/****************************************************************************/ // tssdjet.cpp
// Terminal Server Session Directory Jet RPC component code.
// Copyright (C) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <comdef.h>
#include <winsta.h>
#include <regapi.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <Lm.h>
#include <Security.h>
#include <Iphlpapi.h>
#include <wbemidl.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include "tssdjet.h"
#include "trace.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "sdjetevent.h"
#include "sdrpc.h"
#pragma warning (push, 4)
/****************************************************************************/ // Defines
#define SECPACKAGELIST L"Kerberos,-NTLM"
// Per bug 629057, use 1 min as the interval
#define JET_RECOVERY_TIMEOUT 60*1000 // 1 min
// If a network adapter is unconfigured it will have the following IP address
// Number of IP addresses for a machine
#define SD_NUM_IP_ADDRESS 64
#define NETCARDS_REG_NAME L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\NetworkCards"
#define NETCARD_DESC_VALUE_NAME L"Description"
/****************************************************************************/ // Prototypes
/****************************************************************************/ INT_PTR CALLBACK CustomUIDlg(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); HRESULT GetSDIPList(WCHAR **pwszAddressList, DWORD *dwNumAddr, BOOL bIPAddress); HRESULT QueryNetworkAdapterAndIPs(HWND hComboBox); HRESULT GetNLBIP(LPWSTR * ppwszRetIP); HRESULT BuildLanaGUIDList(LPWSTR * pastrLanaGUIDList, DWORD *dwLanaGUIDCount); HRESULT GetLanAdapterGuidFromID(DWORD dwLanAdapterID, LPWSTR * ppszLanAdapterGUID); HRESULT GetAdapterServiceName(LPWSTR wszAdapterDesc, LPWSTR * ppwszServiceName);
// User defined HResults
/****************************************************************************/ // Globals
/****************************************************************************/ extern HINSTANCE g_hInstance; DWORD (*g_updatesd)(DWORD); // Point to UpdateSessionDirectory in sessdir.cpp
// The COM object counter (declared in server.cpp)
extern long g_lObjects;
// RPC binding string components - RPC over named pipes.
const WCHAR *g_RPCUUID = L"aa177641-fc9b-41bd-80ff-f964a701596f"; // From jetrpc.idl
const WCHAR *g_RPCOptions = L"Security=Impersonation Dynamic False"; const WCHAR *g_RPCProtocolSequence = L"ncacn_ip_tcp"; // RPC over TCP/IP
const WCHAR *g_RPCRemoteEndpoint = L"\\pipe\\TSSD_Jet_RPC_Service";
PSID g_pSDSid = NULL; //Sid for SD Computer
/****************************************************************************/ // TSSDJetGetLocalIPAddr
// Gets the local IP address of this machine. On success, returns 0. On
// failure, returns a failure code from the function that failed.
/****************************************************************************/ DWORD TSSDJetGetLocalIPAddr(WCHAR *LocalIP) { unsigned char *tempaddr; char psServerNameA[64]; struct hostent *hptr; int err, rc; rc = gethostname(psServerNameA, sizeof(psServerNameA)); if (0 != rc) { err = WSAGetLastError(); ERR((TB, "gethostname returns error %d\n", err)); return err; } if ((hptr = gethostbyname(psServerNameA)) == 0) { err = WSAGetLastError(); ERR((TB, "gethostbyname returns error %d\n", err)); return err; } tempaddr = (unsigned char *)*(hptr->h_addr_list); wsprintf(LocalIP, L"%d.%d.%d.%d", tempaddr[0], tempaddr[1], tempaddr[2], tempaddr[3]);
return 0; }
/****************************************************************************/ // MIDL_user_allocate
// MIDL_user_free
// RPC-required allocation functions.
/****************************************************************************/ void __RPC_FAR * __RPC_USER MIDL_user_allocate(size_t Size) { return LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, Size); }
void __RPC_USER MIDL_user_free(void __RPC_FAR *p) { LocalFree(p); }
// PostSDJetErrorValueEvent
// Utility function used to create a system log wType event containing one
// hex DWORD code value.
void PostSDJetErrorValueEvent(unsigned EventCode, DWORD ErrVal, WORD wType) { HANDLE hLog; WCHAR hrString[128]; PWSTR String = NULL; static DWORD numInstances = 0; //
//count the numinstances of out of memory error, if this is more than
//a specified number, we just won't log them
if( MY_STATUS_COMMITMENT_LIMIT == ErrVal ) { if( numInstances > MAX_INSTANCE_MEMORYERR ) return; //
//if applicable, tell the user that we won't log any more of the out of memory errors
if( numInstances >= MAX_INSTANCE_MEMORYERR - 1 ) { wsprintfW(hrString, L"0x%X. This type of error will not be logged again to avoid eventlog fillup.", ErrVal); String = hrString; } numInstances++; }
hLog = RegisterEventSource(NULL, L"TermServJet"); if (hLog != NULL) { if( NULL == String ) { wsprintfW(hrString, L"0x%X", ErrVal); String = hrString; } ReportEvent(hLog, wType, 0, EventCode, NULL, 1, 0, (const WCHAR **)&String, NULL); DeregisterEventSource(hLog); } }
// PostSDJetErrorMsgEvent
// Utility function used to create a system wType log event containing one
// WCHAR msg.
void PostSDJetErrorMsgEvent(unsigned EventCode, WCHAR *szMsg, WORD wType) { HANDLE hLog; hLog = RegisterEventSource(NULL, L"TermServJet"); if (hLog != NULL) { ReportEvent(hLog, wType, 0, EventCode, NULL, 1, 0, (const WCHAR **)&szMsg, NULL); DeregisterEventSource(hLog); } }
// Get the Sid of the SD Server
BOOL LookUpSDComputerSID(WCHAR *SDComputerName) { WCHAR *DomainName = NULL; DWORD DomainNameSize = 0; DWORD SidSize = 0; SID_NAME_USE SidNameUse; BOOL rc = FALSE; DWORD Error;
if (g_pSDSid) { LocalFree(g_pSDSid); g_pSDSid = NULL; } rc = LookupAccountName(NULL, SDComputerName, g_pSDSid, &SidSize, DomainName, &DomainNameSize, &SidNameUse); if (rc) goto HandleError; Error = GetLastError(); if( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER != Error ) goto HandleError;
g_pSDSid = (PSID)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, SidSize); if (NULL == g_pSDSid) { goto HandleError; } DomainName = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(WCHAR)*(1+DomainNameSize)); if (NULL == DomainName) { goto HandleError; }
rc = LookupAccountName(NULL, SDComputerName, g_pSDSid, &SidSize, DomainName, &DomainNameSize, &SidNameUse);
if (!rc) { // fail
ERR((TB, "Fail to get Sid for SD computer %S, err is %d\n", SDComputerName, GetLastError())); LocalFree(g_pSDSid); g_pSDSid = NULL; }
LocalFree(DomainName); return rc; HandleError: rc = FALSE; return rc; }
/****************************************************************************/ // CTSSessionDirectory::CTSSessionDirectory
// CTSSessionDirectory::~CTSSessionDirectory
// Constructor and destructor
/****************************************************************************/ CTSSessionDirectory::CTSSessionDirectory() : m_RefCount(0), m_hRPCBinding(NULL), m_hSDServerDown(NULL), m_hTerminateRecovery(NULL), m_hRecoveryThread(NULL), m_RecoveryTid(0), m_LockInitializationSuccessful(FALSE), m_SDIsUp(FALSE), m_Flags(0), m_hIPChange(NULL), m_NotifyIPChange(NULL), m_hInRepopulate(NULL), m_ConnectionEstablished(FALSE) { InterlockedIncrement(&g_lObjects);
m_hCI = NULL; m_hRPCBinding = NULL;
m_StoreServerName[0] = L'\0'; m_LocalServerAddress[0] = L'\0'; m_ClusterName[0] = L'\0';
m_fEnabled = 0; m_tchProvider[0] = 0; m_tchDataSource[0] = 0; m_tchUserId[0] = 0; m_tchPassword[0] = 0;
m_sr.Valid = FALSE;
ZeroMemory(&m_OverLapped, sizeof(OVERLAPPED));
// Recovery timeout should be configurable, but currently is not.
// Time is in ms.
m_RecoveryTimeout = JET_RECOVERY_TIMEOUT;
m_bStartRPCListener = FALSE;
if (InitializeSharedResource(&m_sr)) { m_LockInitializationSuccessful = TRUE; } else { ERR((TB, "Constructor: Failed to initialize shared resource")); }
if( m_LockInitializationSuccessful == TRUE ) { // manual reset event in signal state initially
m_hInRepopulate = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, TRUE, NULL ); if( m_hInRepopulate == NULL ) { ERR((TB, "Init: Failed to create event for repopulate, err = " "%d", GetLastError())); m_LockInitializationSuccessful = FALSE; } } }
CTSSessionDirectory::~CTSSessionDirectory() { RPC_STATUS RpcStatus;
if (m_bStartRPCListener) { RpcStatus = RpcServerUnregisterIf(TSSDTOJETRPC_ServerIfHandle, NULL, NULL); if (RpcStatus != RPC_S_OK) { ERR((TB,"Error 0x%x in RpcServerUnregisterIf\n", RpcStatus)); } }
if (g_pSDSid) { LocalFree(g_pSDSid); g_pSDSid = NULL; }
// Clean up.
if (m_LockInitializationSuccessful) { Terminate(); }
if( m_hInRepopulate != NULL ) { CloseHandle( m_hInRepopulate ); m_hInRepopulate = NULL; }
if (m_sr.Valid) FreeSharedResource(&m_sr); // Decrement the global COM object counter.
InterlockedDecrement(&g_lObjects); }
/****************************************************************************/ // CTSSessionDirectory::QueryInterface
// Standard COM IUnknown function.
/****************************************************************************/ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTSSessionDirectory::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, void **ppv) { if (riid == IID_IUnknown) { *ppv = (LPVOID)(IUnknown *)(ITSSessionDirectory *)this; } else if (riid == IID_ITSSessionDirectory) { *ppv = (LPVOID)(ITSSessionDirectory *)this; } else if (riid == IID_IExtendServerSettings) { *ppv = (LPVOID)(IExtendServerSettings *)this; } else if (riid == IID_ITSSessionDirectoryEx) { *ppv = (LPVOID)(ITSSessionDirectoryEx *)this; } else { ERR((TB,"QI: Unknown interface")); *ppv = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; }
((IUnknown *)*ppv)->AddRef(); return S_OK; }
/****************************************************************************/ // CTSSessionDirectory::AddRef
// Standard COM IUnknown function.
/****************************************************************************/ ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTSSessionDirectory::AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement(&m_RefCount); }
/****************************************************************************/ // CTSSessionDirectory::Release
// Standard COM IUnknown function.
/****************************************************************************/ ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTSSessionDirectory::Release() { long lRef = InterlockedDecrement(&m_RefCount);
if (lRef == 0) delete this; return lRef; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTSSessionDirectory::WaitForRepopulate( DWORD dwTimeOut ) /*++
--*/ { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; ASSERT((m_hInRepopulate != NULL),(TB,"m_hInRepopulate is NULL"));
if( m_hInRepopulate != NULL ) { dwStatus = WaitForSingleObject( m_hInRepopulate, dwTimeOut ); #if DBG
if( dwTimeOut > 0 && dwStatus != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { ERR((TB, "WARNING: WaitForRepopulate wait %d failed with %d", dwTimeOut, dwStatus)); } #endif
if( dwStatus == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else if( dwStatus == WAIT_TIMEOUT ) { dwStatus = ERROR_BUSY; } else if( dwStatus == WAIT_FAILED ) { dwStatus = GetLastError(); } else { dwStatus = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } else { dwStatus = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; }
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwStatus ); }
/****************************************************************************/ // CTSSessionDirectory::Initialize
// ITSSessionDirectory function. Called soon after object instantiation to
// initialize the directory. LocalServerAddress provides a text representation
// of the local server's load balance IP address. This information should be
// used as the server IP address in the session directory for client
// redirection by other pool servers to this server. SessionDirectoryLocation,
// SessionDirectoryClusterName, and SessionDirectoryAdditionalParams are
// generic reg entries known to TermSrv which cover config info across any type
// of session directory implementation. The contents of these strings are
// designed to be parsed by the session directory providers.
/****************************************************************************/ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTSSessionDirectory::Initialize( LPWSTR LocalServerAddress, LPWSTR StoreServerName, LPWSTR ClusterName, LPWSTR OpaqueSettings, DWORD Flags, DWORD (*repopfn)(), DWORD (*updatesd)(DWORD)) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD Status;
// Unreferenced parameter
if (m_LockInitializationSuccessful == FALSE) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto ExitFunc; } if (!m_bStartRPCListener) { if (SDJETInitRPC()) m_bStartRPCListener = TRUE; }
ASSERT((LocalServerAddress != NULL),(TB,"Init: LocalServerAddr null!")); ASSERT((StoreServerName != NULL),(TB,"Init: StoreServerName null!")); ASSERT((ClusterName != NULL),(TB,"Init: ClusterName null!")); ASSERT((repopfn != NULL),(TB,"Init: repopfn null!")); ASSERT((updatesd != NULL),(TB,"Init: updatesd null!"));
// Don't allow blank session directory server name.
if (StoreServerName[0] == '\0') { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto ExitFunc; }
// Copy off the server address, store server, and cluster name for later
// use.
wcsncpy(m_StoreServerName, StoreServerName, sizeof(m_StoreServerName) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1); m_StoreServerName[sizeof(m_StoreServerName) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1] = L'\0'; wcsncpy(m_LocalServerAddress, LocalServerAddress, sizeof(m_LocalServerAddress) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1); m_LocalServerAddress[sizeof(m_LocalServerAddress) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1] = L'\0'; wcsncpy(m_ClusterName, ClusterName, sizeof(m_ClusterName) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1); m_ClusterName[sizeof(m_ClusterName) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1] = L'\0'; m_Flags = Flags; m_repopfn = repopfn; g_updatesd = updatesd;
TRC1((TB,"Initialize: Svr addr=%S, StoreSvrName=%S, ClusterName=%S, " "OpaqueSettings=%S, repopfn = %p", m_LocalServerAddress, m_StoreServerName, m_ClusterName, OpaqueSettings, repopfn));
// Initialize recovery infrastructure
// Initialize should not be called more than once.
