# This -*-perl -*- module implements a persistent counter class. # # $Id: CounterFile.pm,v 0.12 1998/05/16 19:47:34 aas Exp $ #
package File::CounterFile;
=head1 NAME
File::CounterFile - Persistent counter class
use File::CounterFile; $c = new File::CounterFile "COUNTER", "aa00";
$id = $c->inc; open(F, ">F$id");
This module implements a persistent counter class. Each counter is represented by a separate file in the file system. File locking is applied, so multiple processes might try to access the same counters at the same time without risk of counter destruction.
You give the file name as the first parameter to the object constructor (C<new>). The file is created if it does not exist.
If the file name does not start with "/" or ".", then it is interpreted as a file relative to C<$File::CounterFile::DEFAULT_DIR>. The default value for this variable is initialized from the environment variable C<TMPDIR>, or F</usr/tmp> is no environment variable is defined. You may want to assign a different value to this variable before creating counters.
If you pass a second parameter to the constructor, that sets the initial value for a new counter. This parameter only takes effect when the file is created (i.e. it does not exist before the call).
When you call the C<inc()> method, you increment the counter value by one. When you call C<dec()> the counter value is decrementd. In both cases the new value is returned. The C<dec()> method only works for numerical counters (digits only).
You can peek at the value of the counter (without incrementing it) by using the C<value()> method.
The counter can be locked and unlocked with the C<lock()> and C<unlock()> methods. Incrementing and value retrieval is faster when the counter is locked, because we do not have to update the counter file all the time. You can query whether the counter is locked with the C<locked()> method.
There is also an operator overloading interface to the File::CounterFile object. This means that you might use the C<++> operator for incrementing the counter, C<--> operator for decrementing and you can interpolate counters diretly into strings.
=head1 BUGS
It uses flock(2) to lock the counter file. This does not work on all systems. Perhaps we should use the File::Lock module?
Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Gisle Aas. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 AUTHOR
Gisle Aas <[email protected]>
require 5.002; use Carp qw(croak); use Symbol qw(gensym);
sub Version { $VERSION; } $VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 0.12 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
$MAGIC = "#COUNTER-1.0\n"; # first line in counter files $DEFAULT_INITIAL = 0; # default initial counter value
# default location for counter files $DEFAULT_DIR = $ENV{TMPDIR} || "/usr/tmp";
# Experimental overloading. use overload ('++' => \&inc, '--' => \&dec, '""' => \&value, fallback => 1, );
sub new { my($class, $file, $initial) = @_; croak "No file specified\n" unless defined $file;
$file = "$DEFAULT_DIR/$file" unless $file =~ /^[\.\/]/; $initial = $DEFAULT_INITIAL unless defined $initial;
local($/, $\) = ("\n", undef); my $value; if (-e $file) { croak "Specified file is a directory" if -d _; open(F, $file) or croak "Can't open $file: $!"; my $first_line = <F>; $value = <F>; close(F); croak "Bad counter magic '$first_line' in $file" unless $first_line eq $MAGIC; chomp($value); } else { open(F, ">$file") or croak "Can't create $file: $!"; print F $MAGIC; print F "$initial\n"; close(F); $value = $initial; }
bless { file => $file, # the filename for the counter 'value' => $value, # the current value updated => 0, # flag indicating if value has changed # handle => XXX, # file handle symbol. Only present when locked }; }
sub locked { exists shift->{handle}; }
sub lock { my($self) = @_; $self->unlock if $self->locked;
my $fh = gensym(); my $file = $self->{file};
open($fh, "+<$file") or croak "Can't open $file: $!"; flock($fh, 2) or croak "Can't flock: $!"; # 2 = exlusive lock
local($/) = "\n"; my $magic = <$fh>; if ($magic ne $MAGIC) { $self->unlock; croak("Bad counter magic '$magic' in $file"); } chomp($self->{'value'} = <$fh>);
$self->{handle} = $fh; $self->{updated} = 0; $self; }
sub unlock { my($self) = @_; return unless $self->locked;
my $fh = $self->{handle};
if ($self->{updated}) { # write back new value local($\) = undef; seek($fh, 0, 0) or croak "Can't seek to beginning: $!"; print $fh $MAGIC; print $fh "$self->{'value'}\n"; }
close($fh) or warn "Can't close: $!"; delete $self->{handle}; $self; }
sub inc { my($self) = @_;
if ($self->locked) { $self->{'value'}++; $self->{updated} = 1; } else { $self->lock; $self->{'value'}++; $self->{updated} = 1; $self->unlock; } $self->{'value'}; # return value }
sub dec { my($self) = @_;
if ($self->locked) { croak "Autodecrement is not magical in perl" unless $self->{'value'} =~ /^\d+$/; $self->{'value'}--; $self->{updated} = 1; } else { $self->lock; croak "Autodecrement is not magical in perl" unless $self->{'value'} =~ /^\d+$/; $self->{'value'}--; $self->{updated} = 1; $self->unlock; } $self->{'value'}; # return value }
sub value { my($self) = @_; my $value; if ($self->locked) { $value = $self->{'value'}; } else { $self->lock; $value = $self->{'value'}; $self->unlock; } $value; }
sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; $self->unlock; }
#################################################################### # # S E L F T E S T S E C T I O N # ##################################################################### # # If we're not use'd or require'd execute self-test. # # Test is kept behind __END__ so it doesn't take uptime # and memory unless explicitly required. If you're working # on the code you might find it easier to comment out the # eval and __END__ so that error line numbers make more sense.
package main;
eval join('',<DATA>) || die $@ unless caller();
$cf = "./zz-counter-$$"; # the name for out temprary counter
# Test normal object creation and increment
$c = new File::CounterFile $cf;
$id1 = $c->inc; $id2 = $c->inc;
$c = new File::CounterFile $cf; $id3 = $c->inc; $id4 = $c->dec;
die "test failed" unless ($id1 == 1 && $id2 == 2 && $id3 == 3 && $id4 == 2); unlink $cf;
# Test magic increment
$id1 = (new File::CounterFile $cf, "aa98")->inc; $id2 = (new File::CounterFile $cf)->inc; $id3 = (new File::CounterFile $cf)->inc;
eval { # This should now work because "Decrement is not magical in perl" $c = new File::CounterFile $cf; $id4 = $c->dec; $c = undef; }; die "test failed (No exception to catch)" unless $@;
#print "$id1 $id2 $id3\n";
die "test failed" unless ($id1 eq "aa99" && $id2 eq "ab00" && $id3 eq "ab01"); unlink $cf;
# Test operator overloading
$c = new File::CounterFile $cf, "100";
$c++; # counter is now 101 $c++; # counter is now 102 $c++; # counter is now 103 $c--; # counter is now 102 again
$id1 = "$c"; $id2 = ++$c;
$c = undef; # destroy object
unlink $cf;
die "test failed" unless $id1 == 102 && $id2 == 103;
print "Selftest for File::CounterFile $File::CounterFile::VERSION ok\n";