnect(szServerName, szUserName, szPassword, szDomain, XResolution, YResolution, (PVOID *)&m_pCI); SaveError(szError, m_dwErrorIndex, &hrResult); return hrResult; }
* Function: * CTClientApi::Disconnect * Description: * This routine provides a scriptable interface to SCDisconnect. * Arguments: * None. * Return value: * S_OK if successful, an appropriate HRESULT otherwise. * Called by: * Exported via COM. * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 24-Jan-2002 --*/ STDMETHODIMP CTClientApi::Disconnect ( VOID ) {
PCSTR szError; HRESULT hrResult;
// Disconnecting frees the storage used for the connection information.
RTL_SOFT_ASSERT(m_pCI != NULL); szError = SCDisconnect(m_pCI); if (szError == NULL) { m_pCI = NULL; } SaveError(szError, m_dwErrorIndex, &hrResult); return hrResult; }
* Function: * CTClientApi::Logoff * Description: * This routine provides a scriptable interface to SCLogoff. * Arguments: * None. * Return value: * S_OK if successful, an appropriate HRESULT otherwise. * Called by: * Exported via COM. * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 24-Jan-2002 --*/ STDMETHODIMP CTClientApi::Logoff ( VOID ) {
PCSTR szError; HRESULT hrResult;
// Logging off frees the storage used for the connection information.
RTL_SOFT_ASSERT(m_pCI != NULL); szError = SCLogoff(m_pCI); if (szError == NULL) { m_pCI = NULL; } SaveError(szError, m_dwErrorIndex, &hrResult); return hrResult; }
* Function: * CTClientApi::SendData * Description: * This routine provides a scriptable interface to SCSendData. * Arguments: * Message - Supplies the window message to send. * WParameter - Supplies the message's W parameter. * LParameter - Supplies the message's L parameter. * Return value: * S_OK if successful, an appropriate HRESULT otherwise. * Called by: * Exported via COM. * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 24-Jan-2002 --*/ STDMETHODIMP CTClientApi::SendData ( IN UINT Message, IN UINT_PTR WParameter, IN LONG_PTR LParameter ) {
PCSTR szError; HRESULT hrResult;
ASSERT(m_pCI != NULL); szError = SCSenddata(m_pCI, Message, WParameter, LParameter); SaveError(szError, m_dwErrorIndex, &hrResult); return hrResult; }
* Function: * CTClientApi::Start * Description: * This routine provides a scriptable interface to SCStart. * Arguments: * AppName - Supplies the name of the executable to start. * Return value: * S_OK if successful, an appropriate HRESULT otherwise. * Called by: * Exported via COM. * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 24-Jan-2002 --*/ STDMETHODIMP CTClientApi::Start ( IN BSTR AppName ) {
PCWSTR szAppName; PCSTR szError; HRESULT hrResult;
// Convert the OLE string to a Unicode string for TClient. OLE strings
// are already Unicode, so this will not allocate any storage.
// Call the API and return the result.
ASSERT(m_pCI != NULL); ASSERT(szAppName != NULL); szError = SCStart(m_pCI, szAppName); SaveError(szError, m_dwErrorIndex, &hrResult); return hrResult; }
* Function: * CTClientApi::SwitchToProcess * Description: * This routine provides a scriptable interface to SCSwitchToProcess. * Arguments: * WindowTitle - Supplies the title of the top-level window belonging to * the process to which the caller would like to switch. * Return value: * S_OK if successful, an appropriate HRESULT otherwise. * Called by: * Exported via COM. * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 24-Jan-2002 --*/ STDMETHODIMP CTClientApi::SwitchToProcess ( IN BSTR WindowTitle ) {
PCWSTR szWindowTitle; PCSTR szError; HRESULT hrResult;
USES_CONVERSION; ATLTRACE(_T("ITClientApi::SwitchToProcess\n"));
// Convert the OLE string to a Unicode string for TClient. OLE strings
// are already Unicode, so this will not allocate any storage.