ASSERT((m_hSDServerDown == NULL),(TB, "Init: m_hSDServDown non-NULL!")); ASSERT((m_hRecoveryThread == NULL),(TB, "Init: m_hSDRecoveryThread " "non-NULL!")); ASSERT((m_hTerminateRecovery == NULL), (TB, "Init: m_hTerminateRecovery " "non-NULL!"));
// we are initializing or re-initializing so connection to SD is down.
// Initially unsignaled
m_hSDServerDown = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (m_hSDServerDown == NULL) { ERR((TB, "Init: Failed to create event necessary for SD init, err = " "%d", GetLastError())); hr = E_FAIL; goto ExitFunc; }
// Initially unsignaled, auto-reset.
m_hTerminateRecovery = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (m_hTerminateRecovery == NULL) { ERR((TB, "Init: Failed to create event necessary for SD init, err = " "%d", GetLastError())); hr = E_FAIL; goto ExitFunc; }
// Initially unsignaled, auto-reset.
m_hIPChange = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (m_hIPChange == NULL) { ERR((TB, "Init: Failed to create event necessary for IP Change, err = " "%d", GetLastError())); hr = E_FAIL; goto ExitFunc; } m_OverLapped.hEvent = m_hIPChange; Status = NotifyAddrChange(&m_NotifyIPChange, &m_OverLapped); if (ERROR_IO_PENDING == Status ) { TRC1((TB, "Success: NotifyAddrChange returned IO_PENDING")); } else { ERR((TB, "Failure: NotifyAddrChange returned %d", Status)); }
// make sure event is at signal state initially.
SetEvent( m_hInRepopulate );
m_hRecoveryThread = _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, RecoveryThread, (void *) this, 0, &m_RecoveryTid); if (m_hRecoveryThread == NULL) { ERR((TB, "Init: Failed to create recovery thread, errno = %d", errno)); hr = E_FAIL; goto ExitFunc; } // Start up the session directory (by faking server down).
StartupSD(); ExitFunc:
return hr; }
// Register RPC server on tssdjet, SD will call it when do recovering
BOOL CTSSessionDirectory::SDJETInitRPC() { RPC_STATUS Status; RPC_BINDING_VECTOR *pBindingVector = 0; RPC_POLICY rpcpol = {sizeof(rpcpol), 0, 0}; BOOL rc = FALSE; WCHAR *szPrincipalName = NULL;
// Init the RPC server interface.
Status = RpcServerUseProtseqEx(L"ncacn_ip_tcp", 3, 0, &rpcpol); if (Status != RPC_S_OK) { ERR((TB,"JETInitRPC: Error %d RpcUseProtseqEp on ncacn_ip_tcp", Status)); goto PostRegisterService; }
// Register our interface handle (found in sdrpc.h).
Status = RpcServerRegisterIfEx(TSSDTOJETRPC_ServerIfHandle, NULL, NULL, 0, RPC_C_LISTEN_MAX_CALLS_DEFAULT, JetRpcAccessCheck); if (Status != RPC_S_OK) { ERR((TB,"JETInitRPC: Error %d RegIf", Status)); goto PostRegisterService; }
Status = RpcServerInqBindings(&pBindingVector); if (Status != RPC_S_OK) { ERR((TB,"JETInitRPC: Error %d InqBindings", Status)); goto PostRegisterService; }
Status = RpcEpRegister(TSSDTOJETRPC_ServerIfHandle, pBindingVector, 0, 0); if (Status != RPC_S_OK) { ERR((TB,"JETInitRPC: Error %d EpReg", Status)); goto PostRegisterService; }
Status = RpcServerInqDefaultPrincName(RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_NEGOTIATE, &szPrincipalName); if (Status != RPC_S_OK) { ERR((TB,"JETInitRPC: Error %d ServerIngDefaultPrincName", Status)); goto PostRegisterService; }
Status = RpcServerRegisterAuthInfo(szPrincipalName, RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_NEGOTIATE, NULL, NULL); RpcStringFree(&szPrincipalName); if (Status != RPC_S_OK) { ERR((TB,"JETInitRPC: Error %d RpcServerRegisterAuthInfo", Status)); //PostSessDirErrorValueEvent(EVENT_FAIL_RPC_INIT_REGAUTHINFO, Status);
goto PostRegisterService; }
rc = TRUE;
PostRegisterService: if (pBindingVector) { RpcBindingVectorFree(&pBindingVector); } return rc; }
/****************************************************************************/ // CTSSessionDirectory::Update
// ITSSessionDirectory function. Called whenever configuration settings change
// on the terminal server. See Initialize for a description of the first four
// arguments, the fifth, Result, is a flag of whether to request a refresh of
// every session that should be in the session directory for this server after
// this call completes.
/****************************************************************************/ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTSSessionDirectory::Update( LPWSTR LocalServerAddress, LPWSTR StoreServerName, LPWSTR ClusterName, LPWSTR OpaqueSettings, DWORD Flags, BOOL ForceRejoin) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
ASSERT((LocalServerAddress != NULL),(TB,"Update: LocalServerAddr null!")); ASSERT((StoreServerName != NULL),(TB,"Update: StoreServerName null!")); ASSERT((ClusterName != NULL),(TB,"Update: ClusterName null!")); ASSERT((OpaqueSettings != NULL),(TB,"Update: OpaqueSettings null!"));
// For update, we do not care about OpaqueSettings.
// If the StoreServerName, ClusterName, LocalServerAddress or Flags has changed,
// or ForceRejoin is TRUE
// we terminate and then reinitialize.
if ((_wcsnicmp(StoreServerName, m_StoreServerName, 64) != 0) || (_wcsnicmp(ClusterName, m_ClusterName, 64) != 0) || (wcsncmp(LocalServerAddress, m_LocalServerAddress, 64) != 0) || (Flags != m_Flags) || ForceRejoin) {
// Terminate current connection.
Terminate(); // Initialize new connection.
hr = Initialize(LocalServerAddress, StoreServerName, ClusterName, OpaqueSettings, Flags, m_repopfn, g_updatesd);
return hr; }
/****************************************************************************/ // CTSSessionDirectory::GetUserDisconnectedSessions
// Called to perform a query against the session directory, to provide the
// list of disconnected sessions for the provided username and domain.
// Returns zero or more TSSD_DisconnectedSessionInfo blocks in SessionBuf.
// *pNumSessionsReturned receives the number of blocks.
/****************************************************************************/ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTSSessionDirectory::GetUserDisconnectedSessions( LPWSTR UserName, LPWSTR Domain, DWORD __RPC_FAR *pNumSessionsReturned, TSSD_DisconnectedSessionInfo __RPC_FAR SessionBuf[ TSSD_MaxDisconnectedSessions]) { DWORD NumSessions = 0; HRESULT hr; unsigned i; unsigned long RpcException; TSSD_DiscSessInfo *adsi = NULL; TRC2((TB,"GetUserDisconnectedSessions"));
ASSERT((pNumSessionsReturned != NULL),(TB,"NULL pNumSess")); ASSERT((SessionBuf != NULL),(TB,"NULL SessionBuf"));
// Make the RPC call.
if (EnterSDRpc()) { RpcTryExcept { hr = TSSDRpcGetUserDisconnectedSessions(m_hRPCBinding, &m_hCI, UserName, Domain, &NumSessions, &adsi); } RpcExcept(TSSDRpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { RpcException = RpcExceptionCode(); ERR((TB,"GetUserDisc: RPC Exception %d\n", RpcException));
// In case RPC messed with us.
m_hCI = NULL; NumSessions = 0; adsi = NULL;
hr = E_FAIL; } RpcEndExcept
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TRC1((TB,"GetUserDisc: RPC call returned %u records", NumSessions));
// Loop through and fill out the session records.
for (i = 0; i < NumSessions; i++) { // ServerAddress
wcsncpy(SessionBuf[i].ServerAddress, adsi[i].ServerAddress, sizeof(SessionBuf[i].ServerAddress) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1); SessionBuf[i].ServerAddress[sizeof( SessionBuf[i].ServerAddress) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1] = L'\0';
// SessionId, TSProtocol
SessionBuf[i].SessionID = adsi[i].SessionID; SessionBuf[i].TSProtocol = adsi[i].TSProtocol;
// ApplicationType
wcsncpy(SessionBuf[i].ApplicationType, adsi[i].AppType, sizeof(SessionBuf[i].ApplicationType) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1); SessionBuf[i].ApplicationType[sizeof(SessionBuf[i]. ApplicationType) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1] = L'\0';
// Resolutionwidth, ResolutionHeight, ColorDepth, CreateTime,
// DisconnectionTime.
SessionBuf[i].ResolutionWidth = adsi[i].ResolutionWidth; SessionBuf[i].ResolutionHeight = adsi[i].ResolutionHeight; SessionBuf[i].ColorDepth = adsi[i].ColorDepth; SessionBuf[i].CreateTime.dwLowDateTime = adsi[i].CreateTimeLow; SessionBuf[i].CreateTime.dwHighDateTime = adsi[i].CreateTimeHigh; SessionBuf[i].DisconnectionTime.dwLowDateTime = adsi[i].DisconnectTimeLow; SessionBuf[i].DisconnectionTime.dwHighDateTime = adsi[i].DisconnectTimeHigh;
// Free the memory allocated by the server.
MIDL_user_free(adsi[i].ServerAddress); MIDL_user_free(adsi[i].AppType); } } else { ERR((TB,"GetUserDisc: Failed RPC call, hr=0x%X", hr)); NotifySDServerDown(); }
LeaveSDRpc(); } else { ERR((TB,"GetUserDisc: Session Directory is unreachable")); hr = E_FAIL; }
*pNumSessionsReturned = NumSessions; return hr; }
/****************************************************************************/ // CTSSessionDirectory::NotifyCreateLocalSession
// ITSSessionDirectory function. Called when a session is created to add the
// session to the session directory. Note that other interface functions
// access the session directory by either the username/domain or the
// session ID; the directory schema should take this into account for
// performance optimization.
/****************************************************************************/ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTSSessionDirectory::NotifyCreateLocalSession( TSSD_CreateSessionInfo __RPC_FAR *pCreateInfo) { HRESULT hr; unsigned long RpcException; BOOL bSDRPC = EnterSDRpc(); BOOL bSDConnection = IsSDConnectionReady();
// if EnterSDRPC() return FALSE and IsSDConnectionReady() return TRUE, that
// indicate repopuating thread did not complete its task within 30 second
// and this logon thread is running way ahead of it, we still need to report
// logon to session directory, session directory will remove duplicate
// entry.
TRC2((TB,"NotifyCreateLocalSession, SessID=%u", pCreateInfo->SessionID));
ASSERT((pCreateInfo != NULL),(TB,"NotifyCreate: NULL CreateInfo"));
#if DBG
if( bSDConnection == TRUE && bSDRPC == FALSE ) { TRC2((TB,"NotifyCreateLocalSession, SessID=%u, logon thread is way ahead of repopulating thread", pCreateInfo->SessionID)); } #endif
// Make the RPC call.
if (bSDConnection) {
// Make the RPC call.
RpcTryExcept { // Make the call.
hr = TSSDRpcCreateSession(m_hRPCBinding, &m_hCI, pCreateInfo->UserName, pCreateInfo->Domain, pCreateInfo->SessionID, pCreateInfo->TSProtocol, pCreateInfo->ApplicationType, pCreateInfo->ResolutionWidth, pCreateInfo->ResolutionHeight, pCreateInfo->ColorDepth, pCreateInfo->CreateTime.dwLowDateTime, pCreateInfo->CreateTime.dwHighDateTime); } RpcExcept(TSSDRpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { RpcException = RpcExceptionCode(); ERR((TB,"NotifyCreate: RPC Exception %d\n", RpcException)); hr = E_FAIL; } RpcEndExcept
// we only notify SD server down when EnterSDRpc() return TRUE,
if (FAILED(hr) && bSDRPC) { ERR((TB,"NotifyCreate: Failed RPC call, hr=0x%X", hr)); NotifySDServerDown(); } }
if( bSDRPC ) { LeaveSDRpc(); }
if( !bSDRPC && !bSDConnection ) { ERR((TB,"NotifyCreate: Session directory is unreachable")); hr = E_FAIL; }
return hr; }
/****************************************************************************/ // CTSSessionDirectory::NotifyDestroyLocalSession
// ITSSessionDirectory function. Removes a session from the session database.
/****************************************************************************/ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTSSessionDirectory::NotifyDestroyLocalSession( DWORD SessionID) { HRESULT hr; unsigned long RpcException;
TRC2((TB,"NotifyDestroyLocalSession, SessionID=%u", SessionID));
// Make the RPC call.
if (EnterSDRpc()) {
RpcTryExcept { // Make the call.
hr = TSSDRpcDeleteSession(m_hRPCBinding, &m_hCI, SessionID); } RpcExcept(TSSDRpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { RpcException = RpcExceptionCode(); ERR((TB,"NotifyDestroy: RPC Exception %d\n", RpcException)); hr = E_FAIL; } RpcEndExcept
if (FAILED(hr)) { ERR((TB,"NotifyDestroy: Failed RPC call, hr=0x%X", hr)); NotifySDServerDown(); }
LeaveSDRpc(); } else { ERR((TB,"NotifyDestroy: Session directory is unreachable")); hr = E_FAIL; }
return hr; }
/****************************************************************************/ // CTSSessionDirectory::NotifyDisconnectLocalSession
// ITSSessionDirectory function. Changes the state of an existing session to
// disconnected. The provided time should be returned in disconnected session
// queries performed by any machine in the server pool.
/****************************************************************************/ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTSSessionDirectory::NotifyDisconnectLocalSession( DWORD SessionID, FILETIME DiscTime) { HRESULT hr; unsigned long RpcException;
TRC2((TB,"NotifyDisconnectLocalSession, SessionID=%u", SessionID));
// Make the RPC call.
if (EnterSDRpc()) {
RpcTryExcept { // Make the call.
hr = TSSDRpcSetSessionDisconnected(m_hRPCBinding, &m_hCI, SessionID, DiscTime.dwLowDateTime, DiscTime.dwHighDateTime); } RpcExcept(TSSDRpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { RpcException = RpcExceptionCode(); ERR((TB,"NotifyDisc: RPC Exception %d\n", RpcException)); hr = E_FAIL; } RpcEndExcept
if (FAILED(hr)) { ERR((TB,"NotifyDisc: RPC call failed, hr=0x%X", hr)); NotifySDServerDown(); }
LeaveSDRpc(); } else { ERR((TB,"NotifyDisc: Session directory is unreachable")); hr = E_FAIL; }
return hr; }
/****************************************************************************/ // CTSSessionDirectory::NotifyReconnectLocalSession
// ITSSessionDirectory function. Changes the state of an existing session
// from disconnected to connected.
/****************************************************************************/ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTSSessionDirectory::NotifyReconnectLocalSession( TSSD_ReconnectSessionInfo __RPC_FAR *pReconnInfo) { HRESULT hr; unsigned long RpcException;
TRC2((TB,"NotifyReconnectLocalSession, SessionID=%u", pReconnInfo->SessionID)); // Make the RPC call.
if (EnterSDRpc()) {
RpcTryExcept { // Make the call.
hr = TSSDRpcSetSessionReconnected(m_hRPCBinding, &m_hCI, pReconnInfo->SessionID, pReconnInfo->TSProtocol, pReconnInfo->ResolutionWidth, pReconnInfo->ResolutionHeight, pReconnInfo->ColorDepth); } RpcExcept(TSSDRpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { RpcException = RpcExceptionCode(); ERR((TB,"NotifyReconn: RPC Exception %d\n", RpcException)); hr = E_FAIL; } RpcEndExcept
if (FAILED(hr)) { ERR((TB,"NotifyReconn: RPC call failed, hr=0x%X", hr)); NotifySDServerDown(); }
LeaveSDRpc(); } else { ERR((TB,"NotifyReconn: Session directory is unreachable")); hr = E_FAIL; }
return hr; }
/****************************************************************************/ // CTSSessionDirectory::NotifyReconnectPending
// ITSSessionDirectory function. Informs session directory that a reconnect
// is pending soon because of a revectoring. Used by DIS to determine
// when a server might have gone down. (DIS is the Directory Integrity
// Service, which runs on the machine with the session directory.)
// This is a two-phase procedure--we first check the fields, and then we
// add the timestamp only if there is no outstanding timestamp already (i.e.,
// the two Almost-In-Time fields are 0). This prevents constant revectoring
// from updating the timestamp fields, which would prevent the DIS from
// figuring out that a server is down.
// These two steps are done in the stored procedure to make the operation
// atomic.
/****************************************************************************/ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTSSessionDirectory::NotifyReconnectPending( WCHAR *ServerName) { HRESULT hr; unsigned long RpcException; FILETIME ft; SYSTEMTIME st; TRC2((TB,"NotifyReconnectPending"));
ASSERT((ServerName != NULL),(TB,"NotifyReconnectPending: NULL ServerName"));
// Get the current system time.
GetSystemTime(&st); SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &ft);
// Make the RPC call.
if (EnterSDRpc()) {
RpcTryExcept { // Make the call.
hr = TSSDRpcSetServerReconnectPending(m_hRPCBinding, ServerName, ft.dwLowDateTime, ft.dwHighDateTime); } RpcExcept(TSSDRpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { RpcException = RpcExceptionCode(); ERR((TB,"NotifyReconnPending: RPC Exception %d\n", RpcException)); hr = E_FAIL; } RpcEndExcept
if (FAILED(hr)) { ERR((TB,"NotifyReconnPending: RPC call failed, hr=0x%X", hr)); NotifySDServerDown(); }
LeaveSDRpc(); } else { ERR((TB,"NotifyReconnPending: Session directory is unreachable")); hr = E_FAIL; }
return hr; }
/****************************************************************************/ // CTSSessionDirectory::Repopulate
// This function is called by the recovery thread, and repopulates the session
// directory with all sessions.
// Arguments: WinStationCount - # of winstations to repopulate
// rsi - array of TSSD_RepopulateSessionInfo structs.
// Return value: HRESULT
#if DBG
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTSSessionDirectory::Repopulate(DWORD WinStationCount, TSSD_RepopulateSessionInfo *rsi) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; unsigned long RpcException; DWORD dwNumSessionLeft = WinStationCount; DWORD dwSessionsToRepopulate; DWORD i;
ASSERT(((rsi != NULL) || (WinStationCount == 0)),(TB,"Repopulate: NULL " "rsi!"));
RpcTryExcept {
for(i = 0 ; dwNumSessionLeft > 0 && SUCCEEDED(hr); i++) {
dwSessionsToRepopulate = (dwNumSessionLeft > MAX_REPOPULATE_SESSION) ? MAX_REPOPULATE_SESSION : dwNumSessionLeft; hr = TSSDRpcRepopulateAllSessions(m_hRPCBinding, &m_hCI, dwSessionsToRepopulate, (TSSD_RepopInfo *) (rsi + i * MAX_REPOPULATE_SESSION) );
dwNumSessionLeft -= dwSessionsToRepopulate; } if (FAILED(hr)) { ERR((TB, "Repop: RPC call failed, hr = 0x%X", hr)); } } RpcExcept(TSSDRpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { RpcException = RpcExceptionCode(); ERR((TB, "Repop: RPC Exception %d\n", RpcException)); hr = E_FAIL; } RpcEndExcept
return hr;
/****************************************************************************/ // Plug-in UI interface for TSCC
/****************************************************************************/ // describes the name of this entry in server settings
/****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CTSSessionDirectory::GetAttributeName( /* out */ WCHAR *pwszAttribName) { TCHAR szAN[256];
ASSERT((pwszAttribName != NULL),(TB,"NULL attrib ptr")); LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, szAN, sizeof(szAN) / sizeof(TCHAR)); lstrcpy(pwszAttribName, szAN); return S_OK; }
/****************************************************************************/ // for this component the attribute value indicates whether it is enabled
/****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CTSSessionDirectory::GetDisplayableValueName( /* out */WCHAR *pwszAttribValueName) { TCHAR szAvn[256];
ASSERT((pwszAttribValueName != NULL),(TB,"NULL attrib ptr"));
POLICY_TS_MACHINE gpolicy; RegGetMachinePolicy(&gpolicy);
if (gpolicy.fPolicySessionDirectoryActive) m_fEnabled = gpolicy.SessionDirectoryActive; else m_fEnabled = IsSessionDirectoryEnabled(); if (m_fEnabled) { LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_ENABLE, szAvn, sizeof(szAvn) / sizeof(TCHAR)); } else { LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_DISABLE, szAvn, sizeof(szAvn) / sizeof(TCHAR)); } lstrcpy(pwszAttribValueName, szAvn); return S_OK; }
/****************************************************************************/ // Provides custom UI
/****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CTSSessionDirectory::InvokeUI(/* in */ HWND hParent, /*out*/ PDWORD pdwStatus) { WSADATA wsaData;
if (WSAStartup(0x202, &wsaData) == 0) { INT_PTR iRet = DialogBoxParam(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALOG_SDS), hParent, CustomUIDlg, (LPARAM)this );
// TRC1((TB,"DialogBox returned 0x%x", iRet));
// TRC1((TB,"Extended error = %lx", GetLastError()));
*pdwStatus = (DWORD)iRet; WSACleanup(); } else { *pdwStatus = WSAGetLastError(); TRC1((TB,"WSAStartup failed with 0x%x", *pdwStatus)); ErrorMessage(hParent, IDS_ERROR_TEXT3, *pdwStatus); return E_FAIL; } return S_OK; }
/****************************************************************************/ // Custom menu items -- must be freed by LocalFree
// this is called everytime the user right clicks the listitem
// so you can alter the settings (i.e. enable to disable and vice versa)
/****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CTSSessionDirectory::GetMenuItems( /* out */ int *pcbItems, /* out */ PMENUEXTENSION *pMex) { ASSERT((pcbItems != NULL),(TB,"NULL items ptr"));
*pcbItems = 2; *pMex = (PMENUEXTENSION)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, *pcbItems * sizeof(MENUEXTENSION)); if (*pMex != NULL) { LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PROPERTIES, (*pMex)[0].MenuItemName, sizeof((*pMex)[0].MenuItemName) / sizeof(WCHAR)); LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_DESCRIP_PROPS, (*pMex)[0].StatusBarText, sizeof((*pMex)[0].StatusBarText) / sizeof(WCHAR)); (*pMex)[0].fFlags = 0;
// menu items id -- this id will be passed back to you in ExecMenuCmd
(*pMex)[0].cmd = IDM_MENU_PROPS;
// load string to display enable or disable
(*pMex)[1].fFlags = 0; if (!m_fEnabled) { LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_ENABLE, (*pMex)[1].MenuItemName, sizeof((*pMex)[1].MenuItemName) / sizeof(WCHAR)); // Disable this menu item if the store server name is empty
if (CheckIfSessionDirectoryNameEmpty(REG_TS_CLUSTER_STORESERVERNAME)) { //Clear the last 2 bits since MF_GRAYED is
//incompatible with MF_DISABLED
(*pMex)[1].fFlags &= 0xFFFFFFFCL; (*pMex)[1].fFlags |= MF_GRAYED; } } else { LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_DISABLE, (*pMex)[1].MenuItemName, sizeof((*pMex)[1].MenuItemName) / sizeof(WCHAR)); } // acquire the description text for menu item
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_DESCRIP_ENABLE, (*pMex)[1].StatusBarText, sizeof((*pMex)[1].StatusBarText) / sizeof(WCHAR));
// menu items id -- this id will be passed back to you in ExecMenuCmd
(*pMex)[1].cmd = IDM_MENU_ENABLE;
return S_OK; } else { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
/****************************************************************************/ // When the user selects a menu item the cmd id is passed to this component.
// the provider (which is us)
/****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CTSSessionDirectory::ExecMenuCmd( /* in */ UINT cmd, /* in */ HWND hParent, /* out*/ PDWORD pdwStatus) { WSADATA wsaData;
switch (cmd) { case IDM_MENU_ENABLE: m_fEnabled = m_fEnabled ? 0 : 1; TRC1((TB,"%ws was selected", m_fEnabled ? L"Disable" : L"Enable")); if (SetSessionDirectoryEnabledState(m_fEnabled) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { *pdwStatus = UPDATE_TERMSRV_SESSDIR; } break; case IDM_MENU_PROPS: if (WSAStartup(0x202, &wsaData) == 0) { INT_PTR iRet = DialogBoxParam(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALOG_SDS), hParent, CustomUIDlg, (LPARAM)this); *pdwStatus = (DWORD)iRet;
WSACleanup(); } else { *pdwStatus = WSAGetLastError(); TRC1((TB,"WSAStartup failed with 0x%x", *pdwStatus)); ErrorMessage(hParent, IDS_ERROR_TEXT3, *pdwStatus); return E_FAIL; } } return S_OK; }
/****************************************************************************/ // Tscc provides a default help menu item, when selected this method is called
// if we want tscc to handle (or provide) help return any value other than zero
// for those u can't follow logic return zero if you're handling help.