_try { szWindowTitle = OLE2W(WindowTitle); } _except (GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { return E_POINTER; }
// Call the API and return the result.
ASSERT(m_pCI != NULL); ASSERT(szWindowTitle != NULL); szError = SCSwitchToProcess(m_pCI, szWindowTitle); SaveError(szError, m_dwErrorIndex, &hrResult); return hrResult; }
* Function: * CTClientApi::SendMouseClick * Description: * This routine provides a scriptable interface to SCSendMouseClick. * Arguments: * XPosition - Supplies the horizontal position of the mouse click. * YPosition - Supplies the vertical position of the mouse click. * Return value: * S_OK if successful, an appropriate HRESULT otherwise. * Called by: * Exported via COM. * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 24-Jan-2002 --*/ STDMETHODIMP CTClientApi::SendMouseClick ( IN ULONG XPosition, IN ULONG YPosition ) {
PCSTR szError; HRESULT hrResult;
ASSERT(m_pCI != NULL); szError = SCSendMouseClick(m_pCI, XPosition, YPosition); SaveError(szError, m_dwErrorIndex, &hrResult); return hrResult; }
* Function: * CTClientApi::GetSessionId * Description: * This routine provides a scriptable interface to SCGetSessionId. * Arguments: * SessionId - Returns the ID of the session associated with the current * RDP client. * Return value: * S_OK if successful, an appropriate HRESULT otherwise. * Called by: * Exported via COM. * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 24-Jan-2002 --*/ STDMETHODIMP CTClientApi::GetSessionId ( OUT ULONG *SessionId ) {
UINT uiSessionId;
// Get the session ID and return it.
ASSERT(m_pCI != NULL); uiSessionId = SCGetSessionId(m_pCI);
_try { *SessionId = uiSessionId; } _except (GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { return E_POINTER; }
return S_OK; }
* Function: * CTClientApi::CloseClipboard * Description: * This routine provides a scriptable interface to SCCloseClipboard. * Arguments: * None. * Return value: * S_OK if successful, an appropriate HRESULT otherwise. * Called by: * Exported via COM. * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 24-Jan-2002 --*/ STDMETHODIMP CTClientApi::CloseClipboard ( VOID ) { ATLTRACE(_T("ITClientApi::CloseClipboard\n")); return SCCloseClipboard() ? S_OK : E_FAIL; }
* Function: * CTClientApi::OpenClipboard * Description: * This routine provides a scriptable interface to SCOpenClipboard. * Arguments: * Window - Supplies the window with which the clipboard will be * associated. * Return value: * S_OK if successful, an appropriate HRESULT otherwise. * Called by: * Exported via COM. * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 24-Jan-2002 --*/ STDMETHODIMP CTClientApi::OpenClipboard ( IN HWND Window ) { ATLTRACE(_T("ITClientApi::OpenClipboard\n")); return SCOpenClipboard(Window) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; }
* Function: * CTClientApi::SetClientTopmost * Description: * This routine provides a scriptable interface to SCSetClientTopmost. * Arguments: * Enable - Supplies a Boolean value indicating whether the top-level * attribute will be set (true) or removed (false). * Return value: * S_OK if successful, an appropriate HRESULT otherwise. * Called by: * Exported via COM. * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 24-Jan-2002 --*/ STDMETHODIMP CTClientApi::SetClientTopmost ( IN BOOL Enable ) {
PCWSTR szEnable; PCSTR szError; HRESULT hrResult;
// Convert the enable value to a Unicode string.
szEnable = Enable ? L"1" : L"0";
// Call the API and return the result.