/****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CTSSessionDirectory::OnHelp(/* out */ int *piRet) { ASSERT((piRet != NULL),(TB,"NULL ret ptr")); *piRet = 0; return S_OK; }
/****************************************************************************/ // CheckSessionDirectorySetting returns a bool
/****************************************************************************/ BOOL CTSSessionDirectory::CheckSessionDirectorySetting(WCHAR *Setting) { LONG lRet; HKEY hKey; DWORD dwEnabled = 0; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(DWORD);
lRet = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_CONTROL_TSERVER, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey); if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { lRet = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, Setting, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwEnabled, &dwSize); RegCloseKey(hKey); } return (BOOL)dwEnabled; }
/****************************************************************************/ // CheckSessionDirectorySetting returns a bool
// returns TRUE if this registry value is empty
/****************************************************************************/ BOOL CTSSessionDirectory::CheckIfSessionDirectoryNameEmpty(WCHAR *Setting) { LONG lRet; HKEY hKey; WCHAR Names[SDNAMELENGTH]; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(Names); BOOL rc = TRUE;
lRet = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_TS_CLUSTERSETTINGS, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey); if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { lRet = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, Setting, NULL, NULL, (BYTE *)Names, &dwSize); if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (wcslen(Names) != 0) { rc = FALSE; } } RegCloseKey(hKey); } return rc; }
/****************************************************************************/ // IsSessionDirectoryEnabled returns a bool
/****************************************************************************/ BOOL CTSSessionDirectory::IsSessionDirectoryEnabled() { return CheckSessionDirectorySetting(REG_TS_SESSDIRACTIVE); }
/****************************************************************************/ // IsSessionDirectoryEnabled returns a bool
/****************************************************************************/ BOOL CTSSessionDirectory::IsSessionDirectoryExposeServerIPEnabled() { return CheckSessionDirectorySetting(REG_TS_SESSDIR_EXPOSE_SERVER_ADDR); }
/****************************************************************************/ // SetSessionDirectoryState - sets "Setting" regkey to bVal
/****************************************************************************/ DWORD CTSSessionDirectory::SetSessionDirectoryState(WCHAR *Setting, BOOL bVal) { LONG lRet; HKEY hKey; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); lRet = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_CONTROL_TSERVER, 0, KEY_WRITE, &hKey); if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { lRet = RegSetValueEx(hKey, Setting, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&bVal, dwSize); RegCloseKey(hKey); } else { ErrorMessage(NULL, IDS_ERROR_TEXT3, (DWORD)lRet); } return (DWORD)lRet; }
/****************************************************************************/ // SetSessionDirectoryEnabledState - sets SessionDirectoryActive regkey to bVal
/****************************************************************************/ DWORD CTSSessionDirectory::SetSessionDirectoryEnabledState(BOOL bVal) { return SetSessionDirectoryState(REG_TS_SESSDIRACTIVE, bVal); }
/****************************************************************************/ // SetSessionDirectoryExposeIPState - sets SessionDirectoryExposeServerIP
// regkey to bVal
/****************************************************************************/ DWORD CTSSessionDirectory::SetSessionDirectoryExposeIPState(BOOL bVal) { return SetSessionDirectoryState(REG_TS_SESSDIR_EXPOSE_SERVER_ADDR, bVal); }
/****************************************************************************/ // ErrorMessage --
/****************************************************************************/ void CTSSessionDirectory::ErrorMessage(HWND hwnd, UINT res, DWORD dwStatus) { TCHAR tchTitle[64]; TCHAR tchText[64]; TCHAR tchErrorMessage[256]; LPTSTR pBuffer = NULL; // report error
(DWORD)dwStatus, //message ID
(LPTSTR)&pBuffer, //address of buffer pointer
0, //minimum buffer size
NULL); LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_ERROR_TITLE, tchTitle, sizeof(tchTitle) / sizeof(TCHAR)); LoadString(g_hInstance, res, tchText, sizeof(tchText) / sizeof(TCHAR)); wsprintf(tchErrorMessage, tchText, pBuffer); ::MessageBox(hwnd, tchErrorMessage, tchTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); }
/****************************************************************************/ // CTSSessionDirectory::RecoveryThread
// Static helper function. The SDPtr passed in is a pointer to this for
// when _beginthreadex is called during init. RecoveryThread simply calls
// the real recovery function, which is RecoveryThreadEx.
/****************************************************************************/ unsigned __stdcall CTSSessionDirectory::RecoveryThread(void *SDPtr) {
((CTSSessionDirectory *)SDPtr)->RecoveryThreadEx();
return 0; }
/****************************************************************************/ // CTSSessionDirectory::RecoveryThreadEx
// Recovery thread for tssdjet recovery. Sits around and waits for the
// server to go down. When the server fails, it wakes up, sets a variable
// indicating that the server is unreachable, and then tries to reestablish
// a connection with the server. Meanwhile, further calls to the session
// directory simply fail without delay.
// When the session directory finally comes back up, the recovery thread
// temporarily halts session directory updates while repopulating the database.
// If all goes well, it cleans up and goes back to sleep. If all doesn't go
// well, it tries again.
// The recovery thread terminates if it fails a wait, or if m_hTerminateRecovery
// is set.
/****************************************************************************/ VOID CTSSessionDirectory::RecoveryThreadEx() { DWORD err = 0; BOOL bErr; CONST HANDLE lpHandles[] = {m_hTerminateRecovery, m_hSDServerDown, m_hIPChange}; WCHAR *pwszAddressList[SD_NUM_IP_ADDRESS]; DWORD dwNumAddr = SD_NUM_IP_ADDRESS, i; BOOL bFoundIPMatch = FALSE; DWORD Status; HKEY hKey; LONG lRet; for ( ; ; ) { // Wait forever until there is a problem with the session directory,
// or until we are told to shut down.
err = WaitForMultipleObjects(3, lpHandles, FALSE, INFINITE);
switch (err) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: // m_hTerminateRecovery
// We're quitting.
return; case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: // m_hSDServerDown
// SD Server Down--go through recovery.
break; case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 2: // m_hIPChange
// IP address changed --go through recovery.
TRC1((TB, "Get notified that IP changed")); // wait for 15 seconds here so that RPC service can respond
// to IP change
Sleep(15 * 1000); Status = NotifyAddrChange(&m_NotifyIPChange, &m_OverLapped); if (ERROR_IO_PENDING == Status ) { TRC1((TB, "Success: NotifyAddrChange returned IO_PENDING")); } else { ERR((TB, "Failure: NotifyAddrChange returned %d", Status)); }
break; default: // This is unexpected. Assert on checked builds. On free,
// just return.
ASSERT(((err == WAIT_OBJECT_0) || (err == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1)), (TB, "RecoveryThreadEx: Unexpected value from Wait!")); return; }
// we are disabling RPC connection to Session Directory
// Wait for all pending SD Rpcs to complete, and make all further
// EnterSDRpc's return FALSE until we're back up. Note that if there
// is a failure in recovery that this can be called more than once.
// Destroy context handle if it's not NULL
if (m_hCI) { RpcTryExcept { RpcSsDestroyClientContext(&m_hCI); } RpcExcept(TSSDRpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { //
// The try/except is for that bad handles don't bring
// the process down
ERR((TB, "RpcSsDestroyClientContext raised an exception %d", RpcExceptionCode())); } RpcEndExcept; m_hCI = NULL; } // We need to tell if m_LocalServerAddress is a valid IP for SD redirection
// if not, we get a list of valid IPs and pick the 1st one as the SD redirection IP
// and write it to the SDRedirectionIP registry
// Initialize pwszAddressList first
for (i=0; i<dwNumAddr; i++) { pwszAddressList[i] = NULL; }
if (GetSDIPList(pwszAddressList, &dwNumAddr, TRUE) == S_OK) { bFoundIPMatch = FALSE; for (i=0; i<dwNumAddr; i++) { if (!wcscmp(m_LocalServerAddress, pwszAddressList[i])) { bFoundIPMatch = TRUE; TRC1((TB, "The IP is in the list\n")); break; } } if (!bFoundIPMatch && (dwNumAddr != 0)) {
// Pick the 1st IP from the list
wcsncpy(m_LocalServerAddress, pwszAddressList[0], sizeof(m_LocalServerAddress) / sizeof(WCHAR)); } } else { ERR((TB, "Get IP List Failed")); } // Write the IP to the registry
lRet= RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_TS_CLUSTERSETTINGS, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hKey); if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegSetValueEx(hKey, REG_TS_CLUSTER_REDIRECTIONIP, 0, REG_SZ, (CONST LPBYTE) m_LocalServerAddress, (DWORD)(wcslen(m_LocalServerAddress) * sizeof(WCHAR))); RegCloseKey(hKey); } // Free the memory allocated in GetSDIPList
for (i=0; i<dwNumAddr; i++) { LocalFree(pwszAddressList[i]); } // This function loops and tries to reestablish a connection with the
// session directory. When it thinks it has one, it returns.
// If it returns nonzero, though, that means it was terminated or
// an error occurred in the wait, so terminate recovery.
if (ReestablishSessionDirectoryConnection() != 0) return; // don't need to reset m_hInRepopulate.
// Set to non-signal - we are in repopulation.
ResetEvent( m_hInRepopulate );
// RPC connection is ready, let notify logon to go thru
SetSDConnectionReady(); // Now we have (theoretically) a session directory connection.
// Update the session directory. Nonzero on failure.
err = 0; if (0 == (m_Flags & NO_REPOPULATE_SESSION)) { err = RequestSessDirUpdate(); }
if (err != 0) {
// Failed in repopuation and we will loop back to establish
// connection again so set RPC connection to SD to down state.
// set to signal - we are not in repopulation any more.
SetEvent( m_hInRepopulate );
// Keep trying, so serverdown event stays signaled.
continue; }
// Everything is good now. Clean up and wait for the next failure.
bErr = ResetEvent(m_hSDServerDown); EnableSDRpcs();
// set to signal - we are not in repopulation any more.
SetEvent( m_hInRepopulate ); } }
/****************************************************************************/ // StartupSD
// Initiates a connection by signaling to the recovery thread that the server
// is down.
/****************************************************************************/ void CTSSessionDirectory::StartupSD() { if (SetEvent(m_hSDServerDown) == FALSE) { ERR((TB, "StartupSD: SetEvent failed. GetLastError=%d", GetLastError())); } }
/****************************************************************************/ // NotifySDServerDown
// Tells the recovery thread that the server is down.
/****************************************************************************/ void CTSSessionDirectory::NotifySDServerDown() { if (SetEvent(m_hSDServerDown) == FALSE) { ERR((TB, "NotifySDServerDown: SetEvent failed. GetLastError=%d", GetLastError())); } }
/****************************************************************************/ // EnterSDRpc
// This function returns whether it is OK to make an RPC right now. It handles
// not letting anyone make an RPC call if RPCs are disabled, and also, if anyone
// is able to make an RPC, it ensures they will be able to do so until they call
// LeaveSDRpc.
// Return value:
// true - if OK to make RPC call, in which case you must call LeaveSDRpc when
// you are done.
// false - if not OK. You must not call LeaveSDRpc.
/****************************************************************************/ boolean CTSSessionDirectory::EnterSDRpc() { AcquireResourceShared(&m_sr);
if (m_SDIsUp) { return TRUE; } else { ReleaseResourceShared(&m_sr); return FALSE; } }
/****************************************************************************/ // LeaveSDRpc
// If you were able to EnterSDRpc (i.e., it returned true), you must call this
// function when you are done with your Rpc call no matter what happened.
/****************************************************************************/ void CTSSessionDirectory::LeaveSDRpc() { ReleaseResourceShared(&m_sr); }
/****************************************************************************/ // DisableSDRpcs
// Prevent new EnterSDRpcs from returning true, and then wait for all pending
// EnterSDRpcs to be matched by their LeaveSDRpc's.
/****************************************************************************/ void CTSSessionDirectory::DisableSDRpcs() {
// First, set the flag that the SD is up to FALSE, preventing further Rpcs.
// Then, we grab the resource exclusive and release it right afterwards--
// this forces us to wait until all RPCs we're already in have completed.
(void) InterlockedExchange(&m_SDIsUp, FALSE);
AcquireResourceExclusive(&m_sr); ReleaseResourceExclusive(&m_sr); }
/****************************************************************************/ // EnableSDRpcs
// Enable EnterSDRpcs to return true once again.
/****************************************************************************/ void CTSSessionDirectory::EnableSDRpcs() { ASSERT((VerifyNoSharedAccess(&m_sr)),(TB,"EnableSDRpcs called but " "shouldn't be when there are shared readers."));
(void) InterlockedExchange(&m_SDIsUp, TRUE); }
/****************************************************************************/ // RequestSessDirUpdate
// Requests that termsrv update the session directory using the batchupdate
// interface.
// This function needs to know whether the update succeeded and return 0 on
// success, nonzero on failure.
/****************************************************************************/ DWORD CTSSessionDirectory::RequestSessDirUpdate() { return (*m_repopfn)(); }
/****************************************************************************/ // ReestablishSessionDirectoryConnection
// This function loops and tries to reestablish a connection with the
// session directory. When it has one, it returns.
// Return value: 0 if normal exit, nonzero if terminated by TerminateRecovery
// event.
/****************************************************************************/ DWORD CTSSessionDirectory::ReestablishSessionDirectoryConnection() { HRESULT hr; unsigned long RpcException; DWORD err; WCHAR *szPrincipalName = NULL; RPC_SECURITY_QOS RPCSecurityQos; SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EX CurrentIdentity; WCHAR CurrentUserName[SDNAMELENGTH]; DWORD cchBuff; WCHAR SDComputerName[SDNAMELENGTH]; unsigned int FailCountBeforeClearFlag = 0; WCHAR LocalIPAddress[64]; WCHAR *pBindingString = NULL;
RPCSecurityQos.Version = RPC_C_SECURITY_QOS_VERSION; RPCSecurityQos.Capabilities = RPC_C_QOS_CAPABILITIES_MUTUAL_AUTH; RPCSecurityQos.IdentityTracking = RPC_C_QOS_IDENTITY_DYNAMIC; RPCSecurityQos.ImpersonationType = RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE;
CurrentIdentity.Version = SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_VERSION; CurrentIdentity.Length = sizeof(SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EX); CurrentIdentity.Password = NULL; CurrentIdentity.PasswordLength = 0; CurrentIdentity.Domain = NULL; CurrentIdentity.DomainLength = 0; CurrentIdentity.Flags = SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_UNICODE; CurrentIdentity.PackageList = SECPACKAGELIST; CurrentIdentity.PackageListLength = (unsigned long)wcslen(SECPACKAGELIST);
cchBuff = sizeof(CurrentUserName) / sizeof(WCHAR); GetComputerNameEx(ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS, CurrentUserName, &cchBuff); wcscat(CurrentUserName, L"$");
CurrentIdentity.User = CurrentUserName; CurrentIdentity.UserLength = (unsigned long)wcslen(CurrentUserName);
if (m_hRPCBinding) { RpcBindingFree(&m_hRPCBinding); m_hRPCBinding = NULL; } // Connect to the Jet RPC server according to the server name provided.
// We first create an RPC binding handle from a composed binding string.
hr = RpcStringBindingCompose(/*(WCHAR *)g_RPCUUID,*/ 0, (WCHAR *)g_RPCProtocolSequence, m_StoreServerName, /*(WCHAR *)g_RPCRemoteEndpoint, */ 0, NULL, &pBindingString);
if (hr == RPC_S_OK) { // Generate the RPC binding from the canonical RPC binding string.
hr = RpcBindingFromStringBinding(pBindingString, &m_hRPCBinding); if (hr != RPC_S_OK) { ERR((TB,"Init: Error %d in RpcBindingFromStringBinding\n", hr)); PostSDJetErrorValueEvent(EVENT_FAIL_RPCBINDINGFROMSTRINGBINDING, hr, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE); m_hRPCBinding = NULL; goto ExitFunc; } } else { ERR((TB,"Init: Error %d in RpcStringBindingCompose\n", hr)); PostSDJetErrorValueEvent(EVENT_FAIL_RPCSTRINGBINDINGCOMPOSE, hr, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE); pBindingString = NULL; goto ExitFunc; }
m_RecoveryTimeout = JET_RECOVERY_TIMEOUT; for ( ; ; ) { // If the machine joins the SD during the OS boot time, we may get the local IP
// as the localhost ( since DHCP is not started yet. Therefore we need
// to reget the local IP here
if (!wcscmp(m_LocalServerAddress, L"")) { if (0 != TSSDJetGetLocalIPAddr(LocalIPAddress)) { goto HandleError; } if (wcscmp(LocalIPAddress, L"")) { wcscpy(m_LocalServerAddress, LocalIPAddress); } else { goto HandleError; } }
hr = RpcBindingReset(m_hRPCBinding); if (hr != RPC_S_OK) { ERR((TB, "Recover: Error %d in RpcBindingReset", hr)); PostSDJetErrorValueEvent(EVENT_FAIL_RPCBINDINGRESET, hr, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE); goto HandleError; }
hr = RpcEpResolveBinding(m_hRPCBinding, TSSDJetRPC_ClientIfHandle); if (hr != RPC_S_OK) { ERR((TB, "Recover: Error %d in RpcEpResolveBinding", hr)); if (RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE == hr) { PostSDJetErrorMsgEvent(EVENT_SESSIONDIRECTORY_NAME_INVALID, m_StoreServerName, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE); } else { PostSDJetErrorMsgEvent(EVENT_SESSIONDIRECTORY_UNAVAILABLE, m_StoreServerName, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE); } goto HandleError; }
hr = RpcMgmtInqServerPrincName(m_hRPCBinding, RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_NEGOTIATE, &szPrincipalName); if (hr != RPC_S_OK) { ERR((TB,"Recover: Error %d in RpcMgmtIngServerPrincName", hr)); PostSDJetErrorValueEvent(EVENT_FAIL_RPCMGMTINGSERVERPRINCNAME, hr, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE); goto HandleError; }
//hr = RpcBindingSetAuthInfo(m_hRPCBinding, szPrincipalName,
hr = RpcBindingSetAuthInfoEx(m_hRPCBinding, szPrincipalName, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY, RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_NEGOTIATE, &CurrentIdentity, NULL, &RPCSecurityQos);
if (hr != RPC_S_OK) { ERR((TB,"Recover: Error %d in RpcBindingSetAuthInfo", hr)); PostSDJetErrorValueEvent(EVENT_FAIL_RPCBINDINGSETAUTHINFOEX, hr, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE); goto HandleError; }
// This option enable SD to get fresh machine logon info for tssdjet RPC call
hr = RpcBindingSetOption(m_hRPCBinding, RPC_C_OPT_DONT_LINGER, 1); if (hr != RPC_S_OK) { ERR((TB,"Recover: Error %d in RpcBindingSetOption", hr)); PostSDJetErrorValueEvent(EVENT_FAIL_RPCBIDINGSETOPTION, hr, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE); // Per Chenyz's comment, this is OK.
// goto HandleError;
// Session Directory need to know the DNS host name of the TS server
cchBuff = SDNAMELENGTH; GetComputerNameEx(ComputerNamePhysicalDnsFullyQualified, SDComputerName, &cchBuff);
// Execute ServerOnline.
RpcTryExcept { hr = TSSDRpcServerOnline(m_hRPCBinding, m_ClusterName, &m_hCI, m_Flags, SDComputerName, m_LocalServerAddress); } RpcExcept(TSSDRpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { m_hCI = NULL; RpcException = RpcExceptionCode(); ERR((TB, "rpcserveronline returns exception: %u", RpcException)); hr = RpcException; } RpcEndExcept // RPC got access denied by SD
if (hr == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { ERR((TB, "rpcserveronline returns access denied error: %u", hr)); PostSDJetErrorMsgEvent(EVENT_RPC_ACCESS_DENIED, m_StoreServerName, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE); goto HandleError; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { RpcTryExcept { hr = TSSDRpcUpdateConfigurationSetting(m_hRPCBinding, &m_hCI, SDCONFIG_SERVER_ADDRESS, (DWORD) (wcslen(m_LocalServerAddress) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), (PBYTE) m_LocalServerAddress); } RpcExcept(TSSDRpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { m_hCI = NULL; RpcException = RpcExceptionCode(); hr = E_FAIL; } RpcEndExcept
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { PostSDJetErrorMsgEvent(EVENT_JOIN_SESSIONDIRECTORY_SUCESS, m_StoreServerName, EVENTLOG_SUCCESS); LookUpSDComputerSID(SDComputerName); return 0; } } else { ERR((TB, "TSSDRpcServerOnline: 0x%08x", hr));
PostSDJetErrorValueEvent(EVENT_JOIN_SESSIONDIRECTORY_FAIL, hr, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr),(TB, "TSSDRpcServerOnline: failed with 0x%08x", hr)); } HandleError: // If joining SD fails, we need to clear NO_REPOPULATE_SESSION so that
// the next join will repopulate sessions
FailCountBeforeClearFlag++; if (FailCountBeforeClearFlag > TSSD_FAILCOUNT_BEFORE_CLEARFLAG) { m_Flags &= (~NO_REPOPULATE_SESSION); } if (szPrincipalName != NULL) { RpcStringFree(&szPrincipalName); szPrincipalName = NULL; } if (pBindingString != NULL) { RpcStringFree(&pBindingString); pBindingString = NULL; }
err = WaitForSingleObject(m_hTerminateRecovery, m_RecoveryTimeout); if (err != WAIT_TIMEOUT) { // It was not a timeout, it better be our terminate recovery event.
ASSERT((err == WAIT_OBJECT_0),(TB, "ReestSessDirConn: Unexpected " "value returned from wait"));
// If it was not our event, we want to keep going through
// this loop so this thread does not terminate.
if (err == WAIT_OBJECT_0) return 1; } } ExitFunc: if (pBindingString != NULL) { RpcStringFree(&pBindingString); pBindingString = NULL; } return 1; }
/****************************************************************************/ // CTSSessionDirectory::PingSD
// This function is called to see if Session Directory is accessible or not
// Arguments: pszServerName -- Session Directory server name
// Return value: DWORD ERROR_SUCCESS if SD is accessible, otherwise return error code
RPCSecurityQos.Version = RPC_C_SECURITY_QOS_VERSION; RPCSecurityQos.Capabilities = RPC_C_QOS_CAPABILITIES_MUTUAL_AUTH; RPCSecurityQos.IdentityTracking = RPC_C_QOS_IDENTITY_DYNAMIC; RPCSecurityQos.ImpersonationType = RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE;
CurrentIdentity.Version = SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_VERSION; CurrentIdentity.Length = sizeof(SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EX); CurrentIdentity.Password = NULL; CurrentIdentity.PasswordLength = 0; CurrentIdentity.Domain = NULL; CurrentIdentity.DomainLength = 0; CurrentIdentity.Flags = SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_UNICODE; CurrentIdentity.PackageList = SECPACKAGELIST; CurrentIdentity.PackageListLength = (unsigned long)wcslen(SECPACKAGELIST);
// we need one for NULL and one for wcscat() below.
cchBuff = sizeof(CurrentUserName) / sizeof(CurrentUserName[0]) - 2; if (!GetComputerNameEx(ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS, CurrentUserName, &cchBuff)) { ERR((TB,"Error %d in GetComputerNameEx\n", GetLastError())); goto ExitFunc; } wcscat(CurrentUserName, L"$");
CurrentIdentity.User = CurrentUserName; CurrentIdentity.UserLength = (unsigned long)wcslen(CurrentUserName);
// Connect to the Jet RPC server according to the server name provided.
// We first create an RPC binding handle from a composed binding string.
hr = RpcStringBindingCompose(/*(WCHAR *)g_RPCUUID,*/ 0, (WCHAR *)g_RPCProtocolSequence, pszServerName, 0, NULL, &pBindingString);
if (hr != RPC_S_OK) { ERR((TB,"Error %d in RpcStringBindingCompose\n", hr)); pBindingString = NULL; goto ExitFunc; }
// Generate the RPC binding from the canonical RPC binding string.
hr = RpcBindingFromStringBinding(pBindingString, &hRPCBinding); if (hr != RPC_S_OK) { ERR((TB,"Error %d in RpcBindingFromStringBinding\n", hr)); hRPCBinding = NULL; goto ExitFunc; } hr = RpcEpResolveBinding(hRPCBinding, TSSDJetRPC_ClientIfHandle); if (hr != RPC_S_OK) { ERR((TB, "Error %d in RpcEpResolveBinding", hr)); goto ExitFunc; }
hr = RpcMgmtInqServerPrincName(hRPCBinding, RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_NEGOTIATE, &szPrincipalName); if (hr != RPC_S_OK) { ERR((TB,"Error %d in RpcMgmtIngServerPrincName", hr)); goto ExitFunc; }
hr = RpcBindingSetAuthInfoEx(hRPCBinding, szPrincipalName, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY, RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_NEGOTIATE, &CurrentIdentity, NULL, &RPCSecurityQos);
if (hr != RPC_S_OK) { ERR((TB,"Error %d in RpcBindingSetAuthInfo", hr)); goto ExitFunc; }
// This option enable SD to get fresh machine logon info for tssdjet RPC call
hr = RpcBindingSetOption(hRPCBinding, RPC_C_OPT_DONT_LINGER, 1); if (hr != RPC_S_OK) { ERR((TB,"Error %d in RpcBindingSetOption", hr)); // This error can be ignore
//goto ExitFunc;
// Execute IsSDAccessible.
RpcTryExcept { hr = TSSDRpcPingSD(hRPCBinding); } RpcExcept(TSSDRpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { hr = RpcExceptionCode(); ERR((TB, "TSSDPingSD returns exception: %u", hr)); } RpcEndExcept ExitFunc: if (szPrincipalName != NULL) { RpcStringFree(&szPrincipalName); szPrincipalName = NULL; }
if (pBindingString != NULL) { RpcStringFree(&pBindingString); pBindingString = NULL; }
if( hRPCBinding != NULL ) { RpcBindingFree( &hRPCBinding ); hRPCBinding = NULL; }
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(hr); }
/****************************************************************************/ // CTSSessionDirectory::Terminate
// Helper function called by the destructor and by Update when switching to
// another server. Frees RPC binding, events, and recovery thread.
/****************************************************************************/ void CTSSessionDirectory::Terminate() { HRESULT rc = S_OK; unsigned long RpcException; BOOL ConnectionMaybeUp;
// we are terminating RPC connection to Session Directory
// Terminate recovery.
if (m_hRecoveryThread != NULL) { SetEvent(m_hTerminateRecovery); WaitForSingleObject((HANDLE) m_hRecoveryThread, INFINITE); m_hRecoveryThread = NULL; }
ConnectionMaybeUp = EnterSDRpc(); if (ConnectionMaybeUp) LeaveSDRpc();
// Wait for current Rpcs to complete (if any), disable new ones.
DisableSDRpcs(); // If we think there is a connection, disconnect it.
if (ConnectionMaybeUp) { RpcTryExcept { rc = TSSDRpcServerOffline(m_hRPCBinding, &m_hCI); m_hCI = NULL; if (FAILED(rc)) { ERR((TB,"Term: SvrOffline failed, lasterr=0x%X", GetLastError())); PostSDJetErrorValueEvent(EVENT_CALL_TSSDRPCSEVEROFFLINE_FAIL, GetLastError(), EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE); } } RpcExcept(TSSDRpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { RpcException = RpcExceptionCode(); ERR((TB,"Term: RPC Exception %d\n", RpcException)); PostSDJetErrorValueEvent(EVENT_CALL_TSSDRPCSEVEROFFLINE_FAIL, RpcException, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE); rc = E_FAIL; } RpcEndExcept }
// Clean up.
if (m_hRPCBinding != NULL) { RpcBindingFree(&m_hRPCBinding); m_hRPCBinding = NULL; }
if (m_hSDServerDown != NULL) { CloseHandle(m_hSDServerDown); m_hSDServerDown = NULL; } if (m_hTerminateRecovery != NULL) { CloseHandle(m_hTerminateRecovery); m_hTerminateRecovery = NULL; }
if (m_hIPChange != NULL) { CloseHandle(m_hIPChange); m_hIPChange = NULL; }
#if 0
// wrong assert, timing issue, reader might just happen to increment counter
// TODO - fix this so we can trap problem.
if (m_sr.Valid == TRUE) { // We clean up only in the destructor, because we may initialize again.