ASSERT(m_pCI != NULL); szError = SCSetClientTopmost(m_pCI, szEnable); SaveError(szError, m_dwErrorIndex, &hrResult); return hrResult; }
* Function: * CTClientApi::Attach * Description: * This routine provides a scriptable interface to SCAttach * Arguments: * Window - Supplies a handle identifying the client window to which * TClient will attach. * Cookie - Supplies a cookie with which the client will be identified. * Return value: * S_OK if successful, an appropriate HRESULT otherwise. * Called by: * Exported via COM. * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 24-Jan-2002 --*/ STDMETHODIMP CTClientApi::Attach ( IN HWND Window, IN LONG_PTR Cookie ) {
PCSTR szError; HRESULT hrResult;
// If a client is already attached, detach it. This will free all
// resources associated with the connection.
if (m_pCI != NULL) { szError = SCDetach(m_pCI); SaveError(szError, m_dwErrorIndex, &hrResult); if (szError != NULL) { return hrResult; } m_pCI = NULL; }
szError = SCAttach(Window, Cookie, &m_pCI); SaveError(szError, m_dwErrorIndex, &hrResult); return hrResult; }
* Function: * CTClientApi::Detach * Description: * This routine provides a scriptable interface to SCDetach. * Arguments: * None. * Return value: * S_OK if successful, an appropriate HRESULT otherwise. * Called by: * Exported via COM. * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 24-Jan-2002 --*/ STDMETHODIMP CTClientApi::Detach ( VOID ) {
PCSTR szError; HRESULT hrResult;
szError = SCDetach(m_pCI); if (szError == NULL) { m_pCI = NULL; } SaveError(szError, m_dwErrorIndex, &hrResult); return hrResult; }
* Function: * CTClientApi::GetIni * Description: * This routine provides scriptable access to the SmClient INI settings. * Arguments: * Ini - Returns the ITClientIni interface, which provides access to the * SmClient INI settings. * Return value: * S_OK if successful, an appropriate HRESULT otherwise. * Called by: * Exported via COM. * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 24-Jan-2002 --*/ STDMETHODIMP CTClientApi::GetIni ( OUT ITClientIni **Ini ) { ATLTRACE(_T("ITClientApi::GetIni\n")); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Ini); return E_NOTIMPL; }
* Function: * CTClientApi::GetClientWindowHandle * Description: * This routine provides a scriptable interface to * SCGetClientWindowHandle. * Arguments: * Window - Returns the client-window handle. * Return value: * S_OK if successful, an appropriate HRESULT otherwise. * Called by: * Exported via COM. * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 24-Jan-2002 --*/ STDMETHODIMP CTClientApi::GetClientWindowHandle ( OUT HWND *Window ) {
HWND hWindow;
// Get the window handle and return it.
ASSERT(m_pCI != NULL); hWindow = SCGetClientWindowHandle(m_pCI);
return S_OK; }
// Define utility routines.
* Function: * CTClientApi::PrintMessage * Description: * This routine prints a message to the standard output and to the * debugger. * Arguments: * MessageType - Supplies the message category, e.g. error, warning, * etc. * Return value: * None. * Called by: * Various routines. * Author: * Alex Stephens (alexstep) 24-Jan-2002 --*/ VOID CTClientApi::PrintMessage ( MESSAGETYPE MessageType, PCSTR Format, ... ) {
CHAR szBuffer[LOG_BUFFER_SIZE]; CHAR szDbgBuffer[LOG_BUFFER_SIZE + sizeof(LOG_PREFIX) / sizeof(*LOG_PREFIX)]; va_list arglist;
// Construct the output string.
va_start(arglist, Format); _vsnprintf(szBuffer, LOG_BUFFER_SIZE - 1, Format, arglist); szBuffer[LOG_BUFFER_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; va_end (arglist);
// Print the message to the output console.
printf( "%s", szBuffer);
// Print the message to the debugger window.
sprintf(szDbgBuffer, LOG_PREFIX "%s", szBuffer); szDbgBuffer[LOG_BUFFER_SIZE + sizeof(LOG_PREFIX) / sizeof(*LOG_PREFIX) - 1] = '\0'; OutputDebugStringA(szDbgBuffer); }