// On check builds verify that no one is currently accessing.
ASSERT((VerifyNoSharedAccess(&m_sr)), (TB, "Terminate: Shared readers" " exist!")); } #endif
/****************************************************************************/ // CTSSessionDirectory::GetLoadBalanceInfo
// Based on the server address, generate load balance info to send to the client
/****************************************************************************/ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTSSessionDirectory::GetLoadBalanceInfo( LPWSTR ServerAddress, BSTR* LBInfo) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; // This is for test only
//wcscpy(lbInfo, L"load balance info");
*LBInfo = NULL; TRC2((TB,"GetLoadBalanceInfo"));
if (ServerAddress) { //
// "Cookie: msts=4294967295.65535.0000" + CR + LF + NULL, on 8-byte
// boundary is 40 bytes.
// The format of the cookie for F5 is, for an IP of
// using port 3389, Cookie: msts=67305985.15629.0000 + CR + LF + NULL.
char CookieTemplate[TEMPLATE_STRING_LENGTH]; char AnsiServerAddress[SERVER_ADDRESS_LENGTH]; unsigned long NumericalServerAddr = 0; int retval;
// Compute integer for the server address.
// First, get ServerAddress as an ANSI string.
retval = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, ServerAddress, -1, AnsiServerAddress, SERVER_ADDRESS_LENGTH, NULL, NULL);
if (retval == 0) { TRC2((TB, "GetLoadBalanceInfo WideCharToMB failed %d", GetLastError())); return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Now, use inet_addr to turn into an unsigned long.
NumericalServerAddr = inet_addr(AnsiServerAddress);
if (NumericalServerAddr == INADDR_NONE) { TRC2((TB, "GetLoadBalanceInfo inet_addr failed")); return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Compute the total cookie string. 0x3d0d is 3389 in correct byte
// order. We need to change this to whatever the port number has been
// configured to.
sprintf(CookieTemplate, "Cookie: msts=%u.%u.0000\r\n", NumericalServerAddr, 0x3d0d);
// Generate returned BSTR.
*LBInfo = SysAllocStringByteLen((LPCSTR)CookieTemplate, (UINT) strlen(CookieTemplate)); if (*LBInfo) { TRC2((TB,"GetLoadBalanceInfo: okay")); hr = S_OK; } else { TRC2((TB,"GetLoadBalanceInfo: failed")); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { TRC2((TB,"GetLoadBalanceInfo: failed")); hr = E_FAIL; }
return hr; }
/****************************************************************************/ // IsServerNameValid
// This function tries to ping the server name to determine if its a valid
// entry
// Return value: FALSE if we cannot ping.
// event.
/****************************************************************************/ BOOL IsServerNameValid( wchar_t * pwszName , PDWORD pdwStatus ) { HCURSOR hCursor = NULL; long inaddr; char szAnsiServerName[256]; struct hostent *hostp = NULL; BOOL bRet = TRUE;
if (pwszName == NULL || pwszName[0] == '\0' || pdwStatus == NULL ) { bRet = FALSE; } else { *pdwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
hCursor = SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_WAIT))); // some winsock apis does accept wides.
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pwszName, -1, szAnsiServerName, sizeof(szAnsiServerName), NULL, NULL); //
// check ip format return true do a dns lookup.
if( ( inaddr = inet_addr( szAnsiServerName ) ) == INADDR_NONE ) { hostp = gethostbyname( szAnsiServerName );
if( hostp == NULL ) { // Neither dotted, not name.
bRet = FALSE; } } if( bRet ) { bRet = _WinStationOpenSessionDirectory( SERVERNAME_CURRENT , pwszName ); *pdwStatus = GetLastError(); }
SetCursor( hCursor );
return bRet; }
TCHAR tchHelpFile[MAX_PATH];
// For the information to winhelp api
if (IsBadReadPtr(lphi, sizeof(HELPINFO))) { return FALSE; }
if (lphi->iCtrlId <= -1) { return FALSE; }
LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_HELPFILE, tchHelpFile, sizeof (tchHelpFile) / sizeof(TCHAR));
ULONG_PTR rgdw[2];
rgdw[0] = (ULONG_PTR)lphi->iCtrlId;
rgdw[1] = (ULONG_PTR)lphi->dwContextId;
WinHelp((HWND) lphi->hItemHandle, tchHelpFile, HELP_WM_HELP, (ULONG_PTR) &rgdw); return TRUE; }
/****************************************************************************/ // Custom UI msg handler dealt with here
/****************************************************************************/ INT_PTR CALLBACK CustomUIDlg(HWND hwnd, UINT umsg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) { static BOOL s_fServerNameChanged; static BOOL s_fClusterNameChanged; static BOOL s_fRedirectIPChanged; static BOOL s_fPreviousButtonState; static BOOL s_fPreviousExposeIPState; CTSSessionDirectory *pCTssd; POLICY_TS_MACHINE gpolicy; switch(umsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { BOOL bEnable = FALSE; BOOL bExposeIP = FALSE; pCTssd = (CTSSessionDirectory *)lp; SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, DWLP_USER, (LONG_PTR)pCTssd); SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_EDIT_SERVERNAME), EM_LIMITTEXT, (WPARAM)64, 0); SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_EDIT_CLUSTERNAME), EM_LIMITTEXT, (WPARAM)64, 0); SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_EDIT_ACCOUNTNAME), EM_LIMITTEXT, (WPARAM)64, 0); SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_EDIT_PASSWORD), EM_LIMITTEXT, (WPARAM)64, 0); HICON hIcon; hIcon = (HICON)LoadImage( g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_SMALLWARN), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, 0); // TRC1((TB, "CustomUIDlg - LoadImage returned 0x%p",hIcon));
SendMessage( GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_WARNING_ICON), STM_SETICON, (WPARAM)hIcon, (LPARAM)0 ); LONG lRet; HKEY hKey; DWORD cbData = 256; TCHAR szString[256]; RegGetMachinePolicy(&gpolicy); lRet = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_TS_CLUSTERSETTINGS, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hKey); if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { lRet = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REG_TS_CLUSTER_STORESERVERNAME, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szString, &cbData); if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_EDIT_SERVERNAME), szString); } cbData = 256; lRet = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REG_TS_CLUSTER_CLUSTERNAME, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szString, &cbData); if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_EDIT_CLUSTERNAME), szString); } RegCloseKey(hKey); } else { if (pCTssd != NULL) { pCTssd->ErrorMessage(hwnd, IDS_ERROR_TEXT, (DWORD)lRet); } EndDialog(hwnd, lRet); } if (gpolicy.fPolicySessionDirectoryActive) { bEnable = gpolicy.SessionDirectoryActive; EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_CHECK_ENABLE), FALSE); } else { if (pCTssd != NULL) bEnable = pCTssd->IsSessionDirectoryEnabled(); } s_fPreviousButtonState = bEnable; CheckDlgButton(hwnd, IDC_CHECK_ENABLE, bEnable);
if (gpolicy.fPolicySessionDirectoryLocation) { SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_EDIT_SERVERNAME), gpolicy.SessionDirectoryLocation); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_EDIT_SERVERNAME), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_STATIC_STORENAME), FALSE); } else { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_EDIT_SERVERNAME), bEnable); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_STATIC_STORENAME), bEnable); } if (gpolicy.fPolicySessionDirectoryClusterName != 0) { SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_EDIT_CLUSTERNAME), gpolicy.SessionDirectoryClusterName); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_EDIT_CLUSTERNAME), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_STATIC_CLUSTERNAME),FALSE); } else { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_EDIT_CLUSTERNAME), bEnable); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_STATIC_CLUSTERNAME),bEnable); }
if (gpolicy.fPolicySessionDirectoryExposeServerIP != 0) { bExposeIP = gpolicy.SessionDirectoryExposeServerIP; CheckDlgButton(hwnd, IDC_CHECK_EXPOSEIP, bExposeIP); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_CHECK_EXPOSEIP), FALSE); } else { if (pCTssd != NULL) { bExposeIP = pCTssd->IsSessionDirectoryExposeServerIPEnabled(); } CheckDlgButton(hwnd, IDC_CHECK_EXPOSEIP, bExposeIP ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_CHECK_EXPOSEIP), bEnable); }
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_IPCOMBO), bEnable); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_STATIC_IPCOMBO), bEnable);
// Get handle to Combo Box
HWND hIPComboBox; hIPComboBox = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_IPCOMBO); // Get list of Adapters and IP address and populate the combo box
// If it fails to populate, just fall through and continue
s_fPreviousExposeIPState = bExposeIP;
s_fServerNameChanged = FALSE; s_fClusterNameChanged = FALSE; s_fRedirectIPChanged = FALSE; } break; case WM_HELP: OnHelp(hwnd, (LPHELPINFO)lp); break; case WM_COMMAND: if (LOWORD(wp) == IDCANCEL) { EndDialog(hwnd, 0); } else if (LOWORD(wp) == IDOK) { BOOL bEnabled; BOOL bExposeIP; DWORD dwRetStatus = 0; pCTssd = (CTSSessionDirectory *) GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, DWLP_USER); bEnabled = (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_CHECK_ENABLE) == BST_CHECKED); bExposeIP = (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_CHECK_EXPOSEIP) == BST_CHECKED); if (bEnabled != s_fPreviousButtonState) { DWORD dwStatus; dwStatus = pCTssd->SetSessionDirectoryEnabledState( bEnabled); if (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return 0; } dwRetStatus = UPDATE_TERMSRV_SESSDIR; } if ((bExposeIP != s_fPreviousExposeIPState) && bEnabled) { DWORD dwStatus;
dwStatus = pCTssd->SetSessionDirectoryExposeIPState( bExposeIP); if (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return 0; } dwRetStatus = UPDATE_TERMSRV_SESSDIR; } if (s_fServerNameChanged || s_fClusterNameChanged || s_fRedirectIPChanged) { HKEY hKey; TCHAR szTrim[] = TEXT( " " );
LONG lRet = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_TS_CLUSTERSETTINGS, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hKey); if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TCHAR szName[64]; if (s_fServerNameChanged) { BOOL fRet = FALSE;
GetWindowText( GetDlgItem( hwnd , IDC_EDIT_SERVERNAME ) , szName , sizeof( szName ) / sizeof( TCHAR ) );
// remove trailing spaces
StrTrim( szName , szTrim );
if( lstrlen( szName ) != 0 ) { fRet = IsServerNameValid( szName , &dwRetStatus );
if( !fRet || dwRetStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { int nRet; TCHAR szError[1024]; TCHAR szTitle[80]; TRC1((TB,"Server name was not valid")); if( dwRetStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { LoadString( g_hInstance , IDS_ERROR_SDVERIFY, szError, sizeof(szError)/sizeof(TCHAR)); } else { LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_ERROR_SDIRLOC, szError, sizeof(szError)/sizeof(TCHAR)); } LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_ERROR_TITLE, szTitle, sizeof(szTitle)/sizeof(TCHAR)); nRet = MessageBox(hwnd, szError, szTitle, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONWARNING); if (nRet == IDNO) { SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_EDIT_SERVERNAME)); SendMessage( GetDlgItem( hwnd , IDC_EDIT_SERVERNAME ) , EM_SETSEL , ( WPARAM )0, ( LPARAM )-1 );
bEnabled = s_fPreviousButtonState; pCTssd->SetSessionDirectoryEnabledState(bEnabled); return 0; } }
} else { // Blank name not allowed if session directory
// is enabled. This code will not be run if the
// checkbox is disabled because when it is
// disabled the static flags get set to
// disabled.
TCHAR szError[256]; TCHAR szTitle[80]; LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_ERROR_TITLE, szTitle, sizeof(szTitle) / sizeof(TCHAR)); LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_ERROR_SDIREMPTY, szError, sizeof(szError) / sizeof(TCHAR));
MessageBox(hwnd, szError, szTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_EDIT_SERVERNAME));
bEnabled = s_fPreviousButtonState; pCTssd->SetSessionDirectoryEnabledState(bEnabled); return 0; } RegSetValueEx(hKey, REG_TS_CLUSTER_STORESERVERNAME, 0, REG_SZ, (CONST LPBYTE) szName, sizeof(szName) - sizeof(TCHAR)); } if (s_fClusterNameChanged) { GetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_EDIT_CLUSTERNAME), szName, sizeof(szName) / sizeof(TCHAR));
StrTrim( szName , szTrim );
RegSetValueEx(hKey, REG_TS_CLUSTER_CLUSTERNAME, 0, REG_SZ, (CONST LPBYTE) szName, sizeof(szName) - sizeof(TCHAR)); }
if (s_fRedirectIPChanged) { HWND hComboBox; LRESULT lRes; LRESULT lLen; LPWSTR pwszSel = NULL; size_t dwSelPos;
// get handle to Combo Box
hComboBox = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_IPCOMBO); // get current selection position
lRes = SendMessage(hComboBox, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); // get length of string stored at current selection
lLen = SendMessage(hComboBox, CB_GETLBTEXTLEN, (WPARAM)lRes, 0); if (lLen > 0) { // allocate room for selection string
pwszSel = (LPWSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (lLen + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (pwszSel != NULL) { SendMessage(hComboBox, CB_GETLBTEXT, (WPARAM)lRes, (LPARAM)pwszSel);
// we only want to store the IP address,
// however the string is returned in the
// form "IP Address (adapter)", so we'll
// extract IP first
// traverse the string until we find the
// first space
dwSelPos = 0; // walk the string until we find the first
// space or we reach the end
while ( ( pwszSel[dwSelPos] != L' ' ) && ( dwSelPos < wcslen(pwszSel) ) ) { dwSelPos++; } // for a match we know that there must be a
// space followed by an open bracket lets
// verify
if ( (dwSelPos < (wcslen(pwszSel) - 1)) && (pwszSel[dwSelPos + 1] == L'(') ) { // set this char to NULL
pwszSel[dwSelPos] = L'\0'; // save new selection to registry
RegSetValueEx(hKey, REG_TS_CLUSTER_REDIRECTIONIP, 0, REG_SZ, (CONST LPBYTE) pwszSel, (DWORD)(wcslen(pwszSel) * sizeof(WCHAR))); } else { // store blank string
GlobalFree(pwszSel); } } }
RegCloseKey(hKey); } else { pCTssd->ErrorMessage(hwnd, IDS_ERROR_TEXT2, (DWORD) lRet); return 0; } dwRetStatus = UPDATE_TERMSRV_SESSDIR; }
EndDialog(hwnd, dwRetStatus); } else { switch(HIWORD(wp)) { case EN_CHANGE: if (LOWORD(wp) == IDC_EDIT_SERVERNAME) { s_fServerNameChanged = TRUE; } else if (LOWORD(wp) == IDC_EDIT_CLUSTERNAME) { s_fClusterNameChanged = TRUE; } break; case CBN_SELCHANGE: if (LOWORD(wp) == IDC_IPCOMBO) { s_fRedirectIPChanged = TRUE; } break; case BN_CLICKED: if (LOWORD(wp) == IDC_CHECK_ENABLE) { BOOL bEnable; bEnable = (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_CHECK_ENABLE) == BST_CHECKED ? TRUE : FALSE); // set flags
s_fServerNameChanged = bEnable; s_fClusterNameChanged = bEnable; s_fRedirectIPChanged = bEnable; RegGetMachinePolicy(&gpolicy); if (gpolicy.fPolicySessionDirectoryLocation) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_EDIT_SERVERNAME), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_STATIC_STORENAME), FALSE); } else { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_EDIT_SERVERNAME), bEnable); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_STATIC_STORENAME), bEnable); } if (gpolicy.fPolicySessionDirectoryClusterName) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_EDIT_CLUSTERNAME), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_STATIC_CLUSTERNAME),FALSE); } else { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_EDIT_CLUSTERNAME), bEnable); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_STATIC_CLUSTERNAME),bEnable); }
if (gpolicy.fPolicySessionDirectoryExposeServerIP != 0) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_CHECK_EXPOSEIP), FALSE); } else { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_CHECK_EXPOSEIP), bEnable); }
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_IPCOMBO), bEnable); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_STATIC_IPCOMBO), bEnable); } break; } } break; } return 0; }
// When SD is restared, it will call this to ask for rejoining
DWORD TSSDRPCRejoinSD(handle_t Binding, DWORD flag) { Binding;
g_updatesd(flag); // This call is from SD computer, rejoin it
return RPC_S_OK; }
/****************************************************************************/ // CheckRPCClientProtoSeq
// Check if the client uses the expected RPC protocol sequence or not
// Parameters:
// ClientBinding: The client binding handle
// SeqExpected: Protocol sequence expected
// Return:
// True on getting the expected seq, False otherwise
/****************************************************************************/ BOOL CheckRPCClientProtoSeq(void *ClientBinding, WCHAR *SeqExpected) { BOOL fAllowProtocol = FALSE; WCHAR *pBinding = NULL; WCHAR *pProtSeq = NULL;
if (RpcBindingToStringBinding(ClientBinding,&pBinding) == RPC_S_OK) {
if (RpcStringBindingParse(pBinding, NULL, &pProtSeq, NULL, NULL, NULL) == RPC_S_OK) { // Check that the client request was made using expected protoal seq.
if (lstrcmpi(pProtSeq, SeqExpected) == 0) fAllowProtocol = TRUE;
if (pProtSeq) RpcStringFree(&pProtSeq); }
if (pBinding) RpcStringFree(&pBinding); } return fAllowProtocol; }
/****************************************************************************/ // JetRpcAccessCheck
// Check if this RPC caller from SD havs access right or not
/****************************************************************************/ RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY JetRpcAccessCheck(RPC_IF_HANDLE idIF, void *Binding) { RPC_STATUS rpcStatus, rc; HANDLE hClientToken = NULL; DWORD Error; BOOL AccessStatus = FALSE; RPC_AUTHZ_HANDLE hPrivs; DWORD dwAuthn;
if (NULL == g_pSDSid) { goto HandleError; }
// Check if the client uses the protocol sequence we expect
if (!CheckRPCClientProtoSeq(Binding, L"ncacn_ip_tcp")) { ERR((TB, "In JetRpcAccessCheck: Client doesn't use the tcpip protocol sequence\n")); goto HandleError; }
// Check what security level the client uses
rpcStatus = RpcBindingInqAuthClient(Binding, &hPrivs, NULL, &dwAuthn, NULL, NULL); if (rpcStatus != RPC_S_OK) { ERR((TB, "In JetRpcAccessCheck: RpcBindingIngAuthClient fails with %u\n", rpcStatus)); goto HandleError; } // We request at least packet-level authentication
if (dwAuthn < RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT) { ERR((TB, "In JetRpcAccessCheck: Attemp by client to use weak authentication\n")); goto HandleError; } // Check the access right of this rpc call
rpcStatus = RpcImpersonateClient(Binding); if (RPC_S_OK != rpcStatus) { ERR((TB, "In JetRpcAccessCheck: RpcImpersonateClient fail with %u\n", rpcStatus)); goto HandleError; } // get our impersonated token
if (!OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY, FALSE, &hClientToken)) { Error = GetLastError(); ERR((TB, "In JetRpcAccessCheck: OpenThreadToken Error %u\n", Error)); RpcRevertToSelf(); goto HandleError; } RpcRevertToSelf(); if (!CheckTokenMembership(hClientToken, g_pSDSid, &AccessStatus)) { AccessStatus = FALSE; Error = GetLastError(); ERR((TB, "In JetRpcAccessCheck: CheckTokenMembership fails with %u\n", Error)); } HandleError: if (AccessStatus) { rc = RPC_S_OK; } else { rc = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; }
if (hClientToken != NULL) { CloseHandle(hClientToken); } return rc; }
// Method:
// GetSDIPList
// Synopsis:
// Get a list of IP addresses that can be sued for Session Directory
// redirection. Omit IP address if it is the NLB IP address.
// Params:
// Out: pwszAddressList -- Array of WCHAR to receive IP address list
// In/Out: dwNumAddr -- In: Size of pwszAddressList array.
// Out: Number of IPs returned
// In: bIPAddress -- True: Get IPs. False: Get IPs + NIC names
// Return:
// HRESULT, S_OK is successful or other if failed
HRESULT GetSDIPList(WCHAR **pwszAddressList, DWORD *pdwNumAddr, BOOL bIPAddress) { DWORD dwCount = 0; size_t cbSize = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwResult; PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapterInfo = NULL; PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapt; PIP_ADDR_STRING pAddrStr; ULONG ulAdapterInfoSize = 0; WCHAR wszAddress[MAX_PATH] = L""; WCHAR wszAdapterName[MAX_PATH] = L""; LPWSTR pwszNLBipAddress = NULL; LPWSTR pwszAdapterIP = NULL; LPWSTR pwszMatch; size_t dwAdapterIPLength; LPWSTR pwszAdapterGUID = NULL; LPTSTR astrLanaGUIDList[256] = { 0 }; // This will hold 256 adapter cards
DWORD dwLanaGUIDCount = 0; DWORD i; BOOL bAdapterFound = FALSE; BOOL bAllAdaptersSet = FALSE;
// get the NLB IP address if it exists
hr = GetNLBIP(&pwszNLBipAddress); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Cleanup; }
// Get list of adapters used in ALL Winstations
hr = BuildLanaGUIDList(astrLanaGUIDList, &dwLanaGUIDCount); if (FAILED(hr)) { ERR((TB, "BuildLanaGUIDList fails with 0x%x", hr)); goto Cleanup; }
// if a winstation has "All Network Adapters set...", then we will display
// all the adapters
if (hr == S_ALL_ADAPTERS_SET) { bAllAdaptersSet = TRUE; }
// enumerate all of the adapters
// get size of buffer required, to do this we pass in an empty
// buffer length and we expect ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW with a returned
// required buffer size
dwResult = GetAdaptersInfo(NULL, &ulAdapterInfoSize); if (dwResult != ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { hr = E_FAIL; goto Cleanup; }
// allocate memory for the linked list of adapter info's
pAdapterInfo = (PIP_ADAPTER_INFO)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, ulAdapterInfoSize); if (pAdapterInfo == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
// get the Adapter list
// note: PIP_ADAPTER_INFO is a linked list of adapters
dwResult = GetAdaptersInfo(pAdapterInfo, &ulAdapterInfoSize); if (dwResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = E_FAIL; goto Cleanup; }
// enumerate the list of adapters and their IP Address List
pAdapt = pAdapterInfo;
while(pAdapt) { // get the Adapter Name string
MultiByteToWideChar(GetACP(), 0, pAdapt->Description, -1, wszAdapterName, MAX_PATH);
// if a winstation is configured with "all adapters set..." then
// we can skip checking if each adapter is used in a winstation or not
if (!bAllAdaptersSet) { // get the Adapter Service Name GUID
hr = GetAdapterServiceName(wszAdapterName, &pwszAdapterGUID); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (pwszAdapterGUID != NULL)) { // check if this adapter is used in a winstation
// we've already got a list of GUIDs used so compare to that
for (i=0; i < dwLanaGUIDCount; i++) { bAdapterFound = FALSE;
if (!wcscmp(pwszAdapterGUID, astrLanaGUIDList[i])) { bAdapterFound = TRUE; break; } } }
// free the memory GetADapterServiceName allocated
if (pwszAdapterGUID != NULL) { GlobalFree(pwszAdapterGUID); pwszAdapterGUID = NULL; }
// if the adapter was not found above that means it is not configured
// to a winstation so we don't want to add this adapter here
if (!bAdapterFound) { pAdapt = pAdapt->Next; continue; } }
// enumerate the list of IP Addresses associated with the adapter
pAddrStr = &(pAdapt->IpAddressList); while(pAddrStr) { // get the IP Address string
MultiByteToWideChar(GetACP(), 0, pAddrStr->IpAddress.String, -1, wszAddress, MAX_PATH);
// check if the Adapter IP address is configured. If not it will
// be "" and don't include in list
if (!wcscmp(wszAddress, UNCONFIGURED_IP_ADDRESS)) { pAddrStr = pAddrStr->Next; continue; }
// concatenate the IP Address with the adapter name in the form
// "IP Address (Adapter)"
// calculate string length first and allocate heap memory
// add 4 extra chars for space, 2 brackets and terminating NULL
dwAdapterIPLength = wcslen(wszAdapterName) + wcslen(wszAddress) + 4; pwszAdapterIP = (LPWSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, dwAdapterIPLength * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (pwszAdapterIP == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
wcscpy(pwszAdapterIP, wszAddress); wcscat(pwszAdapterIP, L" ("); wcscat(pwszAdapterIP, wszAdapterName); wcscat(pwszAdapterIP, L")"); pwszAdapterIP[dwAdapterIPLength - 1] = L'\0';
if (bIPAddress) { cbSize = (wcslen(wszAddress) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); pwszAddressList[dwCount] = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, cbSize); } else { cbSize = (wcslen(pwszAdapterIP) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); pwszAddressList[dwCount] = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, cbSize); } if (pwszAddressList[dwCount] == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
// add to list only if the IP address isn't the NLB CLUSER IP
if (pwszNLBipAddress != NULL) { // check if IP address is NBL Cluster IP, we'll check for a match
// if so we will omit from list
pwszMatch = wcsstr(pwszNLBipAddress, wszAddress); if (pwszMatch == NULL) { if (bIPAddress) { // Get IP address only
wcsncpy(pwszAddressList[dwCount], wszAddress, cbSize / sizeof(WCHAR)); } else { // Get IP address and adapter name
wcsncpy(pwszAddressList[dwCount], pwszAdapterIP, cbSize / sizeof(WCHAR)); } dwCount++; if (dwCount == *pdwNumAddr) { hr = S_OK; goto Cleanup; } } } else { if (bIPAddress) { // Get IP address only
wcsncpy(pwszAddressList[dwCount], wszAddress, cbSize / sizeof(WCHAR)); } else { // Get IP address and adapter name
wcsncpy(pwszAddressList[dwCount], pwszAdapterIP, cbSize / sizeof(WCHAR)); } dwCount++; if (dwCount == *pdwNumAddr) { hr = S_OK; goto Cleanup; } }
pAddrStr = pAddrStr->Next; }
pAdapt = pAdapt->Next; } *pdwNumAddr = dwCount; hr = S_OK;
Cleanup: if (pAdapterInfo) GlobalFree(pAdapterInfo);
if (pwszAdapterIP) GlobalFree(pwszAdapterIP);
if (pwszNLBipAddress) GlobalFree(pwszNLBipAddress);
for (i=0; i < dwLanaGUIDCount; i++) { if (astrLanaGUIDList[i]) { GlobalFree(astrLanaGUIDList[i]); } } return hr; }
// Method:
// QueryNetworkAdapterAndIPs
// Synopsis:
// Query the Adapters that are installed on the system and their
// correspoding IP addresses and populate the combo box with the
// selections. Omit IP address if it is the NLB IP address.
// Params:
// In: hComboBox, handle to combo box to receive Adapter/IP list
// Return:
// HRESULT, S_OK is successful or other if failed
HRESULT QueryNetworkAdapterAndIPs(HWND hComboBox) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwResult; LPWSTR pwszMatch; DWORD cbData = MAX_PATH; WCHAR wszSetIP[MAX_PATH] = L""; HKEY hKey; int nNumIPsInComboBox = 0; LPWSTR pwszSel = NULL; size_t dwLen; int nPos; DWORD i; WCHAR *pwszAddressList[SD_NUM_IP_ADDRESS]; DWORD dwNumAddr = SD_NUM_IP_ADDRESS;
if (hComboBox == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// clear contents of combo box
SendMessage(hComboBox, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
for (i=0; i<dwNumAddr; i++) { pwszAddressList[i] = NULL; } hr = GetSDIPList(pwszAddressList, &dwNumAddr, FALSE); if ( hr != S_OK) { ERR((TB, "GetSDIPList fails with 0x%x", hr)); goto Cleanup; }
for (i=0; i<dwNumAddr; i++) { SendMessage(hComboBox, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)pwszAddressList[i]); nNumIPsInComboBox++; }
// set combo-box selection to first item in list
SendMessage(hComboBox, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, (LPARAM)0);
// read in stored selection from registry we will then select it from list
dwResult = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_TS_CLUSTERSETTINGS, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey); if (dwResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REG_TS_CLUSTER_REDIRECTIONIP, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)wszSetIP, &cbData); RegCloseKey(hKey); }
// if a string was loaded from registry search combo box for it and select
if (wcslen(wszSetIP) > 0) { for (nPos = 0; nPos < nNumIPsInComboBox; nPos++) { // get length of string stored at current position
dwLen = SendMessage(hComboBox, CB_GETLBTEXTLEN, (WPARAM)nPos, 0); if (dwLen > 0) { // allocate room for selection
pwszSel = (LPWSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (dwLen + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (pwszSel != NULL) { SendMessage(hComboBox, CB_GETLBTEXT, (WPARAM)nPos, (LPARAM)pwszSel); // if we got a string check if it contains the IP we loaded
// from the registry
if (wcslen(pwszSel) > 0) { pwszMatch = wcsstr(pwszSel, wszSetIP); if (pwszMatch != NULL) { // it's a match, lets break out
GlobalFree(pwszSel); break; } } GlobalFree(pwszSel); pwszSel = NULL; } } }
// if a match was found set it as the current selection
if (nPos < nNumIPsInComboBox) { SendMessage(hComboBox, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)nPos, (LPARAM)0); } } Cleanup: for(i=0; i<dwNumAddr; i++) { if (pwszAddressList[i] != NULL) { LocalFree(pwszAddressList[i]); } } return hr; }
// Method:
// Synopsis:
// Return the NLB IP Address if one exists. Otherwise a NULL string
// is returned.
// Params:
// Out: ppwszRetIP, pointer to string to get IP address, caller must
// free this when their done with it
// Return:
// HRESULT, S_OK is successful or other if failed
HRESULT GetNLBIP(LPWSTR * ppwszRetIP) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWbemLocator * pWbemLocator = NULL; IWbemServices * pWbemServices = NULL; IWbemClassObject * pWbemObj = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject * pWbemEnum = NULL; BSTR bstrServer = NULL; BSTR bstrNode = NULL; BSTR bstrNameProperty = NULL; ULONG uReturned; VARIANT vtNLBNodeName; size_t dwIPLength;
// make sure an empty buffer is passed in
if (*ppwszRetIP != NULL) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto Cleanup; } // create an instance of the WMI Locator, need this to query WMI
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WbemLocator, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IWbemLocator, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pWbemLocator)); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Cleanup; }
// create a connection to WMI Namespace "root\\MicrosoftNLB";
bstrServer = SysAllocString(L"root\\MicrosoftNLB"); if (bstrServer == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
hr = pWbemLocator->ConnectServer(bstrServer, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, &pWbemServices); if (FAILED(hr)) { // If WMI is not available we don't want to fail, so just return S_OK
goto Cleanup; }
// Set the proxy so that impersonation of the client occurs.
// get instance of MicrosoftNLB_NodeSetting, this is where we can get the
// IP Address for the Cluster IP through the "Name" property
bstrNode = SysAllocString(L"MicrosoftNLB_NodeSetting"); if (bstrNode == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
hr = pWbemServices->CreateInstanceEnum(bstrNode, WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &pWbemEnum); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Cleanup; }
uReturned = 0;
// we only need to look at one instance to get the NLB IP Address
hr = pWbemEnum->Next(WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &pWbemObj, &uReturned); if (FAILED(hr)) { // if NLB provider doesn't exist provider will fail to load
// this is ok so we'll return S_OK in this case
if (hr == WBEM_E_PROVIDER_LOAD_FAILURE) { hr = S_OK; }
goto Cleanup; }
// Nothing to enumerate.
if( hr == WBEM_S_FALSE && uReturned == 0 ) { hr = S_OK; goto Cleanup; }
if( pWbemObj == NULL ) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; goto Cleanup; }
// query the "Name" property which holds the IP address we want
bstrNameProperty = SysAllocString(L"Name"); if (bstrNameProperty == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
hr = pWbemObj->Get(bstrNameProperty, 0, &vtNLBNodeName, NULL, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Cleanup; } // We should get a string back
if (vtNLBNodeName.vt != VT_BSTR) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; goto Cleanup; }
// allocate memory for the return string, *** CALLER MUST FREE THIS ***
dwIPLength = wcslen(vtNLBNodeName.bstrVal) + 1; *ppwszRetIP = (LPWSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, dwIPLength * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (*ppwszRetIP == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
// Copy the string into our return buffer
wcscpy(*ppwszRetIP, vtNLBNodeName.bstrVal); (*ppwszRetIP)[dwIPLength - 1] = L'\0';
if (pWbemLocator) pWbemLocator->Release();
if (pWbemServices) pWbemServices->Release();
if (pWbemEnum) pWbemEnum->Release();
if (pWbemObj) pWbemObj->Release(); if (bstrServer) SysFreeString(bstrServer);
if (bstrNode) SysFreeString(bstrNode);
if (bstrNameProperty) SysFreeString(bstrNameProperty);
return hr; }
// Method:
// GetAdapterServiceName
// Synopsis:
// Each NIC is given a Service Name which is a GUID. This method will
// query this service name for the adapter associated with the
// description passed in.
// Params:
// wszAdapterDesc (IN): Adapter description to look up in the registry
// ppwszServiceName (OUT): Service Name (or GUID)
// Return:
// HRESULT, S_OK is successful or other if failed
HRESULT GetAdapterServiceName(LPWSTR wszAdapterDesc, LPWSTR * ppwszServiceName) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONG lRet; HKEY hKey = NULL; HKEY hSubKey = NULL; DWORD dwNetCardLength; TCHAR tchNetCard[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszVal[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwSize; DWORD i;
// Open the NetworkCards registry key
lRet = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, NETCARDS_REG_NAME, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey); if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; goto Cleanup; }
// Enumerate the Network Cards list and extract the Service Name GUID
for (i = 0, lRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS; i++) { // Get the Network Card key
dwNetCardLength = MAX_PATH; lRet = RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, i, tchNetCard, &dwNetCardLength, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Open the Network card key, if it fails go to the next one
lRet = RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, tchNetCard, 0, KEY_READ, &hSubKey); if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Query the Description Value
dwSize = MAX_PATH; lRet = RegQueryValueEx(hSubKey, NETCARD_DESC_VALUE_NAME, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) &wszVal, &dwSize); if ( (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (wszVal != NULL) ) { // Check if this is the adapter we're looking for
if (!wcscmp(wszAdapterDesc, wszVal)) { // Get GUID for this Lan adapter
dwSize = MAX_PATH; lRet = RegQueryValueEx(hSubKey, NETCARD_SERVICENAME_VALUE_NAME, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) &wszVal, &dwSize); if ( (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (wszVal != NULL) ) { // Return dwSize from RegQueryValueEx is in bytes
*ppwszServiceName = (LPWSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (dwSize + 1) + sizeof(WCHAR)); if (*ppwszServiceName == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; } // Copy name over and return
wcscpy(*ppwszServiceName, wszVal); goto Cleanup; } } } RegCloseKey(hSubKey); hSubKey = NULL; } // Set to success for our for loop
Cleanup: if (hKey != NULL) { RegCloseKey(hKey); }
if (hSubKey != NULL) { RegCloseKey(hSubKey); }
return hr; }
// Method:
// BuildLanaGUIDList
// Synopsis:
// Build an array of strings (GUIDs) that represent LAN Adapter card
// service names that are set in all winstations.
// Params:
// pastrLanaGUIDList (OUT): Pointer to array of LPWSTR's to get
// service name GUIDs
// dwLanaGUIDCount (OUT): Count of service names returned in array
// Return:
// HRESULT, S_OK is successful or other if failed
// One special case is if a winstation is set to "All Adapters ..."
// then we'll just return S_ALL_ADAPTERS_SET
HRESULT BuildLanaGUIDList(LPWSTR * pastrLanaGUIDList, DWORD *dwLanaGUIDCount) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONG lRet; HKEY hKey = NULL; HKEY hSubKey = NULL; DWORD dwWinstaNameLength; TCHAR tchWinstaName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwVal = 0; DWORD dwSize; DWORD i; LPWSTR wszGUID = NULL; DWORD dwIndex = 0;
// Open the winstation registry key
lRet = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, WINSTATION_REG_NAME, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey); if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; goto Cleanup; }
// Enumerate the winstation list and extract the Lan Adapter used for each
for (i = 0, lRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS; i++) { // Get the winsstation name
dwWinstaNameLength = MAX_PATH; lRet = RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, i, tchWinstaName, &dwWinstaNameLength, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Open the winstation, if it fails: go to the next one
lRet = RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, tchWinstaName, 0, KEY_READ, &hSubKey); if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Query the Lan Adapter ID set for this winstation
dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); lRet = RegQueryValueEx(hSubKey, WIN_LANADAPTER, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) &dwVal, &dwSize); if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // If we ever see a return of "0" this means
// all adapters are set, so lets return a special
// hresult here to use all adapters.
if (dwVal == 0) { hr = S_ALL_ADAPTERS_SET; goto Cleanup; } // Get Lan Adapter GUID for this ID
wszGUID = NULL; hr = GetLanAdapterGuidFromID(dwVal, &wszGUID); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Cleanup; } if (wszGUID != NULL) { pastrLanaGUIDList[dwIndex] = wszGUID; dwIndex++; } } RegCloseKey(hSubKey); hSubKey = NULL; } // our for loop requires lRet to be ERROR_SUCCESS to keep going
*dwLanaGUIDCount = dwIndex;
Cleanup: if (hKey != NULL) { RegCloseKey(hKey); }
if (hSubKey != NULL) { RegCloseKey(hSubKey); } return hr; }
// Method:
// GetLanAdapterGuidFromID
// Synopsis:
// Get the GUID (Service Name) associated with a LAN ID that
// the winstation stores, when set from tscc.msc
// Params:
// dwLanAdapterID (IN): ID of adapter to get GUID for
// ppszLanAdapterGUID (OUT): Returned GUID string associated with ID
// Return:
// HRESULT, S_OK is successful or other if failed
HRESULT GetLanAdapterGuidFromID(DWORD dwLanAdapterID, LPWSTR * ppszLanAdapterGUID) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONG lRet; HKEY hKey = NULL; HKEY hSubKey = NULL; DWORD dwLanAdapterGuidLength; TCHAR tchLanAdapterGuid[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwVal = 0; DWORD dwSize; DWORD i;
// Open the winstation registry key
lRet = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, LANATABLE_REG_NAME, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey); if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; goto Cleanup; }
// Enumerate the list of lan adapter guids
for (i = 0, lRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS; i++) { // Get the next lan adapter guid
dwLanAdapterGuidLength = MAX_PATH; lRet = RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, i, tchLanAdapterGuid, &dwLanAdapterGuidLength, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Open the next lan adapter guid, if it fails for any reason
// we'll skip to the next
lRet = RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, tchLanAdapterGuid, 0, KEY_READ, &hSubKey); if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Query the Lan Adapter GUID for it's ID
dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); lRet = RegQueryValueEx(hSubKey, LANAID_REG_VALUE_NAME, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) &dwVal, &dwSize); if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Check if this is the guid we're looking for
if (dwVal == dwLanAdapterID) { // Copy GUID string to be returned and return
*ppszLanAdapterGUID = (LPWSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (dwLanAdapterGuidLength + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (*ppszLanAdapterGUID == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; } wcscpy(*ppszLanAdapterGUID, tchLanAdapterGuid); goto Cleanup; } } RegCloseKey(hSubKey); hSubKey = NULL; } // need to set lRet to success for our for loop to continue
Cleanup: if (hKey != NULL) { RegCloseKey(hKey); }
if (hSubKey != NULL) { RegCloseKey(hSubKey); }
return hr; }
#pragma warning (pop)